HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1898-3-11, Page 7W Sal" T .blaf o .aan y: t'._ . cewessonse y..e� gym. • • sp/ylq J4L .novas. . Jean upon • time the climate and editions of 116 10 Whale were re- rded as an Inferno on earth. Its nano* from civilization, its tong see- n ern of tee and darkness and twenty ere of plant and animal life made it sort of terrible wtural priltoa, even the, sentence was only to live theite )guarded. But now a greet wave of e Aliglo-8azoa mos le merging to- ard a similar hyperborean region, ,ch spending enough money in the ef- .rt to furnish a practical start at )me. All that came out of Alaska last ;ar was tbree or four millions In gold yet. On the strength of that small towing 50,000 men are expected to ook there this mama. If tbey spend s the venture an average of $t,- 10 each their total Investment will be enee ,000• What this great sum void accomplish et home is not in o,kbt. But it is needful to remam- er that it Could not be ranted with- u t the element of golden ...watery sur- nunding Alaska. Attention is otter celled to the evi- ent fact that opportunities are by no wane confined to the almost unsettl- e ar^ttt corner of the continent. There re excellent business chances in every ne of the older states, and • person f good business qualifies is .rtain to Move • fair degree of Steooess with- ut migrating to • wild and distant pastry. Bat it is also true that to he hardy and edventeTous spirit a urination exists in a resolute st rug - 6e with hardship. The unknown pos- seres • charm for nearly all man- ind. Europe was tax swayed by the nth tedium of the erusade•, though bey iuvolved sacrifices not called for n modern affairs. An army of tens f thousands la ready and eager to arm mien A nekusted 4s• oepor4e enem- as out of hunger, Bold and disappoint- ment will turn beet one is • hundred. 'bey are determined to see for then - elves, and if oalmost, miner in ten L u eastel the newcomer will press on n tbe-hopwe!-being tike- eellenaas. BLE PJN9 RIOMINEO NOW A GROWING NEED OF THEY THEStt BUSTLING rimy e.r. flee rrebdssa.t rrodwMag ♦rtWtal *lees - 11 New Mali enemata u- veellgaMn - • ass•laa Meas'' W ,..sed a sewet/ne Wort ea Me eab)eei How to ontaip eUfticieslt ttbesp-able tareetem to be & stubborn psobiera of the KIM cesittn7 alcont to dean over this busy. bustling world. (cones learn- ed acirutiets believe tag enlightened mea) r tarn foeapttatug brow to sleep -- that ineclonnilel le a emewry perquisite of h ghee intelligence. btlsseely ai week pewee dhr3og reach we do not read of a drag-vhf-dttl4ded or otherwise --cawed by this burrito:* curse. which preys espervelly upon tntellsotuat min. Impnak'Q labor rarviteri machinery i. rapidly elitnionittng .11 neceudty fled physics/ exeroisa and exercise et file body before Ml, is the one great sleep producer. We seem to be drifting to. •-a rd an age 'When era aunt re>ort to rt dine to obtain that snare of deep or'.ginalUy meted out to bim to nature, wtvet the sleep produa'rrg machine will be one of the ueosalties of human Me. ill this most advanced sonesriellse tu. amen is saw believe.h to remit from Uhe imehitlity of tilt' organism to drain the brain of blazed. INormal sleep ap. pears to occur only niton tble brain is tutus impo,eriehed. By some experi- menters it is believed thst dreams are caused by easel quantities ties et blood I.St ie Um vassals of the eerebenea but ion ''heisted to impair sleep entirety. The secreta of sleep bane been •teidfed by' aid of bonen subjects ss we!1 as lower an a►I.. Obeer radii. atpoo these sub- ject* wdic ted that during aleep the bran turns pale_ Mil At the ,extant of makeintag the blood mittens. A t.out.b, Mead sr ether at4lndas of the 'meets demist..-el...sa•ses 160, th;niting organ to grow warmer. larger and mune lednratad With Wood. EXP RIUEHNTAL MACHINE. BI-Rti iGrr ass we to aredues rrtaficia) Mg ism posit tilts sleep producing T9R3g snhjerte haveb i gird i 1* a state of sominm iroea by clamping the arteries leading to the twain. Tads clamps re- knit -Mei in pate tut & hail minute be- fore sleep occurred. gentler method of producing artificia sleep by phesical means. disoorveged by Dr. Hammond, of Ween jegton, is to a,y, 9y an electric cur- rent fo one of for sygtpstbtatic R.41 ' Wong ter iPtnal column. The tired mat at some fetuav age marl liege to re- sort to the electric tottery for Men s purpose. It would be tests more oom- fartable to be hulled to sleep by 'Mild electric aurae communicated by • p. Iuw oe mattress than to heave to at- tach thongs to the neck. Sane s.t>oeRitiSl-be Leve belt sleep wit.1 result from fatigue of the eyes. Machines are now mete for producing that cosa,,th.ini t1tJy are used especi- ally by hyptat eta. 'slain most nommen form cam while hes been r.eently al- luded to ,ie • box u,t* mo rated by two laohkr pastel. *upesi ii aeed and revolv- ing bortao,sta1ly in opposite directions. They ars studded ewitii mirrors which throw upon the reline s ribratiag rood oI twinkling light. A boil mounted up - co a beat around the forehead and place ed loth abate the beat. produces the same effect when stewed at rantinuouet7 for five or ten minutes. lVhe,n we r A.+ let the trolley oars in mummer we sleep tweets hour' . deg until ben yearn Mfg he ensued doiMises blare • feeble mend. Children Ida sleep too m.w>i-/.ill lauM woe Alnetigntlon to tae t5Et_er than those wbo Wimp at • normal rata haat their intallecta are duller and their muscles weaker. Inc ',molt► m the sailer hent, is awes* a daoge,t<nr 'symptom In children. Nothing remains but to let the Stam- en fever run its course. The Merit - al is big and unexplored except along to edges. If the gold deposit' are ,e ',netnews as many believe its settle - nein will be rapid ; and if they ars onsd to be limited and of low trade S her openings may be discovered for t rong men willing to forego all but he barest eomforts of life Otbar murals than gold eziat in Alaska. .,nothing can be done possibly In ,K' i'ulture. and certainly in its far - •.'e and fisheries. There is plenty of and there for the landless, though .slue is mach in doubt. Words .1 notion ars of little avail witb one t.., has decided to go to Alaska. are trying to harden tbemeelves n anticipation by sleeping in the cold ind confining their diet to beans slid 6 -on This will not lessen the tug of the real hardships when nothing re- mains but to endure tbem_ In the course of time many of th. argonaut', w ith oceans of experience and no dust worth mentioning. •will return with a new appreciation of home and all that it implies. Wears THE TIIE 4 ,leek■ a.4 Ibe Ms Do Sot Always Apse to learatag 11e Neer. There are few questions more ore gt.eatly put than "What time is itr. ' Can you tell me the true timer' A stickler for cesetitude might reply ; ' What kind of tines do you meant Apparent time or mean timet Lees% time or standard tlm. t" There are all these kinds of time. not to speek of others. it is only within the Iaat two generations. within indeed, the reign Of our sovereign. Queen Victoria. that the subject of the differences of mast of thew kited. of time hoe become of pressing importance to any but theor- 4t' In one of the publicsgasses of Paris • little cannon 1s set np with a burning glass attached to it In such a manner that the sun itself fires the cannon as it reaches the meridian. This of course, is the time of Paris not&- e apparent noon ; t>at It would be exceed- ingty Imprudent of any traveler through Parr. who wished, say. to catch the i o'elack shyness. to vet bis watch hy the gun. For if it happen- ed to be in February he would find when b. reached Me railway station *bat the station clock was !eater than the gun by nearly a full quare an hour. sad that his train had whilst towards the end of October or the beginning of Nnt-erwher, he would find himself as much tee soon. Ustil machine' for accurately meosurlsg time were invented. apparent time - time, that is to My, given by the sen Bina. as hy a sea dial -was the only Um •tout which men knew or ears] But whet, 'temeallite good olooks end Rattles were made. it was very soon was that st different times le the year there eels a marked difference between the abut dial time and that Mown by fix stock -the reams using simply that the, are 'rent rate of motion of tide huh *crone the•*Ky we sot always quite the same, while, the movement of the ;lock was, of seems. ea rsgslar Y it ould ire made. Tb* pest had *Wen in hie tiffanies, and It harmed his heart to bear tba editor audit,* agate sad again, Ca tat, Canna', Capital)Then eels lige it, said the poet. Oh, Pen set reeding it., replt.d the unfit/Arm Miter: i as. merely 14l/,1gg ni &5 5 od the Dist that et1Ml il.. untie • mantel letter. troth t tt$tu it is matey. THE PRUDENT COUR8B. Updyke le an exceedingly quick-wit- ted chap. Bot Yes. For instance, bat night, at Jammer's party, be unfortunately step- ped on Miss Quinbfire's dress and rip- ped ie the neighborhood of three miles of ruffle off It. I see. He immediately mollified bar by some emsedingle witty apology. Not moot I He Immediately disap- peared• observe t at bee. cooatest faun ng of the breeze age:1rd tie eyes musses fa- t gut' of those ash sad at the same t the driswei,oete. A BUSMAN'S INVESTIGATIONS. A MI6 of information concerning va- rims tre*tmenge preset -Med for victim. of Seaman/ is contented in a new wrten- t.fia; wort by '1lAsiiy de MerAceine, a Russian women d the who f 0 co hun- dreds u e b li hest subject, end w,hotas made matey origin- al ezper.tnemjst iter work ban just been translated :into English. Cold water bays applied to the fore- head orshead and tart axes to the hack of the seek and ted are reersnmended to.pro- drum r{erp, *ions • their means the b'ood is drive& trcun the Oran. Hot baths :stcre•es the size of the bind svas- e els of the skin std produce me effect. Another method of 1reezang, the brain of blood and causing sleep--vne which will be fmatld acceeltable to ev- ery one-:• the eating of a light supper joist before raisintg. The Mood in this fere is smut 1davn the M'ais to Mestom- aab, where it i$ deeded in digestion. Experiment* prove that monotony le an .1fent'rve hi't's% d intigew to the bran whulb organ appear) to auto- mat inlay drain df Vs Mood when fat- igued tea soma degree. HTPNI TIC 1MANiPULATION. A Pass» indian rreetsntiy told the wrter that the *Mune doetors among tin people Rig at the bedside of the sick auiel a ng monotonous c.heate, repeated over and over. throughout the whole night. No .ddttionpt treatment bgnnd evwljsr'ttg is applied. Many patients gree deubtlees tuned, the only value of the treatremot be the relief of rain sod the w&ratioeset of Um s Repeated teau reeking g proWrlred• p Mba by repeated hreeklon*flint hilt. Tb*re II el lider'est'inep theory that we require slap in proportion to the n ewee'tsR�y�ot rvd corpsmen le air blle tbierefizes de sot ood. ill then' nseit of r1esp Mex1 anima - tie's agree tort the degree to which . [sap is Meded depends . two. 1,k+ strength of colleedinenesis.ai Too latch deep to he llsrlldleni by Race estlhora.iss. gine. reggloa ',skis. tor devennisn• tae .p.c 6i will lots rl 'flan a v.ge bill etsealletie.- Weirs • child to rob K narrative. bile exercise wt- Mb ms,.$ - LAVENDER WATER. It is not generally known that laven- der water is one of the pleasantestt of disinfectants. It is said that, spray- ed through tbe rooms of & house situ - ted in a malarial district, it forms a very efficient protection against the disease. A SERIOUS EXPERIENCE PASSED THROUGH BY ONE OF BROCKVILLE'S BEST KNOWN MEN. KM Lep Gave EMS sad Mira Me sou Kowa R. NM 4e Control •ver Tlesa-81r. wH11■ase rue rill. neeterea Kiat is Activity From the Brockville Recorder. There are few men in Brockville or vicinity better known to the general public, and there is certainly no one held In greater esteem by his friends, than Mr. L. d&Carle, sr. Mr. deCarls came from England to Canada forty- four years ago, locating in the county of Glengarry. Eight years later he removed to Brockville and bas mads as home bare ever since. He estab- llalled the large marble business still tarried on by his sons bere, and is himself one of the most expert amne- sia -teens in the .Llee inion 0! Canada. He is also well known as an artist In other lines and as •draughtsman has few equals and no superiors. Ample evidence of this is afforded in the fact tion of the that when the oonatitse go�hss bas reoeiived •letter from The Canadian Pacific Rahway was begun. Dodds Mtd6Aia Co., Toronto, asking Sir Sanford Fleming, chief engineer w) bS1al! T 'Df the gr'e'at-tramrronttaentwt -Toad. requested him to join his staff. Mr. L . RePl7+mak vghn wr e deCarle aoceptei the position at Sir In raPdo.rof tthe 7tJi . Sanford's request and remained with would say 'swiss., y that this doctors wild Iirmthad STATEMENT. Um cnmpagy for nine years, daring *Liam. Inlay aWi that ml ago -Motel -seek income-- 2.28 632.48 which time he drew ase;U ell tbR pro- 48 years welt against m) ��vvyy��y, fust files of the roar! ands the plans of the 1 wtaulel be tetter whale I�gattbier the Total expenditure, for 10.5• bridges between Ottawa and Thunder ing appropriation loss - Bay His work was commended as the 0 40 of and that nothing but ea under adju t.ment. .... 2,1118,787.48 .....$ 149.848.08 March April May Are the months In which to purify • 01•11•11111111•W -AW RIGHT TO NAME THE STREE'T'S. The German Emperor se 'King of Prussia, has the sole right to name streets. and he has just refused bis consent to call two streets atter the Your blood with •abs of Lr. Hertrem and Dr. Lang - rt srh sus, popular members of the Muni- Hood'B Slnlraaparmlfi. aped Council. His Majesty disapproves of snob • course during the lifetime of Um godfathers. The system is now In need of such A medicine and Is most susceptible To the benefits To be derived From it. Hood's Sarsaparilla is Superior to all Other preparations As a spring medicine Because it is Unequalled for Making pure, - Rich, red blood. gaffloommessimoogeoom LOLA'S MOTTO. Over 7o1a's Mindy 6 the motto, "No day without something accomplisbed." which rule he has followed all his lite. He does not believe in the work that is dashed off. but pis metbod of oomposi- tion is painstaking in the extreme, Wben he has to describe a place be al- ways visits it first. MRS. RUNES' CASE. Phe Led), Writes E.nctho: Letter to The Dodds Medicine Co. IMvs Defter. ate M epeaawt flan ate Meg Shoottatisu - 115g 0aldd Mat Mote Ow - Kar treusls Kam Maw mesas. -M. . a r a' Akira kw* Pott. , Mosley, Ont.: -Interest in tee wept& srtul recovery oft Mrs. T. Hughes is .1111 trnabeded here, and the case is the pribcipal topic of conversation. Mrs. A AleDwered. Anxious questioners ask, "Is there no sure cure for cornet" We are glad to be able to tell these sufferers that Putnam'& Painless Corn Extrac- tor will relieve them in a dry. and ex- tract corns without pain. It never falls. IRISH SHI BUI,L12ERS. Irish shipbuilders have been benefit- ed by the English engineering strike, se while the Clyde output showed a falling off last year of 80100 tons. one Belfast firm turned out 84,000 tons or more than any other individual firm in the three kingdoms. Western Assurance COMPANY. CHINESE LAV'NDRYWII 1. - It 1s said that .Okiiimes leen- drywall can claw1a week, althea.),ys he pafrom $14 to 11118 a montb reef. and sometimes M high se 540, and bless two or three men at wages 'snipes from $d to 510 a week. Whey their very economical Debits mf living are considered it is probable that they save a large share of their earning.. w r O ate ineemeieeimp a =esu Md par�etctuM sfor~er,pdoa COUGHS, COLDS AND ALL Bronchial and Lang Affections. Contain HooElope, Staub Cabbage R•o4. Lobelia, Contain, sad otter moat eteothe tagr.dl- Mte YIm-., tto0..1001°,Ityr.54117 t.ak*e The 'mallei meeting of abate- byChtdns,aodI.Oes:Glly.rlectie.ts was held at the Company's re- Groin M1t,tet Co77f3 Noes in this city yesterday. The Pre- � We/&.aiilq eadI)ealoR holders • aides& the R. Geo. A. Cox, occupied the chair. "ane Tee seen It w 111 CM Yso It t 1 1 I The following Annual. Report of the ' The Near.. K. Puzzle 11111 Directors, with accompany Ing Finan- ?begot" tee; aau11'Amt° ecu d. olel Statement, was then read by the Secretary, sold; e0 motion, • P T. viz.:- ... - `�- 193 C.5misst PARTY..CVRNT1w ANIMAL Karen. - The Directors leg to submit herewith a statemsst of the results of the treat - actions of tLeer_ he Company for the 1897, together with the Assets and it- bilitiee at the Slat December last. and the Auditors' report thereon. The balaaoe at the credit of Revenue Account 6 $149.845.08, and there has been a train of 518,881.18 i0 the value of aeounties, as compared with their market price a year ago. Two half -yearly dividends, at the rate of ten per teat. per agpum. have >n RIIAUH been declared out of the year'v earn - now ' KLONDYKI dopte�-el everywhere. • sample. 'Tiles, lad ileli;zdlixi, added to flare .Re..„ serve Fund. The amount et . tbe estimated liabil- ity upon risks now on the Company's Woke is 775661.51, and • net surplus is shown over capital and a _ll liabili- ties of $879,472.91. GEO. A. COX. iVeifelft 'FointeminTV `I'ffth -Febiiiift. 18V8. SUMMARY OF THE FINANCIAL beat done by any draughtsman in the 'one wo cure compere s tnc leareig the ' ' I bdrve I bad kidney and bladder Balanes p�serrnse fecis 18.881.18 ed • re y'a se ne a well earned s'Illteelle�to elthreat aathint but n or securities. . ed a retired life. enjoying a well earned s' ' �� I began to use Dodd's Kid - competence at his cosy home In the ne. P111e. Ween I wee ill Iposweigrbed Profit for the year. • . .$ 168.228.21 wast and of the town. onzMrde Carle is 141 pounds; now I weigh 112 pounds - bad always of a rugged constitution and ked always eajoyed the hest of health my n'ava'l wei,gbt. I beg to elate agi.n Dividtends on stock. .5 100.000.00 until the fall of 1896. Then he was that Dcxid'. gid'nsy Pills saved my lite. Total asset'. . .... . . . . 2,415,088.41 limbs "Anyone wtehtng further informs Ressne food .... .. .1,155.124.4'2 Buhscrlbed capital . . . . 1,000,000. Ce Seenrity to policy -holders . 'stricken with as affection MOW as rte essaw4serf'seta- d� �a$0CN. ■..■r INDOeCEYLON THAI Ie recommended as the bsta 15, 30, 40, so and floe. per polfe� WI aeul wn 'laa I Fgant. wanted. Read req �1 LINNI, St., - Moat real. Qae. Ellant Titan iturroasu Oahe slabs. bYyDee stow • s. >.ectlybple.a ►tNk1Tnrc '*e x111 alt a i tB]fbsst Market Value PAID ro• IAN FYM and SKINS, sew wax, Slnteng, eta. Oo..yn,oDte ..Died. ttx- yrru nal.. ri.., t k. toes y wr..tut Fur ('...t.. Robs and New M1 ,...p.c,.tir. N. JOHNSON, wh.leeale Furrier dal tit. raw et. Ite■trsa1. Ss.. C VMS* ItelsORT. ST. CHARLES ATLANTIC CITY, N. 11. OPEN ALL THE TEAR. FINEST HOTBL O. TUB COAST. Sun parlor 800 feet long overlooking ocean and beast e.piaaade Vacuum steam beating system. Elevator tg street level. IMt Md Dolt fresh aqi mit water la all batha. Hanna oh suite. paths attached. JAMES B. REILLY. Owner and Pro, ,MI :w Mk ••••• II ya 1,e I. NM w..• 11KI>••a WO 1111111ftwass MOO ell. n '+et AIMS n• aw..P...s tea. -ser Cgs to wea. es ,H r... ...a .-:.'a e. Photographs of Fenees. 1(t you don't know, bub wish to sea bow Page fence looks In netted ,task and get some good pictures of fence* let to .end yon some of oar Illustration advertising matter containing engrave inga made direct from photographs of Page fence on Canadian farm. Tor will not regret it. It !here i. a Page dealer near you. apply to h(m. If Ad apply to us. THE Pl6E HIRE FENCE NINNY INY t1Jr1Ne WALK$RVILLE, 011T, .P. 1 8. Bee oar "ad" in the ..it issue. of the im t write to me, and I'll lad! ,. 1,000,000.08 which much alarmed him Speaking may S 7 Cast- capital. 1 00 with a Recorder representative the gyre it. " Mrs. T. Hughes.' In the t L th het' widen other d• tbe conversation ppened a ace o e emphatic e y'that is coming to light daily. no man to turn upon this event, and the civ- Nin say that Dodd's Kidney Pills won't cumstanees connected therewith can beet be told in bis own words. "Inst fall" said he, "my legs became in such a condition that when I .at down I bed no power over them. I oould not more them one way or the otber. and was naturally much alarmed. I was advised to try Dr. Williams' Pink Pills. I had read of their curing cases sim- ilar to mine and so I decided to give them a trial. I purchased eaup- ply of the P11L and commenced tak- Log them according to directions. I had only taken them a short time When I found that I was regaining the use of my legs and oould raise Cane up and cross the other with- out ninell dlfft Utty. I also remarked to my wife that the Pills were doing me muei( good and abs was both sur- prised and_delig ted when i showed her with what. ease I could move my, Itmha. r continued takin e pills for about a month and by tthhat time 1 had as tall control of my legs •.I ever bed -in fact was completely eared. I have never had a symptom of the trouble since and am now as well as ever i was. I attribute m.y care en. tirely to IN. Williams' Pink Pills. In fact it must have been tbe pills for I took nothing etas in the way of medi- cate. and I cannot toe strongly re- commend thea to anyone afflicted ag LWs. ONE-MAN RAILROAD. The simplest public railroad now op- erated is thougbt to to one between Atami and Odawar•. in Japan. it is a narrow gauge road. and is run by man power. The cars have seats for tour persons each. who sit hack to back. A train consists of two or three cars, anM drawls up hill by half a dozen cool nes. fines or mrd, Crier ee Peewee:4d ---- - lacsa Ooowtr -f FR A Ns .1. OMNI- T make ostb b. is flea wrier ptrteee Me firm of P. J was at R CO.. dotes est is the a Toledo. Comity ted 'forraa�ttea sal l ��r�mn wU! pan the sem a ONE HUNDB D DOL Latta for mob sad every ease of Aeolian sae's! r caveead by Me aet RiLL'e Areas CoxtL PRANK J. OHKvKY Sworn to bofor me sot •ab•ortbed is m) 9rr•s•t abbe day of U *ember A. U. 1Ms. yI�^� A. N. al.IAeoV, l BEEALL r Notary Pattie Hall's Catarrh Caro 1e takes 1•tatsslly and spta dinner o* the blo.idtweet std to sorb iis UK t et e uytte BB AtYR Cin., is O Ele Ise ars Tamp Mte 8. Ates CARNATIONS. The woman who loves Dowers but whose 6mpose Ia tomb teat she eau Sot always gratify her taste will benog b to kw that carnation are b ID Inver. They are the most settatyteg flower is eastern* and ars Isesysus(w eaos.A to be bought treatiesThe ted n jttlr�t flalKf.g d carnations athe things to brighten a Anil roos. 'Phe pink ate ebaraistr to wear with -aa s gown. The shaded eareatIes 1e4�� AWOL to t e eye. sad the pure OrniFie ere "so. reatfui sad r ere.ilsa with their inky calor. 1. it nay won- der leWidmann the earnetiea Widmann wain era eats ell its other shares 1te laet- in/ gsalitill - cure Bright's Disease, Diabetes, Recla- mation, Lumbago Diseases of Women, and all other Kidney Diseases. Dodd's Kidney Pills are sold by all druggists at fifty casts • box. sir boxes 52,50, or will be sent, on receipt of price. by The Dodd. Medicine Co., Limited, Toronto, Ont. A TRUE FRIEND. Se le -Well. old chap wt's all settled I am going to marry Mia Mills next mouth and I went you to act as beat man. Wells -All right my boy; you can omen •pee -!se• I never deae.ru& friend when misfortune overtakes him Dr. Henry levers, Quebec, %ritea:- "One of my obildren sprained her ankle; which became much swollen and discoloured. Some "Quickeure" was spread on linen. and applied; the pain teased at once, the swelling was gone the nest day. and on the fourth day she walked td school as usual." THE POPE'S SEAL. The seal wore by the Pope. and used by him on official documents to winch his signature is attached. has on it the engraving of • fah. with the cipher of the wearer. Since the thirteenth cen- tury every Pope bas worn a ring of tine character, and it is 'battered with a hammer when the wearer dies, to prevent its use on • forged document. Cure Toureelt Of, Nh•utwatl$Nl. The application of Nerviline-nerve pale cure --which possesses such mar- vellous power over all nerve pain, bas proved a remetrkeb a al/reess' is -rhea. slattern and neuralgia. Nervilins eels on the nerves. soothe* them, drives psln out and so gives relief. Try it and be convinced. CHALLENGE FOR CHOPPERS. The Australian Axmen's Associa- tion of Tasmania are seeking foemen eorttp of theia.A4eel ant have issued a challenge to American choppers to rompete Angle and in pairs, and also M barna of tour. in chopping and sw- ing timber: for a aeries of prises rang- ing from 5960 to $500. Skin Sores OELERY UM, » on to l.el sad s oa, faaAeA The election of Directors for the en- suing year ties then proceeded with, and resulted In the unanimous re-elec- tion of the following gentlemen, vis: -Hon. Geo. A. Cox, Hon. S. C. Wood, Mears. Robt. gusty, O. R. R. Cock- burn 'Geo. McMnrrleb, H. N. Baird, W. R. Hrock, J. K. Osborne, and J. .1. Kenny. At a meeting of the Board of Direc- tors held aubeequently, Hon. Geo. A. Cox was re-elected President, and Mr, J. J. Kenny Vies -President, for the en - wing year. AN UNGRATEFUL PATIENT. The Medical Record tells of a man,. who was cared of blindness by a surg- min remerkab a fee its ae'prepossess- i.ng appearance. Wben vision was fol- ly restored, the patient looked at his benefactor and said: "Lucky for you, young mea, I did not see you before you operated, or I would never have given my consent." Bunt In One Grade Only - And that the BEST. The BEST is the one that is CORRECT in every point. Goodrich TIRES Res- Flex are constructed of the finest materials and skilled work- manship, and are free frOm faults. $INCLI ON DOM/ TI MM. Not expensive because they are the BR'T. Send for "T catalogue, it will interest you. Dealers quoted. ANDRIeaN 1'IRD M., United, Ns and to Mg at. w.. -reamer*. SHIP YOUR PRODUCE, Bettor. Eggs. Apples. Pratt. ac., to tiDKKIMNN uns, ter. el t0eel Molest sad bskeca eta. The meet* DB., fa'0RDNrw MUSICAte•te w.ana.te4 fd to I■tratuee Ce11aIasworme. W,, will mat)prepaid ' Hot Tates 1. 014 Town • with mnulc, for 6 cents, .''drys, r.puiAR MOO DO•T, tK Merle et. Newtreal, Dominion Line Steamships Xemteal nod Quebec to Liverpool hi summer. Mt`&tid to IArerpeol In eel ter. Large and glpMe screw steam. Labrador. van i)mnInlon ' 'lealeue�e.' ' Yorkshire' aesoneanedattos for flrot Cable, Soo g� Rates of I�• 'Det ad Cable. Ss4 t a .liL • npalll l toe&moregel/ to Moamaraster an Iload Aimet Davito awe L oe., Mel Agents 17 Ft M!■t L. Montreal. it Tells Its Own Story 'QDTLLA !1t • ra l at, M :e etf yeeme . Is Load Postmen& CEYLON TEA. Free Laming gesesea Furttie-iverage parson, riding^tltw-'ti Will -tance; over the average roads, HARTFORD and VIM Tires are `perfection and stand for comfort, safety, durability spd lima evit) We ra pair every■F it of our road tiles FREE OCHARGE. Write for Catalogues. Montreal, Windsor Hotel Block. (TORONTO TIE! CO., Winnipeg,Winnipeg Rubber Co. j LIMITED, Office opens let t_puil. _-marA/Ww edeDt.s�T�� WZNTHIR RJEBORT. Florida of the North -Rest from snow and the -C'1d North. hotel Traymore, Atlantic City, N. J. sand 47mmplssm tea s-Wesaryr >omN.ale Rates the Very Lowest Consistent With First Class Service. The TRAYMORE is one of the longest established beach front hotels in Atlantic City. Homelike and cheerful and enjoys the continued pato ronage of a quiet and rrfined class of visitors. Write for all information. D. S. WHITE. Jr., Owner & Proprietor. EEDS l2Varictics OC For,..._- TWs Ise BONA 111)5 offer medial* Introduce our l egetab50 and Plewee lads to aim customers Mod which we guarantee to please you or the maesnt pald reloaded and the Seeds gluon as a present. A9 these otiose we tom rimy otter the vartetlee named below. Order by number. Buy west you want. They ar. sent- by mall post pald. Select from the following list VSOBTANL0.S. Kilter to Number. I 1 n.- weed t. W menu*4. Oabkege, 4. d* a a 1. S. (T,.uabor, Long Owren s, aura, noldan a.1f.WMedne 96 Arnow, mtxad 10 N°rb., Bags si worn„off .i °N 11. Harbor Mq 1'anb• 11 Resta 1hrtorea lwania, wised j�t..r ��paee ys) � y�s.etrtluse,MII fired la to IN,' daiN o I nr.L.) a tI PW, Bfe. islisa 16. Yedr ■0505, stir. 0.141, 451511 *1 1M rn,aM, Osrdeo mind It. W.t.r Ilrl,... /.awls r'...da 17 onion. 1•.■■• real wrtlrr.fi.ld Is. Oni.n. Y.fl r. Ulnb. o•.n 19 Parsnip. 11011n. ('weirs rr.neb Rreakfast H. Radish. Mss O°rn Pt Ana Hubbard 1, Tomah,, extra early Atlantic M. Town°, Dwarf ohamplo• FLAKIER!. FREE " oR "Y wkL� thh UoSpnn r AeIa•dfl�elww -ta MM (Tu- laeta�ale,�ljlt�l�� ares RM■w We will NOT ACCEPT AN OORqO.R st teem plod whore Me /sepsis ere NOT en seed frets flak elN•e Rod• Address all erase* to Nat Cartes Hill Danvers. W M. REi'VIEt TORONTO. tti 1