HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1898-5-5, Page 4• 4 TivYDAT, May 5, 1898. A`' • The Cleveland is King ! WE SELL THEN AT and believe them to be the essence of Bicycle values. Clevelands always run easy. See us before you buy. EMERSON'S Bicycle and Music awe and Cleveland Cycle Livery the cgi rumdsman EVERY TRIIRSDAY MORNING NT N. NeGILIJCIDDI Terms of embeasipiteta a querath. in adratur is so this Veer. - 100 advertising nate*. Legal and other casnal adverodeemeats, 100 see hue tor first insertion. sod 3 cents per 11Le Bosiacan Cards of six liars and under. SI roe Ad ,•ertiseroPnts of Lord. Found Strayed until. Larger advia. in proportion. ny epociai notice, the object of which ts to prowete the poeunatry beneCt of any ilia. Irrenr se,1011:i.r1gdb:0:mmonsti:gd, an ad. -word no n otken woe than Me: - I.A0c:61 in ordinary reading trail tan cents par word. No notice for lees then PK Notiocs for churches; otber religious sail benevolent Institutions hart rate regularly by mail. will °infer • favor by so- ci)alLt las us of the tact et cis Early an date as pa WOW When change of address le &mitred. boa -the o:d and the nesr address should be yea Publisher's Melte*, J. C. Ls Tousel. of Godelich. has been se =tad Local Trayolltng decent for tbe town - of Oodertoh. Colborne. Ashfteld end We ',coal postmasters aver the district ars alas empowered to rec,tve subsoriptiona to TIM A.11 communications must be &detrained Tun zussai, 1,thing of the kiud is on the card it would be with the riding executive before further action is taken The executive committee will meet next week. GODICRICH. THURSDAY, MAY 1, 1898. the G.T.R. dock Monday mad Tumidity. P. Lytle has *rooted kis boat kenos at tie aid dap" al &ha fees of Maodarntete's step. The Grad Trak employees oomploted the 100 fees oxtanaloa of ths oil Saint - The sehoonor Swab, with • carve of poste from Pine Tree Harbor arrived in port last Jas. Bays and his gang naleadod the 8t. Andrew. sad as is usual, did la expeditious- ly aad wed. PROTF-BT IN WEST HURON. T. GaJtiOW, M.PP. for West Huron, was entered Rt the instant* of the defeated Con- serrithiVe e&Ildicl&LO,JOREPH Bete. Against. the sitting member the usual charges are made, a.ad his diequalification is aeked for. A feature in this case is that a rather Oilier charge is made *pier A. L „Ass returoing officer, Viz , that he refused to Pinpoint NIXON STURDY, the clerk of Gode- tich township, to be a deputy returning offi- cer at his home polling subdivision, but ansogned him to a distant point, no that be would be imable to poll his vote for Biel. As the result of the recount and appeal was to make the vote a tie, and Mr. fixitxuw waa elected on the caring vote of the re• -turning officer, the Coneervatives charge that in the erre of STritnr, the returning officer used eoerrive influence. As against this phase of the case, it may he said thot STURM Wig appointed deputy by the returning officer for South Huron, and not by the returning ofboer for West. Huron. That he had charge uf the same polling booth that he and his prode- (error in the clerkship, had impervised Knee there were three Hurons for legislative pirpasito sod that the returning officer on tide ooaasion followed the course that had Aron followed fer more thasi twenty years. When Mr. Swaim wee appointed deputy returning officer on the present a -elision, neither Mr. tIIRSON nor anyone else wasi of opinion that there would he • tie vote in West Huron, and it doss seem strange to attritnite ooercive action to the returning officer under existing cireumetances The upshot tit the matter will probably be a cross petition 'Karroo Mr. Bacot, and either a saw off or 'wine expensive litigation in the -Jostens BOOK has appealed to the courts past& T. Osaaow, on the ground that the lease jumped his claire in West -It would keep any oak busy ccw•s-days eudeavoring to worry through the promiscuoua lying of the able and wilful war correspondent. SNAP SHOTS. -The Franchise Bill is being half - wiled, heeled and welted at Ottawa. -This war couldn't be any more yellow if the Conary 'shoots wore in die. --There are only sixty•eight pet, toe.+5 against the returns of the resent Pro- vincial election*. -The Irish ars still to the front - Paz Mcus.it the Loy who fired. the shot that killed the mule at MIAAIINAII. -Meanwhile, it is said that RORSItT la working overtime wending lentos for A coming eoritest for the CAW -Who is this " Fighting BoB EVANS" we read about in American news- paper., and where did he crer do any fight- -Our Conservativirtriamiaare saw deavoring to decorate the brow of returning Oat halo thet fornierly irradiated the fron- tispiece of the estarded STIIIIENa, of The Godorrioh Lumber Co. has atarted cutting logs, thus givinclas seat end of the dook busy look. The mimosa( Ooriaands sailed ea Tuesday for Tbearalon to load lumber for this port. ha took • large bill of oats. Richardson 4. Ste oommenoed shipping wheat from the Big Mill a Tuesday. This firm does not ailow the what to sprat be - tore Enos* it. humor hath It that qulie • number ofIlour anglers were up aud down our creeks on Mondoy, had rumor also sulth that but tow spookled lociantlas were hooked. This spring seventy million white fish try will he seat from the Saadwioh flah hatch- ery. The fry wiU be plaid in lase Huron, Eris and Ontario, sod the Detroit River. The tug Bahama, with barge in tow, ran into this harbor so Sosday, sod attar taking on provision& oa Monday morning. sailed for the Georgia Bay to fond lumber for tho On Saturday the filers were erowded with anglers, old esd young, moat of whets got demist strindi of perch. It same that two hundred labia poles were in WS during the day, and a there wore few penons who oanght loss than 20, over 4,000 fish mat have boon queried up town. If you cannot geetted, mutton will answer. You may choose between milk, water, coffee or tea. But there is no second choice for Scutt's Emulsion. It is Scott's Emulsion or nothing. Whcn you need the best cod-liver oil, the best hypo - phosphites, and the best glycerine, all combaned an the best possible manna., you have only one choice. It brings prompt reiults in all cases of wasting, or loss in weight. All druggists; Se& sod Sae. SCOTT DOWNS, Cheanars,Tanesiler The steamer St. Andrew tied up at the Big Mill elevator at 7 • IL Sunder, after sot unplaaant trip from Lake -Superior. The Se. Aadrew brought 38.000 bushels of wheat from Fort William for Richardson & Soa, of Kingstoa, the whole ot which was elevated by Monday eight. Captain Fsath- enitonehaah still commands the *teenier and his many friends in town were pleased to give him • Goderich grip. 332.A.111-2" 011.DICHIL Bor Coughs, Colds, Brom- chitia, Sore throat, etc. Gum . WATSON. tea., Peovescroolu Have You Seen Fine Displav of Wheels pleveland= $65 'Pilot rnte: $35 Bicycle Sundries tallrequipped foe doiag all ItEriSHEPHAR -There are a number of rumors *leas abaft the pneeibility of • vseeney in Wont Hama for the Commons. hut up to West Huron Reform Association has hood poskipg of the matter, officially. If any• --By the wording of the proteat against the return of J. T. Gaaow in West Huron for the Legislature, we observe that our old and esteemed friend, NIXON STURDY, clerk of Goderich township, ham assumed Provincial proportions. a' mu, B.C., has retired from Federal politics and. it is understood, will enter the Legis- lature of the western Province at an early date. W. W. B. 34cIeees isn't very tall physically, but he has a good head on his shoulddirs, with brainy na match. THEIR SEATS IN DANGER. Tim Flees! sr Irretssts-Ilselk Party file tbe awe Number F.fty•sie errata protests (twenty Ewe than wore filed four years ago) have now been entered, twenty eight ley the Coeserva• Dyes, and the same number by lie Liberals. The Istter's protest agaiast C. Powell in Ottawa, which is due to -morrow, will make 29 for the Liberals. The Liberals protests WC - North Terento-G, F. Mortar. Mai Hamilton -H. Cersoailen, Q C. South Grey -Dr. Jamieson. Centre S.mooe-A.. H. Thompson. Panes Edward -W. R lamprey. East Middlesex -T. D Bodleian. West Heatinre--11. B. Morrian. Glengarry -D. MaNionald. Stormont -John hieLsoghlin. North Grey -Ai. 11. Bead. North Renfrew -A. T. i White. North Hastlage-W. J. Allem North Waterloo -Dr. Laokner. South Waterloo -W. Kribe. South Ordario-Clue. Calder. North Ootario-W. IL Hoyle. South Huron -H. Either. Hat Eirria--C. A. Brewer. West Viotorla-S. J. Fox. rcontseao-J. S. Gallaher. -,illenth Brant -Hon. A. 8. Hardy - loath Middleses---Hon. 0. W. litcm. North York -Hoe. E. J. Davis. Kingstoa-Hoe Wm. Harty. lirookville-G. P. Graham. North Essex -W. J. MoKee. beet Hastings -B. Russell. North Perth-Joha Brews. IVellaad-Win. German. Haldiroand-J. W. Holmes EsItea-.1. R. Barber. Haat Leintoon-eff. .1. Tettynieos. North Brues--Charlme M. howmae. East Weltiseten-Joho Craig. South sllingtoa--Jehn Muffle. Centre tlinoe-Anditar Malinke. North bfiridtorrt•eAr. H. Tsyier. Mouth Norfolls.i.W. A. °barites. Waal York. -W. J. Hilk North Ladark••-W. 0. thilivrall. W ess A looms -Jamie Ceases e. The protest traipse Ilea. It. J. Davie la North Yolk hos dropped In detault of the deposit of the required 11,000. Pour more have since boo sstarsd. HARBOR AND RIVER. The fog whlotts playa. • rather keg mu. gramme ea Mooday The 8t. Andrew left for Tort William au Tuesday to load wboat for Tho river bias maw reasited serial level, bat the book Amass& is Mill sow Phenomenal Avg TOU AA was the increase & difrinuiltion et April -far exceeding. oar mem sanguine expectations, -we anticipate a much greater increase in May. To beat our beet record is no easy task, but if EXTRAORDINARY VALUE weans EXTRAORDINARY BUSINE813, then our success is audit Our offering this month will be tin talk of Goderich and vicinity. Lids CURTAINS °IMAM NET CHENILLE CURTAINS TABLE COVERS WRAPPERS SHIRT WAISTS PARASOLS HOSIERY PRINTS (new WOOL CARPETE UNION CARPET HEMP CARPETS OIL CLOTH SKIRTS LINEN SKIRTS GLOV ES CORSETS GINGRAMS VOW voi least 0111111.111111111 For TWENTY-SEVEN YEAI., .DUNNPS BAKING POWDER "LEA 11CMPIEC IMP JAMES ROIINSON. HURON'S GREATEST 'STORE Trimumr claw GRAND TRUNK MAD.1 Dentistry DiorrAt sinew. Rooms opposite the Post II6 YOSHI Iliad sot. es of the natural twetrill grads tor all donut! 0 art et W cat dt am bs gown U • Dental surgeon. (Low tali Dr. Dixon. ot Monter t. G lath artdoial teeth mounted or Saw boos. Total sttestios 3 GREAT OFFERINGS TOWN AGENTlit-C. J. Harm Gr4fi-leassetra CEYLON /TA. ST ALL WINININIF-114.1 We. NINWIN Foot ball has boon added to the Goderieb Collegiate lastitate curriculum. The intro THE ONLY ROPE! For Victims of Bright's Distaste is Dodd's Kidney Pills. Not a day passes on which the newspapers do not record the death -of one or more persons from Bright's Disease. Already its victims num- ber hundreds of thousands Day by day the awful total grows larger. No class is safe from this destroyer. War and intemperance, with all their miseries and fatalities, are not responsible for SS many deaths as have been caused by Bright's Dis- ease. Yet, there is a way of resisting it ; of drawing its poisoned fangs, and making it as harmless as a summer breeze. That great medicine, Dodd's Kidney Pills, has cured thousands of the worst cases. It never fails to cure, hopeless as the case may seem. Would you safely shield your loved ones from the fatal grip of this curse of mankind -Bright's Disease ? Then Use Dodd's Kidney Pills, the only cure on esith for thid disease. The Keneington Funiture Co, WANT DRY ELM AND le large cr mat quantities. They ere Slat Sr t he market for Green Elm and Black Ash. WB Siwer and Culvert Pi pes en Ness Moe 4 lir so SG 1126 won's FOR PRIM*. THE OetijAARIO SEIVE.11. PIPE Ci PLANIIIG MILL: *NAIMOLI 1161. Minns & Rhyllas BABEL DOOR end BLIND Maine ta triads of LUMBER, LATH, SHINGLES Asa beadles nisterts1 el ovary dastrialii McCready CANADA'S FAVORITE The Businessman's Friend The Tourist's Delight The Ladies' Joy The Hann's Ideal OW lately oirendied ' Dr. II oils from residents.. Teleohci McCready Clerk Common Sense See that vour 189R ruount bears this IMMO plate ; it iv sign of good quality. Did you ever notice how happy and contertted the widen of McCready Wheels ore ! There must he • reason why. It' because they are built on honor. by nien who know their busi nese, and nothiag but the best of material is uosl in thei construction. When you deal with the maker- of the Me ("ready Bicycle once you always wilL 'They know how to treat vou, besides' yogi get more tor the least money than any other house in Canada. No matter what you require in our line, write ns : we ere at your disposal. Our cata is ready. It tells you all about the wheels that are " just a little better than the beet," and it is yours for the asking. The Man who rides a Wheel only half esboys its delights malt he gets a Rigby Porous Waterproof Bicycle Suit In dry weather you would not know the cloth was water -proof, and In wet weather you ean ride all day without getting wet. The Rigby cloth admits the air hut keeps out the rain. Any wheel - man will see tht great advantage of it at once. Rigby Bicycle Suits ars MN only by 11. WOKEN' & CO., Montreal, bat ore sold by on op -to -data tiOtlihig dealers. Choice of 250 Ladies' or Misses' Sailors and Walking Hats, in Straw, Canvas and Tweeds, regular 25c.. 45c. and 75c., choice for Choice of 3 boxes of New Flowers at Half Price. BLOUSES and BLOUSE SILKS Blouses and Blouse Silks are offered at one price, viz : 45 cents. Blouses were regular $1.00 goods , Btouse Silk was 75c. to $1.00 a yard. Aft -is less than manufacturert cost for these goods. 13. IICIT'Ja C. W. ANDREWS, Manager. Ask jeer Bramolsi 1st Wonderfid Teas and ettli, SIM lel° 6 1 Remedy tot Weak and knpure IOWA Kidney and Uver Trossiiiss. aionoweiRillill or 4. le. lee•LEOD. eassieses. awe. Carriages ! Buggies ! innT SPRING 'WAGONS I doom SY Wiry =Mere. Sok of Comments ties EL totter. Netaresdrier If 0. JOHNSTON, BAP III. miter. sonsmiodossr, los. Moss : ear. Rain Inca a lke Sort! izeost moo or HOLT I A./ Banisters, Ostioltors La Worth& IL 0. Comoros. Della Moises. sesta reocniaboasos ce ba dm la or or_to ssoltasisQwlir Oman A tor beim • LAMS SSG inn aos tams so root r 1;1,0 66608A1316R...C.O.reeyssli tartaikte _per seat. Noti ob:tch.i. T. laseNAISTEL,""mile1111111 east: VX-Cwriall=s1 mplatoutztores.mosory tow sue. it tbe Lowest toto rat "troggibltren New Maohtn -1C BW MACHINE Silt 11 of Repair Work 4 sew satssorod be Oes and Dollars tor You will find the largest and best stock'of CAMILLO/1B, NIX TONS and BUGGIES in the County sib u nd ry's Warerooms HAMILTON -ST. GODERION. We buy only tion to sell yon a ,reasoriable price here before. from the best and are in a pooli- Rig at a more than ever offered 744 11.1 GOODS WARRANTED AS REPRESENTED. nipection and Comparison Invited ANOUNIMI 1111011,A8 OUND0.1 -AL so4 ssa 4 to NM ear= U Mouser sad Lead Haynie ad soak missions entr Wham* with b Buxton's Rotel. wr email rossitosoder • • GOLlat1.011 NS 20011ritir. aka monk kB017T 1000 vol TI susses bee ass g. lidarairtas. In room IL OlitillOiRNS, Oar allettli. Ana yPt ire '614 4.1 WITIWItor"."-A7