HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1898-4-28, Page 2r ,• h A SEVERE EXPERIMENT.
Hi wee •s 111-Ienspered day, with •
fine penetrating mist, and • raw east
wind. Everyone who came into the
store shivered as the warm sir &truth
them, sad the east w lnd seemed to have
possesstoa of all their tempera.
Caleb Wllron, tie proprietor of the
store. was at beat a gnarly old gen-
tlenan ulth en uncertain dispo.ition,
*bleb wea (molar more aocertain ss
the day progressed and his trials ate
cumulated. Mrs. Jones could get ev-
erything she p,rioed "• finite cheaper to
Harmon's." Mrs. Austin. hie best cus-
tomer and butter -maker, brought in
doubtful butter, end he dared not
tell her eo, but meekly took it at bis
Ugliest price. Mrs. Sampson returned
a dress because she Lound • "damag-
ed Kot right in the middle of tbe
piece." Bo It had gone all day.
Jest et nightfall Bruce, his only son,
• boy of fifteen, came in, and stood by
the shown's". talking to a mate in the
vicinity of xr. WileoD. who was mark-
ing goods-6ebIT naank of muslin.'
•"Ltesl e t..t their
eir c-1igR._
ming our arithmetios," the boy was .ay -
lm.. "Pa jut emit afford to gat me
one, I know."
"Yes, 'tin had fair some of you fel-
town." Brute answered in s lofty tone.
"Of nurse with me it's different. Fa -
tier can get whatever I want."
The old man's face grew grimmer,
and his thin lips set in • displeeasd
Hoe. "Se. so, young man," hs mutter-
ed; "you are crowing pretty loud."
Brace went on; "1 tell you 1 am
g lad m7 father's rich. rd 'moat rath-
er die thane go dressed as some of the
'fellows have to, and dig into all kinds
of work."
"Guess you eoatd worn if you Lad
to." the boy replied rather tartly.
-Yew but. I don't have to," Bruce re-
torted with a laugh.
."Ttrel'doa't sonny? Wei; rfli'ia set,,"
Mr. Wilson muttered again, peering
around the muslin at tbe sprees, ra-
ther supercilious -looking boy. Then his
gaze wandered down the length of
tlia long rill -tilled store. It_ was the
largest in the county; and the bon -
est, energetic old man had the patron-
age of the entire country-alde. in
spite of Us seely ways. He gazed long
down into the dim Interior, until his
clerks commenced lighting uy.
':Lam tired of keeping eters, any -
wilt." be said, half aloud. Then, roar
ed sharply, "Never mind lighting up,"
he called to the two young men. "Come
here" He moved to the desk, and they
followed him. "I eben't need you any
a more. Here's a month's wages ahead
that mill last lean while you ere hunt-
ing another Joh," he said, 'Moving the
money toward them.
' N-hy," they Toth began in aston-
ishment, "have we, done anything r
"No, no, boys; you are 411 right. 1
will give you good recommends. Hope
you will have luck getting & oleos.'
He tamed from aid a sines -
aod pii•'tlfo•ttlii boo. on Nt1
stood an instaaTin blank email&
meet. "r3b$B't we coma back for the
eveoingt" one of them ventured. "No,
no; you can go now," he answered im-
"Why, father, what does this mean r"
queatitsted Bruce, who had been an
Interested editor to these proceed -
toga Mil father. vouchwting no ans-
wer, went around carefully, closing the
great shutters. 'setting the burglar -
trap shotgun, and double bolting the
done. He put the front door key in
h is pocket.
"Bring the i count books from the
deati," be said to Bruce. The boy
obeyed. Then he extinguished the!
light, itad they groped their way in the
darkness to the back door, "'lake the
books to the bonne; then come witb
me," es" the next command,
He carried them to the 'bis ve bite
house just aortas the alley. Then down
the long village street they went rap-
idly with coat collars turned tip is
slight protectlo• against the driving
mist. Finally, they stood on the bridge
over the river just above the dam. The
fall rains .tend nvollen it into mate a
torrent. Mr. Wilma took the two
bag keye from his pocket., and handed
them to Bruce. "Throw them in." be
' Into the waters" the hey gawped.
He was very white; but, knowing hie
father, he said no more, only obeyed.
"Now, young tomo," -Mr. Wilson (se-
bas witbt a keen gaze on the boy's
startled rautsitenswoe-"that store will
stay shut until I sea fit it should be
opened. it may be five years. It may
be fifty. Meantime 1 Calculate I've
get about income ear/Ugh from other
things to keep to off the town. So,
after thin, If you get anything better
than bine jean+, you'll flax around for
Such a mystery had never befallen
the people. The whole country went
wild over It. But the blank, wooden
front of the big store and Mr. Wilson's
lirim Lace ware alike itapertnrbehle.
ra. Wilson and the two married
dangliters, after vain questioning and
many tears. dropped It meekly. Bruce,
who alone held the key of the prod
tam, was naturally silent but aglit-
ter desire in his heart.
"Guess when he twee me in rage be
will find some way to tie it ap. 1'd
ilke to know what work be exp.ota me
to do soywky," hr. thought sullenly.
Ae tte months' went by, in spite of
bis mother's urs, hie clothes 'grew
shabbier and shabbier. His shoes were
setually ragged. but his father seem-
ed not to notice it., Bat Bruce had al -
• hien unpopular with the boya
for his "bossy ways" and his "elm"
Be in his adversity be bad no friends to
tern to. ally• Mysterious Mooing of the
atop sad the p(nlesd way in which the
tasnily appeared to live was "good so-
estgh for him" In their eyes; mad the
boy's school lite seemed sometime al-
atret a ' story.
Matta die if yen had to go like
MEM d is tallows, wouldn't you t"
Pared dna d than Dae day.
You'll dove to stag to Mme in a
.eheaket, trretty soon, nhimed in am -
"fir. Jeakitsnwente a boy np in hL
lanyard. Serene try for the place."
N • t13r
_.. )t!asi.
Rlies dos w ane Ia JSMMor taa-
7t�. jalgD ln.nw tt,e ,gtmatod Draw
M4 abeer yet 1Ly iatle>re.0a
"tit, hotter mosey, Reim Wilsoor'
*skein ssw at the boys. "Your
make Oe sick! Yod' I any good
K. snd your Mat any good
out It. There's osis thing money oast
bay and you haven't got. and that's
He nick away from the 1 hter of
the boys with blade rsiM 1* b11 bsart.
TM as all his father. Hs'd male. him
sorry," was the whets thought of his
rite. Daily the triad 'artlessly buy
grew more carslemr sad worthtlese-
"He looks and acts like a tramp."
his stater mid one day to Ms another.
"Can't father lir him w sortie? It
might he him a little elf-reapsot."
lir. Wilson, ceasing in, heard her.
"No, be can't," be answered. "A eel, -
respect that's made of clothes isn't go-
ing to stand by • fellow. I'll own that
I'm disappointed in the boy. 1 thought
be was worth saving; but I guess he
ain't, I guess he s1s't." His voios quiv-
ered. sad he tweed to the window.
I think just that break in his tstb-
er's voice went 1 long way toward
saving Brew. Million. for he was 10
the taext room and heard it all.
"Why, I believe he cares for me. He
honesty cares, and isn't doing it for
mwneas," he thought, with • soft-
ening throb in his heart. He lay on
the lounge a long time with his head
buried in the l,itlows. When he got
up. there was • look of grim determin-
ation on his (tree, very much like his
That night be announced if the tes-
table: "I've beets op to sus Mr. Jenk-
ins. He will give me my board and
fifty testa • week while .rbool luta. in
vacation he will give me two' dollars."
Mrs. \Nilson dropped her fork in dis-
Bruce, that's the dirtiest,
awfallemt/.emelliag place; and Mrs.
Jenkins has the name of bring a dread-
ful housekeeper"
"Yes, ft's a pretty tough place; bot
'twee all the job I could get. 1'11 have
to ask you. father, to advance me
money enough for a Lair of overalls
and $ wamila. You knew -Tots premised _ _ could
me blue a.' Mr. \Vtlson, uitboat •" "- ore instrnuneot of death. molt or 7a to the Ib t bs flys elisi-
a word, > ►fgg a dollar and & lea coaly preserved. (tix,u ebouldat' CHIVALRY'S OPPOSITION ef�• tb°nRasd "Dor% sot dear of all waytom cit the t'le first acrd feed
halt - ►hove a'1 things," said ('Onetantins CI fits
au oriels lea ab,eerIM - ■eeard N Pail
apo teresas Ito wonderruI and la-
�earloa rawer ter Marne - gmaN
wa/ra }brew eaeaea - Opposition to
rtrearer M forty ager,
From the standpoint of utudern war-
fare, with its 13 -inch guns, its torpedo
tubes. and • lively contest between
projectile and armor plate. all develop-
ed within a brief generation. the in-
vention of gunpowder fire or eta cen-
turies ago .seems • c•omparatively un-
important historical event. When guo-
powder first became known to Eur-
ope the nations were just emerging
from the misty darkness of the middle
ages. and they were abed slow to per-
ceive this possibilities of the new ex-
plosive and slow to adapt them to
military purposes. But the records of
those )eat ages reveal &wonderful re-
viceution in humaaiif• wrought by this
The origin of sia�iotirder is involved
in {eat obergr ti to yrotestype,Greek
fire use known to the ancients. Pbsi-
oitrnttta. the blstorian, rotates that
the conquest of Alexander u Asia
wax checked by • peopie dwelling be-
tween the River Ganges and Hypbas-
ea. who overthrew their enemies with
tempests and thusdsrbelts. In the
seventh century for secret recipe for
Greek lire was eold by • Syrian priest,
('ollenirus. tie the eutperor of the east- axe ion at a hundred yards Grads- the Lack re teat atYl Ip Nem ors attar t .tier► !nn off
ern empire. it was used against the ally the tuba was reduced is size. a appM g I brioriag vham is •n boor or e
stock was added and then the rope in trying. Will the termer believe that after feedbag, especially svodag feed-
tara-ens in 67.-79. and for many years match and trigger were invented. bT one thousand Leine d either the P1,- leg cM the rye while it la wet with
the t► W mdob breed will asst rags' This applies to all green fodder
began to work a ohea0e to the art d
war, Ott for a lung time the lmtterfeo-
tians et cardiaey made it of littler
prettied value. The cannon were un-
wisldl They could at first be fired
Daly tee or four times • day, at great
ezpen., sad with uncertain eteou-
tion. The earAut casinos were made
of wood and' consisted of semi -cylin-
drical Ogees, bound with iron bends.
Meal powder, of slow ignitioa, was
used; wrought iron cannons succeeded,
and whoa, a little later, the Germans
bages to cast bronw field pieces, ar-
tillery •uered • notable improvement.
Grao,et•tiea then made cannon eo effec-
tive that they frequently burst. reus-
ing greater execution among the gun-
ners than won the enemy.
Cannon became efficient is Francs
during the reign of Louis ICL (1461 -
ell, whey Lron ball* wrote _cert, soo-
reeding atone missiles. The gums were
reduced in Size and greater veloi•ity
was secured. From that moment t be
doom of fetraalism was sealed.
Another tmportsnt invention about
that time was the adoption of true- jority d farmers to whom 1 bare apok-
nioaa to overcome the recoil. When en ata this subject will hardly modes -
Charles VIII. the successor of hpuis Dad to argue the point. darning that
XI., invaded Italy with 100 field pieces s
and 200 siege guns town after town it's "wetsaa's . work." Talk horM or
fell quickly before his advents.. Pro- tome ani he will be interested but
foiled fear overspread Italy, and the istsf 1Dert't talk to me sltart them;
crisis gave birth to the modern rye
tem of fortifications, then developed �7 ane s"tyiasso.; look low tory
js,,,aeceseitg by the_.totemo t drty. ��iad harsee1 No
Ian engineers ineladlog chae Aug♦ oyer, there being so pls. provided
ie sad Leemasdt ale Viaai tlMt�; they roost oa the tt.,ok sod
'rite earliest type of small arms wast
tbe hand cannon. which required three dasblward.o( the buggy sod regs where
or four men to carry and handle it. A' boraces L hung up. it to mot the keta'
rateegoet form. the bombarded*, re-' fault. Ereot saaj5 4. sad eomtortabla
sembled • two-inch gas pipe. resting on quartets far them and r &ad
a forked stick, which one soldier sup 7°'° buggy
ported, while a comrade ap4iie.d • 11ve harness will teat suil:er.
roar to Lha vent The mieale, weigh- I The object a! this letter la to ovar-
ing perhaps a pound, could scarcely do' coma tits iadif erefos. and slt.hoogh
I wast to speak Ito the Lrmen sad
tbelr wives, writes Thos. Fraser is the
Globe. Muob bas bees said &boat
obese and butter sad about the rais-
ing of suitable cattle for beet. 1 bare
netting to say to tis ooatrar7. both
the steer and the cow will mate money
for the farmer, and it will pay to feed
them up well. Our Department of
D•irjing and Agriculture baa dose
&ad 1. doing, much good on rheas limn
bet what I want to improv on the
farmer and his wile at preset is that
el raisin suitable poultry.
Uafortuaately is the past the poor
It.. bas Dot had • Lir show. The ma -
thetas agagled mat en mom*
IMMO i. el the game tisport•ane.
(keen rye is taut Os• of the best fod-
der. for cows. but it say be sod eo
tbst its bad quinines any let be se
conapietanus as they farrier be leader
leas judicious mss geae*t. It oeetate-
l7, does sot make good butter, bat bee
such • promasoed flavor Ls obeele.
Most d its offset, 'boweves. is avoided
byt case it using it -est is. by Gradu-
ally laosa•dag the ratio* of It from
• mall atinatity at riga start. Tho et -
loot, of it es the silk _seas to he due
to eons Deeming seltot*so• is It, as
is azparleteoed is Nedlag turnips or
cabbages to bate sawn. Wo bay* fed it
Ie the regular course. as it ones 1*
se lbs first soiling Drop for cows, sad
by beginning with it la a small way
sized wiles hay o own fodder, and
gradual!" IMageseiag the Quantity. but
ly takeslg omen to teed it quite
froth, ated it la oat, ibis?. 'bete beta
Lao lad,setatts, even is making batter
from the milk -end batter seems to
oosoe.tra1e Ingo ltadf every particle
alter trading epedalIJ awning lsed-
If theirs is 5.1 aggest ase eit7 tar ask-
ali"OrighisLilriiiillf, '' aim sin
srptees.nd say ataterial dtttsresos L
the milk titan should maks it unsuit-
able for making Mess. Patently it
will be la so way esalreefd to calves.
TbeMasse that maid possibly s-
car towers teread'oa to frees mature
in tate epilog would be is their D
too mach sof the tuoouleat food. -11=
tale may be easily avoided by
Monday taor17ag • Arise commenced to his mos, "direct thy cares and thy
work. Tis horrible smelistdekened him. attention to the liquid lire which is
Mrs. Jenkins' cooking spoiled even his
aphagia: bat theca «as adual of thrown esas of tabes. and it the
his father in bun, atter salll,m
, so he secret L dared to be asked of thee, u
.went on without a thought of giving it haw often been of me, then ibou
it u1tp. Moetrefuse and reject this prayer,"
-i*cr ehivairy of Korupe held the use e=peae" in teniae naoathat . I in the yard et bars a few days, to
d firearms in the greatest detest! 1 know r' sit now. that sot ousel aauurtam bats cows to the.ia'�e: Th.
ties. Most loudly did the knighthoodlbrmr b twcat will orodtt thea,_,_- `tiled •tg first shailtd be spsiatled with
eery aloud against then.. At firs tit. 7 I salt which is moderate .amaUttes is
knight* Wessel -the tufts! meat. it is tree, *_rertal..l..A ea:CI !t, a retie t*tra»! ►1Jssttln,e shave strait
nese of their armor until unable to is more there- Bregat& • fee to Cos- groom fodder •s this.
bear its weight. It las all in vain. oda who dive. emik lien. well, yawn(
The Ytpra [rause wild" ill adapted to
projectlie-won in iia costae with dr; Nosy, here ie a su�ggedieft II to
['naive piste. farmer claims it ie woman wart, let
un sic (150677). v e - her profit bl the vestttSe. Let it be
corded his bitter complaint against. do's m a wee% Charlie RP
"the abominable bullets." Describing a the hes W skewness, engage help to
'Tee, 1 am Jenktss boy i sad I gausliry •rata.
except 1 do smell of the tan -yard." he ANCIENT GREEK FIRE one &n armored 1-itTe ship. The EZT1:.A sARLTi"OTATOMIL
Delver Pisa the rntlM Osamu M
Alter t0sSasreas (M1.1..r taus
The last naval battle fought
Seals 1a the sew world aboesd
elusively bow bar maritime power
decreased. tips wee detested by
with din's std. and duce thea,
Spaniard los kept may from the
elHo omit d South Anodes.
Mae story d fiat war and its
estrous !Malts is dials la told in the
Army bed Nagy Journal. la tort
sent • egoad$sta of neon r
mounting 211 guns, t. puacsh the
owns. for the maltreatment of
ie4 subj•ota. The Personas had
Wag as the water with which to
low this loos. but Chile Dame to
aid witb three eeapl•--oke Ease
carrying fluty -two se oettsteree,
Victoria* a small me-ges smitor
the Lon, a dimisanive Merrimac,
e d ficin iron and waistline two tint
eight pmesderu. Tb. Esmeralda
the Spanish gwhoat Carbonise,
✓ asa, sad smeared ber la twenty
Sae without lbs lm of • man.
*minds Herd ashy tine stints.
toad two as. Win and
woaeirsa. 'Ilii .lair "Stam
followed by tee agllsttrotas Orme
launch, so shanrassi tie efIndsh
saint Pangs. tint is *Isle asst
brain is Ola mina.
Admiral Nasus, wiu saseasdSd
eja Lien gallantly &nailed the defers
leas Valparl.o, where sot a mingle
wag 1.00.1ed except a few slung.
Secs. Net. a shot was tired trout the
tants asd the inhabitants promptly err
•ousted it. 'lois Spanish admiral: la
spite of the protests d the torsi
men-of-war is bre barber threw 1
2,000 to 1,000 shells into it trom his
fleet d aka mewls. The epasish
derratiltthe sentinel ties that tit
&a>tiatts visa dans. except by fire,ebi.b
destanyed 410.000,000 worth of nese
ith goods. It was $ snort wastes
piece of b•rbsrity, for if the $p&at.
arch had bad a Medias- lore. they
could tee taken the tows without ag-
ing • dao.
TDs gallant Naves asst assaulted
tat. City of Callao, whelk tai int hiss
the tllKlerraos beitwes as was towel
end ase that wee adequately ifesded.
is tour or five hours the 9Vasuh
pesdren was badly and air &ad wasDr
glad to awl bark to as beet
it could its ite arlppled eetOl1ilen- To.
Villa de Madrid [iffy -Dix gaigot a
allot in bee steam cheat sod wa0=
out of slice: tie B.reoguta, tbarty-sir
eras, bad a bole twenty feet Vinare
knocked into ter near the5 line
byMen .xplodiag eir and out
of resp to repair damage..
The ammunition is two otkar
iib vessels gave out after a ewe rs'
fight. aad they bad to retire, of
theles hawing bees 'twice on fire Is the
neighborhood of the rempieise. Tide
lett two easels, the Neismestin Men
dad sad the Almshouse. Yes burs liti
sr tease two vessels canard their Are
and mew. the CbUiase firing at
them email they were beyond rases.
The Omahah lose is not exactly knows.
bet is .apposed to breve be about
Olt Commodore Rodge ra 1 i B.N., esti-
tasted the loss of the Chilies. at
eighty, though others give • larger
smaller. No serous damage was dose
to either ships or forte by the ttra,
byond tied named The Spaniards
ties wkbdrew discomfited from the
Pacific. being short of stores sad am-
munition and with their vessels tout
Ica wet of docking. They had es
tabliabed a bane at the Chimels bl-
eeda but they had no facilities t re
"And, if cheerfully, you
ly, to the boys.
But the Saracens knew the secret'
Sens menet tants i, alerting M.
"And, if any of [allows object, loll !1 tl 19007' the celebrated mar tabs latera Me the ops& era pleating
d were
fight it out with you." and used to W tie terror sad dis,•omtaboos ia the -
g Nturr u[ the Christison. steal of Frances [ o[ Francs las re ,
Somehow, though. "Jeokips' boy" bushes to
grew in A famoudi demerit/Om) los of Greek' fire OO1N made at the Ileum' experiment eta -
in spite of hi" hands, and sometimes in a'-iinn ie given' by De Juiavi!ip, in battle hes .aye "The troops. wbtrh I'het after the e,thanag of ti0e with fairly satisfactory results,
even his :ether objectionable smell. his history cif Bt. Louis. Reiwunting •' commanded were occas bow men onll, l s About the middle d February gross -
the long summer he lived and skirmish with the Mussut 24 oft the arse. at that. time there ware in oarings' �p� the mums oleos, the
worsted sit the tan- mrd. Mrs. Wilson borders of the Nile abort 1:48 he de- e. 13ras.r'. wile bas eirwad mars than boson flats were Mid with snarl. sad
7 nation no soldiers armed with gas I 7
missed him sorely, and Wilson
many teen "'riles ' s terrible engine for doing wonderLav► it roe:d have been the will a bar skate sow to do, ergot saatatrle and in them were placed good Seed potatoes
to secret; wattle lir. 1Vilson aunt r•. d. mist tele[ by whish they cast sit ueGreek of providence that thin onlacity itasrs- •117 Ma houses. give them Lots of room with the sand end sip sad about ose-
a habitrof hi d the np to the yard• (ter, whir sea the moat terrible thing mens .houtld bare beta invented- Ilaid light; perobaw ow or mor. reli- fourth ei the tuber exeoad. Each flat
and from behind the safebin sthltbwith that everi1 saw, I)esme forth tbe mymelt still bear •tont me the martl/.•bis taatrr•tors .M broaden t►e contained forty-four toes. Theme
big pilesof bark watching the boy with l age fire, he Bays, "it. rams as that it bee left, which eves over ram' bruoden ora as tant as iacubat- y potatoes.
an anxiotrt countenance. large as a tun, withaklttail extended as me to enlNr mach-wasknnn end Ove ori pareses »liable .took and eggs
were met Denier a testi is a cod propo-
"1'm afraid he's working too hard ions- as a great lance. •tt made each mn brave and va!tiat mea killd with to *tart with spraying *temp, lane Dote jlsGag-bore. where they sec aved par-
sed hot weather," be saidbtu to his wife. s nmw is agproachipg rant it sense �t is ssyh sed numbers. And it gun- ter. Au -a oemplete outfit. All of the tial light, and • temperature of 50 to
"It seems wort of unnatural, anyway tiler thunder which 'Aad [erica from Dealt '"'"'''tsed that the were sr.eh &acv. oh�rt:e ftp to o• 11.81 account_
to have the oary boy we've got board- heave's, and seemed mea treat dra- down to grou.d b!' abor tn-jKsep a uorr.W, record d wages. di.- ca ram tbe exdust BMusposed eyrooe, dif-
ing away from home." fon flying through the air,. and threw •tile ballets, whish yd been dtaetrtg- barwmenta for fe.d, eta 8ohwri is Lo a ro ayrexpo troy tbome .t po-
"Everything has been unnatural for out such a blare of light test it •p>• ea b Daae &sd w&tdl knavas. Alt one ow mors youltry jouraaia, ■il o[
'moat a year bock, ever sines you took
peeredhis clear as def." this V Tet, elea�l cod of rhos seri- which oh tato.& aprcrtitiyg is tat. dark. March
Obwt_Reties to shat op the stare-,• she Thts aptarition ie the sly created, 1r sere tr expenses d lbs hens' NI thane were plowed to foresee lbs
fleesdhicIt the devil employs to in-'UJw some oontaaon seDse sad Dare Yoo
easweaud-.ta'U haus - ..agscat teongue:naticlri."Le .loinville thea. dude ‘d imam thelsp to kill each' will had that after deduotitg interest hers being l&*t'u117 . t* t from
Wel), we'll ase. we'll see. I • ain't .dswrf47 it: "A• soba an the Turks 0c -11;178
n ital, a the sand sad plastd aatttre is the same
over the notion yet," was the diaccour- threw- the first charge of fire we threw SHAKF1iiitl►Rt4.8 ALLUSi0N`l. ' altar
sea 01mssiagemeatsad plum � ( D hubs apart in
aging rejoinder.
ourselves upon our lltMwe and lenses, 8btakespeare altadee to the disco- reeding year, every bean «111 rows. Ordinary whole tubers which
said the fire of the Bret discharge tell eb.otmsat o! military life Gams" by ruing you is suer thea use dolor of )ed been kept in the cellar &md sprout -
the fall Bruce obtained • sawn r7 yevenw aver expsmass
between our two tower! and immedi- the new method of warfare when in 'geed of the slime variety visa also
es. with Dae thousand hen the , ed hi balk were plighted. As _cheek,stely the fire toot exileguiebed by a
Henry Bat for tlt.w vile gum ee t fanners woe will sora more
Lion ' in the rival store of the village
which was dole( a flburisbing business man we sad for the purpose. Three
now its formidable opponent was out
of the way. Hie tonus thin time wen time'. during the night they threw this
his board and ten dollars per month. Greek fire at us. And every time that
The winter dragged slowly and lune -
great Bt. bowie heard that they
somelq along for the old couple. Stiii threw for fin he east himself on
Mr. Wilson bided his Time, the ground and stretched his bands to
One morning in the paring every bill- leaven and cried with a load voice,
board in town and every fence the Nheddtng rop,ioott tsar. 'Cncxwl ford
countryover field t,i Jeans, preserve me and my people.'"
g posters anooun0-
ing. in Targe, impressive letters:
1, Caleb K ikon, having rested until
1 •m tired,
Will open my sore as suddenly ea 1
closed it.
Old goods sold at cost. New come.
some orer.
Hoping my friends will be as glad to
see me as i am to ase them, I ami
Your obedient servant,
Caleb Wilton.
"Ab I Thin le like living again!" be
said to himself, ss he felt tbe Old, fa-
miliar floor under his feet, and tbe
old, familiar piles of goods confront-
ed him. He drew long breaths of de-
light as he butted about, direotistl his
help in the "rodding up."
it was growing • little late whsj b.
put on his bat and went slowly dews
the street .Rai her hesitatingly he air
silted the door, sad went into the oth-
er store. Bruce was alone; the pro-
prietor had gone to tee. Someway. be
From the a e of this "engine," hurl-
ing liquid fire, the Turks plumed quick-
ly to crude cannon which threw atones.
In the year 1247 they so defended Be -
elite sit au stuck by the Christians.
For a century and a half tater there
are frequent allusions to the as of
cannon by the !doors in Spain and is
Afro -a.
But Christian Europe for • tires
shrank Irons the new device and paled
beneath its thunders. 1■ the popular
mind it was closely allied to rue black
sr ta.
Some English writers here ascribed
to Roger fsaon the inveatbn of gas -
powder,, Baron in tis travels bad vis-
ited 111,•in. and perhaps tiers learsed
of the strange explosive. Returning to
=hind he described gunpowder i44
1 Aa a Franciscan moib+he la .s•�
to have compoaaded the .*$canny au
stance. A legeed relines that 000e in
locked nnfamilisr. to Mr. Wilson. 13. the absence of Bacon a curious fellow
had grown so, sod the boyish look had I monk entered hats liberator with •
lett his face. It seemed, aa he leaked
at him. that he had cont his boy forever.
He could brave gathered him to his
heart In a at range excess of tender -
nem. The redden leers welled to his
nbaccastiemed eyes. Hr walked brisk -
1y tap tii,the boy-
" WVel1, Eiruce, does y our r board snit
your Ifs tatertvgrted brusquely.
Fs0.liy a Iiroavered Bruce, with a
"Good M mother's f"
"Well, so; it don't teem so to 1N.
Maybe 1 am prejudiced."
'Gat pretty good cloth..!'
Bruce kinked down at the plain botuli-
a►me. "Better than blue jeans," he
answered laronically,
"Well, you've flexed around for
them haven't you r'
There was a silence. Thee Mr. Wil -
e0111 eommenced again.
"f never meld abide that moa Har-
mon getting &head of me. So, Briloh
1f you kill come over sod work in NA/
Store, 1'l1 give you your board mai A[
teen dollars a dloath this ,ear.and rn
seed you to college Best year. But y • '
will have to keep on flexing" B. t1aSa.
nearer to the troy; egg cid, le a low
voicA, almost apppeallttgl)r. "Dal. Rliattee,
1,0n's got more sans. Memel you
And you've got over the satins tbat
gond clothes and a rieit cid tatter
will make • man f Say,7A don't
t.hiak 1 was ton hard ea yarn. do you r
"Well." the boy .aid. rather hesdtat'
burly. "von did jump es a fellow prat.
ty heave. hat -1 sna.g it wen worth
Then hie bear,. fairly limped ftQm br
mnudh, for his fstber, kin hare, its -
yielding old tattler, s0d0l Lased
war and kneed Ars fell w file meet h.
es tete wme kteeed robes he wee a little
lighted taper, and while spyi around
wase blown to pieces. )era ions tell
upon Baron. Ile wet into prison
for prectifeing the black a1B'ts, and nar-
rowly ew'aped immediate condemna-
tion to death.
Germany grace credit to Berthold
Scheer:, or Bs.rthol," for the
otoc,,ory of Schwarz was
•aiscaleet w4 tbe date d
his (*port* diasOverl i■ rsriously
plied at 1500 Ink snd 1161. One
version is that 1e t*venteel the grans -
fatten ofa prunes which
adds many N to Its agpisive force.
A legend release that Schwarz web
blows a1 by Wiscealaus am • punish-
ment for estiaere. A mos tmsat was
mooted to ids Memory is 1.063 at Frei-
berg. O.rrtiMt.
Very11 the aienufactere end
es eqq!� r ekte*ded through-
uest Euterpe. 1111 w►ltpeter, or nitrate
ill poladh, VOW 'In siskgtg it, was at
Hist imparted wholly from Asia, tip
Fleatsb at ens this annualising the
trade. There villa In Tharope owe suet-
eee bores of supply. Its ammmos poo
ppitles lived In (hairless gets and epos
tits ground in thew habitation. ves-
ts sed *shoal refute aseeneelated
till trees the Dui�esq�eat
tion ery tale of the 51trstee at
the .idm or ore the oroun. Ole coveted
wee the •egaisitlos sf I1deac in
Ifpgiettid ►ad is .a_ M hila •a
kfagllitnut that he"0gfapadcm rs
e te fammonft "net
Oksaiien tats slut treat ant y�g�g�m0
e t allaty tao-
dyes tot to Staab notarial ter the
fnaaufastur. R Ant is be teed
4e js mama 4 inn.
The dove g*ass .r cameos sod moa
ketry was ably. la the time of Emla
Mei ties remiss d pgyawder had
010057 plaited. Both WRs d the whole awed
He would Unwell bans been • soldier. I than the Lamar wiil with 20 average I pt abed of rhe •ed, whin* ked beet
Arista, to Orlando Furioeo. breaks ?meas. Let eery farmer apes to cos- out. Jose 1 the shoes sprats
ant in tarioss declamation against t 11e viatica dispute this statement. Let him ( showed excellent y fatale potatoes,
Even the Knight of the go into the amt d keeping 25 .ewes, chile dfu °theirs w 6dly a eeeek tat-
n ew weeper tach ag the tasd hely etc Tbsm ti. 7
f3orrowful Cotot.*una inveigle again- mate *bat the ocet d tee wiil be to[ tor. The ditter.uo. a told ls sot tory
at t*. dlabollral larenwty of the in- p I nt•e we lbs ebiet vNes kslag ,lee gala
like Ariasto; consigns bis OOe thousand him.. Take the gross re- af •west Itveeserines.
to .'vs, mud. vee.e tram the cowe and groes estimale
to everlasting torment. ed revenue d tie hexa deducting Dost
AL she dawn Of mtrdtero rlydlizatio° d each, a
nd he will Hod "the hen luta
jut before the invention of gunpow- the
der, there were but two professions- Tba Tn. made •t the •
eoeisglastkal and military. Europe was Gov-
ernment Experimental Farts will
a she of perpetual unrest, and never show what lbs hen can earn. Do not
wee batmen Ufe so cheap. Robber barons.
ole and pullets. There u • marlin is
were ogees behind castle walls, end' "cry dimpasinif of the °Defer -
the panoplied knights were invulner-
able. The musket made the peasant Gree Britain for all that oma be pro -
peal in battle to his oppres.or. Cast le 4uOd• Every Farmer in Ontario hav-
wail* crumbled before the cannon of Ing all *We orchard will find it of
flags. When monarchy succeeded fend -'great hene1t end profit mining large
arisen et{ttdlbj armies became neces- quantities cd poallry. Eggs may be
Tkl were released from . taught by weight in the War future.
tato y of following war and
turned their eteps toward the pursuits
of peace. They were forced into civil
life. 'Their energies became avail-
able for rho cntlivat1on of thaw arts
0f peat* wfilrb Mid formerly been ne-
gleeted." Tide waw one of the greatest
victories resulting from the inven-
tions of gunpowder.
In taking up a tree then is a lova
of root, and it mast be resseab4ta1L
The nursery man mann dig ap a tree
with all rte roads, and it wotold be of no
value if he could. If the top of the
tree L reduced to oorreepoad wait the
low of roots thee. will be but little
check is the traaeplagUag.
The sew woman has penetrated even A gest many have the mistaken so -
to the harem of the Amor of Afghan- ten that a root feeds. It does notb-
istaa, where she wean male attire and ing of the soft. Tia principal as of
does aft slot pleases.
The Ammer picked bar ap on his
rehire Miner from the northern
part of lila dominions a good many
yeors ago. She had been brought be-
fore him by an indignant, tether and
proposed husband for puoiehlnent. She
would tot conform te the usage of the
eoaat.ry sed enter the married state,
though she had ;hen reached
the age oleo it heroine incumbent up-
on her to do so.
The girl declared she had run wild
alt her life. end dile sot wleb to give
OP her freedom tied be sleet t1p la s
harem. She sought the Amsr'. pro -
beetle* and obtained it.
"All right." he said, "glace you want
Ie be free you, shalt be. but fru you
lest ale reyntn; brat la your punish-
ment. Yea visa to live like a- mea
yea shall live like the, and for your
own protection yon !mast wear toes'.
Os Inc arrival 1. Cabal she wag ghee*
Oa title of deer. or chief, sad was
sabre the harem's s r. Abe
goes N she please. or is
ordmnal. both by eight sad day, and
w nos *von 1■ alaademns Cahill has
e ver breathed a word ageinet her fair
TOO MUM, FOR 0111.
i mei saderetead woows at all.
As; sew female. t
See, leve's a girl who says so
tblunt remota pion her heart, .
the mot is to anchor the tree fast 'In
the foil and to serve as tea reservoir
tor flee food whist is gathered by the
little Baia -IRs growths from the
branches 01 the Hoots from the it sur-
rournding them. We found! This out
ansa some mice got •mosg_our pasr-
t.ees and atq all the roots df. They
didn't die. bier ware almost the better
far it. A peach -tree may be pruned
to a walking stick and do letter than
ore left with the mare of roots with
which it come. from the surgery.
With the &desist of spring the sap
goer to tbe extremities el the limbo
sad the growth begins there. laprun-
ing look to the IMAM On the limbs, and
see bow you .vish the new limb to grow.
11 inward then let the Crud on the W-
eer side he a4 the end, cutting just
beyond it. 1f ouibw.rd. theta cut so the
one& lad will bs the tut. This give.
the chaos to form the tree properly
or just as it is wasted it rewire*
a little tbinkiog. but it the lantits
of the bud. is sotimed it is not only
easy. bet iretereetiag.
Cult all roots •mootk. To rut them
hold the tree is the left bead tram the
[radar aide ftp. Cottle( foam the top
makes • wooed «Mich will bold watie,
sod this will cause it to Mt. In et-
tlar the tree held 1t fine tied with the
Seger. work the .s ot. to preen elm ildeewty�Raro se
the them
and leave s•itis *blas, till thy earth
gent. thea press It firmly, ant fleetly
Legend with a niallittp
the will ale abseil tie net end
Many N Twat t _r a.5d b tae Kerd-
iadas es aft. war.
Many Kloadikeis are returning or
preparing to reties from Chilkoot and
White Fames, being disheartened by
the desoar.geasst* on the trails and
the has of 111. Dewed by the Chilkoot
avalanche. The steamers Queen and
Recaps the other der arrived at Ta-
cos. Wash.. with several doses men
watt had started for the Klondike. bat
ooccluded to mall their outfits and te-
tort. They may that many will fel-
low theta.
Those who have reached the sum -
mita and lakes Linderman and Bennett
are reported to he moving rapidly for-
ward. Fine the storm of two weeks
ago good weather has masted In the
interior: anti thousitildlr are carting
down the. lake. hoping leo rspch the
beets River, at the foot of 13*1*. Ise
Barge, before the We breaks ap. Their
sleds are fitted with malls. and when
tis loath wind is blowing hundreds of
outfits and man may be seen gilding
over the smooth lake Loa toward the
gold land.
Al) reports from Dawson are en-
couraging *inept as reser& scurvy
and pne.ttmonim. whicb itas prevailed
there since Fehraary. T. E. Ray of
Detroit, who arrived on Saturday
night says I be Dan ar.n hospital was
full on Manch 7 when he left, and Dr.
F ablack said there was not room for
another oot.
The scurvy Is eased by uncooked
food and ubelaaalinee. Ray says the
victim is himself to Mane la searll
every instance. The pnetkmetta casae
are general) men who have become
exhausted obits searching for claims.
Important gold dada have bees Spade
on Barney Croak, $ triiatery of Sev-
enty Mlle Creak,, which empties Into
the Takes s tie American side 130
mils below Dawson. The diggings
are fifty silts shove Seventy Mlle
Oreek's month. The gold la very
Para being worth 40 an ones more
then the Eloadlke product. A hun-
dred sites Iron Dawson have staked
Yea meditated the Sultan of Turkey,
H. le (dite out at the googlies for to
to hewn. • Christie). i have bees
reading of the, ateetrvwacs d Edits.
Jet think of ml healer to warble
slfleets toggwtr Inc a harem the
Ad he ordered &senor Mtasmr•
leerettlsebns Nov 11b. neeusases1 K frits.
ewers aeewera aha Twitteeslslab.
The negotiations for the sediment
of differences between the United
States and Canada will probably le
brought to . a forum at the conference
which will bee bald in Ottawa in June.
The British sad Canadian plenipoten-
tiaries will be Sir Julian Pente•lote.
Sir Richard Certwrlght, and Sir Louis
Davies. The latter goes to Warburton
shortly to arrange the p5sli 11&Tiea-
It is understood the Itnparial Gov-
ernment is very saxtoa5 toes a friend-
ly agreement brought about. U the
disputed point.. are Nettled the ques-
tion of the Alaskan -Canadian bound-
ary will speedily follow. Six topics are
to he diaeaseed as follows:
1. The question tat the pelagic sealing
sad propifagd revision of the Behring
Sea sealing legulstions.
2. Trenabipmcat of fish in Load
3. Proper protoetlpa of fisheries oa
the great lakes.
4. Abets lobar 4•w:
6. Reciprocity in trade " without un-
oertasarily dl.t.urhieg any existing tn-
dastrlI in either country"
6. Trsntaportation of the troope of
e ither country tbougb the territory of
the other.
1f,s hoot or niece la too t1oYb V say
Dae particular pleas dip R00oth 1s very
bot water and lay ft on the ats0nfert-
sble spot. Thie wilt Dense the leather
to expend, meet* * sdapt ltsepf to the
shade d the foot.
it is said Whet skean whit* "draw '
the feet may be mots psi -Natty com-
fortable by pouring water tato them;
this if allowed 1. renals is -the shoo
rot a few minutes, w111 take all lb"
nrntral host from the leather.
Soles cat free movers! thieka.aw
brown piper, and re.i Mtn deb
tore woadartu11y antlers(b Me
For sottOSittg sins t t.
ibid> oil its *110 e s
and.. thisk onoOn pdastbliap Wm
Meer_ nd
* ales llastt nasrlllr.obrineV
Wig 411 is the erdiaary MOO. -
Dns a
lift y
as 1