HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1898-3-11, Page 5• .;tt 'biro or+eee,-' ia"Pt " - 4,' .. ,., ., . , w: , ,err-•.. -- TILE SIGNAL : GODERICH ONTARIO. FRIDAY, March 11, 1898, b Your OppOFtUflItYr oss. Before stook -taking, to clear out all Winter Goods, we are now selling our 2,TdVALNEcy DRY GOODS AT COST and many lines below coot to clear. Drees Goode, all -wool, 30c. a yard, worth 50c. Black Cashmere, 50c. pei yard, worth 85c. Ladies' Black Cashmere Hose, 120. per pair, worth 25c Men's Top Shirts, boa, worth 85c. Men's Underwear, at your own price. Blankets and Comforters, leee than mill prices. REA Y -TO -WEAR CLOTHING BRING US ' YOUR (. FEET WE DO THE REST. Our Shoes are like the wings on a duck, and a ladder is not needed to reach our Prioes. Our range of Boots and Shoes cover anything you need the neat and dainty toot covering for the house, and the strong and comfort- able boot for severe weather. Our Spring 15,tock is arriving daily. We would be pleased to have you call and see the new styles and colors. We do Repairing and all kinds of Ordered Work. ST. GEO. PRICE West side of Square, Goderich, Men's, Youthe' and Children's Overcoats and Suits at Half Price NEW NOVELTIES IN DRESS GOODS $8 they musteaelsi-bofore our Spring Stock arrives. Est. JAMES A. REID, S. J. REID, Manager. BORN. I WALLWIN.-At the Methodattaar.oaage. Leoseow. es grids,. Web.. talk. the wlife of Rev. 1. B. Wsllwl., B. A . W • eon. MARRIED. PATRICK-TYNAALI;r-A1 the rs.idsce at tbsles14smothr en Weaaesasy.marsh fee. W 11sr. H. Henderson. Charles Pat. rick of California. and Mies 8. Jeanie Ty&drat: et Gath rs& Ycerw� GbJnkiM Rd - larder. John mead Ossa & rHE TALK OO TIDMOW en Wednesday. Titer* will be lour priests to Market the osmose. Orr HAND Ory CLOP -M the last rag War sheet of the ale Heed Una Club, the !showing were the mores made 100 200-totaL A. B. Davieos 45 39-84 W. Raw. 39 43-82 0. Ps.slagtos 43 38-81 F. J. T. Natal 38 29-67 J.8. PIM.Dea433 40 16 _49 49 Jas. £mews 38 10- -48 - w -Alter • few day.' .d ,is. 1 :salla s.nisgr the et *II • Sibs tales d lhaberwines £i `i►-iw fies-ediMobsta get wars a tibia hm bro.gbt to thu wok Ms were trey, bee sijoaled, sod N M said that this will ear the w: .-...TP..rnb-work as far. he �sr1 <•.1n. WWI cite.., and It is sprat. enIfylleeraseile to to proof against soy • Hz as 8crrfaro.-0. Monday ermine theLhookeyltee to to mar their Rion gave Dan M.1. err, jr , who sow resides is Detroit, • farewe.l supper at Tilt's o parlors. An exoellst spread was en I,y those precept, and wbet the bivalves been Properly treated, D. H. O,aatlealtthe chair, and out, meat and eeatta..$ 1. the fore until ilio party separated short- ly after tits midoigbt hour. The affair was • greet .t 00ee1, Lad the members of the hockey club are to be cosgr•tulated for the klodly reoognittcn of t1 a or. i ss et one who hu for yure past tievot.deon.idrret,:e time to the advancement of hocky 1n God•riok. THE SIONAL joins with She members of the Uoderloh Hockey Club io wailing Dao Mc- Iver, jr., • enemata! heehaw entree to his ..w hem, OLD MAIDS v5 BAT,'HELORi-Oa Mande] .IeSI time Lau • large attendance at the .shuns risk to witness ab. hockey match bmwaw old maids sod bachelors. The old mads wenn arrayed in their beet, some of them baiag dread almost gaudily. Tse headgear mal.bd the attire, and one of the molds won 'Liberate owl*. The batchelor, were 10 much colored that it wee difficult to toll soma of them from Indians. From tise fleet it was Coen the maids would more. se they were the hs*vier team and selected to wis. The fen oomme.oed with the smart et the rums, and did not end till the bell e nDedd the sed The game was deol•r.d 4 to 1 in favor of the fair wet, and the boys are t, l,. soa%ratolat d M getting that esv, for 11 required greet skill 'o get the gook Mores the goal poet•. whew 15. 80.1-k.411- ett'a.ktrts wen well spread. At tunes the wires were bushed together in heaps on the foe, sites masts% ooe.tdsrahis merriment, std as lb.rs was pleery of water on the rtnk these V the pools were thoroughly damped. The followlaf composed the Mame : 04.0 RAIDS. .AyrwewwIR. A. McIver, Bert Marti,, McVittao, L P•no.., W Mti)arthy, E. Brehm, Jar. Vivi•t, .T. WIUI•m., P. Walton, Oboe. 8.11, (.e McLeod, Fred 85a.00., F. Shepherd. H. Utast. At the eosolesioa et the game the old maid' were loudly oho rod ler thew valory. From tha3.DOrtmou 1Ko�abofat IN TVv a aide Is. 0 Wee C.M.M1 redo Vs cost 20 r a e(fhlars Musa Te Watts• ardesasa_3aUi$Vll ruse M.' -saws.. 'thlogs that are deeded for Easter :-1A aprisg suit •end ! aplMsg eY0rouat : and you sun ret 7011 at Pridbam's. 1 0.'t 1or�y Ih.I ammo he the art f 1t who woo a 1peorl soilpries tor artistic photo [repo. • the =CI eel aka Pbotcgraph. an' A..octatloe. 5014 els IfAraa.. Mail A CAI.L-(all .d sM the world mewed C.1embie, Uendrea and Rambler bicy.les. C. A. Broths & Soxs, Jewellers, Assets, Uoderieh. LxiTEN 81GAwt r -Get year oysters at the Victoria restaaraml, `,Peet street, when yea 0.a alw.ys rely opos b.vi.g Hum trait ; we do the oyster badness. C. 810.5.ta w r RRATA -l0 our roporO of Ur. 1 eo*..•0 lemurs, las/ week, 11r. Edwards was mea. Mooed u the soloe.t, where.t, ll was Jamas P1 human Mai sang .s tw1.pt.bly •t tint tethering Spam, D.11vaap':-The Mes.ey-Haase Company will base a d.livery of geed' i. Goderioh es Tbe1.d.y, Merob 31.4. 11 yes wue to dad est atom* the grand parade, give Brows a eaU. His Now *roar.. -11 \. D.v., tinsmith. stove and Doul e11 dieter, has moved Into his new .tore out the Ba.k el Cemmree se Colberse street, when he will be pleased to see all hie old friends CaAMD Cos,:.at-Tk. 0e.00t0 portion of - the St. Patrick's day eatertslomest will he iTse&y Madame Wall. and Messrs. C R. dwarde 0..d A. L Tlet., betides wine% the ;od.rioh Brei. Sand will reader some of their haat aloe0sas. A Swore? -Os Tuesday Mr. Book ap- plied for • rreew.t of this ballots sees at 150 recut slectio. m West Hiles, sod Jsd4• Mamas, to wham the spwNesUso wan med.. t Friday, today, at 10 a.m., ter that pur- pose K iol CHvaca.--Tb. Saeram s.1. of the Lord . Sapper was mlebested is Knox baro& et the mor..g..rvie. last Sabbath. I the preparatory genies en Friday mbar, whoa Rev. Arab. Mol..•., et yak. pry, Wady -fear sew menu ere added t. Ms esseassioa relL A Larrla Rugs -Lies Friday alumna be Ars alarm Headed ler aMaw st t5. ems Bier.Li notary. The are was Rood iv the sums ham a tupelo Mee to reef and settle% it es Ara. Whets the re brigade arrived lbs to Eery bin was laving on the bare*.%SW , and the was epos ender coattail.Thin was hot WI* demes Mee Nit sreef. Teel Plsaselleonm.Yemardty Hwy sobree helm. Saone M -Woos ie.M i45 burglary sod that. MAW to the •tap e f .1. Speakman' e-. the oven ig of f be tit* of the tnola(rg el tin 711 g.*h , and ware r- ed j $'lr The sty Atjw..'g Miura' a Fault( Tsans"-The1M.rt• t M1111. WWI*eWWI* Miaow de- w _the eltp leablew nt'.TLll tan pair, bes eaemiinert the wort will sadM, N. Orr,be M sad_ ea Its* p. R, to noel alit Istia.,t.d i• 4.K « nate awtrrtpi far eisr ll os the were. Room. um StrillarannglilL Tim LaMar' Aid liedety el limb mane Neter. airs Alma presage kat �eeed > M aha ehtMehlertrbe IMi at 7.30 .'shah. dbm4 ea ••hidednimbi premem w preenstrees,roal modem• gofey. A lea r, 1 s1 P..rb M`,wM: °I � H1 / sae.; a Vet~el,La a/ A magnificent assortment just opened in the latest and most pop- ular cloths and effect,:►. Very many costumes in single dress lengths of highest class material and at very moderate prices. Cheviots, Covert Cloths, Henriettas, Grenadines, Organdies, etc. Dress Trimmings in great choice. Latest fancy Braids, Gimps, Jets, etc. • recommended by all Dress Makers as the only reliable and up-to-date in style, All the Patternli•ckrried in stock by us for Ladies, Misses' and Children's Dresses and every style of garment • _ Carpets and Curtains Entire second floor to show our new stock. 50 pieces of new Brussels, Tapestry and Wool Carpet this week. Inspection invited. W. ACHESON & SON SOME WIJITER NEESDI 10 CENTS FROG IN YOUR THROAT TUBE TOOTEPA3'r1e 10o. WITCH HALEL AND GLYCERINE JELLY. for ohape, et. 10o. COLD CREAM 10o. AMONDOL CREAM, for after shay tag, oto . 100. GOLD IN YOUR HEAD 10o. .-ett.91949s. • THE PERFECT EMULSION OF COD LIVER OIL WITH HYPOPHOSPHITES Or LIME AND SODA A first slaw 53 per cent emulsion. Just u e thing to nourt-h and strengthen the long.. Regular 500. sire for 35o ; 3 for 11.00 You are advised to take tt to time. W. C. GOODE, Chemist, BEDFORD BLOCK. Batspeea's'Red ltlool Puts -Tonto and Blood Building-esly 25o. ; 5 for $1.00. .. WE ARE AGENTS . . - 100 TUI Celclicald Qualo Fohlillg Bath C31)inci, Hot Air or Vapor Bathe at Home. F. M. DUN IAM, - Chemist & Druggist. W. have proved tthst ADVERTISING PAYS For the last two weeks we hada` bale calling special attention to onr OPTICAL DBPART`IL$BT and ao a result, have fitted more glasses in that time than in any month before. Whpre the eyes are diseased, (Spec- tacles cannot be properly fitted. _.Pe have special facilities for d.- 4srlaining whether the trouble arises frog¢ disease or froth defective vision. ?n the latter case we guarantee to 6t you perfectly ; while if there be disease, we will advise you, that yon may have the eyes properly treated be- fore buying glasses, that would be of little, if any use. Remember, we guarantee .abets, tion or refund your money. Foo] OTTAM A.- i.at.rday--a delegation left tor Ottawa to interview the Minister of Public) Works in oocoectioo. with dredging the harbor. Mayor Thompson. and Coga- oiUors Crai ie and Marttt represent the oo.noil and Wm. Prosdfeot, W. L. Ho -ton D. Caatsloo, and F. J Pridbam the oltlz.oa generally.. GOD/RICH 'vs. now. -On Friday two risks from Looknow and two from our curling slob played to the %Vest street rink. rite sans, was well contested throughout, and ended in favor of Goderi.h by four goal.. Goderiob had Messrs T. Robiwu., H L. Watson, L. E. DAocey, A. MoD. Altaic, W. T. Welsh. D. C. Striatum, C A. Hem her and D. Holme., to repr.eeei it, the two Iasi named being the .kips, and tits Bepoy village wee championed by Messrs A Law.00, M. COT 0tg..y, �J.Haat.[, w'ABM, J. MoGarry,,L. 711e1'Lenon, Jas. Bryan and J. G. Mssdeek. . MOELLER IURSERIBS CROUP rTO.it and Ornamental TTNA -NrIIIMISIMMOIL =mow. EVERGREENS A SPECIALTY.' - -- Oar nook of ?reit Trees being Complete. we will be ab is 10 All orders at shortest notice, as we have tits Beet and Leading Varieties of Apple, Pear. Pions.berry. sae reach Trees. •Ito a Large Mitch opened of sheer Protea. Can and examine 010(1 and be oonvino.d. Logy 'tock of Choice Spring Reddice Plante. Price List mailed on application. Address JOHN STEWART ESTATE BEIM ALES r. w. Mrs. MaKeozia, of Brandon, Man.. 1s visiting her ebtet,-Miiarr•iVta.'Counts; Hast street. 244h sad 25th March, hermits' days at Robias0.'s. Ths annual literary sod in n• a tl .,. ern tatnmeut of the Macl.illivray &Bannon Hood will be held it Knox church Friday, April 1st. It is stem-ctTioislly enooanosd at Madrid that the rumors in otrculattoo of • recrudes- cence of the rebellion in abs Phtlllpios 1s hods ars without fau.da:ion. 2415 sad 25t5 March, bargain days at Robiseen's. A privat• letter, received io t\'inatpte from Fort Liard, es the Lard R.ver, says that • party there laws streak a eery rise stale sad are washing oat at tit• rate d 000 • day. New laashine aeons. NEW MACHINE BROP8-ALL KIND* or Repair W d....2 Ree.o.abia Prises. 1>.ew bromic Maob• wry now mad. 1 1 .d Oar - . trees. J. RA RUNCIMA. . ld Wagon For Servlios. OAR FOR BSRVICE--THOKOHRED Tat.Mn-Tve uadonig.ed hap for per - vies ea blg pr lot N. con. 3. Ooderieb T.w.sblp, a tbseellesd Yor4Min Roar. wed how”. spoil, Nook. Terms rs.o..N. DAVID ORR. Proprietor. tt-1t Marna s L amass• WLANR. ISSIJ*GR Oat. • m LIoa.s. oed.Aeh. Ona Iaaa1) FOR... 8V MMbRY or• BPCEIPTS d� EIPNNDITUBBS roaTH1- TOWN O? GODERICH FOR THE YEAR 1897. RECEIPT'S Be lance from l lS6 $ 1,531 41 Special fund from 1116 19560 70 Ileo r15light debentures 6600 00 Interest on E. L. debentures itis 00 Premium on " UN N M. C. Cameros. on sewer as60 00 Magistrates' bines.. 2100 p house _ a 7 00 Taiet ON g hili 1117 pus 00 27069 74 Non 7 57 flit 3174 gl alIkter rates Maitland Oemetery Sundries. rest *1.0rto. amount 1 Ise department pantie sobcoa.. Is.11stjamountaount . .. .. st011 64 Haak Interest 98 75 Rosodary Hoes 81 14 Hills Payable . 59400 00 BUSINESS MEN Don't pay Toronto and other pedlars 50 to 100 sent more than is lo. BLANK BOOKS, LETTER lilt YOBANDUM BOOKS, and other can atom THESE ARE OUR PRIOES: fags LaMar Bask, h.ifoakboVVig paper, regularly mold .t .2.50 and a.00 earth. Our prise 00 torr dome, Total 61tiOSO 43 EXPENDITURES. *trio light ometroeno..... $ 1991 81 afar works construction.... 111 10 Rowers ooustrnotton.. 17470 91 Market 71 Watering ■l sg es as $ 310 00 rbmb worts 161 22 13 1816 10 items' committee114 96 oiled department bile ilehools %gl•te Institut panto Reboot re . debeatwss fad edverNsl.g • • - - 316 94 640 46 619i 87 � 0000 138143 M lip H MN 06 MS Oil 106• 7 !bb 00111 >8 212 OD le M $116,00 fen s�t.i ASSETS. MU 17 ElddorsreferesiMist BE.11yterates • • . •$ PIS 11111 n �O.r `annery property.. • 1711 0017 Lar property .. • • WM n idpertaent 14 $112.912 e,5 S00 pals Day Drone and Journals, half -rens, asst opening. regular $3.00. Our prise $1.114 * gra patentplades. A� s1'MReregularly mid .t Oar pier $2.50. PORTER'S 110011312911111, 00D111110IL estate •.4..k....u....n • • se - 5 76430 M `1��- 17,177 • 'w. 01111.111 1.11,111111.11011111. 4111 .1pErnsimabno MUM-- Si t '}Aertw. awls..". r... Traveling Guise. ,._BRAN. TRUNK RAILWAY, Mixed .. »..... Mali s. Ezpross...ed ...... ........ Mall and ittprestt Due,[[. Mal1▪ aanRepress nd Repress Idized...h....... 10.59 .,m. 1.25 p,m. 7.s. p.m. 10.5n p.m. 7.15 eau 2 30 p. m 1.3E O m Auction sp ng. l HOMAB GUNDRY, AUCTIONEER • and lnsunnoo Agent, Ooderlott, Ont. Agent London and Lancashire lire Int Co., Gore District Mutual Ins. Co. Salee at - 500 d 10 1. say out of the oomty. w lJ JOHN KNOX, GEN ER 11. A 1 0- Moamar and Laud Valootor• Godtrich Oat. Having had considerable experience to he aaotioneerlagtrede, he le 1n • position to isobarg owls& to rough rebt►ouo o V1 nom fr Er L,L�. fC L S, I rt R. DRUGGIST & OPTICIAN Dsntistry ` A NICHOLSON, L.U.N. ,1• DENTAL 11100011. Rooms opposite the Post Odloe old Filll.g, Crowne acid Bridge Work 4 Bpe71*SY. 35 Years Expert hoe. 51 MAHEE• 0.D S , I J. TAL SUR..P OW. -Latest and approved methods for all dental operations. Preserve on of the natural teeth a p malty 01... Iyer James Robin, a's dry I de store, oor- Ger, of West St ant hsett a•re. 67 r M. TURN ILL, RD S., L.D.B.- .1. Dental Sanson. tLately associated 4,th Dr. Dixon. of Montreet. Ooll and poems - 1010. 6 tlflolal teeth mounted on gold o.-alom- %sem speolti .13x.01 Riven. '10 Ulm preservation of the natural teeth. Ours In ttcLean's new block 2525-11 Medtoal. mission„ entrusted to him. Orden tort .4 Barton's Hotel, or sent by mall 10 his addres. ander ch P. 0., oaretnlly attended to. JOItpf KNOX Counts tootlo.eer l'ot''tf R. HCNTER. PHY82OIAN, 8UR- f to 'Naps -Bruce street, the red. FUNERAL NOTICE A. W. CORNELL Jndertaker & Fmbalmer SUCCESSOR 70 A. B. CORNELL A'. 3 -Our Chargee Aare been (really Reduced in order to meet the popular demand for Moderate Prtred b'umerals. THE WEEKLY MAttweT REPORT 1 ODDttar0H• Marc Fall Wheat Floor. family. per •wt Flour. patent. per Girt =Brw�• roa.................... _1 13h�oets,ts. 9 a _.. 1 oob Peas . huh..... Hal. el too BPtree. V bwh . Eery, Ratter, unpacked, S dor,.... Hides eta mDLiveHan RaOon.. ...- Ham. P. lb. ........ ............. Mr15........ . cgs, pee owe f1► e gU$r•`er Bad 5111 10. tla6. --- 1rr to 0 33 50 to 1 50 Msohanlett!' Institute. 00 to 300 00 1013 00 1 O toll no 2910019 54 to 055 5010600 15100(0 1510016 1.5 to 0 11 00 to 350 00 to700 60 to 0 70 60 to 0 70 25to150 12 t0 0 16 (1ODERIOH MEOHANI08' IIi8T1- TOTE LIBRARY AND RZADINU 400M. or. of Ent street and Square (up tetra. Otte. from 1 to 6 r. r.. and from 7 to 10 P.M. ABOUT 2000 VOL' i IN LIBRARY. Leading Daily, Wee r y and Illustrated Papers, M0yaste.c., etc. on FWe. MEMBERSHIP TICHET, ONLY 51.110. (ranting tris tugs of Library and Reading Room. m.mbareblp recent -ad by 10to 0 11 11 Applications rot 50 to 5 11 :SO to 5 75 Librarian. In room 00 to 5 00 . H. COLBORNE. II, HAMILTON. 00 to 6 50 + Secretary. Librarian. *to e 301 Yoderieh Marok'lila legit I don't have to advertise a Sacrifice Sale of HARDWARE 1 My Goods are So well Purchased and Selected, I can Sell at a Profit at Others' Sacrifice Prices. I have no Surplus Damaged Stock to Give Away. No man can continue in business and sell goods for less than he pays for them. I don't propose deceiving yon in that way. I carry an Up -to -Date Stock of Hardware. My Prions are Right. I am here to stay and to please you every time you purchase hula as. -- --- - R. W. M°KENZIE s 01 Ts •,UAP RUDWAILI ROM .1, r resdeGoa 14113&. �(O. CAMERON, BARRISTER, 801.1- 1• char, Conveyancer, &e, Ottlee-Oa Hamilton street. f doors east of Colborne Bros.' dr, good. store. 37-l1 RNE14r HEA i'ON - BARRISTER, 4.4 Sokol tor. Notary Potato C.nadlaa Hank of Commerce chambers, the square' Ooderkb. - 15w-17 , L'." CAMPION,Q.C., BARRISTER, 801. • Ichor. Notary, 0.o, OAc. over Sedls tostare. Ooderlch i 0 JOHNSTON, BARRISTER, SO - 11. Hefter, commissioner, nuc, Money to oan. OfBce.: nor. Hamilton and St. Andrew's *rests. soderlob. Ont. 504 A 0. HA 10 B&RHISTEIt,SOLICIT- 1,. OR, &n. °Mos Nortb.t., next door %rum . 1)moe. PM r- r Fonda to lend at nest rates at Inter at. 9060- ARROW 060AItltOW & PIRODDFOOT, BAB- A rioters. Attorneys. Solicitors, o., Rode. h J T. ()arrow. d.hR .. W. Proudfoot. tAftb.ltJN, HOLT dr HOLMES, L) Barrister., Sollottors to Oh.ncery, t0. otlerlub. M. O. Cameron. Q.O. ; P. Holt 5, dim Helmet G. WARD, CONVEYANCER J . ea, and oom.nlseloner for takingand re f • ring reoo*nls.oues of hall, avlts ss IIrmartona, depositions or solemn declare erre In or ooaoernln4,r any lotion. suit or pro - ...1 0g In the High Court of Jastloe, the .oust of Appe.1 for Ontario, or In any Oounty Division Court, A11 trwaaotlons osr :l prolate, .aeu.ta. Resideax,and P. Loan ano Insurance. _- -� l ONEY TO LOAN. -- 960.000.00 Pei rat Funds to lend at 64 per oast. aro coolly M. A. CAMEHUN Horto.'s Meek. mite Colborne Rotel OoderIch. 407-11 MON15Y ro WAN -FIVE 1'RRCENT money t. loan. titivate funds ; oM0 Brut mesa farms to rent or Belt. Houses and 1110 to rent or for sole. E. N. LEWIS snider. God retch. 11R1VATE FUNDS -PERSONS DE - shoes of obtaining money on 8,0441ss. arm Nastily DLO do 0o at 64 per amt. Ur. 110E 10 J. A. McDONAOH Room 114, old Buildings, Toronto. wl8em C MEAGER, CONNEYANCING AND O iaj r•.w°Moa, opposite Martin's Hotel ` 1,fONEYyopp TO LEND ON MORTGAGE 'Gir11. o1.a.ero.lto Yutl.d Homtei.aods- fob, L� J. �T�./NeATiI�'.E�L.,.pFoIRE, L1J'E 1AwN�D �•lowh,a One► -Cor. le.rty.st, vdr� s a. %.frONEY TO LEND. -A L A R O R 171 amount 0 Private /ands for townsman lowed Will es 1Whislso M ertssges. Apply ()ARROW R PROCIDM01. D RADOLIFFE, GENERAL W- m. sonmom, [soil Rotolo el�..ani t.. dlau'r..ra�� itt'd. - d Oa Ire. a.tw lo d es ...s�yy5a17 15. lowest vetoe etotwa.tsr1.40 1a d.ar lofr m'm 110.15. vlsm l4reo . Tonsorial Artist. PURE BAKING • . .. POWDER atiRANTi1f10 -- -_ FOR 25c. A POUND - J. WILSON'S PlakillalliDN DUO s.'!9*& gree!... el,