The Signal, 1898-4-21, Page 852\ITI3 13RO'S CO. The Leading Dry Goode and Millinery House. 8 All the Latest Things at the Lowest Prices in Dry Goods qi Millinery and Capes Gents' Furnishings t!1 Clothing Q House Furnishings Lace Curtains Floor Oilcloths Ladies' White Under- wear and Blouses .,The Largest Stock of New Spring Goods in Cash and One Price Only. worth Lames b. will wal mors T'eelay evening. The ..m.. Mad by Miss uary Mak. The OddfePlows of Geda UM will eelebrete the 79th aaalversity of th. Montego° of the order ee MU oo.Nawf by asteeds.g theism serves* In Knox March aexl Seeday mors- ►^ lag. �,/• Mr. Alex. Jarvis, of Gderich townehlp, W gold hie farm of 50 agree, N Alex. Gahaldeate*, for the sum $1600 Mr. Jarvis 111114rents the term of John ltlaott, jr., os. the 13th, for Ove years The Lewis cottme os. Lighthous►et is shingled and the phot reee have oomw.ed work. A few more such summer cottages would add mus' to the appearwnoe of lode slob ea a summer resort. A post-maefan examination was held epos Cri the remains of the late C.aditotor Salim at Imams, whoa the foot was rove ..ed that d.- o'ased had died of oanoer of the stoemak. Deoeasd's lite was hunted ter $8,000. Rev. and Mrs. Joe. Edge left for Strat- ford this (Lharsday) morning, to attend the ' tumoral of the late Wm. Alexander, wbo r/] was public school Inepeotor of North Perth VV �� for upward. of 26 years. The demoted was in his boyhood a resident of Goderiob, having reeetvd hie Dahlin sohool education Reie here over forty years ago. He was 54 years of age at the time of hie death, whish re- sulted from typhoid fever n..,. 0 >D.A.1111r TO OlaTaX1714 Say= =MO's az CO_ The Epworth League of C. E., of North st. Mathodle4 cams* ...41114. eh is missionary meeting Tuesday eremite Miss Aoheson ddremed the meeidat asd wdoltd the membership to support the for- ward mimtoaary movement in oonosotioe with the Leagues by systematic monthly 000trtbutiocs. Nearly .11 the members present heartily endorsed the movement In a pnottest m . Mies Lottie and Harry Bate; layered the meeting with a vocal desk, wblob w.. very mash approoistd. HURON'S GREATESI STORE' 1oaelt-1 -We may net spend as mach mosey=s others in.hoom- ing bininess, bailie veat majority of the people know that -ire are the CHZAPEST (quality co>euidered) DRY GOODS HOUSE IN GODERICH. We swing ink- line as the season opens with values as startling as they are real. LOQ -g I All Fancy Braids and Gimps at about half price. Feather Ucasior 13c. each. Binding Braid, all colors and blank, lc. a yard. 50 samples Baby Bonnets at about half price. A large lot of Dress Linings and Canvass at about half poioe. Black Dress Goods, 15c. a yard. All -wool Dress Goods, 10c. a yard. Double fold, all -wool Serge Dress Goods, at rile. lc. a yard. American hollies, 4p. a yard. Shaker Flannels, 4c. a yard. 50c. French Flannels at 23c. a yard Ladies' Sailor Hata at 15c. each. Ladies' and Children's Hose at half price. Hundreds of endo of Velvets, Silks and Satins for dress fronts and fancy work, choice for 35c. and 15c. a piece. All silk Polka Dot and Striped Blouse Silks, 35c. and 45c. a yard, worth 50c. and 65c. The greatest range of black all -wool Valour, Henrietta and Fancy Black Dress Goods ever offered at 45c. a yard. Ladies' Linen Collars, be. each. Ladies' Linen Cuffs, 10c. a pair. Children's Gloves, 5c. a pair. Ladies' Gives, 10c. a pair. LADK CEYLON TEA. - eT ALL muumuu Ne. aas Mo CLOSING UP BUSINESSU... EVERYTHING MUST 001 recorded was tbst of a ,sass man b.ruc . tram outside to elle at the old how the real number he 13. Of these, three females, lased 99, til end 79 died of old are ; 1 male, 74. of p..nmoata ; 2 females, 44 sad 6. sad 1 male. 22, of eessumptios ; 1 male. 39, of typhoid fever ; 1 fermis, 34 ; sed 1 male. 8 mouths, heart failure; 1 female. 6, markt lover ; 1 female, 40, angora peckers, sod 1 male, 27, acotdeet, The fourtssssh, the use brought to town to die at the old keine. did risen ktds.y disease. As t►. popais- Itos of the town is over 4,000, oar death we is len than 13 per 1000 per ruses, and though tats u above the .vergae death r• e in Goderiob, it is .osdderably below the average in Ontario. It will be mesa that one death moaned from typhoid, thus abuse 3 deaths from that du.ase in three year., one bavtag 000errd in 'y 7 and ore in '96. SEE THE FOLLOWING LIP OF CARPETS ) rot -PAINTS ANt /hist RSSuPPt.IES �7 Wit! MINN WILL $1 CLEARED OUT IIEUgDLE31 K SNRT TNEI COST. 310 yards cf Brussels. 390 yards of Tapestry, 135 yea* of Wool, 265 yards of Untoa. A Kress Mono* bps big bargains ls them goods. 72 eels Leos Cartels, at your own prim, as they muss be sold. Floor Oilcloths, 55 yds, 2 yds wide ; 60 yds, 1 i yds wide ; 65 yds. 1 yd wide. 10 yds Smash Linoleum, 2 yds wide. A PELL 8N IF. CalI.narv'9 Ain. -The regular meeting of the Children's Aid Seolety will be held in seeretary's Laos's ot&oe this Thursday even- ing at 8 P. M. A full attendance is request- ed. Or DgATil IZLT! F ".+4E Qt-ART.R.- On account of the wild rumors in ciroulation regarding the health of oar althorn, we made a journey to the town olark', otiioe for the death record for the luarter, when we loaad that Abarsitsd hem 14 deaths In little over 3 months ; but as one of thole White Apron Muslin', 4c. a yard. Children's Tweed Tams, 20c. eacb. 1000 dozen D1eus and Meng nek- ton. at half price. . - Ladies' Blouses at half price. V etlings, worth 15c., for 5c. a yard. 1 table of Stamped Linens at about half price. 30c. Silk Handkerchiefs, at 15c. ea. Dress Linings at 5c. a yard. Ladies Capes at half price. Ladies' Jackets at half price. Children's Caps, 25c. each. Linen Spools, 2i c. each. 150 Sailors and Walking Hats st about half price. Ladies' Collars, lc. each. Apron Ginghains, fast colors 41c. a yard. Ladies' Morie Silk Ties, worth 25c., for 15c. each. A table of Wash Goods, consisting of Ducks, best English and American Prints, Organdies, White Bordered Muslin., etc., regular 12i and 15c. goods, choice for 9c. a yard. Men's 4 -ply Linen Collars at i ic. etch. Buy Mending Wool by weight. We have it at Sc. an oz. All our Cottonades, Ducks and Denims to be sold at 12 ll'2c., 15c. and 17 1 2c. a yard. GODERIOH STEAM BOILER WORSE. - TORTUIIHS 1 _Lumbago sad RheumatleM made Harmless l 's KidneyDodd Lumbago and Rheumatism cause endless pain and suffering. Every man and woman who runs chances of getting wet, or catching cold, is liable to suffer from one or both. Our hospitals are full of sufferers from these diseases; none are more pain- ful. Every nerve is on fire ; every joint is a centre of agony ; every mus- cle an area of torture. To move hand or foot makes the victim shriek with agony. Rheumatism makes more cripples an all the railroad accidents that ever happened. Twisted, mis-shapen taturei_4f humanity, who cannot walk without misery, are to be seen every day. The kidneys are to blame. If they are healthy you needn't fear Rheumatism or Lumbago. Dodd's Kidney Pills keep the kidneys healthy and cure Rheumatism and Lumbago. Dodd's Kidney Pills ALWAYS CURL A. S. CHRYSTAL Successor to Ohrrsial kr• Eisele, Mannfaotn,er of all kinds of BOILERS. Smoke Stacks, Balt Yana, Sheet Icor Work etc., etc., ii- rad Dealer 111.-=------- - Engines, Maeblaary Castings, b. All 517.05 of Pipes and Pipe Fittings; Steam sad Water Gauges, Globe Valves, Check Valves, Inepiraton, Ejectors and in- jectors Const*ntly on Nand at Lowe. Prloq. A special line of Steel Water and Hoe Troughs for use of farmers and others. Repairing promptly attended to A. S. OBPTST.L. arity 1'. 0. pox r. Doderla& If you can't come this week, come next, when we re- duce goods. The above is the price till sold. Humbug cannot find a foothold with us. Most of these goods are all together in one section of the store. We close the sale each day at 6 p m. Saturday night we'll sell 4 buttoned Kid Gloves, worth 75c., for 35c. a pair, R. B. SMITH. C. W. ANDREWS, Manager. LOCAL NEWS IN BRIEF Cllatoa and Ineknow will oelebnte the 94111. Clinton promises an excellent bill of fat's. Ret. Fr. West held Easter servloe la Clu- bs ea Saaday. consequently there were 50 regaLr melees la ht. Pours. triad Immo work of P. Lynn's new dwelt. be, eo corner of Welliagto. and St. Pat- ilek's sheet, is now In position. (;has. Reil was in Blyth the past week, se-batlding the owes that bad fallen is sad frilled s man the previous week. Oa Wdasadsv at thm reetdo oe .f Mn. Oeek, Cantos, her daweetar, Mies Mamie, was msrHsd te Rebt Johnson, of Gederieb. A (Mime of the Hares Road eoa+plalne .f the number of oars le IM neighborhood and *aye lest the sasoy'ese to travaitxs CARTAGE & FUEL CO. COAL WE wish to announce to the public that we are still headquarters for the best HARD, SOFT and BLACKSMITH COAL in the market. Coal delivered in any quantity. WOOD Special attention is given to (UT and SPIT WOOD. We sell l:'S feet Our General Stock of Dry Goods HELLO! THE OLD RELIABLE. ALL KINDS OF of w for a cord, making three single oords of 16 in. wood, ready for the smallest cook stove. Kindling and summer wood on hand. CARTAGES We handle Baggage and Freight to and from all trains and boats. We move pianos and organs and household effects, and do it well. C. di F. Co. after dark is sow mnnh worse than it emu before the tag by-Isw Dame into twee. Rev. J. F. hes addressed the Epworth League of Victoria .1. Methodist church Tuesday evening lest, om the eubjeet o1 •'Habits. " H. Heather. who was sentenced to 23 menthe in the Central for burglary some tear weeks Mem, was taken to ierosto Taeday by the prison bailiff. W. A. Harriett and family, of West Ws - enmesh, move! Into town lilt week sad ars eoospyiog their widens* et the ruiner 01 Britannia Road and Vietorla street. Mrs. McMillan (nee Edmesetoi), and her four children entvd from Riverside, CUL , am M.adey, ea a six mouths visit to the faintly residence (lod.rloh tevraeblp. Ti. mestbly Roll Ca11 and Oos.e.rstio, amylase will be held by Viatica Skeet Kp poor ♦Ilei M tie' Vila 161 414 tar Weak asd impure Bleed, Illtrumlerfel Teas Eideey and Leer TrolrMrt .. �. r. $11441101).......... ems. COAL le .till well assorted in black and mimed Drees Goode--Trlmtalags in Braid., Gimps and Silks. A complete aesorswat of Lud Likings, bleak sa oolerd. Print*, Muslim, Sateen', Chillies, Shakers, Art tushes, Cretonnes. Drappesries, Gtnghasea, Shirt -14m Cottondes, Tweeds, Ttuktngs, Sheepdogs, Tshliog., Cloths and Cosuoga. Kid Gives, Silk Gley.., Ca.hmere Glove. Cotton and C..km.re Hemi. Riboses. sada fairly well emurtd sleek el small wares. 1 tisiN tnlw W A,, i.rssf tel Iii o. Wi ap jesiMvuIj g out the whole Nock. Tam badness mast beloved sp. COLBORNEBROSII, to exchange for goods. Per J. H. COLBORNE. Butter and >s taken DAVISON & CO SOME THINK that all itsiulo.,ase alae. We know they're not, any mote than all clothes, Poor Paint is wona than melees, as it taker just as much time to put it om a. Good Paint, and is never .at6dactoty. Don't experiment ; we know you eat be satisfied with The Sherwin-W>1iame Palen They are the beet we know of, and we've known most of them. if you are going to paint anythingg under the sun, let u• talk It user with you; ne rats help you. ALWAYS ON HAND THZ BEST ScrlltOu hrd Coal INTHE MARKET AGENCY FOR CRESCENT BIOYCLES GI10. We-- HOMSON Some interesting facts regarding the output of "Crescent " Bicycles in 1897, by the Western Wheel Works, of Chicago, Illinois. In 1897, the total number of Crescent wheels sold was 83,000. The number manufactured per day, 750 complete bicycles. 350 miles of Tubing was used. 780 miles of Wire was used in the construction of the spokes. Steel forgings used in the rough weighed 113 tons, and when finished, 21 tons ; or 92 tons of waste In drilling and finishing. 32,084 square feet of sheet Steel was used in constructing the sprocket& Crescent Bearings required 13,997,300 steel balls. 177,883 square feet, or over 4 acres, of Leather was used in mak- ing Saddles and Tool Bags. Total weight of Wheels sold in '97 was 2,382,842 pounds, or 1,191 All Coal weighed on the Market Scales. wher you get IOOi Ibe. for a ton. WM. LEE. Orders left at 11d8P38 Bt LIZ'S Story promptly attended to. WE MAKE Sewer and Tlis UP -TO -DAT= RA Rb W .& R5, Canadian 'Pacific Ry. Culvert Pipes Aa Wes trims �1a es. AIN WRITE FOR PRfoea. THE ONTARIO SEWER PIPE CO MO. L PLATT, Xa'lager• I eo1 ADSLAIOI ST. 6[.. Phone 61es/I eleAM kms TARONTC tone. Western Wheel Works turn out more High Grade Wheels than any two factories in America. _SPRING BOOTS AND SHOES WM. SHARMAN, Jr. PRICES OF tt CRESCENTS": $25.$30.00 i0E .00 00 Juveniles, - - 20.00 Adults, - - 40 0000 Tandems and Chainless, All " Crescents " fully guaranteed. A shipment of " Brantfords " is expected in a few days. has an extensive stock of Boots and Shoes on hand. that for quality and price cannot be beaten in Ontario. THE FAMOUS SLATER SHOE still holds first place, having grade a record by its wearing and easy -fitting qualities. OUR LADIFR' OXFORD TIES are the beat evaT put on the Goderich market for quality and pries. I.772r_ STALA.ItaVCAINT, TRw THE PRACTICAL SHOEVAKER, BODERICN. 18 THE DIRECi FAST ALL -CANADIAN ONLY-- •NE ' TO WE fie Manitoba, the N. rthwest, Klondike and Y'U Cor Gold Fields. G. THOMSON LOWEST RATES. FASTEST TIME ACCOMMODA1 ION UNSURPASSEI 3 TOURIST CARS A W tE TO THE PACIFIC COAS pall taforme'tra and pamphlet " readi sad i Mon Gold rlelda free. Apel) to R_ RADCLIFFE, ,C}RNT, -- eaODIURICE Everybody is Talking about D. CANTELON'S FLOUT Re has )a t received an.*bes esu load from Manitoba. 11e has now on hand two of the best Mends of Floor that the world can produce. LAKE OF THE WOODS - AND - OGILVIE'S FROM wisaimma MILLI. Made from No. 1 fiord W brat Be also k•.p. the Meet brands of Osta Flour. Nov* buy Ins Float will de well by oath - on D. nenulon. the practical baker. od wiu'e11 you how to blend tb. MaalWbs e Ostark, Flour together es as to key. a beet fal Family Moor at reasossole tom. orders will be promptly sett Mod to la PUFF PASTRY. ROLLS or OYSTER PATTI/ Weddle' Cakes with •la'eN kW •penalty. STURDY BROS THE GROCERS, ie the store for :- FINE TEAS, COFFEES LUNCH DELICACIES, SUGAR OUR= HAMS, BREAKFAST BACON, DRIED FAUITS, GREEN FRUITS, FLOUR, (all the but brands.) Our "tock of China and Glassware is well assorted, and marked at low- est possible prices. �- TZTRI�Y BROS. On the Square --West Side. MISS CAMEROt,MItUNER HAMILTON STREET. 1 wish to Announce that, having been unable to -dispose of my business, and in order to rednce the stock and at the same time keep up the good standing of my business, I have secured an as- sortment of all the handsome New Shades in Trimming Effects, also the Newest Shapes, all of which I purpose selling at very Low Prices in order to clear out the stock. A call respectfully solicited. MISS CAMERON. EUPHEMIA A. M6ILENNAN'9 LINIMENT. TOE 1XT1 AL 11119 ONLY. Is a positive cure for Waal Dime's nit Dia ease, inf ammaton Rh Leese Reek. Lnmbsu° erre Throat. Weak and eon beam, Rindrro6used dlay` NtIRJotaH. Raptors. sad all it hie aim boss food a oars for throat sf ft.ottooessIn homes 141 N suet I _Oat . Lilsmp.d .uAsls. PLANING MILL. IITAIILISNEO 16411. lluc1iallallz & lthyllas SASH, DOOR and BLIND DaNees M all Medi of LUMBER. LATH. SHINGLES AM bandfrs mateelal et every dsautruss School Pinata a 8RisltT. ea D CANTELO1 The KensingtonussN.d) Yuniture I WANT DRY ELM AND BASW000 In 'erg • or small Quantities. Ther are ale. the starter ter Green Elm and Black Ash CLTTLE BROS. Plumbers Steam -Fitters s s. Tinsmiti Have removed to West side of the Spume, next Sturdy Bros. Grocery. where they will be pleased to gee Lll their customers, and as many more as will favor them with a call. West side Square, Gl-cdtezi