The Signal, 1898-4-28, Page 8r
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4F. --- - -_ ---- --- -- .--_
�" :,`t'ti E BEST MATCHMAKER 1 wasn't is lav* with Mademoiselle ad In I sr lb Parallel
ro atm,, a o races,
��-' ?� OF 1 BiTIOU..d �. lwro pura,llisl •Yrratr.. rake•.
1lrboug r you livid bar eg " Sir _ aim of eonvuldve @truffles at tame
James replied."my ttsadaet is some as stop with the wrests away
- --- -'--"" the lens perfidiers and silicas. But 1 SPAIWS TWO HUNDRED YRARS Ot of Ser ualuaioa ops atter amtMr.
UHi►PTBR IX. Obatlaped. mJ• wird, sad m I A"O-Aa "a"" to n pest I have pistols hers---" DISAIT92 AND b58FEAT. Tata {trot the wars at boas. IAL JIM
leeryy You are mrd," retorted Hector, r there Sas a rSvdutlon. sad Ferdinand
Ott that maapeot fibs uaburlunAte bar- I'ty, • you untiartunatts girl, M ahrttggiag his Shoulders. " What I you was compalled to swear fealty to •
was far (Tofu tLinking anytdhing idAlerLrat'm psrereaim hers abae amPlled take demoiselle Aurelio away frons sees pas rhweY awtMsa -mer res ouastitutios mads in UU, The French
at all about the vartius incidents o sorepuaoe on putts' part No doubt I ms. and now you want W fight a duel *a' tar' putaora rrsm tile.. le- invaded Spain in 1111111 And
the war of %oessioa thea waffled in drawl upp the prin►LrorY scats, but YOU with mf in American Style. and per- by he. and site veers rtNr Gels- quashed the oaagain,
tatioo. Doc Coss
the United States. his ugly thought Inclimmo it; find bosidss, think at Hoot- haps kill tae into the trt,rgais f" Tlwtr t.atary of Fol ve sat tn*SNmWm kept up a revolatiom train IM to 1610.
wag that Mademoiselletidla,adureau was ot's despair I Do you want to stake Sir James was %axing wrathful. was armtsed wits, tae neat Atesaa- sad is the latter year Lad is 1841 there
+ the aaost beautiful wuummn in Lbs worldr him miserable tea life r' "It's too late to retrgat," be Said. •M* 4~166 "a• were rebellions in Madrid. Troubles
Hloweg•ar, he must give her father some "Iso you really think that be loves " After apologising to you in the way Spain was over glorious; all was continued, and in Lou Misister Nagar-
;[.'' •¢ewer or fiber. and so he emlarked ma, fsL iarV, I've done, 1 cAuld sever support the Ws, use c+watary brilliant in aohbve- I tern• whose dictator -like attitude had
ON 0eneralties for a fall quarter of as It he Loves yquf Ahl If you had might of you afterward. You recuse the I made him
only heard in what a tune to said to kstadf fled lite country. A
boor. 7 reparation 1 offered, let it ha so; but meat, but the seeds of her ruts were fut maNion of rebeltlons. sometimes mtto-
chat day wh►ch had begun so hap- me an bout ago{, 'I love Mmdamr+iaslle mites I demand ratisfactius." even then sows. They were cruelty, I ossidal, more often mol, followed. 7'bay
pity for Sir James was, alas, destised Aurelio as it oboe ware my sister."' The quarrel might have ended in a
to terminate, moot mournfully. In the The young lady could not
retrain t bigotry. ignorance, pride sensuality 1 ing of
in the great i'rillrt upris
radical manner, if at this very mo- tag of 1tl73.7t_•76.
morning Ataelie bad tar•itly confessed free+ Iauahism.' meat there had not caste • kawk at They have w ht their work. Them troubles at home In part
R I 1.hes lune far him •rail i¢ the evening "Apt{ do you shish that sufficient r' thw door. The new -Domer was Ferdis- Che orijlaa Spaniards of Ihsriaa explain why Spain's foreign poreeil-
ae learned from M. Blandureuu's o%va she asked. and, who, un receiving Heetor'a note, stock were ruodsedully overrun by the cions skipped so rapidly away from bar.
.. lips that she was ahead • engaged, and "1V boy t" replied bar toothily, "l don't had hastened to Paris with all possible Trinidad had frena taken by Sir IVal-
i would be Sector's wife Wore amouth mind telling yOs tbst-1 didn't at all mPoOd• An won as the situatlos won Romana, Slip left them y •Ial7lrURP;
was over The retired merchant men- loco gout molter when we married., Sad *x mimed to him, he turned Lad ex- by the VWathe, who Mpamtbed rad takenter Raleigh as patsy as 1896. Hayti,
toned the trot in a casual way, and yet sat know bow ba y tpe'vo {fess � venture
by meFrsfit(le in 1871, freed from
1 1Mi claimed : hair and tali coutple:ion � to Lbs proud- vesture came fitfully itadnr Spanish
mati,,ingt the hssvmst'g surpriso. nut to together," " You know that 1 speak English like omit families of am otherwise dark race. bar by • gstest mea, Tbuassiat Ift-
my dismay, expressed his woaotor that Perhaps ane father," retumrtad Dade- • cockney, so jtyt retire and let Gas+ rule i
M Sfaledrat had not acquainted "his moirelle Aurelio; "{rapt 1 don't desire arra this matter with Sir James find by the Moors, who at one aims held again is 1881, . broke away from
Aad °g° the entire p Spain again inF.1886, "boor sad
lordship" with the circumstances ►re wok happiness at any 1>�dd the peninsula, save •little ,strip all." The dovaramaat of Hayti may not
°y bore, with us air of defiance she added: "Be He did know how to arrange wttan among the Gallegan hills of the north, be very civilised_ It is a vast improve -
"Is it poesibie N' g+nraed Sia James, sides lots put one of thine girls who •rhe, Berg• Matchmaker
i "it it possible M' are forced to {tarry ag•►ad their will." and no mrtuke, for a scam tr Hec_ tenanted by the hardy nrtivas of meat upon K'eylerism.
"Dear mel" exclaimed M. Blwdur- '•H1rw dars you{" exclakped tits lo- tar bad retreated into his tied. he Bm"I"' bteaou, was load a'ipxsigh hostess
%, eau. " • loss to explain his guest's fuTiateid merchant. "Well, I swear bluntly told Kir James the whole story S Spaniards
sadden for and smoitiuo. "Whet in that the earth Shall asses totvaa and top by step the sturdy t4Pm SHA: REHE'LLED IN IWI
p of hey. The baronetpassion foury know
so drrors out loo Yloca__Tap-lob too! and made her rebsiliSa so sueessshtl
the mattgvr, my lard r' the Gua w three lectors [ retreat my Mpeay. 7'be baronet's fury knew no
"Oh. 1 suffer," repiiwd the baronet; woad." bounds. more than 700 years. 'Petryo, Limo mod that when next a pretender assumed
�-- "t Sate{.' dvesdtally.0 And w saying Los -left the roost, " L have bans tricked." he stMd• and ,{Gwen. to rule, lye L►•amam Atstsiaa. asp upas.
And rising Fran tis g,a.t be, with- banging the door behind hips. he demanded satisfaction in such a L to " tasT-4 fibiabsd it in 1402. �' and a F'reaoh army was at his
drew withoet nutioisg Mademoiselle Mademoiselle Aurelio was, bowrevet, haughty, imperious voice that Hector mak•
Aurelio plainly nbare big emotion by no mesna alarmed. Sins was not go- precipitately returned. Through all this time the Spsaiarde With Mexico went the Cwatral Am -
He returned home in a dreadful state ing to abKandut& bar hopes w easily, Then there %-as a final explanation. were sturdy, passionate, determiaad. erican at -atom, The became indep�ad-
of mind. All big usual frigidity was and an bout later Hector received a with the rwsult that on the following ignorant, cruel. Them qualities they eat of Spain in 1Z' Mexico, is f$46.
dace, and be taam{rwd top •rad down ¢ate (raw her. in which, withgpt div- morning the two adversaries met is They, too. here made Progress under
bis roomo gesticulating furiously and ing him say particulars. sir appeal- the Buis de Vincennes*. where Heetor have retained They were less cultured self-rule, but less remarkable than that
tmlkiag W himself slomd. ad to him as a "masa d boacx" to gratified Sir James with a pretty lit- than the Moore. lens generous and in- of Mazieo.
"I stn decidedly out+ed," be groaned, withdrew from his gilt. tie sword thrust In the arm which tslligent, more intense. A large part of what is now the
"i have t+rtkre my %wird as • gentle- Hector ctntld most, du this without nee- postponed his marriage for six weeks. They stained their brief reatury of United States belonged to Spain un-
man. I have Arrgotitro Mademoiselle ing her sad taAking with her.; sad so The few drops of blood which the bar- fil well within this century. The vast
d"Ambleray, and my p oro to marry he immediately hired a vehicle and oust lost. Served, bowrver, to rw-cement almost universal dominion. when they domain then known as Louisiana was
her. end I have stolen tljs hmrt of the drove w Ville d-Avrry. A fortnight , their momentarily broken friendship. led in colonizing the ne% world and ceded to France b7 Spain in 1801, and
Iirl who was to marry t only frieitt had elapsed @inns he had last seen Aur- subduing the old, with the most at- 11y Napuleon L pld to the Potted
haw* is Feria i, i shall appear a all,, and in the meanwhile love had too ' ' trminable cr,elties. in leas .than a motes in the followtag year. Florida
traiAor re his epos and yes, 1 am a transfigured her tba.t she oould Ie t'HAPTiilt Xi. ' was ceded by Spain to the Uaited States
vile. triatsmptible being." At first be scarcely roOttgaized- No doubt, she was Yerilmand was as proud an tilt baro buadrod years their decline began. A in IRM.
i►ewegbt tt writ. Ing to Ilipetur and eat- still dtstuesque, cwt the marble ut bar of 'a Humus triumph on the of ago fatality seems to have pursued them More people are now living on the
tagging his ievolvatary crime. but on suture was aaimatacL an it were, by when. atter three weeks' abseaee in ever since. former Spanish possessions in this
reflection another idea oa•urred tobim. Capid'a eleotaic spark. With a .mud- Parr, he arrived at ha Freanaie, w- The downfall an with the ruin country than theirs are in Spain it -
What it wade did toot audibly explain. Mt air she briefly told him the truth, oumpanied by his friend, Hector. They self.
ly mrmured:- myisg that pbe had written to him were expected, and the house had quite of the Armada. This magnificent fleet But it is in SooU America that the
_' Atha! ltbeq only rou es• mJ only d mpem' bstraure ,be wilts Sure d Sir JachTs' • 'festive appearance. Madame kulen- stat bele[-to conquer England_ It rep- •siste t d-omiihiff wags, takes tram Spain.
t. returned b krve. 4iector visa quite touched by the el, who had teen apprised by her but- resented the fOaat careful preparation; Cbili declared bar independence in into
Ville d'AvTmy, ma it tmaRhing whatever texpermiou of augp+saeb which her fes- lea" of all that bad occurred be Paris po utas w Pa'w that was called it and it was is 1819. Paraguay
turesassumed when, in Conclusion, she had prepared for Hector the most ds " and Argentina, t latter rapidly grow_
had theetRred. Thwacebu'warol howev- lbw iarimcltile;" but its hlghateraed
renewed bar previtsim repass{. lighttul of all possible sarprisea. By 'lag into a great power, revolted. in 1811
ser, he led a frightful existence. is "1 will otK,y you, i°ademeimlle," he dial of eloquence she had prevailed on galleons were bat>&ted sad battered as and won their independence with blood
the sor•iety d Mademoiselle Aarelie he ,ad. •• kind 1 hope that is default of Madame d'Amblecay to come and dine if the very ele=AotA were against them, and sacrifice.
was transported to the seventh Hear- I wiaaing your Iwo my .-iataduct may LL l a Frssnaie with her daughter. The even as, ttietr torpedo flesh have bass The great peiminoem 1! of fhb
ea: -brat as maim as he Wumd himself Id mo
malte me worthy of yuu•r fricrndghip." baroness bud tried to resist, but what equator revolted in 1914.34. A great
Glome again, he was plirnd, as it were anon the at" he asked fur a priv- reason wag there to refusal Sir Janos battered this year. a led them, Simon Bolivar, the hero
Aowa Islife
a the bottomless pit. at; istevview with M. Btandurrau. had officially acquainted bar with the There were enough left of its 131 of Iilhsration. Freedom was woe for
Under any otber ciroum•tAnoes. be breaking off of his engagement. and ships and IDAM men to apparently those vast forest leads, which hare now
CHlAP1'ER, X. would haaw dreadod the retired mer- she had written to give him beck his overshadow the English.- But the lit- Fame Colombia. Venezuela. Rctudor,
Be long lei Blandureau began to alas{'. sager. Imet now he was so joy- promise. Thus, when Hector entered tie vesrebof Howard. Drake, and Haw- Peru and Bolivia.
Got, at at Sometihiog was going on. fol tbas. he did not give it • thought. the drawing -room that evening the As Brazil was Portuguese in its oiv-
IH to be had amorihed Sir James' In point of faoty M. HlanduTeeu room- first person he perceived was Louise. king. most of titan privateers furnish- ilization and language, there was not
daily ,71sits W the ..harms of his owu 'red hits fairly badly. Although be and the long look which the two lover ed left a the soil of the New World the
deligMtol mmvermU4m . and the was rewardly quite as delighted as exchanged was quite a poem, express- by individual enterprise, like
round their ¢prt•jel belle lilts sword- shot of sae Ppmigb ruler. The assails
tboutlit that the baronet might also Hector be thought that honor ro- ing as it were ull their part anguish i1J of the sea that was once the "Spanish
am* fbr him daugbtrr seriously wound- Quired him to assnine w indignant and present felicity. Hector bad not lash about a whale, sad won the great main" are British. French. Danish,
ed his self-esteem. (K course he%a,uld mien• He. expostulated, offered never expected such happiness; he had fear- fight by superior seamanship. Spain's American, or independent, with the wz-
,r.� hove been delighted to be able to mar- to receive Sir James is big house again! ed Soiree fresh olatacle, and W avoid force upon the sea was oeption•• of Cubs -and Porto Wan. sad
ry Autrelie to the mepbew of an Vag- proposed an monose of dowry, and falling he had to lean for a moment on the former, at Ise*. is lost to ,pain.
Ilg honer. hat them there was his Bao- when he bound the young fellow in- bis friend's arm. Then stowing respect- NOW FOTUMFt SHATTERED
red engagement with Hector, and No flexible, be overwbeloted him with re- pully to the baronage, he exclaimed in
be thought it lest to hasten the ro- {Ates• a voice trembling with emotion. There was no jsok of eoltrage OR THE DEA DLT MAXIM GUN.
!ti aq p either aide. Bet the horrid Cruelties jested wedding sail acquaint 'big cbos- 'Your rvort.hy te,lbsr," he raid at "1t 1 don to reappear beton you. —
en, ata -in-law with Die mnapicirms last "would never have acted like this; madame, it is because the conditions of Spain had made all English seamen Recut Improvements to Test TS*roid,
Qggbr, bowbver• bud already kerinim but as you positively refuse W marry you specified have been or are being anger to see Spanish blood flowing in Manout at war.
mumpioions of his oven. one day %•bile my daughter, for the refusal ceohm from lulfiled." ' turn. The higher Intelligence and the Ala°y important improvements mp
rovemsete have
hti e at Ville d' Arew
rmray, he Jou. round, yd without the least pal- And at the ramp time he banded bar cause of freedom were in the little L"n mad* in tis* celebrated Maxim
ratang legs frequently than over.
he be eapt- phis motive, i41u must writ.. and elfin a folded paper.
ed am English gmmw and a poo{- as, a deciarstsa tea that effect." rhis was the circular letter by which rbipe manned by bsee ken rovers that rifle neiihre gun one of the most mar-
e{ dictionary lying as a table. Their Hector joyfully did as be was lid; ! M and Madame Hlandureas had " the dashed S era's n discuss iapisrneita of modern warfare.
std than. after take leave d M. Blon- s honor of informing their friends and pa °Pee and not bar on
presence there bed w very significant ng os bar {bur hundred Jean' Doors* down Huge rifle canaua drive their gtwsivs
meaning. and in examining them he aa-', dureaw he hurried to the nearest rate Scquaintanoes of the approaching mar- projsotLes
sad wrilite to Ferdinand Auleael as ria of their daughter, Mademoiselle oily through platee of steel and
they bad Gbit the leaves were out and re g tbicht fortress wells, but the btiduess
they bad esidembl7 Jaen trod, bar • tdlonvsr Aurelio Btaadarea¢, with Sir James CoincideSl with the Aotwat of the Ar -
number of pencil marks figured ca the "Everything is arranged. Cane to Wellesley " Hart." Madam d'Amblecay mad, was the offurt of Philip It. and of thin rapid fire mecbioe gum is to
•Paris at once. I am waiting boor mow down men in the ranks,
margins at the pages. � g Yoga" Cr the document a careless gl:►aw• Alva, o[ evil memo.) to bold the Span -
1 obit"' thought Hector. "Made- i That same evening M. Blanduroau booit told her nothing now. amid thee, all Netherlands. Alva %aa the Butcher The action of the Maxim
mnigwlle Aurelio is tar torr mamxihle. to gave big consent to his daughter's mar- turning to bur daughter, exclaimed, Weyler of his day. He called horror gu>i res,
• �ry and learn F.nglimA witbootrt a mast- rises with Sir James Wellesley, and with an air of affected sadness: to him aid• but abrrAve people resolved cuely automatic sub*■ opus It is/rtart-
R, no i suppose {kat my friend James prolitsd of the change to tate halt a " Well. my poor Loaise,.here is Sir to win freedom or .tie. fsord him wits . Ad. The cartridges are placed In abelt
Y seting in that capacity. Well I can million franca oft Aurelio's dowry. It James {Wellesley sting you for as- hi b courage. The I and are fed into the
was 0961 thea that the barumet learn- Other young lady a fug Span" Netter- gran with •shoos -
m17 1wpa that she will soon to able ) 7 ng J• � lamtls ceased W Ion t3psaimj is 1009. That incredible rapidity b1 metlbmalam oatF
to talk an fluently as a Lancashire ad that his future liather-in-law had Although for the last fortnight or was blow No. 3 to Spain; it was as in- aped
Inas i" Aad be thateupros boat bis do- mine him fortams in oommeroial en- so. Mademoiselle Louise bad been real- estimable victory Gr liberty• for pol- om the scads of the mm,o*ssiv* fila
pntture tar more joyful that he had tarpriaee. and he bad some lititle dip- ly rejoicing quer the baronet's trea- itical liberty and lbs, freedom of I ° � ,,he gimme. bas bat to pno
hare for many a long week past, 1 tioulty in Ailencind .bis aristocratic pre- nen. she now did all she codld to look ilio bol a, button •rad the nem
dices. Hrrwwver. hs oossolod himself surprised sad, like an artful ou ug Compare tree Holland today pee itself doll
thau«tn't" disturb tlhr+me voting p,eople," Y ng with Spin, which enslaved Icer• and the rest, though by releasing the hbut-
•]a mid, "It M. Blawtureau wishes to •reflecting: minx, she even tried ■ little pout of one mess that in the right was tri-
,0*r me be can come ,and lead me," "After all. who will know it in Eag- vexation; but she was not skilled in uiphant `g ton be the props° moment {Loon acition
It was this that h pam+d. Atter land M' the art of dissimulation, and her beam- • i acs Los limited to L single disobmrp.
wain several dare live his chosen mss- flee rnnrning a few da ■ later Hoc- i w helied the motion of bar lips. The brief period ct[ brilliant achieve
waiting I 7 °� Yes pa moat hdd brought 1?ortngal into the T terrible engiso i■ culpable of bat -
Wk. Blanduroau rams ann more- , sur wag f7aged mot bion "lot "ben a And when in air James to he mar -
10 Porta. He seemed v dlstrssa i oervant d the, botei be was staying rieai l' asked the baronage. years a dominion, do f 1M0, titArmml-ty-twe �� forth from fix to pyheseven kamdzsd
very at is Pang aasoonced the •rrivej of " On the third of Ma answered �aYsrt� the downfall of the Arms- before
per with
mom a, sw�- W fleet
oil. iced abryrtiy *dead: !' regained Its IaAoP*hdet&oe, � bofcsre IL with an antieu� Klan Litt'
-Do you Iowe my dim ugbtert" a visitor. Ferdinand. "Ibuaks to my diplomacy, That was disaster No. 3. The foartis ballets before which nothing Musa
"Certaisa I fin." lied Hector; •'Lpt. him came m." maid Hector, foal- which rather hastened the wedding
J r�Y than otherwise. blow felt when Hispaniola became Hayti eau stand. Iwo tarns is ordinarily
"like •sinter." I lag ronvlar+ed tAtat it Sam Fwrdlnaad, and a !•'reach
"Wall." remained Xr. Blanduroau, "i wtbom he wall bcuriy experiting. „ Wall, them." resumed Madame d•_ peon in Jan. oaeassd is •water }eke! to Peeves{
Still Spain -As a great nation. It excessive hoatl this t is
must acquaint Jar with a Very grave � Rut, in lien of M. Aala,nel, it was Sir ArableeccaAyy " I think we ora $Make our claimOd opal of the New R'orld It la sons rases! emitted for grMte°t�ass
- , atrcumatanoe. Your friend 'Lord' Wel- James %tho rrra rd the threshold, halt- Preparatloss for the maim dates y power, New eros* the oft statics.
loosely is to love with Aarelie." ing extremely grave sod pale. and car- And taking hold of l,ouiss's haled 1110 was a �1O
Rentor amid scaimwly consent big de- ryieg in on. ,bond a little mahogany placedit i■ Finotor's. war of the succession, to determine 'no only appreciable thaw in this
light ext:, Which he rwroGslly Iski age the M. and Madams 'Hector ]IWertnt wbetMr she should its ruled by Aus- tem**M d death in Silas ams belt of
trian kiagm or Bourbon. In that wad cartridges L exhausted and another
"Ata you stare of tot PA f" he asked. 'table. nowadays, reside in Touraine, in a pret- Gibraltar Lstl lata the hands or Crest tons{ ea lslesrlsd• Evsm to mneom =
"Well -yea -t am; sent so I Mink it I "i shave to Weak with lion on serious ty bows they bad built midway be- GibrA t, whoa it Ira sands o, Espy- tAfs it L Sall anoaa�Lc� to taro a
would he best for you to hasten you,. tamoUers." Ria said bo Hector. "Are you twewe La Fresruie, and the Cbatsaa Bards are whom it
Was Y (Sib, I"& i (, the e>iR tK lbs new holt
preparations and get the marlimae o►- ware su cos ram cwwrehar no d'Amhloeay. Hector never returmedt0 y' es` Kart{ It a felt
or me, soca as posaibie:'-___ _ "Oh, quite mute," replied Heaths', Bordeaux. hot sold his house there. raltar u temporarily held by Groat p�
- - -- Britain. But we have Cents." (Matt► go. ro-
"i must thank you lone alar rale, *bum this ■trxnW poramble greatly with all its turaltaro mad appoint- ~ ~ H *I
i is the taipwu military pr4lom is Af- "� weak. TigA soother tats.
said $Soto[• Nlprised. nrwata Mademoiselle Aurelio. now I,xd rice. Such is Wish ids. toot IlemM• mild iia can Is again
"I will me to rile mattfwr." Movrerrv. she BSglimlnsan west t>a Wellesley. reigns at FollingMam Hall •� Pr hr arsiWfai work. 'pe mss -
And as M. Blandareau ingigtMl oma ward t'he door ;and made mare that it her buslaed'g Bert ip r! C., came In I the conquest ofon=
lie ne•eessit of as earl wedding, title aeon which tram been ificemtl restored Im. There seemed to be a momsntaTy 1M ramnordoring this
i fug. prdparly claimed. Thrix rlturtlmb'�to maga Y revimal Of the power al Braila. fibs a I d of steel pls4 b
IV yommig tell imitAswd Dna Jutaa'e as. Ais friend he said: a(nrw their marriage. Her paternal name day was coming wb*m Obit Dari, aW peOv M
ample is reference to liteakiomr Otlmp I " Ihave toms to LII prom that I am having by chaises {ewes mestinwed am-
a- - so that the ex-awrobaat evsstaf a guilty scoundrel, quite undesarvi Dna the funded geatry and aristocracy was p peen sway in of the
antMa of iM01(rN'iviD021 Tteresting J, I
i 11% rope sail lbs tot {Lora •Its Ohs art tan stiast Interesting of the 1
._ally bad to retina without xs7 dens- Of your friwndmhip. 1 Itatls* �7mo+t of the seighbxourbooA, rhe .did not Lows- nMt� ��t ng
1p*I lists to oxpnVe fall. This priori vi+na asbtYr'sd- fn Italy saw to&twws In the moustln of as -
S artlal N. i sad haJ own roam"u C rld do.
tne J ill a allied
d that Spain by war wit4i EROOsSd Is 170 gin" of ttls dnsorlptlou ¢hos a tri-
Tle was eerteiii 1.00A,fsigill by H*nt- quite d much o yea Could Ao. 1 was the Ela. families
Were •illod the and is is I'm 4Mlls iced sOV4 fall- cycle. Of coarse such adevice is avail-
ar's Il. - mus t Molted , tat • yet engaged a a young girl, I have jilt- ad by d f husbas Ip ham*Franl Worship -one- nes to • strtro dent, able oily where the ovoids are tair)
greater msS'*ring awaited 1a1m •t 1loatw; ' ed bar, end yesterday [bad to write � Ip)' her husband, Shows Ione aha re- � � 'llwo 7
hpir edemeleelle A,otnl(w t•epuestedbint Md oosfase to her mother that I was turas, Aar•efie Is w happy that She A 81�'HAT= POwBR. goK ides arw &sed. tolietb•r
t0 great bet the favor of a taw him- aperjnrod villins. 710 day 1 have come hLw saver even wished for the dsse.b /0s, subsea alltrase intens and Bat togswildat t✓ a= ss pour a L he Ueawltt
ut*s' private ansvernsti� tlbe was to to you that i have deceived you Of that Seale whew domign will make land Y�t. tbl the cies...
taw !really in lora width Air Jamas, had is the most infamous style, for I have her r peerage; amid although both Hoa bream was at first. There wets {the necessary
{.Ware ppaarrte�m
wan Awtevmieed to break fit &a pa- robbed you of the heart of the Birk for and Sir James bay. eblldres you Bpo4ItM ships with the, LrretA float 7de itwlf
/ayagtt•mast wpb Hoot- at any pries. you were ping to marry. 1 IpvO Aa_ ma be otertaim that they wiN Myer Is tAa battle of Tf fulgar. Md these �ghe in p°ands'
oll r elf, advantages met a coarse were rslia, mad Abe love* tae, anvil boF tattier see *Ives or humlwmde !x doss Magri were beaten. tit eOsfea• The final Fetch To this ria be added eighty-eevea
vintnOlbalCablt. they reach tbS o ad cm*4wt ds for a thousand
BY ing talo Mit= has. mor4orer, promimei! m• lir hand,' Pr rya tort s�attt- Ot ra}tion ear�w tb, Fr&aeh PiDSi'
erupt abs wetld beacons "bar ladyship." , Uh, you are the best sad worthiest mon) . Ax worthy M. BIamAS. at- oaten" Spank is 1(# round a r�(in of geMmaaltloa cathed (a Mxss.
t. She wwtd kala Frames to reside in of moon." interrupted Hector• pressing ten remarks: ro•Itr slaw a silly prtsea, a/stt'IMpit .i 14144.
a total of 196 pounds -so lriM
tkaalsnd. where an can would ie actqu- the laroset to his heart. "if a ever " Promise of marriage ands bf ph ten/ ryben lever. ay'� ptl•srrlelaI. Mrs Nevertbelw. two vigvroua
ed Ski fpr pletei Porigin. _- teed m ssfe Itirmri, coast or mi What sags to their o Idyll are raMl the eoumt ' T1tk rs Can drive the apparatus at •
atm � pat- in refer rY y very goad pass ever favorable
,lnfdy yastrby wiaalA tri ton iR fees I de for YOU f no yeru want fill which olf la tcsoho neasare abesa tit&debet- . lmrdlanso LboHnote Is raver at Prriiew When a stoop hill Ism encountered the
wlmtever, 9or"she wM wta *,r e h m fortune f Rpiak I" ern i stoop and prams the me ed
ler both of them. 'Aird fissI P, -F( USA,
James fancied that Hector was And he bMlght add thata\aane 1A Then follow d • brief no& d the ap
loitld the ainve. ]W it am a bald o•
,te bobge, wY .Lori rea(Ir e • losing Lois mind and his remorse beeame •rad will Qviolia meals yon meet Sao- old pint. for the Apaatagdn an so � crimp•
Aeftedlawh Abe rot most. acute ce"ful maobbsambr. ouwarAs The Its pserio rwbellad. f■ an open enumtry this soda at
to*g1K tkebl sbn would �trer liletnra 60 yourself." hs said; "i Wo emh,l They follgYk ee&Innt Frame. set with OMMOtime a ftaxiss ma.1 trrovm of een-
iild0 Sru+tor, K. Blood- hi„ , not yM (iniahM. What i am hratM alhd'am*Ilshtathe. tint they h•d mider velss.
ai t std %$IMpT say 410=1 to propose to you M as, donut - - neither. bat with the dater- AeotMr torsi et the gap has bons sl-
eaeate mstfy east thus deo a lb,- Not rwstem ary in Engla&d• but it is y valuation otwIM katorala ai (�ey. It was IL Gut 4 a specs to he tnMAf"$" lien
AN(YPi31tR 1]TdAPi!0[IfTi[>dQT. the period W the maid of 8a •male 4 m ap*d�117 Coamtrtetad past{
Ink gOvAt Lary in Rrattioe lead it Fr•ece nun vo .•Germs 11, Iiia ik likely to be plLrtienlor-
"Llo you ttoow wt•R. ye. are ay- � mast fib as the Fnaeb do. i Sieh t0 Rlrh ifMeMMr-Wile! • wemhdsrtally � Apses • Mreipm liken Jay of Aro. p ear'�immatpl• In •
Jug 1" Irl 616%4 "Don't pot kinw t►iat agor you all the metitdYatios L Wrench r" d worn you are, MIm Miller- a devsttoa. it " fa sabMvemast. feint. 'By the endxsE�efmt i Mab.
I tans;lrak ay wail C' I d nlelma. T have Mie abwhx tJ• ISem was in thw pad drivel out.{ w wseq alll Iia made nn
"Mr peg 0"" Icy -h a* it. fat► s! a. sad toy ams or t(Ik amp Ybs/iiretp--SOS dear of Jou. fir- Imb t }sa by peltington and {Loon Br!- ht tbna it cam Los earrinel bby L ms► -
1W. ithat'i rA - Isms (n hadwd. The many change, &a hot I was--- Umb Afb, ad to Ilpstpish wit or him.
/over, Gavot. t RbaaAteow•s's word V "What, yna asst to ht a Ata{ t•-sp*ealab spall Irani roma to iClmg lhrdim. 'ry'de lit L \\\Etat. or ,vas hp a hart
( Ache la,�+14� p• i wl4 sr C' erlad gMA�AWo� ' And w oa te vi�knt yea {{night lav& • *116dhammd went M i■ its he* old ways. loses �lewwSsal1gaM tofAt�lttlatter
AW hM ttw f ague► Moe, p{'y ]ibfm! pal )<saw# oat Mk* il>r1t. up" the airrtwpeth manor$. sa and ose•AWA peuada all MtdJ+n•
. . I .
• .i I- I ,%I mwaim�� .
it W, -11111,y, F.A-, y V as p,,,. rr ,..T
,m Glosses its. Aa4 yN itp r +e/111ttfag
lit SRN MOI, M1Ily n11tn MIMs
p.rdfrtew �10
awagavo wof of•~` ,,0ae 1t,rt a& *'B IW � f:-niWitz--
M -ft
w°'ald m,
I Q00hu
trained ��a t TMrs
_ -_____--
n truth
!• trwth in ppa
gurmsat also
4.l,l,glly>r' ,Vp7
.1s,,\ China hoo I
of the U allmaa and British laav
sweriA tw Britala's nary p,akr;�a
As 011 K
Masada iJf Kueaia•Bt-
lots than M ships of war of all class �:
rest 0 ""at front ItoO
The Masa/fin •sal..ea *f 1Mp armod a•elesa
ym� risit eggWd be es, While Germany i�ue�sr� os
a fief
port Arwit. rad Talloa-
cluea me r !S si M adetoo ww•ver.
er"'b ata
rb w¢t y�
Shouulld� if ranoo join
branny, for ,a
t" rriturw ,Olt
Chino. with the
be t1assesl
that s•Sat fids Scald{
at M tamps thpr Germbar u'
R �t railway Wallow
The war with &pain race the United
Stater may be short. and peace may
Italy baa a fair nrrll ay,
tela. should W
sir the Traps]
sign again in • few weeks, It may be
obs flail rn sista
slAtloa, would aware the halp of f
Was Tbehcessioas ire 11
h• esu
prolonged, and is the Latter event the
warships of all kinds, but In R
she would Mwei another formldabl�
rarw but Guy
mad thill
nations that are at this time neutral
Sony. with a navy of Mil ships Tu
Oar agretemoat•
'aill be apes to
will their interests more or toss
has 611 wnrnb W of ape kind, and a&
tariff similar
interfered with. it will be to Great
Britaia's interests
other, but they Los sot ver !arta{"
able craft, •nd "maid not
s f0si t bale
eMales treaty par
to see the war
in s v
serious itayTessioa is a naval f� `
Ilusrir will collect
brought to a sudden close, for war
with modern boats. Japan bas a five
turn over to Chill t
0149411114 s stoppage or Oeuinterotal tela-
little navy of 7117 •ahlgs of all c �'�
atter the pays
tions with ares, of het best customer's.
Should great Britain undertake to in.
and would do"ttiHisotIC work is ten
Orient, but Astarotld scarcely be N
sea and foreign D�+r•
terfore is the tight between the Unit-
Ally upon whmiR Ragland eoald panel
to balance the, !Oros oa her side with
d u opportunity to en
in the interior this
ed States and Spain it will require
that of a combination of continental
breach railway,
dight provocation for her watchful
But it is the
and the
generally ms,
enemy. Beesta, to take Advantage of
awful cars&& that
would result from such • combiaatioa
the traditag
the fact that the attentins of English-
Of fortes as, that suggested that makes
kvim Root& time to I
mea temporarily distracted from the
men stop appalled at the very tboughtNamolLr
and ettreagthan ►
,sot tion to act
hal international war,
of oplwhich has been
of Leao-tot
thatrrn will o match to the of
which so calms diarulltat
many timet recently. it would t�
yasrburir As it i& �
guapawAsr laid to the magsaime Is
world at war Not • few thouauad
ens been Son""
the Oriast,
hoku masa pitted against s8,p�_u1haro
al of Ria tlIs
fen t i oYe i ewisw s if' -1. 6i
iii [idtldp Lot the ttiaaboott uC ns, -Ser
opposing •tilo& every
fsvw, the OW pomata
is tceping Serb the plsseOZ tadisw
suitable ,_
itable or bearing Sro m being impnas
tion aJ be
tion. [or Japra to )Dia forces with
ed into the fight for boas and father-
sad that expeoaa
Great Britain. and for Germany. Aus-
land; a dolare of blood as there Sao
tri& and Italy to be forced into
ones • deluge of water, that would
threaten the seas dire results Of the -
world. The party
_-TM nn Prot
vol r»t ,
that will ch the ms and perhaps
change p to P
may be excused for their attsnse"
whet& smish a result is
net British supremacy
sweep away kingdoms.
that whish would *sans from a goo
ilea and the dmelarati
Armed Europe is a tremendous
oral :+safliet d the nations.
t the integrity an
night at present. Germagy's stupend-
StCbina were the tract
otuv army of I.ilM.M sum, officered by
, were interpreted- tt
22.072 men, with • caval of over 100,-
Acquisition h y Basin"
000 horsemen and an artillery oompria_
sofa* ' �'
std Tollen-Wan would
ing 2.964 guns, would be a tremendous
Woreem�od n ft
e .By China's o0
aggregation of fighters for Great Bri-
A Oorrempomileat recalls the history
pngslen demands, of t)
tain to r", with tar little force oft
of the "Is•indhle Armada."' wninh
a Ken Chau. mad of
218.281 wldiprg, 4,016 officers, 29,812 ear-
Rallied tram Llehoa. Spain. against Eng-
cath bare made the t
air n and.Thil fiction- Ali the mea
land is IN& .
7ity of China Imposed
Great Britain would have to help bar
That f"t was oacaposod of 12t atlga '
ateat at least the Sri
Lbronah xs attest{ o with Japan would
vessels, carrying 19,296 eddiers, %W
by regard" as A tai In
be 50.437 infantry and 8,760 revelry-
amilorwand about 2.W.slaves as rewars.
byitated to bnigla the
men. The. Jap. are (Korn fighters, and
It wm a most formidable fleet Dpi of
grow out of a conflict
have proved their prowess as have Nayg%he
meat{ formidable ticu a of the
suing her hesitation.
BritiaY friends, but the odds in 16 b
pparriid cwt changtes $
tremendous, and individual Doe imp
♦storm it& apasfat eaters destroy
Ing her immediate a
dose not count for much where nun
sad seremain of the "Invinrible
ls but her pwitlosveral
are potted at k distaaam of two miles
Armada" had thew not put into tort for
W Far Rad, and gr
by a marksman with a n2agasiar rifle,
repmara, When everything was in
hh► policy- That she
Wbat frightful scenes would result
reading agalo the fleet started and
entered the English Cb•EL fa
twin$ to go to war
from • general war soak as that na g-
along to thin form at • half abaiit. mamr-
want Russia from a"
gested. should France join forces with
ly morton sties broad. They wore mot
wbkb England bort
Germany's milli,ns and swsfl bar tight-
by the English deet. consisting of 79
wbkb Russia pledges
ing strength by putting over 1AAp,099ahlins
which it" Imes increased by the
tion of arrobt>atses and pries-
aka to the trade of
mea into for field with 113000
tiger$ to aba¢t leg vowel& under
k nc 9acation. but it
ry and 9.400 Sunni It the coarse of
Lord Howard. of Nflisighnm. Drake sad
vigorous action to sr
events should ever bring{ it to go"
that France forgete Mr old gra.
I U fought. And it ow appeared
ing advantages is pre
gr amnouaomd bar pw
against Germany. and galas as Ofd
1f r+, Aivas" wan y C.
of integrity d Cbi
alliance with brat. what • tremas-
dome army would be ready within Sas-
11i flinN�prmldnt o
S8qpaanisle fleet. In terrible cooslerY.
{icor all mafimss
fir EnitUre, she also
bilis•tiou time atter the declaration of
glom the Spaniards tried to get out to
direct cessions at tee
war I
Whatever the owtoome of Great Bri-
am. and as because dispersed. The
Engliish parsuwd, a dorm orae on "A
ti& would take 6004
taia'S efforts to obtain an all . it oar
drove the Spanish vessels sua Ube
own %a).
Sot to hoped that Russia will be any-
ranks and,ahtabs. The "Iaviadbls"
thug{ but an army of Mrs. To the so-
[lest. with s tow of 30 great shipm end
•Iition Against Great Britain. therefore.
ISAN moa, Wanted and disgrsoed sail-
Tb ifewptoa o! th
would he added the army. of Ngo Car.
44 boar OC&Is-
sortbrrn Chinese nem
numbering 11,110,nl4 teen. with s eav-
airy force of IGLOO, smosr
T - -Ono—
es, as, a notice to Pskl
world be the fierce.
Iain r sot m Qwastit
Pbr'hetts ase of the most ditfioult
that I! the prrtil
and as artillery force with Lin guns
problems in "life is to be abta to de-
is to go on with tt
at its 60asaad.beat-rulers
Awtoris would be a might •Ily. Ion
termites greatly when low* beat
the power in
commercial imterssU
bar Ctghtg iastresg'th is O tIAS men.
There are so many wretched counter -
protwrt its trade sap
and sahhss can supplement this with •
caralry force numbering IGLOO horses,
feitg. fin many imitations, that we am
iaelimed to he muepioiaus, and doubt U n
Manly be e done, by 4
and as artiliery with 1,67E pow It
Turkey cams Into the general arrim-
reality at the first symptoma. sad wall
Kong through the h
sed by the eae,slPati
mshe would add to the total of
until sumn some
modefinite sot, s
would make the By
aso army d A&M Orion-
f(ghtia atom
nu.rse w decided word, should prothe
trtamta, with a caviry foto. of 30,400
gwnulssaar of the •itoctlnes of his
China impregnable.
cele. asd @W got b means
dun J any
a lures to be ds&tiimad. for mart of
or bar-afteotione which we rims mon
the freedom of the
'i'arkey's soMi*r& •» veterans of one
thea anything else to the world.
taKiang rivers tb4
Aad. of course. to thin way the ata
ler'hee of t rads is Ck
These tiger" are appalling wbee it
Ia eoaaitlered' that they represent mea
has a sore difficult task tba& the
IS fall n! pogsibiliti
this that the amfUc
under arae, trained In the use it mod-
ern wesloomm which are the deadliest
But whom true love reigns aspnome
Dowers ran be w ad
used is say was since the world began,
audi men wobb aro tboreughly sdurated
these is very little doubt of its Geis-
the war whiah all d
in the art of oras, with nothing left an-
telae : •rad "}aero a spas seeks m r{
done that thoughtful trainers can Sud-
ons OR each Sad every occasion, when
giant to harMn their physi4ur and make
he makes his own opportunities of
ferreet the figbtiag qualities Of the
troops. But what becomes of the sug-
meeting her, when his eyes light =p
It 4 better to be
CawsIi�O of area these millions tight-
airs she enters the rttrpm end Siam
kr than too much g
. "ben it in remembered that they,
&be )ears that he is gloomy and da-
with ordisary moi
euapriaw merely the active armies of
the countries referred tof
promised at bar •l:eeac-o--she need INrs
alsst momentous s
In war timws the Rumba. of flf'bt-
no doubt that his beArt LI Safe is -bar.
M ce'nm i'l
ors that saob nation would put into
66 wteater part
ithe field woul,i multiply in wrmw in.
When those and similar tokens are
Meet. What* you
atamng M two tho fomes quoted shove.
Thus. a {salla" mos would tore to be
tJaerved, there is no reproach to the
dose is d lit.11s ser
added to Geraasy's army If
girl to show argbi
ll eiproc+stoo s
may he burning wit
lath to g asnsdn ertgat-b MU
bursting with soil
be added tie the soaker gives above.
knew that ohm Is equally pleased to xis
him. mad she should lir careful moot
to abmwbody, but
It tbd eeoeotd remaiie im to be includ-
Rod. it will he nsme
scwry to add nearly
ice {{.stair jeahnsy too far. ---
of et pry hundred p
11t4wy %oaW be on
a million more. If thwand total of
And ns with the girl. me with tM
It would baldly
fightisg mwu Capable of being pat in-
to the field when the entire reaoarnes
Gam. There are a thousand and ase
little signs which Mtrwy the girl's
Ihem two boars aft
of Germany are drawn upon be added
together, It will the
lora. an that "he who raM may read."
It f a a good P1sa,
swell Gersse ar-
wW show imtwte,nt in bis pursuits,
to keep tit
m,J to SAR&IOn mon. All the other an-
tiros would he able to spa to battle
in his tastily, and talk aMal bis prom-
Pacts; she has an eooamaad over bot
And to promptly a
+ matey ■agmented forges, should the
r*wrvsx bons nelled upon, an that where
coilor, sad n beautiful, rsmntlisg blank
will Mrstd the :advent of thn Weed all
fast esotiat:soil 1
"little {Alk at ass"
in past tears armies of 70,o00, fl AM or
in spite of wishor will,
sit still and Holies
1410,00!1 men were considored a large
And w•g must hs careful also as to
likely to he so re!
sad powerful force, is a Sanders fight
between `neat aktince Saab An army
would :of be
the stat* °t our own twolines, for as
often is fiscieatina Smistaimin ter levo.
from speaking. W,
coog"red mor. thea a
Amid famelmatita to lint a poor Sabot{-
we did mpoeL
small section of the toros required to
do battle no a $sale that
t$te, sell will Sot bear the weer And
tear lth, fr'egyestly
The hitter lora
promised ane-
of Amid thing we
viduAl¢ are of M
ass• Rad nuf bar► ttwseslvpd we hove sheer
With ml►ttoas of Wipe against fpr, In ohurwslv4i when It IN too let,":
world at large ism
But, it m+nt be to
Groat Britalmll bas shown that aha Anes
We rounagaIter roadtpg A book wbats
cmrry atmsR. lab
stt enMrttler ler strength puny. She the bernpaa Umiltatme to.Garry t
hots of her "spfetdid lmoiatio&,"and hart► hpoaOsw do doable bet ones
holies we must
talks komftdestly of bar chatty to enpe heart•
1*4*106 atins is a
Of lifemad then
with armies fliumbaring millions by the
Ma 0 proses of bottling fbum
"A , alms, if ab really tones •
she "nught
break Ourselves of
up fa "am, Mayr. to be wil8ag awu tdrtRW barharm to and flaw 14 1oa
of always looking
sad awn- r a mtAo with
a themto day there ugftil tby boa out so .the Prairies i kers &sways
w'm n fr%mnbowt mod sew fes, mowed M wtmwmi NRh! to WArry •
paaos. With bar vast e• llrftaia tops mina H aha (bah ice ma, ander say fir -
bbWUtoly aeglfliemt that �,g1g�Senn M1rppg�� '
able Sas gat- wttheat ►!m."
ble NormamiT Is a vary abort ti mo. Mor- xAlr &loru�n ttttetltA to as a I,ruw Mat.
IMP `6 llalt*d mabmard all tow 11+1%
(�nluer.►riat Ta
would gdhe
witerybody-yetag I*"
ariag and tatild
i;eotosmt op bur,�erit louse. al Md raaidnmm adhol -to apps it to I besa-
t BrRi9barS. L nmttdtr of ft sNwo end than dimthrwwr ff their two
ha+r s,0 s&el1 • t►y
pas*, •rad tkAIL Saye iekla .Bf1 •►hgt katrue sa*tal sw emly a heap knottlynitionaL
trate sdn" t .
I Clpr►, smairf aNI
at par►se%
... e,:'.tm, sir.. re eii: