HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1898-4-21, Page 4E. D. 8z M. $-
-.• +rtaa7rCr71
We Set the Pace.
Our sales of Bicycles are increasing daily.
and the very best values is fast bringing the trade our we,. 11
you desire to purchase a mount, you cannot afford to I tis by.
Besides s number of other lines, we have the famous "
Common Sense
and Huron
at from 135.00 up.
Bicycle and Music Howie and Cleveland Cycle Livery
W. m.au+acerPTT '
THE continued illness of Mr. Ma
GILL1tr DDY will be much regretted by
readers of THE SIGNAL.
Ten days ago he was stricken with pneu-
monia, and since then he has been, as he
himself puts it, " completely oo the broad
of his back—unable to help himself or say
a good word for a neighbor."
'$isir Rias will htfp' for his rapist see v-
LAST week an incident occurred at
Ottawa that bodes ill for Canada. A pro-
position was before the House of Commons
to grant • charter for the buildiug of the
Kettle Valley Railway, which was to give
railway communication to the Boondary
(reek district of British Columbia. Mr.
Cotters, who proposed to build the railway,
asked for to i•uhetdy or grant whatever—
simply for permission to build the road and
do business with it. The C.P.R. saw that
the existence of its monopoly in British
Columbia was threatened, and instituted •
vigorous lobby against the bill, with the re-
sult that the charter was not granted.
The action of the House is doubly omin-
ous. It Indicates that the influence of A
corporation ouch as the C.P R. is more
powerful with the members than is their
ammo of public duty, and that lobbying—
the plying of members in private with argu-
ments that it would not do to bring up in
the House—is more effective than pubhc
discussion. The arguments advanced
against the bill in Parliament were iuconse-
quential ; at any rate, they were certainly
not anch as should influent* any man Melling
himself a Liberal. The plea that the pro-
posed railway would, by connecting with
the United States lines, divert beanie,*
from Canada, might have some weight with
protectionist•, but Liberals were sent to
Ottawa to advance freedom of trade, not
to put further restrictions upon it. How
would the C.P.A. like it if its lines in the
United States were closed up by order of
Congress 1
The proposed railway was a small one,but
the principle at stake was great. The peo-
ple of the district affected would have se
cured railway competition by the building
of the line, and that without the grant of a
cent of public money or a foot of public
Land ; but it seems as if, when the C.P.R.
•--it.elf a perennial beggar at the doors of
arliament.--says r " Our monopoly must be
:Continued," its mandate must be obeyed.
We hope that those members who voted
against the Kettle Valley Railway bill will
- be called to •eoount by their conatitueuts
for their action. Thois who helped to wink
Liberal members to Ottawa have clearly a
right to complain of the betrayal of Liberal
principles by those mini:Aerialists who as
suited in the killing ,:f the bill.
lot hint do it (vide the Kettle Valley Rail-
way bin); but wheu the request for a bonus
is coupled with that for a charter, tee hill
goo. through with flyiug whirs.
.The elections of sixty members of
Lite Ontario Legislature have been protested.
There will be plenty of work for the fellows
who do the " sawing -off."
— We think the best way to reform
the senate is with an ale ; bat if this meth-
od is too violent, how would kali, simply to
reduce the number of senators by about 81!
-Ws are in favor of peace, but if
the deluge of Cuban war talk is not soon
stopped, outraged human nature will per-
form cry out fur the antat'onistic nations to
fight or shut up.
— Soon the prouibition plebiscite
Will be the topic of diseasitiuro throughout
the Ibm,aiou It is expected that it will
be taken upon the voters' lists prepared
under the new franchise act.
—Canadians have much to be
thankful for in the fact that " the horse
of war " are not a constant terror to them,
be simply something the consideration of
which eanates their pity fur those to whom
the possibility d war lea daily menace.
—You don't always make time by
crossing lots.
—When -you peal tile -trigger, keep
your eye on the bull's -ere.
—After all, the Renate may be a
bleefiag in diegnise a vrry rffe,;llYe 'li,
—The lodestone that attracts ad-
veenturers to the Klondike is the sin of rov.
— The liberals reduced the tariff,
and instead tf business stagnation, closed
factorial, and a treasury deficit—as pre-
dicted by the Tories—there will be a sub-
stantial surplus this year, the factories are
busier than ever, and business generally has
received an impetus.
V the temperance people were not
a loose aggregation they would own the sit-
eation for the next (kotien.
—Nevar acknowledge a man as
r leader whntn you do not eon. ider as
mentally and as clean morally s.
—From the number of election pro-
tests filed one Would aleinst think the poli-
ticians were .11 anxious for another open
brut and. Fall.
—Oar legislators at Ottawa do
geese obi.! so.Mbmea. When a man
makes a,r.posKien to buil/ a railway with
eat any rlobddy whatever they decline to
Dyment ie shipping large oivaatitisa of
Speckled trout may he naught oa Monday,
May 2nd.
A few boys were swimming in the river
this week.
Centauri t.awson is pushiag the repairs to
h i. eohooner. the Toaman.
The aohooner Koltase is now ready for
sailing. and only *tante a cargo.
The Goderioh Lumber Company is put -
lo` things in order a, the harbor mill.
Th. aloes season for bass of all kinds oom-
w ienoed last Friday sad will last till Jun
Th-• engine of the tug Ontario was exam-
ined lase weak by Government Inspector
A water meter has been planed between
the pump house sod the 1,-ewery to measure
he water used by Johnston & King.
The harbor oommittea deserve the tha..ka
of pedestrians who v'ait the harbor for bar -
fag thv docks thoroughly cloned.
Those sten who had arranged to start
lathering atones for the breakwater are
sorely disappointed a: the way things have
Ail is quiet around the breakwater, though
there is e rumor that • treat siert will be
wade inside two weeks rod the job pushed
o a finish.
Tbe dredge Anoldi has hen placed s
the G T. R.. dook fcr the completion of her
repair*. Her spoon as nearly ready and her
anchors are well under way.
Peroh have been caught in large numbers
along tho piers the past week. On occasion.
when they were biting freely nearly 100
have bees booked by nae person in Less than
an hoer.
Captain Baiter was down at rale boat
house this week, a sore mien that Spring is
sear at hand. The gallant captain has t .
"reamed hie ,tock of boats, and will be ebb
to supply all oomera this season.
The schooner Craftsman arrived in port
on Sunday morning from Sandoskey with
100 tone of coal for the owner, Wm. Lee,
and 425 tone of sleek for the North Arnett
earn Chemical Cs. To -day the Craftsman will
esti for 8paaet River to load lumber ix
Chatham. and atter delivering eerie at the
last named place aha will kill for S.adsa-
key W load opal fax the Gederieh _.water-
Rev. Jas. Nip idea ie /baetteed Mindy.
A Il, QOM Ar r,gassd free hos Tm.ata
R-` ill �iiIirdLJ I* iii
boa, Geo.
Mase P..bsnseu rammed to Exeter os
W. T. Hemphill rammed to
town ea
0 8. lean. of Cantos, spent 8a►arday fa
Jas. Sesta, of 9%steak, wee in town Mee
put week.
Chea. Darrow, el Toronto, was in town
this week.
A. M Told's family moved to town the
pees week.
Mre Tema rstar.ad to New York City
es Thursday.
Mien Graham left es her raton to 'Carib
oe gatorday
Jae. and Wm. 8lrettea, el Braseels, were
le new. ea Friday.
h. L. Diaereses, barker of Winghaml
was in town 'Friday.
Mus A. W. Ball left o. Monday for ha
.obeol la Cheilion.
Jae Rsbanea loll for Tomato oe a butt-
ress visit Teeedy.
Mir Freaks resumed from bis visit to
Map's. se Saturday.
Mrs. Rsabwell sad Mies Dark are visiting
friends nn Braosaeld.
Mir L rsie Ret.rbes len for bee school.
Sodom. oo ldoaday.
17. T. Douglass. of Stratford. was is
God• non on Friday.
C. Robertson and W. Walters wheeled to
Revileld oe Sunder,.
(yes, L ea.glew .n4ii J. tows len weak
k. spend the &miner.
Mice Annie Campbell. of Seelorth, was at
the old boat. over Sunday.
Joe Garrick rod Lester Roberteos wheeled
to Bayfield on Sunday last.
The pass two weeks formed • reerd fm
Goderiob for railroad travel.—
r vel.The G.T R still ships IID leaded ears
weakly from Goderioh etalhR
Mir W iggias .peat part el the Bolide)
term with friends he (kidlike.
J. A. Gregory, .1 Na Oslhti•se, api.
the Easter holidays at Wier,
Mint Ethel Aetteen 4.11 einee en Monday
on bey rotes to Whither *gree..
H. 1. Strang, B.A. sad Mies Strang. re-
bor.sd from Toronto oe Saturday.
Jalhr Griffin is around again after his two
weeks' ooe8.eme.t through illness.
Mir Grace Johnston returned to her
e ohool duties in Gsalpb on Saturday.
Will Stoddart wheeled to Cl owe last
weak. and Hided at A. H. Godwin's.
Miss Y William" left to resume her duties
In the Orillia High School en Saturday.
Mr.. R. G. Reyoelde retareed on Satur•
day from a tea week's ylsit to Detrain.
Everett MoRenale is home from Toronin
. ad is pe.par4R for hi. Seal examioaden is
We were pleased t. lee Anthony Auen
u town the oast week, after his severe ill
M. Lizzie Re teabary, of brsesdeid,
was this weak the guest of Mia M.yL.rd
Ro hwell.
an. D. Contains returned on Sa'nrde),
from a week's Hint to friends in Swatter('
and vioanity.
Jno. Elliott bas started Ib. foundation for
1 so dwellings near Bata' 000per$gs in S
David's ward.
Mn. Westoby, of Blyth. was vid/.a[ .t
the family realgesett, Si. Patrick'• street,
the past weak
Bonk Manager Williams and daughter.
Mia Erhel, returned from their Toro.te
visit on Friday.
Mies Horton retuned to the Cresnt the
put weak after a two moath's visit to th•
city of the strata.
J. M. Roberti, of I)angannon. passe,
through Goderioh on his return trent the
east. on Saturday.
Aaaistat Engineer Chapman, of the O.T.
R, was In town on Friday on hominess con-
n ected with the elevator.
WASHINGTON.—On Wedseeday weak
the wire of oar townsman, Charlie Irish
Inion, pawed to the greet byeed, after an
illness of twelve mouths' duration. The de-
odand, who was s.000d daughter of James
flyeltl lea Colborne township, case ,be
liode trout Wawaaeah about a year
data, when the family teased*" to reside.
1s a few ..nate alter arrfyal Mrs. Realist.
Iles books. dei. and thinkbg that the old
farm lite would resters her health. she late
f nes the old hams. The ahka's. however. did
. et beards bee kid after • rest of 8 menthe
seder the trifler rid, most e1 whisk team
rte was wsahle to leave her ked. death
Oka ik. late Mn. Weadock* s haves be
meerS her • beeband and two Foam &U -
ren, Atter, Mother, iters Delia. Ltole asd
Mre Graham, of Myth. sad biosides. NU-
ilam a./ Ja1sa to the tawasMp. *MI6
is Takao. All tires wag mortal of bees..d
was sterrsd is the laasny pot. Maletak!
Cemetery. in prw.mes of • very Iasps .am -
bat al sou'alag nl.Mvss sed seaveake
Dr. A. M. Hambur, of Dsh.lt,
e pee
ee taN M
dsr Me old mm 64 Vlieer -.s.
The germs of consump-
tion are everywhere.
2leero4stArtiLeargjmt to.
fight them.
If there is a history of
wcak lungs in the family,
this fight must be constant
and vigorous.
You must strike the dis-
ease, or it will strike you.
At the very first sign of
failing health take Scott's
Emulsion of Cod-liver Oil
with Hypophosphites.
it gives the body power to
resist the germs• of consump-
Mies Thompwn. of the Kindergarten de-
partment of the Guelph Publio School left
for that city on SaturJsy.
Mau Blanche Sallow.. of Poplar Row,
Colborne, ie visiting al her aunt's, Mr..
Root Sallow., Anglesea St., tows.
Mn. 8 Hogan aria children have return*,
to town after having .pent a pleasant vial
with the lady's .aster, Mn. Dr. Cessicy
Mia Duff of the Blyth Public Sohool, w t o
hart been .pending the holiday. at the psi
easel residence as town, left to resume her
duties on Monday.
Sea see *Ana aB dioebt'-
SCOTT' & )OWNI. Cheaiws. Tereass.
!NATIONS —Entranoo rod Public tbhe.•
lwtying : 28th Jooe, 8;45 A M , at Godsriet ,
$aster, Zurich, Bsyfleld. Heseall. hints' .
Dungannon, 8t Helen'. and Cr.ditos
Wert Hnro., and at Clinton, Seeforth
Wingham, Bn tele, Wroxeter, Fordo's,..
Mid Blyth for Feat Huron. Hick Schen
Primary examination (form 11 July 4th. f1:45
A.M , at Goderioh, Clinton and Seaforth.
High School Form I1 and Commerelal 1)
ploma, luly 6'h ; Form III and Form IO
July 8th. 8:45 A M , 51 Oad.rlob. Cllotor
and heaforth. Form 1I, July 6th, at Wi..g
ham, Brussels and Exeter. Application -
toe Eotraneo sed Public School Leaving
samiaatiens most be goat to the lespsetoi
es or before April 26th. The too if $1, to be
paid 28th Jane, Applications for Primary.
,Junior Limon& Senior Lrv'ag sod Mato
*slake (Hush Scheel Forme 1. II. III and
Iv) emu* be stet to the Inaketor beer.
114th May. accompanied by the seemeary
foo. No application can be reoeivsd by tin
Iespootors after that date. Those who in-
ked te write a any examination *entre i.
the Western Isepeotnral Division of Herm
mast sed their sppliaatisse gieteg seine le
f.U..taJ.- Fleas Tom L P. 8.. d- Qtriabillts
and these woe iodised to onto is the Ram •
ors Divieles to D. Robb, L P 8.. Clinton.
For Marano', Drawl g book No. 5. sad the
Senior Fourth Clan. Copy boo. ; and fir
Pobiie /Wheel Leaving. ))wing fleck No.
6. The week in then books mast be com-
pleted and eertiflsd M by the timelier. to 6e
eke work of the oasdldere premed's* the
beck. Tbs Katrake Drawing and
hooka, also the Peklla tlsbeel Leaving tote
keepuig and Dhawisg books If preekted
wlU be ozamb.d as l• former yoke
,BRE.4KF.4ST C000.4
Penances the lalbwtee dietintive maria t
toGaLt>reVOV/ or°43ltC.
NUTRrrrYI QuaLrei s UNRI V AILeri.
p�.1* QNartui'P sd Tim only,8oatgot at,>air London..
Give The only food
that wilt build
Baby tip a wean cons-
• titution gradu-
Chance ally but surely is
Cardinal Food
a simple, scieutufic and highly
nutritive prtl.a.ation for infants,
delicate children and invalids.
agNav WATw. a iso.,10601.008•000.
Have You Seen
L ;,, $H'HARD'$ .
Fine Display of
Ladles' $85
Gents' {����
Clevelander $66
Pilot o car $336
Havingreceived just reived a large num-
r of
beBicycle Sundries
we are fully equilped for doing all
kinds of repairing.
Call and see our goods.
Vim/ V 1,..R1'V 5
Art Needl.Work
Prom APRIL Seth to MAY nth,
N cm to 6 p.m. seta day.
Everybody is invited to bo pressed a>itlearn all the new stitches in this work.
We have just received a fresh, new stock of Embroidery Silks,
Embroidery Rings, Embroidery Needles, Stamped Linens, etc.
Next Bargain Days, Ink and 29th April.
rosy 6a Cloarod Out!
AU irstolam p.od., and well sada q, will
he toad at remarkably Mw prime be Maar It
001 005. •
A flee amereseat of Now Osats ibt Fal
.rad Winter weer.
TOWN AGENT/ :—C. J. $arpr, U. F. Empress,
Davison Johkilie Frit* t z i
. - ---Acetal lithe. stat Beak Maalaaal.
J. H. W - G. W., Thomson, Cattle Bat's.
The McCready
The Businessman's Friend
The Tourist'. Delight
The Ladies' Joy
The Racers Ideal
Model 7 and 11
" 12 and 14
McCready Cleric
Common .Sense
Huron - -
$50\ At the price the cheapest
MO) Wheels in Capella.
See that your 1898 mount bears this name plate; it is a
sign of good quality.
Did you ever notice how happy and contented the riders of
McCready Wheels are! There must lee a reason why. It's
because they are built on honor, by men who know their nutti-
ness, and nothing d but the beof material is used in their
construction. When you deal with the makers of the Mc-
Cready Bicycle once you always will They 1 now how to
treat you, besides you get more tor the least n:... s than any
other house in Canada.
No matter what you require in air line, write us : we are
at your dispo.sL
Our cat cal>gne is ready. It tells you all about the wheels
that are " just a little better than the beet," and it is yours
for the aeking.
THE HENDERSON BlgTg',E QO., Liniitsd
Ready to Wear
Rigby Waterpoofed
Spring Overcoats
Are made by tailors, stayed
in every vent, and keep their
stylish shape to the end.
They cost much less than coats
made by the best custom tailors
and cannot be equalled in style
by the smaller tailors.
Shorty's Guarantee Card in the Pocket is the wearer's certificate of
permanent shape std highest tailoring excellence.
Ask flltr •.sty'. " Roth h Waar " cbYlee•-
Choice trait Wideanti Orna ental Trois
Orr stock of F sit Tres beteg Complete.
ws will be ab a to fill oreen at shortest
Dodos, se ws have the Beet and Leading
Vartetbss d
Apple. rear. rite-. Cherry. and
Pewees Treat. Also a Large asaea
et sails watts.
Call and askmlu stook and be convinced.
Large Stock of Choice Sprag Bedding
Price List mailed ea application.
_._ 11LAS
have nearly all arrived, whii
best in the country, and we
child to give us s esil and in
bogus bankrupt stocks, no bt
to get your dollars, but any
back if the goods are not as
We will use you right, and
and satisfy you.
- EST, J1
S. J. RETD.-Mnsger.
Britannia Ra
of Mrs. Ede
tbo brides
nob. p•
Rev a
Gee erwi.'
From the R.pOI'toN$ Not
igT PeIn a Cele la a' Ter amts.
A ee.[ NI a Afars Aroma
.' lens. a.' fates wt
rront item—(tine.
Common Sense
Mads at the Henderson Bicycle Factory, Goderich : also the
Celebrated "White" i icycle,
Made by the White Sewing Machina Company.
Call anti examine Wheels sea got Prices at
The Cheap Stoveman• ,
Carriages 1 Buggies!
A man that has n not worn Pridhal
h.a let to tears what osmtcrt
rftw lista he WI
ypectIng suite.
Bare you heard that gallows t
yeee herhand t rwntlag the & taking ywst r feat our t
their pictures. 21..nu tap the boil
in a taw days. -
E,.o:s GA14as.—As iiiree4lYi
window was that .l Joe E. Davis
hundreds of all Irish of birds' egg
A c1D,vT aL1 v Ktti aD.—F. N
formerly of town, a brother of M
Grant and ..phew of Mrs. A. stn
- fatally Injured to Boston 615 fiat
toad res.
ill [Y wilt BA enter. —The 1
have decennium' that after this di
Hiles ea the sidewalk will be
before the P.M., which means
oosta Tab move applies to rids
sires. �
alol Till BTLgt —1h
brought up es the last oessoil m
Yarding the muskies .f the land
loins Maitland semetery should ac
ed to drop, se in a very few yarn
land will he seeded.
Ek4t1INgDTilt JAIL —Oat rtdi
or of Prisons Chamberlain made
in*pao'Inn of the meaty Ian. I
geot'eman Anse net report till al
tont te Tomato, 1a will he fosse
es on publish his opinion.
Sumo Riau Ur —Tho wood
outside the town amus is it..ieg 1
startle, again, new maobtasry
Plead matt of Otte old. It w
known as M0Glsllend's Mill, an,
days will M.plaaing yarn.
RosAwAtr.—A team belonging
ran awayea Friday mensal sed
the United States Consulate u
throwing the driver, who bows•
much Burt. Th. team alter gi
had a four see gallop into Gods
ship, before they were ceptored
A Picasso! SOCIAL —The
last Thursday imitate, at the 1
Mrs. .Jas. Saosg was well al
than present apes% a most nit
Me. The following took part
mamma Micas Stokes, Gedw
Ratemea, Johnston, Whitely el
Meagre KroderlcS, Hillier, Han
and McDonald.
MAITLAND CHM erznt.—Th11
dead ie patties on its spring dl
the lots looking ezosedinply IPr
of thee. who have dear ones
M.Itlaad have already beautilth
old U some arrangement weld
improve the lets of then fee
who live fu away, our traria g
be munh mon attractive.
Fra. Airs..—Oa Satardi
the roof af Belahev's btkery w
tohowfire, sad asItmit tre
smoke aortae Ktna.tos skeet 1
underside alarm. Aa soca as tl
arrived the was me to work at
atm faded the bless. It i, 1
the fire originated from a dale
es thn elm warted over 1ts and
oto. Qe t:tule —Ares le )i4
Gedertah tote whip has totem
months' wish to his trotter
Molltllaa, All Riverside, Gal.
lug tows after his arrival, ki
1i1 ,.NAL ohne sad left a few
taken trent his n'ative's In
fruit were magatfoent 1P
orange, sod sine that tie I
tame Out barna, largk tom
musk mels. made one's Mt
look esJ►em.
Emotes, who wars brearbt
weeks stat., asd died last 11
father's rigida*. se the Ha
Unca ill fee snarly dms oas+.
took Owe tram his Hitt I
the aa.plem .! oto OdNol
having Mea a menthes dela
Theo was a legs tare eat
end the herbal t'ernks si tka
(Wwh .neiestsdDelhi he oaten
Cahaose wren Aterw
aamilmeed tiee feet MB • s
dicey Arsa o.aas,ed la 7m.N
whit wee eike emmineof
balltee lir eo1
(Iv bso be •
Iim by Iowa Yiel/
You will find the largest and beat stock of CARRIAGES, PLY,
TONS and BUGGIES in the County at
undry's Warerooms
We buy only
tion to sell you a
reasonable price
here before.
Inspection and Comparison Invited
v es
Inhass a
a ' N
rare tate solar
• sloe!