HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1898-4-14, Page 713)00 THROWN OUT TO DMR
.NIL ens».1 •- Oelttwe R1l shf out.
lohs 1' f rnsrr. 8. Edward Lunn and
Lowe, three Engltehmen,
1M ttesosse .lay eta aatliaattsleate.
In the whole record of so-called "so -
s CJ.,ing rooked ibe world. have pernatural .ppear.aose" there is not
° arau InterMting letter trout ow whloL b more thoroughly wtheo That pimple on your trot, those blood purifier and tonin It.le just what little boy, three years old. had erup-
itlea a. .cite of Western Cen- Hinted than the following: lthros on his tape which the dseton
ravage.. eruptions Itching and burniue ivy yob wit• aF
. .i.+ Jr^gym■,..._ ._ ..ry'•• i&��!''',
Chins. au
mus of S1aeghei. 'this letter gives Waynyard were two officers In the
pati intoresllnT description of that Thirty -Third Reglmeut, tad at the
t.ity, out tesla of its horror,. The time of the extraordinary otcurrime.
esthere related the regiment wee on sr -
ter rays: vTfe In Canada. One evening,&m nsaal,
ft needs we strolled round the
North China
rinim Cope ZS919117bEce 1LM G.dtgi jest &m surely indicate Impurities In' This core 1s sbaraoteristle of hood'. called wagers. RIs fatebet'auid
Umi welts. 'they are about
meet[ of the muw Ade an ad-
teet oxer, and wend pro
ruble ty':limp track We hatted near
princ•ip gate to wake' tbe hetero-
un iu outings and ontguings. it
they went Into a little room adjoining
Waynyard's bedroom and commenced
After a few minutes Cart- Sher-
broke looked up from Ma book and saw
per° standing In a doorwayof the room •
to •noisy. busy s-rne. WlUiiag five I i3
noise S10 peewee went through the roan who was a perfect tanager M-
otes* At a lost to aucosot for the la.
ts. trusion, Capt. Sherbruke turned to
At re1Fu ar IotervaM around the s4
,'I were projections with fetid pita his companion to ask if the stranger
rubbish at their Las.. here the was an acquaintance of his. \\'aynyard
,die„ of hundreds of infants are nes as pals u death and •ppars*Uy
sown a Chinese only cotmta his Irl''a!'•ble of speech. Seeing this, Capt.'`
as. Girls are unnecessary hunts- fgoreowblrmade
t slowlytcrooesed the mart -
w oos. stop
ad CII otnngtu le a die -
••pest. 1 as
a meat sad passed through a "Ire • poor city, and there is M w ibg to Wayoyard'. bedroom. Ar soon
Its for the Prevrnti•,n of Crudity to as the mad eau out of sight N'ayn-
tLldren. q)tite 7.1 per roost of biota= yard recovered bis Dieu ties and cried
out My brother!"
stere tri 4ylte tb"dest1. 9�iJMlM.
out • few days old to 3 sem of
ro are
hes are not glwigs killed Asst. The
trish dogs may often basalt Wei -
K the irm of ea What _Z _allss
he mu' ' ,nariea told tee l$ hl me in -
*intent thin4 to find toe or three
ihy corpse* in the wares of an •tter-
en's *to} 1.
As there are no work• houses, the
dies of the poor are • ea thrown oat -
dr t!.e , its. The wolves and the hy-
las rume down :n the night. and
hen ,lay brews• there is no trace of
to unfoitufate dead. Good 8stnari-
tsism is a thing not practiced in C'b•-
tasgtu. Shuu!d a nese tall sick by
se roadside no ono comes to succor
Ge: -IT 718 dies in your bones you ere
rt to the •:pens» of burying him.
Wigan the beet thaw to 44 is to
e re Alia alone and les the wild sod-
od-as do work.
"Ciao a is Indeed notorious for
✓ may. The pwai,bmeele ia-
icted for crime an horribly herbar-
ia. -Not Coss ago a women guilty
I laid.;ity was strong ftp by tho
eek, with her toes jut toucbiag the
lend. There she hung till death
'dad Ler miaerl. A' murderer was
malted en "ae of the city gates. red -
et tai's being hammered through the
'vista. The wretch tried to shorten
1e weeny by batteries MA bead
Was the woodwork. Bo the author -
pro, ided
uthor-provided a pillow :44:0 reveal elu-
ding Vit the kind. le k
"Bat it is for providing the whole
I Western China with its slave girls
Sat t'baotengfa i. tamous'y infamous.
Is majority 01 Ilse girls saved from
itching over the city walls are kept
sr the purposes et ea's. There are mbr-
b*ete in the business who make •
urge profit by taking so groups 01
ittle greta to Ifannanseng. Poor pro-
le -who ren not afford the necessary
radding gifts whoa their sots marries
rill fetches. &child o" 3 or 4 years
ad keep Mr till she is of s marriage -
/a age. Most of these Chaotangfa
ft's are sold fox servants is the ya-
wns. ,Many. however, are sold into
A common ordinary drudge of a girt
✓ sold for •hod 5 editing*. A pret-
y, bra'thy girl will, maybe. fetch a
smile of pounds. rarelymore. But this
e ling into bondage is by no means
warded as a degredat.on. A girl
rhos younger year have been spent
,mid grinding poverty regards it ra-
le,' M • ,-olsslelerah:e step up in life
Then the botanical the property of •
✓ an?arin's was, who clothes her well
,•d feerla her.
ties blood, which should have prompt Sarsaparilla. No other medicine effects wild sore When he was .is months
snob mutes. No other bye much power old we had to tie his hands to keep
to purify the blood. The letter b writ-
ten by Mrs. 0. F. Chamberlain of Glen
Sutton, Quebec: .
"11 I. Hood A Co.. Lowell. Maas,
"Dear Sire: -My husband has been •
great sufferer from dyspepsia for years
and was unable to attend to any busi-
ness. After trying the prescriptions of
several physicians with little or no
beasllL be
Sarsaparilla. He used two bottles and
now eats three hearty meals s day and
says he ,.•.r felt better in his life,
"Your brother )" rereat rad Sher- e
broke. "What can you mean. N'ayn-
yard 1 There moat be same deception.
Fo low me." . •
They then went into the bedroom. a'
room from whirls the only possible
means of exit was the one door` else
ready referred to. They found the
room empty 1
This Incident produced a profound
1papres ion among the ofncers of the
regiment. who knew that both Sher -
broke and Waynyard were sober, cool-
headed men of unblemished integrity.
Waynyard declared that the appari-
tion was the spirit of his brother. and
expressed the eonvictioo that his bro-
ther ea' deed.
When time had •loused .stficlent to
allow inquiries to he made it was dis-
covered that Wayoyard's brother was
dead. and that be had died on the very
night on which his spirit lead appear-
ed to the e.$ostabsd elfiene�s r Canada.
Of the two witnesses of this strange
episode one became Gen. Sir John Coppe.
erbroke. O.C.B.. and the other Lieut.-
�h Wat ynyard, of the Twenty -Fourth
I ay
A l l Let i le bide rief
A litllw while let boldsway
Lad .wewtages bleed with bitterness.
Before 1 give easel" away.
loon soon. must put for evermore
The scenes of old ; new paths i
chno.s j
)h. let me went my treasures o'er.
That winning love% delights. 1 law.
]ear brew! How all Its nooks and
Recall nay ,alk heod'a joys and tears,
diced with beehertal memories
Of tweets traagpsl, transient years.
!smaller monde of birds and tees
Oa sumer evenings fair and still,
let to the mutts Of the breams.
Or twilight tinkling of the rill.
) babbling brook. 0 darling glade,
Old church hl.id. this• ancientew,
Where oft mine childish fest have
1 144 you all a last adieu'
DP&r wimple souls, ao staatth and true.
la cottage homes, o'er hill sand deli.
diaaat home 1. mine; to pmt
Ami yours I bid a last farewell I
A lam farewell) noo�e:tw% all r
myPart of very
Liked Wit017 who)* 11fe's eojoar"
Knit to mob fiber at abs soul.
Linked with the golden dramas of
Aad alt its ger and gladsome b'iys,
\Yhc-e childhood's I•noosSee and truth
lent to escb buoysat day Its whys.
117 father •taut. stud Miles la vale
rhe te•rr any metlat 1 love lets talk
My sister's heart is ernes with path--
als-Good-by I I soon most Mgrs yen all
Tbim little ins 1 give to pyrWt,
With UMW thoughts miss ayes are
wet ;
1 •lomat seem to Aad nits!
i• remiaisseness and regret
Dae little boa -1 My wows'• siva
WItbdhles ebtldbeed'a dews •re
1 iy I Inv1 I almaarks.
As 1 nuke en* en* faiiew bba
1y►agevllle Lady WO. bad ae•*,cd
*evenly Spuds* a/ Rev Illness awl
Tell. N. eke Yawned . Cure.
From the Sun, Orangeville, Ont.
A remarkable tae recently 04.w
under the notice of oar repealer., and
for the benefit it may Ire to some of our
readers. we are going to tell them
about it. In the south ward of this
town liven Mrs. John Hubbard, `lady
much esteemed by thous who know
her. Mrs. Hubbard has been a great
sufferer from heart trouble, and ultim-
ately became en had that it wouli not
Dave germ Wed her friends • 'to bare
beard of ber death. Hut a change has
tome and she is once more rejoicing in
good Isealtb. When our reporter call-
ed upon Mrs. Hubbard and made his
mission known Abe said able would he
delighted to tell him of ber "miracu-
lous etre" as she atyled it. "Of, course
no one thought I would get letter. 1
thought my.elf I could not last long.
for at timers it seemed as it my heart
was going to beret. Ob. the dreadful
ap*eatiooa, the awful pains and "est-
eem together with • pe.tuliar feeli.g of tbeir soldiers were slain. The Roman being locompletewere deterred. lo-
se. all warned me that my t army is ibis battle conai.ted of 146` , and ledger
was in danger. i consulted a doctor hat 000 men -the picked brawn and sinew clod Vie bonus nddflloos the new bast- The hank balances tad the oath
he could do absolutely nothing for ma of the empire.
My friends a* mw gradually sinking. 1a the Franco-Prueiao war 77,000
and many .a hour* aoriety 1 caas.dsinking.'
were killed. The Germans
fired 30.000.000 rifle .hots to att.ie this
result. Daring the same war the Ger-
mans fired 363,000 artillery charges.
►a noon et the betties mentioned was
dynamite lased. In the war of the
future this terrible agent of destruo-
My bushand's Dither, Past eighty years
and careful attention. aa do Mlle. car- of age. has been a great buffeter from
bunelea ulcers. ralt rheum and the see- rheumatism for over forty years. He
reest forma of scrofula. Hood's Sereepto waa &leo troubled with his utomach.
rills. cores ell humors of the blood of
every form and degree. As a spring
ilia MAJESTY'S CANES. paaelaMely iacrea.ing •ares speak
- volumes for
•a. M. - m la Victoria's MIM TIMM, MUMUNIONSOON......
--Walking tgt*e1e.
Shoe thirTlIttrmitiea of Queen Victor- -. 1T'IDO- �.et,�A.
i• made It necessary for ber to tea
a walking stick she has been the re- In lead packets only. Black and mixed.
ciplent of many canes. Her t riends, All grown kap It at !s, 71t, 4e, w and sea
an,l uJ+y' era have -JOJnd
on every posetideca
ec•ion to pre _
seat her with • new cane. One entire While the 4wpulation of Europe
room of Ler yrtve,te suite y stocked which was estimated •1 175.000,0x) to
with these special gifts. Whenever h216.000e beginningin16increa
of the century, rose to
.000 .30 sing W 300,1100.-
she expresses her intention of attend- 01)0 is 1810, and in now nearly 370,000.-
ing • function. like . royal wedding or 000. there has been a still more re-
markable increase is the number d
christening, the interested parties kers-, towns with ever 100.000 inhabitaafs
eider it fitting to send her •another' There erre only Al of there is 1801.
cane. Every anniversary she 1e fore with. 4,500,000 inhabitants, 42 in 1861
ed to acknowledge a wore or so more. 170 in 1810, with 2O,d:0.W0 inhabitants.
end Ill in 1896. with about 37,000.000
Hers is a roilectloa of priceless vat- inhabitants.
pe. 'there are .olid gold sticks, silver
sticks. exquisitely , engraved sticks iit1i.o as Thought
that are a marvel Ot the carver's art The maddening toothache stops when
and etl•ks that contain many jewels. Nerviline-that wonderful nerve -pain
Queen Victoria has l.aned more boa- cure -ii •pplted to the tooth. Nerti1-
vhy on her stick,, gi,late years, rasing and 11°e Is th. only positive, never-faiJa
remedy for toothache d .11 nerve
It to cries the room•evtn,. instead of pains. Be advised and try it.
him frame tearing his face on account
him only on long walla about WindsorWindsorCate
rent ■offeringWe gave
one bottle of Hood's *Sarsaparilla and
he has never had as much as a pimple
but he was cured by taking lees than or a sore of soy kind on his face or
three bottles of Hood's Sarsaparilla. My 1 body since." Mrs. 0. F. Chamberlain.
le Canada's Greatest Medleli.. bee•ua It crises when all others (ail. Be sere to get Hood's.
The Appalllaa ieasberof masa alai. •a rhe
Field .f 1.111•
Tbe United States civil war cost 303.-
0000 liven. Of this nuaber 98,089 were
slain in tattle. The vast army which
succumbed to disease was no less than
184.331. while the remaining 20,000 or
so died of wounds received.
At the battle of Waterloo 51,000 moa
were killed or disabled. Then were 1414r
000 sortie= ie that great
it is estimated that one
was either
killed or disabled Jot neer; 400 shotal The twenty-sixth annual meeting of • 111,184,627 25
fired, counting boti'the artilleryand the old atConfethe He Life Association D1oBIJASE1�d.r..
was held at the Head Office of the com-
rifle allots parry. Yong, Richmond and Vketoria To Policyholders.
- e. Tee -
Lams lacrosse 1n Payment. t. Poticybld•rs
•--1 AC.IlscOea. 1■ Adv.acs .1
ay Previews Veer
u frail month to month.
andport will be found ap-
pended to the financial statements.
The directors are also pleased to re-
port that the field and office stalls con-
tinue a to discharge their duties with
efficiency and diligence.
All the directors retire, hut ars
eligible for re-eleodon.
W. P. HO\ LAND, President.
Mitnaging Director.
• Receipts.
Premiums, net . 11931,561 02
Waive -rook rentfioA '.:. 501.9I9 Si -
In the fa7mean• ar 11.116 IktN were streets. Toronto, on Tuesday, ]larch 15, C oalh ndowm 8240153 75
sacrificed, tad at Borodino, when the 1x398, at 6 p.tra. ISndowme . 96.363 00
There wea-aefair attendance of share- Annuities . 9.854 84
Surrendered policies 66.998 84
Cash profits . . 89.994 69
French and Russians fought. 78.000 men
were left dead on the battlefield. There
were 250,000 troops in combat in that
Of the 95,615 men who perished in the
Crimea 80,tele were Turks and Ru..ians.
Ln 1881 a great uproar was reused be-
cause Englishmen took op all the.kele- 189'1 ween pre.ented•
tons tbey could find ,brought them to REPORT.
England and converted the bones into The year 1897, Mlle some of those
which preceded it, was one that called
fertilizer. it is said that &early the for the exercise of mush care and pry -
entire 80,000 skeletons of the Turks and denos, both is regard to obtaining new
Russo• were thus (Made Into mosey. insuraaoe and In the invaftment of the
Sian the birth of Christ funds. It would have been quite with-
in the ability of your directors to base
40.000.000 MEN largely increased the volume of new
have been slain in battle. Before the business. but it was deemed the wiser
course to continue the conservative
beppmntng of the Christian era the loos- policy of the past. and do a safe,
es cannot be estimated. owing to the though moderate business. at a reason -
very indistinct and inaccurate accounts abia cast.
The policy holden and shareholders
that have leen hooded down It is gee- will note with satisfaction that while
erally conceded. however. that the num- an amount of new insurance was se
Lara raid to bave participated in the
battles of the Greeks ata other war•
ring nations of the ancient world have
been greatly exaggerated.
At Canes., however, where the Ro-
mans suffered the worst defeat In
their history, it is said that 52,000 of
holden and policyholders.
Mr. W. H. Beatty. Vice -President.
was appointed to act as.Cbairman. and
Mr. J. K. Macdonald, Manacleg Dina
tor, as Secretary.
After the usual formalities the fol-
lowing report and statements of the af-
fairs of the Association for the year
11503.721 62
Expenses. salaries, commis-
sions, etc. . . . 206,411 1
Dividends to atoekbolders 151x10 09
Balance . - . 459,394 63
Total &meets
Total liabilities. .
11084,627 26
900,1182 642V 689 28
11 1136,806 74: I is 000ducted by tight boots. Corn
Capital Stook . . . . 1.000.000 00 reaptng is best conducted by I'utnam's
TOTAL SURPLUS BRCUA------ Extractor.Painless Cora xtractor. the only safe,
ITY FOR PLUS HOLD- Imre. prompt and painless corn cure.
Beware of imitations
ERS. 111,336,806 74
Auditors' Report. MAXIMDLIAN.
We beg to rt that we have oom
pleted the audit of the books of the Though 00 years have passed since
Association for the year ending Decem- Maximilian was shot In Mexico, his bre,-
ro-bar 31st. 1897, and have examined the tiler, the Emperor of Austria, always
vouchers connected therewith. and holds memorial servi.es on June 19,
-ertity that the financial statements the anniversary of that tragic event.
agree with the books and are correct. At Ube castle of Miramar, near Trieste,
led h
It was obtained. and the ea
entire business sets (with the exception of those lodg-' Archduke Maximilian before 'movies
tie, and •Iter a long, tiresome cere-
mony. She a!waye places it against her
chair, and when she rises it is the ilat7
of the highest court itftielal present to
What happened to Simpkins f
He bad • dispute with • policeman.
You know, Simpkins is vary quick at
band it to her. - ! re
The story of the prank played upoe- Yes.
her by the son of the Duke of Torii! Well, the policeman wasn't. Simpkins- e- . --
has never apieared in riot before.' will 401 out in s week air so. •
The Queen-: with is not fend a court
ceremonies when aha is 1n"
was at Windsor, and had dtrmiased her
attendants. who had wilbtMswn to as
arbor neer by. - She was veep usrob-
terested in ber favorite paatime,knit-
Ling socks tor the Prince of w'► es,
when that small embodiment of mis-
chief, her greatgrandson. supped away in the recent Abyssinian campaign
with her cane and "played horsey'' wltlb an lta'ian Captain who wore a ease
it. over the lawn. , eye was accustomed to remove the
lie lied to be captured before the counterfeit optic every evening, sod
Queen could enter the house. There put it in his purse before retiring foe
Her Majesty proceeded to teach biro the nigbt. Seeing this the ostives de -
that even the future King of England eared that he took out one of his eyes
cannot' tamper with the dignity of the and left it to look after his money and
present powers [tut be. prevent aoybsdy from &taming t.
Of recent years her subjects have
hoped in vain to see her use their gifts. To cure Catarrh useShe has used onlyone cane. It is one
of greet historic value, having been vapors of Quickcure.
iaw mud 0 'Htrg- sess-iie-iay-.tae'[
of his merry court. Very properly it -a
was cut from an oak tree. When Char-
les accepted the gift it had s plain geld
bead. which was round tied apt co hurt large enough to Beat 1,(100 r
the band if the cane wog called ulon'ob4roa g per -
to J. _ _ . .mos -lbw building is rendered water -
It was whispered" about the --Wert prod 1• solution of quicklime, ouzo
recently that Her Majesty used no died milk sod rebates of eggs.
longer the historic stick. This is not W P C 115
true; only the top him been changed.
An idol. which graced the' temple of
an 111 fated Indian prinre,has been add-
ed for a handle. This is an exquisit-
ely wrought affair in ivory. un an in-
finiteaim•I pedestal of alahast:r. The
eyes and forehead are jewelled, and oo
the tongue is the rarest of ruble..
Hartford & Vim Tires
11..1 Use..- - .iur.Nalb. w 11 _ -
boasts Norway, boaa of a paper
• Cern Sew ug
cured slightly in exceof that for 1896 The securities represented In the ae on the Adriat[n the rooms aocup n y
of the association conducted. ata cost ed with the Dominion Government,
actually lee than for that year. amounting to 684,000. and those de -
o -The total applications received daring posited with the Government of New -
the year were 2.184 for 115.881.485 °" 11- I foundlead, amounting to 626,000) have
e ursnoe; 2.072 for 113143.2& were ap been examined and compared with tbe
proved and policies written; 85 for books of the Association• and are cor-
11182,200 were declined, and 7 for $7,000, rent and oorresl'ond with the schedules
them. My strength waned. my nerves
were shattered; I could not walk. for
every step waned my beart to palpi-
tate violently. It is utterly imp esihle
to folly desertbs my condition. Ow
da a friend brought me a box of 1)r.
Williams' Pink Pills. and told me to tion must be ,reckoned on. Men who
ase them. Mut i said there area cows- have studied the mortality statistics
they could do no good. To this my of 12. past shudder at the thought of
benefactor replied, that if they did what may be is store in the wan that
not tbey at leant °egad do no harm so are to come. Daly recently has the we
to please her flock the box of pills• of epsomite in land warfare bee. con -
Then i procured another hox ape be- sidered safe for the army using it.
gen to teal that they were doing me 'rim MODERN DYNAMITE GUN,
good. I took in all eight boxes and Ilo,sever, has seemingly solved the pro-
doingnow I feel atro•g and hearty. each day blew. r. s s men who go to war,
myhousework. anyit one
fat sof-gue hereafter will face a& agent of destruc-
or weariness. For fnyone who sof- av frome there lIakns no of the Dwarf. i remedy so sure oor tion beside which the charges of Nepal -
eon's old guard were child's play.
NevEves no weivilised nations rather
that will Williams, ankh 111.. result. y shriek from Um dynamite idea in war-
ily. these w Pie' non. Aad 1 only fare. 'The fearful explosive has head
w,sed Me wbneerful pilo at first f used ie Cuba, but only by the laser-
Ln en 'ave been slsppaared months of nta. The reports that have been al -
intense s,tbei ex . iene aeco Hubbard but lowed to pass the Spanish censors hilt
tewcbnes thea upertenra °f scone of at the detruetioss moused bythe new
mutterers, and what she ea should weapon ether than give t debahe.
bring hope to for
who-im gip. [ber. The Cubans, however, claim that the
I) no lli n for them 1 Ah world. result o1 a shot front • dynamite gnu
Dr. WHlhn/ns' Pip' Pills haves saved
more lives than we will over 'pew of.
The use of tbe balloon 1n warier. will
be one of the developments of the near
(*tore. A tint -,lase modern Iroarlsd
costa shoat $6.000.600. This would con-
struct .ad equip for war purposes a
great Many halloos+. and It would seem
as if they might is teed by th„ Inhabi-
tants of a beoIg.d city with which to
gall over on lovelies fleet tad dm"
ezplesIves upon the wershipsosder-
Meath with deadly et"set. They might
&too he used to drop tbMs bxpfoaiv-
es over the cities weepier' be an op
eeriest. Of seams there would 1a eoe-
alderable rink in Mach en enterprise.
anima the h ilMe. could be properly
steered. but the dirigible halloos Is one
of the itoreetieetrat we may 'spot to
sea le the *ear Itltere.
4Nmt A N DAY.
1101.= '.mw..Say`. 'tr-t» ars n...
TO 1AZ 116181 HAPPT.
,Age epiewte says 111 Woo ere oar'
,sear` Is order to mate (some hap
The Met is a good nook. said the ether
Aga are May
nese for the year was 118,168,172. The
total business in force at the else• 01
the year was 328.331.006.00 under 18,916
policies on 16.427 lives.
Inthe matter of the valuation of the
volley and •.Minty obligations for all
business takes since December 31. 3805.
a rate of S1- per soot. ooly has been
Your directors are pleased to be able
to report a very fair 'acreage in the
are certified as oorrect.
R. F. i;PENC11.-- --
Toronto, February 22nd, 1805.
The Chairman, Mr. W. H. Beatty, in
moving the adoption of the report eorn-
meated on the very satisfactory state
of the affairs of the Aasnriation. and
stated that the new business for the
year 1898 showed • satisfactory in -
tier the new world are kept• Its the
st bit brother
lett tbem when he went to bis death.
Use Qulckcure for Lame
1 Emperors orders. ju u
returns from property taken over to repass over that for 1897 at the same
the Otty of Toronto, and with the im- este -
provemant which seems totie very gen- Several of the po'icyhoidera and this sante point., which is our nearest
molly aaticipatsd a atill'igber return stockholders present referred in cam- .tar neighbor.
Mroe Writs Geld. ems
MILTON L HERn.Y 8 !!tr aroma.
'KaMt. hseram.st 0t. Ife.Meal. 40 si
'HDNiue- 85.el. lealvenised, Relles
awl B.11 B.att•ea, lees Pem
p..yen. mid Orals Grinders.
S hea OT a sew M. t5Mtsd, .raW.rd, Iawda.
MUSIC41 e. lta5 1
Yie.l.f,' will,t,r a tests..' 5 0p+-� �
FSPM4Aa Nen 911 erode era .rasssar.
. ratty Do your ow -,I huts
W..vll op io.1.t. b gb-,rut•
sd sewing m•obla' sat factory
prtoes 911 i0 (01134LW deIlv.It
.d tree within b00 miles at
Montreal need for rimmed
e,talepa.ad ter„ s
Tag Salter a NIALOSON 00.
__ . -- Mowris.L
It requires four years and tour
months for • ray of light to reach w
from the nearest star. and yet light
travels at the rate of 136.330 miles is
a second. At this rate a first -ole ex-
pres train running at a speed of 37
miles an hour. would require a con-
tinuous run of 75,000,010 to reach Alpha
Centauri. it would take 2.50.000 years
tor a renn'vn hall, travelling at the us-
ual speed of each projectiles, to reaob
is looked for durisg the Present year. plimeneary terms to the enrcese which
Tba7 an apse very glad to report that has attended the operation. of the
the payment of interest on mortgage mAeaoriatho,, tad the report eraserasu,ani-
ac•oust hes bee, vet." much Netter moody adopted
than for eons* Tann past. The actual Reeolatioss of thanks %bleb were
rollectiaw re •
were 16 per cent. 10 .uiiahly responded to. were e'en phased
advance of those for 1806. while the to the Directors, Officers. Auditors,
amount doe and outeteadi*g at the 31st I Medical Examiners, Field and Office
December Inst was .112°4 45 Per oeat., Staffs, for their faithful sdo
ervices r -
lathea st the corresponding date of ing th. Isar..
1896. It may silo be stated that six- ' A11 the retiring directors ware re
oral hence properties have been sold All
via., Hon. Sir W. P. Howland.
dnriag the year to relttlss gel the cam- iiZdward Hoefler, Esq.. W. H. Beatty,
pang had against t Esq., Hon. Ju. Young, B. Nordhei mar,
The death tai.n* .rising in the year R.q., W, H. Gihhs, Esq., A. Mc -pan
sRBtegated the tam of 3243,824. Tbe.e I Howard, Emu ., Walter A. Lee. Esq., A.
occurred soder 140 potinies on 119 lives. IL Gooderhare. Esq., W. D. Matthews,
While well within the tabular rate, it Ilan., Cavo. Mitchell, Raft., Frederick
u eometbialf appalling. At any rate, as larger that' tbe usual ezperiones of I Wyld, Emas'J. K. Maedons�d, Esq.
whit. the truth about the success of this company. and arises largely from I At a as.,stlas of the new beard held
this new agent is rather obscure. air- Cie tact that several lives foil s os ! imm.dlatwly after the *motel meeting
,ugh is known for soldiers to make the wbbh then ee were large iltseraneear- Hoo. Bir W. P. Howland, K.C.M.G., C.
predietios that 14 must he ftggred 00 rad, which reneidernbly tseressed the
I B., was re -etre ted President, and Mes-
as the most terrible tbisg that baa ever average. Tbe above. imesidering the.
ars. Edward Hooper and W. H. Beatty,
as the most terrible t lag that has lives at risk and the age et the coos- Vico_weadeess.
come to the frost in eonneetion with pats will stronal/ attest the care az-
warfare. Some roes who here studied greased by the irectors in the ad -
the progress made with the Zalis.kl mission of only be•Ith I1,...
air-ebargsd dyn•islte gun my that it At0sltioe may be wale* to the very
wiU sot be loll before war will become large ameaat paid by the Aasoaiation
as affair of extinction in wbicb the diarist the peat Ie•r to Its poll/ -
more imposed army will he wt out aaaa�•n
et hexa: by means a[ dylaml .
Daughter -Pa, ea remember ea
told me to save all thenad. wind et Arise
from store tankagesthem
tato a ball.
3lseaomiesl P& -Yes my dear. Did
Daughter -Every bit. ami 1t mill.
the mutest little ball yon ever saw. flow
Fre g to keit a beady little het.
to pet t le. Give se a Oilier aid
ratty Wadi 3101 saphyr. blwlw.
AN "1
tf sea seared ear lee Na/DaLiesetely
s6• fast ae as sat 1 is mMarted we
*Ohl towel a ssal7 AM mike ea bgelrr
holders sad 04 and aspecisl
to the so of tallest 1180,000 CASH
total pspmrate toeladisg PA31. the
as'.q.t yewevsd for re -insurances. and
which is deducted Iroel the death'
claim in the fl.aaslal statement. were
=make ahe be meratlolled that [lis
As'ooiatdal. sines He erfanisaties has,
paid a total et SIAN.S114 CAM CAPRU-
PITO .p to the Mss et ketegyear to its
peliper s. d � total death Meting eaual to r-
liar the same Use.
t1a•aelal atatemeat. herewith
*Whit the traraetiens et
-- /t■eeisti&a sed 44. eeadltios os
the hitt D.ee.lib+r het.
totheir &ties asides their
The catchword of the Leedom streets
for two years bas beets: "How, we
&isn't he long," but • sew phrase has
Dome tip, and to -day everybody sal&
to everybody els . ' Fancy meeting
len.' witb as secant hard on the word
yon." le quarrels, disputes and witty
escnunters of every sort one of the
parties is sure to ism* the other with
tails utterly lsoeseesical phrase "Fan-
Meotiloli you." It 1213 ditty, sum in rooms
bhe provisoes.
How's Thia
W. offer Ose noodled Do gars Reward toe
may awe or (atarrb that raonnt be eared by
Hail'■ catarrh Cors
F. J. CHgN1Y &00., Pro; a Toledo. CL
We the und.ra'gwsd. barn 1. goons F. J.
Chen' [ for 1t,11•■t is 7atriaand bellow him
pee, . ly oosoemhle is • l bus ara+ trsaeaM. Nes
eel 6aanedally obis to c ar rr oat any obligations
ma.e hr their true. Toledo,
Tssua , Whols!hottest.
n. W ar.otse Ktsa.s 4C Mahrtx. Whalemies
Dreaspete, Teton. Obi*.
Hall s Camera tiara M takes intormally..ct-
Ing dlrerelrot,o• the hood and mamma ear
futeof'ha 4ystern. PrIr•71' p -r to.U.• bold
by al Druggist. Teatlmenlal. free.
HMCo Family Pill. ar• rot.» beet
As eminent astronomer says that for
communication with the Inhabitants of
Mara we should require a flag es large
as Inland and a pole 500 miles long.
The gems ie the crows of Portugal
an worth 36000,000. Those to the roy-
al diadem of Fngiand are valued at
lly on ebem be bowels. p.oi.tts. *f
OeM by ..111 deear105. or WODINease Imaionm .s.,
TOMOIltrO, ..nae..
',3i.®!r'fi w�Bfi��slti
is what housekeepers say about LIIDELLA
Coyly* Tea. W. suggest a trial. Lead packages. a6, ee, So and hoc.
1 d. a asesaeesi we., Ma 5 Masao•*
Dominion Uns Steamships
Montreal and gushes le Liverpool 1a soontnr,
Portland to Liverpool In waster. terse and
het twin screw etesimeatee 'I,nbrador.' 'Vee
,saver.' ' Does algia: 'Boatsman.' ' Yorkshire:
Ihiperinr R0001/1111111tIon for First Cabin, Bos
end Cable and P e asengers. Rotes e4
pnw/. First Cabin ; end Oabin, 914
t!t •crags Sal re and l;.mupwards .neordlna nM -
steamer and berth.. For all 1•rortnation apply
to Local Areeta, oe 1)avrn To•eserns t (0..
OM1 assets. 0 tn. Saoremeat 51_ al surreal.
tatablish.d 10 Mesmer. art Tomattag
11101. (14,000 Tons
Royal flail Steamship 1'o.,
Montreal to Liverpool.
Rummer. .ail from Montreal eco r Ratnedr
morning on arrival of train. from Tome,. aim
the wart *bent. ee!er'k.
RATES 0r TA31500
Cabin 562.55 mod npwardr: Second C»bin
$04 sed anti 13516: Steerage to 1I,-rp•ol.
Landon, GIaesnw. Halfwit, 1.oedondwrry dr
Qae.n.trtwe *!2 4i and 05110.
A r.duottue of 1r• pee oest. is allowed os
round trip flee. en 1 mooed t table
e ticket..
i k M a For
*ailing. Vit steamers or tithe ppb
to any authorised wrest.
IV 55 r1ier. 1 ales .t W. Verse*
sr a. a A. AlleM. S.stsleat
• ww
anaaaaasPMsnaaslaeas a
on an a otaslmwwwwrsaww�
elm MMMMMaawwwwwwen
h; at All Trades -
A farmer should be •blo ''1 .coat: tat
everything nestled on the farm .ail)
1t be wants a wagon I•.,,, a tow tots,
spokes huts, eto stet snake it. 11.
time is swn'bing-"'be um't •ttur,l to
help support big factories." Tbe aver-
age farmer will advise you to -tell
1Hat to the tna.r'sAea" Mut many of them
111He1 to Juat suds engumsnts on the
genre que.tio, Are Obey wiser We
can 0e11 you ['ate (roue at from 41 to
66 coats par rod. For illustrated ad-
sertisiag itsatter apply to the local
Page dealer, or to o• direo%