HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1898-3-4, Page 9• FRIDAY, Petah 4, tsa.ceatow..,.• evr TO. et THE SIGNAL : GODERICH ONTARIO. For Evening Wear J Light Colored Bilks for Valets or Trimmings. Cream and C)olore-TiAiik lace'. Every color in 6 inch Chiffon for Trimmings. Ladies' Ties, Fancy Handkerchiefs, Veilings, Gloves, etc. L OpecidLine a -White Cotton, 3641:, Soflt; Finish, regu lar 10c. for 8c. Have you seen our range of Embroideries at lc. per yd. Have you seen our new Print., regular 12ie. lines for 10c. A splendid range of Prints and Ginghams at 5c. per yd. mYdswary et We•rle&, se h. dberib.$sd amt.' the lassb.rmen, the teething beige IS IM &acetate pone la tett dutresa, COMING AND GOING. Min Pridham ie Meese Meade is l'lle- ers. E. Dowels", of Stratford, wea b tem thl. week. Mee Camp•'s* ie os a few weeks malt friss** MIL F. flte..tk is Melly bee daughter, Mrw. Trodall, Is Stratford. Mrs. Themppswoaof Sesiort t. remised to Ms e hogs,.or .. 8vaftlt, oa Thared.y. Mrs. sad Mime G.rk. MaKtasoa retuned from their Wtsghaa vies ea Saturday. Mr. Smith, of Smite Ekes & Co.. ie to town this week, attending the mtlliasry openiegs• Mn. Barrows lets town on Tua.day to visit her deagiess, Mae David l'e.oadt at Ayr, Oa% • N. M. Net_, who had a 141 some cerap weeks ciam and inbred nl shoulder severe- ly, in sow around vain. Mrs. Carry returned home skn wick, after in .ttendaeoe on her mother, who nitti,the peat week in Atlas Craw. Repeat W. Brouab, arrived in town Met web, and will remain for • loots par- ted 'h-*�bees apsoiated eup.r stgnding agluca it the breakwater work. lieethes pareses throw they children to Ib.ereoodila. ; lioeose voters throw thein a Alb matooae. "he obatotr-weht 1. boas ma head in ben the devil Mit ball ram 'twitch the town. Hader the ebad,w of its Mae Herts___ -_-- CASH AND ONE PRICE. is the only basis that can save you money -dei g every day. and are giving great satisfaction in CLOTHING, DRY GOODS *rid STAPLES, GENTS' FURNISHING, MILLINERY and ^terror-- -__°- MANTLES. ---'."" -YGU RE14 A Lady's b:autiful Celluloid Toilet andQore combined. J A Gentleman's Celluloid Shaving Case. COSTS YOU NOTHING! Your Carriage O` lost some of a Nettles... the Venda& may be doll. too ct.sbions need cleaslwr. A few dal!.rs rprnt oe It now will save many d Afars later or. i:wnd it to us. We oan giro you what 111 practic.11y a new cartage. A coat of varnish–repainting. perhaps–the cushions (-leaned. 01.1f you emirs, the trimmines dose over in saotber osloe or materia , will mage 11. look like atm. Thew: Neo, the wkeete and gear stud teams tarter. A bolt ttgtitesed here end thern a weak place strengthened. may save an expensive repair later on. No one cos do the repairs so thoroughly as the experienced earrlage buadrr It will not 00s1 you much 11 you have tbem done now, THE DOMINION CARRIAGE WORK& .1 E. DRT06ES, Pror. All that is necessary is to gues2 the nearest to number of BEANS contained in the GLASS JAR in the window. `: One Guess on Every Dollar's Worth of Goods • Dumont d from Now till *March 19th. SMITH BROS. & Co. LOCAL NEWS IN BRIEF. Counterfoil quarter dollars are is oiroaI•- UNG The Rensington factory still keeps things too the hum. �ega1•r muting night of town oonnol1, ihb Friday evening. Calvin abipped a ear load of hogs to Col. Lingwood on W edns.dey. How will the bawd boyo look next sum- mer ie their new odes t ,the Ooderlok Amateurs are talking of playtag is the sear future. Reenter meeting of the Public School Beard on Monday maniac. Frictions made the sates for the Miaetr l 'how. Weren't they scatty., The Chosen Frlonde will meet is regular paten sets Thursday the 10th inst. Will $bow who have reodv.d amounts from the Mks, kindly square them. Jas. SWwa's two dey. basses }al., 6pn ita._2 tris_ sY l•,W dew «vet. – $ Mgr number wfMowueatpwent tsagy.d Mildag stone be the breakwater. Thore will be seeming of the OMLgI•te Institute fAterezy Soviet, this Friday even- t's• fkweeth's plaalq mill. sew nearing mum - plebes, adds .00eid.rably te the tows se • ...ahc.ring sese.. The gouda, .tt.ntoen mooting la Tem- peraso, hall wee addressed by Mr bregsy, of Aho ONIoalate Institute. The.ips.ss eoe.00esd with the Miestnl show were over ate bemired, and the re- mises ow bemired .std thirty. Coke $p.N•Ity Om at victoria Open Home mixt W.doesday and Thursday.wea- ker. Admleeles 16 and 26 omits. There promises te be the bleled stir fa. bevels *else this year ever sees is O.d.- sidt. Eke lemma MaOrsad' wheel will hereafter be made by ear Lowe taosery, sad e a mew life is in the ooaeeea, we pudica very bright outlook. There will evidently he seine rare bargain, in the oomtmales lamb years produote. Over two hundred o•oias medal have been lamed and then are as many more without the protecting, deoontloa. The Henderson Os. 1. humming, the Mc- (.bssi y wheel wag om the move. 'Lige maniples of this famous wheel will be oat is • few data. Our lee avereh•aes, •ad these desiring *to frons Said ler manner ton were busy eta pass tea day, filling their MON hooses with 'eyelet blooks. Dews wee Col's 8peotdte Os. men Wed- mendy mad Thursday evades. Admission 16 mad 26 @ones. made. Confersaos Eppwertb League Con- vontion of the Yetbodiet o*ur.h will be held to illy Fist Methodist rhumb, !modes, ea March 7, 8 mad 9. Will ear eabseribere look at the date on their &aIAL-1. •ad if the eramlamtk. le 11,1 emtis a.Ssry, egad m, the w\stimIlaal be keep up with the proemmelem PoterMoEwte, we are pleased to leen Y armed again after his reseal bag mad seven 111..... He many friends were mach pleased be s@@ him up bows a• Meadmy. Will tee wleter Carnival Oemmlbee g•• the dog room ever, as the esiatmg of ma- ims oa the sidewalk, le mot only • agleam, but decigram es the animals Mesa •tbospt be bite pawing pedeset•an. We eadmnta.d that Al.Ale..Coop*, formerly of tow.. brother .t 8. S. Cooper, by opaled owl • Soar and teed eters la I)oderiek. They my that one of these days Ala. will take la a parlour. said may ease le Climber for her.—New Rea. Oa Tuesday she 92.d. of Feb., the W. C. T. U. mons • bale of 'Amble',magaesee, pertedlds, els eemfort bags md 1200 pmtse el-kipeNt tMs lttentsn to the W. 0. T. U. Is; Ads psiir frowns VoodsrhA Tools Settfil end ttO% Weals and loom Need Ilemody Ntdney and Liver TwsrMse. waset+a.eew se 1. M. INNLtOO. e18s.tmo. of/N. EPPS'S COCOA 'Y TO OR.LIffiIi ILADA"Don'tForget CEYLON TEA. RV Ali Atefillita--eM• me. and lee Caws nee Ns Own Work. s drunken ma* es wemaa 'bald be la - .rated to moiety or 1n the Nevem so mer. Mae be or she to 1a • demo drtaking pla... —Wine and Spirit Geseet.. There you here it vein I The wont possible hammiest of the l:gsur beeia.Ne 1e the attitude toward it of Mose who aro is is The drnakard is a M @duet of the bust_ SAVE THE MOTHERS Dodd's Kidney Pills Their Only Safety in Female Diselases.• You have seen a flower nipped by frost, fade and die in the flush of its beauty. That is how women die when attacked by any of the diseases peculiar to their sex. Woman's burdens are woefully heavy. Her sufferings are agonizing. Her patience is grand. Disease preys upon heerr4ive light dies out of her eyes, her steps become slow and -draggiegt she loses flesh ; : grows sallow, listless, droops like a lower. Then the diet. Her family is left to the cold mercy of the world. " Mother's dead ! " 1Vhat a piteous phrase. What sufferings have been endured before it was used. 'Why should mothers, wives, sisters. suffer so ? they weed not. Dodd's Kidney Pills will quickly and thoroughly cure alrcases of Female Weakness.- They never fail. They give health, strength, courage : a new lease of life ENGLISH -,_ _ ____ we l AKA WRE,RK'F.RST COCOA Sewer and Poss.seee the following distinctive merits t aAOY OF FLAVOR. SUPERIORITY IN QUALITY. ozwrinz. and 0034:F0Bsnro to the tiNS170173 or DTSPZPTIC. t4UTRITIVE QCALITIIS UNRIVALLED. In Quarter -Pound Tins only, omosopathic Chemists. London. England. Culvert Pipes 1 AU Hare trewstrewsN It. te sa in. nulla reaaeretsms. WRITE FOR PRIOES• Prepared by JAMES EPPB & Co.. Ltd., ( THE ON1 ARIO SEWER PIPE CO WE ARE SELLING OUT, AND MUST GET RID OF THE STOCK AT SOME PRICE. We have Great Bargains to offer you, as we are still reducing prices to hasten closing -up time. EVERYTHING MUST GO! COLBORNE BROSII, Per -I. a. OOLBOR1 E. In buying G$OCEBIEs you want the Best and the Freshest, particularly when For eankdt the i '1t STURDY BROS. at the same price that poorer goods cost you elsewhere. If you want to- buy -ss useful present, see the nice things. wet !MITA,* PILISIA Ind .0111445 t ...._..__. STURDY BROS RUBBERS de OVERSHOES . ' - --RIGHT--UP TO DATE in style, quality, fit and popularity alt the well known goods of 504 "° "'°` ST. THE CANADIAN RUBBER CO. errrwv eaaywatton at1tONTC CLEARING SALE OF SHOES We have decided to place on sale our Surplus Stock during the 1 , 30 DAYS Space will not allow us to give you a full list of the different lines in our large Stock. Here are a few, and you can judge by them that We Mean Business. 60 pairs Lady's Buttoned Boots, were $1.50 and 1300, four 12 00 70 a 43 " 25 35 " Aiiseee' Buttoned and Bats, " 24 " Lady's Oxford. Ties, A few pairs Misses' Oxford Ties and w IS it OC " " 2.00, " 1 50 1.75, " 1 20 115 and L60, • 96 1.00, it 76 w 86, $l and $1.16. " , 00 Buttoned Boots • 60 A line of Men's Felt Lined Bale, were $1.15, " 76 Call and see these goods, and if yon need them, you will find it to your advantage to BUY NOW W. SHARMAN, Jr. THE OLD STAND. .:.OF MONTREAL... Standard Never Lowered. ALL DitAL&RS Kttr TRUE AT MUNRO'S. STAPLE AND FANCY DRY COODS ALL SEASONABLE. Yarns, Hosiery, Gloves, Dress Goods, Linen Department,—well assorted. • _6sail-wan. Complete. A taexe .took o[ -Underwear at popular picas. Scarlet, Grey, Navy, White and Orey Flannels. Inspection kindly solicited. No one will be importuned to purchase. A. aluln a% Drapes. .4.., sad yet me "doses drbkiy pias@' will toler.le its own ea im@w prodigals around ! The ..tame ie asimmed of its owe work. .ad showers .semegn ft ead e.wtam.ly upon its ewe prod.ttltt. Rosser mvweley aseetiag of the mime! board .a Moseley. Riding Season win ems be ea. Rowe the time to have year wheel thoroughly overhauled or Axed up, se Mae when the geed walker ernes y.. trill be realty l em- ery a.ph. Any work Wrested be as will be szomdled `• Mbereagkly up -to - dab meawer. and et • pries that w111 pall Iter/ es year pares strings. It may bs you have berm thistle' seam - ebbe. of o►•atsmg your moan) for '98. That le • miry wise idea ; espodady ma whoa the Bbyos Faalery is Pieria" some rare maps a their Ion ear's "COMMON SENSE ".tad "HURON" *bele Shed .p te date. The 1ptery boa jael nes.fly made eatigerseses Sere he ..dear '" btmga` to �Mc- CRtA1{ BICYCLIC". This very ppsppmm11�0 w .pee -dale wed le m mai- venal favorite. ma the keemsase @.swab to have tbe./emisey web Mesh to p.nw bgeons, swam the bmN Mme mommy ea. My m Me wheel Ira., wm ss(l' they are 5.mmrre The 1e ray grafted sad beautiful Thee it no trouble la .apmiwud m,N d atehea Tar eataiegasb► w01 ter yea vutemseer et alms/ Mies, mid ems le pram for tb ••bee• HBHDifl ON BICTCL! Cs. LT1 CABTAUE & FIIEL CO WE with to announce to the pnbh that we are still headquarters for tb o ' mart and aal elive the et. d luster is any quantity. WOOD Special attention i, given to CO and spur W000. is ••111:'15 fee of wood for a cord, making tor, tingle cords of 16 in. wood, ready fur the smallest cook stove. Kindlin and summer wood on hand. C7/1LRTAG-37 We handle Baggage and Freight and from all trrlbs and boats. We move pianos and organs and household effects, and do it well. Canadian Pacific Ry. 18 THE DIRECT' FAST ONLY _ ALL -CANADIAN _____ LINE TI TAME E0R Manitoba, the Northwest, KlondikeandYukon Gold Fields. LOWEST RATES. FASTEST TIME. ACCOMMODAT ION UNSURPASSED. TOURIST CARS A WEEK 3 TO THE PAUIFIC COAST Full i.ferm5Uee aid pamphlet „ Klondike sad L' Ilton Sold dada' free. Apply to R_ RADC II.IFFE, ♦QICNT, CAODE IOrI. Eve6body is Talking about ----$--BANTELON'S FLOUR a. has jet,, rcoslved aaatber oar from Manitoba. Hs tem aow on two of the but breads of Flour the world can produce. LAKE OF THE WOODS AND- OGILVIE'S rtdi♦ WINNIPEG ■IILe- Made from No. 1 Hard Wn.at Hs ales trop the hest brawls of Flour. Peeplo buying Flour will do well a 1). tia 5115. .,.b esus., will tau you bow to tb. ll.aItoba Ontario roar seg twee mai so have 1.1 Family Flour load ear,: that On ar,, by sawoag .ad Ae sad • Montt to la __ s ata sem.a.ado phos. Order■ will be . p/tly attended PUFF PASTRY, ROLLS or 0Yernert PATTIES Wedding rakes MIIIS aleftMea spe.talry. --- _ ._ D. CANTELON. S180111110 We have a fine aveortraent SILVERWARE of by the Ham- the Also a our assort. el prices - Quadruple Plate, tn..nuf.ctured Metidan-Britannia Company, ilton, whose goods are known world over for High Grade. full line of POCKET AND TABLE CUTLERY of see CO. of best makers. Don't fail to 1 handsome CARVERS IN SETS SKATES ws have Ilse Anent line and beet meat magi*, tis situs. Ws kindly ask your inspection these goods. You wi1l find our right DAVISON & TIS UFTO-DATZ MARDWARL t The Ienlinuton Yunitare Col limited. have made •rraapmem a with • J. BROPHEY & SON, I gt W45.ol. so carer a tau use of thele uses, 111.nkMoesuwet Furnituretuat Factory: mer a w Mr beepPrPriess 14.111.12, aasag,5.�45 it eseierelr�r eem'He t ` the make i bay aamrew_ Lem emamfaay's r CATTLE BROS. t�. di Pm Co. Jxo. s. PLAT, xanallr. Phone eL PullMmIELIG EllcIlauaos & Rhly'llas BUR. DOOR and BLD Deakin 1. *1Made of LUMBER, LATH, SHINGLES Aad WNW. essi esW ed .vaeV &.Ispat Mad Mon a hosialty. nmbere R -Fi • • Tinsmiths • Have rsrovd to Wed side of the Spars, next Btnrdy Bros. Grocery, where they will be pleased to see all their ctfltnllnets, and as many more as will favoe them WWI Wert dr; lygaaee; F NE t'fanr }t.ca1 New Hour liens Fara Lost, }rout Fera Hun Woo +t 1' Auot 1=w r�• ADV' „pct. ,%.„ NV one titre AJdot pre A tan ora F, Fret root nut Tb. wt- .1nr I(Q her els, and It II t,t, IS) 1110 V To' gel 1,i 1i. lio 1•" Oo r, hu re fes at ALLI j. is ma 7 Set r 01 P111p6 Anti N.Narhitmtlk roar oar* reef* ilethp • sense" %air; se .,th., serf ria. 'mots gree i