HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1898-4-28, Page 16r ij:k jk. r, .aa•••.,.1.••••••••••1•...r-- r .._._.._ • . t iou • ON hi DOLLAR WILL f' A Y Yost -DIE SIGNAL Fos Ons Y.AL r 1e FIFTY-FIRST YEAR. ---2671 plEW - - -_.. .81 4 w,11 Paper-aO. 1 Hoto R House ent-N. W. Nott .... . . Uederiob 11•KaisCastre-Jas Mohasco 4 Compulesry clearing lido -Est Jas. A. P Itetd .............. garea's Greatest 81arst-R• B. Smith.. 4 House Cleaning Tim♦ --W- C. Geode- , . Colombia Revoke -C. A. Haaber & Soo 5 g.dM.H. -Oso. F Emerges 4 L Clear Aso Tob•oco-J. Rattr•T & CO 5 F • or Bala TONE FOK RALE. INI THE BIO Yevoew. For p.rttedare •will to L *YON, ..Tetter. Yed/eIRA.,.,. PRUCE TREES -I HAVE A N U M ter*Mee res treee. tour to eve feet nktgti,transt mg. Tor irate p, ar.D'ARAB. p1lar A 1 Oft Wasted g tl A V E JUST RECEIVED Ali order for iw•w- M. don -s 0 moronas the ' DOM le all Qattara be s Vs wast tt mimed w Ik etas deify sell •s will furnish hr. las sad le, t*e blibest Elis ter Al. lee.. . e are Atliend bsm47bm1gM Potato.. •t the mak dare. W. 3. MORROW. UANTITY OF V Nmaw Ili sed ANY We aro tiori 1 RnNer •ed Yelp- Iasd 10.,11 • ea•le rad feeds. far Eggs, tl. KIYU. Windham. Building. THD I B A.DINC3 N}7W8P A.PPJR OP HTj OI•Z COUNTY_ GODERICH, ONTARIO. CANADA : APRIL '28, 1898. NEWS OF THE DISTRICT NS WANTING A HOME CAN part otavtosemtows halls to n t • nay tar ors ft in rd ieymests, he Mere thee a modern'* rent .ed • psi sasI dews. Apply to EDWARD gHA KM AK. la • From our own Correspondents - For Ahab or To Hoot. OUSE TO ReNT - HOUSE TO restos Boar Street, eontsiales sea renes. soft and bard wave. and a g sad Morse mad shed sad deo WNW s. • trait trees. ST..s per month. Pewee ea w U to gives One et 1W. Apply to K. W. .OTT. Materia tk. HOUSE AND LOT FOR SALE OR TO rent. - Frr sate er to one the 11 resssd dwetline on Bt. Andrww'e street, at present recopied by Mr. O•..dry. There M a good cense woodshed. belek .make hems sad • largo 'table yP +sewisee Will M to Mu Jvee ea _PA My WIL11A318. tit weere Crassest MOOR 8ALN int TO BENT -TOR SALE .1 sr M root the dwell's; so N.Iso.-• . at esa5 MSSsorrt•d b F. mme•th It oo.Wrss Hst. melee ow drawbar room. dialog per, Mae, sad kttebee. ad bas s library, w cbsem. p•atrss and • good tailor. planted e w►sf and fruit Pad tmisiAmot_Ydefaan ex lent ▪ App'1 to F. 8 * 11. on tbs pre- glean there ts spgees•.tten Here That Cause. be lowed Ail w ben sloe -Mews ell the 5eu'', specially ReNrted ger The axed• LEEBURN. Toaster, April 26. Mrs. Fred Horton and Kat* Horton *c- loyed • plo.sa•t vet to Bruoebeld last week. TO -i ry° Tenteavo.-'F*wimp _0t aunt west Nn. J.a. Hamilton .ud 111 es bile Clark WEEfile the delegates from bete at the N o 100 to Credll ora. ,.Mien of the Women'. Auxiliary Weldon - a• Society to be held to the Queen City. W. wish both ladies a pleasant sojourn. Kerosine urs Naw YORK -Atter • pleas- ant vied of three months to his unols. Mr. Foley. T Grl u went book to Gotham toll of anecdotes of his stay io Hurcn oountV. During whiter time he made many pleasant Inaetest visite to Ktogabridge, which will later os end to hu takior one of its teasel flowers to Uncle Jam'. domains. Farming operations in the way of seeding and plowing were sopped altogether by the big downpour last week. and formers are now on the hop at the dawn of day, doing double work to make up for bet time. The f.11 wheat in this section is Doming on well, and several unpromising fields are tables a butter turn, and old experieooed tanners tell us their hopes w Food for an A 1 1e0g • Ino u t i C E TO i KEUA Witte. the neesteer of Ike Rafale of Rodertet Me tare of the Teieus*tip of Iibfteld M the Count of !Iowan. MAW s hereby riven pursuant to the Ste Mute a that behalf that all creditor. and others bawlasgg .dat,ue Against the Karate of the said ltodaMck M Ronald, deceased. who died on or aboa the Mel day r1 March. A.R. 1018. are requested to deliver or end by post. pre paid, to the Ludast Western Trusts Cow tors, Menere. 00 row t 1'roodfool. Goderlob, admta1Mrnter of the estate of the eecessed on or before the nth ot flay. 1016. a statement in writing eontalnlag their Dance. addree ea. and dssortptla• and toll perlloSLn of their claims sad a coasts cad s{ t*• security held try itemise. .. Aad further take that all persons lo• debtea to the said Rotate ars required to forthwith Pw•ay the amoaat due by than to the sold AdmleINraser or its Solicitors so as to aeahte then to wind up tea maid 1.101*, Dared at Goderiob. this lath day of April, A.D. 1010. ZIUR 8A . LL -O U or TIE 135T • AgssWM i'aitin4 ...►l. Itteeer., ooe fagot51- 1 weer. list claw agw frame hors GC W. MM. bo been coat anon* /16 for U years. sit and kitrheD. browsad? on the $ teeiieot revel roods. $1,.S0 owls. bs1 o.t 0 eve ter Dent Werra Apply to r. MO DON AOR. (hrlow P.O., 0•t. or to J. A. Mc. DONAUII. 19 Welitagtoe et !net. Tomato. 11. FOR SALE -LOTS 69 AND 70 Bvobiraosi temvey in the Town of 1Ysetderteb, twee wktsk le greeted • aloe dwell D•iN t1 h faeoamber 1015 Apply to CAMERON. HOLT & HOLMiyJI. Godericb M tt VALUAHLII TOWN PROPERTY FOR Belau- heist ere& eloa-• Z , the river sad lata ftwarleJmyeeett lsr v hsae ry ate A. MscUarMtt 1Sa. Oma of tba tsoae v.1.•Me sed &tearable pre - ()ARROW t PROUDFOOT. leolleiters for Admldetrater. lllortgaie Bale. SALE OF VALUAiILE TOWN PROP arty. Under sad by virtue of a made of Sole vowelised lee carte a Mortgagei to the Teodoro. and beertag data the 17th day of June, A,_ Ism will be offered for sale by public auction. by Joke Knox, saotios- eer, at his Aucti.•■ hart on 8.1511105 d., I* 00 town of t/oder1 h. in the County of Huron se SAtnrdal, the 7th day of May. tele, at 11 o'elos► seas. the tollewinel valuable property. serhely AU end tbigutar c hat certain wool and I.ci tract 1. 11 of load town of °orterloh, 1. thses. situate e county. of Soren. sod Province of ataribelag 00111- 00111- Mewl- ewd el ulnae d rl of Lot. raaeg number tM 1'. the .•td Tow., • blob may be mon patrtfon- larly dee..ribSl as follows ; that is to say : - Cowmen pet number Mi thence North et the tfor feet tcorner oo a•i angle. thence due Kest p.r.11el wttn the n ett peri' limit ot said Lot to the Kasterly .rrir llmtt of eereof 0i'Lot de South fle thence oryy feetWoor MO ant. L▪ o. to to • Solidi r limit West corner thereof reof and lone of begineiug, being the whose of sat 1 1.x1 t amber Me oz. ept the Northerly 712 square yards thereof beret' fore sold and con- veyed t Thome. Koukledge, Th • property is situated on Church street and u a vs, r desire te t.sidesee. Terme :-Tea per cent down, and the bal- sam within thirty (1e1 days thereafter without laterwe. Title mesas may M inspected at the once of the r furthetom.r fur the vendors apply to. Horses For further part Horton. ..t .. isteedGone/isle D Dazed, ,this 119auctioneer. h day of to the *tsIw•terstgied : 1)atsdT Aped, OAMARUN, HOLT t HOLMEB. JOHN ChOlt. Vendor's SoUoltorl, Auctioneer. -- AUBURN. Tumidity, April A muds. d the cumbers of the Pablie L bratty •ills.• held in the reading room out Saturd.y, May 7 at 8 o'clock for tb• election of a be.rd of mmarsmeet for the year 1898- 99. engaged in the ssddldry and bantam busi- ouss. H• looks vigorous, and is loud in prates. of the prairie and Province, wbicb he likes remarkably well. Asoraso Plower -1z Der .STIR. -Oa kios- day, the 26th, the rotes us of lire Aon Patton, retiot of the late Oeorps Ponos, were interred io 0aowannon cemyety. The deo.saed had beee fora length of thee. af• dieted with lung disease, to the afoot* ot which .he auooumbed last S.turdsy, al- though mediae) treatment had been toed, though usavaitsbly tor her restoration. Her age was 69 years. Doomed was no tnduut• rtoos and good able's, sD r11 1. 140110 of Male seamen of oottatry, and s widely knows sad well respected. She leaves to mourn her departure. twu sons, and three daughter., and het fat her, who is an old pifiea e. of this soothes. and other relations. N whom the titers tympetby of the nos• y jt- ory.adwd .. i is:: • 2..;; ylsetmeoaa Rev. R. F«rbaire conducted the funeral oetemouy which was largely attended. ASHFIELD. TvaeoAT, April 26. Samuel Ceek i.e got a .position at T. Eaton's, Toroete. Seeding woe suspended darier the pest week, owing to the wet weather. The Inspector. J. E. Tom, made an official visit to S S. No. 5 dnriog last week. George Everett is making preparations to move our Tuamotsr to work on a farm. ROB ROY. TrLaDYt, kpuit 26. Seedier in well advaoo.d in this district. -Mrs. remit Hawkins, ot the Nile, was liitins r 1 1e the out week. Mrs. Rogan. et Oed.rioh, spent Thureflay last at the residence of Wm. Junes. Mrs. W. E. Taylor moved this week Iiia the hoses lately *counted by J. P. Fisher. Mrs. Coaling y, of London, was visiting her sister, Mrs. thergs Monne. the past week. We are pleased to hear that Frank, nos ot Geo Mobilia, of Uoderioh, formerly of this "Ism, who was so wrIS**ly 111, has takes s favorable earn. pities 1n tows. _ South strsS% s5 •iW tsdlomwtisR SEP - ink Lichens. =kat primal °cooked by Mt. Andrew W t. The d waists.*sMs Sedldabt greunde war the O. T eocrupied h the U; e sgad o DTt)Vre•Dbe, .p to 704 A eodsrieh. PIANO - M. R W. LOO1mANeg. Bt1AB formehas d • ames i.r MRS. R. 1124 A LOGAN, N, berg. /tor "MISS RETIE CHUTE. Graduate sad M Qett•cbelk Lyrle °Midst Y R71mw. North 'Prost Tauber A 1•g PIM Orme. Mao, emdl 1 bswame ee sad R. W. M w eeSlde•ea « R. D reek At boss tram 1 te sltuationia Variant. AUCTION BALE OF VALUABLE FARM LANDS. plummet to the power .d Is • merlgage. s d amble tow b. at the time stogie_e will be o he sale SY public M Themes Onadry. amsremeer. at his 1 Meet, l• the flare of •t 55 8.1- mom... m.. 1551 at 10'dWk dMrwoow. AMiM NTTKD - IIsee IM M EDDIATELY, A Mir he Ihm. Y Q AIIIRRON ~ 0 Y WANTED - A GOOD, SMART boy holt 14 to Myepu of aha• to leen s printleg unlos oe, Apply at TSM Zttouar• oe. tf e5pes b.nemy ma4 lens ' C' ty04 "11ag is the W eelens Ton the m li as the of Weil a farm• asmana liZr•ores of lead. 01515 er oma. eon Mrs¢ Twee desorlbed 1. the raid mertg•se. ' T e7 is well mutated about • mile tram OMdrtsk- A geed sedan greed taus thnegb the farm. The building. eseelet tile. • trams M ase. frame bars and MM 1 . t w exeepelwW7 !tom tt*g Ike whet* tans 1e W Mr11ted ter stook Or BALK -110 per oust. of the = •e arra s11 the mme of iota. tad the Ws the 1h4=7511 be required M s1gs ea afire miNmodiste Fatdie to tat and he MIS1 two the Termite oar. er te Vendor. Solicitor. 1*5ts11 tiDated Agrame •'ads. sad w the mins Ike die Nast part et 1rma lag M 1 Doer. 1. Centel* y u sets. all f sed, las geed Mete of °ult11vr Rem u*soei Wields the prow y et A. gnus. tad f es a ea dm travel Pared 1, -Part of lot 1. con. 1. W.D. 0e1- borM WI owes. Tide 'steel is .nce ly cls fwd aced fenced. it Woke panel 1 on the M side, wad treats es eases rood of land, bd 1M Pa, g -A triangular pt•oa pan of lot 005. 1 W.D. Oolborde. edtoies gmel / ea dui* and hosts on the .epee Panel 4.-111 the land Meng 1110 bed and Rant is thele ants River eleI0* Meni.lo00 1 now otitis ong- 1eo between thee0aiUme Arne.In the Nest ..desstshh oeo ilii .1Kodae.d. oo5OIM reboil? 1 D. M°GILLICDDY; EDITOR. COMING AND GOING. Ed Munroe was Is Cliatos on Sunday list. Dr. Bruce, of Chalon. was to the meaty (19eventy town Taesd•y. E. 1.. 1)ickewn, barrister, of Wingless, was in town this week, A. 8. Macgregor, of the Sun Life, wan 1s town on Tuesday. Mrs. Lows sad ohild, of 7hia.go, ars the ru its of Mrs. Black, St. Patrick•at. Jas. Steep, of Clinton, wan in town as Friday. W. D. Fair, of Clinton, spent Sandy in Goderich. R Woolsey, of Brussels, was in Goderich last Friday. John Morgan, Bayfield, visited the county town yesterday. Ry,$ win ODDFELLOWS CELEBRATE GODEKICH TOWNSHIP WIDMISDAY, Aoril 27. Rev. Stephen Bond, v1 Sealorth, 000apied Zion pulpit on Sooday. Spring seeding will be shoot finished this week if the weather °connote Sts. John Ktobsrdson and deter Oraoe, of 1.bdsld, are guests at the home of Samoa MoCullauh. The raoent rains have improved the apep neurine. of the LII wheat, but some 5.111/ 11111 look rather poor. IrYROVIME1*T.-990' Hioka is overhaul. in and r.00vetieg the house on the 5th eon- °weiuo reosotly purchased from Mre.Mteels, *( Ooderiek, and intend. to make it his LANES. TrseDAY. April 18. (Poo late for last week.) gosling is pretty well advanced. • law having finished. Mias Stewart, of Lackoow, visited at P. 8eott'e the week. Mr. ad Mrs. F. Languid., doe visiting friends in thio looalily. Joe Quinn and Joe Ford, of this place, left last week, the former for Fargo, N.D., and the hitter for West Superior. Ws. W. wish the boys every s000ess. Stephen Martin, of Kiag.bridge, is a very frequent ostler op here on our line now. Evidently Steve thinks there is mightly good fishing up thii wry. Joe. Kerr, who bas taught school in this section for the past five yore. resigned last week, having seoored another school in Perth oouoty. Mise J. McIntosh has been engaged to till the vo.noy. GENTS. -- " WOMAN : MAIDEN. wife and Mother," • marviliota book. taco by Lady 111.Mese. his otemo m OepeCeWi e___ d vaa. w 1,1MPANT, GENTS.- "THE BEAUTIFUL L17E _ot toles Willard," Ili *.r wier,t "Cal of lot r ooe. 1. W.D. 0o h L Dues L Md l .eml 7'iper.s mid the Of• W ar 1 if11*N. sited g..ute M Miln s on Mm., iA A PattOM f1p- T he Mtlgs14 81 part of bt i sow. MPANT. Ilmlfgd. f Wts.,).Nea amid tobeeaa tube Wished/ =grid JW hew eeaa them valuswe time G000toI , or • :dloa- R. O HAYS wm MI r. • Ammar'!.-Cbarrw Spence, while ward, log in the born on Monday, h.d the muter• woo to fall from *be ro.fold to the barn door, a distance of 14 feet, atrikisg heavily o• ha hip. We did not bear whether any bones were broken. but we hope 1t 1. noth- ing serious, and that he will soon be monad KM*. ACCIDINT.-Oe day last week. while un- hitching hu horses from the wagon, Joho Holmes had the misfortune to be run over and tramped on by the animals, who took fright at some paper that was blows oat of the wagon Although he bas linen under the 400tor's ars, we understand he will soon lee .11 right again. St. Stephen'. oburoh, which has stood to long on the Huron Road and was the meet- ing place a few years ago ot • term) and prosperous none .yahoo -e being demolished. Mr. f.man. who bas paroh•sed n, is build - tag a house sordes the road, and as there s • lot of rood material in the .bomb, he will tee it in the .rection of the dwelling. town oo Thursday. A. B. Damson made a hogs.. kip to London on Monday. Mr. Ksuhnan, of Cheesy, was in Gods' rich the past wee*. Mrs. R. K.dol fie has recovered from bar recent severe %lhoss. I. L. Killoran, of Seafortb, was is die oonnty tows Saturday. W. W. Harrison. of Exeter,' WWI Ike county town last week. Ninth Anniversary: A ryas Parade -The Rare\ to Chores -ea Able •ereae5 and a0ered Maslr-Tbe Retorts I the Ledge Heem--Al geese e. Tuesday livening. DUNLOP. Tuesday April 26th. Mrs. Allen enjoyed • pleasant transient visit to Porter's Hill Thursday 0114'81 week. Mw Aisle Yeoman, of Shepp•rdtow, was the guest of her cegatn Francs Quid last week. The pewees war between Uale Dam and Sudo is now the ab.orbing subjiot ot de - babe ammo oar dMzeas diem days. Thursday of last week our to. oilman A. C. MesDeo•ld was os the Huron (load .s Oodsrteh towblp seeing peri spraying of the tree. is H. Cervixes erased and was pleased with the week H will adopt the seise presses la hs own tare* orchard. APRII. the 26th being the 7th An - invocatory of 0 idtellow*hlp ism this sontiswt, the members of Huron lodge No. 62, oels- bested the occasion by •tteading Divine ler vice in Koos uhuron on Sunday morning, and holding an " At Home " in their lodge room on Tuesday .vecing. Shortly atter ten A.01 011 Sunday. the members sat i• Oddfellowe baZ1,'-aed at 10:45 formed line and marched is the East street edteoe in two.. The vt.itore were plead is the oeotral pews and shortly after their gld:.l the sereloe began with th. dozolot►.."The usual service followed, anti the hymns, pravyn .od lessons tram borip- -totes. were all pertinent to the 000aslaR; W. F. Holmeeted• barrister, of Seafort*, was in tore yesterday. A o..eslty happened at ear •rehitere's wlodmlU oa TesadaV a/tars s** of last week. When his dog Poste was monism down .airs to the lower Mary it got entangled 1a the big belt 1d the nisiedisery sad was Is - stoutly killed. Hle sudden end seed quite a gloom amour' the sdwlors at the .ohosl, as he was • Reset -al favorite. He was • valoabls watchdog sad hunter. W. M. Sinclair, banister of Rru..da, was in Oodenoh Monday. %V. D. Twee, of Si Hyoisthe, QM, spent Sunday in 0odsriob, --- H. M. Sinclair, barrister, of Brame, wan in the Circular town Friday. Mrs WO Holmes was called to widow on S.turday by the death of • rel&ttvir - Albert R beetroot was saooeesfnl in the ..mond year examined= ae abs Donal Got - at Toronto. The many friends of the late Captain Mc- Donald, *bow) death 000urred on March 5th from an attack of brouobile and beartf•tl un, will doubtlessly he interested in the following a000nut of his life : lohn Mo. Donald was born in Strath H.veo, Lanark- shire, Sootlad, in the year 1827, and emi- grated with his peruse nearly maty years ago, first settling near Rochester, N.Y. They then took the long and tedious journey to the Huron Trot, which at that time was . uppo.ed to be a land firming with milk and hooey, loo•tinl on the old homeate•d now °acep:led by James McDonald. John, being of • meohantoal /urn, left the term and went to Buffalo, where he bed so uncle outraged is the stone-outtiDg and marble business, at which trade he soon beoatne • skilled and testy workmen. Specimen. of hie work may yet be found on the pillars of the old suspension bndrs.1 Niagara, and upon the oomplslton of that struoture he had the honor of unforllag the Amertoan flog on the Canadian and ot the bridge. Daring kis stay in Befab he walked three times' the entire disturb from hie home in Porter's Hill to teat ot1y. Urea the first 000eslew et hie leaving home lit traveled in oompsny with the late revered did widely known Dr. Dunlop, whose limey stories and Soottish bine bonnet the impede ever forgot, and was always plowed to relate tits many out" - owe Instenem oonaeot.8 with hie first and memorable journey with the debtor. Al- ways taking • great interest in military af- fairs, upon the formation o tel•, s the 33.4 batt. he was appointed ➢ position he held astir be redgoed • year ago, but re- taining the title Later en he wee esgamed as overseer .f the bailable .f parte of the .tonework oe the Welland Canal. He afterwards cooled en hie farm oa the 6th ooh.. where he resided till his death. His wife, who died three years .Jae., was • daughter of the lase Almxasdu Blerling,and Ilse lova sad devotees Trite whish d. was eared for by her d during her Wee and pMeesewilllat atilt Meese will remesibersd by the friends of both. 01 • family of .leve • eon end • daughter are dead, while out of the remaiNog eine oely two reside In lands, viz.: Thos. A., w Me homestead. ad Mrs. W. Whitely, of the 7th ow. ; the Mbar nevem-four sans sad three daughters -are is Dakota. Bong er great rendes sad pow.simg • woederfal memory, his mind wan richly .toted with k•nwledge rarely 'mod to any al.w. Of assist aed ratifies disposition, it would ever he Sa.Oe0ted so• til one engaged him In eeever.•tlon that the plaits and unassuming 101110101110esse po.ed snob an •motet of k•owl.dre. 1a polities he WOW • staunch and life-long Uberal. On the roe..ise of the lar/ election be lay an tis deathbed, it Wag the that time dare having the privilege of artier that be failed 10 mark his X o• the liberal We. A thud and obliging neighbor, • tree ad .t•adfast friend, be was esteemed by the many who kew elm. sad hit des* leaves a vseae0y not easily filled. ANTED. - TAIIfiaRS' 8005 OR other Industrie= of fair eda- m to +hamBIw a MAW be 'm- ooniest. I °odd their own homes, a to Tensorial Artist. FAMILY. TONSORIAL AAeR.TIQT. 'fioat r eb sui stead 41 f etMr_>h -811, of 'e>derfob. aoatiend vtnwry ov les. It isl j{ t1a em se the Geilartok h RUM ibis r .hb e Wm. Roteoo returned frogs a1• bribing trip to the lumber mills oo the Bruos Penin- sula oo Tont.doy. Engineer Brooch, having oompletsd the senndiags in 0000tatioo with the harbor, has returned to Toronto. W s .re sorry to have to report that Wm. Wallace returned from The Daoks, on Mon- day, seriously ioduposed. Hilton Holmes, of the Bonk of Commerce, Toronto, Is spending a vooatioo e0 the frim• ily reeideooe Colboros street. Jas. Clark returned this week from his visit to the fishing stations on the Georgian Boy and the East shore of lake Huron. Chas. Sharman left, loot week for Morden, Mao. He has not decided at just what point la tiro West b. Witt ieemts. -Wte wise him ever' succeed. S. L. Tilley, teller of the Bank of Montre- al, chi. town, left lest week for the hank's branch in Cornwall, with the good wishes of the many friends 143 made dating W short stay in Uoderich. ANNOUN .%EM(NTb Batteriok's Poetess.. W. A.►eea d boo. All kind' armed prepersMcuC&$ M. G. N icholson's. Special bargain. this week In handsome new drew goods W. Aohesoa A Son. her the purest of toe cream, tee freakiest♦ of !runts sod the 011oioest of oosteotwaerV, can ae Blsob•t one'* restaurant, N set St. Before oommenomg his sermon, Rev. Jas. Anderson, B A. weloomed the brethren on be*•lt of bimaell and the ohuroh, and the rev. gentlemen said he did 10 the more readily become the priooip.ls and 00ns1itu- Moo of the order were to beneficent. The *reacher took St. Pall's wordp_to ►he (hal. atioos, " Let us not be weary M_metl doing for in due time we shall resp *we taint pot " for bis text sad from them, penabd one of the best .001515 est'mtma; 7e'•h ra beard in Oodenoh. As might be expected •• Weil Dotes'' was the leading thought of the poster's remarks, sad from these two words he drew important lessons for the guidanos ot the Uodsrieh Oddtellowm sad kindred sooie8es. - Mr Anderson, while praising the work of the I 0 O.F. and other soo.etiee, oautlon- ed the members moons* making the society their ohuroh, and oonoluded his abs delivery by givios the statism°. of the 10.0.F. of the expenditures for aid In sickness And re. lief to member. end the widowed and fatherless. At the oonoluelon of the rev. gentleman's remark. 11. choir. while the ooegreg.tiOn and Oddf.11owe were leaving the ohuroh,eang an Oddtellows' ode, most sooeptably• The brethren left the ohurch in the reverie order of enuring, and marohed to the lodge room, where the N. O., D. Holmes, addressed the members on the e.cell.oce of the eery. toe. Delo., retiring, Rt.. P. Holt moved, seconded by Kro 0. M. Elliott, thee the thanks of Huron lodge bei proem:Ro1 to Rev J A. Anderson, R A., toe tor bis able ser- mon, the managers for the use of the ohuroh and the choir sod organist for the exultant musical program presented, and that • nom. mimeo be appoint«I to prepare the resolu- tion and present it. The motion hevior oarriel unanim-rusty, and Bros. Rol•, Nairn and lnwrenos appointed .s said committee, the lodge adjourned. 50 pi, em f anselette, 34 footles wide, this week se 5e. • yard, regular 80. W. Ache- son & Baled bay sad straw always on had a1 11. 0 N iobolson's. DUNGANNON. Norma -The toed .weal h DUngSnnem tar TM■ DISMAL tau the *Mee of J. 0. War, J. P., oosvlanOon. de who will r•ecety, or- ders for sabemevtions• advertWst and Job. w eek, .ad a antborls.a to give receipts for . mow•t, paid ter the ease. 1RISDAT. April 96. R. Cleadeasi*g is valw.g •oquaintatoea Imre. Are*IOAX-9PAlr158 War. --War mews is Jho pri.0ipal topic here, as vr• presume. y Havint noticed i. Lith WSU&'a Mese ei the 111nem of the Editor of The Smear, we el.oeroly bops that he will sees be restored to health ad vigor. We regime to leave ea .tate that Mr..Tohn Whitley, e1 A.ht0ld, who has boos very ill for some mate. is net improvlag In health fiat blooming mere d.biltt.ti'l, and 111110 hopes of his tecevery aro eat.rtuoed. His weeny friends would M pleased t. bear Of hie reetor•ttO0 a health ..d strength. be meld entdisot to are ow woos ii=.014E5PI: ase tan M the=n; AtionrrION TO Till r Passive' et .erpublic ammo! win reeent04 lain week with • Mnnol•g baby. • d•.ghter, sal h .o.argu1eee te wearing messy smiles blether awl baby. we are f.tsrmed. are Mimi slimly• We e.agfatal.te Mr. ma Mw. Allem as the 'stirs/. They have no w tyro daughters. RIR be T tests W. A. Boyd has assumed ther daises of teller at the isat,k of Mootreal here. The gentleman name from the AlanMI° oo,st, leaving been promoted from the hunk's branch in St. Joho, N.B. We regret to learn that our former towns• mon, D. B. Cdbick, has on a0000st of 111 health been compelled to glue up his situa- tion •t Woodateck. We hope that • good rose will restore to him hs old•time vigor. Mr. and Mrs. M. McKenzie, of Brandon, Mao., who have beep visiting at the old ho'oe in Ash8ssd, and their relatives, County Clerk and Mrs. Lane in town the past few weeks, lett for their home o0 Tues- day. W. W. Baer, formerly of Benmiller, who Wee been tor the past ten years in British Columbia. is spending • short time in the vlelei►y of the old home. The gentleman looks oe if B. C. has agreed with him is more than cue reep.oe. Mr. B. is atereouP peeled by hie wife and obild. Geo. N Devi* is now to be found at his new store, Colborne st, next the Bank of Commerce, where his patrons will end the largest sad bast Pelee, ed stook of stoves, tin- ware, oto , In the rood y. Bays y 111 tried M. G Atobolaoo's earls fine paeaseaad l•eily tlonr. Geo. Porter of..r. a few lines of well"i -* taper'to ol*.r sit 3 and 4 iom per roll, •ad's new paper.. with borders and cettiegs- matcb, at bo per single roll. He also ofss5 the new Amerloan (which 000t•ios 1 yard per roll more than the oommoo kind) 0001- 1,411010e oeihag and border at 81 and 10o. per single roll Don't forget that thew bar- gains .re offered at Porter's Bookstore, lin to M 0. Nieholsou for Like d flhe Woods beat patent and strove__WWII dour. A VAIA' ADLS Diet OVUM - vale* of the F111oh Wood Preservative sod p tore paint, • ebardaal oompoand ofyrmet value l0 preventing and ghand all kinds of woodwork,isnowkn known for and wtds throughout Canada. Wo there- fore offer it with the fullest conal, ,s - • °maiden horn of twenty five year.' *Zpe- rienoe-th.t timber t .stud with it will not rot or decay. Saa•otliog that has lain 0o the 'round eighteen years under • 1dEewaii when talon up was se woad as when pat down. Ws know that planks, poste, joists, shingles or any wood treated with the Finch Wood Preservative or Preeervative Paint, Ina shown the least sign of rot or de• o•y, not even sapwood. '1 h* peculiar nom• pound that preserves the timber. enter the wood, filling and closing the pores, the pre- venting interior fermentation or deosy, and 00 fuegue growth Cao .feat It from the out- side. All timber and all shingle roofs. new or old, should be covered with this pnser- vative An old roof that has been on tan or twelve years oao be repaired (if 0eeee- w•ry) with a few shingles and ooversd with this preparation ; it ie then good tor at lust twenty years more wiretap, will last moos longer than • new one without the preservative, for less than one-fourth We cost. Two kind. ars manulsotured one known s. the Ftooh Wood Preservative. It is used for foundation timbers, louts, sidewalk.. cellar floor., posts, or any timber or lumber that i. In or on the ground. The other, .he Finch Wood Preservative Paint, is oomposed of Ingredient. *teed in the pro- uv.tivs with the addition of linseed oil and other compound. that form a hard and dura able palet. Two colon are made : one red, extensively need for shingle roof.. the ether sa table tor the dies ,t buildings or any otht r purpose. Farmer and others will use money by using it -the price is reasoa- sbic and within the reach of all. Try it and he ootrinsed. Price of preservative Paine for roof. oto, 401. per. gallon in 5 or 10 gal lots ; 517.00 per. barrel. ot 40 gallons. The Preservative tor posts. planks, .ill., etc. 260. per. gdloo to 5 or 10 gel lot. or 110 per. barrel. 6 gallon mere, 30o. each, bar- rels. 111.00 ewb, which will be allowed it they are returned in good order. Any quantity supplied. all correspondence and orderer promptly attended to. Send for oirattlar and testimonials to H. Armatrowg, tole agent, Quebec .t., Uoderioh. M. 0. Nichols°. tee just rushed • oar of Lake of the Weeds patent, and 'newt. smother within two weeks. Omura ASV Ootwo.-A. R. MoRay left here fan Target° last week, attar ea.mdly *be Mester holidays with relatives Am MaiMgh, nee al Weisel M.ikwgb, Voss{ 'seared • pseltle• la McCermades ss.HoMe.ery, Leedom, left bore nessty far thae b111bmess. Ire wt.b e ,= nMems tom as wM toIroW # lien well. when Ito W boa taw Mee HARBOR AND RIVER. Yon may oatob speckled trout oa Monday. Perob were caught la thousands Friday sad Saturday, sad all this week. The boiler and boiler hoose at the harbor mill were re-4.ed the past week. A mew boat house bas hew ridded to Boat Hones street on the Harbor 1.10.4. The harbor is full ot young flab, sad while they regain perch and barring will be pen• tiful. EXPERIMENTAL SPRAYING Dessmionewo Myra M Me Fre reams nod 11lfeeiYeel N eser.Mst 1I0 sed rmoussteet ase* N' gIW M.eardNw Sao 1 SIAPof'nf-Mettdy May Std. at 2 r 0ooater-Tueday. May Erd, at 2 r. r., H. Oarwia'. erebsrd.- Isitis-Watlssd•F. May 4th, .t 2 r. M. , R B L••sti Weer&W. TM Oa*, t s1i..d P.O., Oaf. The fishing tags are not vet making pay- 's( Itfta, Omagh oe.eaionslly • fair one s toles h. The hooey rats of 'handily and Friday ✓ iled the river, ad the current was so . trese that it carried away she corner of Squaw Island. The robins ars building their .este along the breakwater, and a bet was mode last Saturday that the leathery one. would raise their Seting without Wee disturbed by hammer and piok. The .choosier Kolfage. Capt. John Mc- Donald, wild on Tuesday for ElsR Pike Bay to load lumber for Chatham. The Koltage looked natty me she left the harbor, her now out of paint britbtss'Dr tar ape consider- ably. On Tuesday evening the lodge room was crowded, nearly three hundred invitations having te-n aooepted to attend the " At Home.' The visitors on arrival were wel- comed by the reoeption sommIttee, and when .11 were oomfort•bhy seated, the following program was presented by tae oeairman, bro. sheriff R. 0. Reynolds. PRnu RA M . Chairman's remarks .. 811L007*0t Goderloh Marine Bead. Mr. W. 8toddart. Mies P0+one. Mr. Forte. Me: dolls Club, Mire Anseher et. Miss MoKeo'fa Bozo Sous 8o10 R. (lovemlsok The dredge Arneldl was is working order this week with steam up. Her ambers werion her sso fixed loud weed k. is readypto deep's last weak, the barber and only walla the order to start. The We Mill hash hew leased e firm nby rd • soh, of King. es numb wheat tturreali the A. 1'. R. elevator Rat and Were another e passes away,e RoAsir.wrm FortWilliam will be in with the fire saree for '96. The steam yssbt skylark, • Vatted Sates boat that bas bees wiling in the Gem -Oar Ba the past two year es a permit, reward tiolertoh from Midland on Rseday. She 1s en re0'e to Belleville, Mr. Corby M P., o1 that phos having purshaved her. Oe bet ar- rive •t her deettatisS she will be tune• Wed to the O•nadi a Registry. The Rky• lark 1. • robot. 1°eklsg .raft. and appears te, he •b'• re Stake bar gives speed, 14 Wks so bene. B.LucrtoS Soto Vtol.rn Sono BOLO . Mies Strudel'. Ilrru*nmroM ....aodMoh bane • Selection. Logan and Mies In 8o 8o 8 8o 8o 8 5Tapr.17AL Dour.. Mrs. Campaigne. 1.0 1.0 Mise Whitney. us Ben Robinson. .L.cTros.. •.............. Mandolin Club. to Mss McKenzie. 101.0 Mr. J. Thomson. MQ .... _ ,. Mr. R. W. Logan. st.acTio' .......... Goderleb Marine Band. God Hay the Queen. Daring the evening, refreshments were handed around by • number of the brethren and the ianovatton was much appreciated. The Hall was duly deeonted and the 04dfd1ws have reaso• to be pleased a1 the suooe.s of the eelebraelw of 1898, tor the weather was gee on both day., the eaten dawn of brethren liege, ad the many Mil - zone present .t Llyine servloe and to witneee the Maroh to or from oharoh, most gratify• Ing. The '• At Home " on Tuesday was •leo Isreel7 •ttemded, and the oordlol reception of visitor. and the ezosllent program oi e. seated. merle 11 0*. of the most pleasing sedety tanotiooe Goderioh has ever seen. • LOCAL NEWS IN BRIEF It will pay bieyole riders to keep of the e1d'wslks. . The watering oart was not out on Than - day or Friday. Holy oommunion at Se. Osorge's best Sunday morning. The Lewis' summer natters 011 Lighthouse street la still rising. Regular meeting of Publio 'ohool Board next Mooday evening. P. Lynn's new dwelling on Wellington streets being roofed in. Andrews Bros k Co. shipped • oar 4104 of floe export nettle on Monday. The McCready aid Common Seseewwhole aro never overtakes by 11. vena -- Regular Regular mestieg of Uoderioh oouwoil No. 157 C. 0 0 F. this Thursday .,.blit. Mesar.- I'.11iott and Mltoo.11 shipped a ear load of hogs to Toronto on Wednesday. The tin. errs peoples reo.ntlV planted in the Harbor Park ars repotted to be doing well.-_--- ♦ defeeitillalres la tows 1*is too tt.bk- FEMALE WEAKNESS CURED. Mrs. Saoodsrs Made Well and Strong by Dodd'. Kidney Pills. Brantford, April 25th-(Spsoi•I) - TbS wives and mothers of Ontario are the meet ardent d1nil.lw of Dodd's way of oorlog dis•s.PS of women --l. to. by using Dodd's Kidov Pills. This le natural, for no medioine oo earth, so •geaoy known to man has bayed women ons tithe of the •so•y that Dodd's Kidney Pills have Mddied. Mrs F. Saunders, of Brantford. tells her suffering slaters what Dodd's Kidney Pills did fir her I have been • martyr to female weakness for the past year and sof. feed terribly, Dodd'. Kidney Pills made me strong and well and healthy, though ser seal other remedies i mod did me no rood whatever." Bo the maned grows. Cares made every day. Faileree-sever. The read proposes to outs the *wee by • fres oe.0.rt to the soslrr1 of the Mads - .1 Be•iety, to be held to the risk et an early dell, ing inquiries about the recent fire at Merry' mill. .1. T. Uoldthorpe has et•rted the frsm• of another dwelling oo his lot on Cambria t'w1 Road. '10l J. J. MoMath'e new dwelling on R.abTe1. is now roofed In, ad the briekerork wilt tf-_ .torted at ono.. Rev. Jas. A. Anderson, B.A. ooneludd his eerie. of sermons on "The Sabbath' Ise. Sasd•y •evaelog. Saturday being Se. George's day, the Union Jack was hoisted oo the Bak et Commerce balding. Th* monthly meeting of 4t. (isorgi • (lalld will be held in the 'ohool room next Tuesday shortens. Rev. Mr. Bond. o1 8•.fertk, prea.hd Rduo•tio•el sermons in Viewrta-it. Meth- ndfet ohuroh on .Sooday• The Kenelegton Far•iture faotory atilt keeps up Beam. sod s'eadi•r its ma•ufao- tares dl over the Ilsmiaton. The Headsmen Sioyel factory hod to ran several •felts to suable the monageo mat to keep an with the order het. Miss Chute will deg Handel's miebrated aria, " 0, Lord. Const Me Itot," sett Sous - day averring, Ir North -R-. Methodist obsreb. • a. ..,.. . 1 ,-•t .'- Jp••I•. A