HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1898-4-14, Page 5mow N 1* '1 d. tg It Rs. 'e THE SIGNAL : GODERICII ONTARIO. REID'S O --- GENERAL DRY GOODS, READY-TO-WEAR CLOTHING, MEN'S FURNISHINGS, TWEEDS, ETC. have nearly all arrived, whicb ter quantity, quality and value are the beet in the country, and we cordially invite every man, woman and child to give ue a call and investigate the truth of this statement. No beim) bankrupt stocks, no bargain days, no bean guessing coopetition to get your dollars, but anything you buy here you get your looney back if the goods are not as represented to you. Come in and see us. We will use you right, and won't urge you to buy if we can't please and satisfy you. EST. JAS: A.REID, a J. REID, Manager. BORN. ape,- la dahaeld, lith set Sad last, wife of Mr. W. soma, of anima- tor. ILITCIDE - rte Askedd, Nth eta ltd tag, the wile ad 110. Andrew HKM1e of a daughter. MARRIED. BIRD - CHILTON-- At Bt. Peters okerok (i.derteh, es 11.k ApiU. 111111. b7 Ray. h. Megmai. Ad.Il4�'e`. 7 daighter of H. eet Coitus,. beert Mrd. of be4Mvdud~ Doessad eon et the 4a eh'esmaa Geoff's" Bird. Lieut. iteral aatttoesrs. Her MU.st/'a merriest DIED. bKHR- n Bea�eei- 04_ -i leers' Thempees, AS years; months sad fl THOMPSON L iAek S1 >4 o.ilAWL.alai MATIHIK - In Lasknew, td last., Thomas Mathis. aped til Tears. 0 mastbe and 13 I%itidedti WOES. -J. Ades Fowler dost salted Ma Tal SIGNAL, TUMday, with sal �1 TALK u TOWN. tllutninated address he had prepared ler rflE TAI,B OF THE 1 O 11 N. de it ls a b.made Ot seStmo Ppieceaul's ehaofworroh.k. Ieimt is ta. te sad1.• presented to Mw 'uelb McHardy, • lady who for • loo period 11411 choir directress Prom tie Rw11OVIO 's 1llotabook et the obww�t wise resigned u Essar. AWg the sop of the address is the lady's name, prettily desidesd, in the left band i ow - U 1 e',e • Mete tin a' Ter Reale. 1 resits sr corner. the outside of St. Paul's is shown, Ti teat it t a Adore Among Te and to the tight head corner, • nice view of Eakin' Nabs, as' Web Me/11 the interior Both views of the edifice are Press Il..-Mairne. ressartably well done, and are true pictures of St. P..I Mr. Fowler is to ib oeagnt- elatsd on ;wadeable such a tine pion of illuminated work. g�yellill, lIssie shaman, L E:. A. W. B.MWusmid Mn. W. A. Rhoaas, st11d Mimeo.Alyn sad Kennedy. Alt preset speak le the Whoa terms of the disuse, sal the esnetoey of the t4ioen of the 33rd Bed aLee- HELf IT ALONU. --A oentemporaz) says : Newspaper men are blamed for a lot of things they cannot help, suoh things as nein/ partiality to mentioning visitors, giving news about some folks Lad leaving out others. They simply print the news they oats laud. An editor should not be expected i. k.ow the bade" and reaWenoss of your asci"", aunts and oonsins, even if he should Mo them off on the treble 1 ell him about Nr Its 'ewe that maker thee •ewap*pdr. end Every matt, woman and child in the neigh• kegaged weld be ss.oelsu editors it they iter/. Please hand in your personale and all nasralaw it.me bice enter for tko reststr nee, cabers go Its for the b•,•t otos baa R R. Sallewe take" the tuataa race, and taints*" well as to take a gold medal. F. J. i rtdbam war r* enldenes on Faster la y, M5 1&4k1 antsy 00t, w.11 made smile be with flowers in pits and bcga.he. The wlIrradmired by all wk* know • good thing unfelt ler the day was ♦.vy rood, the an- bes they me Me` Ta.caas' Otamans .r -The Eat Her., them, 1).113, rendered owin timeestly, g es Te•ebene aareemia wilt be held et the I and with muob exprseeioo. while the solo EAST"). DAY At ST. U Eow. r' -Large oe.groiratiems were present at each of the three services f. St Gisrgm on heater Day. The edifice was made ,Yoeedingly •ttraative School Host.., llrttmeltr ea May 131b and 141k. Dr. McLsile , LL D.. will deliver • lecture at the inestiag. Tog Cooter Hones Paste -The Iowa around the apart b01110 i" es debated by the side trash' serene ft, that, .aloes the gross destroyers ore peni.k.d, it will be • dis- grace to tea *Gnat, tow all the Demmer. 241u Or MAT to CUtTO1e -The arrsag.- mests for the o.kbruioa of the Queen'. Birthday are proemial, very favorably. J. 1'. Doherty has already assured several big .ttraotiees, slob as bAlleou aeeeastos and tial sward enemies.. and is new negotiating fel , oe of tie best bud. 1* the Provisos. (looted at 51, and the paper circulation is Srti IAL EAST= anima -A special 1 depreciated on. -third of its teas value. miles of saodo, under the directorship of From the experience of the United States a Mus Rites Chute, was rendered In North lesson rosy b. learned. In July, 1864, the Ss. Methodist chetah o. Sa.day evening, 1 paper dollar (",reesback.") had d.preoi' which was very much appreoiated by the I &ted se is, u to se worth only 38 7 Renta io The reached by the Spanish note- 7 et recovery of value was accomplished in one oats, and it does not seem tmprobah's that Spain could do the same when freed from the can- osr of wit.-Harpet's Weekly. Toss 'retake BREAK -Lot week the trouble with the water works system wee disoov.red, and in • few days it is expected all will be in order. 'ihe difficulty was found out by 'amino a *umber of oorks into the intake pipe from the shore end, all of which roes to the lake snrf$0e chant midway between the tank sod crib. A test was then made with blocks of wood, and with a000mpanimeats of Jas. Thomas delighted the lovers of sacred aoog. The orgao.uader *outgo' of Mr. Cuff, was heard to great ad- vaata*e, the voluntaries bath morning ana .vening being perfect la time and charming 1. m.rdy. The Eset.r Day collections for the ndaottes of the obaroh debt. we are in- formed, wore greiuly to exoeam of those of the previous year. SPAIN'S CRITICAL FINAN, tAr. POSITION. - It would not be oorreot to look epos Spain se •oaeally bankrupt. On the verge of it .he must b., and her finances at home seem to be hopekaly deranged. Her 4 per cent teed*, which sold at 83, years ago, are now large audience prevent. pater, Rev, Sold -a depreciation nearly twice that now J,. F,dge, oocepled the pulpit, and Preached • .ermoa appropriate to the °c- ( (0D. Tait EI.nvAToR -Wa are informed that .atters in oe.b.ottea with the proposed elevator at the Malin. are is "Mei] way i.atidaetory. The oempaay'a sauteed 1s in tow., and art !stay till the work Is fin- ished. The plans for the male building and Host ahede ago In the bands of drssgbtemea sad the stook Moa is said to be filling up fairly well. UODITT UMW= .-Coaa(y Road Com• misdeed" Aiskisy reports that very little souther' he damage eir' peonies of tboo bees dose 4 MI1 12.1 Widows is r. osstfroatin. 2.54 lOO se loos midere- We dhe g•m... In t . ___ past a the cea.ty, Tk. {gals gAshore W bees mom om & see ohs between Bullet. sad Hast AMMib .. Y entirely dew.. Wares ars Lloier.-A mats( of the water sad Dabs 1 Utwee was h.id es Moods! to dismal mows *essoes• ed with** pipe. After the shairmas had sxg11dimd Os Weak nal herr N bad bus dfm lord, J. LI Mortis mod that the chsNm•s beye power is have .'om o y �. wnd.=od ytake ph" rhe Pane O011ap and defy a'.i*0 . He Panels yorife pnAT BlITOND.-- Rev. John L. Kerr, of lather of Mr. W. H. Kerr, of the IWO& P.M, and Rev. W. E. Ren, of H,mj4, Mood sway to the great Witted. ea tlasia y b1st. la bss 72ed year, Doomed was este of sethep1�� ministers d had fuesuswo Yews. Ds bad lsti.yod Red b.dtk sold r�unw' aayapstlbyt. tb. MktIsrem Aerotlerrts(r.-B&. T. Holmes ler many years m- ---'-dter M�/ of *s OM(0* New Bea„ left w for eh Past, Was.. whise he baa btew Is1Yt• eat 1malyeatios Amish. Bomlfita Govs,asseak tpdp a unteathtaid staly.nti •rpesesa e1 this ease, lied wUl s. doubt &• air vesy bust is bib sew .deer.. Mea Lissa will reads Shue he mad bee 'lasd pts .te4Md. NewTil. ssrlttirw *Ata -Among tame from t' '!M* L mem se ,lb, allifi sea brit lad set Ilatare. iBptear.il. weirs Or. N. Retrk EASTER SHOES course you expect to have new =ouwear Pr Baster, to complete the Spring coslilmit. With our &f,...... , uw.... you will have no trouble in suiting your- self. Our shoes are worthy, because de- pendable and up-to-date, and yet with an entire absence of extravagant pnces. These qye a few of the many trade -winners for us: Men's tine cbodol its color lace Boots, sewed soles, new coin toe, all sizes $2 00 Men's line elastic side and lace Boots, sewed soles 1 25 Men's buckle working Boots, solid leather, peg sole90 L3i*a' nongola Kid Button Oxf.rrds Patent Toe Caps, at $1 225 Ladies' fine KfdOxforda, patent toe cap. 85 Ladies' fine Lee Boots, new toe, sewed soles 1 _'b That we are suiting the people is evidenced by the fact of our increasing birdcage. Wersvill•*wanly too glad to show goods and quote prices. Ordered Work and Repairing. ST. G 3O. PRICE, The : quare. Goderich. CARPETINCS FORSPRING. W. ACHESON & SON. Our Carpets are all here, ready for the new Season, and you au, cosddallly,.yipvitoid to .call and .inspect them. Scores of womeA and men have called this past ten days to see what is new in Carpets : wonderment and amaze- ment has been expressed at such an immense choice. _-We show largest stock of Carpets of every descripti5ir ever before brought to Goderich. Union Carpets, 2 and 3 -ply All -Wool, Tapestries, Brus- sels, Axminsters. Entire second floor for Carpets and Curtains, direct imported. Our prices and values, we believe, compare fav- orably with any in Canada. EASTER GLOVES in new colors : Ambers, Bluets, Serpolettes, Browns, Duch- esse, Violets, Tans, in price: 50c. to $1.50 pair. Inspection invited. W. AC$ESON & SON. the came result As soon as the lake calmed down the spot wit rosily found, the pipe ends at the spot being quite two feet •pure. The break, or whatever it may be celled is is twelve feet of water, and apparently can be easily made right. From the position of the pips ends, it seems that from the begin- ning until today the water supply hos beim obtained from this spot, nose having passed through the Drib. ST. GEORGE'SVESTRY.-'113o annual v.a- try medlar was held to 8t. Ueorge's school room on Monday evening, the rentor, Rev. Mark Turnbull, yresidiog. The minutes of the last meeting having Icon approved and signed, Philip Holt was el.oted the people's ohurohwardea. and Ernest Heston the renter's. R. S. Williams and P. Holt were appointed rspreosesives to the synod of the diooese, and Messrs. Eliot and Rad- cliffe were sleeted as auditor,. The financ- ial report was presented and laid over to the adjourned meeting. The salaries of the ohnroh star were discussed and with a slight alteration. the list of the last year way adopted. Other questions were discussed and fatally the meeting adjourned to mat on Monday, the 18th fust , at the same hour. AN EA.TIR W.UDIN,i.--On Editor Moa - day, T. H. Bird, of the Beak of Commerce Belleville. and Adel., de, youngest deaghter ot R. 8. Chilton, United States .ob.Dl of town. wars welted In Wedlock's bonds by Rev. Fr. McKeon. For family reasons the marriage was a private ore. beoo., only rel - •tires of the two families were protest at the ceremony. Mr. and Mrs. Bird lett by the 2!30 r t1 train, the same day on an ea tended honeymoon trip, after which they will take up reeiaence in Belleville. At the station there were many friends to web the newly married couple, a happy married life, and Tan Sr -.NAL loin. In the good wishes so freely expressed on Monday after- noon. The brtd•'s many friends did not forget her, and the very large number of prevents sant to Miss Addie shows that she was a genersl favorite. THE R1rLr PLDs SHOOT -Lut Friaay afternoon the Off Hand R fie Club had a shoot as their range on the Hate, the follow- ing being the scores : 100 200 Total Andrews.. 35 22 - 57 Pennington 43 33 - 76 Neth 40 40 - 80 Davison 32 26 - 68 Newcombe 38 27 - 65 teithwait 41 15 - 66 American Something Entirely WallPapera complete departure They are simply gorgeous. Yon will like them Yon will buy them Step in in colors and designs. and see them Prices are right Compare them with city prices, and yon will see how yon can save money.; ARTISTIC PAPERS suitable for any room, with Borders and mooch. be., 6e., 7e. and 8e. per 'single roll ; new Blues, Reds range from 10e. up to 85e. ; the beet Paper in the store can for 50c. per roll. �e�► Felt Patent Ingrains are ahem in great variety. Platt.... ...... 25 6 - 31 Shanno. 36 14 - 50 At the oonolusion of the regular match an extra took place, the result being se follows: 200 Shannon 35 Darden 26 Pennington 33 N.woombe 45 L.it2wais ... 20 Goon h1DAT,-Wort wosenerally sus- pended on (food Brlday, and there were asrytoss 1. the Aaatlean and Roman C•tbol- 10 oblrebee. Tb. lay betas triebt tad mild, there was eoaslder'&ble travel by rail sail read. B crake were out is feces after noon. the San by thea Mins having hardened the reads Mat wore seha.ed by the depart ere of Jaok Iran. --Pedestrian were in .vi- deao..11 day, and the piers asd'!he harbor was quite • promes.de for our citizens. As a.sual oa Good Friaay, there were mae7 an*len for perish, but the water heist nae settled, bites were few sad tar betw.aa. E.rly to the morab%tt shooter* were abroad. but the bags mad* did so flay ter the powder barred. Ie the of rsoes the awn bane played a chokepe.g;dm. mad delIgbad .11 then who were • Beg • walk on the Square. A lumber .f home were oat, and Ike wear n the b.tt[M b.bg smooth, the rowing was ossiehtely plisses. To AovnwTtaa*a.-The lomat d.riv.d trete in adoulielgpta lspwds v/og.tber ape& the numb* .t plows who real it. Te yeah the gusitoll Widow of rodeos M the *elan b1* *��0�t1 M • quotas qNias that b. -oa ldws4 by badmen m.&. A thousand wean hills printch in Toast* or Lotus as* distributed in ohm n.M.s would be just es .da bs M if the bill. woe print - .d is taws. Then i. se &mobs about *tat, but if you want N IMA the Owl* Its Aar times ..wsMper Marg le ths eslT uste.setehl way. To est the *041 ttsmuolm. sad se sose54 �l...i•�wl Ole- os Slo pose wake tbsPeeks Is dispose bob seal INA* oleo.bw4& be /eel. If m oreseseise IRO $300 2011 rum MMa Oa W led alias ttheersts1 62=11 bi lake NSM lure IRM oas1ttn Whoa woldag ew1rMM Ceilings to and Greens be bought Tolspliwie 100. PORTER'S BOOKSTORE SOME WINTER NEE 8. 10 CENTS FROG tit i .. iO4.- TUBE TOOTHPASTE 10e. WITCH HALEL AND GLYCERINE JELLY, for Maps. 'to 10o. COLD CREAM , 100, AMONDOL CREAM, for alts, sheat+, lag, OM , 1Gst COLD DI /OUR HEAD 16o. THE PERFECT EMULSION Of xOO tiV!R Oft•-NNTit HYPOPNOSPNITES OF A CSCE TO Gin GOOD S -- LIME AND SOU volt ♦ Ont dam 50 per cent emulsion. Jest the thing to sourish and stamorthes the imp.31•03, Regular 110a a tear tti0• i You are advised to take it to t ime. W. C. Q001)E, Chemist, B1DFORD BLOCK. Sumps..'. Red Blood Pills -Tonto and Blood Building -only 260. ; 5 for 41.00. The Best Spring Medicine and Tonic 01:14 -- COMPOUND EXTRACT OE SARSAPARILLA. LARGE BOTTLES - 80 CENTS. - t .ALF ONLY ET F. M. DUNHAM, - Chemist & Druggist. There are all kinds ot rumors as to the time when a fresh start will be mode on the breakwater job, but a% present there are so sites of a visors. Tia aWOUng Gums. VERY LITTLE MONEY. To ngwVoII Ona STOCK or READY- MADE SP* rACLle, wg AJtg, FOR THE MIXT 30 DAYS, G01319 f0 2ELL TIM AT HALF PRICE. Ws HAYS ALL OS-AHEB, THE REGULAR PRICM nANGi1Q FROM 12.00 710 25c., watcu we WILL SILL Alt .---- nom $1.00 to 1.>•:, PSH vsoi. - GRABS TRUNK RAELW L- _. - _ H� Land ifzpt�-•..••• I.aNR� FAKEERS WANTED !i�d�p�- - -11 >,OD asrAitt. Mixaand E 990 p,m Mixed l]s o.m - I WILL PAY - $1to$2aDay for good men to purchase Harvesting Machinery at my Warerooms. As it costs money to travel, I propose to give the benefit to the purchasers, and at the came time erre time and money for both parties by calling at my ware - rooms and examining the Stock. Seed Drills, Mow r., HorseN9XQN Rake., Binders, Disk Harrows and l;pring Tooth Cultivator: CJHdePiows of every KSdescription.UTT High G ra ADAMS Wagon, Paris, the favor- ite. BUCHANAN Illy fortI. tltd Slin. Mg.CLAUGHLIN II i g h erode Carriages and Baggies. All Goods Warranted. JOHN KNOX, Agent, Opposite Buxton's Hotel, Goderlch. THE WEEKLY MAIiILT REPORT RaE Wksat Gootessca. March 0 25.to A L1.nr, atmll7. wont-. _..u.. 1 50 CO rllooaaee per cwt . 3 00 to eBebaorta�10•...t�. i1 i tolSolOw beth .. _.. 17 to Pees, ebMh,......,.. ..... ., 52 to fHb�at pOM t,e. _....._..... 00 to Hatler, "book........ 35 to 1e to s Lrats. f .2. unblocked. 9 sea-. 8 to Wood_................._.._... 00 to 1114.....,;:. ._.-...... _ 00 to Pelts Lamb -Skins 00 to Live Hors 115 to Boon. ...... 12 to Ham. per lb................ 10 so femmes. Der Ib.......... 10 to Deeses3 Hoge. per owt 50 to Dressed Beef tore quarter 09 to Dressed Beef, hind 00 to Barley. per bush 30 to AuetionccrlmR. a _ ✓ s AVIS, Dtofdahvr AND OPTICIAN. Dentistry -_ - - M. NIUHOLSON, LD.8. DENTAL .Utm.aw. Rooms opposite the Post Office Bold Ruing, Crowns and Bridge Work a Sp.a4Ry. is Years Expert Doe. LM. MABEE, D.D.S , x..0.8., -DEN - . TAL SUIft.EUN. Lstad and Imre. ad methods for cil dental opwetions. Preserve on of the natural teeth • p chitty .Oi@.. aver James Robin. n's dry r ds stare, og[• AROMAS GUNDRY, AUCTIONEER ser or West st am ke sous`'' 67 and Ioannina, &gent, Ooderloh. Ont. Agent London sad Lano.oblre vire Inc. 0o., Gore Miklos Mutual Ins. Co. Balm at- lt� Dr. end d to In en7 isnot the ooanty. 00.17 - L TURN i JLL, D.D.S., L.D.8.-- I/oafel Burgeon. ,Lately atlaoolated w Dixon. of Nostril. Goll and soros isle. artificial teeth mounted on gold or &lum- ipQM,Jitese., spt•i attention given to e on or t riliMw1 ter& rata In saw block. 2111-11 UH111-MN[Ja,- MINIMAL Nonage and Land valuator, U. "Having had ooadderable ks aaottoneertsg Wde, he is In& N holism with thorough satisfacalen .eea- mlaio.e entreated to him. lianteree 0ies.1, or sent by mall Boderteh 1 . O.. carefully • KNOX County Antitheses,. FUNERAL NOTICE A. W. CORNELL undertaker & Embalmer SUCCESSOR TO A. B. CORNELL N. B. --Our &ernes Aare Inco Crea112 Reduced is order ba raker tee po*.,lar demand tar Moderate Priced Funerals. 82 Mcoiimalee' Institute. osis (`IODERIOH MIIOHANIOB' I1Q8T7- 28 3.X TUTS LIBRARY AND READINII 5l tOOM. fen. Of East 'tree% and Square (up 'aloe. Ones from 1 to 0 r.m.. and from 7 to 10 rag. ►BOUT 2000 VOL'3 IN LIBRARY. Leading Daily, Weekly and Musftated Paper,, Negating., eta, on UIEMBKRSHIP TIOILIIT, ONLY 611.4131. 50 16 .ranUeg free nee of Library and Reeding 11 m. Applleatloes toy membership received by 75 wbr.eian.inroom 0050 +. H. COtL4BOttNyE. H. HAMILTON. 701 Ooderfob MAzch.12tb 1700, l.lbrarlaa 00 40 00 00 50 0000 don't have to advertise a Sacrifice Sale of HARDWARE My Goods are So well Purchased and Selected, I can Sell at a Profit at Others' Sacrifice Prices. ' Ti. poly orMwM s.& iwro*overyorsrhmN we. Court House Square, QODIERICH y w Essay. pate b i4i ill a lair i have no Surplus Damaged Stock to Give Away. Iio man can continue in business and sell 4goods for less than he pays for them. I don't propose deceiving yon in that way. I carry an Up -to -Date Stock of Hardware. My Prices are Right. I am here to stay and to please you every time you purchase Brom me. Medical. LINTER. PHYSICIAN, SUR - goo o. oe-Brune street. trod.e ro• dance lately Om y occupied by Dr. McLean Atgbt oak from residence. Telephone 56 LagfaL .( 0. GAMMON. BARS1ISTF.RS011- Lrl. claw, Conveyancer, t., Ol5ee-On Hamilton street. 2 doors east.gf f.)olborae tiros. dry goods store, 37 17 CRNEST HEATON -- BARRISTER. Solioltor, Notary Piddles. Oanadlan Bank of Commerce Chamber", the Square' Godertch. kw -17 ECAMPION,Q.C., BARRISTER, SOL . loiter. Notary lo, °Moe twee Mettles Ilan. Sours, Goderlch LI U. JOHNSTtRISTER, ;O- ttE• Bettor, eamm��M A7.' 'an. Ounce" : eon Streets. 0oderich.Ont. la R. 0. HAYS, BARRISTER, 80L1CIT- 011, ie. Moe North -et.. suit door Stamm. aloe. Prl vats Funds to sena at !cares% rates of Interest. 1000 (IARItOW A PROUDFOOT, BAR- tt`77ft rulers. Attorneys. Soli iProz to.. Gods: lobJ T. (farrow. C CIAME1tLN, HOLT & IIOLMEB, 11..) Battistero. Solicitors to Chanoer7 Re. loderioh. M, O. Cameron, 40. ; P. Holt Radler Holmes. 0. WARD, OONVEYANOER •� . Ileo., and oemnllirtener foe laths end e r so Airing rogoleanoes of ball, 'Ilda Slr•mattons, depositions sr sebum decilitre - dons In or oonoerniog SAY seam. snit or pro - ✓ eeding in the High Court at Justice, the -Jour' of Appeal for Onarle. sr In say Oousty Division Court, All t,aee.ellieea oa ad promotlr esisostm. R7isldr and P. .ddree.-DunitWIS Out. ?186-tf R. W. M°KENZIE) OV THE °HEAP HARDWARE STORE. Loans =a anautines. MUtak TO LOAN. -2- ,6 AN. 0.000.00 Privet !nods to lend at 54 per ONO. an - n osily. M. O. CAUTION Rortoo s Sleek. "melte Oolborne Hotel Ooderloh. W7-tf MONEY TO LOAN -FIVE PnRCENT money to loam. titivate fund' ; also Not O VIS farms to rent or sell. Houses and lets W fast or for ale. E. N. LBW'S srrialer, Goderioh. (1 SEAGER, CONNEYANCINO AND V. 1nsurano. 01120e. opt+o1a Martin's Hotel (iodorloh. itONEY TO LEND ON MORTGAGE ata pr coat. Notes discounted. 0. 4MAGER, ernes oppoNa Martin's Hotel. Godo - lob. L? J. cT..�NAJTEL,egFIRS, LITE AND C • • QMee--O*r`"3i `.o4k..tii°dttp aa:ry jam, JO 11 jONIT TO MM. -A L L R Ul 01 lumens Private lruendsoeOgbr 1. Q �1R110w alt AO V Drpp'rMG/M• (� RADOLITIIE, GENERAL 1Q• LU. Mrsse., Real Ib4s and MAW i,p..l.g >V oat/ trosoaas rm�ressaNOf way td. Money to Lease. at Me towage rine ofead sum= ad deer R m git uar.. y elsirg �rees� lei f00s t[ New Machin. dhow. NEW Is ACH1NE 8EOPS-ALL 11.111.121-141111 .1 Repair Work des. m Prl.... Faceting te tar flew .ss an I wagon freta. J. SPRING RBQIIIREMENTB 3 FD* CLEANING NO DISINFECTING MOTH CAMPHOR, CRUDE C�A1RBOLIC ACID, OREO 00/101iNTRATED LY! CHLO1UD1I or ebur., LITTLE'8 TWT LE. WILSON'S PRESCRIPTION DRUG' STOW % where 71 w mop m4.y leek The berm Washed M Dekk r% peps, was sway M Saturday. bot atm stepped bads,s dome soy :sessogssoos .eealysd.