HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1898-4-21, Page 7JE BA l 3PIBi?UiLISI. -Bala 01 BOUT T E UNSEEN WORLD. on INrre 4 read ` leeres eIn *Realise re l b. r lila tate tae ren - tact Aetlea la the �° N•st Tenn/eon Marrsaire gli she mats tjjYe ., the Nam Although 4WD Vittoria, Is not Bup- eretttiuur lu the iodine'', serve of the rd, tet eke it pose/owed of a strong, ref in the supernatural, and while is,.tdent from tbe tact of. her tak- ing ber recent departure fur France t she ikons not believe .e t F rids) that d► of the io the he u anifess °f ounc»d ten- treek she yynllrrts r Arun thee, toward Spiritualism. Nu one has !Lead Mr. Steed's publications on the that ia to object world. with mune at - Matadi sad seriousness than bar Ma - L7• Lite Vr. Stead, rhe is [!mini, con - Pe vowed that it is pouch!* tg remora spiritual in - a ls Jclrr communion a, h who have depart - UNITED pa and UNITED STITBS cit 811111 SOME PERTINEIIf4 /MUSES ABO THE TWO COUNTRIES. tompar.•lve War lemma - their Area. reputation. ad ♦ Arlrr and harks - aeeoareee of like anitd '/sates Very' Mere Meek MoThan *pain. Area of Seale. Including colonies, 604,A73 square mitre; Holt Including col- on!/, 191qu .670 *are miles. Area of United States, ,'600,999) square miler, says the Buffalo 'furs. Greatest length of,ltp&in, 540 'tiler; greatest breadth. 6'10 miler. Greatest length of United States (not including A'aaks.). 1,7x+0 miles; greatest brea.lth, 3,100 miles. Spain is shout two-thirds ss large am Teas., gad -la s trifle larger than N •%% York. Pennsylvania. Maryland and the New England States combiued. Population of Spain, including colon- ies, '27,883,213; not including cwlonier, 17,074,1:3. Popu!atiin of the United their 'Irrti,lth: 1, Great Britain; . France; e, Russia; 4, Italy; ti ,, United rna States: e, tiersy; 7. Spats ; tea' 9, Austria; 19, rb. Netherlands. Ocerernmelwettwel'stn--1i ieen $153,54Ywg86.`r0; expenditures. $154, - ;- 145,90; deficit, 81,184,866.14). Government reoeiuta, United States, 1894-1895, 9313: 600,076; expenditures, 5356,195,296; de- Ilelt, ;42',505,2•'3. Public debt of Spain,' 51,188,291,860; 164.4 4t,tic60. debt of the United State', 9647. Spain's exports to the United States, 189•!. $5,607,861; imports from the United States. 1898, 911,528,424. Spa1n'' export' to the United States, 1894. $4: 256,)7,i. imports from the United States, 1894. 916.122,906. Spain's export' to the United States, 1890. 84,131,184; imports from the l'nited States, 189H1 511,486,- 664. The United States exports to Spain principally cotton, petroleum and staves. A BACHELOR'S REFLECTIONS. Love may be weakness. butt it knows its bust uses. womanA woman Das no coneeienoe sot far rt- las a man isn't concerned. ed l• er '■r w lih t oro ed lar the other world. and altD� � li Prulrtbly Joan of Arc was burned to Desi are r(wroely orthodox idea, the States, 76.062.154. death because she wore clothes like • Spring is the Time When' Impllritieg in the Blood Should Be Expelled. mimosa O.tin(adw'S Oramtsat Msdlatns Is tl.• Meet 'mists MM..1•Ime. In winter months the perspiration. so profuse in summer, almost ceases. This throws back into the system the impurities that should have beep ex- pelled through the pores of the skin. This and other causes makes the blood impure in spring. Boils, pimples. hum - I ors and eruptions then appear or some more serious dimes. may take its start. Hood's Saresparill• Is the remedy for impure blood In all its forms.'!! proved by Its marvelous cures ut blood doeeas- es. It is therefore the medicine for you ei take in the spring. It expels all humor., and puts the whole nye- tem in good condition for warmer weather. Hood's Sarsaparilla I (' loss Greatest Matilde.. Sold by ell Hood HIS DWNt�' REALLY MEAN 1T. Good-bye. Professor', said the sweet girl gradsiate. I shall always remem- ber you kindly. for to you I am in- debted for all 1 know. Say no more, repl1Fd-use professor. Say no more. Such a trifle is not worthy of a thought, 1 assure you.• Moa 's - t (A IM the e& d, sn& e. 41 : dz for 96 Get only - cle t ° Yopu'ativp of Madrid 477L1w; Wpu-' ooe w hu / w the on1 ••pp111n W Mks &ttehlulltrll man can onby keep a girl bating t1ood s MA'S wttaHood19areapanl" W ortivarwo leveret Mn. OlipLa*t• '. aptritnalle l .1 tomes 1M large uta Buf else to Y►nelim Dim long enough she is pretty M J..it•1ir11s Land forces of Sttaia-Infantry, 6l - true tan she bus man. Church of Lug d• latioa of Buffalo. '110,000; Madrid is' If a u�roM!Rr1' Riven them a:- Buffalo. lye cause and ori- = tall 10 tot's with. Lltia z,:,.� T>Caval f trinee an...ht Ltaitrhd. 4;atc.h y' li hanever you 'cocas • girl of bell jealous. she eye it is bccauee you base no conception of her real feelings. It's a hard strain on • man to have the mini.ter come to supper the earns y ▪ of Her Majesty those r litelalDg ea rin, 14814, eavalry,'Uait(td Btaf3s, 8 thosewith that 1 sr novelist. and W 617; Artillery, Bpelte y, those rt court it a no secret that it � Antill 1,606; avtiller was the belief in the I United States, 5.458. Engineers and ( W11BTU/IL WORLD ON EARTH 1 train, Spain, 5,1012; engineers, United winch wu one of the links that Lound 'Stater, 6F0. together Her Majesty aad Mr Yost T tal active army, Spain, 84,335, Unit- Lsureate, the late Lord Teasysoa• ined States, 27,854. alfecti„e of sympathy.Lliebedrletter. Other forces of Spain -Sanitary snd In one of his lately e' ., it the dead. West In- estlw dorsa be wrote: administrative trains, 08.790 es 1 ha.r atria felt, tlw,ugb silent. be dies troops, 00!$10; (army in CUM., stir. living than the living, and linger t the planet in winch their earth I S6pteml.er, 1814?, and 6.000 in Porto II Rico); Phillipine. troops, 37,780; First re- serves. 16)1,000; second reserves. 1,000;- 000. Other forces of tbe United' States - py 1 our Nh 1 a their (jueen." Troops et the National Guard of the 114, - Aad. people again. t the fee) on an- Asd, .eses time Queer) in writing several States sad territories, 114, etaer.rne+�=D• the .float 1►cknowledg- y leg be congratulation* on the ot:ca-' se at i4 �y16?: ut her wedding Total Lisa acus AN AGGRekkliVE POLII'Y• What is an aggressive policy, Greed- pet Well, it is a policy which makes a men so mad that be wants to tight, hut which scared blm so that be doesn't dare to. e. A TWSI of Beauty le a jolf." Nerviline ie a jby also . Nu remedy in the world equals it. Neuralgia and rheumatism are relieved almost in- stantly and minor aches and pains are cured by a single application. Nervi - line is sure to cure.. RATE OF MYTH IN NAVAL BAT= .mi We .wen passed -.ken they. not at our areaid lam y ting that ney with us. and the hus- band, may still be band, the daughter and the soh. lost t May rejoice when the eft the "The refle l' ht of the ' Platted States, A - w )°..: Tote reflected light (pial y,rs.r strength, 544. 'foist war strength. Spain. 1,116.197; total war .traisstb. United States. 1420 - sed to mea able of bearing arms, but not trsin- ns,. run which has ret dill remains'. full of pathos, but also full of joyful gratitude. and be who tar lett me near rt Tears ago sorely ie with me c& MMMT{ 1iraslaetsa.le IM tent/es ' tike le - Different ►Mine tef Werida In computing tbe Ioaiise of war the first item is the death of soldiers and da be had to get the clinkers out of sailors. Battered battle ships can be the hen wo gilrhrtell race other about I repaired, a sunken vessel replaced by- thel(r engagements they always kiss a new ore, but tbe trained eoldiere and es. h other, call each other "Dear;' and I scion killed in war are losses that hit then cry bemuse they feet so happy. at the heart of a nation. You can always tell whether a man • or a woman runs fhe house by watch- 1, It takes. many bullets to kill one man. Ing at what age the youngest boy Bets j however, and army vetersoe say that suspenders and what age the oldest shells are the least to he [eared of all girl does her hair up. I missiles of war. The records of naval Every woman has her times whim she wishes she dared sot the way abs fights are not so comforting. In the did when she wee little and used to engagement between China and Jap - make faces and stick out ter tongue ! an at Phung-do. Juiy 1y',, 1894,two at the neighbors' children. abaft struck a Japanese boat and 01- i - _--- .-,,.. ex- acting .ao -berm. .At. ,Xeiu, of all tbe shells fired at the Japanese ships only 100 bit the mark, but the killed and wounded by shell fire num- MATERNAL TRIALS. bered '188. The percentage WWI as fol- .THS EXPERIENCE OF 1111 FLORA low._ Seamen, 67.38 per cent.; petty I $tI4.. cried the mother from theball '1ELIOUSON. OF SYDNEY Wee. officers. 16.44' per cent.; olfie!'rs, 10.07 i below- what's all that :mime op f, Ooh- It's shocking 1 INDIAN MOegUITOES. Bicyclists in India, are becoming pro- fane. Tbeir chief enemies mile the mos- quitoes, which not only bite their limbs and bodies. but actually bite through the tires. egging is „oar "1" - gust ad- DominIon Lino Steamships. r WA :re !!/ Te 10.1 elVeglM•- M uaa W•sialcard will Wing you •.wmVleut ONSOO 11 a //arta • NDO-CEYLON TEA, The beet 1s Mc envie red goes farthest erse-V6;'60 es lea yam feea`t HO automat7 Welbelon L W , T.ruabn W9000OH SHORTHAND SCHOOL. Pre'. titeal Reporting bathed.; 1. Ilvldeou ie. tan. tfpeet& ad11U, a roe arc vanoed stO• dents. Term • on applliioaUon for Fester mission. 1tt.s.gw.A. Q' Bilk. t4 Etas of W.,TurnaL0. "Quickeure" cures cuts of till la�l�, lit or tartrated wouads: applied nts blood poisoning. GAINED 39 POUNDS. ;• Nomura' mei (Juehe. Y• Uvwpsel le eata■rer and fee in v smear d..urbIM 'Labrador' "Cr eon ver,' ' Duotnloqq hoote(saa: Yorkobi�� 45u fence aouom modati0O ,or 5M.t Colo. 6 o/ on d Cabin aid moorage Osareaad (labia, ..ago .- Ftret C`abla. 16l to : , _ . dlaa lA _ .. -- tltee alt rat ty steamer a bort'. For ) tatar(Aatlon spyy to Local Agilents or Davlo TotalNos t CO.. Peel Webs 11 se. 8aorament Nt., hfoataeal_ tMM'1TBR RIMORT• Jt'NT WHAT IN ItEBO EDW ..cry faloily- Hire l -ea. awl., meetly pect.d le wooden boa, for repairing hent., rubber. b.ru•,alawl tinware . Al; th,s.we•le are full wort awl practical, n.4 mere b,r.. rill direviloru aow,mp(W cork awirt. gram looney ..r.r Hoa- drsd. of ,kouea, de now le use Drlirerd Craw w,th,s a radius of MU mile. of Montreal . P,4..$17S, Bead cord for brin.s of sew- ing m ,pieaok,a.a. w' d•tome, �ardinum Tj.yl*,MwaNaen0S. 1St t•e.er at. Moiti.d. GUILTY. - Daughter, said the thather solemnie. as ng do you aoknowiedge that young to deceive me by kissing man after promising me not tof Ten qty, If Tran a two-faced so- tiLoa• Hovels This Y Wo offer 0.e 11mtg. ed Do'lars ,reward toe eap•Nae of .'Lamb that cannot be cured by Haire Catarrh Cara Prole . Toledo, O. F.J .BEs Y.ICO., W• the undarslgned• have known F. J. Cheney fee Ile last 15 )ears, PIM baileys him pert. ci17 boenrabla In all buss. sst trate/act tee.Cobligallose aad nnaaeielly able to tarry' ort Ai by their arm. Werr kTsoix. Wholesalel)ruggisWholesale ), Vial.DINu, KIN$AN t M.R,1N, Dr.tIRieta, Toledo. Ohio, Hall's Ceatarrh t.ure i. Laken internally, act hag direct!) mucous me M.Ss.flis"pioteem. the 7Senped per 8e14 by a,1 Druggist. Testiniontafs tree. Rare nasally Pills are the beat CANADA PERMANENT Loan and Savings Company. 1 � tx, ttPOIATWn 1856. Pard -up Capital . .... • • 4 2.800.000 Aeart. .. 11,400,000 Hear 0!800- Teflon- tit et., Taranto. S.5• Breech Offers. nineteen, Man. 0.nsauver, 1)at ofloe received Cr to .rest pa) &cue half yearly. for money deposited for tD6aaNTUIW ieeeed - 1,Ioau e•e mean. B� Seleld 02 IOW M1UN'T arv$t .nd on n Q1 1p;01'rrt ►ndaond flnnlclp&l nem fd. 4o1 Lend res urrcb ed. Debentures p be obtained from, and •p - Inform Woo may plication. may be made w Wlnnl . 0. F. H. HARKIN. G.h:, rel Agent, CREAMS J. MAIANI, General Agent. an- 00nyer. . er eJ ' A *51f151r MASON. Ma*agnig 5lreeter Ter.at� [lIh T still and blesses me. ` afar in the ill, �� laps the ohms thin may focal unorganised per cent.; civilians. 2.5, per can O, it's these two dolls of mine, mem light of the most ternble her ea, Church er nuncomLataa{��.s account for 6.38 per Lm king to put them right to goy' flue Vean she was as Alar«. Mein• such cldrs. tna• we Can't have •little J 4 strict doctrinarians of the (,hum stain. in, 1.688,163; total unorgaeify 1«e aeraild -toed ■ser Isedlelaea teat. on were killed by bed and see if d the I■nd. But it robe tar to snows if he elh W t Yalu tea Japanese world to comprehend plumes ed forces.Uptted 6tatre, 10,601, 69. wuaeu Newest -M. w1111.rs Har the •• vtbrmtio* of air cached by tbe peace. w 'alis O tlrrep'r character .bat are otherwiseSummary resources of d.a.ou: ono *rsserr ser arattr. firing their own guns.- .ln moms _- g sell nighto tnekof herle. • 1,1521.1h7 From the Sydney. N.B.. Retorter, came shells did severe damage o: Jap- make gin M /emitter one of her particular friends Organized for had thirt7 i No LADIES make A 15 int f cruse was the late [lean Staa- l'norganised forma..4 g ytil, f. HERSi:Y. A. A. Se N . Paorament 0%. Montreal. Vete cis ... .. » -• 2 688.:63 .res.......... r t Man, (r[ atm Cape Breton reader*. i 'nese ships. vessel •eapxecylly those residing in Sydney , persona killed [ ore seventy my injured A� er I pro�MbhTe�ed tle�rosaamplw. to pl.d°pea „ d Oo„ 88/ McKinnon Bldg. Toronto ■ j' S h4i1.60 ley of N'eslmierfar Abbey. and Mete •,• .,-., and vic(nil will remember the sub I the explosion o ant Loth• e muchr in -fever the f 1Dm I*t 1 current Tion .. y M..l%ailed . Jeu4 d owe article, 'rill alar know M"us bad fourteen killed and twenty even sl court to the effect that the intim- garamary iding at tar Lion• iajursd by one shell. Of course the To States) ole test damage war ton sD li N ecythe n n their Organised forces...... Lite sovereign i a r- 'teed forms-- 5 sick- that Duret. The bursting 1eelehrated divine on coon when -residing done by!bells let the ,. 141,016 on Hardwood !fill, just on tbe (orders gree of even smelt was base upon • 10.1101.e30 a the town. Irma 1890 W 189 l[ n PM•pl.e o Wt laorgan .-. ,scut belief in the Vr bythe side of new preyed upon Mian Ferguson. aad snails did great injury• none. lil- a'. lc.ing of the dead -. - ,,• 10.443.565 from, a bright and Wealthy girl sir stance four persons were killed and a cry tae half .• Tire tbelate aoeordtaR b- 'fotat... in. the became an invalid oompletety gess sit .rounded by the exp! ear half mister, lute Princes. Hop I[, in case of war with `he. a to weakness and despondency. in small 'bell. • In the 098 killed or rent _ .D1oLw, was concinced that her deep services of the National. (:cards ut V Prince Con- the spring of 1895 she lett her proms arra! Dead wounds wrote mcentreq the Alen" want" t° 1viratTpa�11 sort was watching the and went to the States, when she has the ratio being 21.15 perI -- - -- sort was wstchinR ever the creno of the State of New York were needed.UJlIL. mail rea'a T>•11lbeWe&Nigger will the President would make requisition a sister and other friends, thinking I total number. 'Vests in part a caof me the catalogue sad .• term,. ber life. that a was rosin' "with Olen for 6 roars, s amps• ('LOSE gP�IUK HER.upper limbs, of the low- - ss ANaM enfant. lNwtra*t upon the Governor of the State. Ward that a change of climate might benefit' wounds " o[ t g !Leto While there she was abtepd� erdllmis. otethegalNlomPn and lumbar ~war M5B10 stPST, eunlorttug her and encouraging her governor scald order out the R by medical mea but witiboett anyDafinendH bride -best Queue Wilt In all her troubles, morrows end anal- for Ilot more than an nielr month'. Che .•Frevemrpt. in fact- she gradually region. and of the cheat and lack, while All Sea Supplies -beat quality wanted sty the Queen often assured her sir ,rt at amine point Lgraw worse. tasul she used to spend the neck suffered least. Weed p t .a lode ! err of won ter 1'Co a 13Ad promised that Lbs militia would ref.( the greater part of every day on 1 Ina land fight the num! �� P Cowart tun prom 9th' r outside the Starr sod', r•p Ffiends of the lower extremities is commonly United States with teat aad those illERALS TESTED wrote Hid Lc 1a a ei times and eixty- erage of from two wounded to every • • MINTS IMPROVED C1RRI1GE 10PS who The President taking It to three kills o! esta award. a th vOlonteen u during civil I itakietaehrtnrdrugtrums Dr. Williams' Plonk spell received sec awaMe .t th• nie*1 any regiment Moo resolved g world'- Fair 1861. roil- is members would entiet, u g ,� sister to get her a 1 im IenRth of Ume eft ecttoaa care- ■m illi have met with such universal fa- vor. that other maasfacturen are now making tafertor Waited - One. treat On having the (!cubo, make u lmlptlonee,tan never Y good so the gemmine. - lar would so, r the lung assn of ber widowhood tint his service. each nf(jmeat preserving its ex - "the sympathetic remark. "Poor I Irem1 fes an Fence, we am at yJf. W New firm conviction that De hasown organisation. This would be done, she is not Ions for this, the chest and L ry, the abdomen and .cmuntrohair we aad premises ie dead undoubtedly be did IiviDt- ander the er taLUIIO* of the 1 nitedllworld." From tete beginning a her � lumbar regions, while the neck wounds we ►eve,he M, -L ant 3008* .retinpractial hcroon OWl to this Le- service 1 ricknesa uo to tlbe time when the first I are again fewest. N-th Fou• mil so' it in 1W e,L the Nxperl• It ,e tb.par t that Stat r+' After u.rd months' injured at Yalu 90 were .beon the part of Her 7 the National Osard would l,e iermit- box of Dr. Williams' Pink Pills was Of tbe 298 \eft �..'slre�reatoslPlerut.wire Tltltapriedi.. she has always manifested such a rev- ted to return home Bpd could not be! taken s41e had tried upwards of twenty killed, 33 died of their wounds and Wei ��K. To Pt.k Oak enure for the memory of ber bus- ailed mein for further service at that different kinds of medicine -some I recovered. In the attack upon_ -.---- ►and. and has insisted herupon all her Qac Wei the Japanese war ships were children. nay even upon her gnndchil- struck twenty-eight 1 • all for I of etz men were killed or injured an, av- erage and Srest-srasdebildren, d ha • r en l y knows Aim by name, to pert ,n all the service's and a.remo tinue.+. fearing prot'ably t0 Lain ' individuals, for any box. Following the r g Rare Mums hy any appearance of forgetfuln'el or they desired. Although tPrhn;,a �I full, she began to take them. As day ,IeuI nn lot copaideration. I baying the same status as any da went byabs began to feel Det- =10' enitivate a calm, hopeful Igririt toting It to &wing 20 this, too, that atm re- volunteers, they would. no doubt, he lig, tand ber spirits t0 rotten. and is IM tbe-Ore of Pu tnam'. Painless Corn garl second,psrrigges as In the light allowed to main their regimental or- tbe course of a few weeks .be walked i Eztrartor• It ewer faint. it makes no ll ben the t a ` ►ie u the post office and home sere actor on the Deals and is tkerefmakesre of one kind and anotber, which she ARMS T. CHARLES, ATLANTIC CITY, Na J. OPEN ALL THE TEAR. FINEST HOTEL ON T08 COAST. Sun parlor 100 feet long overlooking 0oean and bsaoh esplanade. Vacuums steam heating eyetem. Elevator to street level. Hot and cold, fresh and wit water in all bathe. Rooms ea suite, baths •ttacbecL 7AtlO2B B. REIL LY. Oessr •a4.Prop Established Q St.-" 136.900 one. Mag ALLAN LINE Royal Mail Steamship Co., Montreal to Liverpool. • Steamer. sail from Montreal e%cry (Saturday' morning o* arrival of trains from Toronto ar the West about ATSo'clock. PASSAGE _• �!tin 569.50 red opwarde ; 8e0e*d Cittela 136 And and ttatl0; A..+r'ase, err? of , - l.en000, Giaytuw. Wired, Queenstaen 4a.5u Andd*MAW A re.luotlon of dee per coat Is allowed oft round tr,ee first and .ecoidcabin llekete. Foc sailing. o['.d•amers or other information &rely to any a e tiniest anent. !. setsrltsr. 1 MOS •t. W. Torre~ er IL .a A. Allan jflVeryimportant That your wife and family should -be provided for in case of your death. is also very important that in making1suucch provibion you should secure most liberal contract that you con. Unconditional Accumulative Policy OIP rill ANO [STATES bought. sold R eschwl,g.d. Terme d0►ttad' 74 teat Teri", i .06 1 yt. M, I1Mi v.. 1 Inanolal Agent. MlontTaa•l, (lad• afro re Foundation. iesd het that either within the lounge at her sate a r M Hasp .0 of the upper ez- . _., do and ■lie bas liven all would , sworn into the Un .t cams, to see bar, only to go ewsy w gree --_-_-- d head next • then come confederation 14 the. . . - f_-- 1-...e.....editiees and_i granted -- _ , - Extended Insurance �fortnation sent on application to the Head Officor • cash er Toronto, ore after five torany of theRates Aerocfell iin lion's Agents. the z6tA JCnntral-Re SOLID and SUBSTANTIAL PROGRESS 1s indicate -by port for '097, which oil) be found in another column. Managing Director. W. C. MACDtINALU Actuary OFFICE, TORONTO ' PROVINCIAL ACENCY STAFF. DONALD. lampW 11bN1P11) Maritime PreldneesandNewfoundland: -' Ilanitobeand British Columbia: D. 4' W GREEN. Manager. 13ALIFAZiI D. DONKERALD, Gambler VdllflNNJP 0. A. tO ind ( abee:- J. OWO14HALIFB J• IO�tntandeat TORONTO; patarlo and gnebeo:- a J. TOWZR TOW... Maier. IIONT1*A7. c trine• world be ma follows: from doctors sad some ofmany Anotherrymode Norraleatdruggistswould ssuraIrieadof fibsva uer the vi war.Pills. Mise Per- t wished to take par in i Pills, n. a trial, ler- the war. i andrequested 1*11) moat lots crime, especially w Ranlya no -.Battleship', i a m r tires marriage Das beep in any sense et I Novel forces of Spate -o Ba guns and again. Mies Ferguson continued tali- painless. it relieves promptly. the word a happy one. For a widower first -clam, 1, with 17 Heavy R big the pills until ebe bad used eight or for a widow to apllrnarr the altar , 18 United guns: D, withi13 firvygu s i .loxes when she was ootoPletell rs- Por a .mond time is in Her Maj'ator•- t'nite5 Staten, 9, with 136 heavy guns I stored too health and happiness. She rywe to inflict a drop and 'seen" boy'- and tb7 light rd cis/lees. lees.BatS hips et tote wasagain strong and healthy. While ill second9hes and third dashes, �s in with I she had greatly run down in weight, mw toren the spirit of the dead has -r and 22 light guns; Unit- Land or wife. Y9 heavy Runv ung and I and sit the time she began using • Or. In the caw of tbe widower of her e/ }8[atee, '.'e with 15 Dia y g daughter, Alice, the Grand Duchess or 21 light gena. 1 Williams' Pink Pills. was redut7ed too102 pounds, aad when she had com- BPNw, eh* was still more nutspniten I Seagoing roast defense•e.u+els8psln. feted tbe eight box ber %%eight had The !;rand Duke had. after the death 0; United tastes, 8 with 31) heavy trans` increased to 141 pounds. Only one of his wife, Princess Alice of Great Bri- and 64 light guns Non -seagoing roast, month ago she called at the Dome of lain, become to such an extent infatu- I defenite •ease's. Spain 1l with 3 heavy month. of this paper to leave her ad - acrd hy the beauty of a Russian Pasty 1 gaps and 6 light guns; .lent 6 nited p egDt d'''ew to have the Reporter forward - of • the nater of !dm*. de a of hine,wh0 t4, with 24 Deavy gush'ed to her at Arlington. Mass. During of toe orpen6Pnts of his oirtart, gone LFt t4 the moment's conversation with her that he at length contracted a secret :end MORGANTIC MARRIAGE with her, The Queen learned of this elide on a visit at l0.rmstadt. With- out A momenta hesitation, and in spite et the fact that it wee he mi rn ng, she enured her! now -in-law . n-lawo HS ,.e-., Spam, 4, be r„wee.i trim hig-slnigbers by the side Unprotected cruisers. O1 gens: Unit of his wife and to 1e1 summoned" to her `m ea prlwnee, As soon as she saw bim elle ed States, 5, with 1R heavy and 16 light intimated too him ber orders that hePOOL t)oats, first -clam, BPefa, 6 with mus' never again set eyes upon the and 17 light . Unit- Were l with worrfnn and (Pt, rid of ber at once, 13 heavy guns 107 heavy guns; gang and Were otherwise she would stop her fin- ed States, 18, with' Gunboat, second and aev•ial assistance to himself and to bis 123 light g 1te. se States, 0. children. financial assistance 00 which third c'5 buss Stain. n. 13;yera. Stein, 10. h. wan almost. entirely dlependont. as , Spain 1 , the reigning house of Hasse is the poor- United States, I first -clam, Brut. in Queen w Torpedo Slates, 18. Torpedo boats, ser. Tho of was dee daughter. t. the 006 -class. Spain+ 28; tl.it- d States, 1. whit of her tomvte dats,sbter, Alice, ingI Torpedo boats. third-class, Spate. 9, which she was coat r ay' was Dostadt t that Umitetd 9tetes. 2. rltem ner t, Palms at be- troubled t any Hulks awl stations Pa ,llaela If- t it d States 19 Armored cruieere, Speirs, 5, the aixrve [sag were told to ]Cr. 'on - heavy gap. and 194 light guns. ('nit- A. Richardson, the editor, and with ed Slates, 1e, +with $ heavy gun. .04 beaming coanunance Miss Ferguson >tb light trues. I willingly agreed to have him tell Protected p•protectedI t Deole sad tartly rruis le -How Dr.Williams' Pink' ars. Spahr; 12, w'ithd 84 beavySt*te gone and; Pills brought ber ,roan the gates of 161 light gene: United Motes, 16. with:.Math to the enjoyments of health. 232 light guns •. HP. was astonished, as being wellso- quaintest with ber when n Sydney, kaowtngQ bow 111 abs was and seeing her s phyaicAilr Ebnnged person was enough to crow anyone to be amazed at the change. The above facts can be verified by writing Idles Ferguson. at No. 16 Hen- derson at rest, Arlington. Masa., the editor of the Island Reporter, Sydney. C. B or s one of Lha int4matr friends of M Fereueoe. Hardwood IIUI. Sydney. ' longer by the presence of a auOoeseor to the affection of ber husband. 8o l+•fore daylight. dawned the truer/antic wife of the Grand Duke wee torn from her Led, thrust in acarriage and drty- •h aerrsea the frontier nater a strung menet of polite, 950 marriage being ehnrlly afterward annulled on *104510 terhnieal plea, whilst an senaity of 8E,o00 a year and tlr..title of Cous- oras of Rnmrnd Were conferred open the Indy by way of eotaaa. Bat the !:rand Fake never saw bet alai*, and hili %tern ell another -in-law took good 'Ir. until the ley of Db d.stb that the Npiril et hie first *fie, Pri's'es Al'.i,, ebould he subjected to so far- ther nnreoW amine ars a Fiala . - w- 6: States. 4. Obs. gels, !Spain. 14; United tete ve./sl5, Bpat/°t 699 Untied Stapes, 11; Mlacellaeeott' vessels, Spain, 21S; Unit- ed Metes, 68. Total number of active war eel Snafu. 112. with 194 limey 4 wit4 443 light gam: Dotted States 510 heavy Runs-and•791 light sass. Naval torose -Spain, 1469 mlflse15 aad 28.100 mem. ha -hiding I�arias/t United States, 902 officers sad 12/116 me*. iP- aladins marines. lD 46.1100 Vetted reserves --Sp! States, 21100. Teel available saved 1 farces-- ac r_ Spate, 4*railed Tbs navies of the world. I* order al REE AGREED. He -Do you know that I have never dared to kills a girl in my life1 My heabfulneeein positively painful. She -i should say it WO/. THAT SALLOW COMPLEXION indBy gentlyegulati yorngregulating the liver liver and towels, Celery King clean the complexion, aad keeps the system in Perfect otiodition. Use it .aad avoid doctor bill.. 25 omits for treatment. At all arngglatt5 or Wood- ward Med. Co.. Toronto, Can. This would be. a very happy world if people would always wear the ex- pression they do when they are baying their pictures taken. "QIJlrkcuer" destroys the germs. balled cooee that e the cause inflammation and boucles, tredace removes all pais. Faddy-Areyen *avfthan tof a jintglel tax t Duddy-, go farther would have no tai at all. FrIIRN'AL FiRFS. Near the Caspian Sea there are sev- eral "eternal fired" ao called by the satires, where nature' gas issues from the ground and by been on fire for seen TO AIRS A Coup IN owe DAY. �M'moos mnlntee tyk1.M An DM. �, 4sofyr! W <tge+ le It M Oars. Mu MS BRIDE'S PERPLEXITY. -- May -What I frowning co your wad- dle* da1 , Fay --Vin Is • 45aandar7. if I go to this altar sas01.p. people will w Fin greasy to gest elle; and If look solemn. Lha 'll say f already re- tina the Rep. Wbst obeli I dol H ord do Vim Tires sae Of1a- • 5 Aerd.e gt. W.. Tweet.. weeer.w THE LARGEST NUGGET. The !magma and most valuable nug- getarovered In Atfetra Ia in RAY. It wss ireported le weigh 223 pounds. end 4 ounmet. sae was worth 'twat 555.000. sacra PATENT •54451 WW1 GOOD - DGESe Railway companies are especially good judges of farm fenree. Their ob- ject is to get a perfectly stock -proof fence at the least cost. and they in- vestigate thoroughly before buying It speaks well for the Page that it is now used oL.Rll ut the leading rail- ways in tbe United States. England end Canada. At thin time we have or - den booked from railway' -In ('anada Our 270 miles of our fencing, all to be shipped this season. And this fence is just as goof for farmers as for rail- road oomgnies. For Illustrated advertising _matter apply to us a to your neerest Page fees. dialer. • 1HE Piff ERE EEICE COMPIN/ Limited, WALKERViLLE, ONT. E. F,-2ss our "ad." in next Issue. _EDs l2VarictiCS- JL.LUU Fhb Is • BONA 511)6 offer amble to Introduce our Vegetable and F1' err amods to unt paid'refundded and thcustomers e Surds given e present. please yen c r. Buy At what you want. They are wont 01440 by mall poer the d paidtiee . named below.Order th• following lnumist 1 VEGETABLES. 1'. Water Melon. Early Owned* 17 onion, lar • red Wetberoa.ld feeder, by Nunlhw.l Ie rim... Yeflow rah. twines 19 Peranrp. Hollow (:rover In R.did,, French Itr.•r afa 11. Rehab Rory (1•0 U equal', Hubbard ft. Tomato, grant Dwarf CD.mW"n FLOWERS. e 1. * ..t. Welliver, round 1. girt. Egyptian, d.1 mond 3 gabber.. MW ningstuit 4.Oabb.re, Pott:er• Brun.wiek 6 °stmt. 8,1f bar,n{{ .car'd A Crust. Ouer►ode errlet 7. cucumber. Chicago icaline eOuen vmber Trier v Y AsteA'lead 9. Order,. Golden Nrlf-Bl.nob4 15 Asters. isle. d I1. Haas, By 17. Pansy, mild 1l. .mea Revery 9a race* sited 11 Le.rM, Marjoram 111C. 4't. 1 Ill. N••turtivs.,Nll mime 14. Letter, leu�'MulletWarted) 30. Bare Peas, line m1a.4 14. Iwttnta, 91. Wild Plower. Gerdes sisal I!( Musk Ydu4 urn rry, Nutmeg FREE MTOROERRr providing this U0°fen IsCUT OUT aad rent toru with an order for It pekes. ill lutivde 1 panilet New (Bent (tell Ise Malplgiond'• pr 4. We. Tree of (7h rlTO NUISSC'R1BERm 01 THIN PAPER. We will NOT ACCEPT AN ORDER at time prlcea where the packets are NOT selected frees the above list. t Hall Long Danvers. WM. N0. 6 Carrot, Adams. RENNIE, TORONTO. ` -- - - NviXNTE1R wEf6O1ZT- Florida of the North --Rest from snow and the Cold North. VIII-X1.011111re 'rot la wtlat beosekSeper/ ay about LUDRLLA Gybe Tee. W sennet a Mal. Lead Packages. ase V• So and Goa y•n• --- - Hotel Trayniol'C, Atlantic Ctty, N. J. agod,m:a sand f a.sa>M1w' ash M`seZ W' DwyMaffe Is /Nm ^ Alb /9 i. Rates the Very Lowest Consistent With First Class Service. The TRAYMMMS is one of the longest established beach front hotels la Atlantic City. Homelike .,pd cheerful and enjoys the continued pat• Pottage d a (islet and refined class of visitors. Write for ail information. D. S. WHITE, Jr., Owner eft Proprietor. Y3M.:,itartlYi tie atm... Y'In' tweeted, etted, WV,