HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1898-4-1, Page 8v Asa 1, lata. • A$TER... BARGAI DRESS GOODS. The latest patterns in Black Stripe and Fancy Wave Capons, Fancy Silk Brocades, Dress Pattern", Covert Suit- ings, etc. Fancy Black Lustres, just the thing for Summer Skirts, only Splendid range Fancy Dress Goods 25e WABEi GOODS. Fine Giogliams in small •checks, range colors and large plaids, regular 20c., for l2ic PRINTS. - Regular 121c. for WHITE COTTONS. Regu!ar 10c., fos..�.�.�. ..osier SILSSt For Waist or Trimming, a splen- did range at - °5c RIBBONS. All the new things in Ribbon - Shot blacks, Plaids, Checks and Satins. Full ramie. Prices never so cheap - G ��Jf""."'•, ,fid " THE SIGNAL ; GODERIOH ONTARIO. DOMINO AND GjIS. E. Dewair' we at the •IdWee aide week. '' . 0. T. it.R a.er Chapman was is bowls y A.'Warms .• Ulasg.w, waste cod«sol, Ms week. MrrMH.sI , et Inas CO,. wee le .w• �Y.er teeter Roberta. visited the Zia. • 9•assday. of Glutton, visited the a.bows het week. Obis. Maas. el St. Tbon•s spent San- der is Galeria T. A, Merge. et Ul.v lied, was a (lode - Fisk Mot Sway. KM Mast* earesh.a was visibly! is Teresa Wm weak. J. T. Willem, of Stratford, was le God - Irish. ea Sater4y. The tows laborer, did god work is etas - big Hamilton area. The O. T. R. are sew seeding out 12 leaded .are .sok day. 11m. Lee was is Detroit, mad ether U. 8. points the past weak. M,. Dewey re/arsed from her Strut - feed .itis es Moeday. Jae.- E. Swats. of Wiseman, was visit - ing is town last week. R. 11. Collies barrister of Exeter, wee is the es. taws !amt week. F. W. Oladmaa, barrister of Exeter, was In tows the past week. Robb. Elliott shipped • oar load of hop to Toronto last Saturday. Mia Lamberts', of Ashfield, visited friends in town the pest week. Moet lwsntaolesve notarised es Tuesday from a visit to the Queen City. Robert Mclean returned from his Ma- tra! trip on Monday attersoos. Mia Minnie Mayne., of London, is visit - mg et the par.atal residence, Ems, street. Mr.. Hellinrake, of Washington. Ont.. is violittar her parents. Mr. and Mrs. loo. AoMaoo. Smeeth's naw mill is finished outside, aad • flee planer and other maokisery is being fixed within. Jae. Morris hea dug the maohio.ry out of the burnt materiel and trio to rat them tato shape aaa.n. Ed. Straugha., of Saltford, has briok and Ismtyr on the around for the erection of a dwelling on Nebo. street. Mr. MoKenxis, of Brandon, Man., arrived in tows last Tburedav, on a virlt to rota- tive in town and Ashfield. Mt., Philip .Leis 4414,Mootor Totwaa. ca.. turned let Friday from • month's visit to relative in the tlu•en City. John K. Bain left last week for 1Vhit, Fi.n Point, Lake Superior, where he has se- cured • situation to 000n.otioa with the Saimaa tere, - _ - Mr.. Turnbull was in London thts week attending the Heron Diocesan meettnr of the Women's Auxiliary, as representative ot St. Oo.rie's braoob. Mia Stewart after an absence, through ,!!Dols, of three weeks, resumed charge of her class in the Central sobool, on Wednes- day. E. Armstrong osme on from Toronto on Saturday and occupied the NJrtb-St. M.tbo- dist oburob pulpit on Sunday morning. Our young townsman preeobd an able sermon. Rev. Father Naar, in charge of the Syrians in the Province of Ontario, with aim interpreter, was the meet of Rev. Fr. %set oa Sunday, while atsadiag to his official duties in this 4Mrffts, I. .. i C Eli i ms. Those new Crinkled Chiffons, in all the new plain colors. Alco Plaid and Shot Effect Chiffons. See thew, the latest for Dress _rimminga. ORGANDIE MUBLINS. Latest designs, a range regular We, for r c LiBII$' UBEiUil • TPeTtavp opened-aIIepariine`nt of Zadtes rnleravi<11f1tpstItta, where ae will show large range of Night Dresses, White Skirts, Wrappers, etc. Everything in White Wear. HOUSE FURNISHINGS. Lace Curtains, from 25c. a pair up. Chenille Curtttina. Satin Drapery Curtains. WINDOW 311 DES. In plain colors, regular 33c., for, . 25c TABLE LINENS. Half Bleached, 60 -in. wide, only. 25c Lovely Bleached Table Linen, 72 inched wide, regular $t, for ... 69c FLOOR OILCLOTHS A Range of Patterns 1 yard wide 20c 1a yards wide 30o 2 yards wide 40c Nice Yard Wide Carpet 25c GENT8' FURNISHINGS. A few left of our special Fur Felt Hata at 50c Nice ries, reenter 20c., at 2 for25t. Summer Underwear, suit worth $1 for 70c CLOTHING. Boys Two Piece Suits $1 25 Boys' separate Pants in all sizes. Men's Summer Suits, new goods, Tight color, worth $7.00 for$5 00 Bicycle suit, complete with cap, $4 00 Men'e Twet,d pants, 75c., $1 00, $1 25 Extra Values. SPRING OVERCOATS, ETC. Suits that fit your Person. Suits that fit your Purse. CHO MINE9Y OFEMC THURSDAY, MARCH 24th, Aud following days. Everything that is new and lovely for the Spring. You should pay us a visit and get ported on the novelties. Never was such effort put forth to place before you all the special lines of the season, and certainly never at such low prices. Call and inspect our Stock. No trouble to show goods. CASH AND ONE PRICE ONLY I SMITH BROS. & Co MISS CAMERON, MILLINER 3114J11"1" To OaIDaoat '>. a xtRs?S sir �, Agip• "SALADII CEYLON TEA. ALL int as.. des. awl 1S. Don't forget RARDARE W. 0. T. b. Mliatrneo -Ties W. 0. T. 11. will yid Ihaia reaula esmi-moesWy meeting ea Taisdsy, April tit►, ab 1 in the Tempensee Rol All are 'medially invited to awed. To vas Asmt.vrt.-Mea Nelbold, e1 Zoe ter, who ter me IoM a prod W Nes eaa- Iasd ba the senate jets as • basalts. was ea Hrsesday aftwassa lakes bo ti►. Leaded' IIb by Mrs. dehaet.e .t sats iesstta- HAMILTON STREET. I wish to announce that, having been unable to dispose of my business, and in order to reduce the stock and at the same time keep up the good standing of my business, I have secured au u- sortment of all the handsome New Shades in Trimming Effects, also the Newest Shapes, all of which I purpoee selling at very Low Prices in order to clear out the stock A call respectfully solicited. MTR's • M v`11* ~Mr. HUM SACRIFICES On the Altar of Diabetes, Swed by Dodd's Kidney Pills, Only. Hardly a family in the country is free from Diabetes. Great thirst, failing sight, numbness in the thighs, bleeding gums, swollen ankles, ema- ciation, nervous ess, pale or turbid urine, loss of sexual power, decaying teeth, pains in the loins or small of the back, are all positive signs that' Diabetes is in the system. Do you know how it ends i' IN DEATH. A premature, horrible, agon- ized, pitiful death. The victim has no peace, no ease in life. His days are filled with tortures. His nights are waking, dreams of agony. He longs to die, yet fears the terrors of his end. He dies, a bloated, fetid, repulsive mass of corruption. That is the only end of unchecked Diabetes. Dodd's Kidney Pills will cure it. They drive it out cif the syateirthoroughly, create new, clean blood, rebuild the diseased kidneys, and restore robust health. WE MAKE Sewer and Culvert Pipes All slam. trim, a I.. is 911 ar Abe Veneersiens. WRITE FO'° PR:QEs. THE ONTARIO SEWER PIPE to .SO/.ADLZAIDM t i_. c.. paT a: M OM aro-�i I f HURON'S GREATEST STORE A Speculation WE ARE BELLING OUT, AND MUST GET RID OF THE STOCK A f SOME PRICE. We have Great Bargains to offer you, as we are still reducing prices to hasten closing -up time. EVERYTHING MUST GO ! FOR EVEBIBODI ! - ooa eros or -- TIIE SIGNAL Fos Wit FARMER'S sad BUILDERS' HARDWARE is complete in every line, bought at the lowest market prices, and will be sold as cheap its any honest man can sell it. • Our Stock is the Best that money can buy, and in most lines sold for ae little money ae in- ferior goods. Compare prices, and then buy where you Oen do the best for your money. COLBORNE BROS., _DA .__ VISON & CO. • �...... Fee' I. 8, OOLsoard. AGENCY FOR CRESCENT BICYCLES GEO. W. THOMSON THE UPTO.DATZ HAaDWABZ Some interesting facts regarding the output of "Crescent" Bicycles in 1897, by the Western W heel Works, of -Chicago, Illinois. -- - ---.- In 1897, the total number of Crescent wheels sold was 83,000. The number manufactured per day, 750 com)ete bicycles. • 250 miles of Tubing was used. 780 miles of Wire was used in the construction of the spokes. Steel forgings used in the rough weighed 113 tons, and when finished, 21 tons ; or 92 tons of waste in drilling and finishing. 32,084 square feet of sheet Steel was used in constructing)the sprockets. Crescent Bearings required 13,997,300 steel belle. 177,883 square feet, or over 4 acres, of Leather was used in mak- ing Saddles and Tool Bags. Total weight of Wheels sold in '97 was 2,382,842 pounds, or 1,191 tons. Western Wheel Works turn out more High Grade Wheels than -eity two factories in America. For wide awake buyers during opening week. Besides some very special prices on a special assortment of Hats built by Miss Donagh. Thew will be placed on sale Tuesday. Over 200 Trimmed Sailors, Walking Hats, Rustic Shapes and Fine Leghorn, OHOIOB FOR 65o. TACH All new shades and up-to-date styles. The balance of this lot left oyer from Tuesday's sale will be oflared the following days and Saturday night for 45o. and 35o. each. Highest market price paid for Produce. R. B_ SHIT hL Remedy ire Weak sad Impure R1s, Kidney and Ltver bombing. w.sw•••• w 1. •• •*•t.t60. dlwsasea. se,. Keep dry the feet, Preserve from ill Do good boots and shoes this weather; Let doctors all say what they will, Depend there's naught like leather. --- Who's the Wr:ter Not a Doctor, though he performs many cutting opera- tions. Not a Schoolmaster, though he improves the under- standings of the people. And not a Fighter, though at his establishment a man can get leathered to his heart's content. Then. who is he 7 Why N7171.4C- EN3E .Awe , TR. THE PRACTICAL $NOESAAER. 600ERICN. -PRICES OF at CRESCENTS " : Juveniles, - - 20.00 $25.00 $30.00 Adults, 00 $50 00 $60.00 Tandems and Chainless, 75,00 All " Crescents " fully guaranteed. A shipment of " Brantfords " is expected in a few days. G_ THOMSON TEAS AND COFPEBS-- If you want a delicious cup of Tea, call on Sturdy Bros., and they will suit you to a T, in either price, flavor or color. Our Coffees, of the beat growths, are well known for strength and delicacy of flavor. We keep a large assortment of General Groceries, and our stook of China, Glassware and Crockery is large, well -assorted and moderate lin price. ST URD Y BROS On the Square -West Side. AT DIIIN8.0'$. STAPLE AND FANO!- DRY C000S 1 ALL SEASONABLE. Yarns, Hosiery, Gloves, Dress Goods, Linen Department, -well assorted. Small -wares Complete. A large stook of Underwear at popular est Scarlet, Grey, Navy, White and Grey Inspection kindly solicited. No one will be importuned to purchase. A. MUNRO. Drapers sUPHEMIA A. •.L=NNAW$ LINIMENT. 101 aLraax.L 1a 011.1' lea re Me �e Jetnta tstr. f Ie.NNtl�dMIIaIS��is hartrsI.I. m ewe ter ii..Yw `t y 0aRalear•dd Se wax w sessile Dle Sweet Mao ` at f " edseerf.else's/ 1ei/"'o�1rMM~ PLANING MILL. UT MIME 1Na BllchanAus & Bllaas SASH, DOOR and BLIND Mare le al kinds et LUMBER. LATH.SHINGLES Aad reMrth seal`sl m epee/ demdlgese 8ohool F'arnftare s 8 tsity. Canadian Pacific Ry. 18 THE DIRECT FAST ONLY -ALL -CANADIAN LINE Ti TUE Fel Manitoba, the Northwest, Kith ke And Y u ko n Gold Fields. LOWEST RATES. FASTEST TIME. ACCOMMODAI ION UNSURPASSED. 3 TOURIST CARS A WtEK 10 THE PACIFIC COAST Full teermattp and passpbiei " Klondike sad rtes gold 11014.. tree. Appy to R_ RADOI.IFFE, J•O381NT. - CAODDTDFtIaH- Everybody is Talking about D. CAIRt3LOE PIOU'R bit H. a iWd `made ad Meer that LASE OF THE WOODS -A1�- OGILVIB'S iH U Wilalres MiLL. Made trees No. 1 Hard Wheat H. also knee lbs beet brands et Ombrls !lour. People tartar plow wUl do well to veelUD. Oasssiea. the_ waotlNl k�aer.. Ontario 1iMR IQ bow ta used the M•t•er sees M bas, a t>rtli tet F. I1ess ss s meteslair piles omni rill Oa a IENIF I d M r_ - PUFF PASTRY, ROLLS or OYSTER PATTI Wed4taa Oakes wish eased BMW • '-alt,. D. CANTELON. The Kensington Funiture Co, 1Jmlted, hove made arregemeab" with J. BROPHEY & BON, er W aat< r Mrry • toll Use et their eels. Tie publ'e esu as Furniture at Factory Prices nem balm. ad by doles ke.• isogamete,. rani stIvi ,wMe gOr.,i.ri asks are MS CLTTLE BROW Plumbers Steam-Fitters Have removed to West side of the Speen, next Sturdy Bros. Grocery, where they will be plesold to see all their oedeaters, and ae many more as will farm them with a eat!. 0, ,, West side Square, FIFTY-FIRST YEAR. ---21 NEW0. ADNERTISEMENTti.-APRIL 8 llsae•dy Wbew-Headerees B1agai. 4 sena Tress ter Sal. -Fred Rarer.... 1 pewee Walla, • Nesee-S. ehaiw. 1 Lowset for Woes Hares -W. J. Paisley 4 Okalna .p gnsb.N OOlkera• Bruo... . ,,,,d .rad Kl _Kwsiaptea Fnrwl- tor. Do 1Veesd M,e_-ReeeUMrNMerl•• pjsptatiea of F..ai•r.�Ir-MeOh1'wua ad Jsb.nse . sews sad L.r for Sale --W J Paamrs _, awe ItiPROCZ TRIMS -NAVE tear to evNU ler of W a .raw _ Rae seta .D MA 10/11 Mw MU ooa s a 1 TI Tb A■ Wa4teld uTAprEU-AT THZ HAMILTON -AT. Preen • ewes. Qua Uer et Polarise. Ole Cer et salter sad Tw•a'i ogre .1 Nems. W. J. Moaltuw. Butldint. PSS a bows t sole then al CANseed part .f the tows • d Mf ter Uta m•rthiy eases La more Ora • «.dere'• rent ••d • sinal! Mf «.wt dews. APO/ le =WARD "HARMAN. D1a.OIUUOn ot PsrtnerShIU. - 11111SOLUTiOr Or PARTNILIINIP.- 1J AUK r. t.. ,,���,�ptgl�vrI .kip t w itofore tairleRpv' nation reed. es Homers. as the .1 Oo)dsrieh. 1. sir• Coosa of !sass. has MS ay ds t. • w'lvedleeoo the Mldd paetsalw are to be paid to tree arm .1 Jahae.ea i Rtaa, a, Ups Town or odatich..ter..•ld. aid All .Wee .p+ast the rats part arose ,reseed. .t to um seta sow el R Les. whom i bs mime w U be ..,tied WO a Nodenek tame las der et Manch. A.D 11M. D. t.00u Il PHILIP l>pt1,?. AMR J01114 eT 11 . For sale or To Rent. V0RSA11 FRAMSMOUeEliSTORY, J1' .1x genes. anodes paetr y d.s.ts. 51.., steam ea as tat awl HOS, Rase•% ekes& aloft to W J P.%SHONA. t1 DIVBLLIN.I FOR SALR-I.. cr 19, 20 a.4 tl. Mollcs.&1 pore titeate oor- pr of ar.0 ■ir area sed Huron Road. F_,�- !..� la an .- x,ellest ' w.. story d wel Leff on F- let, with wren ooere•ieeeethereto. Then 1. a sou sable m the int Md pleat, of turd ad tort Ovate The psi er'7 esu be Messiest- ell Lp t - e at neer i a tel l 1s• JAIL a ers 14121 - WON.ot else, tttw.eL Neer 1m xOy. 9e.ro. t► VOK SALS HS -TO -11211T FOR A TERM r of yore -Thai desirable sad pretty modevied ms on .e . tw.T +t. saes tone led roam r teem.. ".dory velar aed all - M alk rows sad Moth's' ,,Dewed' s. MR e • sable '.4 aarsrts S eiNlikagsl. ter,, sed bks "id wi'b the beat et Rail tress I. fall Tsrr•s 011.11 parr testi sad belga., .1 100ee et VsswO..a■ APPLY oe tee er essiske • P. Lyra. 1 as. IJOUSE AND LOT FOR SALE OR TO J.1 rent - F r sale wr a ash the 11 dwelling on 1l Andrew's street at aooapld he Mrs. a.Mr1 1b«s Is $ cellar. woods ed, kiltnode h Ll r a •n aeolF 11 .POR SALM rte TO MINT -FOR BALE AAt e A« uvula tits it; `5.112.4 oa Mo ,o.5t. at H milk w eerier end alta�ksymni 4 bee • a to. H. ba t- sri M' of co .f fel WI .1R he hb as a0 ar 1st wi of N w b. et v A A b 01 .i 0 N a a tl t1 ■ t u t u • • a of iii w'r'•..a a 4awn.'k s es t /Prim A 1bo 1fr.- mlse.. 'Ift.m FOR AAI$-ea01Il to�1 Till sE$T Mon t4wls le ��51 0MMngs «raa, H eS . Lesiess- t oeet•sweWy �t• �wr es.... lme a testes rwtYm▪ • _ cash. ltfasea at gals r c DONAor�twot PDQ;haft OSA. erce�p J. A DONAOH. • Atha - R asst. Tweets. 11. VALUABLII'ROPBRTY FOR 1 • 411Whe tat a• 0ee1 1 Tewa Dee J td asise .t t�%,. bels relBlirrisVOL: nth Jt t .tire moshi wy eWilrviwrti w•AND70 liodeei.ht Mee obis► M eeee•d :143L. i heesa♦ser tie AM lro '5e�k gf r V ALUASLS TOWI, PKOPSRTte�'0r1 tOne et the asst. ine rive ..d laare A. liseDensell MtY +bribed M v«trss ba t etreat WAITER ei e l Miiflr. PIAN Ito •R -W-1.00114441 il'.`t a sw°w." mitis Rem OTEOT1. arede•le esu ". Ysbsrah•1tt 14,10 Street bum - u t� maw. r Ammar.