HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1898-4-1, Page 41,' (I P.% Cray's SINet ` of 1 : Bbr Coughs, SprUCO Colds, con- chitis, Bore cum throat, etc. SU" WATSON OD.. era berbrok PMDAT, April 1, tae. EB.&M.H. COMMON SENSE lied HURON BICYCLES Ara new added to ear already large stook s( Wheels. It you wt.► to bV, rent, or - year wbsM repaired, tM prover oboe Is at EMERSON'S BICYCLE AND MUSIC HOUSE AND CLEVELAND CYCLE LIVERY REPRESENTING A. a 8. NORDHEIMER THOMAS TORONTO ORGAN CO. IS rost.nIIED EVERY FRTDAT MORNING •f t. neeisineciesea OODERIOB. P8mDAT, APRIL 1, IUL SNAP SHOTS. —The oat Dame back. —West Huron is onr'n. —J. T. GAItaow, M.PP. —This is GARROW'r •week in West H un,II —The majority isn't large, but it —If Talion -Wan is Russia'', Rus- sia is tahyin' one. - —It's GAttow's turn tO go to Clin- ton to get a romp ion. -HERR AND THERE. THE most important event of the week to the people .1 West Huron kms been the .nnotuwueuat of Mr. Justine Catena'% decision, which will have the abet .t plac- ing the tosstibency onus mere to the Lib- eral column. All of the b•ilota upon which judgment had been reserved were decided in favor of (1haaow, end the result was d. - stared a tie. This will give him the seat by the casting vote ol the returning ofbosr,juat as the writer figured out the result to the electors at the Temperance Hall on the eveu- iog of Marok tat. . . . —The result of the appeal disposes of a bogie which has been trotted out oo every occasion by ow opponent., that the average Grit deputy returning oMeer is so violent a partisan that the Tory candidate would have no clamee to get anything resembling Lair play at his hands. That there is uo nom for any such imputation has been amply demonstrated in the present caro, as they gave Bice one more and GAHaow one lees vote than the judge on appeal declares they akould have done. And as with West Huron se, we believe, it is all over. The men who are charged with the duty of supervising the polling booths on electrum day are, ea a rule, honest and honorable men, who, despite their polite:el ptsdilee- lions, endeavor to perform the duty entrust- ed to them without fear or favor, and in the best iutereste of the common wealth. =And now, that it has been deeded that (:Aaeow has the seat, at is to be hoped tkq,people will he satisfied that they have had enough of election". We are told, how- ever, that a protest will be filed, and an ef- fort mule to disqualify Mr. (:Aaaow, though upon what ground is not stated. If a man ever ran an election' without going out of his way to further his own interests, that man is J. T. t,ARtww. He is not a politician, in i.,he u.rol ecceptauce of the ternn, acid prac- tically draws the line at a personal eanvass, which is something that the ordinary poli- tician doss auk-isiond ou eerentoy triri. Had he been so inclined, he cook} very easily have placed one hundred %otos to his - —We've had enoe-etdeetioae, and it's time for a ch.i {e —Twenty odd protests up to dsto, and still there's more to follow. - W,by not make little Mr. Ltven- .rAaH the next governor-general t —Oar esteemed local contemporary ha- retired from the poultry business. — As we remarked on a previous oo, carton, " The man who laughs lest, laughs best.- -There's many a slip between the polling of the last ballot and the recount appeal. —This man LIVERVAen appears to have brain-maehd the Senate, and he weighs only 90 11r. avotrdupots. —This loyalty howl about the Yu- kon railway is all rot. The senate should be fought to a standstill in another way. —President MCKINLEY will prove himself a sig man if he can stand between his nation and war in the .face of the pre- sent jingo howl. —In the i)oruinion estimates for the current year Coderieb is apportioned 533,000 towards public improvement& Every little helps. —That rooster of our. is a littte travel -stained after his month's sojourn in the Valley of Hun.iliation, but he still holds himself up in good shape. —First 'twos Baca who trod the deck -- His winning vote being narrow — And then Bra's got it in the neck, And up lobbed J. T GARRow. --Speaker EDGAR, It is claimed, had no precedent for putting the question, •' Bbajl the hill now be red a third tithe Y' and forthwith proceeded te make one. That's statesmanship. —The town water supply for some time hack kw been anmply disgraoefuL As in the owe of Coleridge's ancient mariner, it hie bean, " Water, water everywhere, and not a drop to drink." Our waterworks and .ewer spokes have bow no credit to their promotes, tail' not of treat value to, the town. —The latest Spring aunt is one by the widow of • fbrist named DAvtneotr,who im swing the members of Bir MAena:.ZIE Bowa1A.'s Government for the cost of the flrxs1 tributes sent by tees to the obsequies of the Lie Sir Jens TeowreoN, and which was inscribed, " A Tribute of Altettioa from his Devoted Colleagues." The only wan in the whole outfit wllo had the deoeney he pay his share of the Dost is the pr'eaent Jadgr Owner. Anatillear rerrtetM.. 4e W NNW a Tun IIs, KU. La a sive.--Tae 1..m whisk appeared la first glee et harsh 96th. under Ib. heading it " was wythhag else. It wee ald..al.a.IliOseVasz sismileieIA* ______ a &NA ..muse.s et le miss up Nee' roomer Mei- Se ■r. snug These meen nae tie teens hashed ani eseskArhe se arksamenr= est '• the a " Mies an IOhoda W& fligsm1177. ` l�rm bettorm IN Claims. this Mimi sea. 1M1* e THE SIGNAL : GODERICH ONTARIO winner. The terms of tie esetpektiaa are sow giver, which are few and eisepie. The prises will be 56o for the beet ooatriba- Non, 11116 for the nest best oontiribatioa, alb for the nett best omtribation, and a10 fur the next best contribution. Wen, here gees: You ask to have me write fur you • patriot- ic song. Something with some sprung to it, acid not a men ding -dour ; Yoabiyou'llsound mowy up-rY fifty big, dollars— And ol a And I'm ,ht out straight for the stuff— sans fritts, or cliffs, or collars. There was • time when patriots took the people's hearts by storm, But new the paint's fine work takes • very different form : Instead of working on their hearts, be now works con their pockets, And reaches to his greatest teach, from fingers to arm sockets. There was • time when Right was right, and Wrong stood forth denounced, But now the man who speaks gaivat wrong will surely .00ci be bounced ; And what is wanted most amongst the patriots today I. the man, in office sunshine, who will make the longest hay. In olden times the patriot, et kis country's nn, would hie To fin at once the foremost tae Wd brave- But times hatavechanged sine then, I ween, and now he wants to give lits services for salary, and on his country. live. 1 could chop out a coni or two of ring- ing patriot *mg, But what's the use of chopping, for you'd isay nkat I'd dans wro :ig And, bei` I -know that looking ford patriot, I'd mime him, For 'mew Halifax and Kkmdike we ere short on patriotism. The Witness says, " Poets sing because they must ;" that's why we warble. Further, The Witness says, •' and it is the moat spontaneous notes That trill the sweetest." That's ell ; and AV!' tank on our spou.taneity, as we aro after the " spoils." Continuing. our esteemed eontempurary says, " Of a good song it might be said, ' Naecitur non 6t'—it is born, not made --.o utterly art- less is it." This puts cit$ " poise " in the lead at -once, as for "ertieeanous " it doles eomp.tittou. The WitaMs oho says that ef-he.ing. rceeessur amri-epr-eiRkMv.r.. -sends-Teei.illf wog, and that is why we dropped $LeEtta at the fourth verse. Failing to hear from Th. Witness within ten Clays, we will draw ILS sight. peels nem:awry to seethe his electiou. But he preferred to take the ground that the people should be lett free to exercise their own judgment .t the poll, sad thereby cause within an nee of being jonted " out of his seat in the Legislature. Under the circum- stances, we fail to see what good would fol- low a protest'against him. Certainly there can he no pnesibls chance to disqualify, and without diequalifiostion he would be re- elected by i majority of not less than three figures to his credit. —Weld Huron is Liberal, and that fact must not he lost sight of. True, on the 1st of March the riding " slipped a i:ot•,'- and came mighty near falling into the hands of the enemy, but such a thing need riot hap- ten again, and will not happen again, if the member and the Oeerernment keep their eyed open to the trots -hien, as they exist. There are half -a -dozen meu in the eonstitu- ency who eau carry • majority of from 160 to 300 against Mr. Baru, if the seat were declared vacant tomorrow. Mr. GAttaow can du it if he throws himself into the can- vass as hie predecessor did. Col. Roes n .tired the figures from 89 in 1875 to 376 in 1886, and ther is no mason on earth why Mr. (liatow , nbi not demonstrate that he is a more popular man than Col. Ros,c ever was. But ermt if Mr. (i/asow saw fit to relinquish Local polities and step up to • higher and more honored sphere of notion, our Conservative friends need not build upon eapturitsg West Huron. The riding has returned to her first love, and has corse to stay, and no protest in this section will benefit the protesters. . —it is within the past few woeka that the tonal Tories; were interviewing Liberals and stating that, now that the election had been won by Mr. Bncx, it wan hoped that ke would be let hold it for the term ; that a protest weak! merely gain sympathy for him, as the man who wits deelared elected would naturally he in a better position to app••I to the electors than the other man, who would he looked epos as & persecutor ; • &e. Well, now, if that argument was of any use when it looked as if Boor was on top, why should it not apply now t Bot do- spite all that our Tory friends have Raid de. precatory of a protest being entered, we do not doubt that one will be entered in Wass Hume. Tree, there may be no groettdi, and the case may never (cuss to court, but protests appear to be the order of the day, and an this line the following, from The Globe, about eoven the ground " 'The war of protesta now pr progress is • game of ckikdren or of fools, according to your point of vision. The lavrynae mssj make somethtng out d ib budaeus, .1 - though it is fair to say Ihsl giutit is the poli - tis and not the near who are re- sponsible fee the p ssaaflMs. b a few ndinga, when there is resseseMs gauead to wspeet serreplise, ani on a dew ahem the aajai e semi% it was tb be ex- pelled teat prat stwie d he taken. Ihdi* the mainn nothlag het a d saw.. i will remdt..itom what is now atolaa or, and so far M oases may be time Mr. Whitney, nib* olerty the aggreiest this rtrt beads.the will esA e his as afree. sod hedllithat position The panel ipsneentt one thIng—that there _ 1 aivartar repthe t etelt stern • Mi (Aaaue and betshigat efineitimi fund wee nam. lying ani irubeg, • • It —Oa Seelgiay The Meatieal WN as smaer.eed . patriots* Nos nesmpetititee and offered Shy dollars as • pries to the • WHAT THE PAPERS SAY; The timed llrw.�ejer The Toronto Sun : The kW press of On- tario u deservtag of warm support. It maintains • high standard of news gather- ing and serves es the means of exabaap of local thought Sad opinion. Its editors are able and well informed, and their oomtseat b probat.Iy the airosen% a,reney in the pol- itical and intellectual life of the people. Let no one underestimate the value of his heal pap«. \�icrokiA STRUT MITHODIRI CHtrace.— Norwithwending the uof•vorabl• weather on Sunday evening, there was • good at• incidence to hoar the pastor, Ifev. W. Gad - win, preach • sermon on '• teal rah - reading." The test wee re looted from the prophecy of Isaiah, the words brims " 1 will make a way in the wildereees." A short atKory 01 r•:Iresding was rivets in which emph•su were pla.;ed epos the small begisniu* of the enterprise and the wide• reaohing industry wbtoh 1' has sow broom', lied many awful retirees lemons rano drawn from the ooeetr.otice and numis/ of • railroad. A weloeme was given to the railroad employees orseeat. Nouns 110 UredltOis. NOTICE 18 RERY.BY (1HVEN THAT O•^ren O. Johrstos of the Village of lsa4tteerr ts the comity or Hu on, ferrying os burn.« M • Oeme.si Ei ,cb'.nt at the sold ♦♦HINDS of Pieter, hos made an asesgnwl maw Rb.f1. tlle7.'Chapter 117 male Ameedlart Aare. of all We ammo, oreilie . d eifeote to us O. YaIsala, of the City or Toro des, YmROssAirT ilt. for the general bemen% et enAtlon. A meettat of creepage will be Medal tke eltm g ]eats m 11. M. kaam« do wary, 61 Yonne sTseeel, in the City of Toronto o., the sixth day M Apr!, 16116. at the sour of font eeleek to the eteereoee, to receive • e satement S ashes. to appoint lupeetors, •ad ser the .sdsrtee of the affairs et the e�•t��e�t�� Dee Mere are reee9•ted to Mie {rime dolga with the odd trustee, w ti the poeb sad para Molar* theism requiredby dm s.$ Acts, oa or bets �eare 1 he day of a Whys let er iter d A fi.further1an lathmaiditrussewe he Illeftitatte the emits of the adl noble teteeTf•t the on thes�'ties Islas of in r the eIeeseIllessest steet r enshe OMR &ii Mb Uwe*. =ilts ea are theme Meill v' koe exam `DDa of •t Tombs tkb 1)15 day of Marek. Int NAOS .$BLL, UoKAWFIR R IIBARY, 61 Posse ammo,e1o. Sonatas, ter theT9srussts.. 1 PRICBLBMS DI800TIRI I •.e1.e«w sinner aura nes. w MOAZ AND SWAB.. A poetises, min pots rieus remedy for the NEN of Osassr, QMroeo Ulan, eta, Sore Thereat, wed a.eriety d Rhin iNtisswws fei . nts hal Wish indi- ep Mel kat is applied. by e aot`wn, to the .-H�IIt tis t gbh bath, and 30e. per ai��M J. --M. IIeLFAD, Prlrpr'ieldt sad Yaaufa.terer, Dederick, Ott. coughs and colds 1111041111* be endured; they can be cured, and that quickly. Many mixtures are tem- porary in effect, but Scott's Emulsion of Cod-liver Oil with Hypophosphitcs is a permanent remedy. The oil feeds the blood and warms the body ; the hypophosphites tone up the nerves; the glycerine soothes the inflamed throat and lungs. The combination cures. This may prevent serious lung troubles. ,....e gems sot gra rebs. SCOTT & aowNe, Chweas, Two Mr. Gldstoso yesterday, Marek 30, teak • short o.tine in We garde.. This le she Brat time lie lies fiefs the bow dame M re- turned to Hawardee Castle fry Ilsomew booth. EPPS'S COCOA'T __:JAMES ROBINSON C.O1,MI=3 . • BARGAIN CENTRE For For For For For For For For Extra Value in Dress Goods Extra Value in Dress Trimmings Extra Value in Hid Gloves Extra Value in Ladies' Belts Extra Value in Ladies Cuffs and Collars Extra Value in Ladies' Capes Extra Value in Veiling Extra Value in Cotton Hose Before you buy your Lace Curtains, compare our Prices and Quality. ENGLISH BREAKFAST COCOA Ibearees the fallowing distinctive m«tts DELIOAOY OF FLAVOR. SUPERIORITY IN QUALITY. OSATML ,7121* to the 7WMA40V0 0?0 =EMTIO. NUTRITIVE QUALITIES UNRIVALLED. p,�pIIn Quarter-PoundPTiro oaly, Hommoppatblle Chemllstte, LondonLtd.,. nnelend. GO143EN• TARTAR'AN SIDE ATS moots productive on the Continegir.- e have procured our seed from the -originator; where they have been grown from their infancy. These oats are true to name. WMw BURROW'S, BEEDr11AN, HA1[ILTUY tfl. CABTAGE & FIIEL CO. GOAL W E wish to announce to the publl3 that we are still headquarters for the beat HARD, SOFT and BLACKSMITH COAL in the market l delivered in any quantity. - woos Special attention is given to CUT and SPLIT W000. We sell 1 28 feet of wood for a cord, making three single cords of 16 in. wood, ready for the smallest 000k stove. Kindling and summer wood on hand. CARTAG-E We handl.. Baggage and Freight to and from all tr •ins and boats. We move pianos ar d organs and household effects, and do it well. Phone 62 O. it F. Co. IMO. S. PLATT, Manager. BBBIILLER NUR8ERIE8 Lauda !salt and Ornamental Trees at Tashi. Moe. EVERGREENSA SYF4JIALTY. Oar rtook or trait Trees beim Compi'e. we will be ab e to alt meters at shortest Voel.fles of we have the Best and Led!ea apple. rear. rims. Cherry, sad of �a11 /ruts, a Woe clock Oa and examine Meek and be oonvlooed. fare• Stook et Choi*, Spring Soda's. Plasty. Add PriesListmulled on applloatttm.' JOHN STEWART ESTATE ■nlssiact! r. e. THE WORLD'S BEST BICYCLE . . . THE M'CREADY Is now made a1 our town fac- tory. This popular wheel le bound to become a favorite with the OOdesiek erbeeYar fraternity. Sampler will be read) it a few day. What's left of tie " Cb,n- mon Seise and " Heron " hikes we are offering for little ten. HBHDEBSON BICYCLE Ct LTd 01-03DZIElspz, - O>w'r. v _., ..esw fl(areBED-the periled- CHE'‘\`\'‘......"5.)17)) • UorseAaT.—Marssaet Mardook, widow el W lata Robert Blair, died 1e Fenwtok, Oat. Tuesday of lest weak. The body was I brought to Oodeetah for burial, aad o0 Tharaday afternoon the funeral took oleos from the resides*, of Jobe Vralker, Ndec ■ street, Rev. J. A. Asdersoe, B. A , oeo- dueeias the 'erring. sad Moms. Joe. Is Annan, sr., A. Stratton, A Boarders, ti. Warmest, Jae. Walker, cad H. 1. Strang. B. A., beta the pall bearers. The rows • of the death of Mn Blair, within dr weeks of her daughter, Maggie 8 , was a.etpetee to many o1 her G,aderlas friends, thous It it was knows that the deceased lady w.sser- iously ill at the time the remains of Miss Maggie were ooeeigned to their last resting place. Muth sympathy is exer•s..d for G. F Blair. and other relatives of deceased, in their great ixre•vsment. I• \t", A ;.� . CiAd 6 L308 iIER3, WE 43.! IN TSE RADE WITS THE Common Sense Huron McCready Bicycles Made at the Henderson Bicycle Factory, Ooderich ; Celebrated "White" Made by the White Sewing Machine Cumpany. Call sail examine Wheels sad get Prime at also the icycle, w ORSELZ,'S The Cheap Stoveman, Ooderich, SPRING 1898 SPRING 1898 HURON'S GREATEST STORE. e — READY WITH — Millinery Reception — AND — Spring Opening The mere announcement of our Grand Millinery display for TUESDAY, MARCH 29th, and following days, will create a lively interest among those who recognise our supremacy in the Millinery badman You are Cordially Invited j - . r.- -+Innen to visit our Millireey Skew Ramos, whit h are yours 4 to )Isar hsael'. esallutt Ila Toeedy, 49th Inst., sad febewfag dale. R_ B. smrli3 IIIS! be -gJ83yg Gui! HEADY MADE CLOTHING .-...-.MV OWN MAKE..,... beA:eret�—Tess a; low Mossety,1 eat eon. A iline soltmeat et New O.oe. toe rel and Wieser weer. CALL A1• s•1 ■a. H. DUNLOP testas Teller. eras Hoak k6sausd. For TWENTY-SEVEN YEARS DUNNS BAKING POWDER THE COOKS BE8TFRIEND LARGEST Yl[ IN CANADA. HELLbI TH E OLD RELi ALL KINDS OF . COAL ALWAYS ON HAND ScraillollScrailjoi ilard Coal All Coal weighed oa the Market Scales. whew you get SOW Ilia for a ton. WM. LEE. Oedore left at NAM= 5t LETS Bien promptly attended te. OODERJOH STEAM BOTL*B WORSE. A. S. CH RY STAL, essasses'vw Ohn tN • Duck. Manutaotarer of •11 kind. M EOILICRS. Smoke Stacks, Balt Finn, abed Illoe Works, etc., etc., Ana Desi« le-- ts Yaehieery Casting', Ac. deer of Pipes rod pope Fitting., �1eI� end Water Garages, Globe Valves, Qa- Valves, I.sptrators, El/otters and In- = Oesrbrstly on Head at Lowes A special line of Steel Water and Hos Troughs for nee of tannin red ethers. Revalrille pr'eaepIIy swooned to. 4. S. Cl!!,TSTAL. woo P. O. Bee fit OetlorW. Have You Seen LEE 84 8HEPHARD'8 Fine Display of Wheels E & D.r $86 44.17{$65 $66 0leveland $7Pilot Lle $36 elf, Having jest reosived s Lege num- herd Bicycle Sundries we ora tally etlllipped for Bain` all kiwis of repoisies. c a nod esb Gtr geode LEF SHEPIIARD OU GENERAL DF CLOTHIN have nearly all arrive( beet in the country, a child to give us a call I bogus bankrupt stooks to get your dollars, bi back if the goods are We will use you right and satisfy you. EST,. S. J. REID, Mau MARRIED. How ATT - HowATT. -. J welae.Mr. yanh.11e15 ,t. A.eerses. 'laic' A.I, O..n w«t Wewaessk o Man Colborne MwasWP p1ED. TROs jetwM s' 1'. Brows. �r*ue a pp'34 7, _ At *5..lb ... 1 _ At T, gas. la. vMeerue. e idest W C.Pasemlueer. y y.i THE TALK OF Ti From the Report4r' Ir live • Iola In s' Ted is teat „t • AMI'. Yaks.' Inane. aa' 50 crest It.' -ant 14th ride, anos h 11 sae fide Is not IuRve eat i$ file ham s selestl ao.lb wet scree The war ss qubi vlalt tirll.wti 0*u6 s ad sr phonate kb Art Oeflw, made much nese tutessMlst to the somber. To TNosz Nov Ur To 1 out • number of •eoosuM shell used them out smolt wear for subserietioos are weal to save • remind* queerly. seed ea the sera i up to date sebeoribsre. Dian is Toaotrro.—loot widow of the late L•nius C el our townsaa Oswald Toronto tale week, Mod 76 wee eldest deeghter .f the Lem et the I.1aed of On bars 5t Aliment, Spats. Tielea. Wesev.—Fro of she Nese Mitre. cern wheat has arse tareegb well, the maw having pr prot.otiou to the growtes ►mere owe *pots *koro frost kills. sad 11 t. pet frost followed try thaws ■ at presses N seams as Ike d Chu issart5at rials will comms .ses.e. lsnis►oAs.—We reins sasses that the pastor of dist ohurele, Her. Jos. !t to his bed • rood part of set quite Mason yet. •n sheet. Ray Egerton Ar the pastor's place at Ike last 800day. and Rev. 1 erasing service, *knelt w milers. We hope he wi1 wonted health sad virer. A RUNAWAY.—Oa Sets astride the res6.aee of broke sway sad nu el, . of the ('reseuat took M drew tie 'able 1t wee u book Mee at ••••• • x or m Tb. ber»nw was s ie•wl Ike 0515 not "ails epp5e The driver. Robert Yews wag a galN ewe, and most toed he • ebtld'• red deal 1.. Bass limn Hon 1 risk base -ball dub bee hepty '. b. pM7sd fen leers lues taws uneaten Casteseta imitationsevoke t sbutdbasilsea N the morotery Nt loser t lot aro. AR seppertsr and Inane e�f eeeebdl *hie Truths Sawot To Ona 8ar maw a —As Itis esetbseay the year Itchen the 41N lots sod 6uk«eser to tut for the Mesmer curb*, e field 10 h sefi4t Y.ta ed. ens3L Tiers .5...1 tk. •' isetkser Mitt easter, Rev. J IWb.et t0;ia;wi ar:au1, res. «« a. ti..la., w big $'° u of shun ttktp. Abd tb5s tby ala wa,ud eal H li(1,M n»o.—y ItofWH..Sf • t. tke roots .i *5. A Meedsy alueleR bp, w Ik• iss1 mei lies Kam abuse es - *�ses�ssi etteaber et ielriMe n blidivanes/ i etle11%tle . t inhere of the ins, ori the M•ktttar)esr far w A5 eeM i Ise roust sesise e1 reed wee ere �f~