HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1898-4-28, Page 7Fit, �iyle Quality. Low Prices i all combined in the Shoed we sell. Our stair for Spring and Summer e wear is large and well -assorted. In Ladies' goods we are showing some nice lines in Oxfords and Lace Boots, black and colored. For Men we have a strong working boot, up to the finest dress shoe, and all at prices lower than you expect. °Vsly la wear ea ring out, But do The not wearier wroout. ST. GEO. PRICE, West Side of Square, l;oderich Cutom Workaad Repairing. TO ADVENTIS=M' 167 sad dos. 214. The births during the year were 56. Sod the deaths. 34. '1 he death eft at thy, rats is limber thee u 1J• but u low come • �� wit �t oaeand 1Pttttoe f ok ..a FIsn be l � not latae Man ��>�7 ler than � 0 - the Province, being Officeow The �y for "mire_ rt' Alis -sou LIGHT. - M the meeting of noon. be left not later than OD the Weyer and Ltgbt oommittes on Monday 1 mast to evesing the offer of Wm. fes to supple day noon Co=ats scoopted IWO Ions of coal F U.B. is Ooderioh harbor an to Door Wednesday of .c $1 65 was .cceptod P . The • phoation of each week F. B. Holmes for so aUowan,s of tan dolls's _ for loss of the uof skating risk tough [TORN -- se the eleotrin light going out was sponged. - to• op the lied some tiex,ble joints were ordered. is Tf1CRWwN''•. OhePpard repair the [Duke ',Ito. Tb• chairman list- eilia d of April. lase' the wife ot Horth Tbar- d that the employers were engaged pomr• low or a mos. hot April, i s. tog sand out of 11. tarok• crib, and that �ODONAL. . Os tt >l osald the were only waiting for tine weather and d s Lv-M, the wife of J. A. Yaod thi ae1ib a joints to start repairing the of a me. MARRIPP. pipe. f1107VITlf-GIVi114-iwdodos-kb. os IA ed- Gtmtt icte Bowl -IN,. Ci.eti.-Tbere was a or'tay.pree f. seesaw M at sthei by e > ence Lege at tondtmes of [hoes of oar cicirens is- gib Jose Sage.Chs_D GASH' a Mies Mai terested to bowling is County Clerk Lane's joseob ]tdg•. ofli�e on Monday evening. Atter the mN- ized the c$ioen for 1898 were ICBESON & SON April Showers. Our store is thoroughly up-to-date in every sense of the word. Our goods are acknowledged by the most careful and economical buyers to be the moat reliable, new, and st as low prices u other stores offer inferior goods and endeavor by clap -trap methods to hold or gain patronage. The carpenters have been very busy with us this past week or two, but have finished at last, and we have near- ly one-third more floor room for exhibiting the largest and FALbest stack of Dry n^{„iA itwp_in Gloderich. elves, °LED. PARNBY-ln 1Ycbe S. James asrwR• Si roan' fliE TALK OF THE -TOWN. s Int. I- clod a Atovre : 1'r.eide=r t 1Lt,ed aloe president. Judge Masson ; eeoy.•tre•s Jno. Gel. ; executive oommittee. Drs. Sbanoos and Hunter and R. W. Logan. It's House-CleaniDg Time! We have some things you need. May we supply you ? el CLIMAX. FURNITURE PDen's hey keen peddlars OLISHISassafras Blood antsm oact, Bitters, After sours discussion the annual tee was slimed at 62.60 le oompltanoe with s rag Suess from the %'esters liosltng Aesooia • ��.ew s c' slows' appoint a representative to attend ) tom tam a�wr�. - x0���� its next meeting, the oluL nominated A. MoD. Allay. Toil I. Yr+ Vol' -The Goderioh l tlostety will old its eemi-•aa•al mepeetiing is ,y that time weeks, membershipand it is to s will bed t6saat - larged to 208. Sorely this is not asking too much of tie people of the town, for if there is any organitstion in our midis" that de- serves the Marty sa'rport of oar °Tunis, sad lou of it. thh beestos in oar tows working bard bald. The boys ati winter to be able to do th•enselvea and their tows credit daring the present 0100011, sad sow ia the time tor the people to do their pert by becoming membets of the m- oiety. Give year pants and a dollar to the mo,etsrOteamirer, A. J. Moore, B A. koil Ten Ueda Si-ssioNS --Themite Gas• 1f We've • Mae is . Ter Mal.. 1 rade 15 teat MI a Odors Aetsaas f• Tsktr•Notes. aa' Web tW11 Preps n. -sats. wiser fe the AIsla� t tie qn 7 or marelr drive ■ Lias_ abyss emit itozhaa sad e�jaia t We des% Ip!sw; REIVala teem me.. ihethe ':f the perfectNW are" 1�te over lives.steel ,1eawl tea Tkesemail ear thstvemml» eaten deb the stet and halts al lils shell as .easel e'4 wwsed se ect tag. perfect ilumlt salts.. woseyeard. term -eld be SPECIAL APRIL PRICES : 25 pairs Lace Curtains, 59in. wide,3i yards long, regu- $ I larly sold at $1.60 to $1.75 extra Special, per pair . as a aeod. WELL Amman two OelLp.-Mn. Bald• gparliag of Sestortn oherved with v t• trio ie eipeohd to address the AL George's set fire to the S.aforth Agricultural Hal Cbaeakw.sssa'o U•iI4 stub Wedseeday was brought before Judge Simeon eaded on r' afternoon. day for elootios. The accused p Coirra*ATto`t Bptet•'s.-Biboo BSN- guilty and elected to be tried by • jury, so iris will hold • meat mattes mime is Si. he wast ddb rat 114 hthe June Ss�day ions t;sorgds sex* Wedosd•y swamis/. mom- which spas charged oefon P. M. Seeger smoisr at 7:60. Sperling with isavtag set firs to the Grand Staod ie Tete ad o Yweals though ons for Beaforth, hod at the esaelosies of the hear- ers l ri other weals though variable itis to was fatly coo nitced for trial. On w krill eat jumped and os Hata.dry the paid tea same day he was brought before Judge weak wheat jumped ts per bushel fa Masson for election aid swig 'uterine a Liverpool. plea of not gaiity sad choosing trial ty ¶ats C. a. er Teta 0. T. 8.. - Chief jury he was rsusOdei to the Jons sessions Ke towster, day, W. M tb. G. T. Ii wsa ton whets h,r wilt be tried es the two chary* tows Tuesday, Woking ct er ib. ground of ea which he 'bads oommitied. the props.ad elevator sad examing Ow comp- GOC!my STATIMTI, .1,. _The following i. i •mgrs property �y of Oo..ty Clerk Lane' return to the Neat Won'-Baeb•os's A Rhynu tea glUDatiOD Department, dated April let, etmtrsotore for the dt.raHeas to the sheriffs 1898..hnwtag the population of rho mussy, as taken from the last revised assessment eHioe• to tea sornty build[ng. be" tsoarly . (welted the bob, sad the result is very Ass roll : When Meagre B. and P. band over the job ora shill rote It. Ashfield Tsar PAK$?D.-At the London Confer. Ood.rich "bSSS examinations held lase week is the gay ',lomat City all tsllowing ti rd year ..esti• IIsltett dates passed : J. E J. Miflyard, Nils. 88 per Mssris ant. ; I. Kelley, Heus•ll. 77. Mr. MAI- swoon yard headed the lief.' bsri ,onTOLIMAY SyaotYti -1n Valeria-it Epworth fwras tie topics for sort 'tree - day *vadat bre " tittle Ways of Baled/Hi the World" to b t takes by Wm Emma Millie., rad "Taklus Thine. P•tliently " to be takes by Mae Jambi peatry Carpets, 27in. wide, medium shad Ta es, suitable for parlors, din- ing . ]C roOmsarid tte1144 Engr ter 60e. and 65a, far..i Body Brussels Carpets in new shades, regular C $1.10 and $1.20, for....9O Standard Shirting Ging- hams, best quality made, IOC 90 yards ali pure silk Black Sarah, 20in. wide for waists, jacket linings dress trimmings, eta. red. 50c.'and 60c. a yd, this week . batter--a•kw old turaltgr, losk like sew. 25 ChNT9 BEATEMALL STOVEPIPE VAR- NISH Coat the pipes before putting away -prevents rust. FRESH tUARDEN AND FLOWER SEEDS -in packages. iso Q>®NT6- Gillet's Lye, Chloride of Lime, Crude Carbolic -all useful disinfectants. W. C. GOODE, Chfmlst, BEDFORD BLOCK. A tint blase Blood Purifier Sud Spring Togo. It freshens one up. Take • bottle or two. �o Linenette Rustle Dress Lin - 1_ ,gg double fold, in black, greys andbroirli re�'�`' this week and next, soemai Flannelette in checks or stripes, light or dark color, the regular 5c. quality on • ,ale here Thursday and Friday this week and next • at regular 12ic., speck e . . INSPECTION INVITED 1 We offer double the choice of any other store Ooderich. The Best Spring Medicine and Tonic -- IS of a - COMPOUND EXTRACT OF SARSAPARILLA. LARGE BOTTLES - 50 CENTS. BALE ONLY sty F. M. DUNHAM, - Chemist & Douggist, AUCTION SALES. AU parties getting theibarer •sale freebills pnodes.rinted at thiso this °Moe llist upwitlto the time o sales. inserted Oo W: p\ubl otauOtton at the AY bresidenct be sold by p home. of Abraham Wilson, Brncs-st, all his o. hold effects, consisting of lounges, tables, chairs, bed room sets, carpet., cook stove, sewi•n machine, curtains. blinds, crookery, china. slauware, garden tools and other attioles too numiroos to mention - Sale commeooes at 1 P.M. Tiros. G1'NDRv', auctioneer. The knitting factory now runsfrom17 a.m. to 6 P.m. and is fall'handeld. orders for early fall delivery kayo bus la' winged. -1 THmter•Atr, April St, A C" -NCE To GTT GOOD SPECTACLES FOR VERY LITTLE MONEY. To REDUCE oo•a erocL or READY- MADE SrtterACLR1, WE ASA MOR THE Walt 30 DAYS, GOYIM r0 BELL Tagil AT' cow was mowing the grass on tail Court House Square on Friday, and a Saturday • horse had the same job. IiALF PRICE. WE HAVE ALL'GRADES, THE REGULAR PRICES RANGING FROM fr..00 TO 25a, WHICH WS WiLL SELL AT TROY $1.00 TO 13c. PER PAIR. SPRING REQUIREMENTS 1'oa CLEANING -- DISINFECTING MOTH CAMPHOR. - _.. CRUDE CARBOLIC ACID', CREOLIN, CONCENTRATED LYE, CHLORIDE OF TTL1f'8 PEEN LIME, F:rs W l LSO N' S4 - PRESCRIPTION PRESCRIPTION DR G STORE, where you eget yoeaturrto net book W. ACHEN;&. HIGHEST PRICES PAID FOR PRODt11t. 9Acg•ISEaw. !hairs -Qssrtely onset - leg servings wltl yrs bola t. Mort► -iia lletho• dist ebtlrab aeon isdsy, May 1st. The Telleasitip msstw will emsamme• at 10 A.R„ followed h the praae►inR rowel°» at 11 dotoek, after whish tea ,.m. as1 of tea Lord's Sapper Ira M 4 passed. Soaiose01. Itinha t IlvvziW're. - We "Nee iy Tosed.y'a webs that C A> batams ch A +wlF 1111"1 tows, m bdsted4eai swc Tbe bride, wise looked B.A., to lrstttsAr�Mnte. "1 boos mfgR� a 7 '� o fwows room M iidJr ua whirl in probably Tuesday or 'Wednesday. Lively interest u being taken in the praotttoes, and a good game may be expected. Watch for Dodoes of the particular day. Ties DitMOUMT MEDAL CONTEST. -The Demoreet Medal Contest on Friday not over well attended, the heavy rain no doubt being •newer.bts for the &booms of many who patronized previous Der. However the sadismoo made up in entbosie.m for Its weakness is number. and it bad canoeto Tuw$BNlrs. 1794 3449 CelborD• 1794 2480 Grey 3487 3391 Howiek 219 �6j McKillop 2842 2`52 2606 Stanley 4193 Tsokeri*tith 2688 2273 Osborne 2411 Tera Y W.W•wanesb2004 g.4Pawaaab 1869 Towte8 *ED vIu.Ariig. Ood•ri•b 4017 t3.stExe�h 274 Brooesls. 1136 W meter Cluitoa 2472 Wiorbam 21422 Blyth Hassall 771 Bayfield 724 if AaalAOr attt.tlt.-Jost •s TEa SIGNAL manifes• approval of the program. was so follows : Inetromental deist, "Bury- � Y. A., De. Whitely. Chu. Seager, P. M. anthe," mimeo "'coal anti Camp•tRD : and Dr. Hobs. The i,:esenati0o of tbs reading, " The Two Fires," Miss um, I medal to Mies Colborne by Rev. Joorob VC 'herald • vocal solo. " The Carnival," y Edit* meaok bled the entertainment. The U wave • charming piano duet, and Mr. Will Stoddart sang his number sweetly and with much effect. Miss Str•ohan, ea usual, sum her tSootoh solo charmingly. and Mies Elise Tye gave an exceedingly pretty instrumen- t.' solo. The solo l,y Mies mute brook kept up this lady's reputation u • so°gstnss and that rives by Mtse Gibron was toast musical- ly rendered. Mr. Johnston ot Stratford gave two.olos, and gave them niosly. For the medal the contest was very keen but Miss Gwen Colborne was awarded the grits by M'edges. Rev. W. Jo !win, S. P. Halle, Mise AssebrooIe : Iostrameat.lvocal colo, en the lake," Miss Elise Tye : "'Fake me Jamie Dear, Miss Oibe.n ; readies. Yampa America's War Cry.,, Miss Unice Smith ; 'vocal solo, The Boyse to Blue," Mr. Johnsto• : reeding, Cry of To day," Miss Capita Fisher : yeast B olo, " 0 Whistle and I'll come to 'you My Led,' Mise Straokaa ; vocal solo, 5eleotod. Mr. Jobostoa ; reedier, " The Nation's Gures.' Mies Gwen Colborne ; vocal solo, e eleoted, Mr. Will Stoddart ; read "The Noble Cihrietdan Worcs bod Mtdsa of the Woo Elias Tye; Judges decision : pew medaL AU **somber. os tie list were well rendered. Misses IfoOill sod 0..- pagns proved *visitant accompanists neat to prose last week marries, belle .Timed in St. Andrew's ward, the ooeadon Wag the esarriage of Aaeustoe W. Cornell Is Ms,/ B,. JasRkttlr of Mee. gdw•rt' TM eetwasay was performed by Rev, Jos Edgo. as tea rnktouse of tea brtdo's mother, Arte- misia Head, ig premium of the relatives of potties sada few ef their t�wss prmt- st Viresri.li-Oar. aThr. Tfothlu W. es• Mise A A teed oorinttis'.Mutses t+ ►M11 then T sae. - -% Davii.ortlrltT Or Naw TALI11 . _ We welo* s,petal sew 'MOM Its �•+_ , brook Rlkss., Parsons and Wee J. •11.f whom show Mies Wysa g wettol m the polity of esteseis eksrn of yarylaa otproselsae bet we do forret lath old averts. mead o Acheson, Whits y. 8trsoba htmldart. C T then. -TM Denim Pirtle.% ism gl tug semt.ara is tags. t 5 ora et he Ways 'Met of ye beide. wee en The ,sgp_,d..fa Alto awful mmtflh. of tie grass. wee the best AS** fit edetiao et tb• supthl aim lib* Wily fM Meetly o • cam tops reeyellest . Corse hitt ler residWady Siam uum llea fo+I, with wed Ifh. tai 1•pp7 CET Mlle teems Mae esastad se Wishes :-.h p*ttards tar the mels and delivery' of ray It IN 8111 t• ttte.tilMnd het tam �h termbetby oR, teemirs is y aefosd cps*, thy-' t nqihilist to a bestial bdNt r fellows :- :vtoOt60lta, Iodise awe 56. nil 6, 60, 8vy 48. mai 36. oats 34. AM o teed 60, *misty Iowa 48, hsotwheae 48, alt east 66, hemp sold 44. stator beams 40 potatoes. tsfM►S, stirred. pareelre alba b•mtP, 69. seamy 80, ts sa Tdwfr ♦Nsldisr warmest► lath ip iH 5 by Jae. R.M, tbs. of •• � M moos sf the preview r dew* for 51,05.1 t peened p6*iaW. t ri$06 . Mitt. mar. trona ids risusrd pros - eat Till G. V. I• -The 0.0.1. Tsai Tis row ittersoos sad ra ken the foot ball slut ter ha geneos. elbows were sleeted t Ilea. JG. s Shan, B A : poisidest, Mr. . Isaiah Rilpstrlek s eso1•. �,..s , Allen Jeak.11 ; taws apn. J. 6. Gregory S s seigiag on.edt' les. W. Stadler►. U. slake. J. of opeluddia wee �e after fey sews vermitakes le the n lrwlosa toe the prowleite year wse "t df, M well es the is fri this Wei. Some eau- wihdostiell WIN yo_d to ardorw�l�ttsel e hhh,o~Oka ast ar.Yitlll� dr •MI.10.0 . ~Ms w1tk Wilmaiers M Wit ossoess out .,.$V tar. anelsh -6.1► t belle Is NO /td lasasm. 'baste. • tatd d Rev, g'stleman on behalf of the W (..T. addressed • few well chosen and helpful word. to tea winner. The National Asthma was sung mod the audience dispersed well pleased with the evening's bill of fere. 1). - spit. the unfavorable weather the Union will be able to meet all expenses and hope to net • small surplae. The W. C. T. U. gratefully acknowledge the services of ell who have w kindly assisted in making this entertainment. The caretaker commenoed cleaning the Leurthones `.Square on Monday. and if he ma keep p.-rple from making ugly '•abs across the taws he will gain general praise. merican Something Entirely all Papers New -in fact a complete departure in colors and designs. They are simply gorgeous. You will like them You ,will buy them Step in and P�cea them right Compare them with city prices, and you will see how you can save money.; ARTISTIC PAPERS Awls the et henna la lows 1.1yew. Illie maker 9 , the viamberd 0*, ea v mt.Y MAttws T the W. Z opt t./ J. E. DAVIS, - DRUGGIST' r►1pD rlC ,v. FARIERS WkTEB! REPORT Orannu e. Aprtl 20. 1888. FsU WkealW.:• 100(0110 Hour. to ea Par cwt.... -.--::tea•= S 60 to 1 floor, patent, per asst........"3 CO to 3 Bran, St tog...._... -.t,..•••••-- 13 00 to13 Short, 1 tog --1111= '-• t� p to14 Oates • blab ............ .. 0 30 to 0 Peas.•bush...,--...•�•,•..• ,. Hay, a ton r_ tY Potatoes...bunt.. Butter • minis impactedr dos. • .. Pelts wawa Ham gots • ........:+.• .:-.� sse•1Hogs, par sort Dressed Beef, tore qua Dressed Beef, bind Barley. par bush 111 53te0 60to 6 35 to 0 16 to 0 8100 001000 Ur 78 000to0 60to 0 25to4 12t0 0 161 10 U3 0 14, 10 to 0 11 50 to 5 73 01to500 00to650 40 to 0 40 - I WILL TAY - *'to$2aDaY for good mento purchase Harvesting Machinery at my Warerooms. An it coats money to travel, I propose to give the benefit to the purchasers, and at the sane time save time and money for both parties by calling at sly ware - rooms and examining the Stock. • NOXON Seed Drills, Mowers. ,llttrse Rakes, Binders, Disk Harrows and Spring Tooth CultivatbrI '' 000SBHUTT High Gm:feltow! of every description. ADAMS Wagon, Paris, the favor' its. Hiforks-sd BUCHANAN Y Slings. H i b Wade MoLAUGHLIN g Carriages and Buggies. ` All Goods Warranted. JOHN KNOX, Agent, Opposite Buxton's Hotel. Ooderlob. fa rR'li a irsi Lioena s- 50 00 0o 0o 3n 65 00 00 00 St 00 TO 70 50 i.1NE, IRMO .1osnses. GodderrtoL OntMARTA 13S . MOKE t 1 I RF ITS J \ � './{, iefA J.RATTAKY6C1C1 MONTREA4:e • 3 SPRAYYOUR suitable for any room, with Borders and Ceilinigs to matchSc., 6e , 7c. and Sc. per single roll ; new Bines, Reds and Orem* , s* range from 10c. up to $5c. ; the brat Paper in the gore can be bough for 50c. per roll. , New Felt Net Inpaina are ahem in peat iariet1t PORTER'S BOOKSTORE,, Court House Square, QODERICH 11 75 VUNE$AL NOTICE A. W. CORNELL Jndertaker & Embalmer sucCESSOU TO A. Ifs CORNELL B. -0e. Mo . d�eMSIrraa FRUIT TREES Buy your Spray Pumps and Spraying Material at the Cheap Hardware Store. ALL PERSONS BUILDING this Beason will find it to their advan- tage to purchase from this up-to-date hardware establishment. I am selling Blacksmith's Hard- ware very low. My motto is to please all persons - wanting goods in my line. intend quality, price, and fair dealing to be my best advertisement contemplating) R. W. MOKENZIE OP TEs CUP HARDWARE VORs.