HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1898-4-14, Page 8TinmaDav, Apei1 14, 1e28. • I II GAI S DRESS GOOD$: The latest patterns in Black Stripe and Fancy Wave Crepon., Fancy Silk Brocades, Dress Patterns, Covert Suit. ings, etc. Fancy Black Lustres, just the thing for Summer Skirts, only 15c "•- Splendid range Fancy Dres rillbode !'►c WAsa GOODS. Fine arrighams in small checks, range colors and large plaids, regular for 12jc PRINTS. Regular 121c. for 10c WIJITE COTTONS. Regular 10e., ..... .•• Sc For Waist or Trimming, a splen" did range at . -.».... -'c RIBBONS. Alt the new thinsts in Ribbon— Shot Glaeiea, L'laicis, Clocks and Satins. Full range. Prices never so cheap. CHIFFONS. Those new Crinkled Chiffons, in all the new plain colors. Also Plaid and Shot Effect Chiffons. See these, the latest for Dress-rimmings. ORGANDIE MUSLINS. Latest designs, a range regular 20c.,for ..:. l0c LLIJIES' WHITE JIVEIUII We have.opened a Department of Ladies' 17nderwear upstairs, where we will a large range of Night Dresses, White Skirts, Wrappers, etc. Everything is White Wear. HOUSE FURNISHINGS. Lace Curtains, hum tnca pair up. Chenille Curtains. satin Drapery Curtains. WINDOW SH y DES. Iu penin colors,l'egulur U6:3M TABLE LINENS. Half Bleached, 60 -in. wide, only. 25c Lovely Bleached Table Linen, 72 itches wide, regular $1, for ... 69c - FLOOR OILCLOTHS. A Range of Patterns. 1 pay wide ... 20c 1; y. ..ds wide 30c 3 yards wide 40c Nice Yard Wide Carpet 25c GENTS' FURNISHINGS. A few left of our special Fur Felt Hats at 50c Nice lies, regular 20c., at 2 for25c Slimmer Underwear, suit worth $1 70c CLOTHING. Boys' Two Piece Suits $1 25 Boy' separate Pants in all sizes. lien's Summer Suits, new goods, light color, worth $7 00 for$5 00 Bicycle suit, complete with cap, $4 00 Men's Tweed pants, 75c., ilsl 00, $1 25 Extra Values. SPRINU OVERCOATS, ETC. Snits that fit your Person. Suits that fit your Purse. CIAO NILILIERY OPENING THURSDAY, MARCH 24th, THE SIGNAL: GODERIO'R ONTARIO. of Ma day will partake of the festal *bans. ter of Essta adienre.d. Revs. J. Edge .ad W. Godwin. ppaetore et the tne.AtMbodisk..diaple•. usbaag d pulpits last Smiley mesal&. Morrow, Is oma ehlpmeat remedy. shipped x400 ds t eakasas. lm4 b, d.eaking t shipmate of over 2,000 doses. The Public Werke d partmeat has scraped the Square. so we shall have better bicycle roads . d lees duat then■ we had Ia•t year. Stam has bees op, at Smaeth's new mW too past ten days sad is la expected that Ma .naoataery will ell be axon by Mk day week. Th. North Americas Chemical too. have been loadinv tbe diligent provinces with their pretty ~mono of table salt t. Um ex - teat of tour or five oars . da} , the past two week.. General s.gr.t will be f.11 st the news o1 the death of Conductor Solder of the O.T. R., the well kaowa reviv.liat. Hie ions i11 awn terminated cn Tuesday week M bis home is Windom. h took the Bruo. County Council . week to determine where the proposed Hoose of industry should belocated. Itr.goir.d the elating of ninety-six talo/t before .t VIM decided sad Walkerton finally wok tae roes. • There were several 1'1C ole upsets o. Sat- urday Dight around tea Square, and then may b.'. serious .00ldent Dee of these d.ye if inexperienced riders do not keep cff the leading tborou,ofare after dark on the lest day of tb. week. On Friday and Saturday, tire maple trees the smallest of which 1. over two fest is girth • few feet from the ground, were planted to the harbor peak sear Um,mmmer hones, and should tb. lob prove • caucus. • few reare will s.e this charmiog roeetl a regular maple bower. W. extend our deepest sympathy to Mr. W. H. Kerr. of the Brussels Peet, and the other members of the family, in the great lose they have sustained in the death of • beloved father and ha ,and. The lute Rev. Jno. R. Kerr was • men of unusually gentle and kindly di.po.iden end was highly es. teemed by all who kr.w him. The modal In the North -St. M.thedkt (huroh on Good Friday war fairly attended. The program war • good sem. The reite- ration. of Mise Webb w. re ably given sad GODEByOH' STEAM BOILS& A. S. CHRY81 Successor to Oher11811 A>1Ntsr, 3Cl`ktif iCL081N¢ UP BUSINESS.... EVERYTHING MUST p01 01' ALL MINK Mr. eM name geared, .ad Mkt einem of Mr. Bede dna . good elemireg. a1rare Hiss RReet a Cb all atepe ed . the seam with Mr venal ability. Hes " Hem. awsN Mean wee ably exe sed sad nwb .poreeiated. Altogether it was aa etooelleat eatert tamest. A rrlr.lees whoeevery. SOA, ASD Sw•n" le an tahllible, pai.lese and non.polecaontereesed) tor the once of Calmer, C.rtuaginoes ('tones, Sore Threat sad • variety of skin diau.eee. It cares ..boar in my pert of the body where the liquid am roob It Saud for ctreatsr gtv• w i.streodws how to apply the tigntd. said M 60e per plat and 30.3 per half plat basics. MoLBOD'S LABORATORY. Limiestoh. SEE THE FOLLOWING UST OF CARPETS lsaautaotnrar of an Wade of BOILER£3, Smoke Stacks, Salt Pans, Sheet Iree Works, etc., etc., And Dealer In— Engines, M•ohin.ry Castings, do. Awl following days. Everything that is new and lovely for the Spring. You should pay us a visit and get posted on the novelti`es. Never was such effort put forth to place before you all the special lino of the season, and certainly never at such low prices. Call and inspect our Stock. No trouble to show goods. CASH AND ONE PRICE ONLY I All sizes of Pipes and Pips Fittlapa. Steam end Water (aures, Globe Valves. Check Valves, In,piratone b;jemter. and It • jesters Constantly on Head ea 1.411Pe. Primes. A spacial lis. of Steel Water .lid Ho. Troughs for nee of farmers and others, Remitting promptly attended to. A. S. OHATBTAL. Mm-lv P. 0. Box ill. ON,rtee. CARTABE & FIIEIJ CO. COAL WE wish to announce to the publti that we are still headquarters for the best HARD, SOFT and BUCRSMITH COAL in the market. Coal delivered in any gnanttty. WOOD Special attention is given to (UT and SIT WOOD. We .ell 129 feet of wood for a cord, making three single cords of 16 in. wood. ready for the smallest cook stove. Kindling and summer wood on hand. CARTA.G-D We handle Baggage and Freight to and from all tr;tins and boats. We move pianos acd organs and household effects, and do it well. O. 12 F. Co. .71‘0. 8. PLATT, Kanagen. Phase M. SLII THE MOTHERS Dodd's Kidney Pills Their Only Safety in Female Diseases. You have seen a flower nipped by frost, fade and die in the flush of its beauty. That is how women die when attacked by any of the diseases peculiar to their sex. Woman's burdens are woefully heavy. Iler sufferings are agonizing. Her patience is grand. Disease prey's upon her. The light dies out of her eyes, her steps become slow and dragging ; she loses flesh ; grows sallow, listless, droops like a flower. Then she dies. Her family is left to the cold mercy of the world. " Mother's dead ! " What a piteous phrase. What sufferings have been =deiced beta,* it •bas aid. 'Why should mothers, wives, sisters suffer a43 !hey seed wt. Dodd's Kidney -Pills will quickly and thoroughly cure all cases of Female Weakness. They never fail. - They give health, Strength, courage : a new lease of life. FOR BYBBIBODY ! WIIICN Will BE MAID OUT MIM Lift OF MAT TNET CUUT. 310 yard. e1 Brunet, 390 yards of Tapestry, 136 yards et West, 966 yards of picks. A great shams to gel big basalss a• these geode. 7i NM Les Curtsies e1 your owe pries, as They most be geld. yd w� OtW. hs, 66 yds, 2 yds wide t 60 yds, 18 yda wide : AS yds, 1 .7`) yds Soetob Libelous, 2 yds wide. A REAL SNAP. �--- OUR $10t`( or --- Our General Stock of Dry -Good s 1. .WI wall a.sorted la block .ad Missed Item 0e.ds—Trtsmkp to ooBraids.to sd. Gtsep .ad Silks. A e.mls plsaseestmaa$ of Waist's. Wok .ed Prieta, Mealine, 8.teeae. (`haute., Ushers, Art Musics., (keteasee, ��ie. Oteban SkIe .CMMsad.a. Tweeds. TI.kbp, Sb.e$Ie ., O1.5Y u.p. p, Kid Gls,*, SUk Ohms, Cashmere Gloves, Oett...ad Wilmer* Hosiery, Mistime, slid a fairly well ..s.rtsd ste.ek el small wars. Yes yeasts to Ret bargains from as. We w positively WI*" est the whole Meek. The basrM nll•t be wooed sp. HELLO ! THE OLD RELIABLE. ALL KINDS OF COLBORNE BROSSJ M). Ydo4wR TAMP'8 ••• BUILDERS' HARDWARE is complete in every line, bait at the lowest market primes, and will be sold as cheap se any ) man can sell it. Our Stock in the Bed that money can buy, and in most lines sold for as little money as in- ferior goods. Compare prices, and then buy where you can do the best for your money. DAVISON & CO. TER 1710-30.Drls RAkDwA itis AGENCY FOR CRESCENT BICYCLES GEO. W. THOMSON • COAL ALWAYS ON HAND THl BEST Scralltoli Bard Coal IN THE MARKT All Coal wei hes on the Market Scale& wiser jou get fu lbs for a ton. TNM. LEE. Orden left at tie,1111112, Ot Llig'8 Ston prompuy attended to Some interesting facts regarding the output of "Crescent" Bicycles in 1897, by the Western Wheel Works, of Chicago, Illinois. In 1897, the total number of Crescent wheels sold was '.18,000. The number manufactured per day, 760 complete bicycles. :350 miles of Tubing was used. 780 miles of Wire was used in the construction o- f the spokes. Steel forgings used in the rough weighed 113 tons, and when finished, 21 tons ; or 92 tons of waste in drilling and finishing. 32,084 square feet of sheet Steel was used in constructing the sprockets. Crescent Bearings required 13,997,300 steel balls. 177,883 square feet, or over 4 acres, of Leather was used in mak- ing Saddles and Tool Bags. Total weight of Wheels sold in '97 was 2,3.82,842 pounds, or 1,191 tons. Western Wheel Works turn out more High Grade Wheels than any two factories in America. PRICES OF ft CRESCENTS " : I Canadian Pacific Ry. 18 THE DIREC r FAST ONLY - ALL -CANADIAN —__ LINE TO TAU FM Juveniles, • - Adults, - 44.00 *50.0000 *60..0000 .00 Tandems and Chainleas, 75.00 All " Crescents " fully guaranteed. A Mhiprnent of " Brantfords " is expected in a few days. G_ W THOMSON WE MAKE Sewer and Culvert Pipes TEAS AND COFFEES All alms from 4 M. se ra Mn. MN Cese.ettsass. WW/11 FOR PRIOR&, THE 0eoi ADN1ARI0 SEWER .IPPE 11 01 *100 5T.. wa .v ar ttseatea Z ii1ONTC If yon want a delicious eup of Tea, man on Sturdy Bros., and they wiU snit you to a T, in either prioe, cavof or color. Our Crass, of the beat growths, are well known for strength and delicacy of flavor. We keep a large assortment of General Groceries, anal our sleek of China, Glassware bad Crockery is large, well -assorted aad Moderate in pries SMITH BROS. & Co. LOCAL NEWS IN BRIEF. • There were many himeie .pills oo Good 'Way. As tip -to -date euh erlbsr le en editor's true triad. The bkyole liveries had a busy afternoon en Deed Friday. The (Violist* Institute sad Public schools fro -opo. on Monday. Regales me.tl.g of town oounotl, te-mor• row, Friary, ewwtos. Reit. RIIIeU ebippod . ear load of hog. to Tommie Wednesday. kite fseedettes is la for a frame dwelllas for Mr. Abel ea Brook street. The Mimeo Friends will Nest is regular nesNes this, Tbaeed.y, eveufsa. Batter 1. taming h ia larger giantlike 451 weak, and ea a onwgs nee is lower fa ASM Few Dream M • letitti Wonderful Tonle and Impure 111•44 Ihnntedy tor Kidney.�a Liverrr..r.. Woe Use Ib 5.. bees the pees awe month.. Regular metaled of Hans Chapter, Ne. 28, R A.M. next Tuesday .mmtag. The frame dwelling bele.' Mill for Mr. N .ming on Brook street i. reefed 1a. Earl celebration of is. Holy Communion in 8t. (.one's ohsroh oa Sunday next. t a few more of the streets were scraped lees water would be seeded to lay the dust After July 1.t the (coverement %.ring Beek will allow only 4x literati .e dopes. Its. O.r M. PP.'. horse fretted of without a driver ea Saturday, hat w•e meetly slopped by T Swartz. The trees pleated is the park lest week. were sakes trent the street neer Wm. W. seek'. rerddesoe. At St George. ant Seaday, the eeryh.e ST URD Y BROS Keep dry the feet, Preservefrorn i Do good boots and shoes this weather; Let doctors all say what they will, Depend there's naught like leather. --- Who's the Wolter tP we S. ES. Mast.tetlta. eras nee • Manitoba, the Ncrthwest, Klondike and Yuk Gold Fields. NEW ADVEI H.•d methodist The Urooere Huron's On" MVM to Cr.d /be res d O sin y year kr sen .... .. uedsriab $' fl Spring Boots • gime to Real Sale of Toone k Habra ogle. Q Prim.... April 8►awert Sema 1'btnk SECOND The tutm is the Wortmediae saki -e will tho sold • TMDane alp Odes win ST° meadow uArov. N of7taeti 1 ���kk,a��mer et a. raTA; UTS"Ra 11' order as non asl , VS waft H ■ will fursteb 1 for A.l Bet . .•d Potato« LOWEST RATIS. FASTEST TIME ACCOMMO0A110N UNSURPASSED. TOURIST CARS A WtEK eJ TO THE PAt IFIC COAST Pull LOOM. 1 a u' p.mphl4 Ylwdik. sed Y ekes Geld miss,- tree. sooty W R._ R.A.DOLIFFD, JG#S'NT, — OODmRZCH. Everybody is Talking about D. CANTELON'S LOUR ten hes la. t !meshed owner eta Nod tress t lis bas saw • tth t s ismmp aW et Meme teat LASE OF THE WOODS - AND - OGILVIE'S room WIsalvso ulnar. Made fres No. I Hard Wheat. Hosk aims the beet breads of Oatart* People booing /leer n carnal w D. Oate.ttp. .1.0r. e will ton rhos b.w • biome ib• Masieba aa! tea Faintly 71.se s e • reessoe.M prise.°MartoMgrether ea a. to hem a ed- Orden will be p emrlly **wham w k PUFF PASTRY. ROLLS or OYSTER PATTY Waddles Cates wish Atte end braes a .ptarla1ey. D. CANTELON. On the Square—West Side. The ieuin t n l � CO, (Lmitedi WANT DRY ELM AND BASWOO D la lurae or man gsmstifng& They are .kg to the market far MISS CAMERON, MILLINER HAMILTON STREET. Green Elm and Black Ash. wANWK euttoe sad 10 a [leu. Wes PsttwrMae. saes of ib.s4 paymep'ae. au +l�tsAW. A M1S.S A Tort risk tOoodde d AUnites Warr a s.•ttalaese Me .steads of Ood.rieh amass wit tits f.eoleei 1. Imre pew Ideas and welcome. :,ad1 FOP 110118 A_I rem rooms. raft and shed as Br month. ay. Aryl Dwgid. sad 111 dpeKf 01 1.4 1Ss . le as the lot, wttl Is • noel ea tad son we ad at my Tenni of se NON. Seat HOUSE rest. dwellings oocuptad M oeUsr, woo large stabs or m WILLIAM, Fox SA or ernes* To ub iet, • mn with bee Thera .elem. Al F"Rfel .ion 1. tow 100 sorsa been man olam bum and Wake axeellext eve per o noxa Il DON ASA I wish to announce that, haring been unable to dispose of my business, and in order to rednce the stock and at the same time keep up the good standing of my business, I have secured an as- sortment of all the handsome New Shades in Trimming Effects, also the Newest Shapes, all of which I purpose selling at very Low Prices in order to clear out the stock A call respectfully solicited. MISS QAMNRON. CLTTLE BROS. Plumbers 13tem-lritters e . Tinsmiths '1 ALU sal the river ate of te A. afhmai Aaai 1. The diet 1Oo theyto Not a Doctor, though he performs many cutting opera- tions. Not a Schoolmaster, though he improves the under- standings of the people. And not a Fighter, though at hie establishment a man can get leathered to his heart's teontent Then, who is 4e ? Why WM. AST, TR. THE PRACTICAL mama 600ERICm1. EUPHBMIA A. MsLENNAN7 LINXY 'T. 70). 12T1111X,b trill ONLY. to a poMNve owe ter ffp4..l Diurese Fria DM ewe, la f It ..temtpta. k we,w It W� M lass Mad a sore for a am at. woo. ijab•sizahrit Ube es fost=1EF: Oct." e. MistlatdilfwirpabA. Oh 5., PLANING +a*T.T. ISTIMANBllchallaiis Rhyllas SASS, DOOR and BLIND Maims to en Mods et LUMBER. LATH. SHINGLES Ael WNW; .st•Nd sl erwp ae..wsa Mold lidos B1IMdl1. Have removed to West side of the nare, next Sturdy Bros'. Oroeery, where they will be pleased to see all their custom41rar and as many more as wilt favor ahem with a mall. Wcst hide Square, C14-oclexio]oa 4 • tae M11188 Orad( Nita frisMe croi • ihig fit cart teats �e4J �+IC a eeMam . • 'Ober Its "arra /ATM _IL