HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1898-4-28, Page 5• FIFTY-FIRST YEAR. --.2671 HELLO ! %be ''. 13P -PER. OF i3'CTRON OOZTISTTY- TH8 I+f3./`DINC3' NEW GODERICH, ONTARIO. CANADA': APRIL t'8, 1898. sad do W. spraying at i•rtais fixed dein. The bride was married in her rrsv1d with at 1 AGENCY of tire. el.*sntly trimmed. The neighboring fa dew is the sreesstoueod as did alio her bridesmaid, a amid - the slghbortsg farmers, end all ietormatiog bar, n• coal shower Intuit of roes. TrIlVd1121, Cia3Oo• Wail TRUNK SAILWAT. fie' .. laM a,m. YNI.:e .. .................• 1.10 p.mm.. Kited O Uproot •Dares..MO Nod ....;......10.7.0same mean sod finesse MOM .... t ri a m OM......... .......... Doat1/trf NICHOLSON. aLgsD �epst 11 °• _..ar ife>1� eft Mese eat Filling. West a ttgsai• $1. X Years invert aos. L L.D.S.,-DEN• T.L. SU P UM0N.-Lhst sod approved M. MABEE. D.AR . nwthods for all dental o n Preserve m of the naturalRobins s. 07o de Ko . oa- gm oMos fwest et am b l$sesre. a JM. TURN i JLL,Osaka `.m ). aesdels. teet- with I s h es 1goldar ahem- I and gegen rel :Mast= wra •it/Liis `y taw leek. I 11. UCNTER. PHYSICIAN8 Rr gee wittr to' reti CABARRISTER O�u- �. ebtor, rp,Mtrogas0•r. lbiDoea. UPPLEtIENT. At- THE OLD RELIABLE. ALL KINDS OF U. streaR $ east of iso b boa' dr) gseM-1�A 11 RENT HEATON - BARRISTER, EesWter. Ifielso j'sbIic Canadiannevemleak kr of °twelto ben, the fied . CAM IO Q -C•. B 0 IOTV; R1k. °OLl ;otter. lretsr! halt. Sones. Oed 4. lc u. JOHASTOly. BARRISTER. SO- 4.11. O- .�i..b esee. sic, Masse to . Molter. otiose nor. S•mlltoa and Bt. •sdrew'a litrests. p rich.Ost. tilt O. ATS, BARRISTER, SOLICIT- lbH. Oft, jot °Mee N , est 4 ee 1154441. MOIL Priests ii. Lent raise of retrace. ii_ARROW A PItOUDITOOT,, BARo U rtstas. Attorsityik lioitorsPewsdrs., ode rl:h J T. (,anew. tat+ (1AYlE1t3N. HOLT do HOLMES, ✓ Solicitors is Ch•noerlP.ilo i Galeria). X. 0. °amore.. Q Dudley Holmes. COAL ALWAYS ON HAND ScrautouCoal •M Coal w lbs. the Merkel fain. wba You get NEWS OF THE DISTRICT. riven as was required. 1 anions hlie P'r'om OUP own Comer pondonto tatted thtdework until sttooaaiie• pp been made. As to the value of spt'ayiul trait fres hese followlag atnutmeat from J. P. 'I hers of Ptoson. 'metaled to by W. M. Orr. et Fruit- land, should be decisive, and eases al fruit growers to spray as per. tmatruotions in lest week's S,olt•L. . 5ORllTAoa Of , L•M' ral'tr. 8pe ed. Unsprayed. Sg0... ..10 G�Ivert 90 St. Lawman .. 76 ..... ..10 Snow 76. -err..... 85 Golden Ramat..; , 0 1025 lasilet Swear .......i it-. fir:= ,-r.'e',`2f1 'e a alight talt1l -MMPI ilad Yes ei Swear ............... eerie 80 15 amid other .awes. Mss ca many that she tweety-alio for fast that you bay.left bobbed y Mr. rayed .tats cordial friends and well wisher.. Ws re - trees sprayed the retained *. more to fruit be- grid that it is necessary for you to leave•., seas a the ape$ym y, and that sprayed g pa,60 per bbL is Ooteber. bat Done the lose do yrs wish for y Spy' were worth yours a bright and happy future in your new and that the, tome libels $2 00 per unsprayed brew home. Woo. did hos brthi Signed on behaU ot the eoagrepa H. W aprri'ti.TUN. Pastor. D. C. Syx'ART. Recording Steward. The watch was an exceedingly handsome sad valuable gold one. It tore the tnwrtp- tion of the obotr and members ot the Prisons ith he Street Methodist ohurob, 1898, monogram. to the To say that the wedding presents bride were numerous, costly andwithal use- were LES. Otranto by M 1A�' lit IsErE Ston rssrrltr attended to. .. OOD)d81OH •• S :, pILu WORIB. A. 8:- OH RY SAI:*, k. _..- to tlJwetal a Shill, kuanabatfNr of all kinds of Mom is IarerneaUee were iter Nawar. be Toasted Anywhere the -flews et tae pNv'yseeelly i.eerted for The MiPal• CLINTON. } The totals piesis have secured the Yeo of the Keats, y lawn for the •woe. Lt. D. McTaggut is treasurer mil J P. Doherty secretary of the mittee. The members of Clinton Lodge. I.0 O.F. attended divine serrioe in Ontario et. Methodist church so Santis,. Mn. Ed. T. golmFreers he left willLvisit some week for St. Catkerise, µme before jotalor bet husband in St. Peal The famous Waterloo Bras Band has been aeeur.d for Clinton's May 24th demos- seratioe and there will be several other brads as we,1. Ls grippe is prevalent and many oases of sickness are reported in town and townships tor whtoh the weather Inst week was net t.verebe. Even French's Castle was nos exam t, nineteen of the instates being at- e BOILIURS, Smoke Stacks, Salt Paris, Sheet Iron Works, etc., etc., And Dealer la- RugLee, Machinery Carting', do. All dna of Pipes and Pipe Fittings, Stearn and Water 0.n.e., Globe V alvs, Cheek Valve, Inupintors, Electors and 1.. Constantly on Head at Lewes A v line of Steel Water and Hog Troughs for nee of farmers and others. Repairing promptll attended to. A. B. o1�,YITAL. P. 0. Box X. oedsrtea. 0. WARD. 0ONYEYAN OICR invite . kc.. ••4 f •kis. et1M s sitnoof noas'Memo defter Yee In or era adet 1.Jt�MYj c.sling to the err tow �_ l� pe1)1 of Appeal t. e.enfsld ll: rem. Covert, _ Q sed promptly a uteale1t• ruiddrarar addrrim-I)usOansa Oat. 11811-0 Loma ASO lle•tl1'iMM MONEY TO LOAM - 100,000 00 Privet M""` -y aThr ifilett egaslte Callose UNEP TO WAN. -FIVE PARC_ NT M looney to Ins. vibrato tooU0 j LM. fleet ens tarts to rent er fell. �$' strider.to rent or for solo L N. Godericb. C BEAVER, CONNEYANCINO AND The committee to ohargc of the M.y 24th demoasttetioo are deep in preparaacs and will spare me class to mak!_&lhs Mogan •vest yet sew in Cltotou. They are artier. beg for a 'series of •stn °time wadi MSk$ W m draw • oister crowd. WAS Nettie Cowes. of toot. bus r. mo ved to Gderiob, where she hs seamed Don In • dry goods store.'Ilse wee tin President of the C.L. society or Willis church tor the next six months, also • pop- ular teacher in the Sunday School, and the mambas of her els saw her off. VAvoOU' so, April l3, 189. DsAs Mite Mc1NTyitg. Street MeehodW gotten of the Priaesse Church, os this, the eve of your departure from our midst. desire to express igh appreoi•tioa of your excellent qualities, and el our regard for you. personally and as a mem)er of this church, as seeretuy of ib. Women's Mw sears Society, but more n- veegwlly as ow of the tint and °Meet mem• bet of the otwtr. sou have been most faitb- ful and helpful to the ohurob with Which you bare been w lone oseneoted. With many *pages. you have always bees the same, hence it is ler W • ditty. se well *a • pleasure, to pretest to yet AIM gold lt watch l neareaot °moo. oYM postte artia'a Rotel Ootertoh. ONEY TO LEND ON MORTGAGE .t be seas. a iMartartinntH. ole,•g,MNw P. aR, of es•aa. etrt+sst rtes. J T MATTEL, 0'IRE, LINN AND M • somdenl laseras.e attt)a rets OMM Dar.11ertaet. -4 •rich. MONEY TO LEND. -A L A R 0 • amount of Phyto tad* for tot . • towerens in ot, _ RrM 1 nis GAxwa h PR01 RADOL111r1. GENERAL eg >danu. R. .oras... Real aeff bawls asset. (tab �s"'�"a r•preeset a. hose! U Lead M O•0e, at the low rase of bat-"� 1,T way 40 MN tb. 'orsowsv. .4 deer halm *mare. West IM _ Walt Canadian Pacific Ry IS THE DIRECT FAST ALL -CANADIAN ONLY �- LINE TI TAKE F0$ Manitoba, the N c rthwest, Klondike and Yukon Gold Fields. BOOKS A ED PN RIODICALS• fa addition to the books already Messrs, • nounocd for publication in Ap Harper & Brothers will issue • +tot y of ad- venture by Archer P. Crouch, emdtled " &snouts Woajeser•" With certain vexed portions of South America snip' yine its sososry, and with the Chilian war for incl.• it mildl pesdenoe vividly realized in its pegs, the I tul, is but expressing . sok certainly doge not look opportt reser from friends and acqueintanos ot she happy °otitis in this pity and .I.ewbae in the ' gr�fae Weekly eft rTihn T i(I�er BLUEVALE. ,Too late for last week.) Rob King is in God•ricb at present. Mr. Gorge Haney has a badly sprained saki• Mr. Bert Batley laminas engaged by Peter Kisg forthe summer. ice of Drayton, Mr. Wilson and Mr. Day are workisq in the hoz mill. of Crs6• Mtn Ada sad Mie Ida Dillies, brook, were visiting at Mr. Geo. Hadeoe'e. Rev. Mr. Lowe and Mrs: Obent, of Wing• Iwo. visited Mr. J. Putla.d, of Reza' HoteL (INE DOLLAII WILL PAY TOB THE SIGNAL You Oss Yuan. D. M°G1LLICUDDY, EDITOR. FOR CRESCENT BICYCLES GEO. W. THOMSON einterestina facia raga dr ung the oettput of "Crescent " �� Bicycles in 1897, by the Westernheel 'w'O?kI - of Chicago, Illinois. Ill 1897, the total number of Crescent wheels sold was 83,000. The number.manufactured per day, 750 complete bicycles. 850 miles of Tubing was used. 780 miles of Wire was used in the construction of the spokes. Steel forgings used in the rough weighed 113 tons, and when finished, 21 tons ; or 92 tons of waste in drilling and Finishing. 32,084 square feet of sheet Steel was used in constructing the sprockets._ _ Crescent. BOMrings required 13 997300 steel balls. sr.in Harp r D chs +•bidet of • youoq fr 11 as tram abroad, inolndlag • hoods.oe, e• se int is flarper's ' h�ndwme oto o ethers of the llluetratics of uncommoo.tutetst, ygpepaeyiop as article on the same lab - The information oonteit:d in this netlel• le oomoild mainly from a " List of the Battle -ships. Critters, and Torpedo. beets in the Spanish Nei. y," prepared is the Military Informatics Division of the Ad- intent•Ueaeral's Oflioe at Washington. The announcement is endo that during the war with Spain, Harper'. Weekly will be represented et the (root by a brilliant staff of artists and oorre.pondents. Kufus F. %oupeum, rred•rio Remington. Carlton T. Cbapreeo, W. A Rogers and other' beet Inca engaged to fellow the movements of the navy and the force. in the field. Annoy the Weekly's special correspondence will W John R. `Spears, with the North Atlantic fleet now stationed at Key West ; O. K. Davie, with the Flying Squadron ; end Harold Mutio, who. from headquarters at St. Moamar will toles the progress of events in the 1:11101,11.NOW 1111141111110 EW I.a4r1ll1XE811OP1--ALLKIM* et eel. twee et ssion Prises. for ales. Minh beset sad iMaltadIghtlErtN. SEAFORTH T. H. Rance, editor of the Mitohell Re- corder, delivered • lector* entitled "The Sooial and korai Influence of the Home Flower Gerdes," in the town hall Friday evades. The grand ball. tendered ley the cfftsn of the 33re Batt. to their numerous (Heads, whioh bad been looked forward to with great interest by the society people of this plat* and neighboring towns, took plain in Card - erecter. The hall opera beautifully decorated with hennas, firsts and bunting. Amcsg those present were the following ladles acid gentlemen Yn W. from Uoderlob : Mrs. 0 Rbysus. A. Rhyne, Mea Iwwreos, Miss Jose Shannon, Min F. R. Bell; Min A. W Ball, Mies Nicholson, Elm Algia, Miss Hays. Dr. Turnbull, J. O'Connell, N. Smith. U. Shan. nos. F. Holmes. BRUSSELS. Tb. town hand will oommenoe their weekly open Ur ao•oerts in about two week.. • Robb. Hcadsrsoa is talking of investing in a sew modern street Winkler mwnfeo- turd in Ooderiob. forks, tram the officers peat and Daub ieetttute, Belleville, Ont., of whioh well-known institution Dr. M.1hl• ion's father has been for years the popular superintendent. Atte breakfast, paDrtaking of and Mrs. Mons wedding aocompwted by • number of Mathison, fcs, their friends, drove to the station, where the Atlantis express wastaken w ll th peer them en route for Kamloops. home for the future. A large number of .e- qualnt•noee and well-wishers were .t the depot to extend to tbsm their eet and and wish them every happiness prosperity on their revise throughout life. -Vancouver, B.C. World, April 14tH. LOWEST RATES. FASTEST TIME. ACCOMMODA110N UNSURPASSED. trestle. ,'soAXTiR▪ 'R TOURI ST CCT3THFIOAS recces 177,883 square feet, or over 4 acres, of Leather was used in -mak- big $addles and Tool Bags. or 1,181 -pit weight of w ileo '97 rte ins i. i1� _P l'� setae. -- -= �) Made-Meth.than Western ee any two factoriLs in America • Priceless plsee0er7• SOAK AND Sw.IS' le en i.ftoe hike ons of 14, r4110101111 and son -poisonous remedy Cancer, Carti•arinons U,oas, Sore Throat Wart main and a variety of skin diseases. s,pmarry s Round mean in any part of the body the The May .tenor of Harps' 1 the liquid. Table will contain the flat ins'elmsnt et liquid no rereh it. Send for clutter v The scene is laid in the Sold •t 60o per plot and 30o per half pint Kirk Monroe's six part serial story. 'I be ins iestruotions how to apply Copper °aunt r.'' Godertch. storynges t my eiy ot • and the buttes. LABORATORY. steal hinges on the myateiy • deserted MoLiiOU'S oopper mine. In the course of the 'story, as re are informed, 61x• Mauro. will with hie }On F�1ULLlts Co reader thoroughly y pp r min with the The Kenein Il workin¢e of thea copper mines, some of which are as mush as a mile underground. Another feature of Isparta interest in the Msy number will be the •onoucement of the Three Prise Stories 1n the well as the sal Short of Story Competition, the Photegrapht0 Ccmp•titioo. Tea ••C•1lxrr tlaaBill' W141." -The authorship ot the mu•b-dimessed Isear Kxperienoe of a Cabinet Member's W (tis,'' printed in The Ladies Bonn Jour- nal, will be in the June time that mesalt ee hit en the name f Acne ba of gsbar will appear as the author. It is our - misled that the domestic exp.rieeeea de- scribed in these letters were those of Mrv. W. H. H Miller, wife of the :'.attoney gilts Den oral in President Harrison'. .bin•t, Miss F.rghsr is known to b. • personal friend of the Miller family, and to bars spent oo.aiderab'e time with 'them in Wash ingtori during their residence there. The author of these lettters was ore land raised in Indianapolis, the Harrison and Miller families, but for tea v. are pest she has lived a studious pro- fessional lila in New York, London and Boston. Se. is now oonn.otd with the editorial .tee of " The Beaton Trso.orlpt." La addition to her " Cabinet Memissr's Wit. " letters she has published en. novel -" A Singer's Heart "-sad another one is about to be issued. She Is • young woman, .zoeediegly clover, and only her •lonst Meads have khansn her oovieeotben with the W *alginates lettere whioh have attracted .soh wide atte.tloh. PRICES OF it Juveniles, - - 20.00 Adults, 40,00 Tandems and Chainless, 75,00 All " Crescents " fully guaranteed. A shipment of " Brantfurds " is expected in a few days. Tal] internist tea •ad.yemph •• YID d1b sad Yahoo told no tree. Apply R- R c c7LIFFF, lC3313T`TT• - 43•07D201‘108. CT'1!L ROS. Plumbers Steam -Fitters Tinsmiths Auet10D a. '1ROMAStiUftDRY. AUCTIONEER . and tselranos t�2� 7,C °o Arent Lerida* sad `o rgirbilt o., Gore District Mattel Ir. Os. end d 10 la ear Darr d the e5Ytv. lr JOHN KNOX, OIN1RaL Honest sad Land Fsir$O!, Oat. Having reed wrote•= ey be •aeuna trade. he - itebesee wt•Mttaw eye at Berteree lmNsr .iMevelt. orrs �w�r m 00 ern\ P. A.. wow, et KNOX Os,.s, tantloseee atMMgefaatag► laaUWt.. f'IODi111.IOH 11t10HAiR(* l� TUTU Ulla/MT UiD 1311111 - Room. tar. of Maas ewe* ed Over hum 11e a rig.. sea bets r se of 0.m. ABOUT 1000 votes 1N LIBRART• Leading Deft, 'Amity yea IlhisfrOwi Pim, da, e" SS 1/01.101.0141.14011A.. MOW Me .a CLAN" allibllrs 70 alt n«d'ell M The By-law destine with the qusUos ot sewers and graeolithic wales in Bremen will he voted as by the property holdertr on Notchy, May 9th. Bromide Deriving Park will be put in Brut- alises shape for speeding and driving now that the fine weather boa better half -mile trash !a the suited. No As At Home was hold t. the Odd Fellows' saelwm Lodge room en Tuesday 'teeing, 96th bas., the aanittwsery of the order. A program of .oast sad Ins neonatal music. readtags, oto., w111 be pre - misted. Have removed to West side of the Spnare, next Sturdy Bros'. Grocery, *herelto they alll their customers, and m maty more as will favor them with a Gall. West side Square, m `. a iMO. i Limited, WANT DK t ELM AND BASWOO D in large or emit unaarks" for They are oleo the LUCKNOW. Mrs, Wm. Odds was at home to the members and treeds of the W. C. T. U. es Tuesday efteraeoa. Jew M.Claake7 was awarded the Oentraet of waterway the frost .treat, at the ...soil sweetie,' on Thursday night lest. for the sem of $149, and the.tatlsklar made he 1a1W1 brio tie Friday at•raise. smelter. ..rte motel wise h a► end100 a ine wet. ship M the Presbyterial share!' a* Swedes morning, wee Bs'. A. MoLay pnmsbed es obis D rm a ler the a essies. shut Sims the eau �`I emp�ttare ed there sows the heads are ems by ate les'or *be eller to seek ssploytaest elsewhere. Oa Tuesday d. trashy lets for Uederieb. where be has s.• eared • shuttles. Mees it ray to away 7 Darius the eummere et 1806 sad of 1896. ptas*W la drueNes o waylay was ghees st various plasm o the pretdst seder the the Osbert, Aaealismt el rteelsMwd T work wit ..seeded Aer- iss the pest yew. The essMsd •depted tease follows : Mi. H. lr Orr. 07 Prot - lead. Oa • .-.Meed✓ Inuit-tr•word wide OLD FRIENDS HEARD FROM. WeedM Meeks Ibsen tgettr11 es the Far Partite Metra. MATHI SON - M0INTYRE.- A very pretty but quoit priest) weldtattI took k plumsree R this 'tourism as Me rs.ldesee the well Uordos (Msr•1efiv of Dederick), known wYelwle dottier, Camila street. when the 10.v. Prat. Wbittiogtee salts ^a marriage Dr. R hist buses. D U.8 , of loepf, and Mie Months Molotyro (formerly of Beltferd). • well-known sad ppalu Dear lady of tt.e eh!. The bridegroom it es 1886 to 1890 serried en the le•dbtg. as Well as the ;power job pin fag sM' ob- 717 a OW Ie City. o obi Mk owee enineeded Matbtsa, apes by Neese & Hastoys ..tering hie: ok ups Nwptofteenew of des- ors - dory, ed ever ttetry, to which M has been engaged .hies, he having graduated some years does at the Dinkel ! pbiledelpbi•..54 IOr seine time east lea bees pr•omemo m Eam• keeps, with eMes in ether Interior tees. Te• osere.s o arms woe witswsed by the Imme.Mte Medd sed relative* of the bride. reediest le tbl,btty. Mises 1p(formerly Jf . Theon e, ly el Beileville,05b.. senel. while Jena Tkomes a the Settee bat new ea ibts'iey, de..ha.ysd of hest mem. Mee Mohave hoe bees • reddest et v a.ose'Ur ler a.amber d teary. sea il� pbrfr. N ss taaend egrets. wee esteselell • pe0Ist. Se r gVted with • Ilse , sett w aiwa etlade letea psd.rbty) of the:au ewortabweeee widish were brkid 11e fro the i.ltowemg eddrees seessigost Meda .f s .cola mash g�o.s ole•s stpt't. TM belies et Joe lathe eters baomstag sad bsdatea• Green Elm and Black Ash. WE MAKE�t. Sewer an Culvert Pipes All Mss trots a tn. es N Is. tea cesseestese. WRITS f� RIOIF$. raraosom Menet ri stieed nth harbor IraaMsBnf t �lith ttwtwe Ohs Geta, Mrm0110111a Peary. �e krreelm • mesa eea.Mlg 4Jellueleh`weer pl. IS i.1:11 .. . WIN $25.00 $130.00 $50.00 $60.00 TDM SOFT STURDY BROS THE GROCERS, , 1. the store for :- MON "DELICACIES, FINE TEAS, COFFEES, SUGAR CURED HAMS. BREAKFAST BACON, DRIED FRUITS, GREEN FRUITS, FLOUR, (a11 the best brands-) • Our stock of China and Glassware is well assorted, and *narked at low- est possible price.. ST-��IDY DRO S TUE ONTARIO SEWCIIILAIDS ER PIPE CO • frame! 5T1105140. irRONTC EUPHEMIA A. MiLICKNAIiPA of des work. . ee0/MMd r� •t -l of area - Nob I ttrork. 1• esteemeds MVOS *e -dee were settable fee tee wort awl seevewiewe lee .,x11... Owe erelwern "" ipetwilhal� * these spreris a owls. 'Three ow . were seleetell 7owe la -acre Ain. LINIMENT. aoa arrsa1Q• ' chs ONLY. ie • po•Itive caro for Spinal Disease SIS -Die rasa, l.eammatnr, Rheumaaitint, r.mm5T Book, Lnmbuso Sore Throat, Vi wok andBrais..a, tlp•lae. tttifiJolste. 1109105. and all kind ed dWssus. It hat also bee" round s euro for throat at tartlets In horses the trade None genuine without having mark ens labels and w, sppnre. and . A. Mo Leaman • L1iomesx 00(ob eNeb. lel. romped as wax era al by io ~ me- Nsaa . stared patenteesad DrApAnn1• New. ,ens se, soleh. wet. pre etre**. On the Square -West Side. MISS CAMERON, MILLINER HAMILTON STREET. 1. wish to announce that, having been unable to dispose of keep business, and inorder � reduce the bue business, 1and have secured antime as- sorteupn the goodstanding as- sortment of all the handsome New Shades in Trimming Effects, also the Newest Shapes, all of which 1 purpose selling at very Low Prices in order to clear out the stock. A call respectfully solicited. MISS CAMERON. PLAI�INt RILL. 1ST .all1Mtg M60. Buichaualis & rAi.vs•orvesars BASE, DOOR and BLIND Denims so ell Idols d LUMBER, LATH, SHINGLES Aad hewer. 51 ores asn.trMsa Met ?ultimo a SveaiIltl SP--R--iNG OOTS. ANDSW-ES SHARMAN, Jr. WM. has an extensi:endstock of prise ca nn ist and e beat en sin hand, that for quality THE FAMOUS SLATER SHOE still holds first place, having made a record by its wearing and easy -fitting qualities. OUR LADIES' OXFORD TIES are the beat ever put on the Goderich market foie quality and price. a‘771\4.. SIMAat ..Am1NT, 32‘. THE PRACTICAL SIIOURRIER, GOOERICH. AIWA •