HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1898-4-1, Page 6r - ^:'; - rtwk- _., :.. sat r s, t - _ -. . ¢ r+ 6. .,. "", a .-.-S-T- -Tats yp'.I--,ra, •• ,. _ _ -_0,,.-._ , .i,�- __ -- -- _ .— - _ - _ _.. _. _- _ -- - . -_ - - - - - -- ._ - -- --- Rollins. The former the IngUab Cho Tg$ g PUNT Y�DB PUBLIC i0°a� KELT R..�T DRATH. DOMMUN PARLIA10Tr �� �Vl��. Duos billiard player. UNiT$D BTATL3S, ww.w ver a Mrat■► s■d asst Nw■ N �'^ RATTLESHiP MAIN& � Bun iiN alae Taroehall. NOTES OF P$OCEEDINOS IN THE e+dly Calptd by orel�. bare lose A despatch from Brockville, Out•• HOUSE OF COMMONS sloe, badly nip Ited by frost. UP F$0■ THE BXTERIOR• THE VERY ��T FROM T- men who robbed • train near wya:-A ep,ring led agent named J. M. -.-.- Goshen, Cal , secured nut leas than ossa■ re uses is •crest tae nadl•a - 8crihner, o! Bolsover. Eldon township. BILLS 4TASSBD. /Iij,.l.. ME WORM OVEL 8b0,000. Trttfre■y Uses to sbew That she e'&mse County of Victoria, was °hot dead on Bills to amend the Gas Inspection i tats4 'rhe United States Cabinet is wid to wa.■.■bettartatMtae - eesrt nasal• Tusesday night a few miles from the and Pktroleum Acts and the island have detarasined that the present state t. rax the w. e■ lipl for the rx vill of North August;. The par- Iedroegerg atoms wb.wt Orr Ow• Ces•try. of a([eirs !s Ctitts must end. _ s y mg° tteaanup Acts were pat through com- tlreat a omen rho U ur Sasses, stmt Neetes« rxmet tlrarseter of whlch ticutarm are about as follows:- mittee, read a third tine and passed. (W pard cid the a Vis; d ata 16 slK Yrs• Francies tlodgaon Burnett, the t'a.aet w Witormfeed. w•..rtN oar Ease Rvadbs well-known sovelist, lots lestitutcd A KNOCK o, T1lE 1)1JC1R. The following bills were read r third edit for divom from her husband, Dr. A despatch from Washington wys�- About 11 o'clock the family of Alex. time and pamod:G- +s -• SwAD M. Burnett. Friday was one of the most acontful - CANADA. The reports from all over iadans days the national capital has Mean since Pear, who reside on what is knows m To •mond the charter lc the Vaion concerning the dSznage, dome by the the close of the civil war. It was r day the Station road, hetweea Bellamy's Bank o[ Canadae Bo Belc f T Hall Co., bankers o4Holland. Man., r t• tore up were RtspectinC the Board of Trade of }k flocrdm will orad, the egg etc statics sad North Attgasta, Dave sae Bill. into hundred& of thow+a0ds. of Profoundly important action. of the The Faw Bill mine, netts Part Arthur, , deepest anziet sou led with navel awakea&d by s noise at the front door the oily 0t Toronto.-M;r. Oster• baa aloft; down. t The Pact nhilnill, t Ttin the sal d, and military aotivit one step follow- rs it some oaM was trying to effect a• Respecting the Hudson Bay and Pa- GAt dollar minion' notes, raised to k g J entrance. There were kicks m the oitio RatJwsy Company -Mr. 011ier � operated by Metcalfe ti \\'art, has been ing another im rapid successfo0. Ro- fiviow ate in cirral&tion at W4swipe9. vompiebely destroyed by (les. presentative me■ of the Administrs- door, and fiu•Ily, when the family be- , DOMINION sTATUTF.S. flame London Indian intend urging Julius M. !'ri�c, artist, of the file■- tion public man In all branches of Ol- came thoroughly aroused. nee of the Sir Wilfrid Laurier, in reply to Mr. the Aldermen to adopt the curfew by- trated London New-•, and Lionel Har- (fetal and Con rwasional lih, eo less eons• William pear, went down and Britton, Maid that the question of ap- law•. ris, of the London Fluxacial News, are g ,A Lumber of aldermen. it is Bald, at New Totk ♦a route to the Klondike. than the publls in general, shared to raked who was there. He got uo an painting persons for the revision of favor municipal cotatrol of the street William Olmstead. a farmer of Cash the tension to which the situation has ewer, tut the kkking comtisued. and the Donxinlon statute@ is now engag- nilway. -oaaty Michigan. has left a will I - been wrought. There was 0o effort then Phar, taklag dows a rifle. coiled Ing the attention of the Government. The herd of Haftalo at tiUrer'$eighb gtre�tbinC all his ewtals, valued at amu the hi beat officials. nor Indeed oat that unless the art outslds gave will Da tthi d Yo Baan National ;'art 315.000 to the Bsrnuat and Bailey cl r- ! p y ELECTORAL FRANCHISE. -holt tie and of April. was it possible, owing to what was bis name tae (Pepsi would &boot. cyye, Mr. Fitzpatrick. to moving the bill. The contralization of Wabash rail- A Southern Parifie passenger train clearly apparent in the deveb.pmrnts here s &Ulf no THE DOOR• to ro� the Electoral Franchise Act, way freight crews! iso St. Thomas will was held up Tuesday night at Crtosa ata- of the day, to minimize the situation There was still Do answer, saber h asitt that the bill provided for making increase the popol•ttgr o[ that city. tion, California, by tiro masked men, FINDINGS S DOUBT. ttl,o0 I'wr tired the he&vJ rlfto thraugD too. 1 - blew the express ca,r up with dy------.. _.._...___ the door, And awaited developttatxsab. the frapcDiee 1If tic° provisoes the bia&ie [tyle, Alias Sullivan. tried on a aemite. They secured one mail-poue'h. Vlewetl in detail, the findings of the Nothing wu heard further, and Pear, of the Dominion. Linder it the list of B.C•. her The Austrian Government will Piro- Court of Enquiry•wu the most vital thinking, ao 4sebt, that the prowler voters and of polling subdivision• -.Aarge of mardet' mss• _ IL , _ jprl Ipsd _&waste- retired to ep found sentenceia ib- To r7akingrowagainst cite sttgetb- festb-i - Comm ajr NL,,IT, •Judge wipuld be tftInare-an in -ttw grovisom- hasgrld. _- - tel of Sherif[ Martin. and the deputy bed• fps getting up atter Asllirht' Them were the priocippul enacting ♦dvocate of the Court of Enquiry. de- broke next feral a of the mem- 1iumme, the remoahin clause@ beiag Whi,e tLeriffs of R'ilkesbatr& Pr., who were N rpm c finked U Nor HAnittos dam b chargod with shooting a number of livered the report to Secretary Long hers of the f•etily opened the door g todla eq ttt?O introdnoed to make the re led Act of y Diclmed •portion oI • fab and were an lying to [1nd the dud M a maatodom, uatasa- ng about five rtriYigg trainers, idcluding /tuetro early In the morDimg, andsbortly attar 1885 Conform to the provtmomu of the Hu arias at Luttimer on September body of •mea lying acron the Lbreab- new Act. He reminded the Home that (Pounds. r it sou carried to the White House and old. The ballet ❑red by you Pear 10 last. Isom lli8i to Tito revbiogia maA Dost The Yukon mi expedition will placed In the hands of the President. lad ploughed Lts way clear t rough be brigaded at Ottu� about the raid- Puget Bound merchants have stokes At 10.310 the Cabinet assembled. halt the body of the stranger,mad his death the country 81,154,000. It might be, be s march on Canadians in const*- must have been instantaneous. lo- said• that to some of the provinces a die a April and sent forward [rum as hour earlier than usual, sad lagan dosis existed W extend the franchise there after inspection. tion with the Yukon trade. Eight coax veetigatioa MMOn revealed the fart that The eight Italian laborers from But- Plete stocks for general supply stores the consideration of the momentous the dead •tan was J. M. Scribner, who so that all mea might participate in the felt) wbo were arrested for working on have been lemled at Wrangel for Glen- document. Even the rigid rules of had teen in this neighhorbood for �t'mm, but in Quebec. •t •ll gventa, ora And Tealin Lake, consigned to some weeks the gale of a this was not the case, and some regard Sun!ay in Toronto, were fined in the secrecy which prevailed at Cabinet he patmf w&A had to the citt;umstanoes of eda- Polcce Court on Tuesday. Yankee trsdcth who will eatabllsb coring bed, the Petesu for whkcb he thsmAelves,at these points. meetings were doubly at riot is this controllttd ratios and alta IalereSts of the •rti- A reduction 44 ten cents per thous- I 'Che Pbiladalpbia water work& scan- case• and no intimation of the resu is Lrlt,ABLg TO HEAR. &•.a. and feet ate leen made in the price WESTERN BLOCK FiRE. dal was aired is court Wedne@doy. Ors reached b the court were known until of flan at Hamilton. the nominal price , y It is now eapposed that he sou look - alderman confessed to taking •bribe, ! o'clock, w-brn nn Aasoctated Press Mr. Tarta informed the Hottmo that being $2, M itht • 70 per cent. discount. ing for shelter for the night,aad being another was actbem i the name cit- baletin gave the tnferma►IQs to the sate deaf, was unable to hear when ern fire which cornered igi Lha West The Toronto Roardl of Trade Council fence and two others with otferin the q bas appoiAted a e ial committee to g ooantry ff well h to the eagerly Laked his name asd topuiness by sones ors hloof on ,ow. ,ry 11, ons( caused pec bribes. The whore affair grows Out of «ailing otfteiato throughout W'as lug- P■nr The pears had been bothered • toes of =!00,000. 'Chs rtro0&trurtioa .;,.:...:::#Af rider stud ttyport eu time qae C- <the ordinance oft"d is'eeorts'_ii to tesss toe, was baing dose day labor, with t of an e: rt dot oa mickel matte. snore or lee@ for some lima boy ttsmA ('c y the City W"steer Works to the Schuyl- AN EXTERIOR EXPIAHION: mad IrttrQlars sad this Dad centred exCaption of the ron roof, which vias Bir Roderick W. Cameron, of West kill Valley Water Company. be war alwut adm►tting lot by contract. The iron root was Alberta has sent to the Ontarin De- Edward B. Coombs, s former coroner These results, briefly stated, an that them to very 7 Pec ted to he In tion in three grtinent oI riculture. asking for the loss. of the Maine was due to an at rangers ly theft home -e eight. months Pfea pp A; of Brootlyn, N. Y., w'as. on Monday, explosion from the outside. the court The tamely were horror�trieAse over E 500 yours cattle, preferrLn Ontario tip ted_� Jt?AS and moven oar re, and-_ at once citified BUTTER BONUS. .._. _ ..-._.Tt�' ` � QRST. ngisLt�-to .As-lhe sasitomlblllf„y �y iq n0� -�` 'r"'t t , - mon h& imprisonmenl to the {wait -em- for explosion. The court does moo tic sathorillea of %Xil hddTalt� Puce. Dr. held asked tLe Hoa" 0 eonssot City Engineer Borrow 0t Hamilton tatlry, and also to pay a fine of 81000. express an inion as 40 the character Coroner Voux had l,sen notified, and to a resolution Irstructing the Gov - bas demonstrated that coal can be used for malfeasance in office daring his d the explosion. but the testimony 9000 after couctading the igignast ea the e!nmest W place In the estimate& this with success for the filtration of sew- term as coroner. There were 49 Speck- to show that It was a powerful sub late William Field, •t airfield, will m -etc a. a sum of money for the ioar- age, the coal not being injured in the fie charges in the indictment of his marine mine, the exact character of proceed to North August&, accompanied pose of paying direct to the farmers process, I having recorded hogue iuwueats on which is not determined by the testi- by Chief Roe@, where an enquiry will a tionw of one cent per pound on spe- which he collected shout 8$300. mon thou h the belief was expressed be made into the tragic occurrence. The citted quantity of the fineat Canad- Montre&I has inked the shoo there. y• g to 00tabliah •a infantry school there. Floods aro doing great damage In 1n- (Dat it was a (loafing aahmarine mins. dead man apKat fir wetltis'in Brock- Iagi creamery hatter, to to exl,orteA The Allan Line has given a contract Alma, Ohio and Pennsylvania, Dayton, I There were two explosions. the T#*l IeaviN here two weeks ago. He to Great Britain. Much honas to he for spottier steamship designed by Ohio, is in great danger and the north- finds: the first was from the outalM. flea about 55 years old. He Is under- continued fax three eouserutive years, ••r,. era portion o[ the town is completely and that set off one of the smaller stood to have Men a widower, tett he- and to be Increased at the diacretton of t �- wreeei routs. undef'water, Pittsburg; Imo: is &.great I magatinea yond this li"!e i. known here of his the rorerameat on hotter made during rt delrutatlor et the Railway`Tnck- 'sufferer. and fears are entertained that it w -as this roma t,expreowd in dets.F. family or aatOmdecta- the winter months men's Amoodation waited on Superin- the flood w-il1 be As great as ts 1884. ( and with the precision of •court deep- MANITOBA SMOOL LANIlB. 1 ndent William& of the Canadian Pao llrkd are bein carried awe at I eo . iii,•, at Toronto on Wednesday to ask g°° g y Y gs''iith of Its rrsponsihitit to- at Blocs Intermed ho Llands n [or an ieereane law 00. many plata [n thee@ States. grth.r with the evidegCe oa wb�cb it ItiIS810# TROOBLES IN CHINA. tIIat 8,784 1-2 sere& o[ Sehool lead+ in GENERAL. wome hissed. that occaJed the attention vim. the Province of lo"Loha bad been Mold y Police inspector Talbott, of Bradford, of ('at;net thronzhout its a:lend- EAC., has arritved at Halifax to take Admiral Zopoff, aide-deamp of the Tfo Militia MAese t& Allowta°td°eaau■ by public auction• hut, through can- char of Hall, the a lsezler of that Czar. is dead. ed be of the morning and after- of a MMAWW. cellatiun. 3,195 acres reverted, making ea ■o4o 11 other and leaser subjects tc from Shan hat mays:- • net area of 84,447 acre@ disposed of city, who was arreete� two weeks ago , Austria has decided to withdraw her arof1% to this foremost uention ♦ dsapa 1 C. t y q to Jlmt I)ecembCr Lt•t. the average OA his arrival from 'England. 1 troops and w-arshipM rom Crete. = vvas no change in the ppion of Further talmCrtA{&e from ('Dune -Kong Prosecutions , ainst. smu ler• aro There were 1, deaths from the ki the report hA. and trinamlt- of the bet ho- Drina per rete beiaC 87.Bft. The all g Y30 a ng W Yn regArding the s-ckim9 total amount nreived was 8512AN. in. In astir program in Nova otto. A � Plague rt Rornt ey during the past g it to Congress early next week. IttlVtaedieal bIDlision in the Kiang Pah eludin` 878,455 interest. "The school �%sited tstee Con&ul-Generol h&h he" ; week. tfaltmai.d by a brief bmes&age from t ELotismed by President McKinley in The Panama Railway Company has the Frlaident. oodetry-ahsw that tice Chinese sailttia Lands end," (norther mid Mr. IWtse. oonnection therew dfered iaa moo an increeme of wages is now there in late force. and re(umn has been debited with a Irian of SM.- LpD. INTERCEPT THF, Fi.OTiLLA. WO. made In 18711 and 1884, to the Pro- It t* reported at tot. Catharines that and ended the strike. While interest was tbus centred at t'o allow the 14 up n h lice death vine of Manitoba, and with expenses ohn D. *pd James Ne ion. eons of A rt that Ja n has r ueeted sentence Passed upon the nsrderer of ma meet. tommitriotma, etc., 9 rgpo W eq the Whits House, the Navy and War of aha student killed by the rioters, which smee LAA to 82A. issi s, ie e late Capt Neelge, have been o(- Russia to evacuate Port Arthur finds Drpsrtments were hurrying forward wbo destroyed the mir100. The tor- t► 9a fired 850000 for their ahares in a credence In the+ Japanese press- their work of re rations. Th• ad- the total arwnnt Id to lfaaltoD• Colorado old mine. p D• sign COMsuls have demanded that the free the erhaot las fund m account tr On Monday 20 cadavers were dis- lance of the Spanish torpedo flotilla Taotab diapers° the mi'ill&. execute the The Preabyterism ladies of Toronto covered sear a creek in the outskirts continused to receive tau closest often- murderer. &ttreat the leaders of the of interest, from itis! up to DttesOber bave agreed to support the movement of Gusmabeco&, a suburb of Havana. tion of aavol officism and, while so rioters p&y 300 feels for the progrty last, ag 876.1104. to ae0d purses to the Klondike, and Russia has withdrawn Its demand of tar •s cyWd be ascertained no definite davoy� allow the MisYioo to re PRINTING BUREAU. -m apreal for that purppme will be made the Sultan of Turkey for the .500; 110e of notion was determined apon,tM aooutpy its premtne.. and aug age to Sir Wilfrid Laurier. in replying in to every congregation in Canada. I (W arrears of the Russo-Turkis war seed of Intercepting %tis fleet won verE rotect the members of the misrion. the Hoene to Mr. Copp, eaiA that the An amendment prohibiting the em- indemnity. ed by the h4ghtet naval satltorities, s _ _ superintendent of printing at the Gov- ��loyraent of C6Mt&se ar Japamee@ labor Amhorna •town on the inland of From the standpoint of the Spanish ernment bureau was Mr. William M &&aa beau Inserted in the Mountain Ambona, one of the Mahon&, was cum Government this rttoremegt wag e0t • tITHA[S FOiI PEACE. MaDogi, appointed 11th JnIJ, IBPB. Fo Tremove and Electric Company's bill pletely destroyed by an earthquake, menace, Raving teen docided Capon 9— 17 years previously he occupied a aim - by the Vr1f ish Colmntrla I,eglslature. Sixty tenons vera killed. Cr►aJ weekA ago. On the contrary, the le@ refuse &f wele. sats movies sew ilar position with the contractors (o Yr. W.T. McCottn Des been a ,ninted panlsh Government bolds that the Dl Radical Italian deputies demand thllt xtonsive armament of the Dry Ter- Artatee sh..11 ms ae me' lush ompo itor.t herthad Lad thetlman ge- bortteWturtst at the Ottavr Expert- ex -Premier Crispt Ue trieA on the togaw is a mores direct hostile sot hewer• ment of a printing office for 28 years. amental Farm. to tilt the va0ancy Caused I charge of romipiliclty in the Bank of Against S aln than an movement of trh from C&nnes, Fran-*. by the resignation of Mr. John Craig,, Na lee wamlals. 1 the A desD& H4 A Opera were tae mntende cel of P lbs flotilla. (rates; o etorprpitag ss s:—'['hie pr(bxe of H -ale@ made • the opentivea saperintendpmce of wr'ho left the Govfr•nment service last y PI tars rt ul•tiorta have teen order- floti lz, the prressnt •(turtle of Sp i■ yp ng, itindin ala On autumn. g (l wily otDer spe'ec'h on Tuesday night at the Golf Durno Zi 106, there wereg418 r- ed at Cairo aCairat arrival& from Jid- tends toward re-agforcinZ J pe An order -in -Council ba& been passed, dah where three deaths from the pea- Sp•niAh weassis, not as a menace, but Club dinner, the pwlitiral Importance ams employed- in the bureau. The oviding tbht thaw persons who os• Cue have occurred. from w-bst the Spanish Government of which can hardly be overestimated. only change& •nee had been the usual in leaeoe for dredging for minerals in It is reported that the French ex- existing condition of affairs. land and France, he ons at the close and rv-en. rivers In Manitoba and the North- maid bin9 11 Eng gag esaf ewe must take out tree misere' cert(- pedttion sent against Roesiris is Meda- Ionia ii o rtvpulremenl cq,led for by the este b• still trusted that their rel•- g&4pementa al the'cq,ening o[ Parlia- ast aha game as as abs Yukon. Cancer hag met with a wrlous revere@. SPANISH DEFENCES. tions would be morn end snore friendly, meat. The total rrpenditure of the Nr. R,. A. Moan nate V brirtCing losing six officers and 100 men. Hardly leas amoggestive than the ape and• referring to international - reit- bummu, including purrhasem, w -aa, in oust . F. A. the direotnn of the 7br- Culatn insurgents on Saturday aight proach of the torpedo flotilla was the (lona, he wid we should not need Devise 1895. 8875,007 ; in IMM- 8013,415; in iF07, Pato Street Railway Company, a Tor- dynamited the from railroad bride mnformnaion reeeived fi the h' hest or armise mooh longer, bat that we 8616.M0. like them with havilnR obtained their near Madruga. Province of Matanzas, military authnritlell that this Span- &boald haven ri h u,p peat•. The speech LIQUOR PERMITS. franebine by britraTy And fraud. and partly destroying the structure. itth Governrnrnt had hurried to tom- sou grested with uythe Dus •p loam- In re@ponee to a request by Sir ing on loehalt of tips city 8$000,000 The Czar has authorised an increase plotion extensive fortification+ on Che u was &Igo (Dat of the Date of C&m Crai ]lir. Slfton ave a return ut mantagee, of neer 82,000,000 yearly for six years, Island of Porto Rico, lying just of( bridge, w'he also spoke, and that of the liquor bMrniita grangted by the Lieut - in addition to the recent a ial grant Cyte. and tM only Bpagibfth pogee&sion Orend Dubs ]pcErel. enantliovernor of the North-West Ter - The next Ssayloa of the 9utrrema'of ovwr 8600()e00DDfor &awalcpurpses- is thin bemisphere other than Cab•. -.a•----- ritorie@ for ttow Yukon district since . FO'aFt will he held on the third This. exact chars^trr of these new de- ANTI-5E1iliTlSlg. lot January. 1607, Am foli0w•s:-May K Ma nertt. in connection with • A heary southerly als olesrpd the MOs. y P (•moss haA 1,ren made kmow'n born, and 5th 1897, Afuka Clomrnercial Com �sMats to be board durl the term Newfoundland oomnt ice un SUMASY -- fail, gals. la whiskey erc 2,0 o 0( ate ,Otto" bate teem t!Is are beinC ven weight with the Lh�s pasted W tDe effect rbir will allow fD& e@alittg ateamors to it• C we�w &N Christian 00" right f■ ts■ t the last da for fill ,smog s Prosecute that Industr with some pro- taapoisir tuof Sp in av allov►in the Mai porton: sky 6th, Binet Bre@., 800 1 � y !tion of In. &rd ew. roues M■a nr•a1M// r'lilil,oA a.d, galm. of wDisakoy; Ma) 11th. T. Ili. tpril 1P, the last day for filing printed &pert of succ ss, THIi FLY NG SQUADRON. The spirit of anti-Semitism would O'Brien. 2,000 Caps, of whiskey; June '&etumn lath April, and the lest day Tae firing of a dynwmite cartridge Taw orders issued .by the Navy De- 12th. North Amerifte 'Pre rtation V, inenaibisC-appeals for hearing le Ln the Hasard coal mines neat Liege &ram, to have crossed over from Palls bee �►patl Iii. ► I caused an ex tos4xr 0t coal 'loses rt stat during the day coverwot evsty and Trading ComMnJ, aumler ut &1- p gAa 11- to the ldamtR sol o$ London. and CDs /iaFstlatla bas to, ty raiwarewar* kilted. torch of naval armament- The " ab- Cham met reporlyd; August 7th, Will g- -___- coak�y eq P � Chemhen. 10.000 gale. of whiskey; Aug. minwd • bn1fatle C ving floc-reeelt of his iquadton wag datialtel e@tatr nt•ateat of "conapinc eo- ftwi al ex Otbn g wi e( a remit fits The Japanese parliamentary election I d, with Commodore W. b. 8cbley hoer through the purltots of Spital- use. 20th, Spllivan, Mc Lend and McPhee, ►ed frrtilixein Toe f conn sed Ivy returaAabo.v thatthetwo parties will in command. He will hoist big rom- field. A little Chrietia& boy of the 5M gala of whiskey; Aegust 80th. h. Ind rases in w hirh c eti nwil milk here about equal atTength and that reodore'm f]•g on the flaag9ship Brooklyn Menzies. 700 Cab. of whiskey; Polsre- many toe mile sou ((wed to he re- mumu fifty cantralm will prolebly hold next Monday. The rquadrom 0 to con- name of Jones came home froom school pry 24th IMP, James B. Brown, l5galm. P the balance of power. slat of fire ship&. Those of the Squad- a• Thursday last sr 'ng and com- cif whiskey. for personal use. pared from Skim milk. instead of w4tole ton w ill ire Clio, crack armoured cruiser piaiming that a Je= boy Md boon _ - milk. with an addition of sugar to 'rhe Newfoundland Government has Brooklyn. Lbs battleships Massecbu- bpatistg him oa the hand with &stone. rrive It body and appMarancs. It le Introddred a pension till tStlrin`` motto and Texas, and the cruisers Oak, The boy died yesterday from the effects SHOOTING IN KLONDiKE. filtwly the department will take action, ('hint Justice Sir Frederick Carter, of ombia sad. Minneapolis. Other ships of his hurt&. and the rector of Spital- sgainet the parties offering thin adult- � the Supreme Court of the Colnny. now wbicb are now or hereafter at H& W (WAS tmtif{ad at the cvroaer's in nest gale wM r.►m..r t■ • a■amt oven rlvl rated milk (or sale. Fi bh doth ye+r, with a salary of ton roads, will not M of the flyipC that fights lettir"A Jewish asd Atiw i1r I et olwat. GREAT BRITAIN. 4400. squadron, bat will belong to the Norti ties scbOdboys hod ttow'ti f o extent Mr..farnem Payne, the RaafWh novel- lbs bill to lntorperale the CtutOW AU&mW5 station, under Captain Same that walt absclutely dangerous. A despatch from Dyes. Alaska. via lat, is dying. dat.ise on pigs and pork products was Moa, 'rhe Aying Squadron is to be a Seattle. Wash., says:-Tbree men have The severs alarms a.ed cold weather adONrd by the French Senate on Tues- small• compact fleet of the beat ships I been arrested for the shooting of Sam continue Is Great Britain, day. In raptly to a statement that the 'p tM n-vr ter ghInk service at say HRR CLOTHINO CAUGHT FIRE. Roberts. a gambler, whose real name Orta( Drtiain is not, It is repo>rtod, united Stokeg lgbt retaliate the Pte- int aloeg thtr Attlantic. is believed to Ise film Rees. A half plotting fur the ■b&orptlee of Hawaii. mler said that United et&tes would iAt the sasoatisse tic North Atlantic ft is sold Is i,oMAom that t}t& F.arl make a Iced mistake Ln resorting • to rr Wt(Oa wase C•ptaie RafapMon is to Mea fwwavt ►arehtl rtwr&ed s• re■4h • heor after aha Shooting • man named e( Is f i■ to T,*nD of haiCthe tic �TlegIs. mins the United State@ was the t farther ao9owotod. The rrnimer ler Mea.w LbrMtt scent to a phlsielan t0 have • of Elyn i el fedi•. =,fust to protect herself with high (Xaoinmstl, wbteh loft Port Antonio A AsspatCD from Dublin says! -Mr . Flo W extr&rtsd from him skoalder. duties. �trem days men under sealed orders. is Ha wiu errmted. Roseland has seat the borpeds, de- tic report at gee Wast and btecome a Delia T. tiltew&rt larnell, szothar et the AMether roan. wbo Cave tM name Of girgyer Reekel to Aa!N&x to join tlN pert� ofS apt Pampme's fleet. The late Charles 9tawart Parsiall, leader of Kalli went to tic° msrt/b&i sed field he North Aatterleta equatiroe. mama■..• f et+oOt. Wilmington. a1Mn es rout• the Irish 130 M Raba potty, was tat&lly °b"t Corbett. He wu also teat in 1% 8litl41I 000 Alrlf0Aso i Ear deeleeA from Port AstonlM. will IfkR+wtse re- injured mA t� Ps hpmsstMl ♦ C� ei ..,e move .--- T111 ; USUAL THING. pl,rt to CMptais Sampson at Key Wort, reel �• dale Etv- Th"n wAg AsotMr s+e*Us# affray . .�.....4 •3 we,.rde t0 hnyb Me Sites ane ond►Ir, Cana 1 kitlowt, tar he at Sbwep Catnp Monday >rMl11ne. Two erect{nC �ie10.4. a for the great pal► He -The ni tot of as Old wbminl&t• ail wwll ag t•he gna►wat Vicksburg, new wr iittleg by th} fire when bat ciDt! partners on the trail quarrelled, and t. rtfll&ats, Ineludbeg a sew tct►r Is -or -welt, �t might he called twtb at Hatnptru roan_ bpC «ag MaCiB, Oj the AamSs and lu AgierIDlMA t0 Alvitle tbfAr outfit. Is tAfff meat mad dont. - f - - a& lantast Der ogs. ate were attlaxo. the division they quarrslleA ggaM. A rweebrione grder in MatkrttpstC hag R1»' -Ye° tka 's what yrm men as- A Napicinus rue. belMvo to be dek- Assistaomee wu near &t band. but be- and Gottlish Ar.boelder. of Bruollyt, brad• aaggaates( the Rshemts l lard nally ds undwr the olreumMantam now, esne✓i hr the plague.lu heem dial- fon the flames maid he prtiagntmhed shot Rrae,•is Cl°sente. of Rillst>ett�U, !ke i4aM4p41■& AA pt. • SakaSt cnvered nt .ieddah. ArkMa The pit- the vrapnNe 1•d sou w I+adly hnrn- t„S. tkrvwgb tM tatty C1�rMOtatgllj S1 rW1 pawam ore A•inrtrn •tai AMl drinas, grim'Ar to Vveea bas Area rommoseed. ed that shop died �adsy mt•ning. nrntably db. RglrMltNr (s sa IDS( 1 Y. t-oa■/RM v 4_ ._.. - - �1 q -.. -_ "��a CHINA AGREES TO TERMS. DEATH UN THY, IC9 FLOR8 r r r a A vs tear ae&ew K fart Areb■r r• rn+AM �� that Means ltps•4•&. TERRIBLE DISASTER 1N A SNOW. The Pekin correstwomdont ut the 1.011- $TORO OFF NSWFOUNDLANiI. dun Tim" says: -"(,'bias yeaterday. — \l'edneaday, agreed to ell the RutodLsn The Neal xusaber t.rty Lulls demands. The fol wi0 are the con- owner. ee rills feet "ry.■ ; Ars■t■u.. wW t» a•eeayry. oesiont}-A terse obi Puget Arttwr Ior tri St. John's, Ntld, dtoho 25 years, es a fortified nava! bran; • y may~ -The & s sa Cishery, team of 7'a -hien -Wan for tab years u thea turning from the oral tisherJ, put le. p rn cKep port, rad u the terminus of W B&y ale Verde os SaturdaJ nlglt the truss-Manchurlas railway. with a and reported a terrible disaster. ale right of fortification; tend the right WednCoiLy last, wbea amugig ale tee for the Rusriass tq construct a rail- floes, while her craw was travelll as way 1. Itetuna, is Manchuria, on the Sungari river, to Ta -Dien -Wan and About that (lose in march of seals, t Port Arthur on the same terms sa rti- great storm atom° a000mpegitod by a pulated in the ones of the trans -Man- blinding &sow, which drifted rapidly. eburinM railway. "China saves her face by retaining and a severe trust noeainal sovereign rights. which. how- 4! MEN PZ818HRD. ever, she !s ponverlmas to Assert, the The Installers at the &tow who view Image being equivalent to cession." TAR NEW'S SERIOUS, on the ice could not regain the vassal The Times, referring editorially to rad were exposed to the terrible wee. the dispatch of its Pekin correMpon- ther throughout the night and all o deet as to the Chinese uoaceSA'00A to the east day. Forty-elght men Pa. Russia, says:-"Tbe news is w nee time that it way cambial England to imbed, and between fifty sad sixty wtMe take immediate action. It the Hussain so badly frost-bitten that the &inputs. demands are allowed t.o prevail Me tiro of one or more of their limbo will shall be obliged to tw DIA1e the fact be re- have to be undergone bJ ell oI tkeo that China is abut to rapidly duced to the position of the Khanmtes On Friday the Greenland suoeseded is a Central Asia first terrorized and recovering the bodies of tic of the ate• paralysed, and ultimately swmllowed tims, but the remalaing 25 were buried up by Russia." beneath the &now drifts. _.. _ - Ip%DW I f,7WAA 'I'Ijoerft ' "" -` lWK%-1TOR6'5CrrliRi!rG -' The St. Petersburg enrfe�°— 4 - - -xii at the trottt••to ttsen men s the Daily Telegraph mays: -"Al! classes been aboard the steamer are outtertgg ter - of Russian aim reserve have in ribly. having bean witbottt pCupar From the warned to bold tiemtaelvee readiness to be summoned to service, and, oe ro- medical attendaws. elnuto- siunces of the dis&&ter. it L feared count of difficulties in Corea it hu that other steamers have "fined to a been derided to despatch W East Asia momitar mangier. a corps of 50,000 men of the fLrat line THE OK1'NJLR'S STATEMENT of reserv4sts." Sir Ch-urrieon eke , Walter Batine tirlewe. ow nes oI t!m to the Forgft rppaaid •hurried visit W the Fordga ifle on Friday evening and remaiteed Greenland. gives out the following statement cueoarniag the dismater - three-quarters of •n hour. "My opinion u that the Greenland met with the miallortsee.00 Monday. _ - - - Oa Sunday sight • Heavy gale raged lord and master. rel along the Atlantic seaboard of the GLADSTONE iS HAPPY. inland. and reached the &urthern lati- and to get on W tude, where the Greenland was crOW sellae. Mer■re fn wwaM, waw•& seethes tae lag Mondry foreeOOD• Being [mean solidly in the floe. she most bar crew fat. ■e s■•vn t .a 6d r mesr—a.arh e+wa <.._.�..,.__,..-.. - ML 0a thifi �. P°rho l0 or to miles, ' 'hhe •t"t}er■ ani'" A despatch from IA&dm says:-Tbe in &sirdb tli`iAwKi u&uaply divided into three wateh.s or Westminster Gazette referring to the Componlss. Her wbole crew being 110. health of Mr. Gladstone, wya:-" It is Ohs would have sixty mea la ratio welch, thirty retraining aboard, toe ao Dews w• fear. to say that Mr. •iflcmld epXiaeers, stew&ads and dd k Nag liakone's illnino m&t uAbdCsarfly total in a Comparatively short time. henAs. Itac wb cid Carrie@ • of•-' "bread and a kettle tar boilitie tea. He asked the doctors to tall bis the When the storm arose, the men, rat- tered over the ties in parties of two or truth. and he was thankful whoa In- threat prolebly triad to make for the tint watcb formed that be tad no chance of re- ship, Yy tell.( is tb&t the covrry. Hu slate of mind is one of which started worked farthest away complete bslq wef. Hu lite goes on from the &kip. mart to the watgh wthwi' quietly And evenly. Music u hs im&t the most saes. Only the master chief solaria. It eootbee the pain The O( the watch would bare • camp"& death of a black Pomeranian. Pets. The crew war& triable to find him any which for nine years had been a constant companion of Mr. Gladstone. more than the ship with eeawdrifts ' blinding thalr sight during the aight, has bore an addlit"Al pang W the and (eared to move about, Lw&u- r j whole family. When Mr. Gladstone table step might sand them through ; went to C1nass Patz was left with fWMCSS in the toe tato the ocean' Probe the Drown, but he pined. would not ably druwning them. The maen. fear - eat. and was returned to Hawarden log to move. try beneet� the Shelter the day Mr. Gladstone returned; and of lite hammocks, whet'• family wrre be died on Friday." overrome by intense 0014 and Pariahs& agreeable to the nostrils u Its Others were &mothered to death I,e- _ _ aratb anowdrifts, being unable to 18URDERED A WHOl.i< TANILY. maintain °uincifist vital energy to 11,113 have helps obtained by w4en- struggle for lite. A robbres Terrible � vet -MwFt. 'Tae weakest went to the wall dur- rr■■ee - ew "emotes and Teas telt• Ing the night, which was terribly try- i drrr a&shlesely anewgetrM. lqg upon bumaa beings 0s as ice floe, : A terrible tragedy b reported from the, cold chilled one through and erquieits p9rtumme. through' I believe the storm ooetinw- Barna igi tbo 1]s rtment d the 7• Vr ed Tuesday. because we had it bare, . Erre. France. A robber, named Call- aad the stramer could not reach the turd, murdered a family of six per- men rither. During this wveniag and night others perished bu&W being ; moss there on Sunday sweating. From added to the 0ogir On . a windage of tae house inhabited by le le stat w*ben the eteetn&r sou abs N start the family he shut and killed with a to pick up the remrmnt of the mrR . gun the husband, hu wife and two few of these were able to help theta- of their children. who were playlsg delve@. Another sight would have at a table. Cailliard then entered the cuumoM the death of pr'opably all on the , house and cut the throat of a little girl, (lee,^ who was In the next room. Finally - he blew out the brains of a prralytle; OLADSTOMlL DY1NO OP CANCER. b,eA-Thede& woman 71 years of mgr.. T1s The largest o murderer vers arrested and of team to committing the deed &ad a Aimber --- ..- PssswtbM In Ms..ate •;roes a sY of other crime@. Sport'. wewk AeUea. la" ls r late tMs Tae New York Sun. of Friday, pub - �� lamb°° the follOwi&C from Ib LonAce KF.BP[NG ",I'AA." correspondent :-" Mr. GI&dstons is dy- Mrs. Mttrlil"osiab, do you know Ing of a ranceruom growth irtolvimg that you have sworn three time@ with- ibe bone tisanes back of the stasel pas- ia an boar. that atx frowns have eros•- .mages. The melancholy troth b now ed Jour (crow, that you have spoken;•&mined privately by Meson. Mr. Her- hart Gladstone, and other Members of cnrrly to ala children four time@. he@ family. Ths awnlmav veen c d and that yr,u have hitched around in "'oral spsrial4Ms sob haus bvea ,'un yottr chair so much that 1 wouldn't suited teCarding the tees b that u to surprised it the carpet were all worn out ander oat ! 0reration le 4mpowihle. owI to the I couditios of thef1Pa Mr. Markl&-Indeed I Well. ago you age' and eofoebled tient. It would be peed . tell me how many nice things I bows cormider•ble relief And else to pntlong. mid to you and the children during 114Iw by surgical mi -00e it Mr. Gladsiose.; the past hour, how often I have laugh- eA. how many roves of enrotuagement have were yosaufar- bot bin heart already , , threaten fat sLre to per[orm Its f �rrd i have used, Ybw many twinkle@ come Into my eyes and boar many mis- tions and the attst��C�e+oona are of the o is- ; the an-sth- DRAW I have mat stmAutely still t Ion tont admlMistratWsof would result in immediste death' I 9fn. 3&rkl&--+1 haven't counted at" RELIEF BY OPIATZ& them. a(r. Mhrkle-a'bat'e what I thought. "The only relief Poee(Ide Is that aG Suppose you tri• looking out for a tp1- low's Qood qualities a little while. P"er- forded by opWea and other p•liatir" Theme will be used fmaly an the discs" tb°'y tend to blips it you do that you'll not have so much time to.keep tah on his faults. progressive, for *Kbmgh shorten life. it is the wine judgrn.st Nes. Merkle (beginning to w-eep)- of the physicians and the family Alike Josiah. you are not satisfied w ith am. t hat they world not bA jtst{[i-d i• You Kish yon wilt° worried to some seeking to prolong thus g"I whirb Io &her woetAn f Mr. lt.urkl°-Damb et. who mould lase &tread led the aged etuffercr ax rens n p�ldal longing for AeAt h 'rho for sin "I,,nIha help swearing under *rich eircumstan- -vs. I've Malt a rated, to go out and pain boa (tow rontlbsMd &ad. sit bough. It. It somewhat l' Aceto get drink. .airs. 'Ifurkle--There. now• the ant- ( be a !t was a few we.ekM ago the strength and titality of the pati.ot'� mal in i(sa Is gaining full roattrof wonderful oonstltation rte '"illy sg0a' Ob, w'hy d131 Over plate my fair, drxWed. • sweirt your to life IA the keeping of • THF, END 742AIL brute I . "The eutd when k mote& . will be TO RA V A A PBNNY. While driving in New Sout1 Wallis, two ladies overtook a little archigi pl0ddimg along, barefooted, u it big fife depended upon bis speed. They offered him a rldo, old daring that journey {t transpired. that be was wMllt- lag frota a small station boars as i. WWO to Valley, a tow% twtsNO Ulf** or so dist&bt. to pro: are a loaf of basad• which was a penny cheaper' there It wan sof r1rC•rdlisasw on the parte cid ham parents that drove Wm to Itfl, Wy wero is vwry twetrred dmvttrsa• tlllanrra aed the buy w11NsC1y walk" twesty-tour miles o .Mn alis pemtlrt . .,.-,..:....,.,,.�'. . •...._ _ -. •wm..-- ,.,,. .—._. _ ,'.,v,,,sem�m„ -.. _., :e.,. ".,... - , Rasa.. _s"As,,..�,..,.,m.-..s.+ w. � . t :M+.�..r" . ,Sr.l 0 L ti, �/ 4 .' ,!. ? , .:. tt;w��w �i . from failure of the heart's •&tion ra- ther than from the direct rsvrgsm d (be terrible mnlady. It to hardly tem' #Able that It will be leog dstoyeat WHOLESALs SUICIDE •n.atan *0efsto utility et rrlbpry Ad cerrapte•a Taw Their urrs. A despatch f r'ost (!•►takteprrl, mA r .:" 5 As i legnit of tie discovery of ow „"a4 asd whell"s,s bribery &s torture one hsailrd ds�ekyard eUlsiele Officals N the Resst-n Week sea fleet b•11's buss arrtosted. Adrvyal Koty'•O4 roOd MDder 44 :the !lett, bas beer dr' mistard. Five OtCwre boom eotoitwi ,&ulcl.'1e de@ their sesldl Wi LOVE OF P£ • is uahed 1E `TM aat..ta war• i , ` Abo■, ZA.�, F'r . • the keginais9 of olvlllzatloe " Besh . wid the v the use of sweet Winning- Re- the tate Chameleon. " You ales hued a" always bare craved and it all, Allen as a mat will crave the daisty little lux- a l'Egular child rs fa lwaym of chs toilet which often mean concerned;' cries mush to tlw cultured ag the bore t ••Oh, I don't knot J of life. As It is now. only e ClAmeleon. turning I po.eascb -stricken wumru b green as 1 was." be nb„rt Putei one who has neither Iertunted -- Pa said the 1 .be dentrifics, toilet water or ax- his father. " I don't t waP, lree't fur her kerchief uo bar dressing phantr is strong ei taut° just Y nature !s the more ex- heautiful aur fibs i- trunks like you, big t " N bat on ea w tultalbe and it stead f" demanded tf Se blo,tims that breathe their sen- i " A dress suit care,' 'us tato the air. weaving M _ fie odurs the stern praeticabilit- "!t is a manderfu rommnc° about oxygen and sitrugea. mo the mature." said the H Mexico. " how we or iM of reCtuing influsa-e o[ • doltoate Prr- 0 Cleo climate in sal tum. ktn.ing the nostrils robs breed awfully hot in Mexic end west, sup and water and coarsa 1 am hairless." " With ua" wid th wool of their TOugb sell ee. Atter all, to exist without hapax bad waitdercd in, - i I that is ads ted, not it V nothing and It is #oat such little 1&not eat c e in pei" Y Chess that give •charts I should sistoo , Indulg*ncss to Iiia and comrAge to tope. Co The "cleat knew well the delights •• I wish I could I d the boner of their origin of tangle," sighed perfuw°s. suet Pro sb{y belonging to the Egypt- the to he1P 1Roo t he •ata - Fzs% %hem tb&,Q&Mk• •a4JtOon- 'the MtwsaL,Rorro, caughL.ihe Ideas of the still. The .tire Fax arse_• tum' Asa laved themselves in scented ts..What Arabians wateta. the women of the Orient. b thin wood tree hen r' raked i •fur a t.,th and agoint.memt with tine Giraffe. oils su,uked their bodies with delicate "I :rally can't say fumes. and the st lumplare of the aIle. "All my lave Turlcisb harsm i* heavy with tnWxl- any haw been in tic CSWW •tors. Shell I throw you d The builders of aha Mseque of Omar — mixed musk in the pir°ten between "Why did you cal the stones, the Queen of Sheba had lock Holmest' asked )arfame inbectod in bar veto&; frank- lord and master. 0cense and myrrh were --wall the "Because it down' , „hf h the wise mea laid at the and to get on W gills feet of the Christ child; when Charles an interest in," axpl 11 made his entrance into London the - mtiltitud. we@ sprinkled with costly "You ought to ga parftunea and it was a oustom among Anaconda to the the Italian nobility to brmab ag9 "You'd be quite a filled with perfumes over tic• Oh. I on't knom ."Its heads "f guests. C However, there is a practical prio- serpents at Perin d ciple underlying the most transcend- 'I suppomo they d dream, and so the question of dol- omda. I maw in ( .ant lars and coats and tau figures cot Act- Papers that Boas wee liky"aced this mamoldaotai o of �- there this winter." -- perfume& amunC tai �Ctd` - A feat a purchase. a &gaeege Ot the .tl.,mizer. a delicately perfan" kali Nj�IK18 MOPP f i the hand er with its lift tali3�,yy two cr o lie edea° pet[ptq�9 oat of a p4ok•t. a all there in tae &tory Of P• (VM M to the aterage person. Perfume@ are divided into three div tiort classes -those derived from -Janis those of animal origin and BIPWNS ROW rOTAER3 tb,ww whicb are the result of certain rhe t•ritical Tta■p N ahemu'al OumynAmis. lrmh•de of a ran, The flowers of Southern France. the ••rhe;. acme alogig thm Algerian and Morocco From the Evening r boosts. and those growing in the •bad- Nd woman In batt d nooks of ihe•Pyronse& have a sweet- in or has had mo mesa of a much higher degree and = experience In th quality than can be grown anywhere Mason Morris. of 04 W ern the glob°. the majority of the Detroit. Mich. For ' s and pomade@ are made ahrO&d, has been reoogniss wbile the extracts are made bon. By most successful on. utillatiogi the users t ala ars •x- cages, and over tb', testi tatted tram odor-beart C plantasuch the cismarou. sage, mint, thyme• mothers can nardng and care. sags, •o. The oil of the patchouly months ahead. she one of the oldest perfamerie@ of hundreds of presets areas. gig, from the Ha it- West I. 13 pltcationa for her Ag dower Ot the Ihdiee, r pound and the Storied Turkish at- made •specialty of and bag made so DI ar (otto) of roses. varies. from ge to this city that bar 10 per ounce. To one ounce of attar arse, Is taken as room there are 4g0 pounds of rosea motber's speedy re ith an average oe "800 rases to the Mrs. Morris wag tmd Antler very costly perfume before she came tc the Frang pats;. which is mid to wens her mother at• been the old perfume of the Rom- mother before bar. no by a leading physl The favorite Aroaduo wants of the bar great success i resent day &n made from French is confinement cast creta pomade@ of 73 matarations. Dr. Williams' Pte the process of soaking there pom&d- Peopts, is such mast is a simple. though tedious. ono. the tsstjsr mor& 1 ere are two mode@. the cold and then my stbr.M hot. the latter having been found weed- __ o give the better results. A grant Mrs. iiife h was rmy of gtrla and women. who receive little home on Foa rout tbrag coat• to eight o&nts per day when asked regard or t heir labor, plonk the flowers from palls in bar proton l.arent stock and then pick off all have used Dr. Will petals betor o the (lower is deed. pale People since t base potato are thrown into hot marbet. They but raise that is ahsofately pun. When was all run dowers 11 the ndor'ba& beep extracted frees mould not get may he blossoms thus are taken opt sad •helped me I began he W agitated, sew petals thrown is tha atqrIga mothers to tt nd en on until after 7d saturatioew There is r0thin nfleurage to considered complete. or given by s Nyef n the oil is� ppuut into canisters and Triple health and strena Dr. W'il ready to to it extracts re from qutckl as 11eop1°. it. is made the ordinary pomade Ut saluratiose, MOST- amhorgi& and Nae crime where the is ;vet are three Ourtomis article@ used to prejudiced a(tsinet ke odors lastlaa. Mask to obtained r„m the musk d mor of Chins. and It ed Dr. Williams' People. 1 guys neceamary to kill the animal to oto- Pills,” but they •I in the pods, each one of whicb con- W'tlllams' Pink Pit ins an averaha of three quarter "I have given t nee of powder. a O , when the' heath- cams of oonfinsmc n Chines" dose no take It into him end It to wooderfr ad to adulterate It with a sahstttnee bbe system. I bay htch cam be Intoned in the tiniest bole strated their grey rad wbh.h very ouch remambles clot. &ad bare reoomm, d btcod. Amba �is is A substance Argds of mother hi, -h u fogad flostlst on the sea and dstufbtere. Yen, I supposed to be from that diseased tial in ronfinsimes , b of • sperm whale. This halm;- `Ire Dr. Williams e smelling stafrf�whhich nae can soar- People r great p& rfum WMtt eniiin V: or r«erel a is. bout �y nerta my ha". iso Ilars por ounce. Civet to a cheaper taken from Aad b"Kho build• I article me that street e civet cat of Abyssinia and is about Imams, Pint P agreeable to the nostrils u Its : kept And used mpetiton. All the ole -11; Within t.h• last decade remarkable sew• life awe right 11,113 have helps obtained by w4en- restore ehattersd tp who have analysed the oils of a condensed for ors. and q dl% the teems proper' bays them together ink pills for Ps for pat n pro- also a specific rtlons and tfombisatioaM vfhi-h tors- tog%milse toteh u ■ erquieits p9rtumme. larkiso mad ail ' t is an feet that asset Ad •!Ohey build ftp th the moats I- Putamen ata the low of 1wJt de from its raetBae after crude psi- . t■ men num has been refined. Then are cumr In sH setas none la}mss for perfumes under tic mania, werw•ork A of iym!baues, ever aAtum Dr. n• of them in utak loser, as ln- ars sold is but", mina M • Gttvtawn 044"4 BOOK at N Costa & hex , l w htrh b (bid •t frota jl tmr 118 pt111 marl nay be bad re cheaper thaw the Cenuiu arta- direct by Instil f 'ionone" le &pother, •from vtbinb jfndirine Comps ifielal violet to Ores. ,•�y�etrralool" - t hetraallla Odor. •'l Imitrooll " The largest o 1 xerollpetau ass /NMi as. is at BRA last now ad alba often p 1h/n cies u;m ix la" ls r late tMs IR f ume ta/ a�attsMi .; llf Ik%nf can .:sly fcvelrirlis turd L riot � of b [all it ..�,.w...... nearly t41111A -- .....r . .. .