HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1898-4-21, Page 1e,
1• kr
FIFTY FIRST YE .t R----26 70
boosad.Haod Seth for Hale -Norther- 1
Methodist Poreoaewe 1
The Groan -Sturdy lime
Huron's urease•. Store -R. g. Smith.-- 8
Nair to Crediton -•barrow & P,00dfoot 1
gks Lmsdt*8 Dry Goode Hesse -smith
res tt Co
Spry year Fruit Trees --R. W. IlfeK
eau............................ 6
(;•desk►Ragan Ceatr.-lasRobtaeoa 4
W . 8bara.,jt 8
gang Boos pad Shave -1
House to Reot-N. W. Nen t•
Tows PreNRY- '~' Reek.
sale Iot
Holmes. t'i'nes_ Goo.Se k. Q $►
J P .................
sear a
April 8h
Sews Th1ak all Pants Alike -Dadra
A 0.:.•
eM1111 .. Beau- sad jimmies- 4
McCready, Soy* Co
ter--- --
SThe wisdew lash sad glees laiele used
la tb. Nan -et. Mr Waist
will be wild at a very v*Aar co should gall •
nadir mob n fur S rarpree
Tthe verso he price will � Myo e. and Nora same.
Yea Ors Yoko.
TI'om our own porrslpondsnt$
fliers V Iaferesaltaa Sen That Gusset b•
Wessel Anywhere ilea -wawa et al.
Dom lideetalls 0AertN
ear The Neal.
BSNS11.1.ta NOYOOY.-The old•time re-
ppatio* of that now woU-stabluhod num-
.r swear to be eel the lea Lbw
■11[111, if wo are to judge by tie targe num.
►u.1 pertain eominr daily from there with
gime of some wort to their vehicles
• l/naan.ion with Goo. Stewart, the
Mradow Ftw•ppl7 to B
HLATO' . edblser.Ii/ertak.
0 Mr Or tine a nice trees. four to Sys fear
pen, ter transptastbg Few sale cheap.
V order for two oar-tesda of Ors a Mater
SSW ea the butts/ le all ualform fa .Dior.
It mired with Sao dal, salt. We
MY the
t.Iahairrhews• od are 51111 baying •e45e
his A.1 Betteter.
std pot►toes M . he melt J. Y.
{iT AN i KU - ANY Q-UA�iTT1-11-WF
1T Hotter sad Rap. We sM *.111 porins
iiO4 11.. n.. p41 5.04• 1Ef15Y.1.
K ISS. w
DIRelul(M w Af:114NO A HOME CAN
• brews Moor troth s* Halt them to • wood
part et the tows. a d ray far it in . •s,h1;
ttaynaea'e,tt• more tow $ aNdlierikto rest teed a
soon pn7N .t dm. Apple be EDWARD
- A. lts.dlswOrk.
*Otto,- to C SdTtOiy.
genial manager of the .eaeern shoe the
death of the founder, be 5.1d as that the
output dm year will be tar to etooee ot any-
thing knows theirs before, acd in some lines
of stook they will be rased to their utmost
to *apply the demand. There is a growing
desire tor evergreens, sow that the farmers
are improving seer their houses, and e •
Proof of my ssabmeot he romai ked) lost
lost at that large two horrid load bought
by one mao going war Desloge. Our three
teams will be on the toad next weak with
fall loads for the d&Murt delivery centre
1of Beyield. Bruce6eld, S.•forth. Clinton,
Loobnow, Ktntail, eta, and it keape us jure
buy with our large staff of men to fin op
the many huodreds of orders *old t,y our
agent/ during the past year. Owtog to the
law passed by the Dominion Oovernmeat
torbiddtog the importation of stook trout th.ee
other std., rued by the fear of spreading
ties much dreadd 8.n Jose sal., the nun•
sutra on this side will.ell emote mon thou
to have our fall share.
fie tie metier of tie Estate of Roderick' Mc
!).sold, late of Ike Tmrestip of
•ai.teld fn the Cer•ry
of Iluror.
Notice la hereby Elven pursuant to the Wa-
oth a that behalf that
of 5.e
others heeled chine against
said Roderick 11. Domed. deweaeed, who died
us or shoal the Wird dal f 1.tar' b. A.D. 1ta5.
ore requested to deli.er qr send by pest. pre
paid, to the London It WesternTruitt* Com-
pany. Limited. hoodoo, (hi. . r their Sono!
to, .ssn. Go row t Proodtoor. Roderick'.
administrator of oke estate of the deceased
oa or before the 15th of 5l.y. Hifi, • statement
In writ'n contslaing their names, addressee.
W sad writing
ono and
1d ofl� of thole
by them
And further take notices that all pe»oas In-
debted to the said Notate arereoulrsd to
forthwith ppaay the amourdue by them to the
sold Admla1trator or Its Solicitor. so as to
eeahle them to wend up the said prate.
Domed as Goderieb, this 15th 7 of Aptr11;
York Rootety of D curative Art, will
rldt Rate -rich for tw . +asks, oemnaend•te
April!Ph. ad will have on exhibito. at the
United Wurkmaa
• mp
alllo ni display of Silk A t Nisedliewora
Sbe extends • cord al Natation to the Iodise
of Goderioh .o (secret this exhibit, and 1'I
arrange with them for a..elos of lames to
this fa elaariog wo' k. ♦ grand 0PP01 an's,
la bon presented to wears the very latest
ideas and oon mpilssa in this art. All lad ea
warm.. ltakllttloa sad tsltks t •'trot
of charge Bout. -le a.m. to 3 p.m. h
5,l day at 1 p ...
For Saki or To Rent.
0118 It TO REN r - HOUSE TO
rest en Drees Sweet, eotalalag Dias
rooms, soft and hard water. and • good amble
and shod sad ease Peale Soo fruit trees. $7..0
per moat. Peesesa5s will M given hest of
M.7. Apply to N. W. NOTT. Victoria 81.
and 11. MoDatat$JVU Sarva, Stare re -
ser of Britannia Street and Hurea Road.
*keenestThere is an
the with everyoonvenler creta. T'
it • noel .5.1.. on the lot and plenty of hard
wed soft water. The property esu be inspect-
ed at say floe by intending ppuroha-aro.
Term. of .sa.11ee,, liberal. Apply to JAS 1LIN
NON, 80.fstl.
Solicitors for ♦dmtaletrater.
Nort,gags Bala.
arty. Under and by virtue K • and
K ala . MAMMA Ma MIRA a 1[drtu•eo
to the vendors, end hearing date rho 117th do
et Jose, A, 1515 There will be offered r
sale b7 pabli auction. by lobo Sao:. anotloa
Ser. at hie •notlu0 Mar oo Hamilton .4.
the town ot Rudest. b. In the Loane7 of Hs
0o lattrday, Ike 7th day of Ma MS. at
o'clockpoen. the following vdua� proper
nam .: -
All bet certain parcel an
and tt..d pr
it act of load and prenal.os. situate 171•* as
elate la the town of 00oetieb, r the ors
of Huron, sad Provisos of start . being oe
posed el • part 0/ Lt.t. running number WO
the said Town. which may be more parboil
larl7 described as fdlows ; that L to say : -
Commea ism at the South -War corner
old lot number W5. thins' North for feet
a-. angle. themes doe Nast per 11.1 eaten t
Soo' berl r limit or said Lot to t he taster
limartyt thereof limos of saian
Lot due .South ortywfeet to
angle, thence miaow the Southerly limit of r
h West
place of begtooto the tird, being whole of 5*
Lot camber 1W •xoept the Northerl7
roan yards thereof beret. fors sold and
vomit Thome. Rooktedge.
Theo property la situated on Church *scot
and Is • v* theirs r 'endow..
Torsos :-Ten per eons down. aid the
anoe within thirty (101 days thereafter with°
Title Deeds may be m.peot.d et the Woe
the.wllottore for the Teodoro.
For further particulars ■ppfl to. Ho
Hoar. req.. Oodericb, to the aaetloaeer.
to rte ..dersigoed ; Dated, this leash day
JurtNiKNOX. Vender'.5olklt
usual, and we expect
Tali green an 1 foredg houses on the prem-
ises are mo•'..Ie of neatness, and upon the
well-filled benches may be seen thousands of
pots ooatalatog flowers, budding piano and
haarlag-beaker just war the bloom ser
period, whisk w II be ready for delivery
.boat tar brit week to may Visitors an
at any time weloomed, and in • weak or two
• visit to the green houses will be like Gh-
ia' a trip into the tropics. where the bright
foliage, delightful perfume and exquisite
bracy of the flowers wall remIDd r of •
visit to the deligbtfal obviate of Bermuda.
0? err to that .f poor, noforiasar Cuba
about whiob there is so much talk jest sow.
CATCnIIo rtt1 Secl:Cas.-With the re
torn of spring oomw the sacker gashing
•as@ee, sed loot sew at tin• JAIL Amery, on
115 Maitland River the scene presented by
the masy who go then of an evening a* quits
iateresting. Atter Irving the lake the fish
come oo to their usual spawning grounds,
and it le daring the par go up stream that
they Nal ,1.11ms to the obeli of loss Bohr.
moo, who, with more or less *nooses, man-
y* to br ng borne rattail for • fry. if tb.y
sea do no more. The Falls bate been a
.area plana for sucker fisting trona ►he days
of the early seMlen, and last week, when
the run was good, as many as 500 8.h were
sarhs in one day. The bah are sold to per
some who oome then from all over the Donn
try for the tweet price of 1 rent per Soh, a
prix nct .t all dear considering that *soh
Soh may weigh a pound and • halt. 'the
&en ot the 8.h may not be ol.ueed as • deli-
oncy by some, perhaps, but oomisa as tin. y
do so early to the roan, they do nor taste
so badly before the water ger wsrnaer,wben
the fifth •.sta.A•bby .jpd eofe„mptlilleed or
two of surfers i. see ....+ i. 1Ad
as this buoy ceding time amain the arm
ere. Of late years there has been • large
falling off in the numbers th•e oom. up, and
the supply in getting Ism every pre Some
of the old settlers tell os that it wee no nn-
oommon thing to catch tour or five thosr•d
fish per day when the oountry was new and
the whole place was to bush, and 011 you
bad to do was just to dip your hand is the
water and pull them out as fast as you aoold
put them into your bags ; in toot, the num-
bers were so great that handrail' of Ash
over. left on oh. bulb to rot, as they oould
cot be carried aw.y Il the falling off of
the ,apply keeps on. either from overfishing
or any other tor. the glories of sucker
fishing will soon be over, and the same may
be rid of the other Ash that were once so
plentiful in our streams and Greeks. for
blaok bass, that formerly were eo numerous
that it was no trouble to rWb a string at
any time during the season, is feet disap-
ratisr, and r for .prkled trout, it is .1 -
noes unknown in the creeks that ono* were
lmmlog with that delicious 6.b.
DUNGANt 014,
No,tcs.-T 0 local agency 10 Duogaaoc■
ter Tag ewer is as the office of J. 0. Wan,
J P.. conveyance, tea who w It remota, or-
der* for nobilenpitteak �RKtimag and rob
work. sad la autumn rla•d
.acuate paid for the sante.
t rroDAY, Aprft9.
Coaageriov.-Ia Ts x vloxat ta.t ..ek
W.tab fogad. should hav• read watch chain
BCSY.-Hnsbaadry, gardening sod hour -
cleating are *swaging the Otto attoq, of all
oonoernad, Irrespective of more affair.
C.YIIo AID GOtsO -t4 k'. MO: .ch anti
nth., of Wlnrbam, visited hie pioneer on
Fri lay of last wall Miss Id. Erwin,
of Riley, who ban torn oo a Finis to her
Corin, Mn. McNally, tett ler bon . oi.
Monday. via Lesokoow... ..Mir Maud
hawser- sessred • good psmltioa.'A,
teacher is Te.w•ter Pahlio sobool, left ben
oo Saturday l.t,via Lu know, to oowtm.eo•
bar duties, .t the are of the Easter heti.
days. Her many friends wish her aalim•
itei•t success to her new voluti00 Mrs
and two children, of Ripley, are
vidr1ng her ester, Mrs, (i.v.
DVNOAsrwtr Pisco SCHOOL,- -The fol•
lowing is the result of thea Easter exam.
held in the senior department to Duoe..•
non public school T G. Alla., pri olp.l.
Primary claw -Edith R, b -ria. Charles
W byard, Nina Kapott iok P13 L. aloes-
lttbet Duff Jss@e Milligan. t\'tlls Stewart.
1Sxtr.uo olass-Oar• Robert., Minnie
Drain, Willie Olson. Junior IV.-Lotitla
Derain, licertias Sorosl, Willie Rose.
Senior Ili.-Mdoolm MoDourall, Lloyd
Hiles, Arthur Roberts ,10.tor 111.-H•leas
Glynn, Ida Whyard, Mary %Vogt. At the
examle.tions to take place la Jon.
there wrJJ be from Duo/aeon public school
6 pupils who intend to write In the primary.
5 for prone school leaving. and 8 for en-
teanoe. At the examinations held last Iona
2 •oeoeedd }a paring tins primary, 5 the
P.S. L , and 2 the entrance.
rent. - Frr sale or to rent, the It raceme
dra ng en BR Andrew's •� atis a good
eocapied b7 Mrs. Qaadry.
cellar, ed, brick amok* holm and a
large stablew1U begtven en Ma
let. For alta apply to 1410. JOSEPH
Wll,LUA ft. Georges CresoesL
or to frost the dwelling on Neter-et .t
Mont 000uted WY 0'. Henget& Is rotates
15 rooms• trsda� gg dr&wing Mahn
room. das
✓ oom. parlor aid kttasen. sad w a library.
.umber of clowns, Matti5I end • Ord
There la halt SA awe_ 14 Wd.044 %&O • �t
with shrub aid t d
Kim Apply to T. H. on tea Ra'
miser. 1.
VoR HAL>f.-01111 07 Till MET
d anhens@ efatit 0 erriee. Lot Lawless-
eg Oel�arne., hares (�g�y
lal a gas.poi. Spring [.ter. Bpi
bats matt pastors for 11 se tat
oleos i 556. to by M. From
•aE salisittm gravellye per made 4A1,0 O 0011. Do thply to 4'.e
DDOONNAUH' 40 Wolltsetoa�Bt. lei. Toronto 1,
A: linteblasoe's Bang la tM Towa of
- Ooderleb, apes whisk le greeted a alas dwell -
lag hotter.
Dated tib Neotsnber.lW6
♦ ppllhar O♦MERO71.4500LT t HOLMES.
*AL1 -The WWI
the river sad lake
Ms A. ilamDsrmett
One of he mese velaasl5
:Zola tows.
.rooting the new oven W ooa.eotion with
the .tore moonily leased by T. Watson A Co.
He completed the beildle' of the oven on
Saturday sight, aid on Woodsy morning,
thinking tint the oven was suttioiently dry,
he oomm.nosd taariog away the framework
bat supported the top of the oven Three
of the .robes were taken out without maoh'
difoulty, bat while removing the toartb
this iron bonds supporting the oven on the
outside bunt, sad the top of the woo, IQII
on the untortueata mato wattle', berytn
him beneath three loads of cud and tofu
rows of brook -the whole weight being over
six tons. Th. alarm was .0 ones given by
George Honer, who was assisting Mr. Pati
mentor, and in • few "roods willing hands
were at work clearing away the debet..
Fitter minutes dapd before the unfor•
tunes. men was taken from the ruins and
1)r.. Corder, Milan sad UM" 0000 °"'"
rammed the work of r .u.oitatloo, but it
was of no avail, and at 2:30 Tueedry morn -
log he pasted away wt,b*as Imam, gulped
ooneoiouseese. Hu spine and intorno' or•
g.ns were all more or lea injured.
Pursuant to the power of gale lea mortgage.
• copy of which will be produod at the time
of sale then will be offend for able by public
auction, by '*haps" Quadri. &umaseesr. at M*
auction mart. in the Town of .4Olr4Oh. on Bab
areas Apr,l 90th, 151. at 1 eraloek, .85ra155,
the totlow(o4 property.
hula* K
trona of bloats "(Y aid `lg" eM the County 04 the Townshipw. l ��
Count? d Heron. kno ern m the ". hr� .•
rata a1 1045 soros of toad. ens
pa,Joalarly d.earibed la the Ola114,_-.
Tk1, property Y well mint skeet 0 mile
from titheta. ♦ soot orb, eg111111SW t«w
trams the farm. Tba M11s � b1e.
frame butes, frame lista w
&bent 100 ear are exemotteaalb wood Lad.
and the whole farm is well adapted for stook
- T'ERMH OF BALE. -Ton per rat. of the
tpvaroYa-e mossy at the time of sale. and the
b•ianoe In thirty lays thereafter. At tf.e of
gale the p,rohemr [111 be required tools. an
agn•.eat to complete the pampas. sad Im
my then enter Int* oosasssins. This pr.Osg17
will be soli subplot to a reserved Md.
res farther particulars apply to The Tarawa
General Trial t s7.. Toro. O m a males -
R. C. orb Vendori' &BlokOr,
Dated April 0th. 2411
At the 1fe sad plate. pad on the tMtalk
tin above &dvertlatsgesgs.% Oars
SM slat port et let I sea.
s-W...s•- .1 oaf
1, W.D. (lel .wWspg 1A saris. all
o:eartid towed, its Boot noes of odtlyo.
nos. Tampa Wars tan prow y of Mr.
A. Basle, sad hoagies the Gravel Road.
bonParent it .Part let et 1.you.01.s1/1I
sad t/p.Ldeer dioinsssrpass»+.J 1 oa tits=
sldPar sl 11.-A Mists Jt � rapt of land, being
part at int 1 nen. 1, W.D. cotbone. seller's
,po con ion 1. side and trouts on ens ARMS
lured t. -All the 1 .at 11e bed sad
Meat bask of tie Rivear��sWaal now Woes -
tea t tb..54555 sselsstosr ale05to..1, which
balms' 1 is onsessilms at
WO *II flags and the ling
s -AN tlp P ..54M iet 40 1.11.D.
ad �e
7 M ,t5.-*oos par Kali. 005.
psea1t 5 w BeeWrU
hair* clap tlem vlashM MM
"'gag ag MA" .ay dliw.
w •m..r •pMs-
MlnutUS of Last Mssting.
A Sway M..1ea-laterestrig h.sa.lra•
liens Seas -M111•7 streets M le Orad
ed -NNtee .1 45141••* Mile Its
Bay Netitllis
THE council met Friday, April 15.
Present -The mayor. pnaidtnq, rear,
deputy reeve, 2.d depu' y reeve, oouootllon
Tweedy, Prtd►em, Martin, Dunlop, Niohol-
son, Celia bell, Caateloo, Craigia and
W. J. Soott and sitter, of Wingham, lett
for Brandon on 1'needoy by the C. P R.
Rev. J. Hamilton, pastor of Wingbam
Baptist church. intends removing tome time
in June.
The regular meeting of the W.C.T. U. was
held to the I 0 F. hall, Chisholm Block,
Tueed•1 aftern000.
The district meeting for the Wfogham
di.trtet of the Methodist olur0b will be held
In T.ssw•ter on W doeday and Thursday.
May 18th and 19th.
A mase meeting of the S. S. worker. and
Y.P.S was hold in the Baptist ohuroh on
tyot cream*, 1Batt tote., as arroyo ler
the anton convention to be hold in Juno.
The Christian Endeavor and Sabbath
Sehaol Asr 1atloa for the County of Huns
will be held in Wingbam on Jose 21st sad
2204. A good program is in course of peer
Oa Monday a very pleasant easing was
spent in the Methodist church. A erreop-
uoon talk was given on •' A ramble in
Englaod, Wales and the Isle of Man," il-
lustrated by about 100 views. Beside the
talk a .►ors program of solos, drills, sta. ,
was lira.
Mies E. Allen was at Pert Albert ba Mon-
day last.
Mr. and Mn. John'. visited Gderiob
township this week.
Mks Nellie John's "peat the Faster vas -
Moo to Goderiob township.
Mrs. Rob1. Stirling and daughter. of
Gederiob township. were visiting here es
Mrs. Thee. Tiohbourne with her two
daughters spent Easter week visiting rel..
three at Porton Hill and near Mayfield.
S..dine in ih• seoond week of Apr,l 1898
was brisk and o0 even farm in our ooni-
.rotty the drills were la motion beton six
A. M. Sowtag by hand will roe be uaksown
re tho yeomen o1 Canada.
Oen of our popular young ladle. whet last
year was • patient and *aroma student of
the wheel and its power of *peed, purchas-
ed oma la Gede0oh oo Saturday bet. We,
with • larre oirote of friends, wteh her many
pleasant outings during the aimingsufilmerl
with no mishaps.
Cared by Four Boxes of Ddd's Kidney
GALT. April 18-(Speoi•l) Brom town to
tows, over the whole broad land, rolls the
trresWible wave 14 marveltoue popularity of
Dodd'* Kidney Pills. They are bringing
the luxury ot life to Mousaad• of painworn
mortals and banishing kldiey 4tseer from
our 05eatry.
Mr. Frank Cromwell of Gel*. tells gladly
of his arr. Uamietakahle signs of
Bright's disease alarmed him. Pains m she
bask bleating of the limbs, puffiness, uta.
appeared. $s Used esveral remedies. 511
H. thea tried Dodd'. Kidney Pills. Of
coarse there could be Defy one result. It
followed, as it always does, Mr. Cromwell
was oared. '• I had given up all hope of
goOUog well, but four boles of Ddd's Rid-
es) Pills oared me," says he.
IMarrialie Ltssnsls.
IJosass@. 0ederia5.. Ont. 1143.1)
Situation. Vaoaat.
Minutes .t hos meeting read and Op-
Englseer Smith reported that there was
only 90 toe of coal on hind, that the rand
pipe had boon clawed out and was being
used again, thin the water in the well was
quite °tear, that the mains had teen Hushed.
and that the break to the Int•k• pipe had
been lotted roue 750 Net from shore. in 12
feet ot water.
A number of arcuate were read and re-
ferred to finer oommltteo.
Theo. Tilt, on motion of F. J. Pridh•m
and the reeve, was allowed to address the
couaoil regarding his billiard lioenr. At
the oonolwion of the address, the game
oounotllors moved that the maltor be rs-
fernd to special committee, to »port al
next meeting.
A onmmuoirtios was read iron! Wm.
lis M to the propriety of gook work is
ob.rehe5. but to speak of it .e frivoler .ad
pride la so say what is not so. The design,.
oobetag and exeoution .f the work have al-
ready resdved ike bighorns praise from thaw
capable of giving • oorreot optnlom. 85.
Michael's is • CatbuUe eathedral, .ad as •
o0nee ores or roadie, tsroadie, 10 the eater*
of W.1i. W. to ray a word In its favor, ita-
l. se In doing so to say two words praises it.
Beauty and ornsnarrUoa most he discard -
.d and replaced by barrenness and crudity.
W. H.W. esu almwt give a sigh of robot
when he era:, • church aid sees althea
paint nor oolor, but the &alleles@ oakum*
soaring skyward. R: T. W.
Geo. Ives has returned from Chatham.
where he euoorefully paved his examina-
tion" in book keeping and business coarses.
Aotiye prsuslIIioae are being made to
hold a grand representation of the Cblet
N.tiotu of the world. la the %own hull,
Lucknow, at an early date to be annoneoed
het solar.
A meeting of the directors of the Rinles
Bruch Agricultural Satiety will be bold in
the Meohanooe' Institute, Luoknow, next
Mas Lawson, of Stretford, is the guest of
the M lases Gould.
Tbe arrangements for the celebration of
the Qaen'e Birthc'sy are progressing favor-
Rev. Goo. Cobbledtck, of Glencoe. pr•ash-
d dartionel rrmons to James it ohuroh
Sunday last.
Mom Ball. of Goderioh, has be...ugsgd
as teaoher 1n one of the rooms in the public
sohool, atter the summer, in the room of
Miss Robertson. who has resigned.
Special rewire were held In Main -.t
Methods/ church on Sunday, the worn°
Ming the universal l of the Srd•y sohool.
The pulpit was 000npled by Rev. Mr Birks,
of Stratford.
Mark Clarks, of the Howes of Refuge,
Clinton. spent the past week vielttog trieod.
la Exeter and London. Mr. (7. looks re
workably well. and says the hospitality ot
Mr. and Mrs. Frwoh se caloulated to make
one happy.
plats oink.-ltae a hemmed*
Apply L Mesa M.
bey from 14 to to years of ewe to leers
the pprlati g busi•ses. Apply at Ton 1mtrrac
UMW,- a mervsimas book.
• etas b (Lady tAberdoes. R1g
W PAN Y, ?ag OEs O•. s.
P1k♦sNO 0 MSS. R. A.. LLaOGAN4 HAS
W° 0.0 llo, pY1Eir ttk. 1, i1R1. R
GWaste _ _ O.IMM-Yt 14rie
b Meet
Usurer/ led 1(sory Beaeeoe.t . ig _ y every
ot MM Willard," bJ 5545- • _n1_ . po
l.as �g arDeari
OOXPANY. Lanais.
d seat hit
adiosto wfgm taf 5 al5atb weal/ be as li-
athe& I pis. 1'. [.5 a few tsdias
N th58r era k*.es. T. g Ltlf -COTT. Ter
TonsOriai *MUM
�g.� tbiae ens M r+ggSt►
Waal Af4�
Saturday, the 23rd taps.. at 2 r. M., Co o..o-
eider the securing of grounds, oto., for the
fall @how
His many friends in town aid .ountry
will be plated to learn that John Mclotyre,
who has been attending the Northwestern
Dental College for the last two years, has
been euoo.isful in pawing all hie examina-
tions and is now • D.D.S.
On Monday evening last a number of la -
roasts met in the hand room of th• Tow■
Hall and organised • team for 1898, with the
following officers : Hon. pees., .1. Mnrohison;
hon. vice-preo, J. F. Berry ; prep. J. W.
Armstrong : vioe-pros., J. F. Tennant ; aap-
rein, J. W. Jewitt ; secretary, W. A. Law'
Next bargain days at Robinson's, April
28t.T i'bd 290.
Knox Chunk Ladies' Aid Society have
pestaoeed their gale of work mall the sad
ot May.
Next bargain' days at Robiasos'a, 5pri1
28th and 29b.
The McCready whist, paw bolas &gsrer-
ed to •goats, (5 favorably .omm5.554 ea -by
fudges of oyel.s.
Next bargain days at Robinson's, April
28th and 29th.
For the purest of loo on.m, the freshest
of fruit and the choicest of oonirtiooery,
0.11 at Blaoketone's restaurant, 'Vest @t.
1ooia. eserec•ry of tins Clerk's A.00tatton,
regarding the mooting to be held in Cllotes
is June.
Moved by Prldnam, e.00nded by Martin,
that expenses of olerk, It he attend the said
re.ting, hs paid. Carried.
A ,emmtultwalion was read from F.
Smestb, asking that, on a000unt ot his he'.vy
loos by fire, the oounotl allow • retrte it the
taxes charged on the old building from the
date of the fire till the sompletion of the
new factory. •
Moved by Pridhem, s0000ded by Wm.
Campbell, that the oommnnirtioa be re-
terrod to epeolel semmlttoo to report.
5 oommunication from the manager of 1be
Bank of Montreal, showing bores under dis-
eoubt and balance to the oredit of the town
on March 31st was read and filed.
Moved ley J. C. Martin, .eoonded by D.
Holmes, that the street inspector Is in-
.truoted to hays the following strooa prop-
erly grsdd :
Moonier, from Square to Waterloo.
Wotarloo, from Elgin to 81. Vineent.
Neieob, from t,ambri• to Waterloo.
Quebec, from W.rrloo to \Velhnetoo.
Lighthouse, from Millington to Wellesley
Scum, from North r St, inoeot.
Wolfs. from Viotoria to Cambria.
Anglers, from North to Cambria.
lrataigar, from North to Cambria.
Newest, from Hamilton to Cambria.
Vonore', from Britannia Road to Jail.
East, from Square to Station.
Rigor, from Victoria to Wel'.eley.
Picton, from Viotoria to Huron Rod.
Moved in amendm•ot by Pridbam and
W. Campbell, that the matter be rot"ri ed
to the publto works committee'. Amend•
meat sarrtd.
Moved by Cannon, .00ndeJiRed-
oliRe, that public worts oomm(ttee have
power to obtain the probable cost of • til.
surface drain from M•od.rmott'e back up
to Elgin-st, than up Victoria -a, asoordtng
to MoLougell'■ plan, and to find out the
moot sf renewing old drain for the same di.-
tenoe. Carried.
Pablio works oommtttoo reported that
TUESDAY. April 19,
The weather ie very fine and sad la being
sown very fast, trod we notiod a few of the
market gardonen planting potatoes on Sat-
The mumps is reeling in our village. and
some of the vlotima are very low at prears,
bat we trust that nadir the eklllal treat-
ment of our doobor they will coon recover.
P. Troy has let the oontr$oe to Cottle A
Son of balithog • largs veroadah in front of
his brlot idook, and making other improve-
ments whiob will add to this appearance of
the plans.
Oe Thursday last at about five o'deok is
Um afternoon. R. Adam's large farm boom,
eoeaptd by Ben Nailer, was totally dr -
et royd by An. and but 11.tle of its contents
wen saved. A mum et mosey, Mrsinaller's
jeweky and all their slothing exseN what
they wore at the Mme. were banal.
We extend oar sympathy to them In thole
Monday, April 18
Mr. and Mrs. John Chisholm ratted in
()od.riob towuhip this week.
The iff°mos'. Auxiliary Missionary So.
amity held their regular monthly naeeting at
the Sunday school room Wednesday of this
James Knuokle, of Goderioh, will be fore-
man on Mr. Linklater'c farm fhb Summer,
having .seared upon his duties Monday of
Isar week.
As we prepare tor prow we ars pleased to
notice that Edward, eon of Mr. Shaw. who
was r seriously all last week, has taken a
favorable tura.
Thos. Fotbertagbam, from near Rrnr1eld,
enjoyed his Easter holiday bya trip to Leo -
burn o0 has wheel and reins k dear, Mrs.
A. H. Clutton during his sojourn. The
next time he Domes 1t 1s likely he will bring
a tandem to nature with • pew resident for
Beater To Tug Oaorwo.--Ndneday of
last weak the foramina's of Joseph Thomp-
son caught Are In the neper .tory, sod the
house was burnt to theround. It took
place et the noon bear. Ndgbbon and Mr.
Thompson coming up from work won
on hand and managed to "aye the farafiers
down -stain, but all above was dstrayd.
bleary Green and Wm. Bogle, on their way
to the fire, rendered great •.siat•0oo in por-
tion out a pile of hoasswool that had
sought firs at the restdere of Mr. Watson.
A. B. Cornell. ot Oalorlob. was is Sews
God Friday. -
J. W. Boll *pent Saaewy with hie daugh-
ter, Mn. Felker, la Odefteh.
Ml. Cbealberlala men a small party in
baser of her gasat, lam Faber, of W fog-
M..ri. Robinson tt Henderson will roo-
mers .porwtiooe at Mks Blyth woollos .1Ue
a.wt week.
Ths fres readieg room le oessu U.s with
the eabUs library Mooed ler the stags ea
Friday 5155505, April lbth.
Was Kathleen dolly, who bas .toes radd-
tag with her graedme/hsr, Mrs. Oellleoa,
for oases tins* pmt. isle on Sosarday ter bar
boar la Gederlob.
M. A. MoNauggbboe bas rmetvd the ap-
ppMMntment.l psl.es6.r of bloomeala Ices.
llissasob. His sway &laud. is Blytb rd
yis1.tty ;tropisms!. 6. Mar of bis geed Wok.
Willo al wick is e's saw .Ill
M Meaday disensia, E.rb Blankwith
a *MOW £IMAMst. Tao. .1 she .f
.1 I
W 4 Mod S iti await* wills Paw
and ergmai 5s1e/M.
Abed Nste•Ir . Yenday twsw
a sea madam bopping/ le
My'M, y will* Oesgs Par.wfs Mee W
Mr. Y.&M6.r had limo nslvess ler
During the Bre at Mr. Ed Belober's baker
shop. I out • hole t►rotisb this roof and
found it was blazing furiously inside. 1 put
the morale of a half emptied 3 gallen SUmpls
ttxtlogaaber through the opestn gave
same a r"^i* ot enrolee. whiob his. -:.red
the lira rislit flow*. mash to MY .arj..W d
I had put any oonfdeooe to actin -
amebas beton. gut seeing to believing and
I oen highly reeommeod same and think
teat no factory, store. or house should ►e
without 000. (Signed) Hailer VIDLAN.
Fireman .
DEMUREST MEDAL. Cotroar.-The W. 0.
T. U. h.7. seourd Mr. Johnson, • pl•asiog
Stratford beritooe, to assist in the musical
part of their third medal roust pregnm.
to take place on Friday (tomorrow) evening
at 8 r.M The very best town vocalises
have choice "elections for tho arroy0, and
th. elocutionists are Unite prepared to maks
the prsooat 000teet one of the closest ot the
eerie,. Competont judges will decide to
whom thm silver medal is to go. See pro-
grams .s4 posters. Admtssioo, 20o.. obild•
ren, 10...
laattse/Nae elves Is the Trope s ilea and
Apt se.ttaa 14 I.GeetlNdea pad
mgrldes at tt. 7551*w-
tag mages t
Getlerloh-Tharday. April 21.1, 2 P r.
H. Ca rwb'a Orabard.
Exeter -1 ridgy, April 22nd. 2 r w R.
8. Lang'• Orobard.
Ridgesown-9atarda April 23rd. 2 r. M.
Rdward Lenenbine's Orshard.
LeamtegMos-Moeda , April 25th, 2 r.r.
0 H. 14111'. Orchard'
Amhersihnrg-Tossda April 26th. 2
IP. M. Nitwits Patton's Orchard.
Datta•-Wdttoeday. April 27th, 2 r r
Job Heddoe's ()robot4.
Tort Barw.11-Thsrday, April 18th, 2
P. 51 Freeman C0.le'. Orchard
Pert Rowan-Trlda April 29th. 2 r
H. M. Barrstt'i Or.
Sprlauvmle (nem Haga.odllol--Saturday,
Anvil 0055., 8 P.M. Jam Holbrook's Ora -
On Saturday, April 16:5., 1`498. • fire
broke oat over the oven in my baker shop.
We fourths is with pads of water for • short
tima but with no effect, as the fire gained
rapidly on us. Shortly .fear the alarm was
sounded, Mr. Lee of Los k Sheppard ap-
peared on the @. 'ns with a Stimple Fire
Extinguishes. It was handed to an tsex-
perienoed hand on the root and half its oon-
tents were wasted in the air. but whoa tam.
ed on the blue it smothered it like mej10,
and if I had had • Sttmp:e Extinguisher on
the start it would have saved ms the pride
of itself • good many times over, and I eau
highly reoommesd it as a fire fighter.
(Signed) ED Belongs,
Oooup.nt and Chiet of firs brigade.
they bad advertised for a caretaker for the
Square, and had appointed Wm. Holland.
the lowest tenderer, whom tender was $60.
The report was adopted.
The Arnim oommittee recommended in
favor of paying the following &000unts :
Wilmer bmith, 45 ; Alex Chrystal, $162 87:
J. W. Thomas, $2 ; the Canadian General
El.otrlo Co., $23.17 ; and recommended that
no action be taken on the •ocount of J. E.
Brydges, 17.25. The oommltt a referrd
the .000ants of F. E. Holmes and J. B.
Brackenridge book to the oounoil. The re-
port was adopted.
Moved by F. J. I'r(dham, mooaded by D.
Holmes, that the account of F. B. Holmes
h. referred to water and li ht committee,
and that ot Jtio. Braek.eridge to publlo
works oommlt,r to report. Carried.
Bylaw No. 8, mekina several amrdmente
to the water work. bylaw, was read and
p•A mutton to resider the advisabilityof
pnhasing some land in the rear ot Maitnd
Cemetery, cow offered for sale, wen referred
to tho cemetery committee to import.
An applirsioe of the *gent of the Belding
Paul Co. for ase of town hall was annum',
provided the rent be paid in &dinar, the
light be paid for, and it suitable arrange-
ments or he mado with the band.
Courtlier Pridh&m gave mottos that .t
/Leaf reeectnR of-seatc l bet wemld al.vo*h.5'
bylaw No. 8 of 1897 kio ameeded by making
Willard timer $20 for first tails and $10
for rook addition•1 table.
Ooanelllor Carillon gave aotioe that at
next meeting ot ooaadl be would move to
pea a bylaw reepeetleg local Improvements
and spiral sameemots.
A petition was parroted from residents
of Wolf. -at, ankle' the sonndl to grade the
said strait es sees se oonvenlent. The m at -
ter was reterrnd to the public works oom•
.116.5 fIe mart.
The eooa'1 tinea adjourned.
Aadrewe Sri. 511)0. shipped • ganefd e1
cattle fey expert Mee Thursday.
Doaa's roper• shows 1$ failures 1a Oada
for ths week Age' 14th. se sgskset
S5 for Noe *sob ending
Aprii 7th. The --tell
ores In the ewrra.posdhg weak la 1897 ware
A VA IA'Aet.s Diseoviay.-1'he v.log of the
Finoh Wood Pr..ervstare and prsrirvsttve
paint, • chemical oompound of growl's value in
preventing and arresting the rot and decay of
all kinds of woodwork, Is now known far
and wide throw/bout Canada. lye there-
fore offer it with the fullest confidence - a
confdenoe born of twenty five years' save-
risnoe-that timber treated with it will not
rot or dray. Sceotling that has lain on the
prnund eighteen years under • sidewalk
when taken up was as sound as when pat
down. We know that planks, poste, joists,
shingles or any wood treated with the Finch
Wood 1't tive or Preservative Pain',
has shown the least sign of rot or de-
cay, not even sapwood. '1he peoullar oom-
pound that orrerves the timber. enters the
wood, filling and closing the pores. thus pr -
venting interior fermentation or decay. and
no turfing growth tan effect It from the out-
side. All tisber and all shingle roofs. new
or old, should be oovered with this preser-
vative Au old root that has been on ten
or twolve years o•b ,h, repaired (it neon -
eery) with a few .binds@ and covered with
this preparation ; 1t Is then good tor at
least twenty years mon retries, will last
mush longer than a new one without the
preservative, for ler than one-fourth the
coot. Two kinds are manufactured one
known as the Fmoh Wood Preeenative.
It is used for foundation timber., joists.
sidewalk.. cellar floors, posts, or any timber
or lumber that is in or on the ground. The
other. the Finch Wood Preservative Paint,
is oomposd of Ingredteete used fn the prr-
erv&tive with the addition of linseed nil and
other compounds that form • hard and dur-
able paint. Two oolore are made : one red,
extensively used for shingle roof,. the other
suitable tor the sides of buildings or as
other puree's. Farmers pad others will
save money by using It -the price is read-
able mod within the reach of all. Try it and
be roared. Par 14 preservative Palat
for roofs oto. 40o. per. gallon In 5 or 10
gal Intl ; 117.00 per. barrel, of 40 gallon..
The Preservative tor poets, planks. sill., eta,
25o. per. gallon in 5 or 10 gal lots or $10
per. barrel. 5 gallon oars, 30o. sash, Dor-
ren, $1.00 rah, whiob will be allowed It
they are retreat la geed order. Any
quantity supplied, all onrrespeedeoce and
.dere promptly attended to. Send for
slrorlan and testimonials to H Armstrong,
sole agent, (Jaebes se., Oderioh.
W. es. W.'s 571.155 .ea Aatbeaue.
To the Idler of Tam time st...
D.Aa Sta.-1 beg to differ with W. H.
W " who geured last week in year paper
seder the heading " Easier Day in Toronto.''
H.Introdon.s ee your readers drabbest op
Walsh. 1a order to hare an oppertaatly b
express hie disapprobation ot the denelll.g
. d 5.{1,5.4' of the Interior of 1t Mkkael'o
Cathedral. His •easlMn sonar., so le
6.tata .118 tin nbli.e sod beautiful, Is
sadly ssesked by •• frivolous et esiltag sad
IRA eye ds,raot.d try erode eeloriag." He
. Mh% bay* mod Muesli 111 this reamer
by r..•I.lae enride, .r by mklag 1 few
lesaeas la the rudhnaate of staadllag sad
A !winless 5hr.vory,
SOA is AND SEIAe" Is an tef•lllble, noia5ns
and aoa-poimaor remedy for bias aurora
Comer, Oartfl.glssa• Moses, Seo* Threat
aid • variety of skis diseases. h caw
easing to any part of the body where kiss
liquid ass ra•eb It. Seed for otrssler id. -
1•f 1.aereetes hew te apply the liquid.
Sold as 600 per plat mad Sus per half pigs
MsL1101NS LABORATORY. Oedarloh.
lire'g.waa or Putrtra.-trey. .)so. Edp,
paster of 740,18,4. Meshed** Marsh, Gods.
Mob. aid Rey. R M(Ilyatrd, paster of 0.ees•-
baryen. Methodist Marta. Mates. will **-
sh•t• p•M6. hi be* genies wilt So-