HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1898-4-1, Page 5D 1 ■ THE SIGNAL : GODERICH ONTARIO. REID'S OUR NEW SPRING STOCK OF GENERAL DRY GOODS, FURN FURNISHINGS, EAR CLOTHING, MEN'S TWEEDS, ETC. have nearly all arrived, which for quantity, quality and value are the beet in the oountry, and we cordially invite every man, woman and child to give us a call and investigate the truth of this statement. No boles bankrupt stocks, no bargain days, no bean guessing competition to get your dollars, but anything you buy here you get your money back if the goods are not as represented to you. Come in and see us. We will nee you right, and won't urge you to buy if we can't please and satisfy you. EST. JAS. AREJ B. J. RED, Manager. MARRIED - HOW AT? - HOWATT. - At the M5wasea Wednesday, Itareb,y.tD 1111,b Rev..Jas. A. Andersen. B A., George D. watt of Wwatt wee•• Wawaosb to rfsret HHH000 Colbsr0. tew.sblp DIED. BROIKb. Jane b nd wits Thursday, J. P. Brown. 41 nue a.& Smooths, ►'own. - At the realise.t et her tether, lit t, ere. 11.Oslhase- ds , not daserkter � W C�P.psr.•yad >• ,..is sad *woatba rHE TALK OF THE TOWN. prom the Raportar'a NotabOilki if T.'ve a Mete Is s' T. Os.ts. 1f old Ts teat It t a niters /Lean le. Takla' Sexes. sa• WM' Weill Prost /s." -Mcrae. Poth rides see nos la It at • reoocnt but gee aide ie sot left out in the odd when t'rfd• hem s sciestl.o.Uy out gamest. are worn. The war to woad Enter pleasantly 1s to Twit lieilew's media sad tangos the tkoun•ade of photos la his Art Gallery and the vlelt M made much more 1nt•rantlag it les are added to the number. To Timm Nor Ur To Dan- -We wad Dot • number of •eoeents tb. week, sad shell end them out .sok week until all to arrest for .nbeerfetioan are unified. 1f ves wt to save • remirda e1 your dnita- goa.oy. seed s the seek at erne •.d be as up to date ssb.erlben. Mtn is Toaosvo.-Lobs Debre. Cary widow of the late Lucius Carey and mother of oar towaste&a Oswald 0•roov, did s Tomato this weak. Med 75 yen?.. D.eeeted was oldies d•aritter of the late Seamans Lacey of the I.sad of Gurney, and was ben .t Alicante, Spas. Tne PALL Wear. -From Merest parts el the Warm Riding, nem news that Fall what has men tsbre*gh the winter fairly well. the anew having proved • Of mane Flibinsm to she in growg ptm there were @polo when It was water, oe frost killed. and it is possible that severe frost followed by thaws may Ware it, but at present It seems as though a rood any .1 thus iepeti•tset grain will be harvested the coming 55.050. 1.nisroam.-We regret benne to m- n ums that the pester of North -et. Metho- dist church, ltev. Jos. Edge, was oo.5 ed to his bed • good part of Inst week, and is not quit* himself ye; attbovgb able to be shout. Rev Rgsrten Armotreeg ooeupial the motor's place at the menthe wank* last Sunday, and Rev. Mr. Elim took the evening service, whleb was specie' for He sailors. We hope he will seen rogsin his wonted health and elver. Captain ?lata and hie lleatenaate, sad other ideas have been sageested towards develop• lag the interests of wheelie. to Harm. herr tioNDAT 4.V*siiru.-1M subject d dfeoeaee by the pastor of Xertb-es. Meter Bas *Web next Sudsy sesame will be "Cbrissi.n CitU..sbip, .ad rte relation t. t4. Liquor Traf6o." Osrrv.aY.-Than died at the family re.. Idem... Nelson street, Uoderioh, oe Thun- der March 260, Jessie Bnobanao, wife J. P. Brown, aged 44 years. The deceased lady had been ill some time. having berm confined to her bed for over 6 months. TM lumina too:: plan on Mo.d.y to Colboree o.metery, in propene. of • iat,S st- friends end acquaintance. from tow townships. The lumeral 'berries in W Mein mad at the grave was eonduotei-bY-1ii. Jas. Edge. and the pall bearers ware brays Young. of Colborne, Jas Yea., D. E. Monro, .t. T. MaBessit -6r M.- . aed .- aed Joseph Lawman. • i1.rA RTOIIteTAL PIrain•t2'k• pnolic m051 have tees. greatly i*Nrrted in the foots brought to llsbt by tbi meet trial of the Jobo Rate. Go., at Toronto. This e.- t.blisbmeet was one of the greet depart- mental stores, when bargains are .Tways in order, bet when the proprietor wee pmt into the box, be made the statement that in hie heaths 60 per Denth wee not regard• .d se more the.. liberal profit. The bar - fn system was thoroughly explained. Every dry a Itttle cheap stuff would be nand near the door, to motels the public. O. this • lois of 450 for the day was a natal thing, but all .round rho day'. profit would run op to .bout $600. Attar all times 6.- peremental stores are in it ter something more tam fun. A b1T.Tu.to0o b'taa.-last after mid- night ea Sunday mowing, the fire alarm celled the brigade 80 Morrie' pf.asg 01111 es Osmbria road, which was burning in al• teen every part when the lour earl arrived. The fin had get snob metro' of the bulking, that it wee impossible to save it, but the Lubec piled outside and adjacent buildings wen kept from injury. The origin of the fin he e mystery to Mr. Morris, who states floes there bed neither bees ire er light of my kind la tae beildiag nisei mesa wee shut off the previous T..sd.y. sad Was .motley we sot allowed em the premien.. H. says be left the building shortly before sax as Saturday, when .11 was owner, and that bitwasa one and ten the same seeming, he passed the factory on his red home whoa x11 wee .pp.re.tty este Th. fire started at the end opposite from the sepia. were en was red, and as the wi.d was blowing to that mitt it quickly carried the fin 1e the other and of the bulking. Mr. Morels says hts loss is is the mighbeemed of $2000, as it addition to builds, and m.ebtsery. • large quantity of dressed lumbar was stored ia the ap•ier flat. A e U rcaou. Sgaviec.-The .arvios .t 8t. Peter's last Sunny mernlrg was of en anUWOal obsrenier. Rev. Mse•rins Neer. • Syrian print; misbrand Mass amerdsg to the Greek Meloki1. rue. A part of the mw was r.sd in Greek and • part it Ara- bia I8 is p.reneted me say the whole st the maw i. Greek er Arabic. The latter bag - anis 8h. Syrians manta., was Mist whine woe gekrm by enr Led, ad la ..01 W pere Impetigo .f thepeople, although Sheared a great dal Mia n the In two ah•w5•.d years. The mea has berm Bald in thatel18shim the �.r Weepy see d feem A RcrawAr.-Oa ff&turd•, s bale tied ant nide 8110 amble s. of Kraut Hearne broke away Dad Sea off. and when fe frost of the i'rwaat leak be the sidewalk mad drew the v.bns b was attached to ever • beech tees eel want ass raves )Joe..ne. ue�wtb Th. harness wens ..ttte.Mt dateaa•d. ad the acct get its *post weeks diapered. The driver, Robwt Yang, said the animal was . rodeo ale, and east have bem fright- ened by • Mold's red Weak 115 Emma HALF. Mors Marr. -The f044. - tisk hens -ball slab b■ dosided to offer . *say re by played fee by a league of et lest fear tows Lama Qube Wad - in to tear team /.r Mrs sena of IS..S, .b.wld had s awn. no et sir wisatew to aha eeerets,y alater the* Tuesday ever fog amt. An euppa I e of the ball slab .0d lova. of Mafia are requested Mas. teed th memalmj a. 8M ohab resat *oat Tuesday .yestag. Ekwalea et *Mase. Swam TO ORE YAILOIN ANO Ftmits' wax. -AM hieeaNNMry i1 Rkl. Maim of the year befogs the dsp.Asre ot aur sat - las .ad ldwM M' Omit arias baths foe the 9.tatew sesalb, a I Isv1ea w boil 1. Werth -et. Y share% last Seallay evesim4, 'Here hat a wade tea - sew of the " ir8y*s .1 ib �r�"..0" the oasts, Rey. 3 No. aKhbe b 50.50• wen 10dieseTed, presead en able sate.. N eh..5, laths far bb tett t ' --Aad the rest, memo es heard s, sad .alas a brakes pitmen or e8. ship. Aad w It arm M "I" tat all ramped ea. 9. I.ed."-AMI. : u. H. D. 0, Mateto.--,rt lamely *l eed.d temM101 orf ea Raw elerils (1.► ver hsid it the row ei tb AMAMI. Amnehlts0 Meaty eyeshot let. the presiir $ r then abaft. Mose 1b• t..9 .5nll■R woe eenaly- 84..dye sioszeouvUMena M Mho 1hAi mryd loa., rs amt? eosbed w belt Mme "Aidt `siiesesot o anew a* all h tb end bolowe d is - - , es F'eld`1 . A*fhb. yid • sIsbar *t ,sI .hs were*Ms Ga- bbing ye lfmd i die slob 4 $ , be tbe welfare ed alto gl.b, sreff preMitee M be the rM•kttter far b Uebelob. wiseAa f reese d awl INPIIMIYt breiMriplslla M EA SH STER UES Of course you expect to have new footwear for Beater, to complete the Spring costume. With our .Qleodid assortment, you will have no trouble in suiting your- self. Our shoes are worthy, because de- pendable and up-to-date, and yet with an entire absence of extravagant prices. Thew are a few of the many trade -winners for ua: Men's fine ch000l rte color lace Boota, rowed soles, new otun to., all sues $2 00 Me 3's fine elastic side and lace Boots, sewed soles 1 25 Mm's buckle working Boot, solid leather, peg sole 90 Dongola Kid Button Oxfords Patent Toe Cape, at Ladies fine Kid Oxfords, patent toe cap. Ladies' fine Lace Boots, new toe, sewed soles 1 25 1 25 85 That we are suiting the people is evidenced by the fast of our increasing business. We will be only too glad to show goods and quote prices. Ordered *eek and iisielesng. ST. GEO. PRICL, The E quare, Goderlch. CARPET1NCS FOR SPRINC. _W ACHESON & SON. TOME WINTER NEEDS. 10 CENTS ERGO IN YOUR THROAT 10e. TUBS TOOTHPASTE 10.. WITCH HALYL AND GLYCERINE JELLY, fes atm et* 100. COLD CREAM 10a 41 .rot ares 550 per cwt emulsion. AMONDOL CREAM, for mutes shay- ish aati egibea 14. to . Riandar tag„ SN 100, Spa ruse for 36a. J for IMO. COLD IN YOUR READ 100. Yen are .Ovl.ed to take It in time. Our Curt -of,' are all here, ready for the new Season, and you are cordially invited to call and inspect them. Scores of women and men have Balled_ that§ past tan days to sec what is new in Carpets : wondernrnt and amaze- ment has be cxr,. 'seri at -such an immense choice. We show largest stock/��of Carpets of every description � uyer .bdfore brought to �erig_hc _ Union Carpets,- and -$;ply All -Wool, Tapestries, Brus- sels, Axminsters. Entire second floor lot Carpets and Curtains, direct imported. Our prices and values, we believe, compare fav- orably with any in Canada. EASTER GLOVES in new colors: Ambers, Bluets, Serpoletttes, Browns, Duch - ease, Violets, Tans, in price: 50c. to $1.50 pair. Inspection invited. THE PERFECT EMULSION OF COO LIVER OIL WITH HYPOPHOSPHITES OF LINE AND SODA W. A.CHESON & SON. the Latin rite in language, but also in other respects. The bread used at oeworstlon 1. leavened bread, not mlosresei 0.tetem- foo is administered under both forme, or, if desirable, only under oils form. There le however, no substantial &iffieenoe Ineween the Latin sad Greek rite. Ystber Near has kis parish ebnroh is T.,..uw, ,...1 4.e phare* of all the Syrians to the province of 0.t•rto. When he cure to T.rwb about two years ago, he found th.4 many of his oo-r.isfo•irts bad joins° different Protest- ant denemleetlos5 ; dam then lie leas sno- osedd in bringing them beak to the Oatho- he oharsh. In Montreal be was equally G.eo..sful in settling a dispute between the Syrian priest them and his people. Recent- ly in Chicago upwards of 700 Syria. lett the eenroh, by hen seal and wisdom he bed the happiness to see them all return. He ie a pious and is geed sten sad .bout 66 years of age. A Ptys?t•*T Eviitrlto.-The Auditorium at the Ce11.*1N ieatit*ts was well filled e Friday evenfsg. LM eoombn being the net of the sea4msathly entertai.meate before the Easter rams. The program 1n- oisd.d some games amt retarded on the society's broke, bus aesrly every ore of these bad Use Nadsata wider Mr. Sttnneeg The remote s.slgaed fee *beating alai* sa01 f.aos was that the wtgeglam..t leek the plass of the annual tip tows me. hither- to held. sad that • silver .en.gtkre was demanded. A. Mr. Strang, who presided, was about N take Me chair a umber of Me- ditate M artsd ea IsstitsN ehert.,.ed during the me:Wag they naiad two others. The wag. sad .losses were along the limes of W. C. GOODE, Chemist, BEDFORD BLOCK. Sampece's Red Bleed Pili. -Tonto sad Bleed Bw1dlag--ealy 26o. ; 6 for $1.00. The Best Spring Medicine and Tonic - L Ova COMPOUND EXTRACT OF SARSAPARILLA. LARGE BOTTLES - AO CENTS. 1ALt 01RLY 1S' F. Me DUNHAM, - Cheri A Druggist. A CHA1Qcs TO ere Roo u SPECTACL 11'OR VERY LITTLE MONEY. To RIDoc1 OUR rrocw or READY- MADE SPECTACLE., WI Astir TOR THS RUT 30 DAY., 00II0 ro SILL Tall AT HALF PRICE. Ilirt1_.AVE ALL aware, THs IIGULAI M11101lr UA2101140 FROM ;2.00 TO _ Stag WHICH ens WILL SILL AT riami $1.00 TO 15c. PIS PAIR A gentleman who arrived in town tures Brandon last Friday, stated that it was 30' below zero in Rat Portage when he pared through that town. FARM i,(1) ERS ¶A}ITED! WILL PAY - $2--a---Day for good men to p Machinery at my costa money to tra give the benefit to th at the salve time sere for both parties by ci ' rooms and examining th NOXON Seed Dril Horse Rakes, Binders, Disk and Sp ring ToothniltTvifo 000KSHUTT High G of every de.cription. ADAMS Wagon, Pat/Vibe ibe ite. BUCHANAN Hely forks Slings. McLAUGHLIN High Carriages and Buggies._ _ All Goods Warranted., JOHN KNOX, Agent, Opposite Buxton's H otel. Ooderich. urchase Harvesting Warerooms. As it vel, I propose to parches' re, and Bas and money mitR`aVthy'ware- e Stock. le, Mowers, Harrows rade Plows Ithose gotten up by Uotversity students, and the singing and the words were above the average ot snob me.ieal compositions. Mr. Strang then introdnoed the f011owinr ladies fad gentlemen : Instrumental solo, . DO They Miss Me At Home t " Miss Net- ted ; reading, "Mark Twain's traselatios ot Ins German liddrees " Mum McLellan ; vo- cal solo, " For All Enmity," mity," Miss R, Strang ; natation, " The Whistling Rafe - meat," Miss E. Tye ; vocal solo, " The Mighty Deep." W. W. Stoddart; Question Drawer, H. Strang, B A. ; selenium. or• oh.str•, Messrs. Ju. Thomeoo, E. Cam- paign*, and Dr. Mabee ; voo.1 solo, " The t..r.ivsl," Miss Aoeabrooke ; Recitation, "The Pdol's Story," Miss Rethonid ; To- tal eon, " Since Thou Art Mine," Moss Parsons ; journal, Mr. Jeokell ; reoitatio., " Smith's troubles over propoeinr." Mr. Great ; teetrum.ntal duet, '• II Cornet*" Nits Bsskao.n and Miss Smith ; vocal Ws w1L-T'woh of Humanit','• Miss 1. • Ord save the Queen.' The piano Debi by Mlle Natal, and the'pieso duet by Mass Be sesta and Smith were nicely gtven,•ssed tis ,loss by the orobsstrs, Dr. Mabee, Jas Thomson, and E. Camp•igoe, were much admired and applauded. A. will be Dotted then were five Toast solo*, all of which were remarkably well rendered. Mime Au.broek, and Ottawa, rang pretty pieces, and ems them prettily, the first ..m.d Idv below obliged to respond to • loud encore. Mia R. Strang, and Mie. Parsee., sande their &hat se soloists. Each lady was servo... bat arvouMess did not came the lees of • sets se every note was taken it geed vole*. Will SNddert sang she•, Mighty Deep" sad .sag 1t mlgbty) well, his delivery bent dbenos..d masloal. All the above yoo.Ists are pupil. of Miss Wynn. Mimes Tye, @ad Wetber.ld. gave ttesetatieas M their metal Otte maser. Re. Strata" netted mnob labored by his answers to googlies@ from eke quie- ting' drawer, .ad Mr. Great gays ries W much hilarity by bis reei*Mia.. The Collagist* Warta' ae read by Mr. Jeelleil was oar of the Ines pi..s ow the proweate, se H was f*B of wilt rateark.Wy well writ- Ws ri`Ira sad Muubd belay antennae( lateeeet N Masker and studios. Perhaps the sed Iaobliebis wee die filee sae. to face 84. uMNf g et tin 'eawe" arena& the Lea - tens meshed meet a tesw►.ermt Wilks 11 The sdsisst .....1.w woo Minos He - C.8 .d Uss.pNgw. is 1. said that the silver eoneeb.. imbed wow h0 EASTEROAROS EASTER THOUGHTS Remember your distant friends and others by send- ing thew one of Raphael Tucks or Dutton's artistic sista' Carla. They are shown in great variety at Porter's book Store. for prices and designs, see show window. Prices range from 5 sesta up to 50 cents. p>i�ntai Me. GEO. PORTER $OOU * 00�� Nth a hen. rte d nitri, bell wfllfk ah es,sl+aaa.aM eeisM MIw gt YN slid slhMa,a bttn- end TIMIMMIIIHIe GUM& THE WEEKLY MArlwtT REPORT OODIMMCM. March IS. 1515.. rail Wheat. 0 al to 81 Fnom lo til per 150 to a B , lam a wt...... or. tent, per owt 100 to 00 Maoris., i t`mon_................._.- it Roo wi 00 GOD Oats. •bosh �•. ••• Mush Express Mail and /uprose.: OBA1411 TRUNK RAILWAY, Miura. �....., 1 a,m. 1. p.m. y,M p.m. . 10.50 p.m. DEPART. Yell yid Express Mail and sxpreo-.........,,, Mixed '15a -m t30 p.m l.3 am AnotloneePIAIR. IIHOMAB ODNDRY, AUOTIONEZR • sad Disunities Agent Gederlob, Oat. Arent Loodoo and Lsnoashlre lira Ins. 00., Gore District .Mutual Ins. Co. Bales st- ead d to In sol Dart of the aowty. 04 -is Jo, N X.N0L ioKSISRAL AU0-. Ont. having bud considerable experience in he suotloiuertngtrade, h. L Ina po.ition lo Ma410&1. Veneer and Lan Valuator, Oodertob W; DAYI; , %vollilrl' AID rICiAN. Dant istry i►1. NICHULf3OPi, LD.tI. 1� Der'rat ecaoaox. Rooms opposite the Poet Omoe • Hold Filling, CrowoGBriddge Work a Spe.Wtp 35 Years Expert Doe. 1l M. MABEE, D.D. l , i mums,-llEN- J. TAL SUROBON.-Litest and approved methods for all dental operations. Preserve on of the natural tee!h a p Malty Oaloe over James Robins n. dor do stave, eer- ear of West 8t &.r ke square. fr M. TURN I JLL, D.D.B.. LD.8.- U • Dental Sunear. ILately woslatod with Ir. Dixon. of MoutraL 0012 sada pro. - Iain. anl0oial teeth mounted on gold or alum- inum babes. special attention given l0 the prepervatlon of the satural tooth. la Mri-ran new D1oct. t -...'..•_. lsoharge with t rough eatt.Lotion .11 corn- • IiD. HUNTER. PHYSIOLI N, BUR- L/ item. ota&a Moe -Bruce street. the rssl- callsdefrlorn res[dwar Telephone S8 I mtwoone entrusted to him. Orders lett at Buxton's Hated, or sent by mall to his address poderlch P. 0., o.refully attended to. J01114 StiO3C Coeapv Asetde.eer. - -*ll WOW - r FUNERAL NOTIOE A. -i -OORNELL dndertaker & Embalmer SUCCESSOR TO A. B. CORNELL• -Our Chargee hart been Greatly Reduced is order to meet Use popvfar demand for Moderate Priced Peneral.. ,Maenan1aie histituts. Posk p honk... - Ray a ton Potatoes. 11, Muth.... .... Batter &..e .. Flinn. wapaabi, \ 4• ... Pelts Lamb -Skins Live Hors ..-. Bacon. -e Ham. per 1b, . Chasoar lb . m. ...... Dream] Hogs, Der owl iin seed Beef, forequarter Dressed Beef, . hind Barley. per bush Wood 21 to 62 to row 36 to 16 to S to 00 to 00 so so to 10 to 25 to 12 to 10 to 11 to 50 to 01 to 00 to 30 to 06 117 61 00 t0 t 10 30 CO 70 70 50 16 11 Appllnattons for 75 Librarian, la room 00 . D1. OOLBORNI. 50 Secretary. 30 Roderick March 11th 1tICH MEOHANIO6' INBTI- IITM id4SARY AND MARINO 1(1031, .os..1 Nast street and Square fop Mina Open from l to 6 P.M., and from 7 to 10 r.*. (BOUT 2000 VUL'i 1N LIBRARY. L.aJinp Deify, Weekly and IUttdrated Tapers, Afoyatu ts, .la, on File. MIMBCRBHIP T10YZT, ONLY SLOB. ranting tree ten of Ltbrsry and Reading itoom. membership r.o.tv.d by H, HAMILTON. Libraries. 11f1e ♦aLliaMMosy. Tb. Dnrets Fee Pries, s Whits • report of the p.du&eheg Mae d 18. Mishima 0.11..5 at Medial.*. rias too est isedImme Wsslsy J. Raid. as follows : unit 541 - does we dues b1 W.A.v J. Rid, D. Me std la pert i ' Today we bye ben k� set ear kalehebod fe staled. el wi 1.wM.e le Yrs s seseesbs eltsasee. Re has boss imbed M OM. Det ...rrm .ad atteiss. butt &WOas. *N*h is • te*M. awe Id• Nos wet. a ter* Ueeasd sbe v lm.r*MYty .1 bb nest moles et of lwabu. We 4* eat to rib** tb..dee1g and se b- oom a. .1 the bosom bee.' oledsy,s tk*y waw sepeeb'h - (1 ebe. Me obeyed W1 hob so 4 w. ben bas.. 5n1as.d ` Aswlee..st4 aye ease el sem ebseveneate of An• ai..a Zarb Wed with Weft ammo M /b ban /a peglal Nem At Ili are of be Weise be wee swamis/ dor+`t--have-to advertises ' Sacrifice Sale of HARDWARE 1 My Goods are So well Purchased and Selected, I can Sell at a Profit at Others' Sacrifice Prices. SADOLIFFE, 0111N111RAL 1llff- R. aurae... Seat lM•rs ..a Mensa t o•.tna Aks.a Onir arVA" rare ei Nd Mover N I.n e. o lowest rate of slor..a met0a le .sit btu oorrower from Senate. West -..,.,r,M, ......_.• Xi. ( O. CAMERON, BARRISTER. SOLI - LPL. clam, Coovey■roer, ko, Oftic•--O0 Hamilton Genet. 2 doors east of Colborne Brea' dry goods .tore. RNEST HEATON ' TER. IJ Solicitor. Notary Pawns CantdIa. Brat of t commerce Chambers, We tivuare Oodertch. lbw -ll E. CAMPIO1.Q.C.. BARRISTER, SOL loiter. Notary, aro, Office over doodle& Halt. 9owre, Uoderwh NIU. JOHNSTON, BARRISTER, 8U - . Ilottor, commissioner. eta Mousy to can. Mem : oor. Hamilton and St. Andrew s Streets. Ooderich, Ont. tot U O. HAT'S, BAItRISTER, SOLICIT - Etre OR, 80. Oe1oe Nortb-IL 0ext door deast8L Office. Prf rate Funds to lend at Want nen of interest. 2910- ARROW 110' ARROW & PROUDFOOT, BAR - a. Colton. ko., Gods: ?lel T. Oarrow, 0..W. Proodtoot. Cl/MELON, HOLT & HOLMES, lJ Barristers. Solicitors la Ohaaomy, ko. soderioh. M. t', Cameron. Q.O. ; P. holt , Writer Holmes. G. WARD, CONVEYANCER t) . ko.. and commissioner for taking and re -e. ring 1.0004(11i 11C•••• o f ball, afda,ita or elrm.tlons, depositions or .o1em0 deolara- Hoes le or oonoerelegg ..y .orlon, roil 0r pr► Deeding 1n the H,,eb Court of Joseph ale Court of Appeal N. Ontario, or in aq_ Division Court, All inns.otiSee ,n4 promptly eceouted. - ,ddreu-D*.w.anon Oct, _Moans iktld Insriratn0S. k� ON'Y TU Ll1A N. - 1160,000.00 ua1,Y1 Privet rands to lend at M .a aaallp. M.0. CAMERON MM noentte Colborne Hertel Ord MONEY TO WAN.-F1VEPER OVI't money to loan. priests is ; SIM feet o w farms to rent or sell. Hagen lea lots to rent or for sale. 1C. N. LBWLI eatMeet Ooderlcb. %f 8EAOER, CONNRYANCINO AND \J.arI ace office. opposite Martin' HoWi / ONLY 10 LEND ON MORTGAGE 111 e O per mint. Notes discounted, O. iZAGBR alba oppeslte Marts'. Hotel, Oodle- rtob. F J. T. NAF Fll F�EpL,,npFIRE, LIFE 1AA AND rates m ®0oe-Or. NorthaL wind`& aare� Qol- erloh, UOaNIT TO LIND..-A L•1011 =asi oe Private Foods tor tnA R O l vegIMen Wee ea firetelen meringue. Ands YAAnOW & PROUDP'OOT. I have no Surplus Damaged Stock to Give Away. No man can continue in business and sell dcoda for less than he pays for them. I on't propose deceiving you in that way. I carry an Up -to -Date Stock of Hardware. My Prices are Right. I am here to stay and to please. you every time you purchase from me. R. W. M°KENZIE, or s� CAP sasuw�as t'toss New 1[ashlne dhow. NE:NEW 1,AUHINI8UOP8-ALL KINDS Raplr Werk da. M w��Mslw.rQbmfBoilersas��t�gii� teuMa J& RVIVVIAIf, P BAKING . .. POWDER URE _ otiAmmo FOR 25c. A POUND -AT- `/i o trOoN4T'S Tasai•■s aft Hen Map es amen Omagh Ilki art : tk. Wigs MatraNON lobe plemoist _ Se Ms. sod sl avi.--' '8 blow baW. Wbleb • ,•,e.,r,r, ,. I#."''* ' ..."10"gagegregggigge' -'or - . - warmr- ....,.r• - .. -.. ."sMe..r.r •