HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1898-4-21, Page 5aoo..xnt. Asrt1 10. 1sf 8. Fall Whsat Rl to 0 62 Ylour. t.mlly. per cwt........ _io tto 7 60 Acne, teat per cwt.... -.. -- 00 to 3 00p00p Bran, wttos..-..-,..,�..•••...` 1 000 tel 02 00 00 Shorts. Y 105......-..-..�.. 6 0 4 Oats. t bush ...... .......�..-••• •• 27 10 0 tl 0 Peas. IP *so. 57 to 000 Hay. 5 too �•'r•••••• gs to 040 Potatoes..bp"'.-.......�..r 33 to 0 CO *utter. �` 0 to 0 CO Rg�idges,, cresh 0111100001i d:i.».. of to � so HingeWood _..... ..... le 10 00 s -......�..�....:l a0 to 0 0 1'0iu 00 to0 70 Lire 1107 R5tot60 love Hove ••••••»•••• 12 to 0 la Ham. r�ik•• i t, Dreese3 Hogs. per sent Dressed Beet fore quarter necked Beet, Mad owns.. per btsb Mann, of the Departmat of Prison, who slammed the hotldise last fall, made • full report on this question to the D.p•rttnest. Tes D.xoae 'r M.DAL CONTIBT -The ooncost foe the Demerest medal takes plans la Victoria Opera House tomorrow, Friday evader. when the following program will b. prseested : Instrumental Duet "Euryastbe"..0 Von MOMS Mt(At t AND CANPAlaw. (Weber Reedl ke "The Two irhes" MIM Moue WrrURAALD, Vocal Solo The Carnival '....... Mo/ior. Mus Aotssaomo laotrnmeatal. •"fit ee the Lake.. Clarke. Vest nolo..-Fake Ye Jest* Dear' .. ..5.14.3. Moa GlttsoN. R*•dlog • Y.sMisa Amwmw sxrTE. eeses war tom" Meal Roto..•' Vii. JSoralIn Blue" ....fT otere Wading... " The Osy et To-daY miss Cans holmx. Vogl Sole "') Whistle sad 111 Come of My Lad" Bea e Son Sr.aotua'•. Venal Sole ,fa, sd it re ed THE SIGNAL : GODERICH ONTARIO. REID'S OUR NEW SPRING STOCK OF GENERAL DRY GOODS, READY-TO-WEARI CLOTHING, MEN'S FURNISHINGS, TWEEDS, ETC. have nearly all arrived, which for quanAlty, quality and value are the beet in the country, and we cordially invite every man, woman and child to give ur a call and investigate the truth of this statement. No boots bankrupt stocks, no bargain days, no bean guessing competition to get your dollars, but anything you buy here yOu get your money back if the goods are not as represented to you. Come in and see ns. We will use you right, and won't urge you to buy if we can't please and satisfy you. ..-EsT, JASAL 0.J ELI. -LDA w sem of CORS nod, a SM try >ekt aas• I Sods - Rev te Mary Isms isit of A. Mrs. Edward. et BBeeeeries. TEE TALK OF THE TOWN. From th. Reporter's Not.book U IVY' a Sole 1a a' 11*R ewe% 1 redo Ti teat x t a easti a Mama we Ta,w• Ldsr, it IsflM MI1 rront 1a•+--• A nun that has not woes Pridham'e cloth iog hu yet to tears what comfort really 1e and M wiU serer know ttatll he wears Prtd 1rm'a perfect ettis* sults. Have you beard that allows the photo- grapher lamed& tames your darling babies free and preeentt*g the proal..' case with their pictures. Ile wlU take the little beauties in a few dams. Fi• - (lawns -An •titrestive Easter window was that ol Jae E. Davis, with Its hundreds of all kt.4 e1 birds' .iso. A ,•Iuttry&LLY KILLED. -T. W. ;rant formerly ot town.a brother of Mise Emma Grant and nephew of Yrs, A. Straiton, was fatally injured in Easton 6th inat. by a rail - rood a•r. Fit Style, Quality, Low Prices all combined in the Shoes we sell. Our stock for Spring and Summer wear is large and well -assorted. In Ladies' goods we are showing some nice linea in Oxfords and Lace Boots, black and colored. For Men we have a strong working boot, up to the finest dress shoe, and all at prices lower than you expect. Our shoes wear While wearing out, But do not wear The wearer out. ST. GEO. PRICE, West Side of Square, (;odericb. Cost= Works nd Repairing. Sines that tam., however, Mom tab had been kept on hu movements. and Marine that be would be Tia Bult.lo on a osrWa date, dopy. Mend Uundrv, of Gederiob, weal. then sod pieced him under arrest. Dos waived eztndttioo moosodtare and was taken to Seefod ea the late train Tuesday night, and es Wedneed•y wee Wou,ht to God.nob. On Friday he was brought up Were the Magistrates m Seaforth, and at the ohne of the hearing he was oomtaltied to the a0oty goal to await his trial. E•.Tett array. -The •d1ouroed vestry meeting of fit. Georges obnrob was held oo Monday and was numerously attended. Masora E. Heaton and P. holt were •p - painted oliarobwardeae ; U.are. Radcliffe sod Eliot. auditors ; Mwra. Heaaoa and Holt, delegates to the gyed : J. Platt. R Radcliffe, Jas. Shepherd, F. Lawrence, H. Newton. S Lloyd. Jos. Salkeld. F. Jordan, T. Weatb.rald, aideeme. ; D. J. Nattel. vestry olerk. The rector presented his an- nual report, giving a comprehensive review of the work of the church for the put year. Then a disouesioo ensued as to the beet meth• od of extingaiabior the mortgage, debt on the church. It was finally decided that the member, should pledge themselves to give $200 per annum over and above paymeata for enrreet ersehoes. Trk MAN IN WW1'S -Some of our to,rnepeoplc are agitated over the appear- ance of • •' /host " in our rug, KILL. BA liISM) -Th• authorities have detersissd that after lila date cyclists ridisg os the sidewalk will be summoned hikers the P.m., which sarins a fine sad Doer, Tbs, mere smile@ to riders of bot h NISI ENL410a TUT Cum a aai -7 he question brought up et the last council meeting re- vert/kg the plrebsne et thealand dl that allow. Maitland enmeeery should .d to drop, ea in a very few years additLs•1 land will be seeded. F.tAMINCDTUE JAIL -Ott ridgy Invest- or of Prison* Chamberlain made his aamal inep.o•len of the meaty jail. but: as the geot'emsn dims sot report u1l atter 61s re• tern to Toronto, is will he .Dass time before we can pablisb his opinion. Bung FRED Ur -rho wools mill jest outside the town lignite is Min fixed up for starting &gala, sur maobinerY having re- placed mash et tee old. It wisow lit ll •sew known as M.QJ' Mil, and sll.s days will be spinning yarn. RONAwee.-A teras bsleagieg to J. Miller tan away en Today evening and when near the Vatted States (onaulate upset the rig throwing the driver. who however was not much hurt. The team after gestin. away had • four =Us g*llop into Ooderiob town- ship, before they were captured. A 1't.aAaANT SOCIAL -The eootal held last Thor.day .valso at tbe residence of Mrs. .Tae. Strong wag wall Weeded and thorn rosiestspent • most esioy.bls even- ing. The f.Uowi.r took port to the pro- gramme. Mhos. Stokes, (Itdwis, Milllan, Batom's, Johnstone, Whitely and Bell, mud Meters Rroderlek, Hillier, Humber, Stokes and McDonald. MAITLAND Cswrrai \.-This city ot the dead is putting ea its spring dna. utas. of the lots looking exoeedinyly pretty- Molly of these who have dear ones ly�ing at rest in M.Itlasd have already beaotillal their plots end U Goole arrangement sold be made 10 tmproy,tto lots of these formmimes who live far away, our burial groutedwould be much mon •ttr.etlys. N Ti'euAY, Apre U. 1 SOME WINTER NEEDS. �s�riCT �1V>4ii�iiitl TUBO 1N YOUR THAUAT loo• OF COD LIVER OIL WITH TUBE TOOTHPASTE JELLY. fimr shapei ars loo 10o HYPOPHOSP$ITES OF WITCH HA1.ELA24DGLYCERINE -. LIME AND SODA COLD CREAM Lae. a t uhbto a AYONDOL CREAM, for after sbav• strength•• the lungs. Regular tag, .,0 100 boo rtes for 330.; 3 for $L00. GOLD IN YOUR HEAD 100. You are advised to take le to time. W. C. GOODE, Chemist, BEDFORD BLOCK. Sampson's Red Blood PUts-Te.IODWI Blood Buillai-only abo. ; 5 for .1.00. April Showers. Our store is thoroughly up-to-date in every sense of the word. Oar goods are acknowledged by the most careful and economical buyers to be the most reliable, new, and at as low prices as other stores offer inferior goods and endeavor by clap -trap methods to holt`bT gain patronage. The carpenters have been very busy with us this past -week or two, but have finished at last, and we have near- ly one-third more floor room for exhibiting the largest and best stock of Dry Goods ever shown in Goderich. . Thi Best Spring Medicine and Tontc -- .- is Oca COMPOUND EXTRACT OF SARSAPARILLA. LARGE BOTTLES - 50 CENTS. • BALI ONLY YT F. M. DUNHAM, - Chemist & Druggist. Geo.1[o)(illas, r.1 1J of Colima*, r awo11nx GU1�.. snottily a oleo two-stnsgr dwelling ma tit lot just outside the oor$Matlon on t5. Bay field road. midst. The speetral visitor Omits the east end of the town is particular, but it ie said to have made a trip en one night to the south end. It appears between ren o'clock and midright, and 4. aw awaited by $ largo number ot the boys, whoseoaptare 11 have so tar bees futile. It will hardy do to attempt to arcate any doubts a• to its being • gamine disembodied spirit,�91n bot it seems to be hardly of the orthodox 25 pairs Lace Curtaln'J! variety. Instead of glline.41 runs in a very wide,3i yards long, regu- tn.tb.r0al manner, and it is sad to wear • lard sold at $1.611 tQ�1.73 },dorm hat. A nice little legal questlan y might arise if tbo noest's hat were to be extra special, per Our ...... smashed over He bead some night by some =IjII. person .rented either by fright or by ours- Tapestry Carpets, Q softy. Whether • ghost ao or cannot b*Wide medium abodes, hart in an earthly sent,, or whether it l oonld or (meld nob substantiate a claim for damages tofi,oted by • human being, are questions for the settlement of wbtoh our legal frfsods might find ft difficult to seems precedent.. SPECI L APRIL PRICES : Tall COUNTY JAIL -OE oar ylsit to the county jail this week, then were air pris- oners Doodled therein. Sines oar previous visit the building has been nicely fixed up 'aside, and the outside mash improved. In- side the officeshave been patn'ed, thoroughly good job mads of them. Most of the Wore apartmata have had the walls the painted and the ceilings papered, and work was *quaky well den*. The prisoner's Delta had rooms have ►11 been whitewashed to the !arid. of the building is pertect. Outside, the lot bas bean nicely f.noed, the aide walk on Napier street graded, and that part of the lot fronting on skis street plant- ed with trees. Along the aide walks, horse plantedohestaut trees have been the row. o each street he prisoners did all 15* work nudes the direction of the jail officials The jail would sow be parfait if one et two alterations were Reads to improve the sanitary arrtagsiseOte, and the jailor'• residence enlarged by rebuilding it o. • higher foundation. As to the jailers sworn - mediates. It is likely the musty 000seil will take satins at the Jose .a .ton, as Mr. FIR. Ai.asx.-U• Saturday afterroen the roof of Belobse's bikery wee dime/seed to be on fin, and as it meat resat volumes of smoke across Etnr.ta. otiose H sassed cow eideroble skims. A. moo se tke fire brigade arrived Nee ma see to work and a few eds- eke ended the bless. It 4. supposed that the fire originated front • dafese is the oyes M the fin a' rated over ha arch. LIa. QLA.,use-Anllil* $d ooetoaa ot ()edeeie5 to* o top kms Reter1id Item • litres months' •telt to 51s 51115., is taw. Haab Maladies, et Riverside, 0.1. Before lav- ing tows after hie arrival, be ailed at the SIUNAL Dice •ed lett a few saved sessIse. take tram his reiative'e trait ptdtars The t trait were m.eset spssiaMr he imam ad some that t5. /ee1Maa. was Wkag amt hom.. Iseger thee war 'Mean - -ark melee., mads owes Hoath water so leek •►hent. R(rEa 03R BR 11ONDAT.-Wi1Was George Rm*rtos, *fits woe broesbt te lawn three weeks elan., ad died lest Mender at hie fatber'a rattans* se the Herts Deed, bad hoes 111 far .gaily Sue Taws. Ta• femoral teak else* tem Me haimmos reddaafar wader the samples el the OdlWbwe. dammed having hem. a .ocher e1 the fele ern brag+. Then wee a bap tet. saw al tlis brethren ad the haul servi 5 et the area, wee reed by the N.G. DeVry Nelmsa. Bev. Wm. Oadwis si.%ew+d the ahem& monism CEA1nEn wyrrr AEep.--11 will M re- membered wet 1in1 WO • •eelkar .t hem - Ma" arse o*e sed 1.7.der1&e 15. Mei of width wee the betalast et the aw1e.lbaaf h.1L Sea$ u. }M the see iiaMd e. see. (11111 4WD& Ma be avoided t5. &Whesl- tia by tats ao& spew M *5. Saw. • suitable for parlorE,ilin- ing rooms and ba11I, reg- ular 50c. and 55c., for.. O. Body Brussels Cariets, in new shades, regular 9O $1.10 and $l.2O, for.... Q Standard Shirting Ging- regular 12+ic., sp�eisl at. • O. • INSPECTION INVITED ! We offer double the choice of any other store Goderich. 90 yards all pure silk Black Surah, 20in. wide for waists, jacket linings dress trimmings, etc., reg. 50c. and 60c. a yd., 30 this week Linenette Rustle Dress Lin- ings, double fold, in black, greys and browns, reg.l2,jc, this week and next, s'lecial C. Flannelette in checks or stripes, light or dark color, the regular 5c. quality on sale here . Thursday and Friday this week and next 3C at FdHNEHs WANTED! - I WILL PAY - $l to $2 a Day for good men to purchase Harvesting Machinery at my Warerooms. Aa it costs money to travel, I propose to give the benefit to the purchasers, and at the same time save time and money for both parties by calling at my ware- fypnls and examining the Steak. NOXON Seed Drills, Mowers, orae Rakes, Binders, Disk Harrows and Spring Tooth Cultivators. - _. 000KSHUTT High GradsPlowS of every description. ADAMS Wagon, Paris, the favor- ite. BUCHANAN Hey forks and Slings. MoLAUGHLIN Brigh Grade Carriages and Buggies All Goods Warranted: JOHN _ NOX, Agent. Opposite Buxton's Hotel, Goderich. •RAlla TRUNK iRAILWAY. AMU Vas and nitwits' ized •tad express. ]MTtU lot T iproes Hatt and Express Mixed........... THE WEEKLY MAttrltT REPORT in W. ACHESON & SON HIGHEST PRICES PAID FOR PRODUCE. DIPAHT. A CH -'NCE TO OPT GOOD SPECTACLES FOR VERY LITTLE MONEY. To HEDUCE ova lrrocs or READY- MADE SrscTACL , Ws ass, FOE T„ NEWT 90 DAR% ')4)1BA TO SILL ream AT a.m. >m p, m. 7.40 p.m. 10.6) p fin. 7.15 ..m 230 p.m 3.35 p.m Au.t lonSSrinX. HALF PRICE. Wit HA\E ALL GRADES, THE REOVLA$ Pat�tts RANGING CLOY $2.O0 TO , wHICII WE WILL SELL AT Inco $1.00 To 15c. PLR PAIR. IHOMAB OIINDRY, AUOTIONEER L and Insuresoe Agent. Goderiob. Ont. Aa Gore Distract Mal twwl I Ohire ds. Sales *l- ead d to In any part of the county. 00-11 JOHN KNOX, GENERAL AUO- lloneer and Land Valuator. Goderich Oat. Having had eonsid.r•ble sxp.ries** In tttts to geewrib gbade, heViergs m •ttea tio�nto est_ mission• entrusted to him. E. den lett SI liurtan'e Hotel, or Dent by mal' bis address, Goderich P. O., oaretu117 attended to JOHN KNOX County Auottoneer. 110711 T- E. DAVIS, Davealsr -Dart(. D•ntiatrl MNLUHOLSON, L.D.S. . D.NTAL sumo IION. Rooms opposite the Post Office Gold Tiling, Crowns and Bridge Work • Spentalty, . 36 Years $peri nee. L 11. MA11SE, D.D.H.. L. methoT L SUP U*ON.-Lateeooe.1 apprrov on of the nater*) teeth • p ot.lty Oso• 'Tor James Robing o ■ dry t de store, cor- ner of West St std be Rtittare. 67 JII. TURN I ILL, D.D.S . Dental [Turrson. (Latsty sseos'Nsl 1.115 Dr. Utzoo. of Mootresl. Noll sad weir lain. artificial teeth mounted on gold or slt�- taunt besot. apeolal attention elven to fig preservation of the natural teeth. fg� 1* McLean's new block. Medical. 1AR. HUNTER, PHYSICLSN, 8 lJ moo. go. OSas-Brsoe street. the is!- dssoe t•tely Go/meted by Dr. Kolas* Night aLlb from residence eleohone 68 American Something Wall Papers Entirely New -in fact a complete departure in colors and designs. They are simply gorgeous, Yon will like them You will ba them . Step in and see them Prices are right Compare them with city prices, and you will see how you can save money.; ARTISTIC PAPERS suitable for any room, with Borders and Ceilings to match, be., 6c.. 7a and 80. per single roll ; new Blues, lne , X99 and Greens bought from 1/0c. up to Sha ; the best Paper for 50c. per roll. Bei telt Patent Wails ares in great variety, Uttar* N0. PORTER'S BOOKSTORE FUNERAL NOTICE A. W. CORN ELL Jndertaker -& Embalmer SUCCESSOR TO A. e. CORNELL M'I.-'Dtir Charges hare Seen Greatly dem ed far Yolerate to PricedAe poptacte "aerate. M•011gints!•' Instatnt.. ( IODERIOH MECHANI08' INSTI- X TUT, LIBRARY AIS D READING WOOM, car. of reit street and Square (up Mira Onen trom l to 6 i•.x.. and from 7 to 10 P.M. (BOUT 9000 VOL'3 IN LIBRARY. Lading Daily, 1T ed,1y and Illustrated rapers, Magazines, .k., on Pile. MEMBERSHIP TIUKKT, ONLY 51.5.. tasting free use of Library and Reading 10 to 0 11 Applications for membership received iy 60 10 0 71 t.lbr.rien. in room 60to306 Otto 6 00 H. COMB etar7. H, HAMILTON. 811 to 060 l.lbrarlan. 10 to 0 30 Goderloh March Itch 1986. lAtal• NA' 0. CAMERON, BARRISTER, 8061- 71. ottor. Conve ancer. ke, Hamlt n e os: dry � u doors out of Sleorae RNEST HEATON - BARRISTER, [J Solloltor. Notary Public. t radian Bank of commerce Chambers, Sw Ir Goderich. SPRAY YOUR FRUIT TREES Court House Square, GODERICH - elue swise yeast RobMs. WittSloraoapourtteT. x• ROOM OE"TIOIPObb _01114116* .Womanhood' W ae WO TT Vocal dale...ea Reese'r .'s iso stewsr. Joho asaf Medal ECASIPION,Q.C., BARRISTER, 80L loiter. Notary Lc. (Aloft urer Mudlc. Hall. Strums 0od(rlolt V 0. JOHNSTON, BARRISTER, SO - l'1. Miter. oommiatoner. etc Money to oat. OMc•te : tor. 11amlltoa and et. A nndrew'. 504 tltt*ete Ooderich.Ont 11 0. KAYS, BARRISTER SOLICIT - [1,. O1* Ito. Office North .t.. teat door StdNAL Moe. Private Fund& tom at I.west r of Intecrst. 1 ARROW a PROUDFOOT, BAR. rieten. Attorneys, Solicitors.Ptotultoot Cola. •ie h J T. Garrote. O Buy your Spray Pumps and Spraying Material at the Cheap Hardware Store. ALL PERSONS BUILDING thiE st:a$o►T will find it to their advan- tage to purchase from tins .up-to-date hardware establishment. 1 am selling Blacksmith's Hard- ware very low. My motto is to please all persons wanting goods in my line. Ow week se FAA al sa yen WON& ma•, ��--iso by wro o wen rM.r.irR fress a sods' 15.1 had Mas agegh a eiesbui et resale Welted them hell Weis the eylN 'wato5ow. who hard tisk fries fee LUL anbeI the aped. I15.11ewhsra r+..w.,y. .,,.,reps, t, -s..; ., ,..; .--, contemplating 1 1A11EHON, HOLT & HOLMES, l/ aarristere. Solicitors In Chancery,_a'., iodert.,b. Y. 0, Comecon. Q.O. ; P. olt uudl.y dolmen. O. WARD, oONVEYANObR l.1 • to., sod oommiselo•er for takins.aadvits re •e ving roegrnisanoee of ba Or Otrniatione, depositions Or t.c1.wn deotwor does in or concerning any mittoa, stilt or pea twdim to the With Court of Justice, the Oourtuf Appe•I for Ontario, or In OouafF Division Court. All tr.pssot e.re�lE, .rad promptly •zeent.•1. ltsctdsoos l,'.R .earns.-Il.ea..no. pea Lpsig/ ono lhaurano.. OaY VI vet ds to LOAN. nat 6j ) ,000.00 Privet Funds cent we- noaly. M. G. CAMERON Horton's Bleck, melte Colborne Hotel God rich. 417.16 MONEY TO LOAN. -F1 money to login. titivate case farms to rent or pelt. to rent or for sale. E. N. L Goderich. VE PLR OINT rands ; also Ant lioness sod leas E W 1E artistes. ((t� SEAGEK, CONNEYANCING AND V . 1118111w110• 011200, oppoet1* Martin's Hotel 0od*rtae. 1 ONEY TO LEND ON MORTGAGE .3at 6i psr Dent. Notes diseonmtnd. 0. jEAOER. o69oe opposite Martin's Hotel, Gmite J. T. NArTIL, • eitekleat mos -ate. Office -03r. No erlch, FIRS, LIFE �A�N�D,g •asstdq •soon;! t- f►(ONEY TO LEND. -A LARGE 131aattael Privates on rand'rrand' for teen toren fie 131.c Mortgag. Apply W ft PROUD 'r. RSADOLITTE, GENERAL AL IN• ..m+.egal -a� beanies pont •' oommialre repressitted. Mosey to Lend so strolgal ease, of a5. lowest rate of int*reGt ay way door prom a oorrower o4 Booms Wss* lett I intend quality, price, and fair dealing to be my best advertisement. .M°KENZIE 1 • OP THZ CHEAP HARDWARE 8TORZ. Now Ma•hin• dhOB1. NEW a AMINE SHOPS -ALL MMEDR Rmpalt 'Work leas at Reeesas1IS Math - 1....1.11W iss1.11Wf.r -Home %reels J. RUN t CIPRING REQUIREMENTS i� roe CLEANING A" DISINFECTING MOTH CA$P$OR, (,'RUDE CARBOLIC ACID, CREOLIN CONCENTRATED LYE, CHIi$, 7TLE's PHENYR Lr PRE/KIRI wbere AT 1LSON'S PTION DRUG STOR$ pal � leer bask Tbs W S lew*Np b 1.4i will 1s tib Wee Wee 45* suiver.ity a Oddit• Aaoes% lea brethren el Hen celebrate It by •e eeMrtalseer MOW ea Tosses/ spumy 1