HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1898-4-1, Page 1•
• les
Fos O.s Yeas.
FIFTY-FIRST YE Age ---2667
gel. geed pasters••-Mwwlt•a 1
Farm:.... D --Jar Limnos1
due aR.11 p ..-iJmw L Davi. b
O M. Molwet.Notise- g
froLewis .............
The linea iful Lite -Bradley. Oasrettlw
Co .,
Tess (offer•-8lurdy Brea
for Sprl.s-W. Adrw h
Soo ...... bte--
B.aWsad t Cards sad Taster Testi
Geo. Porter
reeds Wwt d -Trus Loren
L a ld'.'i'g C..
Protest Wasted -Restive
M•ohioer► Delivery -A MOEaam
Hos Cross Base -Reader -'D ties
�M e
Time sod 0c sl
New Store
Listen Simms
B cycle tor Atte
New Siert
R.meval ,. O. I. Dem.
Its Perleetlam(0.t Paw Cies)
" Sturdy Bras
se O N. Davis.
0. Bl..bt.oe.
,. Jo.. H.l.'.
.. Unties Basil.
•• R. B *pith.
f Geis 9.0 406.
•• J. W Broderl.k.
•• Jas. Tabs.,
LNakshln. 7 Di filt8 ry
.abrf M n
..m••..a.me tshlaerf
Nor • daltvri ooFrost fore.t tap
Tuesday, •poli 6th. Customers who bsve
we resolved &otitis M mail l 11 vieMw
I some
Ws radio intimation.
Annual $NtinR.
6A.y. ateidere of the *iodate\ Cornea
/egeotation will be hold in the
.n Monday eventi, April Iltb,
•O. 'BUNBRR. .oretery lllIt
1'1' Prod „e Woe. o.e Car of 1�seM..tL
W )Oar of Better
end Twenty Can ed 7AOL
FOP 111110.
ired clover seed
ll kinds isex-
daWd.a.w.ppal! aPer 1 t.
noel'•is • ANL[
et wad siega_ise awl. tree from
U,d.hrdjok t.wi• ItERLD. Or.. WWI e Ter inge ay the MMad
*or R.at.
ere VER
Oats Thews as the bats • • ow. to
torest tot the ...io& Maeda Mr.
=we,Fr p.•tioriBialt� ul� ow
ESATOR. $ambler. boderloh.
The. per kind per month Goad pasture.
water mid care. Navahos at xis a tCBlt ry x •e
TM Revised Ontario Statutes of Ur ksve
keen resolved by the Clerk of the P.ee' for
q,altged magistrates, arid are to be delivered
psrpa•lh or M written orate. LEWIS,
C Caneof d .4 Huron.
Nest Sunday will be Palm ba&sy.
Don'► torrid that Ie --day, Friday, is "AB
Tool's Day." Our Rooster Has Dome to Stay.
Regular meson* of town council this,
r May, evening.
1 Wf1LLl?4J FOR RALE-LOTNI 19.20
Mrd tl, M rku.•Il•• ssm•b •or•
rier of Brtt.•m1. Mesut .ad Hare Read.
nears ban excellent two.wrf dwstd on
t1s tet. with every convenience thereto. Titers
lea gr -o i .table on the let sad pis 7
of bard
sad soh water. The pro + ertl eau be l..peot-
ed at MT time by Weeding t
Tenet nik LLbssal. Apply i o .1A8, UM -
VON. >leawrat.
Situations Vaetsnt.
The 1Celctia` feotory u worklor full flue ,ewe T "�w k sera meet•red the
and is tau hooded.
t- q.kLr msetteg of Publio ftokool Board m.seher r Wise ■taros -u
..Z= rtetade7 evwtoq Twit •reale to Set the
The $e@ter holidays oommeuce to the
eobeols mixt Thursday.
,1. Georts s obotr 1. now pr•otisieg tog
the floater musiosl ..r•Ioe.
lit. Georgia omfirm.' le. @les met at IoM 'I
sh.rob .t b r. r tie t(aodey
P. L. Walton parch/Aired • new engine ad
ether m.ohtnery while la Toronto.
Mus Vivi.& is reported to have peewit
the dangerous period of her illness.
Andrews Bos 1 Co. shipped • oar lo.ffi
of hors to Cellurwoud on Monday.
Jdltit btsa-brit-pt'yors-are- nowt
tn,t to rouse money for bate sod pill.
Next Sunday eve.tng R• y Father Went
will preheat • sermon to 7..001 people.
The q.a.u..n now generally asked is what
are you vomit b do 00 Oood Fr W.y ,"
A large smoke ',tack for took Bros , Hes
salt, is betag built .t the boiler works
&Mule, me.i og of G.d•rtoh mooed An.
157. C 0. C F. mixt Tburod.y ev.ntD1.
Tom Nairn, after en illaw of
wet k. is able t.. use . drive .round towo
Lessee Hol,u••s flooded the rink last week
during the u.,Id spell, but Jack Frost did
ot.e take held.
The d•tss of the Waiters Fair at Lola
don 1.•s !roes fixed from oke 8th to the
17th of September.
A taro, number of our citizens aro taking
.dv.otuge of the okeap R. R. fun, to visit
Toronto and Windsor.
A v. Mr. A.der.m will preach a sermon
to swims -sed lieltemi es in £.A0 ...Ibtue►
neg. Suoday ...stag.
Mise Oe Peachy is steadily improving,
tied u expected he he obits to take out -door
, :woke in • few d.ys olio school
Th. high school entraps, toed p•
leaving . xemupai"es for 1896. will hove
e. T..eaay- Jane 28o e •
Bxpren meee.nrer Forr• il, Wbo had been
of ditty for several w n on •I 1 Less,
• er et lits poet .Rin.
Dums's R view for Masai 26th shows 27
(adores in Ceo•da the Vis' 0.01, of compered
wash 50 is the corre•poe g
To. Org+e factory shopped 18 organs to
Ike Lower Prov•aces yesterday, and ie tnre-
paris* • large shipment for the old 000.try.
M . George's Ch.lobwornan's Guild will
meet os Tuesday afternoon in the school
room .ud deists she le ate' sewing of the
AulIiary. OOilt ase
Another new 1,•ede005 ie being
B lainis A. D.
aVs. Th. will mond mltrhis brother's, lately
aid It lately
treaters for the new Methodist
bay from 1I to U years
taopeatlMt.bustsete,_ apply at Tea SIGNNJAL
of years -That eodtheinist, sew soon-
�salt dhabte and pretty
iseideage ea
Ohl tor the
Them are tour
104 ranula QlmtD1( Bea r t� ll
�whir ewers egea lag bath :own sad
k.inngagr � } 1 bore t.. stave
heat se top
Zen and eon water eb-
tem and dYot.d with the beet of
fruit the is tell bandage Terme *r sale, start
emelt and bsl.ne,� �at} oeavasieaoe of p•rotaeer
Apply ea rho .. -.p to P. Lisa. 1 gen.
Wits sad Mother,' . Nie eloone hook.
Prerace bProoperay oi La A tree to ooaaa �s.ors. LtNN('ITT
rent. - per MMM or to test. the 11 remise
doornail on In. Aedr5ws West. m - occupied by by l b w Q's•d<r.mmkm
cellar. rrmdm�il. armta ke
large singetat,. F• Ii/<
W [(d A lL Ymm.Se"
LOOK 811.1 OR 10 RKiNT-1011 a
not Um se t
1son sae •
umber Of 4 e.
th shrike ON
wn. Appt7 bo im
for Beek, tat hid W -word• " vote" sad
"Jos ." after the candidate's mune. re Magla the
ot the court Comity
ora dt 1 right la disallowing Mw votes.
The mantar vote rob wish the rsbormlDg
allow et the riding.
of Miss WIUard." by h -r secretary sed
literary 'lemma Anna A.( ,rdo.;istredsc
des by Lade Beery Bumerss' ; re 1. 10 • wry -
body. Ont soap. Prospertis Olt, costs.
Wrote os Mena BRADLRT-OARR11'4ON
COMPANY, Incited, to. onto.• -
Isdrtrioes p-rsons et fair eds-
e.tlon to obese Mea month would b • an
their w& homes. T. LN COT, ladies
to neon's an georgette yeasg man to
inks tall letterset in A bowels ease we aro
about Pi o pt 1& s ooseplete stets et goods • in Oratert • We furnish 4
aloe sod
advertising matter eta Onlf an Ordinary Mist-
imes edeeydo. le tenni!. d, providles the man
hat •' go In him as we Mee full 1A.truelion
In every particular sed lmr•rt .11 the peoes-
�en�etd can assure •
lncom 0 the right pse'ns. Reference
..d •deposit of t hree Handfed D tltts woes.
eas.rryl 144,055 RLN1'VO MANUYACTtTR
i140 OOMPAit�T OP CAIADA, 111 Adsl.14.
rt, W.. Towestet Ont rts.
lRort;aes 9d 1
Delia lthaavina boon Endo is thenen(asei 4 ot Joao.
rwat of
ti ORO Jel. Ua1M. to the ve•drw
will win 1 w•
a .0• sed he
bib esoti.a. by
settetwer, at the
a Ta. TOWS 00 o.00ttt., ort
FRIDAY. rasa MST or APRIL. tale.
at 11 S'asak la the 451,•40•. theTeefollowing
mg :-Lot 1iumbe t IN ethlpvo
ale Moore Range,
d, p of
l• the County of Huron. a4talsiar
M.eeN more or late• heat a.y.a•6r .its-
Thefad is sou Wool sad 1g !item
Attar 1= few s.d
hare aid whin_ fan w
the p•emb.• Oen le
11111* Of ui.a
teeeeetrs11M te'•heli the Mama eels and tsurelbees 1111011/ will he
Waage Webb .w the Mrtg swop OW bo
"..'.der .-, v Ira
thee cos
ODand &h7t«
i R 81L1-LOTh &J AND 70
Hmeidas.•'. 8.1017 M the lbws at
h. apes whlek in reeted a ales dtwe-
to COLT & HM.1O.
ypf�f ret RI70x eo
Yllss 1fl sin Ske
Y .liettm
D.b4Y�tLeh. Moron 1181. leaf
1[as'r+aOS Lam'_
. Rause•. Yedorl,h. Ont Slab
The n
church at l.osdeebo►o• Mears. B••h.ashe
t Rhy0.o, hays sublet the mason work te
H .. wood sed Prior, of Clinton.
Toe Msovilliyr-y Mieeton Bead will hold
An entertainment in the lectors room of
Koox ohurob obi. eyecup(. 0.. hundred
members of th Baod will take pare.
An °earned peens of "be late Matthew
Hstohienwarn a o wSallow's c.bf.ol the put
week. It woe much admired ea it was an
exoee.linely life -like motors of the deemed
Oa April bed, last year, wit were webbing
staters glide .round :be Carling rink ene,
fairly good lewhere.. the last day's @katoe
leg tots year won Monday. IM last day
al T.brusry.m
A oomibteeoe hbeau appointed by thenge
U I44.11owe to m.k• arraswts ter the
proper eslehrahaiv
o0 of the esenare of Che
Order. The bretbreo. it understood. will
attend Enos .berth on th. 24t h linos-. and
it to asastpeltte thee during the an iverear7
week the msmb@ru sed their relatives end
friends wiir esletrrsW i. *be lodge reeve.
Dual Woe ttk. " Mint Ilkleyla . April
bows hall. ee lbs wreaked
et 1 r i 58*1 Wo , In. Wawa alogablea-
.wifeless will appear
la the tow fnt sed W. Wawa ea April 7 411.pwigthe
anopiess t Loagws.
• Niko test ea 014 esti greatly te-
thered ether ea Molloy lees a dee death
of Jr Ta41 0r, after • few weeks Sane
Derrell whe fat Ms 56th w�, Mall �
aewerees a rotary sat N this •rN-
imt week, se- a .hep
lytta, was Are te sel.bnbo • satrap be
Wase .os ref the Eire Nadides weirs
wed a pretty year lid hem ,11y18. the
'Mier antra es the err.
sad very base ef w•mpla1rcllf dtttleeel 'lbs prsOo•'
troodleps of for Ws ham sal
rbsulatee retreat here by the are an.
0. M404• . the .•1were � s el Thema
b i�dn1 1 ,. L1MMwasd. whe
bee bees Iy Nato den
4O .1 ONO bat bad sire* May etha es
Oa Wally aligning be Tins head a es
oo_g.i*sa *An sad h.5 wao p.m•• yJ the
maw day be breathed
ew Andres ef
810 eft .fl S. -A he1.1.1r'A
IMO" a all el �a the 5.8. '
nem ea Wednesday ISN el A1RiL Re.
t.Ii.seett.s dip M • Art phew
Man sad re/Nsdsas, Nae • eels el bay
web. All A+ irks as oatmeal a atMlMs
week ale s rt11s11y ta�Mw, Owe op•a r
7 Ali", dnlall s Uwe"
TCSWAY , Marsh 29.
Os1Tu•er. --It is with fwltoo,' of deep
and protected regret that we have to reseed
sb• death of Mose Nellie Wail, whin t sad
.yens took place on Y•rob 2811. The de-
ceased po•seeeed those virtues that lisle.,
to • rood living Cbrbtiao. ?.deice,
earneetne s, and eueray were the traits of
her nettle oberacter, sed her •omplete resig-
nation to .1. Divine Will s1 Ma last, was
beestitsl Her (sacral whisk look plea os
Mo.day last was largely attesded, • Menet
proof of the ge.er•l moms held for the d..
parted one. TM •orrewisg friends have
the heartfelt sympathy of the who!' oom-
aaa&itOt- " Iaap gg{OJTet t. Il•..Ro!...
From our own Correspondents
There 15 1.1055-11.5 Mere That Canoes be
pea Anywa.re vse-News er the
De.•^7.peeblty Reported
reg The Ng.a1.
Who has the ..1tles millf.ery a boson?
Why Smith Bros.
Doa'1 forget N order your hotwo51 ben
for this day week.
G. N. Davie .se be toned la hie mew .tore
one door north of the Bank of Oomm.ree en
Colborne street.
Orderyour tot arose hems tram D Dee -
taloa, the Wset-st baker, awl hoes SEM
delivered in time for breakfast m Owed
LENTILS S.Aaotr.--Uet your oyster. at the
V iotoria reeanrast, We.1 street, stem yew
ass always rely opal' having them fresh
we do the oyster bogies... C. Bleketo.S.
Sturdy Bros. la•ite poblio attention to
their large stook of first,-olsu Rrooeriee,
whiob they are oferinq at just s fair advisee
oo nose.
Cleveland bi.vole le fires-olase oendi ion
for sale ; only rono�nq since Sept.
ded-osah:•-Good ►tsbest sad bout- home
tar $15. Peterboro wane, $10. Boa 499
141.1141. of5oe.
Phillipe & Co. will deliver to sty pars of
the town, Menesetaog mineral water, aera-
ted or in bulk, also Belfast ginger ale,
and syphon and double club soda, made
trout pure spring water.
Remember to visit our great millinery ex-
hibit this week, Dhow rooms open till 10 p.
m., Saturday night. Special prime. Choles
of over one hundred sailors' or welktne kat.
on Saturday, 35o. mob. R. B. Smith.
The luoky parties at the bean guesting
oompetitloaetSmith liros.,were Mus Devoe,
for tho' lad 's pr re, her vases b. int 6075,
and A. W Founv, for the .eDtlem .'e polis,
his ruses being 7001, the actual oouat being
Call on O. N. Davis, at his new .tore next
the hank of Cou.meroe, Colb.41m erect and
.p hie Perfection McAbee rte Ie lath est
iovtlon of the •.
at • very low rate, to reduce his extremely
large stook.
Removal. -Jas. Yates has removed his
book, stationery and well-p.per stook, next
door to U. W. Thompson a must° and hi-
oyule store. Before pgphe•i5R roar wall
paper, Mall and.ee-MrM.p Mesa -pd wall
paper lust opened._ -
J, W. Broderick's mew stook of boob
and .hose, and ready-made clothing will
atriv• next week. sr‘ a mote toter our new
store in Horton'. block, next door to Davi-
son & Co's. hardware store on the Square,
text Monday. W• .ntand to keep an op -to -
date slog*, and sell oheap .'1 the time. J.
W. Brodertuk.
Norton. -Th.' local mosey in nungan00•
for Tots BIOIAL last the oMoe of J. t;. Warn,
J. P., conveyancer. to., who wi11 reoel•e or-
ders for eubseriptiows. advertising and Job -
work, and is authorized to give reoelp11 for
amounts paid for the sante-
1 rretAT, Feb. 29.
GORING ,-Wadd ing belle are quite rasa•
g..geaLi° their ohimea- Mors moo.
V AeIAau W"iilasa-,46hn•`F1'dge wattt
puts in .ppearaooe, whiob retards 1•rmleg
operations of spring work.
BUSY.-Owitg to q•'ita • number of nor
otnzeos being indisposed, our medicel prao-
titlenere are very busy in restoring them to
The Millinery Department in 000•eotio•
with Hasa bergs's H ,use a now full to re-
pletion and will be superintended h7 Mite
Fawcett reoently.
STALL AT IEIDANCI.-le oo0eequenoe of
the heavy and eonata01 downpour of rata,
on the forenoon of last Sabbath, the attend-
ance at ohuroh, morning service, was small.
SrafNu AR.IVALa.-001 1 1 mer-
chants are daily readying a new supply of
spring goods of the latest and heat quality
wbioh coin be procured. The public are 10-
•ited to call end nes them.
CouINo AND UoiNO -Mrs. Sloan lett here
o0 Monday, to visit her daughter at Detroit
having [wenely brand of her beton kith. -
posed Mr. .Errington and family
have moved on to the farm, moonlit, pur-
chased from Thornes Davidson. t: Wait
Wawanosh, who with his family has re-
moved to Kincardine tow or'.
GRAND `+re1Na MILLISkti,1 Orm1lt••o.
Mn.-Acd.reon having romakh received her
neweit and latest ray?., orlashtonable
spring millinery, composed of hate, bonnets
eta., to suit the Spring season, which have
boon specially 'Mooted by her milliner, Mies
C: Poetised, who has been in London City
for some time, and therefore has good ex-
perience in her line. Mrs. Anderson will
hold her millinery opening on Saturday
next, the 2nd of April. when the ladies ot
Dungannon and •io;nity are kindly Invited
to attend anti inspeot her goods.
The remains of the lets Wim May Lowrie,
daughter ot Robert Lowrie, who departed
this life ea 8st*rd.y the 26th inst., were
intoned is Dung&o OD cemetery o0 onday
28. Ren. Armstrong. Fairbank, and Hut•
ton. took part in the ob,rgaie@ at her late
residence. Deoessod wee 22 years old, her
death was owned by haying caught mold,
whiob resulted in lung trouble. Deceased
was highly esteemed and respeoted by her
numerous acquaiotanoee. The bereaved
relative@ have the deep sympathy ot the
oltiz ns in their hereavemeet.
Monday, Maroh 28
Edward Connor*, from near Kinrebndae
will own. here to reside for seen. tune h•v-
tug engaged with Mr. Jae. Chisholm, In
place of R. Oke, of Dunlop, who has en-
rra ed with Mr. John Hooter.
Joseph Tewsley, formerly of Carlow and
of lata years a popular settle dealer, eau
down this way vi.tsing and ee►isg good by•
previous to returning to his new home la
Manitob., he beteg down here tor the win-
BOCOHT ANorrrca FAur.-Our enter-
prising townsmen, isms' Chisholm has par -
chased tbasali known Berea Feral at the
lake. This purohae• being ninety sores, and
sow Mr. Chuholm has three tiro. end is
the largest land -owner to Leeburu sod
work• his farms with the moat modern egri-
tarai 4mwe&ee.eeate 01 the d.v.
Communion ser•ioe to be held no Hander
at 10130 A it. was deterred till next Sunday at
the eau. time. The preparatory .ervloe es
Friday, was preached here by the Rev. Mr.
Fairbair., of Dungannon. The reason of
the •djourame0t was 0wiug to the bad
wether of last Sunday morning whloh
checked • large attendee. of members.
MO1041, March 28.
Mr. and Mrs. John Gardner, of Porter's
Hill, were transient visitors here Friday of
lest week,
R Wtllit six
x weo has eks k h&aoow taken •n so ly f•e'
for the p
orahle change towards reo0very.
Jona el mmo w■ 11.4 gone to reeid• neer
Benutillr tor the summer, and RioberdlOke,
to L..buro. Both lads wi11 bo WOOD mim-
ed in our midst.
Mr. and Mrs. James Young were at
Kingsbridge, Thursday of lent week, at-
tending the funeral of Maorioe Dalton, bro-
ther of Mrs. Vouog.
Mr. Johnston, of the o'rcuter town, suit-
ed hero lately, andthere
r prospects
him opening • iarRw tailoring emporium
our town in the near future.
NitwitUs. -With pteasary a hero circle
of friends learnt that Norman Mcleod,
who was • resident for a time during last
year, was down from Looh•lah, and has
been enraged for • time with Herbert Mor-
rie In G.rbraid- Norman wilm this
way 0°0681°13411y. but only to poet oracquire
tor lett'.A cithis whispers
An we pn parator pree@
plea fid to say that Mr. Allen who out his
toot some nix weeks ago, !toe within ole put
ten days bees ab's to leve his room, when
he had to keep his bed for nearly a month,
entering se times the most sous pain. The
out is now heeling steely, and If weather
is favorsble he will be out before the week
close@, and goon .gain will be able to take
his Maier an drone This the nt.1.Hee that
the 1110 an a unable to vote.
Mr. Alla* trate
WHEN Sir John Macdonald said
stere was so taping the remit in an dead,s
or • horse rear he uttered s truism.
A month aro the Ontario elections were
bold. On the ,•sotto of March lit, the
early returns looked se if Deck had swept
West Huron, hat l+tlt M4 things beams
DIMS seen end the reins from the lass pol-
ling division was w else. that the friends of
both oaididstes took the tietter*05 unetion
to their snob that their man was elected.
At the °Mote count it whe found that three
deputy returning ofosra hid failed to .iro
the pall book statement, and the returning
&fioer declared Garrow elected, in asoord-
a•ee with the law gover•lag hu duty in the
case. Then Barg asked NT s reloaM talon
We. Jeb. Jebeatoa, of Ood51►ok. was
vidtl•g with friends is town last week.
The ansiversary
serce• of the Methodist
*burgh 1111 be held es &today. April 3rd.
A moot*, of the diw.lors .1 Ws Tatra -
berry yp•ioaltur•1 SwsWy was held es tela
wrathy •Mertes.. M Eng'. hotel.
The bridge wee of the C. P. R. bas
b.er • week, bandied • sew brYgs M
repines the owe Is k4g sealer
Death salted the ed Yr. wad Urs.
Errs en Roads, le rah
bed them .f 1h.11 magi hr, Indio R.,
tat, ago of 33 Taro
MSS Y.rtw..1 Teats. E,•.5 lisb. was
i. Mambas Wt 115.ds«� b•• mot
....ded wseeeefr
a writes
air tYt.7. sod •eereare a 0.rrie be
.. ,repines.
Tr the W.oderfsl04 d Dodd'. Bid
N.trm.rki, Ilene 21.-i1p•d•i) r,
77Ul. Wilda bless wwal we thatel eslmioft
ty," woo the ..tlim.at ,.pe* 4 b1 Y
pest Taylor. 01 thea tow.. to • party
Weeds, bo -dap. �.e, rears bo be Moak
Ye. the hem r edid*e. Sad It
fel 151 ta tee D 1'.1 rs.ey Pilch le Imola
n1he1 b~ V
Mears Md Wm a 1.ad fe
rieeH..e.i1 Sal se relief. 1f.•• 41
Wei Dadra Wawa! Mo. Tr. soma
rib LM- - woo sieowtetil7
~ barn
Da '12 Winery pills always oars an
n et
. N
the county Judge, end oho result woe • n -
ant beteg awarded to Beek b7 • majority
of 2 notes. A. sops& against thfs decoke
was next taken to OsRode Hail, before
Jostles Oiler. and ea 8•turdsy last be de•
aided t the 1. vote
ballots aoed before him
indicated the as ida/e@.
Since that time tho returning odioer lea
givot the o iWng vete 15 favor of Garrett.
and that gentleman le sow the fully •ter.d-
Itd mambo• for West Huro•.
And so it hes oome ta poo. that Tun Blue
NAL rooster, which had strayed to pare
wtaown Oaring the poet fear weeks. has
ones sera retained to hie old roost, sad
will be fetal deism bealame •t the ofd Nu4
The Trete Otobs has the fallowing s
Mr. Jmita Oder leaded dove hoe Woman
oa Elatarday la tic 1/Mxis of r. J. T
Ostrow d Ma- .r J411epl Book against on.
Ma nifty of (1aoil +.ie- Magma is the
West Nowa ele.ldme rworreat. ' The Judeart bad
hel�C olt WWI' set the vote•se.
The thief Weyer raged ever feet W1Na
Oa abase Mr. Junius Oder re.erYd Wig.
WWI. Two ore oatrst!d to b Mr. Garrey.
Mrd owe 3by liejor Bast. by
fine vete
1iron .51.IN.a. " division "' wink y .n '.8..
of the D. R 0. As WIN yysa .pvNgwt11
... vote too tummy be ilia sabdniaiin aka
vote wan not o.aaMd. 114 0&mnty Jade".
to tbht$adgmw► Ifo. Za.de.0.1r awned
Waft he nibs..* oe.Y ben Wilma 55 to whew
Wins appeared is fib. bklk* bas as the
saw of 0h•t(.. 41.wera speared a dila P14ef Imo M Ow P hook• an he we
pail dark •d W W. port. 5 Int as op-
kerbe tet
s� No towed Moo Oise the
sp creat a-.ip &rep a the awake o1 br-
ier dill as. este, sad 1,••l the Owlet'
Jaws barn e15 be Mob llT would she
iap+tkwlls eat the Maim. as tic wan ep-
- ?bey the �0111.1 � t 1.81dd, vie
eetatd M Y.. Beth by the Croft Jadre.
�tai�mi jIthe the warober MA bra tars *IL
e. W1 ea by Mr, °anew. ea the'Ib 110 pares mod Nm b oarbvi Lai bo love
i seed w muses that
verse of the remnant tlser'e dooisie° the
Remember the entertainment in Knox
eburnb this, Friday evestoq .t 8 o'cloot,
under the auepioes of the Mwgilltvrey Mis-
sion Band. Vs programme will be given
by Misses Aue.,rooke, Whitney, Strachan,
McCall, Tye ; Meeks Cuff, Creat, Belcher
and Stoddart, assisted I.y one hundred chil-
dren Admission, &Oita. 15 °t', o►ildran
10 one.
Tu.MDAY, M•roh 29.
Cutting wood is the order of the day
Mr. Will McPhee, of Carlow, was •i.lt-
iag trieede hen the peat week.
Mrs. Andrew (bees was in Ooderloh the
past week Durgin* her son William, who
wee seriously i11 bit IM now on a fair way to
Mr. Joseph Fisher and family whe have
resided hero the past eighteen months hays
removed b • farm, two miles east of Car-
low where
Ty willssteed to reside In be missed 17 lksir eelhan?
friends. -
Mrs. Ohm Terns, of Brussels, was visit-
ing friends in the village last week.
Mise Birdie Evens, ot Godereb, has ben
visiting at the mew for the pest weak.
Mrs. Bowels* and ehtllddree,
visited relatives r the village
libationarySocietyqty le
A Wam.n.1!.rt11ro
being organised 10 ooSD&otion - with the
Presbyterian oharsh.
A maple el lamp nape have boss bought
ter the Piesbytriss Amish. They add •
*r..t deal to its comfort Miss Bluohe
Mho J. Jamie... sad
J•mtesoS, of Tordwiek..dated their deter,
Yrs R. 0. O eemare. bon week.
dtsrab, fleas the IMve • kind ie -
Thalia" te Mosel their " Sootoh ev.tng."
A somber availed tMmeelve@ of the oppor-
tunity sad report • Ito Mm,.
Mtge Lars Tanen, of tioderteh, who has
bss visiting her osseus, Yrs. Robt. Yom.
Move foeme the Thursst day. Liters will be much
week", retureed to
her pomeml'h 7-
tuble d in the village se she made many
boAx -Ii1s1 Yt'.If .s
bb77 is.p* __bars el the Sew% awb*be aft!ltide
, aY d abisafauls b tar of ben.
ow Tate �r.�1t mow
*• who t• iiaw *a �iI'b�i'1aey'itreNy an•..nas
sh• lestit obi NM owe* od tab seem NIA &dared eat rat-
reated ea. The are M sereaAd with ea -
Odes Mdse NIA Ike wisdom 1b abateff
sM owe wb , ( a seal
ys .i Sewer. el trig. seri the
warm et 1 *been
with w w •ilsrw7 earn
lens • >fehses. Mist mull be dorm b1
.*•inns M the L hill.
Mrs. James Beattie le on • Mei. N friends
Is H• Barry eathen. WK .Tells wat.tasNorth
Is .n • visit is her bursal., Mr. sad
Yrs. A. Carden dinners
At • mmonia tt•ff wk Ws MW •t of a Soail
I Oen it was dedd.d N held the
.aa..i&•It a .hew for satin stook at
to Wdssday. April 20th.
D. Demme r..satly paroh.a.d from Den-
ials Olsen, et Norm a, tito wetter Reedy,
with a mooed of 2 18}. Mc mamma hag
gold the haw to a prowess. breeder a
the 044 0...1rr SSA w u Alp It M &sus.
1.v. Yr. 0'; w aseeMd the sari -
Wise .f the Pr.drtert•s eis�5 *
her., bo N the usw.ts 1 d Dr. Ii.D.Mla
leg the .umtseer nit msibs and will war
w•• kis dating hers ea the third Ssd y a
esDetr. trio kjtiwveto alaattlla
red i.adiers. teelther eau he senobtbse
we.a.ay With bay risil'td le alto n
tit Ns bead. of the Witt the ins onset
a The Mont Sr. TN eery pa •e
*tsgrllea wee *bet it rata m*MMtd by the
war. aid that It .ad .Leer tie/ barns. sett Me WSJ seeabod. areal to be i �i.1.
bow Mews pub
W•1b t, J 'bey IWC MA
Tb. hag S.• (lull IsiNM-1e41T for Smith
Th. tug. Sea Gull, nay been btted with •
new smoke stack.
Navigation opened last week, when Wise
tugs steamed out of harbor.
The hsrbur lights were burning for the
first time tote season on 20th March.
A large number of loaded oars are met
East daily tram Dyment's lumb-r yard.
C.otein Joe. MoDonall has rot bis
soh000ner, the Kolf•ge, nearly ready for ma -
The tug Clues. h.• beee repalre1 sad
painted, and Is•ve@ today for T.berse.rsy.
Csptatn Bait..'. bruit* is • great oe0ven•
Rem to thee. working„oa the harbor isla.d.
Chrystal is piaci.[ E boiler 10 the tug
Ontario, and will finish the job to morrow.
The fishing tog Sea Queen left for the
Deeks on Saeurd•y tor Me season's
The smell of decaying
to0Mo. b the spot when the G. T. it.
either °mos stood.
The three bests owned respe.tieelJ by R
Clark, D. Ysrwioh, and Joe. Orate. have
ooessasesd the .•.goo's &&bag.
She b.•ob and pumping station were ate
treed.* spots the past week to those whose
water pipes failed to give the usual liquid
The water a lake and harbor was very
high os M..4y, bat not high enough to
roach 50 r 60 dwellinp Op town where H
WWI much needed.
The steamer Jones. Is sow being mad*
ready for • dart Is • few days, and with
her, wing go meshy heads and fishing supplies
for the fishing islands.
WDDIMDAT, March 30
Miss Laura Wilson has returned from a
visit to Sedortb.
Mise ABca Andrews, 1.t. moo , 4r the
guest of her Mend. Mise (Wald, 7th nos.
Fess B.usIT.-Charles Oak, of Bewail
ler, has pnrohaeed the Ranier tars os this
side of Sha river, paying therefor shoal
51200, and 1255 resold • email victim °an-
al.tng a house and stable &Oilcans the
bridge, te Jame' Jews!.
CHATS C.Nem*T AT Zr0N. -The ohotr et
Vletor1 street 'boron, Goderteb, eve ea
ezos11..1 maser' at Zion Methodist *harsh
on Monday ev'sing Wet. A very geed
•sdtenee..@'sekted and were d.ltgbtd with
►he recdsrtse of &Whams, qu1.atte', quar-
tette, eoles,,trioe. recede, eb. The fellow-
's,/ parties did ehem.elves 'rsdit daring
Jo .. B.t u, Y1118.. Bell, GodwtsWalteters,
Johsi.on, .
Rastel, Church, Y. Godwin. sad Messes.
Brederf'k, Stoke@, Humber, Huller, Mo-
I)onald. McKay, Ckareh, sad Godwin
Miss Stokes presided organ.
an. end Rev.
W. 0.dwis oe.apbd the
A the nes• brilliant s.dnt7 swan
VW boy bun MIA hire for • wambor
raw. won an *ttbiborr boll M Otos
in j.rdn►• bell. ea MmmM evesM5. *11 1
IM. seder lbs weeper thea 33.4 ►.W •
in&_Tele, said ..e, of 9101. ill >ta 0
part eller week la tows.
Yrs Dr. Mobs ad LW Myers. of
of Mrs Terrsn, i0nt
C.4•rT, wets t
week. owned by Will Cane.
The Shetland posy
.d "Oink has taw • well known fano Ip
tows for 14 years, did last week.
Tb. y Peoples' Mist.. Band of W(t-
tenth .ill hold •• " At Home" in the
6assmwt .1 the d.rd es friday .Tenet
A11.s a msec �a(.1 Maws of @event
weake' dar'atlw, 1.a Tenainus-, V.9., did
W._1 of last week, w the age of
ei war widest. M7 teal Their
treed pias have b..e raided daring de p-
twg �l head my..ei.plat b the
'hie, et
14stw. •a address ea " What
A. T. (Wear g.y.
Mme Leaps. we d4 ler Ml.a.es •' N Ws
Oared, .treat Mothedieb dote\ Loves Ian
Wads? yo NSEsN.nbery.r. Ywsl.m.r7
paptaln Lawson Is hard et work repair-
ly his vessel, the Todwtan, and teat week
he r.oefved two spl.ndki .tick. to npl•oe
the masa destroyed by the big fin.
Not • sound of hammer or wheelbarrow
has bees beard amoral the breakwater the
past ►wo week., though the weather wan
generally favorable for out door work.
Our del f1esd, O.ptein Bettor, is already
prepsrisg his plower* fleet ter the oomlag
booties .eases. To lite • greater rangs e1
anemias, he will hew aa .ZOSIIeSt Mltsg
ysA1 tor partf.e.
The three 461ag tnin. Ev.lyn. 0.71..15
Oralgis ; Id.. King, ()softie Inkster ; and
$i&bold,'il.ptata ^,lis ; started &hisg the
gage wok, but the first few lifts were the
lightest ka.w. for years.
It b seta yeses sines the harbor end
river, and the lake of tide port were We -
len m the 26th day of March, but .. Sat-
urday, they wows as tree hese the.sseskd
bard as they ars at midsummer.
Win Marital ..sepleted repartee we
.Id. el w dredge &metd4, the oast week,
.d had aid her of the Wand. mimed b.r
resod, sed heeled Mr beak *gals le time le
.g..meeesee week es Mt es neasy.
WBMb. 04. }rgM• leas are ns _�►•?o balding their 4�t@.1
tar the w t of the many ge.ewI.aeaa'w'es"• n.rtlafl a tie Lassos want
ggpsetd, .tai this ball will,M.rbo0s) sups. et Asti, • Tine remiss et :feed Sri -
I sty dollar avast ghr.. by
In made
V tattntA Brame Car Now .rooms
LsAmtra.-A vary atwssttsw sod meltable
Wawa. meting whe held k.* Tuesday we -
Ur. A. B. Ster1eos naw W ..ear
.ddn.. es "The Preele.•ae.n d Weenie"
mid Yr. Dray, pr.ddent, Rave • wiry
.54's report el the Climes Irwwin&
ieague 0.s'.sldse, pdntwe one at alt*
.see. Wen the dries el Us .®ows sad
railer etas, easposiNw d the .lfaod-