HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1898-4-14, Page 1rAVE YOU B,laiIW*D 1 a 100* iIUBSCRIPTION sus FIFTY-FIRST YEAR. ---2669 tonal. TH33 _' E.*.D=rTa' N 1717PQ3'.AP1JR OF HURON OOVNTY_ NEW AOVERT 58 .APRIL 8 Spring Rocairammie-Jr Wllw. 6 Stens for 8•l•--r+isse HM1os 1 An N..dlnreek-MLs Areeitli 1 Awes* Wall Pagseb--Peetm'e Posit Store 6 Bettor sad Else --0. B. E,INig... 1 Carriages •ed B.ggh.--Tbaw. Oasdry4 Smeisi Bale -R B. 8 &s ,. 4 '1'b. Neil Toe Weeks --Jas. Rdlsssw.. 4 la Mae who Rhes-8Mrey & Os . 4 Aeolis 0a1. -R, 0. Rays 1 Cook W.at.d-Mrs M. C. Omer1 W. sit the Pass -Oso. Easeree.. 4 Por IWO STONE /Oil 111 LE. IN TM Blit •11/17 to t 11aaTo . SPRUCE TRI E& --I HAVI • NUM• bar ot tise a r}ytNsa .r* tour to ave few tt Y•ggYsthiL Pot We ItRliU ]l BiH Noss Wsnt414 WANTED - ANY QUA1(TITY Ot Rittr sad scot- Tie ere aYU psyty La Iii sea * r trade. 111 lid., ti. it I1 rA"TYD-AT THE K.UILTON-RT. Prods,* ts OW M r. Patato use Car et Baer sod.ally Ones el ages. w. J. MORROW, H. epEtt-krt4-i. H'AJ.TIXO A 1I0]/s C41 1 nese a hoes. bent to salt them t• • geed part of the tows eel pal I. 1t is mouthy g amm•eu. so niers awl b *.deer.*s rums sad a w all parses' dews. Apply M BOWLS') FH.it11AN. is Mit J4.sdl wu kr 11,f LYS ARNOLD!. OF THE NEW 111 Yeee rk B.ty .1 D s o _ Art. we rimmesselog April m ehd M tss in a MiNales a tee L ale d goldfish* She wawa Iterteompro. the ies _ this M et lessens es II onsets with tb fesem.Lg Is 10.. ssi tggisee i_ ~p 'AM !eget 0( i10rr01.;sem•-is 0 p.*1. ll.•ltT i Ont day at 1 pa. rtes M pJs. Ostss P0.' O&M Oso TO ROSE. I J , 110 DL t.sa T see.«a N e e* of pre a flan 1i await - Apply to Meta Ike the lot. whitener/spa od st soy time 1.. mot at.bh asd soft woes,. 7. Tvr.nt '4ON. Be•1get1 FOR SALE OR TO RENT FOR A TERM of Teary - amt ds.b.bte and orood n*ou 7 p *y W e . Tb.resew terns W motor puler, \ a* ell otter gee bet roses may slotting hers M • M s.d c..rls g and se4sreter oa- ten t•.•dsad ttt tree. • hilts. with at/he lele,st A°p17 me the area es re P.hneo el at /wnaa H0(J85 AND LOT FOR *ALE OR TO net - salt or wrist. ebb 11 reared 1:11dw.tu etpetsm mga t 1 47 eesetg io.seaaMl i on Ifor tas.rta er t?ri Mbelf4sra JOtS1 ;VFW Aeerp's Oe stet FORLIMURTOtRUNT- TOR SALE 1pesosKmt Wry P'. -Masts I *set snm5uteem romdnortas vena, dialog ouster Allrelr to F. with ewe M apOt There* www mace • pre- miss. 10t -off ate E BB6r ter* Lee Wen L mares ISO tet e&.o*t gra ow DON AO DONAO .r VALUSBLIII 0Part of iad e ether fret dam terppm /.tt,•' 8, Af)atd Rk Jia t TOE HAL ..T:hue• d ttppt ares PSILp PO$- oa>.sio Nome fa °f the Town . Woo, rabb, moos welsh O' er5era a Nee Oen- mo wean* q MOW & MANX iv'L'70* : the 4 "sal.The t parties atm* GODERICH, ONTARIO. OANADA : APRIL 11 1898 NEWS OF THE DISTRICT. Promo our own Oorr•spondients lbw st Iallsrmaatee biose That Clasaot b. trines Ilit7wb.ee 1111a.-•a.w..1 W Deos'y.podssl7 S.persee tat The MeaaL GODERICH TOWNSHIP Waz*sebeT. April 13 Mimi Napo. Goers., ol 0oderiob, ape*t a few der' the page week at the readmit" of Wm. Me.'k. Oar forger nsidest& Jaa Edwards sed wile. of Oass& she same to *mad 1. femora of the *to Do.s•. Moises, of Battfrd, are visiting triads and rstattrer is the awssklp. Eayw0Tgt.rtiJT -The Rot a1 Tempt/an .4 HslmssvUl• held as Open meeting ea Me.d.y ermine, the praoipal feature bolos • dohs,*. es " Resolved that • good -mitered, dirty wife is peebnbke te • cranky. ole•. •CeinnsT.-H. 0. Walters met with what might have bean • aeri.*g aootd.t by as *ad Leese ea*bt la the keit' of • 11 .w•ootter he was operating. All It wee, do thus wits torn from the bask of his floges Mort SSW. UCTIOiti SALE OF VALU•8Lt WARM LAND'S. grant le the power o/ sale Is k ttier'fgap. • whoa *it 1- erodssed at t•m time or sOn. tr111 k• */Mad for °W 1y pub* a Thera wander. anwase.. et We amides s mart. In the Titre et ,..brie*. o• Bat. way Lard XIttst eNW at ..'Week, att•ree•e, tl,.• • C' •idea Division tM bite•, dooms erg Laren, *eon ea tide the Wets- farm aura syn se lees. ass d•se11 errlbbeee d a w salt MThh s Poverty is weft atemee stoat • se le from *Neagh. A need eerier ens* ryas through the farm. The beak! snares r • trans 1• nee. tram. here sed .b1•m• oa IN • wee are esa.AbnaUy had. M116sed the whole torsi a wall fir amok OP SALfL-'yin per -vest M albs • mens al We Use et .me. sal slew L ibirV dare 110.5.40.. At Yee• e[ algae peruh•sr WW*0tl b remeaste4 see* ea ageww to ssmplp the oanh• e. sad to Mg Sts. esSilt Liss mesesstes. Tele pnpsrty =Via Iter re`•t nerIsd Tb I so Td. 'having* •A. or the • ease - Oer,ell a Q HAYS. O Belddson Dead Agra 1st, ilk Yedsetee, as be ells M fir eels leach 1. Pin. iswl 1 N the part les 1. so, .:.arse. Mooed. >* a pt* O s w dfeoltt.*s- 1*• Tis s &deer the tumor 7 of Mr. A. ltweda t es •41111 the 0,.,.) (foal. em - bursa Of maw This meet nue clear ad a* isn.sd. 14.MJods *reel 1 os the Let side, sad (tuts* setae read 5.siel 11-, A teyema.lgy or pose of Wad. beteg ears el letworm 1 * s. an Most 14e aboathe *totesseam Peron 1.- 1 the lead Irks* the led sad de butt et River Malt and, sew e her tto the setete *duafter eteettese 1, which the estwts a the ll•N*s4 Bosses sad W line essw5es lest 1 mode, I* the gree e.uessre. of GNisres, preheed, eentalsne probably 6 kat ON liesaiOrwrd Road mid We !mites l- 7 it lea maeet partle mom eon 1ky.Dtw CpIkpr. said M e.serks s awes. ass sod bah Ire ereel *.ithies s them s 000 r s eaisskM 7. ,Vievserkoat les L 1• the fls*la-d Om- er dos T0waohlp et • • seams las e edsot lead. .a. or 1« ppieaW' bwessryT,Mw k d It from •'■""' Vsms ow of the 1'.. l*-ke.w. Dsm-tse. Omsk res tls•/tlewstlk yam nlseg the Worth added u. these ii=i *01 *sea sullen to nes <w}111ds. slats li s 'Pee- eln isle g the estate r t all seams to leis • Tarsi •_ aft. eon hareem aa4 meg *0._A101mmM/sse► r491 hest Ms.. Vsrea °46mesela- ie 1t The Tareasee O trta 11 o M[alrlidt0 LdONtOM. lar LANK. L86UM& 01 MAItRIABE • lbseses. wdertsh. arts IM/-* !host ROLL PR REN 1'--PAsrf7RE; AT 500 AND ''' R.Iso. pfr brad par *Math. aOtd pesters, erase Md w& hedge et AtiN061TUNR BKnanons Vasaat. UVAWTLD - IMMEa1ATSLY, • id, O.asap amt. •pall M Ates DOT WANTED - • GOOD. SMART leapkekli M 1i yeses et pas. to Isere tett ttrwfa ff AWAY Jet (nobler. swot tt f - Awarrs. g- wore" WoM: K4.10seMMsk, W,' aiTN>! tC 7Ci' GENTS. -"TAR BEAUTIFUL L1FE efj NO11 ," by leer a •std oM tttpe •. latraso- Ie.l AVFSM MUM - •prANo - res. a. w. 1.otM tls 84;p8 ~ t rfiBa R: MILS urn OliVr , WANTED. -- mums. itIS OR et kW elk iglkaLoillifiartsestilairsilil test owe basses T. Veil' 0001T,'Isr- sats. 'LtouOOfal/*i a>! " VIU ZELY TiORBO1 Lsod BLUEVALE. Trainer, April 12th, 1898. Yr. Jobe Oellle la indisposed at proe- mt shMiss Abbey. of G aip2, is .letting Mrs. N K•,rr Meurer, ot Meehan, epees Geed Friday et his home. Edges Coates of Ripley, Millie Moes of Beni., J. J. Mesesr, wile and little (latish - for of Hewitt*, , and Lotti. K. o.•igh mad Mary Kees el Sremss1, seem their• Y.hter holidays visiting trie.de *o Blaine* ROB ROY. Tusi Dar, April 12 La grippe mf a rather serious type is teeing in this vi0elty, Mi.. Ahem H•arbte.. of 8altfnrd, was the 100. of Mrs Oen M.Phse Tharoday 1•e►. It will be ter the way fr;eai. of Mie Y. Clarke est WW Joys, who ham boon as the aiok Da. to hear that they aro eradosIIy newtons*. Oar papular oserob•t, Gann Mollies. .farted last week with his portable .tore am wboa& draws by • death* pair of boyo, over his meta of teat year, *Nog wets taken out • pedlar'. bosom. LEE BU RN. M *day. Awe I t Mn. Joho Horton mod dangbeeriossbab spa* Easter with reletiveo at Stratford. F. Rey melds W Rose tea reside sem the Pert for the.amws womb, Re. ben Taylor is halo for the Eester 4oltdsphastertik%.blh Coll gists lees MI MDED To Rsrux,-Jeep► Mob•'in instead of going M riita like will sold. here for the enmsser. • - . This week the kegs sttsllpa 01 bttrmig .oststtous for 1898 will oowtm...ee a nil ••ries, when the rising hoar will be Sa. v. end she 'wirier hear 9 roc, tutu allowing se Yee for sparkker. LUCK NOW. Leok•ew will adobes* tee 24th ol May. We,. Reid, of Chios*. is wadies kg Matey. as ate home la the vOis . Teo semelly ...t1R at -Alm 1111.0.TJJ was held at the *meet Mir Lea Compb06. Friday. April lee, the peuadeat, Mrs. J. W. Ar meeromg, in the .heir. John Molatrrs, who hue Jus Dom NPAMed his thew year aeon 1. the deneal set •gr sr Cbley, dao permed kis deal hzask esters wish Mews, and i0 sow • tall 4Odrisd demo Y.,. 3. i atltis► tWiuitwiress who -kid est is rays of Lockage, ..d .t 0.0 time •'aides of KSmrdi*r, has been froths to death in the Klondike, when he ores .m - pi y.d by the Gevet..emt I:WHO /MON. tar Ts IIrNortcoo-PAL yes in J, I= 1. P.. oen 5*. rera essee1*deeoror- nags r. la •et !t araal>ti lob - for w.k ..d is ttaeeere• amounts paid ler to mem. 1 awsoar, Amu 12. Mn. Ross, who W Leen vet y 111, a get- ting better. Foush.-A thesis woe food a the .il- lar. lase wise. *d ehs seemw can *we it by masa at the oma of J. G. Ward. 8amter 8.ad•y and Monday, the weather wee all that meld bs desired Far- mers srs in oe.eequesoe, booby ewes is petting u Seeing step. A. R. MsK•y roes** *seed his masa. **ion, beteg a0rd ow the lie& and is sow aoudad to . M. D. applied*d to kis elate. He We'll through the OO.ree la fear year. Ibsr phket (*die ter anima sod ter h1e native nags. Hie friends *Ns kiss somas la els theses ptefessies. COMIRO AND GOING -Yee. Jose. (wet Ramsay) formerly of Westfield, E. Wawa - math, sow of PasW&, alohips. with her basbtad and roses Waldron are visit** her purest., at Wt.s/dd Jas. Harris. et Woodb•m. sad W. Carves mad wits, of Ooderios Me sakip, vteitsd Mr. sod Mrs Curves. Wes Wa*ooesk. dating leer wk. Ws J.kmSU, our baker. paid a suit to el° fnead. 1n 1'.troka, wase. he .tee resided, ear termer baker Hsweel Rossi %Was shams of the *rasions io h* abeam @.... Henry Herr, et Gdsrloh, spent Easter Soedep with re1N,ee to tet. vletaity.. Mise Ida Ends. of Ripley.* the deem of h.. a attn. Mn. M.Nslty Mr, .ed Mn. O'O..•. woe Easter dinky as the home el her parents. Me sad Mee. Welty, ('o16 ,rue township ib1dba*t Faker upending the Easter bolideyr at bbl hew. r _M re. Tbompm' a=stre. 1 into 11.bo.ee a' i*ik'I.bop, where e .Bt u/el_ ea leolerba.t.w Gawp Wistbre.k, ls.• .4 lewd 11th fees M AWN Raid. *toa& merles into pen- gmease... sees . Mn. Gies will la the sear Ilium weepy tha premises elm per - owed from Mrs Theatre* en Albert se. w•tvoat CALL --It IS with e.4 teatimes s *hat w* shreeiJt the caddien dowse et see d see mew sweis d end e.tarbe siting/a. gawk A dbamssn, the bawd wets of `a$ , Sr. were - set went, Ieeh - M their reuam deao• to D-.sso., se 17aMsey evening, w 7th alt. O. the evade's' Woe der. the went te the stable M auk the mew, where it was enrwiaed she was seised with s paralytic sera* *ski r0.1Md la leer make dta1. Wears et which wet s .ad ..a the fiessilessts is esr . Her nate' ..r.fsi....7 k Sim 9t►, .far appropriate far. toes held ha the Method* chorea in whisk the de- mised twee • eoseasees ..d any el 0.01t1- r Tb. p.Mor. R•.. B. L. Heves. rove s •teilen. address on the moaea° •semen, from the words nit °emplaned in Pc.)'. &p'.tle to the C•ratbt..., •' I bare fought a Rood fight, 1 h•.. 5.i.ad my course .to " Revs. D. Rogers, of Nbiewele, and at oma tune ,mtlaMd es Daum** Ciresis, and Mr. Hell, .f AM I.ld, were in ato misoee at the funeral, oleo r5y$iv.. from • Mittenc, prom 6..e►.aamsgee wk.in were her o.,„•, Re. Biassed Treiewe., of iksotford, 1\'.iter. of Miessad ether. trete all p,in•a Tim pall bier* were sees of dee.as.0 itobers, IllameeL •MMI•td. Walter, et tltoh11s, Alex., of Leamtde, Thomas, of I.ucksow, see Albert, of D.sgbanos. Dumas* was 74 years old. mad )saves to mourn her de porters, so aged and buoyed hothead, 8 aces .red 2 &amblers. besides • large *role of r tail's& 3M was held in high *menet by her owmereas acquaintance. and Meads, soiree aviss*d by the large oorr.ge .t the Mases/ WINOHAM. W• regret N ehroniol• the death of Hr.. Taylor, of Tsobern, muter of oar esteem* wtrao*am, Jae. Millman. RM. Dr. Passes delivered a lecture en• *led " Pslpb Oddities " to the Motbodl.t marsh hen ea Frtdsy night. G. McIntyre, who has been • resident of rows for away years, loft Tommie, monolog fee WieMpeg, wimn be will probably Loom Wes Dolly Jolts** ata es Friday for Loudon te stead her ..*ter holidays with sew mister Ewe, who L . sd.ms at the hes! mors *Benet R... A. McLean, of Blyth, preached to Me Presbyteries phare oa 8esday. I. the rear's alarm* Jos. 3. Earl eowdaotd the yaw people/ bible alter. Alma. MmGreyer wee Wright befog. Mayer Morten sad Wm. Clegg es the eb ge of s,aldg a althea fres J es. Gray. Hs pleaded galley, sad wee uenaenema M lea days' ssaismwans la Oed.rbi reel. M!iamw lase* Nat gtaw*r. W.O.T.0. siediamise from Aas'lla, held a gospel Wmiperwe .es.1 * Wates Marti-.l.10reb on y, mad the chtsroh e "'ridgy. Atnirdles .O. U *work wit lifselesise b' haters .arm. mad Mem Viz - es* Mid the Murry of her life. Oemosi er 0. J. Reeding has la his pee. meg* a emoted bayous* that !s cobs a plows seta. leg made of the very best et m1al, mei wss is motive servo* daring the FeasewPr•da. war. 1t bean • Frebmh la- swipdo* es he blade (tritely tae am* of the pones eta aged h ), wad is dead 1869. DUNLOP. Wumcaxn*y, April 1.5. How ideal* and seed's( for 1898 min- aa.o* Thirds; of this week. QM* a unser of cur *Mew •tteedd the Easter serves, is Galeria es Beaky. Mir Bore Allem •pmt Raster la 0.4e - rice. W Rami of Mega reagl Vides, We* arrest 1a 1011 week'. Hems we s tked that h hewed of Welter bed bees hawked. and sew two bu*0lrs Mk se Neo Is opiate/ the weather hetes 10 1.1.. wee. sbsy sea had three btu., segs et whew bad hashed s rimed faker's deals st eslgkr The seise shwa Ar the beater holidays es Theism the Welter, take Artwtn, to speed the weties at has hew is were** •** The wawa w , Mus Askew, will proper* two pupils for the Wiese. wee hr the pink. wheel itemise wane., (.'RAu gine.-At the fetas el oho *1054 Lades fames et 1827 we reminded sew el e teatsJs( ohs Oke set Robert New *he limo we her.. with the views, is rarer as awe Mesp si.01104 eldw. eeeed 1. the A*hwley Nems el sly 0 bar. of B. Haired. i. wre.q•e*ss thereof. we an mslhwrta4 le My fiat Jobs Oke is *Min •.m he om ' till sktss i r .ree el met 00. Robert Bees alas (leets 1Ye woe $Wlesge. Mow he the MR sssrw pat ftp 5l' ekes elp. I1 1611 bine le swupitd, arm he walk w111 say a04 Y 1 these r N nay ..w b bilipthy • pal reed to Des kp t.0„ Out, OBIT UA RY. McLARF.N - Damn McLven who filed in Baltford nasally .her a week'. M- e sas, was eae of the bas *owe mid oldest residents of Boron Comet], hating marled to Block E , ion. 2, .f Colborne i. 1862, mom forty oil yen since. He was Somali by birth and Mre•tsge. bales best bora 1. Callander, Perthshire, 4.1807. He let, Use lead of the heather liar Cee*• to 1839, which he nitshsd alter a keg sad espies* ala voyttge .112 wadte mad 4 days. O. his arrival tr spud lel N1gmrh ween be weeks .0)1.04 ter ems. Mai.. mad left It fes aee5a.tlle ilt. with pale. • Oo, of Toros• Ho msrrierl, r 1N7, Jere% Andrew., of keep* towage* tad harts bought • tars in the MwaiMp of Wang, settled dew. t. alter.! life, where k. *ail bt,w.4 le the tewMbip a wkiah he puma sway. The Mewed we .511 known k th. nasty tows, where, es hie raider visite, be often detailed many of As 141odo., both series. mad leagh.bi., .l bits early readies. is Om*. sed him teat - aey them* She ha Dag* MaLsssn wee m sauna releaser. rye a presenter Heli eider 1r. the Preebytimples onereb anti bad MOST Moods ataesg rtteg and old y wh.al be wee greatly .40= 4. He wM the Mat of ai*k1 ceiblr... do. o0m. • id tires dasehtefs. The •ides as., Pear, died is Cur% gni share are bereft. Des. eft alIMO Rte. Mare, Mahe, Dann, the well lows essMaotur et Uwe. Jae. 8., of Ussitect. Mk., and Roll.., or Per* Hor- sham. w Mea Jewels (aeld- sh.r*., of M=iss . Mn James 544p.N. 0tiJbiseee. and Mn. R. OUas.. of Pabi.y The hserel took pleas from the remdoner of lib ram Deal, with whew lie lad raided hr m-sy yam, MPS em kweriy a11mmd'ti, Thaw smolsslag .Meritor wee R. Jen A. •news. B A., and the wattmeters were Wei. Petal, Jaw 1Wolotyre, Job $.etas.., Wes. Inebes, Peter Norms sad Joe. Be- ehssaa, Releases tire a 4Mmes prseept at tb vessel waw t Mr. emd hIlls Jit► Ed - word, OUtw ; rias. Siebert 0.I1rgO, PtWp10y ;Jew B. McLws, M naris *irh.. ltw, 1Ls. Charles Nike. Mates. A Pw.'rry atstnah. •-O. Bi. Mint had • i Limey r-4*t r et IdeMer is Meek* w! d.10 hie week. Di wee fano! .l* Welke d Wale theneed t• smear width sat ♦ Mesh t WI es With 1w.epMrst s his IM 1141684 Wawa 411 ONS WWLLLA 1,11.. PAY 7011 THE SIGNAL Fos One YlIAa. D. WGLI.ICUDDY, EDITOR. COMING AND GOING. Reek Rats lett last week for Detroit Ed Maros spent Easter Sunday a l'Ita- tes It. 14. Dsab•w spent his holiday is Ter - calm. ,- elea`eM. *Melees, tr., holidayed to ti. ▪ Mata2er Harold Shepherd is .11lm0 a Mw*. R.ittneer Brough was to Termer M. week. aka (Dr.) Whitely wet w Teessle this week. Job Ashen a. Wit. Wes is DeWit* this weak. week• Whitely wee i the limes City this N. Kebab, sf Clinton. was (a town yee- Mrt'sy. Mir Tut was this well Weakly 1114 .1414 Detroit. Fred Plast was vans( manses *Die* title week. Mrs Cor, of Lesmingloe, was in town far Beater. H Mooers, of Kingston, strived to Iowa ea **day. Peres W.1en was to the Forest 0!ty on Coed Friday. Gee. Bm,hanee, of 7.otiok, was i. Ord. - rick SataIdsy. Mrs. Canoe/goo tliseit- the Forest City the past week. h. R. Jackson, of 8e•losth, was la t'd•- rick tkr week. Thos. Jobwtaa. of 7.3 rich. visited Ods. risk the pest weak. • A. Taylor. ofwas yleliI., to tore lea ween; Yoeet; .11M .1.x.1* moi_ kW*, .t by keee sear Erre% Mr. Jaa Osiris" WOW kletteee is Debits lest week. - likes Charlie, R. A.. is •Ialkeyis Teresa sal 8t C•tbrises. Ittie. Vie Yaw* wary Laths kr few days las west. .1. C. Gilroy, of Clinton. wee a the NW ty town se Tuesday. Dr. Thmmpa*. of LW*, was to Gods - rich ea (food Friday. _ Yrs M. C. binomial -ft visiting blends in Toros* this welt. H. H. WUUams of Sesf.rih, spent the tisk holiday in town. C. 8 Theemess, of Penis Thesis, was in (*dense es Saturday. A G. McKim** of Ktaeerdiae, visited Gorlovka Inst Fri4ay, be lo .'.uh M,JM j;ieli6. Kees Bothwell netted to Br.eei0ld and Tams.* the pest week. Joe Doyle ie spending the Ester holidays as the taimly reside es. Mrs. *itis, of Landes. assail a taw days ors the old home tbfe weep- - G N. DIM. sport Good Friday with frireds in the Fera City. tTao. Johnstoe, .t Exeter, was in the 000nty town last bastards y. Ernest Platt mad Arthur Meager wheeled to dayi.ld on food Friday. Master Ernest Y•ewsrt was visiting rela- tives 1. St. Marys this week. Fred. C. MaDooald, of Hsnsull, was In the meaty town on Smartie*. Mims Gras' Jokiest*. of the Berle pobllo *boot, la home for Eastertide. Deputy- Registrar O'Coe.elt spent Rester at the family residence, Debit.. Jas. Hayden was a town on 8atarday o0 his return from a Nail to Maaitoh*. R. W. Logs. made • bestows trip to Leaden sad Tomato the past week, Mi. M, Skates M speeding the Kesler belidsys In Twee* mad Woodstock. Urs. D. OmMhd mail daughters wore vat.* 1i4..4e a Stratford tag week. Theodore Brourb, of Toren*, was 1n Ged.riob for a tow days the past week. Mrs and Mesa Celli* win leave to -day f. Wsliagles, ea • two meat* visit Joke V.aattor, of Stratford, was otathg kg a., Jobs W.. lurteg the pest week. Mire Albs Jo*** refused the past week trees • .tail to her enter Is Perla. Men Comore' sad 8. J. Cn.erqn lett for their mew home a aria.esa*p es Monday. D. B. Groat left cd .*lead the .eoY.4 of easel Mothers a Tomato. ea Wads?. oenntary (neper. et the Cassia Pre. •wsel.Mem, gave the 8r.*AL • ekll en SW erdmy. Mn. W. H. Kerr, of Brussels, was la Oedertob T.esday and W.d.esday .f two week. W. W. Teaser, A. W. Rehires ani Ed. Meter, .t Byth, wee* a Oedereh es Geed Frw.y. Baa R.Medge gamed tbroagb tows Mee week on hie way to eh* Meade to 81, Marys.' LW Graham. el the Zarb* pakiis.s4*4, m et the Walk r as., *mean, ler the holiday& Penn 86epMrd. of Tweet& spent a few wear blsodaltdaye at the family r.Mdsas e. Mie Janie Those. el Bosh, !o eS4. Iwt 1M 'milky. •t the haft Wires Read. T. Msba.y, who lest two of W &were neatly, is rasoveeise slaty from the nosh of Um ermili itt Hy. rams" sl tete Bask of Oemweree, *sot a few days a noblesse, loonoblesse,, W eet.... this week. Mr. sit Was ha Mesa. ass, sad Jambs- er, K Moleseties. were ?Whig Sawa titsas H•.*IMs wrest. dogleg Laster. Mir !lapses Judaea, stReeked, • w- ake. nisidest el was Is tows Ilk week. Tim 7 1. whir a torr e1 Ona• • Ria halm ilass, 55. web le hews es Reeky, 04jtAMtMdr dry weesks w eiiaM. eb W lsserat'M 110 w3ells R wide, NOM Wei* Wee WE IN NON'S DELIVERY. I '''lee p'm4is "w1""*'"*"." may Wass ereseag haw that Largs Turnout of Ydiomanty Wm aura Ruoff ttr5As- lee lamer* base Tema' 1 tl 4...5 .. s*l,• menu ee •-Tee asset. • s...il forty see hs* sad tben.sade of desks tied wills. Jess* 1a • small *era ; thoask le e raid to gestate 9.600 p•qb, I doubt wheth- er are Gun ball that number li.. here. De • pretty pl•ee, bet very 4anorsns, I*- d..d, I pre, It he tie .ctr*rWy daseeress east.. Prob- ably had we ewe this *4... teaming Beattie we watts seer bare enjoyed the royaaw its naso wbwrY s. of 1t M all Shat miss. • sea. bleak. weaataimme region. Saw shwa elaet.es **far ..ash o1 ON Tuesday of just week, the day set van by **Kasen, the Hsmdto.•st. t.rm- 10s implement .rest. for she Speiser delivery of goods sold darty the Waw, teen were sty teams la tows, and from S a tt aatU tee noos boor they were *swine the O.T.I. dopes, leaded whit .s*oaaos that now, sad la the *tare. make work oe *raja*. !!Refer, sad give the buyers more teas to fret • thoh.tod k*owiedge of agriculture. As men ss 40 deliveries were mad. at the sled,., the Meas loosed WI Remit ton street mad were stables and while the quadrupeds ware enjoying their oats their drivers were emterroisd at Japer. A. the deliveries lend bee made te M par bases, *1.1 nam. her Nae dews ee the sem pi sem spreads pre- pared be wine bets. Rails sed Basted, • somber of M.Ltaseses patri.ns hung estertalad at sees betel. When all bed partaken of the add -day reps*, the hawses were too, sad ik large prooessl0* wee aaratso• A corny* e.0Mtdiog Miner& Mo. Wtll.afer. Ches.ey, Bogie sad W h« tl.•d followed, and ! !w r ale seat ldrhdbary fleshes w sues* tb wee enamel" by the leading eienette bed pMiallig 11 ea toast. Use earn( whish e.0 wS meet's store r,.. Os tie leaders et i jullitleine the *1oha.go. set tl*ee sit imyperigg".2* up •w it. Whoa t. 'ceder Sallow. took a the Ap1Nrfag, mad the steal making semta.m►ed. We hiller, a Ile *dram to the a.- . sp.ks of the 4v.aw made in term the pm* low years, and tams tstmbrg 14 kr. Mol. owe, gave the* gentle- atiiebemdaNbie rase for the Imta•nst mit made *flog tit you. Sales," said the .peek.. 'vaunter the the previous you'. se r t be easily aeon, se the garb, s- tow I am g e the ler** ever seem la this rrs of the meaty ata Spsag d.. li boKawos. wipe followed, oom.e sed Ibaak raw. were pre shaven, for, said thatimetlem*, " trona the incases skews Is t1• nreeeedewe of th• day by alee farmer, who are not le Item with as on this ooassion. I feel assured ear nest Spring delivery will be twloe as large M the preemie ono, eltbo0gh it le th• larges ever a..' a the Coasty of Flores." Th. agent then spoke highly of tet iKlt. of the aim of Frost t Wood, the gel; firm, be mid, that allowed its impiwa.ats to be taken to he farm and tested before payment was de- msodd. H. called attention to the foot that is 1897 opponent, hod said that the de- livery than mode was the first mad world he the last. " Bat," said the speaker, "soca • wild p2ale.c of wall -bond wagons as form this gathering Is the o.ly answer 1 need sir• to than bo..t." Mr. IfoKlnnon then said the': many deliveries had been made daring the past few week., otherwise the procession would have been nearly Islas M leng, end oonoludd by th.dktee all who h* b.lped to make the day 'mob • grand moveee. Mr. (7.w.y, •4ricultar.l implement .(est of 8safortb, was the tat speaker. H. spoke highly .t Moltianoe's nlleb1Uty, Lod se- &banditivases sad the honorable man - 0.10 wbiob From k Wood treated their **stamen, bad eo.aluded by 'uprooting his plea..s se meeting 50 lama farm.. .f Huron in the sooty Teens. The ,prrioseeYr Ie. notarised and en triohing H.miltos stress It broke op and the winter sale. of A. McKino* were • few mis.tee afterward tieing coon•►es to the tome where they *til do rood work. The town bead after retunag to Haslll . street played • few ehofss al' sad bet.e eep.rotag was eons. pUme•ted by those •eaeroed fer its musical awgte0.a. The Kent, A. MoKlaoon and his awls& oats. Bogle sod Patters are to be o.tseratalat- d ea the .aa.4..uebdiag the parade, -and she many stiles made et make op s. lure* • delh.y. FROM ALASKA. 4 few lotus takes .a the toad to the ll ens tt•, The foils** 'streets are taken from a letter written from Juneau. Alaska, by Jas. Lennon., who le no his way to the Klondike gs)4 tided,. The writer M s breth..a•law el Jailer Griffin•, sad wee visiting la God& Neil may a few weeks •tae. " L the strip aoralag .f Feb. 10th, the uWamer "Olt► .f 8settle " steamed away frees tbe desks of the ally as Paget Remind b.rlig the same sew. Yessgdirk kissed their sweethearts. Newham ow iw.•d their sane. wbtle Neter* mad es thole brothers bade tea "Read -bye" and whispered le the* mss " he geed rine" Others embed ssen4 wd.were like devils se they saw IMO hig sM wee 4.1eg M .e left ea the Mils » tresepartealoo es at . Nast . teat WSW far • later dem. we bad Asked our hawse sad • 09 Mlgkt the easy.. baste whisk wekireto we alter the las hee•h. ep es W Yokes 1e whisk t. t's.pert .., wilt sad prwbe.a &ever d of as wade • nab like that ser le • IeM-k0U Ams, grabbed •.r boast •mi ••stied thaw es Wad. aged weak kava bed •11 of them w hod a*t the isepeet*, ordered se sen W gees heard, indeed, ordered .4*dew behe would ides the ispesis lspers. Werke Mist the bate tread be ey. About 76 daps la Wks were , with meek ether kik,* FIMMsiWly what w had loaded was eh es heard, a• W. bed a pad vim et the wreaked •(1 Werr,rem•, wbi.h ow epos a web date ..reed. the is built of little. °beep, low Immo houses, situated .,• • *now *rip of lead ever *blob towers .a almost perpsadydsr gametal. mare thaw 2000«( t high. A marrow arm el water that looks men Ilk. • river than • part of .a .Dean hems in the little tows. Isdys sad Polack% form q.ite s per war. et it. population. Meet of the Hamlet seer to be done with dog°, .l - though I14w two teams of horses, • little Net eolith el the nitwit, *tie • & mom amend It and a .ism over the hers, •' Rawl.. Ga - tory. " befits' d.seriptiou. Mimes not fur. tar then throe feat apart, old charred and kt•okseed logs piled over each other, with lttt* throbs woolen up between, old twee. broken off sweaty feet trona the monad and all silvered, is the 000dluoo of this snared new& it is .e rots that the; muse grub out • stamp and move • los or two to My Drs erase. •• Some are got* back obesity, diMtsef°d with the very looks of the so00try. Abase 75 erre blown up oo the " Clan fYweds" only • tow miles from here. Two meet bow are epee the rooks sot ter .w.y. No w lived to tell the story. "Oh, horrible oou•try ! L the grw,J Ir gold so great in etas th.t he will liar. W lona* .14..s....J-rp atom yew trie.d..0A loved ones and oasis to poet• . hlilttflw4 tramp ever your frown taannbias Baal towees, soil your *o.obews@ riven le hail manse boas, 4ig sad delve in fres* dire sad stead the rtaors of your terrible .1.a* 1J1 this sed mon mus les does M gee the voile* wow, sod after sU enly abets. 7 per .set, ars uuo•efaL Cold the love .f Meads he ss great sad lest s lean, hew happy we wtald t*. JAN* LfttxoN. MUNICIPAL COUNCIL ao0aa7. TON 118111P. April 4th. 1898, Conseil as *day, waa** at last asst. 1•g rood aed pard. Moved by Chs.. W. Wllitatns, eeooadod byJohn Woods thee the following changes nmode in esthetes - tors, John Osrdn.r In plane o1 Sterling Mc- Phail ; Robert W ilee° is piece of R. Romp; Jas. Dos a plow of Jobe Plekud. By-law No. 3 was read and jpi oswse . Mewed by Jae. .robweoo, m.00ed.d by Thos. Chnnagtehat Mr. Thos. W satkaeaid he township .sgfoeer Moved I.t Chas. W. William., *wooded by John Woods, that the following a000e.ta be paid : Thee. Sowerby, tile for drat. so 3rd 000., 46.00 ; 0000ty registrar, for r5(tlertne deeds of puha' read ea Malt oo.. $8.06 ; St* priat- tag, 11116.75 ; Lowery Bros. error of p.th- ma.t* i4 a1Ri0S labor, id 00 ; -Atex Sodom settles** ter less of toad between 10t. 78 sad 79 Wait ten. to west ot lot 79, 125 25 ; News Record plotter. 57 20. Ad)•.°rand to moot oo the flus Monday ie May. Nixon &rusor, Clerk. 001.A0'el. U.rlow, April 5th, 1898. Colborne *moil atm i. the Tp 1314, MI the members being present, the inmates et Drevious meeting were read and adopted. James Jowitt was • .potand maharanee. 6. - piece of Henry 8. briber, retroed. The following 0ooeuets were paid : Hoary 8. Reber, tepatrie* oalvert and rood, $9.35 ; Beth Fisher, repairing culvert• sof road, 59.50 ; John MoLarty, repairing °elvers sed road and remevlas dam from John •Ileo', property, $5 75 : Edward she*, n- ectarine road $3 00 : Asdr.w Bugle repstr. 1.11 rod *3 25 ; Joseph Thompson, repair - Ise culvert, 53 00 ; Abe. Morns, regain leo 0.1,0,1, *5 00 ; Michel Carney, repair - Jar oahert, 51 75 ; John Oleg k., repair - leo *elvers, 14.00 ; Jaw Cathodes, mean lo4 °elvers, 16.00 ; Elk* Maw, repea- ls* rood, $3 00 ; Job 8fmisgtes, repair- ing °elvers, 1100 i Edward Joshua. repair- ing culvert, $ .75 ; Jews Hort*, win for fears at 20e. per rod, 118 00 ; J. T. 0.i4- 'horpe, lases refesded. 12 ab• The orrouseil them sdieur ad M matt se a coon of r.vuie.. on the 27th day .f Nay eh 10 o'olook • r. 1. 9t. Mcbo*aun. Clerk. ass MusD. Conseil ma pursuant to adjsareseM. Meath 19ti ; cabers all present : slates of previous massa/ reed Dal.pp,yned Tb folletMag imments were paid : James 'Rees, Revel. $7.90; Reba. Fitzgerald, plash. *1125; Ws. Garda•,, rep.lrteg salvers. a 76 ; Biles & Webster. rpsirfng alma. 8. R 6 sad 7. 51 ; Hanoi McUrsaor, repair- s* solvert, Lake Road sod 8 R. 12 and 13, *8 ; Jame* Montan, repairing culvert, use. 40 end 11, 50o • Itobt. Ranter, stalwart, 8.R 6 sed 7. 50.. ; Ale:1"7111111141 , saki*, bridge amber out of eke. 15 ; Joh; Kllpatrich, repairer three w.ahea*,*10 50, mad repairing Mrs advert es 8 R. 6 sad 7, $3 ; Wm. McQa•1d I.spemlat, *I 50 ; T. Askew. eepag1e *Iron, 40a. ; Ws. McGsaay, repariey advert. $1 96: tiesh'4 Jorma*• repeirleg mime*, $1.50 ; James brew.. reputes enlywt. 50o ; Goa lrwln, =Aloe read, E B., 13; D. MsL**, n- bridgeeet Lintel!. 50e.'; JawsEw1h . Jar partee ed amines eeaminesnes ..toe, *2 6 E bad 4. 11 : James M.W0. 2 r se f e advert. 8.5 9 and 10, *it 00 ; .(d mem wan, neaten/ o.2. sod kr14e, 11.00 Irwla lesser, repair's. Gee. Jeee.a, 1* lieg wsatea ma. 9' mtead 8.R 6 and 7. $6 • trash Rowell, settles at Clrawford's, *1 ; Vt; . T. POW. drone mownbaeed d .ptlrlse RehHdesa'w NIL. $17 t H. Halidav, pease bs.11, 1 t ,mist Dauber. Newels' dela,t of ' ass 1 Sir Mohan Moreton'wake .11 wiletes sad Begl t► , for th. mart a .d)seraed he awe yrs es tee lath day el May. The newt for the wake el the .► ememeae tell *111 mmmwsee its stabs M 2 .'oissk r. r. se shoe ley. Wu. bewwtaao. Clerk. p•rem arsTis at T. R. art weerar4 hit week. 78 Seeded we, a eery W4 see ley fora • Mere el shintytttesh i 11411. reed wpm. fir the 2m4 eat-. , ,'".has r- .. ,,,,...2 • rase•,%. term len'tltwry 4,1\