HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1898-5-5, Page 1ONS DOLLAR �"
few years. The how . took �1•oe era M lessee sioh stringerrales easiest Winless
cogtpuleory Sale-Eit Jas. IL Reid_.. 8
veto- 5' 0«. P0.2From our own Correepondente
o per.
y 4
Plumber -O. Plumber - J. Harper 1
Wonted-Ikedley.0as1ritmce 0. 1
War Booms Everythlag-G. E. Klee
Nod.rioh Barman Canter-Bares's greatest Jas. Rehires 4
goad Qu•rarl for Reeleg-J. H. Wer- a
sell .
LeMc Goods, Ltn.et. Carpete- W. A.
Aebewn A Bar 5
War 1 Ws:: War I-8mtth Brat A Co
Yews t. Magistrates -In Lewis 1
A. B. Cornell 1
The !IOW r Woodl•wa-Oradry Brie..
appe ll e. Riches• t'set prime it trade
tea produce. V. S. EtN% .Misses
VT as soon as he better is all oar -loads for two !inner cif Orem
Worm Ir color.
We want it mind with Ilse dairy eats•bee
will furnish firtlSI end ray the highest
and •.1.Batter.
si .WW. . still baying
have a home hulk to suit them in a sood
pert et the nom sed gay for It hi woatbty
wymeatase flea • meeerste rest ands
Bn . yes Apply to EDWARD
email ot
There is InMt au en Ben That taste be
Mond Anywhere Slee -Sews of the
Pw•�y Spedally aspersed
ter Th. ata -al.
parreed es the Big Meadow. pay.
SFob. font/ ROBJilT
Pam er P. Hft• Rix.
For ljervloe-
ti - 1 will •stead ee R h1O ie
♦ de, oedorlsh. during
U yea have
to win the
by W eedlswa isy Ftp.
TDEaDAT, May 5.
In abeam of Miss Horton last Sunday.
her duties as organist wars slit Performed
by Mies Grace Lemons
Fool KttuseRinue.-Mr. J. Dalton
sad Family have come to reside bore havinv
tested the farm of St. George Prion, of
Oejerteh ter • term of years.
IN Tosoam.-Miss Edith Horton I. in
Toronto attending the meeting of the wo-
man's Foreign Missionary society of, the
Presbyterian church held la the Queen any
this week.
For Male or TO Riltnt.
Win Bowdon has broken up • portion of
the commode north of the river.
The 10 -year-old daughter of 'rhos. Pen•
aiogtoa, of the Maitland, fell and broke her
arm the other day.
Thomas Yellow has puroh•eed the pro-
perty ea the Thames Ko•d formerly
*weed by the lite John Anderson.
A son of T. H. McCallum has eeooeeofully
passed his final examination in dentistry at
the Dental College in Baft•lo, and is now •
full tieoged deetet.
On Mopday, Alfred. the youngest eon of
lire. Thomas Coates, while visiting his
brother Richard, fell down the cellar and
broke one of his legs. The fracture was re-
dueed. sad the young mob is doing steely.
Tuesday May 6th.
Mies Slack. of Goderiob, visited here last
Another maiden formerly a residoot hers
hes psrehsmsd a wheel and already has made
tripe oat hers as it from Goderich.
Miss L. Stevenson from Port Albert was
a transient visitor, Friday. of last week.
making the journey from the Port on her
net en Brute Ito..'. smelts o ate
moms, sett and bed water. awl agile eta
and shed and •inn ems Ilse trier s em i•
mca pp rta7L tiro! lr't °J'rf.. V twin r Met
The roof of ear Past oil oe was repaired
Wet=dby of lase week. the workmen com-
•tbeotroul•r town on wheels, ,any-
iK Soih i12 the j.. h in their pockets.
Fr orT. ease h
Front eloomplad It rooms. lashed hE drawing roam. dtstag
reem parfernand hisses. t� W • ��.
saner of doe= pas toe Oared
Then s halt es acre el an suealer
with shrubs and fruit
ren. Apply te F.pY�m B. nes the poo'
farms wsMers Oa far Let lea.
anedm o df Deed. s water. His
tatro. a �er�t�� If yeses.hems
ExxaUset Rravci Lrfa/a •tie f
ere neat tntm0l e•
F. Mc
DDOONAG O Well Ygtes ices.'1e•t°Mtf.
�f0K BALL -10111 69 ny In the
GGso�dartHo�hlwhich isWieggmeeted a mie.ddwell
hued q =ptq* BoLT & BOI.Y><!.
the riverandtelt "r `be
ate A. MNUstMttt'tt eara,,i�.� /e'►
Ole of the most valsahte mil
2rh."mtO depw flume...ental
y street prom, wi
smiesea air
�j�� Pik
ad tsrmsrly Remade
Or to 1MaMO s
resider, from the •ldeon Wel lotion street oyolf.ts should slow se flagrant a violatle
to ht. George's confess is preeeooe of most of the law by Its w• heed, and suob •
of her sorytvtnt relativese,.� and malty old menace to email children. Cor.
Meads. Dr. J. 0. Bhannob, Dr. 1. W. K.
Holmes, County Attorney. Lewis, PHol
E. Heaton sad R, Radcliffe being the pall
bearers. The usual church service ler the
dead was reed by the reotor, Rev. Mork
Turnbull, and " Reek of Ages," • favorite
hymn of the doossesd, wee rerdered by the
choir. Organist Cuff on the entrance of the
cortege played a totems dirge At the con-
olualoa of the service the prom+,ian re-
formed, and while the bell toilet'. and the
oboir mug " Now Lot Thy Servaut Depart
In Pesce." the remotes of another loog time
worshipper In St. l.serge s proceed its three•
bold on the last, the long Journey. The
promotion alma warred to old Maitland
where all that was mortal of Weide ibose 'hough
were ptwasd.ia.tbe Wilily P
of her departed husband. The 'casket was
almost bidden is thu wealth of flowers
placed thereon by mourning children sad -
relatives and sorrowing friends. The de-
cimalise' lady was is her eightieth year. hav-
log celebrated her seyenth•ninth birthday
eight ti ye before gum death acme.
The death of Win. She. on Monday, at
the age el'ylt, .ass, remove, another et the
pioneers of this station. 01 English birth.
Mr. Slag emigrated to this oountry in his
early days sad settled to the township of"
Robert N. Lloyd, tormerly proprietor of
the Richmond Hotel, Loodoe, has puroh•.-d
the •I' -,ten re.taarant from Mr. D. Dewar,
and bee taken posewlus. Mr. Uoyd in-
tends to refit Cts haildloi in a thorough
manner and tars is Into an hotel for aoiom-
jleo late for last week.)
Mr. aid tire John O•rdlaer spent Sun
day la Beauvais.
Miss M.Ke.. of Molesworth. -is visiting
Mts. Use. McDonald.
Quite • .ember of ear ladies intend par-
anoiag wheels this Sneer.
Mir Acme Rutherford. of Toronto, is
visiWig friends is tee viddby.
Rev. D. Perris preached anniversary ser -
mos in the Presbyt inn ebureh last Sea-
Nonce. -The local agency to Du•ganana
for Ten /ssmaf. i at the *Ace of J. O. Ware,
1. P.. oar eager. to who will receive or
dere for ea Overtimes and Jet
MOWS and
paiid for the mne.o
is ed to give receipt* t
now will visit uttD
Dungeon= as 1st sad
rd Friday of soh month. AU modem meth
ode of e1Hwtlo and tilling. and meths aril
Betel teeth. OAIss. ass `dear to Model's miter
ruauDAY. May 3.
Laos 8airruUT.-Oar popular troare.
Messrs. StotMrs A Treleaysa. durilast
In anBu
week took
d shipped 5,000 n Bpja
NrWlirrUVraT.-Msssrs 8mith+sd Oleg
have started • lime kilo on the premises of
Robert Stuart. fourth 0000seamo. township
of West Wawaaash.
Dmater Cower. -Unties Court will be
hold bore se thitarday west. May
.eeesed will pleasetake note end
theassives assedlagly•
D. U.Qeseisk, heying recently purchased
t*s hetet kguRs as the Prises of Orange
and mimed bV ljie late Anthony Black..es-
manna+ khdRsm se Monday. May 2nd.
Eiri-a m eat last lamas the mouth et
April, whr'J-..* Hes-lihe, has takes tM
exit, lambypeard he paint of weather it
hes hes gasaaaisri A 1 ter spring weeding
acederdddetlem• In this virally have
already Reid rdittl' Thee tar the
month of May tfrtlerill, dan a•
aadt trait sad and OOP- we
have so frost.
EXTRA LAWNS. --Jelin Mall.ask, • two
s quite buoyant la being the posemerot r
iambs. Oee.• ewe lamb,whsa three days old
weighed 90 lbs., 1 os , the ether, a ram
lamb, at Is rth weighed 17 Ibe., 14 on He
weald like to hest trona any sheep raisen
who ean beat the above weights.
The Presbyterian 8. S. Intend setting •
new library♦ sellasees was takes up few
that parries Wet Beady.
The ear mill be. emhMd the
sane.. The employee 'itr.�
several bouts' w Saturday
TreaOT, May bed, 1808.
Mice AnTreat
Herbert has purchased •
Mks Remelt, of Bruner, is visiting Mrs.
Jots Patlaad.
Mr. Wm. McKenzie and family have
meed te Lakeles.
Mr. Wm. Roes is living with his daughter
Moe Cherehill. of Tnraberry.
pubLe Notloe•
Tb. Oayri• StatutM $1 Victoria. 1111 have
been yessived be the (lark of tbe Pesos for
qualified magMminte sad sre to be delivered
t•eess•lO or by written order
CountyClerk of the Humus.
honmsae ed •dost tp la arKlt8 R
sad has aes sera tow
W. LOGAN, Colborne
eradaat. aid Gotleeitalt lone.'
°Mahe sadk Street
Noble to Creditors.
Miss Holmes, of London, is in town.
Warden Mokwan was In town on Friday.
Peter Medium wee in Clinton on Friday.
Jos. Reck visited Clinton on Friday lest.
M. C. Cameron left for Ottawa ea Taw•
Lester Roberson wheeled to Clinton on
Mn. W. T. Eliot was in the Forest City
title week.
Rod Fraser was in the guess City the
past wy b aha the
.}3ogh gh Dunlop than
past week.
Lase* Salkeld, er., spent the past week at
St. Helms.
Goo.:,arey is spending • holiday term at
the Rectory.
The Messrs. Btahah returned to Toronto
on Satarde,. ,
H. M. Yeatet,-eit Lookhow, was in Gods -
risk yesterday.
H. F. Mooers, of Yingston, arrived In
town Tuesday.
Geo. Neiberetell, of Windsor, was In town
during the week.
If we want a bead we wal have to keep
it op.
Regular meeting of town coons.! Friday
R. W. Logan has moved from Colborne-st
to Market -w.
Goo. Williams shipped 12 horses to Mon-
treal op Monday.
All the iaree trees planted in the barber
Park are dolor well.
A new cottage is bung crested on St.
David-st by L. Ether.
The Collegiate Iaetitnte Board did not
mossier a gnot_ei Tbareday.
The Organ Co...hipped 14 orgasm se !R
arday, sod is loaded with orders.
The frame dwells, on Brook Nsesabolag
mooted by Wm. Abel is roofed is
Andrew, Bels. A Co. shipped • ear load
of hogs to CollMond.y.
fa tie essta/ a tae stats Of Bedews* Nth
1)4NITA/Selld la tee Oseetter
Mu M the 7btes itip if
ef Huron.
lislisebsWives t te the eta
�� to cats et the
es ort Wirmeh, A.D. IMe.
pan. eSsnt it their -loasseed
b or " tai stheir i�seitaltereat
Maws% and a�ieirer old
•l *t oaB Vaosnt.
take notice that ad In-
laid te
tTw �des� ti ase
so es to
te at t o .tttis ion day e[ ANLL
A.D. finis
STeason Cer>tranRtrca-On the tour
farms criering es the intereeotlon of the
Bed sod lid esseseelen Uses in the town-
ships of AshMH •d West W awaseeh, there
are radial fear yobs persons, whose birth
days wre on the fins day of May, Ryan.via -
Miss Mary age 17 ears, Mestere
Willie Elliott ad Willie Kirk, 16 years.
and Lela leathers. 6 years, all of whom
wore bora es the 1st day of May, In their
reepee'tye yea of birth.
*antra ASD Oorxa.-G. Walker, of Gor-
do, sed R. Ores, formerly et Mashes
sot . he Whig legated la
thatMplain Deese w ei teMedd Yeitie eN. pelted
thromga Dasraees ease day last week eR •
bu.bsss sip to the Cirenlar Town. 7 trey
map • *best reit at the residesoe of Mr.
sad Kra Walker. the parade of the former.
Mee Fanny Beydgela of Osderieh, is
vides, and miming herself at her rread-
mothee'e, Mrs. .1. Poetised Darien
last r Pr we bed.1 pleases. v W He was is
our village Proe nig* for the sale of Hash's
hot ltoD. tisOer . whit is new mise
hotel M U. Yepormi
hens d what was formerly, and tor
years knows, as the Prins of Orange
Ladner, Brea
Co. shipped • oar load
of fins canto for port ea Thursday
meeting of Heron Bocampmeat
O.O F., ea Monday evening.
• of the dwelling Ooldtborpe is
en Cambria Road is in position.
ler meeting of Maitland Lodge No.
33,IZ F. and A. M. next Tuesday evening.
The McOready and Common Mese wheels
were seat out In quiet order the past week.
Smeeth's MiU hes bees running for the
pass two weeks, and the machinery ruse
TM lieOreels Wheel ea exhibition In a
Mere on the &Mare astraets oeneiderabfe
The Salt of the Earth is boina shipped all
ever the earth by the North American
Chemise' Co.
Divide's Court was held is the Court
Hees on Monday. His Honor Judge Mas -
eon presiding.
Have you sprayed this morning' If not,
why not t for it is a necessity U yo• want
your tree to bear fruit.
Messrs Btmh•ssas & Rhymes are putting
up a pretty verandah for Mrs (Captais) Ed.
wards at her ragtime,. V iotoria'at.
lARKOfsitcee►RPROQDiO�hr Administrator.
MoMtfWO we'
Na 28
The Annual Meeting Monday.
Reports et TresIdent sad Librarian -cash
Receipts sad alMadltare.-wm-
eers Sleeted to the Board
t • r isle --e..
Wm. Kahan, of Varna, visited the twenty
town this west..
David Johnston, of Walkerton, was in
town Saturday.
Miss Eva Aohewn has returned from her
visit to Detroit.
Dr- Rollie., et Berger, was in the meaty
town last Friday-
Philip Am.ot. of BrmtieW. flet Is 0ode.
rMh os S• ardayii
THE annual Inviting of the Mecbnu-
ic s institute Board was held on Monday
evening, the president, D. J. Naftel pre
aiding. There was a fairly good attendance
and after the reading of the minutes by the
secretary, the president delivered the an-
nual address as follow.. '
raisiDZ!(TI ADDRite.
It affords the Board of Directors pleasure
to appear before yea to present their report
of the operations of another year in ooa-
meetion with fie Mechanio'e Institute.
Oar pjbbusblp, which is now 140. chews
• alight increase over the previous year hut
still falls far short of what we might reason•
ably expeet in a town like Godericb. The
libraries also reports • daily attendance at
the reading room fully up to the average.
mgr. V eel
aratakkall mg;
d.ieek�` Pfeil: d - 1 fies�Vt
For !h Were of too sre•m, the fnpbsst
of traits sad the ebolees* et oosfeottoner/.
call at Blsoketaeo's reetanrant, W est St.
It our Americas sousing west to protect
themselves from the Spaniards, they should
buy a few einem of Rini s Pers Salt, the
preserver of butter, aheeee and all sorts and
000dltlons of men.
J. W. Broderlek'e new cheap store le the
spot for bargains. Just received another
stook of boots and shoes and ready•made
clothing. All brand new goods. We sell
cheap all the time Remember the plena.
J. W. Brodertok, Horton', Blot, Goderiob.
Mrs. and Miss Malee eJff.ssd to
Oedesioh last week.
Miss M. Jllo•ne.-Hamiftun•at., has been
visiting In Caldoa.
ALEZANI>iSR-hitll•m Alexander it -
apes== el Pabbe S abools for tee Coady of
1resesH, died he Invaded es Teessdrs .1 kat
weak, and the remiss i �y to tors
their last rrltetRgs inumber el rakers= eel
g sissies
fiends. et The toward jessllemen died trees
ea attaok of typhoid fever oar as filmes el
two Weeks' t tlom. The late Lessees,
Alexander's daenios eemmsased in the
reblie %heel d Oelersb, sad was ilaished
N the
Ineek� tehoa Review a ,tea,hoe followed the nal
Memel Beiet. Eh ick lbw
was se saes- II that he was eppe hied ti
lesdePtellikli et Roti Oesaty is 1571,
alter a Mete -ever Ave- jaer7 a pease& dee
I• Gomm the
km eladdoismel In.
appelatedbut In 1882,
ieeves* woo s salted. eat is do -
for the whale county, a
held tell deet& came. Deskeed,
wr�eSaie is he 6416 year, leaves • wile est
tee Maltreat Deny est Qw>�Chloage
Trask, at
aylor. of
*wee Bennis the lest .awed lady bens a
cheer -in-law el Mrs. (Rev.) Woe. Gdertet.
Key. Joseph Etre we as desimmers Ismael&
M Kemdey Won death, and em Thomas,
with Mrs. Edge attwded Ille temorkt
J. L Killers, barrister, of 8.afoath, was
in town ea Tuesday.
Mies McCloskey left for Resoluta via San
Trasoisoe an Tuesday.
M. Tennant and J. C. Lyons, of Lueknow,
stat Sunday In town.
Colin C•mphell made a business trip to
Clinton ea Friday last.
Geo. Hesdereoa, of Toroate, was visiting
in the old town this week.
H. B Pollook, of London spent Monday,
fishing In town and vicinity.
Mss Graham returned this week, atter •
long residers. in New Ye le,....
Miss Magee of Sly* is vldMngler rela-
tives in tbi riling, otsaltierd.
The tows band bad Its usual prairies In
the tows ball Monday evening.
S. A. Magee returned from • visit to his
daughter In Seaforth on Friday.
K. L. Dickenson, barrister of Wingh•m,
was in the county town this week.
Mrs. E. A. Maxwell, of New York, was
visiting In G.derioh as Thursday.
Mrs. Arthur Steelton left co Tuesday to
join her hobo! in Vietorl•.
Mrs. Wm. Leve was visiting relatives in
north part of the meaty Last week.
The school board would not master a geor
am for • mestios as Monday eyening.
Comity Cesmsd•er AInsley was in town
on Monday, looktag after (1o. property.
R. W. MoKessle was is
Nel1�last week
sailing on his aims, 7 YeHac
The •nany frosds of ex-8beri8 Gibbons
were pleased to ase him up town es Satur-
Debt. Helene shipped a lead of horses
for the old eeuntry, via Montreal, en Taos -
Captain J. B. Palmas lett for Chicano on
Friday to prepare his vowel for the meaeem's
Nanus' TUAT. -Miss Day, repeer.ttne
the Cowan Ch000lsts and Cocoa Co. of To-
ronto, will be at C. A. ftaWn's sten demo -
aerating their " Perforates " Loon•, on Fri-
day, Saturday, and Moodily, the 6th. 7th.
and 9th Inst. The ladies of Goderieh and
,rtelnity we Waited to call and have • sap
of this famous brand of cocoa between 10 A.
r. and 6 r. e.
REcavvie WAwren. -500 farmers and
able-bodlad citizens wanted to arm them -
els.. with brushes and • plentiful supply of
Finch Wood Prnarvative and Preeervattve
Red Slate Roof Paint to protect their
houses. roots, bares, silos, poste, planks,
etc.• etc., from rot and deny. This *hom-
iest preparation makes decay absolutely 'in.
possible, has stood the test of 26 years.
Pries list for roofs, etc., 50e. per gallon ;
$17 dollars per bbl. of 40 gallons, for sills,
planks, Dollars, poets, eta, etc., 36o. per
gallon, or $10 per barrel. Oise it • trial.
Any quantity supplied. Highest testi.
oriels. AU orders and correspondence
promptly attended to. H. AR I-TRoeu,
sole agent, Qaebeo-et.. Gederioh.
When we consider the abundant and var-
ied supply of periodical literature to be
found on the tables, which is free to all, and
also the number of books on the shelves,
treating of almost every oonoelvsblesubject,
and numbering between 3,000 and 4,000, ft
is • matter of surprise that more ofour =r-
ow are not found willing to support
stitsuou which •florin snob advantages for
Mile small Dom of $1 00 per annum.
We have so regret that owing to the re-
duction in the (iovseam's% grant, the Is-
anoial position of the Institute is c t as
strong as It would atherwise be. In this
oonneolios 1. might say that I am informed
that in several other owns the authorities
have Wog, reepenelbls tor the pabllo llbra-
ries and hays made them free libraries. if
our Council could vee their way to adopt
some Dison scheme, It would I ,think, be •
beseet to the town and would relieve the
directors of the burden of trying to keep
the library up-to-date with Mooed means,
with which to do 1t.
We desire to express our hearty thanks
to the town Counoil for their Tract of $100
and free light for the martens room, and also
to the County Council for their grant of
We also express oar appreciation of tarot
who have helped us with their sabomriptios
to the past and trust that if w•- still main -
sale as independent exetem a wee may lays
an Increase of membership to report next
Mea Cameros purpose visitant the mil-
linery markets this week in order topmost
the very latest in summer aovettlse.
There was a large Wwdese of fruit
at Carwin'e farm, Hary Bead, on
may, to where tie seised o pbylem.
Dane's Review for week edIng April
1811, sheave 16 failures is Cassias,
with 29 for the previous week and 40 ler
the eeeeasposdlmg week of 1897.
Clint's ,fair to have an ap•to-date bill
of fare for the Qwa's Birthday, and oar
anises' ems test the truth of the etateme.t
by vbHbg the Hub et the Sth In*.
The gooseberry and torrent bashes sad
plam, pear and apple trees armed this part
of the eatery are heavily fruited, and if
John Trost is menital them will be • big
Seeding was through some week a :
this way. and met d the Mante&
empThe was
generally h eeWzesfh eft osedIMes, and farm-
er, are brook!.
WANTEwFD%--NW AArtD W011111N w eeM0
ee�ireabe�DV1q 8M1ars�• 1dIlreoo
le tY�eiagg�� mgr ser traseimsa r .elilRrsetfl►
}j th, Oitniti,"�
j1�'S1dimU �Vl'
Dia eb sweet
sed f
at the sines of
te, ltetfeeR
salirirri •�
0 YWApaNNr�T,y�EW - A times es GOOD.sSMART
Tor ff�fhMwme. t Tim
Tia!/ w Ussasse•
W116111*, ;Tulin Of *A$RIAMI
• hark 41Sdsefi Oak *5.b
B11017011. -Mrs. May Anewiek
Cly Jude et Rei for same yesesk
Med ie Ike rmldwuo ef be mee.ia-hes, 1).
McDS_seb, Wdliaitei Meese, ea Thaswday
the tbth ate The deand ray O wrgh In
deer halt& for mems thea, wee op taws
wilhis r week et her Moho. Mase the In.
waives* et her depNwlri or a veldts to is fees wi* flirt resets( at lame
Mime 1As were ohms* tally the seelphoen.f heroes while the Sawa belie, yet a Wee
4 het plso�me TM diaM of drove e{ hew els of whisk beigeso to
Britoil Bribakes eiHM die Mayr
.daily la the ay. gaily pimda the streets
list of eill reeaesi eof S
i el tasly. a lint I. David's Winr
Word. It es. rid, w say
Mar has been sally *+tided WlthinSbe past the lee*, that a muNdpal belly whish
The caretaker pee the Square Ste gree
be. weak. d were it not for the
y short Hanks were on the lawn by
Abele **s weal/ leek as
reedy a est emelt esti.
ask tr eaSway Make* es we -
souse et the how rete.
The Ti s►see%.
ally ,tor. see* hive shoodp
•,see owed to them. sod they are looked
roes es sly the natural Meg sew.
Ossety President Jobe Oevesleek, .f1
am•t et*, who was n ems ea Fhitsp, rail
it wee the fatesttss et lie ass ittve te sell
a meeting he the sat fatsw for the reer-
ginleaties of the Parole in Wares.
lin ne s repack 1 ...KIlIpaQe N be-
leg gory good. Oa away hems /M fall
epitt, whine was =MOW last fall owter
W the dry weather. le chgbtfy below the
average, though then ere quite • number of
leeaiftise where the peewees are oxseptlem-
Hayden Williams, of the leek of Com-
move. Sealomb, spout desd•y at the old
Jia Baobaeas, er., has bees seneaed to
the boas this week by a severe smarm of la
were �toes� of _
Batweek by the
death of their father.
Bev. Jas. A. Anderson, B. A , is attest.
beg the synod of tsetse and Hamilton sew
in se'sea at Ss. Catharines.
D. E. Wet*. sat old tsweeman, was is
Gedurish es Saturday, and although net In
W boot of health, he were • healthy erode.
We. Lowe sad AIM, of Chingo, who had
bee Ming Mrs, Geo. Blest, 8t. Patrak
street. left ler Mostre•l on friday to visit
ether relatives.
Kr. and Mrs. Wm. Wilkinson and
dm:XL ,f Minneapolis, are visiting the
'esle. Mr. and Mrs. Jas.
Cile., sill' ave.
ey ltpi a%.to see our yob friend
hit R.�`i lis"514 pleas at tiil'1iTR.
depot es Tweday. Jao. B. wens his usual
smile, aid says bele delighted at getting
Mak to the wheasmei'e paradise.
• Groat Issue In ,assess •
A great moral Isms, Meg l.ekiiF '
man), and worked for and prayed far by
some, is now near In Canada, viz. • whether
our people wish the liquor treffio continued
by law among them or not.
Our General Assembly annually declares
strongly in favor of prohibition of the
lilsor tr•fo. Last Assembly resolved :
, That oar people are hereby earnestly
exhorted to ase their utmost endeavors, In
every lawful way. to carry the plebiscite In
favor of prohibition by an overwhelming
majority ; and thus tree the Charoh from
one of its deadliest foes, our land from un-
told 'misery and elms, and our modern
drtlis•Yw from its direst reproaoh and
loins tstenty-Sys years ago we heard
Principal Oman'. at • odd= meting In
Halifax, speaking In favor of one central
Government University and against State
aid to denomtnatlonal colleges. Ile opened
his terse, Whine, speech with one of those
pithy raying. which great men sometimes
coin for posterity : " If you west to con-
vince a man that he Is right, argue with
Do not be toe severe upon him when he
now takes to press and platform against
prohibition. May it nee be possible that
the learned Prlaelpal has takes, in award.
awe with hs own dictum, this somewhat
novel method of oosvinolag the Foyle
that they are right to following the ' ear -
asst sxhortatieo" of the Assembly and
helping the work whbh the Assembly de-
scribed as " freeiar the Church trees see of
Gs deadliest foes, our land from untold
eldery and orals, and our modern civiliza-
tion from its direst reproach and shame."
Temperance people are used to the eppoe.
rim of the liquor interest, and perhaps be-
come too Indifferent to It : but opposition
from sMxpeetd quarters leads lime to ex-
amine mere closely their foundatloas. and
thus become more esviaeed of Ws import -
mos of their great trust and more more ear-
nest is its behai!.
Can prohibition Injure public) morality t
The rl`bteeeeaess of • sauce, its jostles,
its morality, its offsets apes the pahlte well.
fare may be fairly judged in advsoe by toe
great body of Its advocates. Take for ex-
ample the gessoes of orohihltloe of the
liquor trafflo la Canada. While there are
good man and true. honestly opposed to pro-
hlbltlon, yet nese will deny the following
1. The liquor Interest, from gutter to gin
paless, frees the ' gilded saloon ' of the pnb-
Ilcan to the gilded ' sales ' el the brewer
and dsttller, ib. maker, seller, drinker.
tippler, sot, are •ll against It, miles, In-
deed, It mey bean .veneris' poet victim
who in loWd Masimg for freedom.
wishes H bay.nd he roe&
2. All the visions elem.ote in any country
or eommmnity are against it. A plebleat*
of oar orlmisal population, our lewle s meq
and fallen wooer weald decide the fate of
prohibition beyond a debt.
3. The vast =misery of the best sen and
w.men of our eatery are In favor of It.
The vast maiority et these who are devoting
=resort and life to the well•belsc of
hnmasltY- are l4 favor of Ie. The vast
majority of those who a. beougbiiiei to
faee with its serial results. in their efforts
to save sad uplift the fallen, the world's
army of moose, are le favor of It.
Judging from these fats, teen doe. not
sem mucin room for doubt as to what .tact
prabtbitioe will have upon public moral -
Ay. -Presbyterian Rosso! for February.
The reports of the Seo., Treas. and Librn-
rsn will now be laid before you.
Showing the issue of books during the
year to be as follows :
History, 1.500 • Fiction, 6.500 : Bi-
ography, 1,156: Miscellaneous, 900 ; Peri-
odical, 100 ; Poetry and Drama, 300: Relig-
ions, 199 ; 9eMnee and Art. 800 ; Voyages
and Travels, 1500.
Total, 12,964. Last year's issue, 9,934,
showing an Grosse for the year, of 3,020.
There are not many books lest during the
year, but • good many so badly worn as not
te be It for issuing.
Average attendant,, for each month was as
follows : May, 76 ; June, 42 ; July, 63 :
august, 67: Sept., 64 ; Oet., 68 ; Nov., 71 ;
Deo D , 67 ; Jan.. 75 ; Feb. , 63 ; Mar., 46 :
April, 67. Membership, 138 from May 1897
to date.
The following is • summary of Receipts
and expenditures as taken from the treasur-
ess annual report.
MUM. _ ..
Balance on hand .......«e. , r....... $ 85 47
H. I. Suns(
R. 8. W tiller s 1 40
1 40
W. Lane 100 00
Tows Grant Leglidative 00 60
Yawashre Greet 620
County Grant 16 00
Bale of Mekee. -163 00
ally btrigbt
The swelter of wheels ee the Squat. an
'friday evening was the largest ever Does at
one time le (ledsrle. A.lee the e
ladies bad the majority, sad as awry of them
sported new wheels. meetly of the Cosmos
rinses make, W bisyd s besdasss suet be
For Mote. son as well a espmb, bite. a,
B. Smith will dkapl•y a tares .took of
Ammo' lien tjosds, beaght sabiest re •
large dleoo.at, to be sold at 5c., no. and
lbs. each. This i AGM what rh stamping
sass would be worth la the meta, way,
The lima led dna quality mit W tears
It we nmenbse sightly there is a byelaw
$443 27
Goal 7 $ 47 36
Cleaning room • • . . 40
J. H. Werell edpplhr 260
Llbrawiaa's salary 160 00
AppIetes Co. for Antal 6 00
Jul. Mitehell mapi.m 22 75
Rave 62 00
Gee. Porter magazines and boeb118 66
L.a t Bb.pp•rd 350
J. A. Wilier 1 40
Siston .......... 1 50
lasoranee 6 00
P. O. box 200
Seat. -treasurer's salary 90 00
Balsaes 7 01
But Mrs. Rowe was by Dodd'• Kid.
my Pills.
Woodsteek, May 2-(Spssi•l)-Weed•
reset lashes are swum the healthiest sad
la Canada. When, normo tharniere, f t
ka,wa that sus of them. Mrs. W.
Bowe, was eslaetag and had mored for
years with that corse of womankind- -female
we•kw, aggravated by kidney and liver
dine..,, the eymtethy of her Wotan was
freely elven her.
The female perihMsa of Weed,eoek are
dyed over Mrs. Rowe's memory.nsDodd's KNaq Pills did it.
The fiesta tell Mrs. Rowe eh could
M rel.
4445 97
Tb. oil 'w $ frit it brslnlee was the
eleow.° of ef8eps, Me ftesuls befog as fol-
President. D. J. NalteL
let Vice President, J. H. Woraeil.
2d " •' R. Clendsaninr.
&mret•ry. A. J. Moore.
Treasurer. J. H. Colborne.
Directors, the above eletd oeeers 'and
Andrew Dat, J. Blois Tam, I.P.S., I. P.
Halls. M.A., sad J. R. Brydges.
• Priestess arssevsry,
SOAK AND Swan" lean imfalllble. pedalos,
and sea.peboaous remedy tor the men of
Coiner, Cartll•glamie Ilion, Sore Throat
sad a variety ci chin disease'. It carte
senor in any part of the body where the
liquid on. re•.h it. Bend for circular *iv.
lerlestraot•ae how to arty the liquid.
Sold at 60e per pint sad 30o per half pint
Aden bo " w-ateda d, failed U We fele dei ROD14 LABORATORY, ()throb.
Abar sem
hes heti, oil 11cdd's El4oy Pills .trod I
Phi's eeird-'•'Always` Ressler
e•aet k P.B.
para-xerss L,.�T.y .
A New YALLOT.-Mears. Crowley and
Heater, the well-known evaanlists, being
of the opiates that • afforest form of ballot
from the ene mow authorised Is badly aimed.
ed, have omggested a new fermi. which treat
its *ppeataaes sheatil mower the purpose.
At least aerate who mold or would make •
mistake on It shoald be dietreasblsd. The
ballot shows a man's aria and
and with the hider Sneer patiosmr to a
white dun, la which the crow le to be
marked. The ballot is all hick Greepe the
ileo and the Beat sleeve on whish the 1111111.•
cf the candidate will be printed.eMena
Grewlay R Hunter my thatthese
is authority see It he adopt ear levet of
ballot. we shall feel heaved t. be allowed
to prsl ret It to our beloved ceaswy with
oar ewapllaeeW.