HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1898-3-11, Page 3owestairelehherah e tohinnahlThv„o aero• • ..seoath 7ii_. ....- how- .. •,,,,,, r/t, . r. .. - oomen Mh'df!l ops ^oonev c,.'.3_..s". gialago.,...NY ...,i.M'S". -M.W -alv rl1111111P/., '.1 aa,47Z4Ipaystae, r HE NEWS Of 1l1t ttE VEIV LATEST WORLDTO ALL THE terestlas 'tow Wait Oar Own Cowley. tbeat Bruen. the Van.b.. W All Peres er the Ceedwaid asserted err limey Rear4. CANADA. Coientercial failures in Canada last x te The GIOnesar Health se�war wilt Ynz Drew have been iven up far ►. tike tett Glotioe ter.for Newteu•dland on Dessth4r 9 and was lust reported on December 16. Cyrus F. Broder, former ossbier of the First National bank of Bethlehem, Pa., who pleaded guilty to the •mmbhlls- element of over 930,000 from the bank, the been sentenced to awes years in prison. Twelve Englia1 meu from London have arrived at New York en route to the Yukon, with 50 tone of supplies, tncludiug • large steel river boat, which Ma slaw be used as • sledge. rook as nber 87 against 51 a year • 8 Ithnford ilatnia has been m- inaret Chancellor of Queen's Univer- rt7, Kthilaten. Council of Victoria. B.C.. The City the Dominion Government to s proing reprove tea' harbor of that city. Maniiacisl elections will Manitoba k }gel 4ke17 take plena shortly attar this month's .rasion of the Legislature. Jecquot Lepage. of Sts. Barasis, Rimouski county, has just had his Yard i,ylld baptised. Th. father is 84 years old. night's C.P.B. train for To- ronto was s detained In Hamilton for a time by a )sadslide near the city oome- tsre Contender -in -Chat Oen llanms in is visiting ai as toxon is p .said by Mrs. Gas- coigne The infant draught*,du Thomos sou oa Sri d. d Hmrtt affects' of awallowiag morphine pellets. sllets. rpb The Canadian Locomotive Work& Kingston, has dosed a ooatraot with the Minister of Railways tor the con- struction of ewersi engines tor the [at.reolonial Railway. T bushels There ►re now only 7YS.06tl of wheat in elevators at fort Arthur and Fort William. wbere there were over 8.000.000 bushels • year ago. General Manger Hays of the U.T.R. beads a eyndirate applying to the Gov- ernment at Ottawa. or the right to ridge the Detroit River between Wind- sor and Detroit. C.P.A. land sales for February ag- gregate 81,000 acres. for which 986.000 wee realized. a sum three daziegtimes as D! NIA* �i'Iinosa- 0$at • meats -oil month lest year. TILL IT MUD ID ■LR ? eseas Til FRYNCQ AND BRITISH MAY FIGHT OVI&R SOKOTO. Y es" G44 FOSS Unwise OM ./ Meet AMONG 404wter' .sole tries" !United States nail manufacturers c ane Stasi a ed land to�pany. with a Dora Steal atpd W1r• n with a capital of 0.000.000, and headquarters at New York. The remains of George W. Fortis, builder of the Ferris wheel at the Chi- cago World's Falr, are still held at the crematory In Pittsburg for the unpaid funeral expenses, contracted over a year ago. Chris. Keenan and Front ilban•,nigbt watchmen, employed by merchant& of Menominee, Mich., fought a duel with revolvers there on Tuesday. K was wounded In the wrist. Shane gave blms•l1 up to the officers. A fire in a four -storey e.Oemeht home, 171 Harrison wean*, Brooklyn, damaged property to the extent of 00,- 000 0,000 aged made seventy families tempor- arily bounden. Several smaller tene- ment houses were destroyed. A num- ber of persona were slightly injured by failing walls. Mr. Itsokiatahah is still the Lieut. - Governor of the Northwest Territories. Me tendered kis resignation. to take effect on January 1 last. but it has not yet been accepted. - ._ • .. The thwarter d Public Works states that the liability Imiirrd in moneo- tion witb the improvement of Toronto harbor during the yea- ending Janu- ary 1.1808, was 016,896. Geolprodtutotgion d coal for the y]eaical Sairvey reports s{ how t� have been rl.:86,000; gold, 05,190.000; ac I ver. 08.018.5001 nickel .i1 400,000; lead $i,1.000; copper, $1,501.000. The Klondike rush is baying • good effect cm tbs customs reoeipta. and ool- l.ct'one at Vancouver last month rearthed 04,164, ten increase d 015,100. as compared with February, 1897. Alfred Gar•aa, a iumbormaa has dis- appeared ie appeared from Doe of the camps on the 1 peer Ga�+ tmeam. He has not been seen voce tbs'big snow 'stoma and It is feared he has periabd. He bleonged to the Lower Town Ottawa. Mr. G. C. Joos& Soperinte•dsnt, and a number d Grand Trunk despatchers and other attiateds were transferred from Lourdes to St. Thomas on ac'comt of tbe Wahab ataoonter running pow- ers over the AO( Ivies. A plebiscite was taken in Vancouver upon the question whether a liquor li- cense abrratd be issued to the Music Hall. Eight hundred and eighty-one vote. wars polled against the proposal and only four hundred and five in fav- or otit. Hon. P. O'Reilly be. been retired from t of ll&. Bra Reserve f mt Victoria B.C., sad the office 1WI ahIMM with that of the Indies /tilt• Mr. Vowel', Indian BeogrWsriist. will henceforth bold both fees without iooressd re- munerstkie. Major-General Perry of the Yukon Mounted Polios, who raised the British flag at Summit Lab. claimed as Am- erican territory.Wieland at Vancouv- er on Friday that the summits of the passes define the boundary lir and that Summit Labe Is on the Canadian side of the summit, The 0000iniosan ap*oiated to in- quire Into the laborers' grievances on the Crow's Meet Pam Railway are at Wardner, B. C. 'Miry have Lound few camas for complaint. except that some of the employment agents misrepres- ented the cost of transportation, and there u an absence of medial atteedl- •nce. The entire system of Government in- spection of mast which baa "been es- tahllebed in the packing bowie of the United States has been declared to umoonst.ltutional, ineffectllva On void oid la an opinion handed dowp Ubtted States District Court. Kansa City, by Judge GENERAL. sBlis Cart. (11 at Vienna. la Ins"+ proviSpain has reduced the duties o0 wheat and flour. The deadlock la the Newfoundland Parliament over railway legislation continues. Emperor W i Blum has seat a eneseage of coogratulatlon to Prince Hobenlobe, upon his diplomatic snooese in China. The herli.ts have issued a manifesto announcing their intention to take part In that cantina elections to Stain - The Priem of Wales while on hL way to the )giivlers. called on President Faure at Pari& sad the latter return- ed the Primes% visit. eL• vbw of the warlike preparations being meth iso Chili the Argentine Government has decided to purchase three warships and arms for 150.000 trd of There is an appalling scarcity food In many Provi*Cea of Spain. The price of wheat 1. high. and bread riots are of daily occurrence where it is feared that atSalamanca. al law will be proclaimed. The condition of the Crown Printdaa Stephanie. of Austria. grows worse. She ia mattering from Inflammation of the lungs. a result of an attack of influen- za. sad it le spreading otocellist extent which makes her oo0at a re it true that two French expedi- tions hove advamoed toward Sokoto. In Wastoila Africa. and have thereby aroused the wrath of patriotto Eng - Liebman to claim that the British alms possess any jurisdiction over the Sokoto:territory, 1 M. Hanotaux says that, he has o)s,dwLdge of any such proosediog, &ad he even inlets tbat the story oapnot be true, for the reason that there are aro Preach troops in that rag4omL The report. It true. la interesting. Opt nay because Hire signal evidence of that pertaiatesit and far. reaching potlo7 Pursued " by the Frisch ems they tint set toot on the dark carotin - eat, but also because it may be the prelude to a new end sensational Franco-Braiab feud. Tb• story Its It roaches us by cable enough. The French. ea are tdld, advvsoed toward Sokoto and met witb no obeok until the Sultan of that eountr7 Neat them word that they must halt within forty miles of the capital. The Sultan presumably relies on receiving .__ shesse Eros the Royal Niger Company. S1Stiset >Qrt- tale, in case it should be floe lle17 for him to ues force ,pleat the French. On tbe ether band. some well Informed Permits le London think tbat the Sul- tan is not as encore 1n his warlike LS - teatime as he would have the British believe. However this sway be. the Royal Nig- er Company will certainly not count- *nanos this alleged aggressive hot oe the part of the Frsaph. to Madagah- oar and other plasm.. the French have bad their owns way, and to the average Btigliabenen it is only too ober tis( they ere ono p to play the mate game io W aa' - they may find more obstacles is their path than they now look for. AN OLD QUARREL. After all. this la but the lale.t stage he a quarrel which Is now nearly thir- ty years old. There were frontier dif- ficulties between France and Great Britain as far book as 1808. IA 1870 thesettle- Wrwiedes that be sur more sr lass 4beadsat on • torttign Power. A WILY POTIMITATI. Thrse courses were open to him• He oould either mane friends with the rebel Rahe) and bid deftaaoe to Great Britslo and Fraaos alike, or hs could tutsn W tb• advanoea of France and etitaseegh: peal» a. sup�of NW uui ion. which would enable hien to rally tbe subsidi- ary Nigerian states in a revolt against England, or finally, be could reaffirm the peaceful relatkao. which had pre- viously wilted bstweea him mad the Royal N1�az At first his pal y was that of stub - boron resistance. After sumo oorres- ponde� tdecla oed natthatbre ewith be declared could oot sanotio° the British pin d licy daring the late revolt, and ha to receive the asoual ivatahnent of the subsidy of £8.000 whloh the com- pany bad by treaty agreed to pal him. At the same time he sews manage* call- pasSeg to the thief* of the subsidiary states. uponsrule.eta thto throw oft the corn - Moat of these *biota were •t logger - beide with the Sultan sad they st once forwarded his messages to the com- pany. Of the others some might have proved dangerous had the Sultan tak- es tbe field, but such a thought never seems to have entered bis bead. 1.n7 - bow. it Boos became apparent that there was no danger of a revolt. The Sultan himssltsaw, after & taw moa OW that the British were too stroi lY in - trenched to be lightly disturbbeedd be again 'Dammed his intention of adhering firmly to the British alliance. At the some time he stated that be had refused overtures mads to him by the Fronds, and that be woetbd res•es.again attempt W star up Mohammedan fana- ticiun against the British. Thsuostion now 1s. Has the Sultan, after these specious promises. allied bitntnlf with the French. or s be fav- oring their eggrpolicy in he hope that he may thereby be enabled to free bimaelf and his country from Brl- tisb domination ITALY'S JDBILBR• AFFAIRS 1N CHINA. Spee.lalers are Wierklsg 1. Pekin to Se- vere maceaels o. A 'despatch trte.n Pekin, says :-Muob uuaasdness is telt in Chinese circles in ouoriequsnce of the Huartan drmaade. Thaelia es Yteilast.at, t_iesttoe•- rlore- Baron Von Gant -sob. the Anetrian Premier .ad, of tate Interior. tar reporieit- rer�idi "e`reaeteia Jos- eph that the Socialist movement shas som one the Hungarian pease er abated tbat the danger may be oon- sid.re d peat. GR,IZA'E BRITAIN. Tie Margnip of Salisbury, who has oxen suffering from a alight attack of hilt enss. is now recovering. The original of "Reuben Dale."_ 90e of the principal characters NI Kerte Corelli's book. Tb Mighty Atom.' has jest died at Combs Martie, near Ilfracombe, Devon. He wen sexton at the pariah thiel, his real name being James Normae. The question of Canada's new Gov- ernor-General is bring discuteed in of- ficial arches in Lo oaf the Re- formers are urging lbdoe the made from the teappeaes -Ili young awn without lite~ 1� ggfs.. Hon. Mr. Curzon amt Sam. Yr. Low- ther are mentioned. UNIIMD STATES. A member of Ualted States Senators and Comgr�.n have goal to Cuba. ihulne a fellatio in the iTnited States last week somber 144 easiest 800 a year sea 'More than 800 strikiig,�e of the York Corporation, + have gone to Caned... The Chicago, Pres. Club bas adopted reedntiop of sympathy for Emile Stet sat 119. • Pommes POSSIBILITY of WAR. moaner... Zarb Seer spoken efts Lend.. --henna sr Opals. A despatch from London syn: -Now that time and opportunity for retleo- tion bawl been allowed by a tempor- ary cessation of the p.triotto and beti- mes statements which, slate ties wreck of the Maine. have been the chief fea- ture of the special cable despatches from the United States. Englishmen are beginning to realize the depth of the pro -Cuban feeling in the United State. With this the tbonghtful ele- ment hers cordially sympathise. •1 - though they will still believe the Maine enquiry will absolve Spain from com- plicity in the disaster. An Impression. almost amounting to conviction, pre- vails that public opinion will compel the Government a the United States to acknowledge tae Cubans as belli- gerents, and to intervene in Cuba. The Spectator believes that toth wer Wash- ington and Madrid "expect ith- out desiring it," that "both are' arm- ing as rapidly as they can." and that "both are cogitating upon possible W- itham'," Spain with France, end Rus- sia, and Amerkn with Japan. which wants the Philippine Wands. and oould double the American fleet st a tow boars' notice it RuseLa Pa OP - orators on the Stock Exchange .re in- clined to hove American . Securities alone until tie Brie s 1s settled. They burned their fingers during the put week. and, although there is no doubt as to the final outcome. it la feared the struggle will ata the trade of the United States to suffer severely. irw3 FROM in !L01D10 FOUND DEM WITH $100.000 IN GOLD ON THEIR BCDIY.9. igr.las rlr.4Ikeee We. Wilk .s- teer. /resew le Death - The Ysrrers ss tae. s+.►Ir. orer. 15 reported to have utrged v141111"1". demands peremptorily, sod to have complained that the Chinese loan will to twitted in spite of the disapproval of Russlu. x111 kinds" of speculators ars 1toolfing here for the purpose of ereurlog e'on- ceseiowir of elect rho -lighting, street railroads, aid regular, railroad.. e'to. The thiamin merchants aro .Slreie►�ng great eagerness to participate ie the oterprisss. DRSPAT4JR UNOONF ND• .A London despatch says :-In the House of Commons on Monday Mr. George N. Curzon Bald the Government oould not confirm the despatch to the Loudon Times from Pekin, saying am- ong other things that Massie had de- manded that China surrender to her all sovereign rights over Port Arthur and Ta-Llen•,1Van fur the same period, sod on the same conditions, as in the case of Germ•ttty at. Khoo -Chau bay. The tlovernaient had•no confirmation of the report that Radia had ooeupied Deer Island. Corea, nor could the Govern - MOM confirm the reports setting forth that Ramis was strengthening the forts at Port Arthur. TO LEABE TA -LIEN -WAN, it despatel from Harlin .I.7w"'@h ' T.geblatt publishes a despatch from Pekin saying China bas agreed to lease Port Arthur and Ts -Lien -Van to Rim- e* for 90 years. Slag Ueiobera Review. Ike trees& SOS the► Slakes • eoe'.eb 1. eke Areeaanaee Masa A ds*atch frtim Rome. n1s:-Tbe *hem anniversary of the Italian c o - u tat hn sale celebrated on Friday wit'b ratrsjo cin s, • 'Con city awe Jihad with visitors. wino thronged the Mhmd- samety dscoraked streets. At 8 the great bail at the Capitrol �ipeallet the of tats fetes. and as boor 'atm Ela mtlai.4O Q9fa t as by the Caput of Turas -owl ars military attaches sad the Miniidatpl_lye D1- .1.1.! brU11- .et .site. rads to the Ism Marco an/m- ade, weber* he reviewed ate) troops of ird edition. A despatch from Victoria, B.C.. *aye -It la said by passengers ou the oh/Am- er Islander, jolt arrived here from Alaska, Hiatt. several days ago two Canadian Mounted Police came into Skaguay with two sleds In tow, over which were strsppsd two 4e54 men. The attention of the Mounted Pollee at Tssiah WY sttraated'by Ms dismal howls of & dog. Atter a abort search they found the bodies of two men. They had been frozen to death. It 1s said they were returning Klondikers, and had In their poaseasion 0100,000 in paper and gold dust. Their names ars not known. ATTACKED BY HIGHWAYMEN. or. Althea and Sem strew• Srutalsy Assestaed .ear that►mm. A despatch from Ohatbam says: - Richard Allison. a respectable farmer reedding on the fourth concession of Harwich, was driving along the town lime between Harwich and Howard when he was attacked by four men, who pulled him -out of his rig and beat Slim titin "binhalmutk tato insen- sibility. The assault took place near ord's farm between Kent Bridge odd the river road. While Allison was being kicked and pounded. Reeve Brews jross,along. atlw{t.t _Poen wade oft. Mr.Allison and Reeve Brown drove along the road • short distance .. ligtb,tool ed. two men -dL_r��.++ Ems_ negotiations were opened for Live frontiers of the viewed the o� the low Riad mareell..dy deb - merit of the respec for garrison. The Queen Dred his sialtaats yelling; "8111 the two countries 1n Westeru Afrloa on ! march peat d the troops sad their dead." The notes of an a♦ the basis a[ a mutual excbange of ter- proaolade team soared the four acoaad- Maj.et:es mut with oro eollatsiutic re- disappeared into the ritoriee. the prieripal tieing ths1 osyt:** from the crowds" premed. King rola and they }Bisdbert made • speech, from the 1 wood. sour by. Friday morning Alli - French influence and authority should' I son came into the city and laid an in - be oonriaed to the north 01 & certain thralls to (.lira Senator$. Demises sad tormation against three men, and a Ikea, wbile Great Britain should have • �~-�- free hand loath of the same line. Aa • result four &gra mmate were shade within the next ten years. Om a these dealt partially with Sierra Leone; the second with various" hvh, testier a hue oatioiry, for hie lab - disputed poiata In Gambia, Sierra ars &chinned in the national rewirreo- Leone. the gold coast and Logos; the tuna Our faith le resuscitated Italy third with the Niger reglem sad the !led us tb Rome, sad will guide us to atbl loftier destinies. I salute thaw w{ lsaerior frontier of ; who oons*crated their / w, DflhID IUD P1Bi,IAUN T HOURif of PlocUDtNQ@ IN 1OU8B OP COU Sv sten satrod.eed. To incorporate the Pa1'lflo wad Let- o e t lis Frear. Respecting niol Sundt*/ end Loan Asev lattimo also respecting the Board of Trade of the city of To- ronto. -Mr. Maclean,. Reapectieg the Canadian Aeeldent Insurance Co. -Mr. Sutherland. To confirm an agreement batwing' the St. Stephen and Milltown Railway Co. and the Canadian Pacific Railway --Mr. Wood (Hamilton). Respecting the British Colombia Southern Hallway Co., alb raepsetlsls the Canadtsu Pacific) Rallwaf Co., alae retyiectlog the Brendon Wad South - Western Railway Co. -.Mr. Morrison. To incorporate the Oowichan Valley Railway Co. -Mr. McLane*. Sir Louis Davies, Mlnlstin. of Marine, introduced three bilis of more or lege interest Lo mariners. Ona hiU permits the iaeue of temporary cert(ficetes W masters and mates, as was done last year in the ease of engineers. Another bill is to Ingalls* the prao- doe which has prevailed hltberto, of deducting the 85 per cent. oonuniestoal allowed to wh•rtl/agera employed on (.i.rxmataronnt piers beton paying the wharfage receipts iqb the Co aoUdste ed Revenuer P hid. ►jbn bill le render- ed neoessar7 by the Auditor -General's contention that the present practbe is irregular. The third bill codifies and simpliftia the existing law in regard to the in. emotion of steamboats and the exam- ination and liesnsing of engineer, em- ployed on them. Some amepdments to different sections have been introduce FLAG AT SUMMIT LAKE. Passengers oft the Islander cooflrm the report that the Canadian flag bas been raised at Summit Lake; also,thst the Canadians will establish s Cts" - toms house at Crater lake. Martial law hoe been declared at smeary. OM the United States troops who watt on on the Queen are enforcing law. - The attempt to float the steamer Corona has so tat been • failure. C•I•tain Goodall. who bas teen eoe- ducting the wrecking operatiooy has gone with divers to make as examine - tion of the Cottage City. TERRIBLE PLAGUE. The death rats at Skaguay averages 15 daily, woe of the latest victims being the postmaster. It is also stated by passengers on the steamer (slander that the Dyes trail is strewn with dead mules. Capt. O'Brien, of the steamer Rosalie, reports that there are about 12,000 peo- ple in Skaguay and camped White trail for • distinct. of six Wilms from the town. Many are doing over the maws, but a far greater `lumber ara,Mdsing dally, En route down the Rosslte gamed twenty-nine vessels bound for Skaguay and Dyes.. Therm is little or no statement of the epl- demir of spinal meningitlr at Skaguay. TROUBLE FEARED. TI1 B The Mittel States Government r•- lief expedition 1'o the Takata baa been abandpoenced Is tatineelmirt• the inn d tat Morro*peariara. Via, ThirePorta writer of Hoetspa in • stoma at sur,' taros. I,ovelrm Itei em earobrldgA • on Peedtll r l . g. Zed munise et wise hatttged et Rest TAW for ties Mayors io the rause. during w'bich bis t fourth person unknown. ohargtng Majesty, end :-"From the summit of with the assault. The case was placed the eom.eor•ted by immortal in High Constable Coogan'a bands and ssorods to my he effected the arrest of the accused. ghory, first thoughtBoth victims of the outrage suffered se- magphoimrnr ancestor. Victor Emmen- vers injury. but are glad they escaped with their lives. They declare that the actions of the attacking party made them think that it was their intention to kill them outright. fourth with tb. gsaer�rua me0 Bin Lobe By the third agree- )twos bo tbs t.therland. 1 wished you whish 7etn can whiner" the magnificenceCtrs. Bran. U•ea s• see torr ■.sl.•ad, a siemd to the Brllish. sad by the fourth d ties Sternal OAy, which has spread cowrie, and es Stabbed to trail. I• the Fr�B�falerland was aesiened 10 tb*' As light throughout the entire world. algnt eta curd. In spite of thein agreement.. how- Let un ecoti.ale to look to God, who A despatch from New York Kays. - ever. there bar been constant friction wiU'id this unity bit Italy in order that Adrian Braun. s convict in Sing Sing the might be great and pros between the two lily of t boil unly ary Peat H rt e000luded, sa7- ios to the inability to agree of the many Boundary itt*:-„V at the d our resurrso- Cosmiissioraan to on many die tam � ass d citizens were welded puled points, and to the absence of to aao•[q country's fres" any boundary line to the southwest �n a meted and met- Wally w o[ Bay 8erioes" trouble Date is the toall one soother. The India - meat the Kingdom 01 Sokoto was as he menet bora at the Capita), MURDER AT SING SING - DiSTRISS IN CUBA. as" wits nes Gees sleek Sara u Y Woes" flea 15 Arese.la. W. W. Howard. 01 New York. re- turned from flubs oh Thursday+ oil the steamer Vigila*ota. " I was in Armen- ia with Clara Barton." said Mr. How- ard, " but evertors in Artesia did 1 tie emelt ssfferimg ant 6mi$S as 1 have witnessed in Cuba among the pa - Micas Grad roe moentrados. Ilea, wale- . ppaad�-.�dNN& are so emaciated iron prieWss atr'rlbs almost some thren� their shrivelled skim. It over puapNl Seeded relief. It Nirthem wretched tba surgel►tG a wait �w�, ars- e& 1 herald. Gad wen : prison, murdered his wits, who was paying him a visit at the prison on Sat- urday afternoon. Braun is a German 86 years of age, and a agar -maker. Ile was sentenced on August 81st of last A despatch from asattle,Wsib-. says -Fiye7tthmers' arrived-4.ms on Thursday, tbe l topia, HueDeIale, Del Norte, Protection and Queen. The Queen .brought the latest news. hav- ing. � tik&gesy-tans-Heade)• The most important news ww-s'nosiirres- tion of:.Bresious reports that a Can- adian otfie al had raised the British flag on what 13 regarded as American soil, and trouble at ,icaguay with long- shoreman, who objected to Indians un- loading freight from; /steamers. The presence of United States troops alone prevented aerioav trouble. A compro- mise was made with the white men to perform the work at :i0 cents per hour. it la feared that Kerion.+ trouble will grow out of the Canadians attempting to collect the White Paesuwdty mChkccoot Paw, tbe summit and the Americans will resist the payment on what they consider American ground.' Laat manner, the boundary line wan at Lake Bennett,then at1Cin- Lin- demann, and now at the the mountains, which Is erns twelve miles from malt water. left Ska- Two days before the quay the wind. whi. h had Woe n from the north constantly for seven weeks, shifted to and began to blow from the south-west, causing a general thaw to set in. The change in the weather caused hundreds of people who had been detained by the severe cold to start over there traila from lath Skit - gooey and Dyea, and ellen the steam - re left w general exodus from both towns was taking place. Both trails are reported in excellent condition. On the trip down the Queen pawed the Cottage City a abort distance t*mt:h of Wrsng.4 Narrows. The lat- ter ship evidently bad trouble, as her bow was smashed in and covered with canvas too keep out the water. autumn d 1891. Blew French, app r- "'ohm �� d my hoose s the de year to serve a two-year sentence [or easy intent e. extending g o Brea- etiobes d the peoplet booed on concord assault in the second degree, and was African empire. extending from Al- dieted. and drwigrthsind by peat noxa rea+ived at ming Sing on September •1st. genu po the le, has of the Congo and tartunes and g8ort� .. be the most the Upper Nile, had deepatcked Com secure bulwark d the Italian father-. He was convicted of having beaten maodaot Dseo*ur to Nikki. the Dept- Rood Thio- concluding allusions to tel of Bores with iasttrnotlN i er Dego- the dynasty mho greeted with probong- tiats a treaty. Th. Royal Niger Com- d clew' and •bcaits d "Long live pony, however, was not to be fooled h Y This loose sur most im- in thio w•7. Promptly it instrvoted� grist hull d the Capitol mmpp y Captain Lugard to go to Nikki with area ly great o and all the vINL her husband Frtda afternoon. all speed and to negotiate a treaty ,Ptandtid sad srrivd'at the prison at 8.20. When with its ruler. He did so sad carried Mibiatrra, Ming authorities and dip the two met the kissed tai h other off hie treaty three weeks before M. lomat* were present. A reception tot - and were very friendly. They eat for *11 h r arrived there. lowed tL King's ab• Majesty halt an hour convening only a few A SIGNIFICANT DOCUMENT. flat with tie most enthtreitestic greet hest away from the desk of Detective kap trim tats p•op* while on W. way Jackson, who was pre oent. Finall7 De" Ttut Sokoto Is within the British teethe Jackson i his wife, trot, notwithstanding thu, Mrs. Bram forgave her husband and expressed great sorrow localise of his t risonment. Mrs. Braun decided to deed, they are steak sad l iee_el8ep.3lves. Cuba Me been Laid waste. toe a one rarely moo h- all have been rased or burned. 40 weeds grow w'hor'e owe e1M Voltivatlom sestet..• lir sphere of Influenee seems fully proved '(b. first treaty of the Royal Niger Company was dated at Winne Jane 1. 1885. and was confirmed by • second treaty, dated April 15, IMO. This wo- omd treaty was again ooatir'med by • third treat which was negotiated o* June 26. 1894. with Abdu, the suec••sor of Uroru. The sixth clause of tbia treaty reads as foUowe:-"t obi that the eovopa4y receives from the Queen of Great Sritaia..ad that they are Her Majesty's represen- tatives to tree. I will not recognize any other white station. because the com- pany le my help." If tbew treaties are sot milkiest proof. study Ile following passage from a letter which the Grand Utter of So - vetoes 195 "l'hui sl nes •leo-A),r'tL 1094. a tow emoothe before the last treaty was aigned :-' We saw yout paper with the fse.sanger. W• awe and we ne [stood it. They a7 in it that we bare made a treaty with Mon- tell.. Freacbeaan. Oa aoisouat of that we writs you -this letter to tell yea that We here Mde a treaty with aro Dos. All that ¥ontel may leave said wee a lie. We *111 make no treat with wily tune made, fres goer earth Weevil' make tit► treaty wit soy other treat the width aaet s eoantry incept with t10 *era Miter Cagtp. y. They are the Menai of tba treaty." ble. but Them words mod tory pleasi th-rdbT IF 'bow tint Deltas, 0T• r ill iit- N ' yraad is 'a. toward Stites alt M ogta the la 1 to- walast wafter rd the by suOf la- dle.- Metnekilp. the British e1YtlMd vas - asks in the }i Net year. M - at the from the Quirinal to the Capitol throngs the troop•lined street.. TOR MAINE ENQUIRY. The seem Leaves Rey W.M. PLbe1d& tar Mva.s. ' • A despatch from Key West says:-. After two portffoneasents of its de- parture, tbe mutt of empire Tett for Hav►ns en Frid.y evening rue the lightbouse tender Mangrove. It is be- lieved by the heat informed here that the court will complete its labours an the Cuban capital within ten days. Only three of the six days the court we here (irate dovetail tQ.NI,W of investiga- tion. The inactivity of Thursday and Priddy 4etill ulle.pisined, except by a semi-offttcial •tetsment tbat Rear Admiral Sicard was awaiting instruct - Coss from Win r.tood. develThe ioped i M goeeralty �r �rare by which the court could j dstsesai m by sepses of the .�inm. A naval officer in close tenth with the meatberie of the court. says,-" if the apart by vet heard any testimony wedge would enable it t. Geed& intealepesely that bb Maine was blows ap it external caricas. I ash the r� w in the world. Bitot* ly+aaaale YspeaaOwsaaa ao are ares M +tMY'wtie �. olid it ISO 11p was in- po�tti� It will Hes div- ert t actual cenditio* t. the ship after the mxptestsal. ae It iia' atreedy (warned from the survivors moat of the thea.. of the shies *those b a bas.st+tha ns" Hie •zpiotli.a. "RL cagey elrtabilebsd the court will Moot more evert treeretlnel teetitlte01 and thee treo8* a iaY'tiot'" reformed Braun that his time was up. but Braun pleaded for a little longer, saying, "Can't we have a few minutes more 1" Bersuee of the trouble Mr*. Braun had taken to pay her husband • visit the plea was granted. Suddenly Braun raised his arm and the detective saw the glitter of a long thin balite. Braun brought it down With fearful force against the left aide of his wife's neck. One cut severed the great blood -venal. and al- most instantly this woman was dead. Detective Jackson apratig dipon Rama But the convict had time to gash the womaa'a ,bead several times more. Two other convicts who were in the cored- or sane to the detective's seeistance and the mardersr wee subdued. ed on the euggeatwn of de rtnaen tai o(tioers. but they ars o t1) of baic&J character. vn anti Ministiu r promised to exp) com- mittee. _ A WAGGON ROAD. -Sir CSiialei''Pupla't All" " niter of laterior to state what Mega the (iovernmrht proposed to take for the construction of a waggon road front Telegraph creek to Teeiin Lake. Mr Salon replied that the Gov rn- )hat the operations of Meters. Mc onus and �tiVn v^mld necessitate the construction ofaBaan waggon road. and if the Optip any would allow the bill to pass the e u.. bald no dpubt rued would be built. • QUARTZ 'MiNINO. Ur. wMnntague enquired it' the Gov- ernment had read any raulaliOOS under which quarts mining might be carried on in the Yukon. Mr. &[ton replied: -The regulations' have been under ooneiderati�en, and some amen(lmente buss been consider- ed. On that account they very not printed and 1a$u1 Mttb -the others, hut i expect they will be printed to • few days and sent to members of the Horse. Dr. Bergeron was told t1 pby Mr. Sifton stat the homestead law the GovernmeYukon nt lands did not apply ter- ritory. RUSSIA ORDER8 TORPEi)O BOATS. A despatch from Odessa aaya'-The Ruesi•m Government baa ordered 110 maw torpedo boats to augment the Rus - elan Pacific squadron at Vlatftvaatnr.k and Port Artbur. Russia also proposes to keep Wei* Deshler* a the volunteer Deet continually in for Eastern wa- ter's. islateed of the Blank Bea. so as to avoid the pcisaLFrility of being hampered try °cost Rriteia dashes the Bung eam- 4. • lil?IIARING OF Wear/Err. Miss Yittlsh-i believe that Mr. Whiffett N .earoely harper. Mins Frontal -1h dwliberates agreed deal in his mesal& bumming is I bmw'- Ing • great IMI. ( know he .aye `er-mr' ev..ry few word*, 1aztwhet less that to do with hit t Well. you know that tun vrr is Roams. LABOR TROUBLES 1N GERMANY. urge Strike. Is Several titles - Ber11s skee.ukers a.l-e.rrylss rs no Sew War t'ruel.. ♦ despatch from Berlin. says: -There have been large strikes in s number of German cities. in Berlin 12,000 shoe- makers have struck for a uniforps scale of wages and it to thought that the shoemakers elsewhere. will join. The cabinetmakers of Hamburg and Alton• have struck tor nine hours per day. and at Dresden 8,000 cigarette makers have gone mut on strike. There are similar reports from Charlottenburg, Stettin, Koenigsberg and Boras. and big strikes are impending in the Rbeinish mining districts. At Baron Von Stumm's re- quest a detachment of broope bee been TORONTO HARBOR - answer to Mr. Clancy. Mr. Tats said That the sum of 95,X0 was pal dE. Rhin on account. of wort in con- nection with the improvements of To- ronto harbor between January Lt. 1897, and January,j*t. 1898. There wale no balance due; loners were paid in accordance w t a written agr anent entered into on 19th July. 1 Mr. Phin was given the contract cause he was a reliable man, add b price was reasonable. itr. Fielding assured Mr. Borden. Halifax, that the Government now had under eonslderation. and was alive to the Importance of. exttndigg trade between Canada and the `1 eat Indies. NwiressBrr. id`.a.11!lil.e..`Z,r:'vttwe . sent to the bear dbtriet to order. The Budget Committee of the Reich- stag has adopted by a large majority the proposal that the now ve*eets a the German navy shall be finished in six, instead of when years. Admiral �l Wolf tetpttL 47 ' ecr+y of. i on, said navy. Mtn accepting the propos its adoption would result" in consider- able military and political advantages. C. P. R. LANDS. Mr. Jamieson was given to wider - Stand by Mr. Hilton that the lands of were m taxation for twenty e year from pt ut tbe date of Goa from the time of their eelectlon. TIN actual issue of the patent: and not Governmentwas share oa ef- fuhvigbnot ascertain the amount df capital actually expended la the construction of the Canadie h Pen- h, railway. Aa to tlrs meaning of te clause in, the C. P. R. charter exempt- ing the company from control of fes rate until ten per rent' per annum profit on the capital act mile expend- ed in the eortrerurtiod of the railwa$ le ' produced. Mr. Sifton said :-"The question is one which involves the in- terpretation of a statute by legal ash tbority. When any practical necessity arises for determining the queation. It will le referred to tete law officer e the Government, but up to the, present ,i snob reference had been made." A CANADIAN MiNT. Idro>±teldltt(tg� informed Mr. Bergeron' that t . tt.rafantobiiabinga mist in tNG aesatry had Oat teen detonable, hitt. BBQULUI 109 THR YUKON. iatii' --s Wiese es Adele the n.sated hole. ie 'Mallinalsion eerier. The Donitaten Government has de.- tetmlatmd to send • detachment of the regular troop` do the Yellow to auiat the Mounted Police in maintaining law Ned order. 11 wail waist MI two bon- dret; I.81entr3 and ai-;.tteryieen. abea- m from the Metier forces MP farrow:: sant throe. They will ha nectar the command of Myer *aim o1 the Wis- taria , Maj* grass le 8t �eat►lVr'5 of age. lead form hoed In Ot- tstrs. ft he pae1 1b tail the Mkpdi- Ceti me* 8(4. start 10t two er three **ebb. PLATING WI H A FUSE.. 5 -- sera sob= .alters l.spoon a OMNI% Cr.(ser-Stn Is Ike ake11-Re•15.. A despatch from Portsmouth, 'ayes - The British first-class *renowned cruiser Australis, twelve guns. 5,000 teas, had • narrow serape on Whines - day. Two seaman ware plallnft tett* a fuss in tie shell-rodhr, when they se fire to some steres. The flames extingufithed by the prompt flood ot ( WOULDM'7 DO. Committee Ilan. (to panda so feteez..r}-Wi wee thiattin' of pa up a plea the p1a„„�yu r desk ti gw 1e desk sal 'Know lishopeLTeat•YMi-That we iY: The ehadree tr Sew bow •shall Mr. sly is • OM 1