HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1898-4-28, Page 9r
As imported China hes yielded O the
of Russia. Diode froze Bt rlbu thst
sameness -
Meet 1epoet Adler and Was end the
perit'orise ad jtwest •Mew beet »died to
Resell' by (.,kips, with the right W coa-
str•st • railway oosaeeting both thee•
ports with the Traa18lberies mals
We The cessions are for twenty-five
n, but nary be extended by far-
lbt egrormeat, and the port of Tel-
le.N'an *ill be open to foreign trade.
e (mitosis tariff similar to that of •
einem treaty pert being pat into ef-
iect. Ruane will collect the duties, but
will turn over to Chinn the balance re-
ta nieg atter the payment of expen-
se sad foreign powers will be afford-
ed ea oppoehlnity to meets sew =as-
kew in the interior through the porta
breach railway. In brief. the
•tions greenfly
Seery et Ib• Seip and Depletive liege gee
• aaedred Teen age - An 1nylosUeg
au et u .ry.
In 1762. Boos after tae deelaratloa
of war between England and Spain
the Uritiab Goveioment despatched as
expedition agetwt Rayne. The land eommltted to Dos Luis Vela's°. •gel -
forces were ounuoanded by Lord Alba- 1:44
Ravel Tette.
aptain, who proved himeel[
tb of the t tel ♦ppr4/outisg tae
tarns to prepare for an assault upon
,the works. The Morro was defended
by a ditch it0 feet deep sad 46 feet
grids, rut through the solid rock. ex-
cept in one plate, where a narrow
ledge bad been left across the ditch
to abut out the water from the era.
Along this ledge only one sun oould
paw at a time. but on July 18, the
Bwglisb sappers and miners made a
dash across it and affected • lodg-
ment in tbe wall of tbe fortress.
The defense of the Morro had been
wur r
Marie. William Aum Kepitel, the via- odio...Ity of driving the British min -
tor of Culloden and the fleet by ere from their ;oration, Velasoo sallied
Admiral Sir George P0000k, who had out with 1,600 men. is three divisions,
art was promptly met and repulsed
recently returned from a brillirat ' ith heavy loge. In this affair the
campaign in the Easel Indies. The ex- battalion of Royal Americans wbo had
peddles, ata organised. was to consist just arrived. disttsgai•bed itself unt-
o( 18,000 men, of whioh Lord Albs- ii. Under the lmmedtate command of
merle carried with aim 4,000 British "en. Koppel, who led it in person. it
dste•ted utas of Ila Spanish uolumns,
regulars. Eight tbousand were to be dr ivinM tmtm tato tate river, where 1150
furnished t the British forces then Spaniards were drowned.
t an nee
available for the detente of e y
bout 30,000 mea. They
had • fleet is the harbour ° Maw
Greatest Medicine
Is cue Out
Spring Medicine.
That Hood's 8aresparllla u Canada s
Greatest Medkimu is proved by i1.
great rarer--pettteet, perm/seat. pan
veloa• and well nigh miraculous -aft-
er all other msdirinee here tailed.
That Hood's Sarsaparilla is the best
spring medicine is proved by Its con-
stantly manifested power to purify. en-
rich and vitalise the blood.
'that you need W Lata Hood's Bar-
separllle sow end that it will do you
wonderful food to proved by the im-
pure oondittos of your blood in spring.
and the aspertearm et the great mass
of the Canadian ��•ep1e who ba Hood's
Sarsaparilla and take it for all forma
of impure blood cad find that It ab-
solutely sod permanently aurae 41s-
aoadl 1p •» designee -41;i TRIUMPH saes and ghee food health.
„eolliste the trading sallow. while Ire the Kent ladies under (nen. M
glias la time to ooneolidat• her I tot sad. 4,000 from the continent of
The Spanish land d toroee
tb cit
!tom Borth America Of these 2.000 were to
Write. an
Hood's Sarsaparilla
keret and strengthen tier bias te. the I
amounted to a IsCaaada'e YNtdee. gt� ��for Se
d I Ice British regulars and 2.000 provincial t sae Powered »17 C,LHadtOe.Lowge.afasa
absorption of it is belietoing, trou set ■ the New York Bus. of twelve line-ot-bottle ships, but in- ail
yegr m b. As it is believed thatJo-
The Englrb {test arrived oft Havana stead of wiling out sed giving battle Hood +s Pillseffectively. u 7,
peg kms been de rttd try s to the English ships. or making es
r b ber on June B. Here Pocock divided hie attempt to escape tb.y yemsined
al of Ru/2f► wlfcii'a ` 11..t. wteh eM.•larper division M anile } Stasse;`we be caught tails sheen to row-,
vaAreY ve llraklrYl:iSt3°«,�
Mover the °bly eC ed down tae coast put Haven• On I Three of the latttsebipe were s
bop may M exteoted b Gera Bei' block the entrance to the harbour: the
pnle0lls sad that expeoutios is rapidly iia next day be manned his bots and other nine were surrendered to the
mads preparations' apparently for Brinell. who also burned two more up-
weeisg• landing at • pont about four miles on the atocka.
went 01 Havens. Rut this was a mare The triumph was one of the most
Mint to distract the attention of the ; complete ever achieved by British
arms. The value of captured property
8pesiab while the actual landing teen •mounted to 014,06t000. Philip 1I. had
given to Havana • eoet of arms. in
which wee blesosed a gold key, to
signify that it was " the key of the
Wast Indies." England now held that
key. and bad she been wise she would
have kept it. But. a few months after
Rs surrender. peace woe declared. and
England gave up Havana for Florida.
She might have held Havana. and with
It ebe would have bead the emirs gate
to the Gulf ot Mexico and the Isthmus.
Tice naval profaniti s* made to as
art Briunb supremacy in Chimes ma -
Mn and the deel•ratios of gtitlste» mads by the other divWoa. about six
.kit the integrity and Isdgp•sdetteos miles east of Havana. Here the army
of China were the bases of British poi -
was landed is three divisions•
lee were interpreted to mean that the ACCOUNT GI THE LANDING.
areuedlois by Ramis of Port Arthur fuss this sad Talien-R'aI 'maid be restated by Commodore Koppelg
bre,. By Cbiaa4 ootoesmlos a( the count of tbe landing:.-" At an •p-
llnrlan demands. of than of Germany pointed signal the flat-bottomed boats
et limo Cbau. sad of France in the eontaiIiag tete troops repaired to
south have made the t.rrltorul bites- their respective rendezvous tandsr the
rity of Chins Impossible. pknd.•do_that Mersa -vie -Albs 'iia! of battleships.
Ease. whom .sptaiM 4iNlneted them to the
'nest •t least the British peHq
k regarded as a fellers. *MIa►1d beg shoes. WbUe tie embarkation was go -
hesitated to *sea Use war that would ing on the eaeoy made • show of
grow out of a eonflkt with Russia. and reaistanoe from • breastwork which
meg her hesitation, bar rivals have they had thrown up. Upon this Comr
serried -lot changes not iteser"atfeet- miler* Keppel- directed the Mary
iag ber immediate commercial inter- •ad Bonsetta to pour tbeir fire into
sots but her position aad prestige is them, sad they were soon put to flight.
W Far F.M. and greatly modifying A more considerable body of men mak-
ler policy. That she was right in re- ing their appearance, he ordered Capt.
(wog to go to war in order to pre- Hervey to run in and tatter a tort
,.at Rueeis from acquiring territory situated at the mouth d the Bocce
.hire England does sot want. and
.kith Hoseia pledgee herself to leave
epee to the trade of the world. there
Is no question. but that she will take
rigorous action to secure oompessat-
Vag advantages is probable. For when
Jr summand bar purpose to maintain
the integrity of Chin and an open
door for all fatless to the trade of
the Emt)in, .the also declared that for
taint eeneiose et territory by Pekin
Ws would take compensations in her
ewe play.
Sapping Vanquished
Mee i.w.od hem ass* sbe•nwsahw
wad eemeral 1,bUlIy-111enreely Able le
. tbe Lag•test Wert•
From the Acadian. W oltville, NB.
Otte of the mat prosperous and in-
telligent farmers of the village of
jeito, whish in the course rf an Ix,sr Greenwick. NB., is Mr. Edward Man-
ning. Anyone intimate witk Mr. Ma-
be completely aliened, end the army ping knows him u a man of strong
landed without furtber molestation." integrity and veracity. so that every
lar than describes the defences of confidence ren be plasm( in the lator-
Haven, at that time:-" The harbour Motion which be gave • reporter of
the Acadieo. for publication the other
of Havana, which is spacious enough day, During a vary pbm ..st inter -
to metals• hurlred mil of the line. view be gave the following 't,1tements
is defended by two strong forts. Tim of his severe suffering and recovery
rincilal d these, the Morro, built •• T o years ago last Septemb r.' said
p Mr. Massing. "1 weer takes with
open • narrow point of land, is Moonests attack of rheumatism- I had
erosible from the sea. To the east it not bees feeling well for some time
fried 1 1 works and by a previous to that date. bavteg bees
Tice desp iteb of the British beet to
Bort►ern Chilean waters may be tak-
e a a notice to Pekin that Oreat•sri-
t•ia a bot a Qssmt►ty to be s estsd
and 1151 11 lbs partition of the 1bE1Nre
4 to go on witk the cot of its
niers, the power baving the largest
commercial interests at stake mist
protect its trade supremacy. That can
easily be dose by Alrengthesing Hoag
Koen througb the lees* of labra Bay.
apo by the oweapatbs of Cbsestwhich
would make the British posit.ioa is
Cbiw impi' $bee. end would insure
the freedom .1 the Wed and Yang-
tn.Kiang rivers. the two greatest ar-
teries of trade is China, The Whittl :d
M fall of pusAbilitiss, but it is prob-
Able that Ila matlietiag claims et the
-.powers ran he so adjusted ea to avoid
Rha ear which all dread. •
This is the question that bothers
many a wife. And we think, is the
question tbat num more unhappy dit-
ferenues Umiak any other. 1b be loved
Hs (deeperMe y) -TSU sets the trill,,
1. it not my poverty that elands be-
twees net
She I admit tl}et.
HS (with a ray et hope) --
I am poor. and so, unfortunately, le
my father; bat I have an aged v.nele helot. els
who la very rich. and • teac
is as Invalid and cannot long survive,
cels (dellgttedly) - How kind and
thoughtful you area Will you intro -
dace me tohim 4
Soil Mas pound
in the discovery of •o wonderful a
remedy se Nsrvillne-aerve-pela cure
No remedy in the market affords such
prompt relief for tootbacbs. neutalgir.
add rheuuutiam. It. acti"u In orsuips,
colic, etc., is •imply ntarc•Ilous.
A Woman's Watch -Mies $allots -It
moats to run very well for a day and
a• half, and than it will nit go ashould all.
Watchmaker-Yee; it
wound oorasioaelly•
Bows This? Airwave We offer Gee neediest Dollars Mated tor
• ..as ot eaten* Mat mown
[fall'. Ca 0.n.
F.J CHLNEYaG`.Pre Preis
lo. Co
We t►. uadereigeed
Cheesy ter the last II years, end believe blm
petite oily honorablecdaily able torten bout any obligations
and siness transectioes
thdr 11r4t.
T'oaz lwlnals Druggist.. Tdel4
Wane. Rhein t Haavtx. wholesale
• :� obte. -
_ tetra Is taken l+teeaaffy. dC
y apse W blood and mucous ser
[g▪ gg• Ibo sy.t.11. Price 75a per bottle' geld
�g�i Temhnoniats tree.
5$rs Dandle Pills are tb. bee&
j /ae.ta .ems
I a sample packet of ddlicioss
wUIM .THY MONO YON T1l(� 't card.
T WeluagWn 6t, W., oreat"
devotedly is the ambition of every wo THEIR DREADFUL FATE.
mea but to have that love take the 1 often wonder. mad Mass Bl,lvrckiet,
form of exacting eaeploion. or •cart whet become of the popular songs. They
of affectionate jatlermhip, is not always are •o soon forgotten.
desirable. They meet with a dreadful fete. r•
Opinions galore are given on this
topic and we eau ally judge from the
Iivea that oome'chemist to us. in toot
the lives that are lived under our ob.
To begin with• there is • couple, hap-
py. as two young lovers. the husband,
however, so immensity ;salons of his wits
that be has broken of; even bar wean -
an friendships. If she were to walk
as far as the gate witb another goat's'.
man a tragedy would he the alsto•t
certain result. Yet, as we said before.
,they are both. spli 11 haPlty•_ Would ,_
lances broaght Yes, WI It witty. ---- -
LMy be so. if ewe
•boub a new exiat•soe end set up sew
conditions i Will the wife always he sat-
isfied with this state of &{Lairs t Let Use Vapors of Quickcure
us hope so, for it would be $ pity to for Throat Troubles.
spoil their illusions. -`
From them our thoughts wander to
another couple. who see no reason. be- Excited Iady, at telephone -I want
cause they este more for each other m, husband, please at once. Voice, from
than ■ of tar else in leo world. why the exchange, -Number, please? Kxett-
ell the other their. people hips. be ed Lady, snappi&bly-Only the fourth,
wife den from their friendships. The u impudent thing.
wife dances. talks and drives with oth- yo
sr men. The hu.landdaacea. talks and I
drives with other women. There is no I Qapo
perfect jealousy Cold in the Head.
perfect confidence. When they are to-
gether they ate not bored. The hus-
band is pleased to lutes s wife ad-
mired and she is L•ppf to sbe
nob married • freak whom nu one else
would want.
It is a question turd •to decide and
one epos which the partite themselves
should art is judgmeti. One might
ocean with
as well try to dip up d arrange h
• teaspoon as to try m
cod• to go by, for gossips will talk
and jealousy will exist until the end es
time. Perhaps if we were asked toglvs
our opinion on the matter we would
be as bed es the rest la the matter of
talk. though differing in sentiment,
for it is our belief that „Maloney. is bat
another name for selfishness'. rather
than an indication a any overpower-
ing affection.
At any rate it is something to guard
against and to try 10 Control en muob
as possible.
plied lir. Spokes.
Holt 1s that 1
Everybody murders them.
WINOIKtm-Steel. (Weeniest", Reale
and Hall Bearing.. Iron
ben ere. and Oral, Wieder,
gee p a Mew M. team* •renting, ase aM.
Hartford & Vim Tires
glad Ogee- - e Adseede tit. w , Torero
Love Harris
Your- Buys
self. Scrap.
1e•ait NM. alt. Toles e. Mouse 1714.
=10 wall Buy} .'' .mow;.:
lt.d. apt
100 Shares. ";,pe Snares
sea. tally paid up. Neneasesa•ble. Nep.reeasl
Itabillty. T luC• owes WOewes MCaere nand.
la the w e'.1 anew& tend bearing d ietrid et Raw
►ys. 1 t bee no Wb lades and so promotion Metal
►ata been Oriel away The tre.uury Meek eft!
dividend Compose atesohed a now tattered e1
above prtoe+ ter I)eveiopmeet purpose., Rz•
Lemke.ve goad bearing v n. •alst on dllhreaa
pute of the property,ormolu >a to tN ger
ton. 1t b. u.uel to capitalise • 70 ....re cloister
ens million dollen, here w le snob claim
capitalised for pee,oell. The directors oeet4
expect that Investors will rove •
mut. profit, owing to i►e smAU espdWls$Nsu
and the large .ad valeabte nal .11 the
Tb. undersigned rf1 1 cm erste r
(y, will take scrip art ebbe. u.
�i. exchanngge at pricer off. sod yg��
NOMI SON 11a 410..-L-Adarle►Jtt-
!'Threets, One
so -As bag r I hate knows ros,yow
hoes sewer gives las a real good gdo-
Y we of Yourself. -
Bhe- W hy, Harry,' . gave' you I ii•
togryth only last spAfg that revery tae
said ii as beautttal.
is tort y several progWepd sa
deep ditch half ofwhich is cut out of al debility.with My osiemPinatit
onditntionand gener-
the solid ruck- Os the op%iosite en- I completely run down. Beginning
trance of tale harbour statute Fort de is the small of my beck the
la Punta: farther in and on • levet pin soon passed Into my hip, where
It remised without tntermiwfoa.
and I Weser • terrible sufferer. All
winter long I wee warmly able to do
•Ay work sant it was only with Use
/cutest o[atttmring thatl managed to
hobble to the her each day to do me
chores. 1 appealed to medleal men
for help. bat they failed to bring any
relief. A.t last I decided to try Dr.
William' Pink Pills aad with their
twee came • complete and lasting euro.
I had not used quite three boxes when
I began to feel decidedly better. I
ooatianed adag them until twelve
boxes had been consumed. when my
complete recovery warrented me Is
discontinuing their use. 1 nave never
felt better than dace that time. My
with the water is a strong battery
meeting twslve guns. celled ' The
Twelve Apostles,' anu higher np •
work opposite the Point Gate called
• Sbr,pbsrdo' flattery.' Abuve'the•e
are the C , a cbaia of hills
which range from the Morro to the
plains of Gunamecoe• A chain of bas-
tions and other works defend the
town to the wed."
The landing having been successfully
accomplished. one division of the army
der Major-General Ke 1. marched
W the west t Castle
weslatest the orro _
and the fortifications Dna oar that ids of health wet During to hthe improved
the harbour. Cres. Huwe's divisive the was I workedvsha'd but have tett no
ed to the investment of the Car
It 1. letter to be too reserved rath-
er than too much given to confidences
with ordinary eegnlntanoes. The
feast momentous affairs of your lite
of tittle eonsequeaos or intertest to
tba !neater part of the people Yoe
deet. What you have saflered or
dooe is d little to aamst do these Yon
may be burning with your itrosga,and
bursting with anxiety to relate them
to ebmebody, but to ninety -sine out
of every hundred people you meet the
story eoutd be only faintly smielias•
It would hardly be remembered by
Item two hours after you bad told it.
It is a geed plan to think over the. u
truth'. to keep them in oust heart•
and to promptly queslab ld esi's self
that egotistical longtag to tell our
"little t.1e of woe" to say ase who will
sit still anti listen to it. W. am sot
likely to he sorry that we refrained
from op•akteg- We may tM ver acorn'
that we did speak.
The bitter lams tient gra, a• ►edt-
',ideate are of email amount to the
world at largs I. as Met *q to 15512.
Antit mngt be ierRid, if we would
art l ellen Elliott. with
Ile del Punta, nil
the centre division. out 11 � e y
oall etaomtmiesdope
terior of the (elands.
The British oom_m•aders at once • the
mended the erection of
adMagoon* points on the linei desssl form all the elementsneceas*ry
aad richesss W tM
bad effects. The gratitude 1 feel to
Dr. Williams' Pink Pills, sone but
those who have saltered es I have and
Wen cured, can •pposelat••
An analysis 'bows that Dr. Wil-
liams' Pink Pill. contain is a eon -
rise Qu tali kcure for
OSI of I became there u
blood and restore shattered fortes.
of pais .ed , to give new Me
investment. Tills
under great difficulties. Tb. troop
were unaccustomed to the boat of • They are an unfailing somatic for snob
embtar, and water war scarce diseases am locomotor ataxia, partial
and v Stamm t want. paralysis. Rt. Vitus' dance, moieties.
and trash
bed. there war great searahgia, rheamsttam. twosome head -I Dees not consist In nines alone. Put -
owl the de stns p Painless Corn Extractor le o
of the heart atervota pro( boon. t goes ebb to the root of the
Vt 1564. d Il kglel avzi. f
Loyal Mail Steamship Co.,
Ant 1
%s .s I 14) It.I .(,I't\t'.t,
1 1 1(11.1 . 1 hi. 4-
.•, \lilt 1-1. . .r 1&T ;t.•1r'
p.o e.eee
Aeeab u.4se.1.e
Rama Orales-TOBotrTO Sl.. TOAOIrTO
Braa.b ems. --winnows. Her., Axe
TAlsootyvs0. R0.
The ample resources ur 141. Ceeeeay
N. Dbreet 11le make aliveness es Ileal
witheel Zein. M ire sans et (sesre•e.` Lenon
tgicr•. umeat �erable meet r'ps•` '
TYewa aw mSS will seem 4
tbAe ,.
Montreal.to Liverpool.
Steamer* ret from Montreal ',en Saturday
morning oe arrival Of trains from Toronto sad
tet. w' eat about a o'clock.
RATRs 01 TAs5A6s
Gable 162.01 sad upwards ; Second Cubist
pp4d sad wad pars: nionsee to Ll..rpool.
Iandon, Glasgow, Belfast. Londonderry or
Qu.wstowe pi 81 sad 1n�t. 4 allowed o•
Areduerioe et live per
round trip and and mooed cable ticket... For
sal/loge ot .tamers or other information apply
toast' aatkorined agent. -.
-iFaoetr[for. I Ming at. W. TereoN,
IN R • A. Angst MoatreaL
J.1 Br
t ita��eaarasa�engsm•MM aso
• titNal�•1111.01I�NIrtta•1�s/m
11MrMMeraMasMMtmlmmMest is as
favorable weather. wise mare-
ei4jegpat and • gemd•issbtr specb'
alts format t
'bowing. However -slash--iaakasd-
t7 i. eater. and In the loop run will
esua1ly give best r.nulta. Where et
variety of domestic animals are kept,
Page fence will be found not only •
luxury bus aimwt an notoriety. Farm
Myles .t from 46 to 65 oasts per rod.
Fond for illustrated advertising ova.
"jA" to nut issue. --
Mrs. Goodsomf-1 ant told that some
of the persona who are tramping are
ttrougbtfal sad religbu• men. Are
yon a criterion?
Beldam Fedd (at a venture)-Yes'm;
I used to be an F:piuv.pnllan, but seem
de error of ase ways an' changed over.
tag P C 117
To clean the glass over pictures. dip
p&eos of amin o4 in alcohol. wrung
nearlydry. and wipe thoroughly.
detry lightleba,no The ildedhframes may
dry ellamoia.
also be cleaned with the alcohol. u 1
paintings need cleaning thoroughly.
dampen a soft cloth is warm water
In which moms oa•tile eine has been
dissolved. Dry carefully. cad then
varniah lightly with scene thin. clear.
French "retouching"" varnish. It is
well to consult an artist is regard to
the best vanish.
COMMIWa 01.50 limrItagm
00 *D to tlt.b mignas of epidemic die- ' seas t attar effects of grip" P$ nam's
began1 one g f pjtstfoa I ' i
digs. At 50 terse ten on the 8A00 sot- ration, all diereses depending upon trouble and acts quickly and painless-
dier' and >sslb en on the sick g list. vitiated tumors in the blood. such to l 1 Beware of nd1uUtutes
Fortunately. AllMrnarle had brought i f 1 chronic sipxt! oto They
' to remakes o suppose �.b
gt theworto?throw 1
lo spit,
p possible, and t store the Ore o a pole i- hits thorn's • will. e
oa u rapidly as passisallow cheeks In Wren they effect •
Ip the tMttetlis bearing os
tm 0
ARMSeackwt.g, •mal
H. M. 811P0014. Meal R.bt. aed
Apes Maumee Qua
ne about 1600 ' y boy. Ira
with him troim Martinique
the , are aim a specific for trout) ee Diane i Urole, a lawyer -Well, my
and titans Ire t much •• anions, it, try to bear tent you are studying'
gr pg law. I e•n't wee any way that a young
lag tip obstaete ft wog , mess They lawyer can mak 7
saber Part r>,eurlaritiee and al forme ofweak.
brdastworkn and erects bet" build u taw bloat cad to
to of all e -e mope naw. Nephew
pu„ries. t ick t 1 and grew
the Imp. were completed. and the
past martins a o the Spanish us e
wee opened p°
Admiral Pocock. anxione to »wpm -
ate with the land forces. directed 0011W -
Ke I
orerKeppel to .and a part et kW
fleet to bombard the Morro on the sea R Otos pat)ttJ►'a trestuMst for 86 aeob.
side. hoping thus to divide the •tteo- Ghostly inspeerters.-My raudfatbrr1 On. ell druggist.
Wm at the enemy sad prevent the con- said table shot chest Marden. oboe knew ort Wtodward
the bet- tae' old man wiio insisted that tie cad. Co., Tcuronto, Can.
oestr•t{oo of hie' Tire upon 1 d milked his corse every
is h tante tag Castle.
. was sper los Magnate, zeltedly-I hear
is the SSarltag Castle. war to msntetd the mese Iditrt. 1T�r1¢
rudieal care 1n all canes arising frond
Motel worry. overwork. or ezelwsseta a few
of whatever nature. Sold by all deal -1 Rtl1 diteaplm•r Kiri. The ng d at Wm • box or i deem of Celery trial of a
era boro sent ptis2.rio a will witivines you of
g[2. oozes for s2.fi0 by addrwemitrg the tlfi Dant package
rD. Williams' Medicine - Co.. Brook- i the truth d thin statement. No family
villa. Ont. can afford towithout � ler perfect
�•--�-+•- I e 1.y *sepia. in rfect
(acidities It sane assay a doctor bill.
Thaw lIserld 7i... IM •'
ghosts cams an mi
�1fL►crtv"I1 cixlN
Bolt of 'Wilkie' taws, ea (toe► - a e
teriett It was a M s -- - -- ah- THtl FEITINti.
ad te E. t says "fate ahil'•rwNsiN�
*White eolese. tailed
1M0M make 1h. n5nibly workbag sys
t. steady. *ewe•al.
ser a o�pi M plc. se. Weimer
es0• Ge sect.
bite. Tweets
MINERAL$ TI$TED t°r.». pe se=
)414" L HIa0ET. It A. ie..
is geerseveet m••. Msetareal.
that L ebe•p u h Uttete toe lee has been
three other ships. the Debra. 1441- 1 She -Julie and Joe are engaged, but bowl nd foe Magnets -Yon don't- say
lee with and Ca v, and l •sobered clads they have decided to keep their ea- opt
with UM shote and laid their broad- at • *erred; JUIN told ere so. First Ise Mageste--I don't kanw
bow ths
prej•ete a elate k theta may
ill Weser% he its it. s wet
epee es o leek Mongol, *seedy Bite
that telt by a Mask of ire melt's& I se
tetter, Egg.. Apple.. Prot. De., to
Mer. err West inset awg geaesi•ee Sia.
MUSICwantedprepalDtom p.
e ASO,
M1.de'.` with mutt,�for I mete, srstNpa.
papte10. WSW WNW, >M IOW* OL lsNweer.
Fence, Fenoe-•.•
"a ..t rear 11118 Yeses
seam., h gate we gang
we have the ►ed and 110.5 praetle•l termm as
intik r mal w oa It in ere at the Itpwrl-
meatal rtuN• . Oat Med tor otiose.
Addeees Piebot Alec Towels de..
gal River N. Ties$.. Oat.
sorry *rang, healthy spuds In est apt Inst the fort. Mr d: boats
Ixall w We pest Ilul ets5gslatiol sed against I op. 1 know It; Joe told la•,
they )agaiept ftp me Mfor to leer six Ore.' i
As It.wMr tthatflew
them ships bed lade offset ohavOoo
*erre; *idle 1U fele re Emppe1Morder-
4th t~m' �ma� wore in lead
yid s bad to retired etot
/slled tbe ea Rha
Oo1e renaaties is ourselves for the BM
o1 111. "Sid rhes It will la seller to
*web o.nnesins of the labii
K stereo' looking for a�rso that.
ersoumercinf Tragle r -W bah that
ewe ri et and tblktra on loll. old kWh -
Ors of
Up . 0 th. lfrtgligM .
*gain week
err lgaligh results. aTIN MOO TIS pelt weak tehoweA asroatbllne
TwllTO ousts * C510 Mit 0( oA AN Drag
pia reowis dos *sr Y N MOW ew'�oers""�1S-
My wigs get esp{gem wW.* that burg-
M�. tis bores: alarm
ISR Whet
eth the pegllsil fire Md is-
'pitat did abet t
led him by the collar died
- OLD- Ano REuwat 1
*ma M /m 155 -
0NW yoer 4•+•111 hoe' area ttb car
Pries* only 515, 1120 •30.
1 B 11AN BKOS., Georgetown, Oat,
POO r..m.srr....rtg 1M.
t8emItu r ltet0
011r,DAatm water (5 old
aad •tall}. g•rvrsi sd
null ••d
ON �N&v w &� petMpe
Nva• t
•yr•• egriiy mean Masse M. Y.strW.
What ?
Over Soo are >•mtape SiI M•iilttltoo.
Over 1000 to T•ramOta mal, Loi4IOI.
Removes Dandruff in One Week.
Cures itching of the Scalp.
Prevents Breaking of flair./
Stops Falling Out.
dagAI pR.ODQ�l
si.M per 111•.410 freak •1T
receipt of prime .e
Job Cook Erg Co., Losdoa, Oat.
�• oto
TMs IN IOU MSE New woes to hetr.deee .car vM.ebk sodNMim w Ha
t ped •ased whack we gwe .• glossa r
Sear lorsobw WW•wi
dI•• NN WWI !lords.lordsglow Y wnu• pr eset
At Nees pr'imN we ass moo offer the varttattN been. prdgr by
M WO )4 1 .
Nat WIN yea weal They are Mat ter mall pont 6.1.41 bow the renew*.
Y0OHTASt.M• t5lttawale w.1...,
asap (*boat_
100•W geaM.1 '' Ostsa;•r.v� wn+sre
n. ErliMak
liar pq.OWBRS•
revs, • ▪ s▪ h▪ ed
l2Varicties C
end at "1"1"1111111,11191111111.11111111111
at? tM east. Owl AgMalarr w.
.. t LVDtLLA Oeytmg Toe •base IIM
mf ^p e; tame k fIIMM the ' t)ee ttln I T Batliptb�eae' lfsds im feta* til" baby be •i
it efeeet+d. whHe lbw w •sdeadir /ever V sem b toaY ygertgete• l.esd pwabaeeg. gs OS /t 15ard
iCMrh glgtetlye, 1451'. the clay dirk two gaM pasta
H /.wisest ? item ` gawAlrte sew feed that It was 1jZ•
•01111110 v.,
qcolLial tar
M ▪ 't
W. Iwin �CCO AM 024413net 4M ode stupes
oAINWwiseNlOewrno M Po. MOnewo.Roy Lao deeten.
(Dm's sold Postage PUMP*,