HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1898-4-1, Page 2• TH E BEST MATCH MAKER like s sleeper abruptly aoakeaed from 'rho ruorrow was the great day. At soma happy &retina He had noticed eleven o'clock a doren large open car - C1114110 to conlitly the guests to the church. The coachmen %ore large nosegay. with streamers of white rib - boa on their cheats, and the horses like the sheep of the midsummer - Oar's Procemion. The weather was splendid; it seemed as it the sue it- self wished to participete in the re- joicings. Groups of peasants were waiting all along tbe rood. sad tbe men waved their hats and the woolen passed before them. The marriage tame. and the tiTdge:rvCaaynten dragged MANI had beep celebrated, and Ferdin- themselves through the house. turning and and hire young wife were standing „out rethe hilltops and extinguishingd the under the church porch, just about to reitie.reth hie O taci:nr quadrtersewdbeecni Ferdtri°- t into their carriage again, •when nand darted like • vihirlwind across Hector approarbed and abruptly asked the epartment. Catching hold ot Min by the arm Hector eagerly wilted: ''Hoor name. tell me her name." with the golden hair. "Her name ejeculated the bride - "Oh one ef our neighbors," (wireless- groom. "Whose name f My wife's! ly replied tbe happy bridegroom. end at;.hzi,halvden't.t1 told you-Helerliein.ie." stretching out his arm toward the aa la tentitt to' cfratean' you coo -see ewer already freed himself. and Will .ituatti yoader. half -way up the slope, like a white dot in the midst ef the trees " CHAPTER IV. • This did not WII Hector ber n ,nie Her name ears 1..oulee d'Amblecay, and als was but seventeen years old. but it hsOlmeed that Sir was Mademoi- selle AtmanilliTbridesmaid. demoiselle d'honneur. ao that custom made Mtn brief but happy married life. Still her cavalier servente for the rest of young, wealthy. and decided not to the day. Blithe and gay she hung on again. the haruneaa had noi, fourarl the hia ann. chirruping like the birds in from her oiTyurlidaigueghtoeraerhr:mteabhee pro- ne trees; and while they followed (erred to educate at hOine. She was th. amiated in ber task by • learned old their friends along tbe garden Pa ways. and through tbe arbors, Hector had to tell her the history of hie friendahip for •Ferdinand. mad how hO oaf. eller. they indeed will prolebly bad decided to come. Her questions to borer moitnherra theier dam fully revealed her girlish innocence. not go either t ischtl Or convent. antraaaa-e-ar twice Hector was se Mr- tilers thei-atinaispolieri ao Often fatit prised that lie oould not conceal itO tZrYhoung girle; and. brought up LIO- tainociramliotheart's eyes. abor had thus re - Then her bla tremulous eyes would 1 tb girlish inn nce and gam at Ma questioningly. but mon grace, which for many of ua have even she reeanitgetakier carelese serenity.; greater charms ttuin beauty atoll. white wry,. joked that ob. bad farm_ , ma_ dame d'Anableesy lived in almost yritiiitici-oli-vW-tnrIt" 61i -band's heath aullernPh:ati hal" If up emeereation; for otbervrise bei, would in her chateeu ao aa to allow her 10 • grief full course; and later on. when' scarcely have known what to say ber.. Addressed to her. the ordinary uttninev, i:Ititgdtrilecdhaber shedehad torn would. indeed, have seemed singularly ' who lived at Tours. and who canae once out of place At times. whilst listen- l_i•ayesier to spend a fortnight at the lug to Hector. ahe stooped to pluck cvtiu'ung. teand oili7tef.ase,d,rmeirioisfeliever, on a flower, and lednt, in doing so, more Mem ol the neighborhood bel 4Ing to heavily, on lila arm; &ad thin he paus- ed in nts talk to admire tbe exquisite gram and suppleness of her move- that her carriage had brigbter limas WM the °thee, and ea long as pa/nazis le watched their light fleshing &long the winding med. AA times it would disappear behind the tree*, and then joist for a moment. suddenly shins like a o illeciatheevi tap darting through tbe marshes. At leuet from eller. lie stood be retold see the lamp. no long- er, but hoping to perceive them from the draoing-rouna he hastily went in. doors. end with hie forehead against the window -panes, looked out long and anxiously into the night. The draw- ing -room was now i oid of guests; the his friend who was that pretty Frtri priest. and an able Engliab governess ot the Catholic faith. both of ehom ▪ reside• at the Chateau d'Amble- the •nstocracy or landed gentry. Glee marry very early in Tourains. and for the past year gossips of the district had been asking mob other bow meets. By and by, her charming it happened that atheleassanalebeeney toilette of white crepe de Chine csught did not occupy herself with Mediae in a straggling briar. and with a throbatiinddfor her daughter. aad one or rest chatterers had even bough ease stooped again toffee her- spoken on the subject to the baroness self. though not vi ithout pricking bar herself. Madame d'Amblecay invert - fingers. which she at onoe carrion -- leer mouth,. aad Dibbled. as it MU% With hea.alng ;early teeth. Margate ed. entranced. Hector abandoned hino ing ber in fact. 5o as to make her an eel( to the Irresistible charm of in- °id wad in Vito of hermit I Hector learned all them partieulare. nooence. without even thinking of an- mnd maul, others besides, from his alyzing tbe new sensation that pervad- , friend's wife. Madame Aubanel was ed him Seated near her at dinner,: precisely Losiee's best, and indeed her spoke to bins. and coinprilled him to slie was alone ble profited of the oppor- reply. perferriag by far to watch her Welty to ialk with her on the euhilect etealthity, while she daintly bandied Dearest ts his 'mart, „d „en wawa bier knife and fork or timidly diPP04 Ferdinand was present be invariably her lips In the ruby wine. served ist offered Mr his arm. and monopolised goesamer gleams. 1 tbe conversation to his owe particular Precisely et six o'clock, it was still eameat. Oa all passible occasions. no broad daylight. a.scraping of violins deed. be fairly robbed his friend of was beard. This was the sigma for his wife. considering that Ferdinand tbe ball to begin in tbe arbor. and by wag moat eadaugaue with and by it wag to be continued in thee mama" gallantry. However, altbougla Orewlng-room. At the first twang or be always bad ilademoiaelle d'Amble- the strings she roes. and Rector fol- eay's same co his lips. be endeavored In speaking to her to assume an air a utter indifference, and he really thought be succeeded in his efforts; but if be had bees lose pre -occupied be might have noticed the ahy smile that refreshment trays. Waltses. polkas &ten played round hisidame Aubanere aati mazurka!, &twee's found him in the lips. She thougut that she could reed trent rank, apd at last old Maclaine his heart. But bow could tbat be. since be mold not read it himaelf-at beset during the earlier day*. He dis- simulated in all good feith arid wag the first. to I. deceived. If he still lingered at La Free:mile it was because he really not do °them be. He peremptorily decided that point; and indeed there was any number of pre- texts and good reasons for him to re- main. In Touraine no marriage takes pia°, Without "return" festivities. Re- latives and friends vie with 'web other in enterteining the happy pair. and for a whole fortnight there is a perpetual turning of spite and scraping of •Io- ;'dinnere and tells picnice and ex- cursions, following each other with be- wildering rapidity. Now couki Rec- tor refuses the invitaitone which rain- ed upon Mini Would he not have effieftded his friewi by tiolog eel Thee be went everywhere. and cn each fresh occtuiion he met Mademoiselle d'Am- blecay, whose mother. making a great exceptiou in favor of the regent mar- riage-lierminie. be it remembered. had been Lonier's only friend-rnowientar- tly abandoned her life of retirement. If Hector had still been in the 00- .1011neat of his calm. sober • bit would certainly have noticed the maga- r change In Mademoiselle d'Amble- coa's character tend matinee. rho. vb." • ehly replied that thus was no reason tohurry, whereupon item charitably reported that she waseserificing Louise to ber material apothem. sequestrate lows(' her on ta the sward.. Be demeed all night, just like • youtb fresh from ',college. wiping the perspiratioa from las forehead after each quadrilim and streaohaeg eat both hands toward the Outwore was fain to compliment him. Me did not hoer her. He wee listen- ing at tbot moment to the voice of tendons.. which whispered. "Yon can- not properly dance with ber more than me deuce out ef every five." And to maitre that privilege, he determin- ed to dance in turn with every woman present. It mattered little whetber they were young or old. pretty or ugly, be wee tali of attentions for them all. wit aad flattery falling from hie Hp@ et every turn in the mary dame. He had never felt m satisfied in his life, aad perhape be imagined that tbe ball woutd last till the day of judgment, for he bad made Angara:mots as far hood ela the thirty-eaventh quadrille, at suddenly. just as three ',alma In be morning was striking( it am notte- - id that the bride bed dlaacpaaaed. and tbe guests et once took this es a 'sigma for departure. all the old coosin's ef- forts to organize a ootillen meeting with no suc.oess. Hector offered his arm to the lotely girl with t he gold- en hair. cooduoted ber back to her soother. and eanorted them both to- ward their carriage througt the hall, which was erowried with guests looking for shawls and wrappers. 'Row tarty we are leaving, mamma" sire said. with • little pout. "Ob. quica quiet. my 4ear," rejoin- no the oroeudoe of their Mod meeting ed the old lady, giving no direct re- had boon so gay mid expatiate, now Ply "cover your mock and arms and grew more and more reserve& As shoulder*. It is very cold outside, and yea mustn't be imprudent. Quick. wrap yourself up In thin shawl and t him cloak and this mart. aed pUt this hood ma pate heilat'' The young bridesmaid laughingly al LOWS(' 11OrtOr ambit her ia donning Um meaty thews her 'teatime meow Cillgr•Hanneed Um. inrionbod Trolls heed & InnuallOrg; Oki could hardly walk so that be had element to carry bar in tbe carriage. Ho *meat • heavy ter nag over bed' ladies, mot Wilsey nweibrai tleeir thanks; the afeerwora the vehicle was De dowat the Imo avenue of abilibmit tress Thar. .mooti Hector they became better sequalaWd 'the more it seemed se if he iatimideted bet. Still ho did net remark it. "boa Juan" though be ease with pretensions to greet knowledge of tbe femioliM heart. But thee tin most expert salami Iowa hie wits as eons as he be really is love However. days an/ days elapsed. and 76:guleight fleator strapped OP his abate. to unstrap it again Oil the folierwiag morsager. He canted himself for beim Iblemit. Be I -Mold - ruiner ; for whet ela oarth wee be do - is g st La Freaseille. troubling( las Ma preside* maw a Ghanian' tetme- tete. At them be felt riamesegui ead lageltabt. "Poor INOMMilend must be •isgaste4• w/tb ntw 1& I wen Iht els - bars turned m; dries! Mector out set doors long ago.' But Ferdlaagd had never had any such ides. On the oontrary his friend's presence delighted him. end be oous(dered bimsel( the, happiest on ser!► to be able to speed his life be- tween love and friendship He ewe moreover, so wrapped ep in his ow■ bliss that a hundred years might base elapsed without his notk:ing Hector's perplexity if bis .vife had not appro- prietely warned biro. It happened one tnorning while the happy pair were breakfasting together. Hector had gone of( at daybreak. under tbs pre- test of bagging • few partridges. but in reality to roam aroun t Madame d'- Amblecay's chateau. In the course of 000rereation Ferdinand began to sing the praises of that [dead o[ his -a per- feot phoenl## hs declared. who was no- tlecting aft- his own affalrs to give hem several weeks of his delightful society. "But are you sure, dear," aaked Madame Aubenet "that it is only M. Malestret's friendship for us tbat still beeps him at La Fresnaie f" "tyle, of course." replied Ferdinand, with bis mouth full, "what other rea- sonf" "Oh I who knows 1 Perhaps • very pretty reas..0-very young •ud very fair.": '.!lab I" "Mademoiselle d'Amblecay. for 1n- aLancv « hat, do Joy _ a thlat , deer l What an idea 1 But atter a11, wbj not 1 People say she is very good- looking.' "People say, indeed t Wby, don't you know bar yourself Y" "1 -es. no doubt. but then for thetast two years I have never looked at any other woman but yourself." "And 1 hope such will always be the "Oh. I can swear that." gravely an- swered Ferdinand. "But to return to your discovery. It seems incredible that Hector ran be in love. Why has be said nothing to met It would be the height of dissimulation. a perfect crime against friendship! However, I will sonless him and find out the truth." • There was to be but little difficulty about the matter. for in point of fact -Hectare •a0edentdrrt was -'gstteae beady. After three weeks of the cruelest and yet moat comical perplexity that ever troubled a lover's heart and bead, be had at last made up his mind. ♦b l be had not done so without a struggle. He Loved Lo�,iss d'�biee = • he- felt it. #tt>�1` t `tr wars for f `d efellgri "Cha on pended the happiness of his lite. He rola Rickard Qornnitiun of Vietor-r'0Nk fe;l asleep thinking of her. And then ail ot • sudden in the midst of his dreams a spectre rose before hem. It seemed as if be beheld Aurelio Btau- dureau standing at the foot of his bed. like • statue of remorse, and as if he could bear her reproaching him for litlaa� his treason, his perjured word Ahl there was his father's promise. and tbe �i father was •soldier to the old letter which he himself had written 11th Foot. My eldest brother enlist - tut two months ago. Had he the rigbt M 1a the 4th Light Dragoons. and was to give his bsart to any other woman 1 all through the Crimean War. ale the What would M. BI•mduran say t At this thought Hector lowed his bead.- mooed broth- er But then day by day his love for Louise d'Amb&ecay grew more intense. and be realised that it would be imposaibls for him to forget ber. Alai yet, still mad ever be was haunted by the oldest sen is at present edorsergeant thought of Mademoiselle Rlandureau, in the 2 d Northumberland Fusiliers. He could never marry bar, he telt it ; Tho emoted mom is serFesnt in the ind nay, be was determined never W do eon Royal Fueil%ers. the third son is a sap - But then, how could be recall bis ea- a•ggeemeat, his pledged word t Hee • per in the Royal Engineers; and the father's ooatmercial inet incta seemed to fourth eon la about to enlist. rise within elm, and he was literally The daughter married a bandsman hurrltled by the though of being post- of the Norfolk Regiment_ My oldest ed as a defaulter on settling day. Biwa, ! !sister married Private John Taylor. 1st paradoxical w it may seem, this was Warwickshire Regiment- and has five the opt thing that oould save him. toms. tbe eldest belong to the Royal He at first began by dismissing such • Horse Artillery. The seoond sad third oottiagenoy w unworthy of kis hon- sons are is the Norfolk Regiment. The esty; but by and by be had to return fourth eon V in the Dario of York's to It. Be set it .side once more: wool` ead application le about to be then he diarusaed tbe question at great made at that school for lbs tttth moo. length In his own mind, and finally �- Private attar • terrible effort he decided that be had no other alternative. "My father," be aid. "entered into [oR Regiment. The neons& daughter engagements which be bad no ri`ht to eparriR a volunteer. The third is the tube and I acted wrongly Ia ratifying wife of a rivets in the Army Ordnance teem. But in reality, what have I „---- ,,Q_ fourth .- marry promised t To love Mademoiselle Blandureesu. Now tbs charm of love 000sfst* it Its being involuntary, and I love another girl. If 1 kept my word I should he a dishonorable man. for I should not merely tondo s t4y- self to perpetual misery. but Mademoi-. selle Blandnreau as well. fie I must withdraw. It is s case of compulsion ; and besides. after all. It hs scarcely bankruptcy. but ratber Ilquldatloa; end permission 'to wind up' is fairly my due.'• Hsving comer to this deternlnatio*. Hector asked himself bow and whoa be should ask M. Blaadurean to can- nel the agreement, end after a coop�lts• of days of torturing perplexity be de- cided to write to Paris when every- thing wns finished -that be, after he " It la trach 1'w pot • noblemeJl•" " L1►. t.bat._would not b• tis diffl- cul ty." " Not Then what wool& 10 be 1 Oh, madame 1 ineplore you, tell me." " ft's • secret." llectot seemed so distressed Khat l'stdinand. who babltually looked at thing* from their comical aide. could not help bursting out into a loud laugh. Ab I ab 1" •aid he. holding his aides. "Go on soy deal fellow.. It's a secret you know ; well, what have you to say to that 1 Come oh. if you oould only, see yourself 1 you don't know• bow t•oenio*l lou look ! I have never seen you w0 amusing 1 efore." I'erdinand's laughter +watt stow shared by his wile. and Hector rose to els feet lnfurleted. "%'eil, yes," said he, "I do love Itfsdemoiseile d'Amtlecay. But what do you find so comical about it 1" And re- ceiving ao reply. he continued: " Yes. I love her an,4 wish to .make ter in; wile. Besides 1 sen determined to nettle the matter at eer�a I can't endure this euerens. 90 good -ha lam off to ase the baroness." " And what shall you say to her r' asked Ferdinand I shall may. 'Madame, I love your daughter. and I think she is not quits indiffsr•nt--' " ' Dear Will, bow conceited you' are !" " IdtIR I May repeat w bat your wife told li:•'__-�_ f1 .ir. for •hams 1" inttlr�rP-pt- IWIldalnlintlibilnera- "a"""' Heeter gwee the yewag -wife a fart - me glance and resumed. 1 may perhaps have cruelly misin- terpreted certain word• you •aid; and Cf that Is the ease I won't say what I intended. No: I'1l soy-- Well. never mind. I don't know as yet whet 1'11 spy. But at all events. I'll have mn erpfanatton : I am determined sot to remain in this state of ancertalnty. I canal bear uncertaiaty ; Lt's like the toothache and when • tooth bothers mer and prevents eon from sleeping. 1 don't hesitate I have It pulled out at 0005." Bo wyiat. be walked out of the room, leaving )fC and Ibladame Anb•oel fair- ly convulsed with laughter. (Ts be Continued.) SOLDIER FAMILIES. •r heastag. The Lciedon Daily Mail printed sev- eral cases im which three generations ot a family have served their Queen - vomit twist.** tolloseleg Colchester. Mows that his "Soldier Fe- mily" will toles • lot a beating: I bane fregatoUy seen accounts in your valuable paper of soldier families. perhaps, this might take a Balaclava allergia thumberland and Royal Fusiliers. Oh bag four gone and ooe daughter. TM mooed oLourT married Franca llust a 4th Battalion, fhb Rifles. and has four daughters. The eldest married a bandsman of the Nor - about to I myself had ties honor of serviag In tbs lot Nortbumberiond Fusiliers. My oldest daugbtor is the wife of a prie- st* in the Derhyabire Regimeet: and isy °sly son is at prenent servile' in the tad Nortbnanherlated Fusiliers. Sir. that, is all wo tam st present, bat as soma of them are yonag, there may yet be others to follow da. VW& Or. will slow you the military spirit in one family. There are several medals tn the roma,. Those wbo have nom have not had an opportunity of earn- ing them. Mt who are ready whets The foregolog ie eon very close by the family record of Sergeant C. T. Rasa whom grandfather is stild draw - had asked for Mademoiselle d'Amble- .iolt hi? rutin* In the RTI Engineers. carol aaga, as 5000 sa (ma past was at wine Sergeant Mom • serving. to - settled. he banished care. elientimed ell gather with an ancla. • brother, and thoughts of Mademoiselle Blandur- eau. and, giving airmail up to bia love. waited for a favorable cocestaios to declare himself. Be who had Mei been all audacity bad Miaow bow - he would here waited a eon/Adorable time longer if Madame Anbanta beet not chosen to praciaitate events. Fon the hundredth. or rather thousandth time, be bad just clumsily turned the oonversation to Mademoiselle &Amide- " I ani Atria my prewslee bees must distasteful to her. for she wse your test friend. madame. end ethos Toor marriage Me has aot moo nailed at " Ah so you have retaseted mid Madame Autonel. " Dear me, it meet serious." Verdinand beiges to bine* "114 Hector lambed. ',tampered, grew 0011- famd. ant finally blurted mat cit, how do I knew r answeree ou,ghlt to have asked bor." " yera might to leave dared." Wade I beget Ras she spokelattaYou " Olt dant go on fast t dein !bilk no Me told me anythisg." t ' Of sale* Ur to eatery you f Vaal ‘1111 1 filar You WIG meet six ebesina Ter/ other uncles. now de- cimated. also served tbe Iltagineere, another is in the Royal Artillery. gad a moan In the Navy. Yet another military norrespoodent, who modestly signs blinaelf "MIA, bite little Regtment," mends Ms family pedligree in the Army, beginning with leis grestagrandfather, and including his greadtat her. father. etep-father flee brothers. aria mon bill mother, who be Oates. "was here in the Hort Regi- mes*. sad le sow *vise at Richmond " STOVF. PIPE RADIATOR. A Freeelespee has breath out • doi- ngs which solves in • very simple way the difficulty oaths mat with of secur- ing Os a cold day more tban tbe ordi- nary amonat a hest trout a given stoma. TM vorthal leg of the seenke flies. leading frusta the stove to the ohbaney. Is traversed by two pipes, open at both top and bottom to the air of *be room. Through these the :Jr naturally circalates, becoming heat- ed he Its menage. The efficiency of the beating power of the store is praa fatally doubled by the seditioe to the hating surface of the radiating smoke rm• TAO" VATIIFTY RUMNESS tyltat preifemion do you. (*row, ask - • I hove followed n moat every seri if loathers off, rt It 4 reply. An EasterPr gal "I'm glad be'y gone. 1 wish bead ever tome bink," cried Frank Norton, as he turned from the window with an angry frown upon him Loyieb face, , "O, my son. He V your father still, whatever be does. It boats me to bear lou 'geek ut hien so." "Yes, be la my father. I'm sot likely to (orEet that, mother," replied lbw boy stilt angrily. "I can't show my bead in town without thing reminded of it. 'There's hick Nortona I•oy," the boys acream after me. If b• could only get drunk quietly ss *mw men do, it wouldn't be so bad, but lee moat •lwaya do some silly mischief to advertise bs condi tion." "Tee," added Howard, an elder bro- ther, "ten dollars paid out Iset week for • plate window, b oken while be had his New Tear's 'frolic,' as be calls it, when mother hasn't a decentadrees to bar name. If ever I live to be a man," the boy's Beta were oleached suggestively. "If yon Live to be mea, my boy, I hops you wlU shies the haunts of your horse's pools clatteredm w( .agenead iceed, A eisr en wn to the 'Conn. It was light- ed, and voices within were sialan& glad strains, preparing for the baster wr- vios op the morrow. lick Norton stop- ped his bores irresolutely. "I've a trotion „(p stop here and lis- ten to the mwdo awhile, and go home sobar for oow." Then the tempter beges. "Drive tour miles on a dark night for a bottle of drink, and then go home without it, 11itk Norton 1 N hat a ninny. Indulge ,onto more, and then you can break off, and be agoody if you want to." ' Christ is naeo. Ile La riiirm. I.et all the earth rejoice," sang the choir within. Dick Norton had been s member of a choir in his oung days, and the strain+ felt on his ear like a heavenly reminder of en innocent past. "I'm going In there It 1 never have soother drtak aa long as I Ilve," he stctaiuved doggedly, as It addressing moms one nut i o the darkness from which he bad driven. An unseen ad- verssry, more real flap the darkness !troll. Best widanied iaqutriagly, as he hitched ber to a poet in front of the church. Bbs was • remerkatdy Intel- ligemt animal, and had often carried ber master bop►• safe when be was un- able to look deft for his own safety. The a. Loon ,.r bad bis eye woo ly rR mak(*. acay(r,Ltlo when 1soppt bad exhausted b s ceab The tarn had thee ter yielded cash rotaries for its owner's degredgtion, bet. tea sdoon keeper was an old hand at the business of ruining men's lives, and hie knew that sooner or /liter, mon- ey would tail, and the live stock, it not lbs farm heelf, would be at his motet'. t, "O, O, Best' you think I'm not stop- ping at the right place, do you 1 Let pt's tell you. old girl, it's the beet post we've hitched to for some time," wife a pat of affectiod on the sleek neck of hi• favorite, for be wee not yet so tar gone ea to neglect his animals or lose bL atfectiou for them, when be was sober. Ha entered the church and took a swat far beck in the shaduws. The altar wee filled with bloom, and the air was Amey w44e sweet odors. Ties v�rir were singing, and the floor beneath his Mot trembled .+ith the vibrations of the immix o1 the heavy pipe organ. "'He ever liveth. he ever li.eth to make Lntercession , for us.' Do you t e- 1Leve that, my friend r' The young 1 ss - tor had noticed the bowed form in the I tadows; '-sett-ttsowtng Mir fife,; -iced guessed eomethtng of the feeling wbtrb had brought him there, and with a prayer in Lis heart, bad gone to hie, laying Lia arm across his whouldere in bks loving way. Dick Norton looked up. _'Vee, be's there safe enough. tett it is Ins thst Isn't worth it" "O, yes, you are. It wasn't tike nice, white,' e t Iamb that always stay- ed close to its milk that the Saviour s{wks of is his paratds, but the way- ward one that ran away and got lost. He is searching for you. my friend, Won't you send up one pleading ery to tet him know that you are wilting to go tack to the fold r' "I'll thlok about it -about It," Dick te�1 bed, in a curiou0. uffled toes. I"lit ate.,&lmns, p1eaq ' ,eo bit.: ???��h6eeee pastor wisely left hint, aad is another shadowy corner of the chatch knelt by himself. praying esraust4 for the soul whirl be knew now was wtraggting 'tor Its fife against agusat temptation. "You had better go to bed, mother. Father may not be home before Wei- niaht. and yon are tired. Howard al- ways stayed below until Ms father rams, to cars fur the horses. "I caa help him to bed, if it ia emeasary." he added in a tooe of bitterness. "No, dear, I will loot allow that." firs. Norton replied, in a tone of de- rision, "but if yon will keep up the fire I will Re down for awhile. you ran eaten me when be mines." "Why, there is Bess codas this mo- ment." cried /toward la surprise. "Hear her loose shoo click r He sprang- to light tbe lantern. and in a few moments Yr. Norton came in. His wife looked up inquiringly. He tad gone ona in sager, bat titers was ngsr era "Mary, make roe the atronasst onto of coffee that yota ma brew,' De said hope npringing up le Mr heart. Rs drank it silently, whet see brought a tall rap steaming bot to his aids' How - ward looking on in wearier. "Tim devil went with me to town W- eight, Mary, but I dropped ban at the March sad took on abetter ne- er,' he said. when be bad reed the last drop. "Give nes another oup,wife, sad them ell must get to tied, for we joalg to Easter maybes to -mor - "Don't cry, Mary. Lamb now that Too have the chance, tor God knowa I've gime yea °manor' enough for Wars. There's an empty bottle lying in the Image someohere by the road- side, and with God's help, 1 intend it Malmo( traitimetber.srofstiotrhovfmoirtich." ft ieee.guel. &toned next day when be beheld DOM Norton, hia %He and sons. aittinz is one of the pews. Better thin the fragraore let (low- ers or the voice ot mueic, was the of- fering of • penitent Mart, and thee voice of prayer from trembana lips, not only to hint, lat is tam eight of Of all fearinatiag places under ties sun tbe Island nf Tahiti. one of the Society latharia in said to he the moat faminating. In that country -a little earth lost la a vast onsen---Ostarie hes done everything to make indoterit Mule happy. The climate is temperate, and even all the year round the vegetation liesnrlant, tbe women beautiful and the ni hat fall of perfume and mysti- cal lig t. stir the most preothal mind to loft a meditation sad dreeeniag. The %fleeter* of that drove". laa7 Is Way insidious. It is not nemesia to nark. as the island furoisbes food Aherionne mai French who hive =bare for a villa have bereave se land with tbe Wale- IWO that. lite the Melton 10 Latta the, tat Omni Old feral T LAND Qt0Aj�8t inTERESTIMO NOI CS FROM Buell(' SCOTTISH BRAES. • Sew Weeds. The Prince of Wales Ma ooneentot become President of the Highland Agricultural Moiety for the ens •t the last pleating ot the Scot Anniversary end Historical Society Fainbargh, It was agreed ter repuhl the "War a Independence," and erect si monument to the late Mr M kenabs. editor of the "Scottish Ho Corporation have applied to the State Labor Committee for permission lower tin level of Springburn it under the Caledonian lthilway brid at a oast of et.1180. If the sanction obtained four double -Moiled electrie oars will be placed ou the *glottal! route along with the single-deoked ca almady resolved upon. Me. Edward Murray. Scottie& aged ftforeehratt alibi:toms' certificates tor the Ktos. dike goldfields. His exporliice a that there is no rush from Scotland te Klondike. and this he puta down to the canny character ot Soottiab people. as has Md. however. much oorremondesta and many peraoasa cella on the entoret. and be expects more people will leave Scotland wben tbe new railway ia ease There has just died at lie &madam. 11 Barony street. Edinburgh. in 11.16 eighty -Meth yeeir. Mr. William Ratios, late el the Royal Scots Groya-"tho father a the regiment." Raving ea - listed in the Greys in Ink Watts sp- ed under King William IV., aa weft MI Unction which probably few men liv- ing at the present time ma claim Is recent years the Bdtabingth Soar Greys Ansocation looked attar hie wed. fare and many el hie old comrades is the AasocisUon. On Wednesday afternoon Cattails, Mashed. aged eight and a half years, was_ standing with her back to the fire In Rosa schoolbolli;. ignited. and in a macenent Me was en- veloped in flames. which the teacher with hie hands. It was only alien he wrapped the little girl in bb coat that the Gaines were extinguinhed. sufferer was immediately conveyed le the teacher's house, where she lingered for a few hour*, and died the saint evening. Recruiting la stated to be brat in Glasgow. la that city last year i recruits were accepted for the aully and six bundled saell seventy-nine far the militia. The favorite corps *mono the applkants for enrolment in the se r- alid"Saitherlaad Highlanders. VirirsISTIO tile Gordon Higblanders the tate Oamerunians. the Kiagle ciao - Bah Borderers, the Royal Soots. and t he - !ZraiEloots Fusiliers (or infanoy. the Soots Greys for cavalry r‘ii pod many also enlisted ioto the Roy Artillery. Meantime. the eetablialiments of the Gordon Highlanders awl Scots Greys are eseraplete. sad recruitlag tor these two roglineate has been tempor- arily mumended. Since the °psalm of the present year a large number of en- liatalenta have taken pima, and the Argyll and Sutherland Highlanders pobarvethisecy.ured on an average one :ma Deaths from exposure aatouget rail- way navvies in the district col Lochaber ant occurring so frequently se to reuse some disquietude to the anthoritim at Fort William. Alter the recent storm two *sties from this cause were re- ported. and the police have now Naar mutilated of other three. A workrots on the Kansa( Railaray. named lames McLeod, was found dead me the aide of ono,:pi TO RI:IL .W./ el the peat i'dodBactaill:okeedianrb ti • freedom oi samob ant e,,,dliptaopetruhis 0:14 hams rere4 their pro-Dreyhri in of proorregice and onotorage avtig:attose0rUlitte:melifttionwiUtasreilayi :Ai bore out 3d aola's c Mantra for maniteis. h lied from the army, w there bolding civil sue o wearily removed. Ais why affects only the gent clam io France, rt to violence in u the • more that the mai t mar ham • staticieot el dictator succeasfully Sada inarolidar bail et 'silica belle Dreyfus affair wee aro ed and tam theirs oull • retriel-ato the army seal by OS conviction which would Mum the gaga la Umiak Samara" come oat. the the Republic. The pp take plane two moat alhould the Deforms • the, mould te held confusion and moral would give the sith.Y. bccanion to declare tla wager nedgere the -be wou• ld almost certaialy found that the '0,0121 priiteat military secret fool %hat it deemed oellemalumberabile -LOOP hi permitting the mai sede the civil authorit tion while it may me It it practicolly an ir Iva rem:Ned by the la not just levr gem whole army confides. the public road near Kielembeilort. erbieb la about midway between Fort - William and Mailbag. Densimed lied a cut am the temple. and it is tbought that he bad fallen and. becoming un- moselous, diod from exposure is the snow. The second cares was tho of two worinnen who bad determined to walk from Mallaig Railway Work» in those in ronnection with the atew In - remarry line Their roses lay over et bleak hillside. and tbe night coming M. the men resolved to sleep among the heath. With this view. op. 01 them took off his ooat, aid the other being En pasession of a mackintosh. the two men lay down under this scanty towering. TM night was oold. and one of tbe 'workmen feeling beisumbeal ram to stretch his limbs. when he was horrified to 'tim- esaver that hie companion wail quite. dead. Deceased was betiawa fifty end the faet that the neighbor - of Fort -Augustus the body of • man etas haul on the roadside. and it Is believed that the cause ot death nas The %hole army did era Boulanger, yet Fr made him dictator. wl love dorie had the aria Do man of sufficiteat their (ma Mankber. the pima le pretenders et ed soldier. Colonel the late Prince Bona may deem him 'offal, other danger is the et table revulsion of p against tbe outrages vokett in the Dreyfus le no remon to daub brain of the nation amity resumed ita se behalf ot justice will leen the millWry th struggle between publie is Healy to sa be ail the more dead! anent triumph of course, it is meddles them demean may ki the generiabi may be f thit the Republic hi eas • month ago. XRIIIE AND TRIC FALSR. Tbe differentia' betereene men le Is their prituiple of emendation. Soule men classify objects by mita sod mits otter* by Wilma° or to the relation of cause Ana effect. The ern' grass ot the intellect amine in *ha Meaner vision of senees. idea+ over- looks sa eta°. '11 threw:as. lb the cot, tbe rbilempiter. to the seine all thaws are friendly sad oacrect ell eventa profItaale, all days May, ell mos Meta*, For the eye la fastighed to the life and slights the eirrur**1110". ortra Vilna in ita growth Mahe* ito unity mum the variety of app..* t - DIMMED. ose Tanoro7-Pskte, what le the lull terrors the atonal LOAT ON THE Fran March. IMO, between Haute ont9 ',ere lost en r rect remit 6( this flat The estimate of lines nt her ealleel is Ton. ing port was IT. Th one 9, and the num) 12 The other wrook rc kiting, hiving wa hobo eith iceberg*. ONO, tn the toginnit /ear tho leas et HSI ba" "Pew very Minh* er ream, Movie on steamers have had se one wee never beari 411114, WRITING TO 1 The paper me whicl Vietoria are written ed. No occomnitice *eateries of Levine ever fall info Bur bands. The proper on thick. (trey wb which fita t. Auy ration never »Wan Matte reason tkat at it. All sure 14401 the Mistress of tam rule. their eon= is rotaries& tel direction. hew Oarcaretin Traveler l"" 7011 Madly tell you buitt la my re Gierl Mee flee WIO