HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1898-4-14, Page 4'wt 911160,11, 774.1114111"7 - TSpmgDAT, April 1t, 1898. T.517 - TILE SIGNAL (ODBRICH ONTARIO mD.& _Mt - We Set the Pace. Our nale3 of Bicycles are increasing daily. GOOD WHEELS ! HONEST PRICES 1 and the very beat values is fast bringing the trade our way. you desire to purchase • mount, you cannot afford to pees us b Besides a number of other lines, we have the famous If y' MoOready W OH EELS ommon dense and Huron at from $36.00 up. EMERSON'S 1I11p1.. Lida', Neese% Wes by the a1.1. W Mdd's Ltaat1 rui.. Bicycle and Iusic 801186 and Cleveland Cycle Livery Galt.986 April 11 `'p'o'1 ,'"'" • " sp.ee► " tletivered for oni= h Gala, was made reosetly by H. k, Tito , proprietor of the fine hotel, the Ircquds. I was thews read patsy, sad ooaveyed is b.ties in the tweet In which pre par- sffree from kida.y disease tine f eons are using to do It tet they seed ,attar so longer. :hon has been nothing said pada* Mr. Hassaok's ,taretaeat runs tree t Most the matter beton, thinking that we "For ever a year I mitered with terrible hookashes Nolhw 1 wed gave me 111 Oh. mkw bo g•9,aar or toe oat ad bars& 1]inetw Ms••wirii ghealtImo weed., seal' we la the haring es dish the twee palet M a.w.hd. T. As title quickly. hang N la a Maim seam, Mg. se that is wail he iw MM. Me wIcahn el the ahr is at• lt.rtet Ia... Mr vessel slake Ne • d•11 *ate of water, them Meals it a Ms .t ewes eastIMI foto Q. barrel ooa- taints/ the owes sulphate. Fill the hand with water. 1f the lime is bosh a•d pot. Lt she'd .e.• Wallas all the add la she copper ealphate eelatisa 1. tet if Wm he she ease. add a .mall sample .t the fidetan to sleep er two et feneoyeakle et momentum. U the has w reassis.t. this deep. wane added. will tan keys. I. that orae. ume water mess b..dded Kalil the Mss gives se brews tlol- .ret nen. The fie d.aax Molars and the Paris Orem may with advastage be applied to- gether. sb.e fermis* a .embi.ed imagist. sad faseeielle• To 0s ea add fes Ww.se, tat pads gram te a barrel of the mixture. Fere gods .sly should be need. MR. H. HANCOCK'S VICTORY. ghc signal. e 'VILNIUS would get what belonged to as, but it seem. EVERY FRIDAY MORNING Tthst it 4. .one perem'. Intention te ke. p it uT m. ie A efOOT frets as as long as po.albte, perhaps forever. Tha•kin& yeti tor your velu.ht.soaw,and 6ODIRICH. MUMMY, APRIL H. MIL *bat this matter will b rattled saw- - instants to all. I r.meia, Fa111 PLAT, EASTER DAY 1N TORONTO. Against the Editors sky looms the crow, blood stained and nail scarred, but no suffer- ing victim hangs them••. Io the midst of the garden, when the ,loom deeps. under the sheltering 01. Ye tree,. the rook hiss tomb. lily eaoucl.J, lies empiy. Against the daFkoew of that u .1..lw atodr, wherein reposed ebo crucified body, *Ism bre white bahaluneete of the deed, isle. usefulness le p..t, w they are folded and told aside. •' 0 1)e.th where is thy atiog ; Olireve whets as by sissy " 'Th. Lord Is ewe. He it risen in- deed." These triumphant Words ex - shingly through eve, y Christian temple as *kis " City et eburche. '' en Kate, Ssbday, the queen of festivall," Reviving nature seemed to vie with man taduteg her utmost to celebrate the "Mob day.'' Not s cloud dimmed the warm spring too. Many of the sanctuaries were neigd with palm. rad 0•'1 calla' ; win let thousands of cut flowers wafted their fragrance through " long drawn sale red fretted vault " Archbishop Walsh. wearing cope and mitre, oocuvied the throne'in St Miohael'a at High Maas The interior of this nobly proportioned eiifaoe is redly m.rred ly friv- olous stengllug and the eye distracted by the oracle ooteri•e. It 1. almoet a relief to turn wide into the positive h.r.a.s. of St. Jath c.', where the soaring oolumas, gu.lelees alike of paint or mini, spring skyward. In the Metropolitan, the oatbedr.l of Method- ism, Mr. Torrington warded at the organ. The choral parts of the sirens were exquis- itely rendered, the large choir being rein- forced by eminent soloists. The sweet, soft mum of harps. • pleasing and emuently ap- propriate innovation. ware beard in the eft• floe for the Int time. Spring millinery was everywhere In avis dente. Several of the large stores were obliged to refuse ordure t•, be delivered Saturday. w unprecedented was the rush. Hieb Park was. as usual, the favorite rendezvous for bioyoWts. They swarmed there by thousands. The bioyole liveries reaped a rich harvest. By two o'olook Sun- day aftbraoun not • wheel esu left In the alty tor hire. The Canadian Whet 1von'. Abnegation (('. W.A. meet) has been captured by Peter - bore this year. Ottawa worked strenuously, bud the quiet determiaa$ton of ibe dolomites from the form,/ oily carried the day and won the prize. 'the inembsn of the (3. W. A. have made themselves notorious by ser t.in &sranins pranas sit former meets. Row funny it must be tor halt -ands men to slide down the hotel .tarn on mattresses and to play at ninepins with the water jog+ in the oorridors. I'eterboro will learn a tisk, or two. Alderman "Ned" Hanlon lot stirred, up the oity oonooil ounsidwrabIy, rod a bi- cycle path is te be built around part of the island. I bear we are to have • m:d,ummer regatta and sgwtlo carnival. It will seem quite like old tiles again, when lino renal Ned was the ohampiou mullet, as athlete, modest and fair to look upon. Bub 15 years works many °henget. To the youth it bring. manhood ; to manhood. maturity ; to maturity. sae ; to age. the winding sheet. Attorney General Hardy is s doh man. Vlore ill indeed than his friends will admit, ■stbieg hot • prolowd rest will avail to gave Sin from nervous prostration. The httN tmmpaigs told ly on hen physique, wines in for from robust. It is now •beo- Intel, ttweeseary that he harbor his rmasla- 1ag itfaalitb, ter nadonbtedly he 1■ the best tuna Is eight. for the positron he occupies. W. H. W. HARBOR AND RIVER. Paoli Gad herring fishing yield a moder- ate return. Domani made big ahlpmeote of lumber the past week. King Humber Lea bath a large b,st house on the west end of the harbor ial••rd. Wilt it stand a wester The fl.hiag tugs made ali,htly better hauls the past week. but so tar the bsio.m le mot a paying one. The tag McIntosh arrived in port last weak, avid oo :1 arch,' tall with t.lr.betoe, Rased is taw feat Pipe Tree Harbor, ober. the barge will load tie* for Wiartoa. the steamer Joow left liartar on Thurs- day of last week with supple•* for f.bies 'insist on take Huroo and Georgian his. Jas. Clark, Wm. Wailes and Joe. Hurn, sr , were tuoludd in the Jones' pweeng•r list. Tb. ricer has been exoeadtegly high since the toe broke up. and the Spring freshets mad. quite • change along that part of it between the tweak water and Attrilt'.. All the flat ell Deb.'s trout has i,sea washed awry, the bag bland has lees •arrowed and lengthened. many thousand yards of the bank alone Attrill'e hao been washed •way, and the channel bite -eon Ridgewood and the bog island has beso deepened. A tar h* formed at the mouth of the river, and many think that as LW F.velyo oonld pas Into the river nearly any tuna Last year.that the bar is caused by the gravel dumped into it from the breakw.t-r. ANNOUNCEMENTS. nee the bargain' i. lees curtains at Robles son's. The W. C. T. U. will give asother modal oantest on Friday. April ke. st the Victoria Opera House. Partidulere later. Hee the bargains in lade curtains at Robesion'a Fur the purest of ion cream, the freshen/ of fruits •ad the chotos.t of oo•feotiouery, call at Blackstone. restaureat, West st. 8.. the b.rgaine t. hr curtains at R ebi•sen'a IMPORTANT Milani -N. 'RENT. -Orris, to the large increase in owls Spatial depart - meat, and in order to devote greater atteutioi to eu•tom work Mrs. R fl Maith has de. termined to rodeos the week of fumy goods comprising all that 'a new sad desirable fa art work, Stamped inane. draping, fringes, cord', eta, Ito. Io order to *fleet speedy i'sari.g of the above goods, large reductions 4111 prevail throughout the fano}- good' d. oartinent. R. B. SMITH. See the b•rhalas In lace •attains at Rob Deet'.. Pair may WOWS' tirerwatte■. To the Editor of Trim Sue.r.. Das at.,-w1.l has Seams e1 the **Is- hmael, oommittee of hat b int of July 1 1s to est .bout tame the .oretary celled a weeny eta commutees sad ree.ived the reports from the showman of said ot►mmit- ttees; ales to loste the treanrer's repine ss b metes sad expeditor," of the day's eelebeslie.l It seems as if some of the "head peahen " 1. the day's sports dears west tite peddle te bees that there is a hol- t/ale le the enasurer's beads of sem. 1150. Tb God.rieh Base Bal Utah were =a1 MM oresaie Mo. messing es the ail. the wen of 440 if they wield Behan • duh barn and antes • Nash that day, they dM es. behest sent.* to raw then. =wen SU flat the swami to be a1• Asia had been out deers M 1326, sad abgj► Weald have M pay the visltla4 slob's fil gagaegcals of that, lett. Mr. lsdltsr, I 'cart think the Bae. Hall (Nab haw hem w'eated fairly b this imbiber. As tate meeting i■ the taws ►•tl we wow rote several promises. *tae e1 Wein woe that if Shore wene heft Shut MI exereses ante paid. the Bair (gib Iwo e.rawly, tt We ere a ,t *skier forthe wb. s stases i .11 we wast te whet we are WOW to, .. kbit Is the stool ebbe so screed apse odes segoto Hos oral% tic.. M0, ebb M tdsi.b me hewn rs 1 Milk the lams 0lsb bee be.a the Oman sal brimonst e eud1y e..b.e ie people M ser MOM Mid Ise abs does reels is tins .f agyeedeiM. bet they salmi te he. t • fees sue at tib D.mlaba Deep wt - EXPERIMENTAL SPRAYING. )aetesetWa Gives to the i.s..aareties m 4 Applwattei el insecticides sad fa.glr d.. at also Follow - log elates* Seaforth - W dnesday. April 20th, 2 r.lr. R. Govsnl,ok's Orchard. (;o,lerioh--.Tharday, April 21st, 2 P.M. H. Corwin'. Orchard. Exeter- r ridgy. April 22nd, 2 r le. R. S. Laing'. Orchard. Ridte:own-Sstardsy, Aped 23rd, 2 r.11. Edward Iwnmblae'. Orchard. Leaml.gtea-Moeda), April 25th, 2 P.m. G. H. MRI's Oreh0ed. Ambentl urg-Tus.d• , April 26th, 2 P. a. Edwin Ptttos's . Dutton -Wednesday, April 27th. 2 I-. a. Job Hodder'' Orchard. Port Buecwdl-Tbnada ,' April 28th, 2 r. Ir. Presume Char.'s Diehard. Pert Rowan -Friday. . April 29th. 2 r. r. H. M. Barrett'. Orehard. Springvale (sear Hsgsnvtlls)--8attrrd.y, April 30th, 2 r.a. Jobs Holbrook'. Orob ard. For the nresorvaMs s of Hooey Hew, sprayug while Mees ere I. Most Is prohib- ited by law. Penalty, el 00 to $5 00. least relief till 1 beans to am Dodd's aim Pills I used only a few boxes, bat team every vestige of pain ham welshed thee pity. Dodd'. Kids, lints anew saly ones earth for Kids*y HiN. TWO Naw STatiPs. -Tbe new Issue el Caasdiaa *temps le not meeting with tw- .pproval it was fondly hoped it would re owes. 'lb objections to themr. of im- portence and oumuroue, bot chiefly des to tie oolor, the differmes between some of t►. varieties appearing 10 be bus slight, who, viewed V a toasty maaosr. I. 'pakten then dart, the authorities did sot 000st se th. este with which dlshooest psrsaw.sulld ob- literate post murks by timely trebling the steal into the color. Tl.., snow, titre i• the theme, of ...erste to demote the mane. whish bee sherd, -Wen mood 'sr-�mallp serails, Is Lower Camas sod waw tli.e-L- tog foreign post-offroett. A menta./ of hs.. ass men and 0th... Weise • largo cant• of lettere to [nail Myo tregasatly Lenny theme.lves sticking the stamps on mph& down, and being loyal Britbb eabjset. de. cot like placing Her Majesty'. picture b soh • position. if the maple leaves on t4.• lower corners were reolooed by numerals. ii would be totter and give the stamp a deotd Idly o.at.r &pa norasoa These sed ethos burs may ttaiss. our Pestewtor-Oeeerul s 'hasps tis prom! bene for s new want ,robab'y when ch. Mete reduosd to 2 outs Hia Buoerm in gaming revsone out of the Jubilee issue m.y Still be fresh In hie mew nry sad form • fu:ther ineentive to ob.ngs An issue of newspaper and periodical stomps may some into we, stmtlar to the L. S ■temps, FARM WORK IN APRIL. Bpreylig t• men eflueteal when it i, done e arly le the seams. The newer the work Eisele' the better. SeraYere are sow mode of many different deslge., aid eabilisps ma be sordid in lamb es Meads. at en She ls••ke is • mai rivaee similar tea hasp- s ask. Bp sTiss is Iat..dsa sus may W p us vet di ewer of this sad stopas ides, and ti protect the fres and piss, Si Ilse is. sps.t, but is sod also es a wfa g.srd a ,.lest Is.se1W. Atu.gsidg t. �• mitte esu wed ter dsstreylag p•.••mee fond, stili as res, mildew. MIRok dust, maw florae from Slain Whets Dometatest of TM seas at well se the treat, WIN weaken the Meer. Ts MK 1 1s Omits way before the bads 'rein a *olefin stab with sae pawed of essier WOW* M S weatir-!ee R*tt.m ea wow�saw w Me 1w- =seaisrlt **sea, way awes se fa, awes. •s , it et t.. der* et Men weswr4 will X�40. 8.e limen lEtrsla a !' feips nor and M assualls, so lieiArrpeg swinish, Mins sten) 4 lbs., ORO, Assada* t weasllL', """.. Thin in flesh ? Perhaps it's natural. If perfectly well, this is probably the case. But many arc suffering from frequent colds, nervous debility, pallor, and a hun- dred aches and pains, simply because they are not fleshy enough. Scott's Emulsion of Cod- liver Oil with Hypophos- phites strengthens the diges- tion, give new force to the nerves, and makes rich, red blood. It is a food in itscw`, ync. and $,.o.., all druggists. SCOTT & BOWNE, Cbudsts. To.mt,. License Commissioners. a ilk UCENES FOR NEST HURON. The Board of License Commissioners ter the West Rldtag of Flores will meet is Mates an Monday. the 13 h of Aldi, to grant Iloeaem for Itis#. All , Athlone to be .sat to W. J. Pahley. 4Aeease Inspector. Mama. as *r be - tore the North of April. Th. number of hotel Massa torli?M.r 33, .hops r, 1,curettes Th. number of appMMlltts floe vim on • betels Si, sham 2. breermi1a s The names oldie SOW app's., she s 1'Ite. Reherses, Osassim . Maideed Sera at ale .tate ; Charles R. • ateede. saltfat4 W. L PAIILST, rampaeese. Gray's Syrllp A of Red oar N°, Spruce Colds, °><e bum tiIU,. WHIM • tit., o.o...seees, tebiraa sad Msis.c*,0'tte, thew Pate WOW sIdr `setts life. EPPS'S l'0008 ENGLISH BRZ4KF4ST COCOtq Peso es the Mewls. MMbteM.e .erns a DELIOAOY OF FLAVOR. SUPERIORITY IN QUALITY. NUTRITio/ QUALITIES UNLIVA1d.LD. L Quarter -Poem! Tins only, PrTp.red try J i . t4 �oml.td.. H p.Lh� iso Have You Seen LEE & SHEPHARD'S Jus a Lith BOIIOr Th3ii Ipa Bosi! A FACT I. positive proof of an as- sertion. The material de use has been A FACTOR in making the'McCieady' wheel the finest wheel for comfort, pleasure an d *mow:. That in w:.y Fine Display otl We have A FACTORY running full time to turn them out to meet the in- creasing demand. Examine our wheel ; you will C 6 then buy no other. $55 "Common Sense" and" Hurons" Ladies {cat the price we ma itithem Genu 1 `e''C knocks competition ways. 1$75 HBNDBBSON BICYCLE Co. LTI Wheels E.&D A Ladies' • Gents' Pi l Ot $36 Meinfirs just received a large num- bier of Bicycle Sundries we are fully equipped for doing all kinds of repairing. Call and see our goods. LEE & SHEPHARD For TWEN 1 Y -SEVEN YEARS DUNN'S BAKING POWDER mEcmrseutMcxo HURON'S NEST ST IRE/ Decial t g t-ZE31111.C�E3.t�.t >t Thursday Friday anit Saturday: Regular 10c. and I24c. Print, --• ......-,,,,,,,, 7c.yd Vedings, 5e. yd Xinerican Charnels, fast colors, 44c. d Shaker Flannel, 4c. yd bc. Ribbon, for 24c. yd 65e. Corsets, for 45c. ea. Ladies' Linen Collars, ,, Sc. ea. " Cufis, lOc• pr Print Collars,. it- 2e. ea. Belts, • Hat Price • • Belt Buckles .. Half Price R. B. SMITH. 3. W. ANDREWS, Maneger; • The Man who rides a ? Wheel - ..poya Its datede S swan be gala • Rigby Porous Waterproof Bicycle Suit a • • • 0 • 0 0 In dry mother you would not et know the cloth Wan water -proof, :) and is wet weather yea can ride 'J all day without getting wet. The Rigby cloth admits the air 3 but keeps out the rain. Any wheel- man will see the great advantage a of it at once. w 111• a Rigby Bicycle Suits tan masstidy by M. iI1OREY ! CO.. IMost,ed, bet ars sold by W septo-eta clothing demises. ■ • 1/4.:(( e the perYgci aTCNEs � AIM res esu we aoDERioH BARGAIN CENTRE Nexi Tie eeh we will show the best value in LACE • •... CURTAINS Prom !Oce to 310.00 a pair. 001[E AND $EE 0011E AND OOMPAik QUALM. COKE AND 0031PARE PRIOEB, Also, • large stock of 4,,..;e:: PARASOLS tat Great Value. JAMES ROBINSON. nit Bargain Days, 28th and 29th April. last he Cleared 0111! READY MADE CLOTHING --sass• MY OWN MAKE All diet -.tans Ooeds, and well made aR .LLl be sold at remarkably low prlos to Year it oat ow. • A ane saaatment of New GOWN fir FM and Winter wear. CALL Aka ase OIL MA) .,OP Otos' ?slim urs B.tak llthMlaaL BBIxILLBB IOB8IR118 OWN* Trait 0 idea.> tat Trees EVERG RKENS A MPECIALTV. Dor et of of I eft Trees being Comprs:e will whe lib ► e eat wears at sa.rtost stile. .. w. bate Ilse Beet aid Lading Valetas* eze &parte. rear, mise. Cttovvl1 �mad� r'.wsr a row-. Ciao a Large Sisk ot smell Peens. Cell mit sa.mMe leek Lid be oesvlaced. I.a,ge S •. k of Obote. Spring Bedding Paseo.. Prues um maned is a.plieatnon. A4dr.s. JOHN STEWART ESTATE BernisA•n r. •. Loos sass, wa Ass TN TIM Lana WITZ ria Common Sense Huron Bi McCready cycles Mule at the Iieuttcraon Bicycle Factory, Goderich . also the Celebrated "White" Licycle, Made by the Wbite Se wing Machine Company. can and Gamine Whasla sari it Priors at WORSED D'S The Cheap 8tovemaa, (Wench. Carriages ! Buggies LIGHT SPRING 'WAGONS Yon will find the largest gad best stock of CARRIAGES, PHAE- TONS and BUGGIES iia the ody of undry's Warerooms HAMILTON -ST., GODERICH. W. buy only manufacturers, don to sell you a reasonable price here before. oiNii 4,441400) 44,0A101* from the best and are in a pawl - Rig at a more than ma offend A11 moos 1,111101011 .$seiegins. Inspection and Comparison invited REI[ OUR 1N W BP>it111 GENERAL DRY GOOD1 CLOTHING, MEN'S TWEEDS have nearly all arrived, which for ga beet in the country, and we eordiall) child to give us a call and investigate bogus bankrupt stocks, no bargain da to get your dollars, but anything yol back if the goods are not as represents We will use you right, and won't urg and satisfy you. Es' S. J. REID, Manages'. BORN. SIM34 lest. MS- wile et *era. W i ape ,, sahst M daugh- ter. RrTCHIE - I. *401.44, nib eta . fit leek, the wife oI Mr. A.drew *amts of a d.vgbler• MARRIED. BIRD - CHILTON •- At St. Peter's Werth 9ederieb. ea 1hh Allot. less, by Rev. Ir. Selma, Adelaide )eeags' da.ttbter of IL a gases. Dratted States Count. to Broca limiters Bird. et IMIMv115. second coo of the late ebOrm5. Owen, Bid. 14..Keyal satttae.n. Her Msleety's seirrDIED. YKRR-Is d. a!It ea yeses THOMPSON -Z st. Adam Theme ss, Il seen. 1kd ba1 months and 21 days McI��led BaunL�Ss. sass a Tears,. 5 menthe sad 13 Cava 81 A. Ml Sp tb Be NI w Pe D. oil fru 1s is HIE TALK OF THE TOWN. From the E* in r''S Notebook U 1 e've a Nin in a' Tor coat.., 1 rets Te taw N t • RUM'S Assess Te Takla' aeees. ms' OMh Ndll rre.tt is." -Gnats. S int) 1. for the enter rata hes ar the A A. mama taken the tartan raw, sad Womb se well as Stake a .cid medal. 1. J. Pridbam wee is evilness o. Latter Lay. hIs ts.b4 YMy-cat. w.D-•.ads silts be - os th Ti l.ag admired b to whe know a good thing( en urban they ss. ens T,..AI'TItee' Co,vinemex -The Eaat Hue.Y m on Teachers' Oveabtos wilt be held at the l .o tin es n r i. 1■ 40 Schad Hone, Browelt, en May 13th and 14th- Dr. McLellan, LL D., will dealers, a lectors at tae m*stisg. Tot Comer Hoven PARK -Th. lairs around the asst awn is so defaced by the side trash' screen (t, that, sakes the gage d estroyers are pssWed, it will Is a dis- grace to the @musty tows all the tnmmrsr. 241a or HAT IS CLINTON -Toe srra.nrs- meats for tin. a.lebrat,en of the Quss. Birthday are programme very favorebl . J. 1'. Doherty ham already .soured neva& Gig atir•oLMes, s.oh as bellese ee.edos sad ..sial sword els rens. sed anew n.getlaM.n for • se of 40e lost blade 1. tin. Provisos. Srt, IAL Shama 91avies -A special e nvies Mamie, nadir the dlr.otoa►ip of It ee eh to be Fr Hes Rate Pete. wits rendered in North lei St. Methedal shams oo 9aaday evenisg, pm which wen wary mtah appreoi•ted by the at large ardisam. pnmaett. Th' pastor, Rev. Jt+ RlRe, mepgksd tie pulpit, and rrs•obed M .stash .pprepriate to Ise eo• oa.ioo. Tut E;.tvAToa -We are informed that matters i• oe•eactoe with the proposal elevator at the bat bar are is every way wtisfaetory. The os.tptuy's engts.er is tr la town, and wt 1 ales 1414 the Werk b Ma- dl mento Th. plans for the malehaildf.g ►end at floor eked. •r. 4n the band. of drsngbt.mw fo sa4 the stook bot le told to he 8114.[ up tt fairly well, w t,oPit•ry MEMOS -County Road Com. M mbsitlNr A1.sby reports ►ha► very Hple 11 damage has ben. des. t. bridges 4. tie toctbrn.irllss of tie eotsaty by the re• cent 1rsabts, but there has bees ee.sidet.- hle dame** in the worthies *web of the county.dews.warTha lime bridge war Auburn has bow rendered mato sod • bridge between Mullett and Riot Wswenosb ie entirely go re of le co se W ATtR AN. Li. .-A m.Niag .i Lb water and hast esmmittee wee held en Moody .vmffiegg is sleet/ wW11.n 0005.01- .* .4N tb. i.t 4..1Mp•• /It *s bsartta. had sxpbissd int freak .ed bsw N bd tees af1e.v.nd, J (3. 11/•551. lewd tat 1h. o►alrmaa Vi. prwue ten hay..mi sty rspalrs male 1• N. i.sk. pip.. 1'►. meal. was sme.ded by hes►. Oas►MIl sad thly atrel.d. H. PA+ro ye Tee RMA: BsTorn.- R.v. John L. Kerr of 1 4.40.1 of Mr. W. H. Y.rr, el sbs Bnlssls P.s , Mad Raw. W. R. 8 en, of Rosiest, mated sway tet►. areas beyaetd..s S..day inlet, a 4.M 72.4 seer. D.o.a►ttd tram .0.04405 pptteewear ml•btes.ndhNbisseir !steams ysee. H. bei w 4 NaH4 t1aW resells. W..*Mid *tat ayts/.Iby 141 tb r.lsetvm 40 thetgbmna*ttmmae. A rrotirTlrBtr --1L T. Hdma, Lr mass v 45- u 4.ta.rerla ./wt�l.• Mi..., whws M he M asembasiMr Aa 1'eWe nese sus. �aattphap;' «awh�e MYom.w.shMwel so AB w• Ida ► hs 11. hes ries sawn. Mm. *Au w@ eloff hhar., wad bier Waimea woks NOMrd. Tka Wrsers HALL _Ae,gs4 ties. Mgt "Wool* pimuut et the Yi41om 4.114 L 1544111 1.11.$14 ii=sty 0=1. Wire% tie. N. thaiiii. tiAmellii311"Mat Igo giii t1e1,Ow 4 s