HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1898-3-11, Page 8t:w ,,.,Aesdil' FRIDAY, March 11, 18118. cal THE SIGNAL : GODERICH ONTARIO. eW Goods ARRIVING DAILY, IN Dress Stuffs Silks Prints Muslin Ginghams, etc. The Latest Designs for the Spring. Inspect Our Stock. NEW PRINTS , New Colorings in Sateen, would be cbeaprtat 12 H, for 10 cents. Lovely wide Percoles Prints, 10 cents. In the Latest Patterns of Ciapone, Covert Suiting., Tweeds, Fancy Satin Cloths, etc. A ltange of Light Cobra in Drees Goods, 8 patleras` regular IOc., for 25 cents. Fancy Black Lustrea, Daly 25 cents. NEW DRESS TRIMMINGS /la Ribbons, Plain and Fancy Chiffons, Braids, Jets, Buttons, etc. CHOICE SOFA PILLOWS, regular 75c. to $1.00, for 50 cents. WSW CLOTHING in ell the Latest Colors for Spring Suits, Men's. Boys' and Children's. NEW ,GENTS' FURNISHINGS ?Ne, bhirti, Hats. Sas ova u1<s..or FUR FELT STUFF HATS, jg$*,lar KM- to g.. for 50 Cents. NIW.-FLOOR OILCLOTHS AND CARPETS Lave Curtain,, Curtains, Mualins, etc. NEW TABLE LINENS t)ur prices are bound to be on the bottom, as all our Goods are bought at first hands. BOUGHT FOR CASH, TO BE SOLD FOR CASH AND risk km hem *melted to roman ter the Abseil year by tubs. t;aspbeillord Methodist eserallaChM. Rid has hese beiettcag hie new dweHtag asst the @tattoo ail this seek. Net bad for tie tad weak la Marob. The statics heads are pretty busy them days, as prissiest traffic) is large, and Rata. lumber sad miscellaneous freight b ening seas sae% in Imrge .lnaotkles. Capt. Wm. Batter has purchased the veoartd dwelliag OW Lighthouse street n- amely built by Wm. W.11aoe. The captain intrados to sake Goderioh Inc permanent reddens*. COMING AND GOING. B. Mo(.ortnao left for Ottawa on Tuesday. Mies Lennox returned to town the pert week. D. Molvor, junior, left for Detroit on Tuesday. 11, Kaufman, of Chesley, was is tows last week. 1) Younghblutt left this week for Mar- den. Man. A. H. terrain, of Seaton!), was in town on Friday. F. Blair. barrister. Brussels, was in town Wednesday. Mies 1)e peudry, who was seriously i11, le much hotter. Mrs. Tanner, of Toronto, is on • visit to the old home. Mies A. Chilton warn visiting in Seafortb Me past week. 8. Id. Straley, of °Metes, upset Satar• day to Goderioh. - G. W. Holman, of Hayfield. was in Gori• *rich on Saturday. Miss Campaigns has returned from a pleasant visit to Clinton. D. H. Maopherson, of Clinton. was in the oonety toxo the put week. ('hsrlee l: irrow, of Toronto, spent the put week et the of l home. Mrs. Chu Blackstone is now around again, we are pleased to record Chas. Auld, of (,uelph, was iu town last week, preaching the menu of Moonsoon. Mies Wilkinson, returned last week from a visit to friends in Toronto and Colliog- wood. Mr.. Walter l'ridhnm, and daugater, lima. ep,.xiail iaa lriaads in Toraeto Lbye week. Mr and Mrs. Adam Thompson and daughters, Bina and Etta, of Lucknow, -EPPLtS'SyYTT_0I_._. _ EA GLISTI BRF4KF.4ST _SOC_ _O.4 Possums the tollo wins dlettaotive insight r DELICACY OF FLAVOR. SUPERIORITY IN QUALITY. ORAT2t4L and 001CltOBTING the 17280048 or DYSPZPTIO. Z?rl� rl'r>sg 1'Yftl�' At'L In Quarter -Pound Tins only, Preosred by JAMES EPPS dr Co.. Ltd., omosopatbic Chemleta. London. England. SIfPWBROS. & Co LOCAL NEWS IN BRIEF, lee outting is over at the harbor. Tbe Goderlch Knitting Faotory u on the 'haat. The fishing tog Clams is being thoroughly overhauled. The 6shies tug Sea Kinr is getting her 4.at planked. The rector of St. George's is formis, a oleos for oonfirmai ion. The Oman Factory is preparing a ship - meat of 20 organs for the old country. Tom Gaudry's team of amines are one of the attractions In Goderioh .ow-a•daye. The sparkling roomed y, " The Irish School - muter," will be presented oo Marob 17. Oa Tuesday the W. C. T. U. will hold their regular meeting In the Temperance Riding Season •+ill soon `Al on. Now's the time to have your wheel thoroughly overhauled or tired tip, so that when the god weather comes you will he ready to en- joy a spin. Any work intrusted to us will be executed In a thoroughly up -to• date manner, and et a prior that will pull tight on your purse strings. It may he you nave been thinking some- thing of ohanlgtng your mount for 'N. That Is a very wise idea ; espsotaily so when the Bioyeb Fee/tory M efat.R soshe,.rare snaps m their last ear's any quantity. " COMMON SENSE " sad " HURON" wheels fitted tip to date. Hall at 3 r. t., A mime programg will be ren- dered. All are cordially invited. Direct from the shoals are the Baltimori oysters received' at the Balmoral Cafe twice a week. Holy Communion was administered at the close of berries in St. Oeorre's on Sun• day morning. Lobsters, shrimps, shell oysters and olams may begot at the Balmoral Cate by ordering ahead. Farmers report that sap be*u to run freely' on Sunday, sod has kept up the paw every day stow. There will be service In St. Oeerge's obnroh every Wednesday evening during Lest, at 7:30. p. m. Meet of our residents employd in the fishing industry are now preparing their nets for the ooming season. Mies Donoogh has returued from her visit to the fashionable millinery establish• mekts in Toronto and Detroit. Try Worrell for dairy ttware (hu own make), pane, pane, strainers and sap buoketa Tinware repairing. hest owl oil. Rev. T. Id. Campbell, formerly of Gods. CARTAGE & FIIEL CO s COAL )?; wish to announce to the public, that we are still TTheadquaarrtters� for the COALbelt HARD,in SOFT and d dnaaI de erred The faotery has just recently made eatlsfaotory arraagsments to mannfao• tore for Canada the celebrated Mc. ('RI•:ADY BICYCLES. This FIN/ popular and np-to•dabe wheel 1. a oal- vereal favorite. and those 1ortaaat enough to have the necessary with whbb to mediate one, owns the best that money ma buy In the wheel line. I tell you, boys, they are bummers. The ladies model is very graceful and beautiful. There U no trouble In moaatisa or dismounting isms, as le experioeosd by most of other makes. tib. eataleogne will tell yen all about them, sad sate is years for the eking. KUDB88ON BICYCLE Co. L'Td CSOD81FtIditi - OIQT_ WOOD and pecial attention is given cell t 8CUT tom WOOD. We of woodfor a cord, making three single cords of 16.in. wood, ready for the smallest cook stove. Kindling and summer wood on hand. O RTAGli E Wali ndle Bpggs a and Freight to and from all trains and boats. We move pianos and organ and household effects, and do it well. C.aP.Co. Jxo. s. PLATT, Nausea. Phone 11. Mk your enwr.► w. rone«M Tealsand �� . ,wt ‘012/1I tolk _wulRemedy irfr Wak and impure Meed, Kidney and Uvsr T.ouWAllo. essepessesss w & �s.1ae1.110o. ersISlesy (dist. es re ..- • ZLBIC TO 011trUlat DA" Don't _ -__oh CEYLON TEA. eV ALL Ana' a -ate. ear. sad see wen this week vie scan lb* pallesss's brother, the Mayot of Goderiob. U. W. Thomson may now be sera is bl, store after several weeks abseeoe through titasss. Miss O'Brien arrived in town this week to take obarge of the sllliasrr department of Smith tiro.. TWIN TORTURERS! Lumbago and Rheumatism made Harmless by Dodd's Kidney Pills Lumbago and Rheumatism cause endless pain and suffering. Every man and woman who runs chances of getting wet, or catching cold, is liable to suffer from one or both. Our hospitals are full of sufferers from these diseases ; none are more pain- ful. Every nerve is on fire ; every joint is a Centre of agony ; every mus- cle an area of torture. To move hand or foot makes the victim shriek with agony. Rheumatism makes snore cripples than all the railroad accidents that ever happened. Twisted, mis-shapen caricatures of humanity, who cannot walk without misery, are to be sen every day. The kidneys are to blame. If they are healthy you needn't fear Rheumatism or Lumbago. Dodd's Kidney Pills keep the kidneys healthy and cure Rheumatism and Lumbago. Dodd's Kidney Pills ALWAYS CURE. WE ARE SELLING OUT, AND MUST GET RID OF THE STOCK AT SOME PRICE. We have Great Bargains to offer you, as we are still reducing prices to hasten closing -up time. EVERYTHING MUST GO! COLBORNE -BROS., -per J. H. COLBORNE. For. 1888 In buying GROCERIES you want the Best and the Freshest, partienlarly when you canIjet them at STURDY BROS. at the wine price that poorer goods cost you elsewhere. R year want to bay a useful present, tree the nice things we have in CHINA and QI.ASS WE MAKE.��-, Sewed Culvt'Pipes A11 sizes Yam a le. to 14 fa. AIN tpa.aext10■e. WRITE FOR PRIOES. SNE ONTARIO SEWER PIPE CO 601 AN_S.AIDS Si. sr.. -ee - •r AT r•r,m CLEARING SALE OF DES We have decided to place on sale our Surplus Stock during the NEXT 30 DAYS Space will not allow us to give you a full list of the different lines in our large Stock. Here are a few, and you can judge by them that We Mean Business. 'a Buttoned Boots, were 12.50 and -$8.00 -for 82.._ 70 _ « 0 " ., CI 2.00, .t 1 50 43 " .e " 1.75, 1 20 S5 " w " " " 1.25 and 1.50, " 95 85 " Misses' Buttoned and Bala, " 1.00, g,75 24 " Lady's Oxford Ties, If 85, 11 and 11.25, " 60 A few pairs Misses' Oxford Tien and Buttoned Boots " 50 A line of Men's Felt Lined Bale, were 81.25, " 75 Oa11 and see these goods, and if you need theme -you will find it to your advantage to BUY NOW 1 W. SHARMAN, , THE OLD STAND, ' Mhlgse end Ifeeseettireorgh e eons rests sen* oreslPI bs1? at • either MR re 'esti* little a • And yet we here keret ea rrtlgte Me,+stt', e . et tae q earadltatt Ere tetra ICanadian Pacific Ry. I8 THE DIRECT FAST ONLY - ALL -CANADIAN LINE TO TILE FOU . ST URD Y-BI?OS MIINIBO'9. STAPLE AHD FANCY DRY 000DS! ALL SEASONABLE. Yart:�, Hosiery, Gloies, Dress Goads, Lintas Department, -well assorted. Small -wares Complete. 4. large stock of Underwear at popular- pricevt Seerl$ Grey, Navy, White an.l Grey Flannels. Inspection kindly solicited. No one will be importuned to purchase. A. MUN RO, Draper. • - Wonderful B rga i n s THOMSON'S MIISIC DEPOT, THE SQUARE, GODERICH Pianos Manitoba, the Northwest, Klondike and Yukon Gold Fields. LOWEST RATES. FASTEST TIME, ACCOMMODA1 ION UNSURPASSED. TOURIST CARS A WEEK 3 TO THE PA. IFIC COAST ran utormutte■ and pamphlet " Kloodlks aad Yokes Bold rlstda." tree. Apply to R. RADOLIFFE, lC}ffiNT, QODICRICH. Usual price $500 00 ; our price. $300.10 450.00 ; " 250.00 400.00 ; " 200.00 Organs Usual price, 8125.00 ; our price .• $ 90.00 110.00 ; " , , .. 80.00 100.00 ; it •. 75.00 80.00 ; 65.00 Usual price, " Bicycles 8100.00 ; our price $ 60.00 75.00 ; .. 50.00 65.00 " .. .. 85.00 Sewing Machines Cabinet, natal pries, 875 ; our price .. $ 88.00 Drop Head, "`------ 85 ; 82.00 5 Drawee, " 60 ; - " 30.00 er, 45 : II e .. 25.00 Vielina, Guitars, Mandolins. Autoharps, Harmonicas, Sheet Music, Music Books, Strings, Bows. Needles and Oil, at correspondingly low prices. All those goods are from the beat manufacturers and of the highest grade of excellence. Buying for cash and selling for cash, we are enabled to give you these extremely low figures, and will save you many dollars if you deal with us. Thousands who have dealt with us oan testify that we tell`the troth and sell honest goods. A call will convince you. G_ W:T130-SON EUPHEMIA A. MSLENNAN'R LINIMENT. 702 ICTICINAL Ms OXLY. Y a ve ace tar 8piaaal�tMt. DM �TYesatb e►Mt aeil7rklrr sed Eget ai Nino without hsvlag tM tied@ esaet tart arrVsss sib i. A. 1[a I.raae�i 1'tata,, e...ep.e stla'J... a tee. kt 11.footless uta d found a eats tar throat .r. r. e sora del ea sera be s.badslathaesta A. Ss- ,pttte peeptienrem. Hew PLEITd$U*REO A) TNG 1Ka.MILL. BllCL.;1! & Rias t�awvseoro>ts.s SABR, DOOR and BLIND Dealers man kens et LUMBER, LATHS SHINGLES And bumf." 01 Ota@! dsessl,llsa Sokool?unitary a Bimolint Everybody is Talking about D. CANTELON'S F L0 He hue Jo -1 reoelved anitkes car toad from Manitpa. He bee now on hand two of the beet brunet of Flour that the world cu produce. LAKE OF THE WOODS - ANn - OGILVIE'S /tea wtaltlr to ■ILess. Lade from No. 1 Hard Wheat He also k-eps the boat brands of OWe-to hoar. People buying Fleur wilt do well hie coil* on D. Castelon. the practice) baker. tad be wit' tell you how to blend the iteaaltoba and Ouserto Flour together so sm to hem a beauti- ful Family Flour at a rearmed* Wm. orders will be p-emptl;snit Med to is PUFF PAST NT $.OLLS or OT8T=11PATTIES Weddiagg takes with Alweend Selma t apeets II y D. CANTELON, Seonab!e Goods We have a fine assortment of SILVERWARE Quadruple Plete, mrt.ufactured by the Mei idan-Britannia Company, of Ham ilton, who's° goods are known th world over for High Grade. Also full line of POCKET AND TABLE CUTLERY of best makers. Don't fail to see ou handsome CARVERS IN SETS -Ir- SKAT$3 we have the finest line and best moor meat outride the ( sties. We kindly ask your inrpeotion these goods. You will end oar prime right. DAVISON & CO. THE UP-TO•DATI HARDWARE. The Kensington Funiture Ca Limited, have made arrangements with J. BROPHEY & 80)1, M West+t. to carry a tun Ilse M their eN Tbe rouse mss set Furniture at Factory Prices hoes hist. and by dame ee keep tkrlr soar Is town. and have $ nowt ebuw et wee et it book by .negerttsg Hasse MOM 1a eoodt et itbo Owpsar•.Adam am tell Raarantpsa lry them CLTTLE BRO& Plumbers sty-Fittere Tinemithi 1 . Have removed to West nide of the snare, next Sturdy Bros'. Grocery, where they will he please4 10 llla SR -their customers, and as many more as will laver than with a tall. Went Ala Square, „r.ep, •k; ehenM *1oa. 1% 1111 thee slat dIstpreo'et sjovernl t ,*t Nth Rift •ss fetes• leer *std f feet tensigilit