HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1898-2-25, Page 6THE VERY LATEST FROM
daterestleg Items Alpert oar Ova Gantry,
Great salt.... tis Untied Stevan, and
All Parts of tae Globe. Coad's'sd art
Asserted lar Easy R..dlag.
The Manitoba, Legislature will meet
March lOtb.
Another smallpox case has develop-
ed is Montreal.
Counterfeit $2 American bills are
bring ciroulatsd in Western Ontario.
The new elevator of the Montreal
Trao.,portatica Company at Kingston,
b.. tees ocmplet.d.
Aoaord to reports from Juneau.
Alaska, tba victims of the Yukon
blizzards tsa•r 21., .
Guelph,Guelph,b i asw l4natry to the
gape of a lbidry that will manufac-
ture coal and wood stoves.
Mr. T. A. Gamble, ex -Reeve of As-
alnibwota, is dead of apoplexy. He was
formerly of York County.
There bi • pks oat foot in Ottawa to
establish flour milia at the Cbaudiere
and along the line of the Parry Sound
Rat sway,
Julian boy, who was
operated on at the Halm(Iton Hospital
fur peritonitis. died just after the op-
Dr. Dawson. director of the Geo-
logical Serve , estimates tbegold taken
.,it oe tie last yssr $ .1110:
9304 -
1'b ..-Abbott of Mentseal bame
withdrawal Reim the negotistioas for
the establIsbmeat of their Industry et
Tte Expellee -Nal Farm autboritsee
are sending out samples of new and
improved grain peel for testing by
T.Le mail 'steamer Joao. ruaning from
Vencolsver to ! aaaimo, has been char-
tered by Mr. Maus. the Stikone rail-
way eoatraotor.
A petitian.ts-_„beiag circulated (mfr,
•lensea° for Nulty. the convicted mer -
darer ithree sisters and brother,
an the nd of insanity.
An Ottawa Klondike party now he-
iog organised is making application to
Archbishop Lamgevin to be allowed to
cake two priests with them.
'aline directors of the Winnipeg Gen-
eral Hospital have decided to calf for
tenders for a jubilee edition, suffici-
ent funds now being promised.
Wm. Baribald. of Lindsay.. when sen-
tenced to the Central Prison for one
pear for aaealing some castings, asked
that Lis sentence be changed to hang-
The bill in coo er-true with the pro-
posed railway from Winnipeg to Lake
duperior will be considered by the
,danitote Legislature early to the sea -
don. ,
Mr. T. H. Netaltm.n and others of
London are asking power at Ottawa to
build s steam or electric railway from
London to & point near Grand Bend un
Lake Murcia.- - 1
The story is revived that the C.P.R.
will erect &million Lushes elevator at
3t. John. N.B., for next season'! trade,
',he one now used being entirely too
small for the demand upon it.
A deputation of letter carriers from
all the baling cities of the Dominion
waited on the Postmaster -General and
presented a petition for increased fay.
Hon. Mr. Muloek promised compliance.
The chairman of the Board of Steam-
boat Inspectors goes to British Colum-
bia to see that the law is strictly en-
forced with regard to the safety of
vessels carrying passengers and freight
to Alaska.
Mrs. Llvingstone,formerly of the Do-
minion Leads Off foe at Winnipeg, h&.
been appoints, by the Department of
the Interior to take charge of the im-
migration of •superior class of dome. -
tic servants from Britain to Manitoba
end the Territories.
The direct of the Canadian Pa-
cific Railway Company declared the us -
till half -yearly dividend ot2per cent.
on the preference stook and a dividend
of 2 1-2 per cent. on the ordinary stook,
making, , wltb the dividend already
paid, 4 per cent. for the past year.
The fleptiste of Toronto will have the
honor of sending the first Baptint.mis-
Monary, if not the first regular miR-
dooary, into the heart of Bolivia. Rev
A. 11. Reeki. a yountr man. who has
just finished his course at McMaster
[3niieraitJ will leave on the 25th inet.,
for the city of Oruro, Bolivia. Ile will
travel by way of New York and the
Panama• ethinue, and down the smolt.
The journey will commons • month.
The British Government has isvited
tens rs for tour first -clam araored
invitees of 14i000 horse -pt.: er.
Lord WWits= Nevill wsa a.etewl!
to fire YOUR Imprisonment at LOatlga
for freed. Re &rimitle:l hu guilt.
The Saturday Iteview rep orts tt &t
the Chinese loan will he made Ly Great
Britain, and that the preliminary enn-
tract has actually been aimed.
The result nt the election in Edg-
baston division of Birmingham. for •
member of Parliament to succee.l Mr.
George Dixon. is that Mr. F. W. Lowe,
Conservative, has t..em returned with-
out ^pposities.
The Spaniels genthip Vizcaya has ar-
rived a• New York.
Dr. Robert A. Wheaton, a noted
American Burgeon, in dead ab 8t. Paul,
American labour leaders will make a
demsad about May 15th for an eight-
hour work day.
August Ringling. father of the Ring-
ling brothers. of cirouu fame, is dead
at Baraboo, W is.
For the first time this winter the ice
in Lake Michigan is giving the somas
the lake boats considerable trouble.
Mas. Jeanie Horton committed sui-
cide at Middleton. N.Y.. because, about
a fortnight sac, she accidentally smoth-
ered her baby.
Forty thousand Cubans have gone
from their native country during
the peat few years to lake up the to-
bacco business in Florida.
The secret service has discovered a
now counterfeit 1110 National Beak
note. It is on the Hibernia National
Bank of New Orleans. aeries Wed.
Judge Gary, of Chicago, has denied
the motion for s new trial is Luet-
pyert's case and sentenced him to life
imprisonment. An appeal will be tak-
en to the State Sup -eine Court.
Frederick Pedlar, driver of a post-
3lfice mai/ waggon at Huttelo, has been
dischargMeedd being an a:ien. He had
sworn fealty to the United States
though a Canadian, sad a resident ot
the United States far live months. He
may now be tried far perjury.
TVt1111Er ani , Jo, who dl.-
spprat.d from New York is 1108, and
took with hien it is alleged $193,000 of
the gratuity fund of the Produce Ex-
change, and who, after years of search
by detectii as all over the world, was ar-
mated is Peru on October 24 Last has
bean brought back to New York.
France has $800.000,000 of gold in
ei rou lstion.
It has leen derided to roust ruck an
underground railway in Berlin.
Reinforcements bene been brought
in to strengthen the garrison of Parts.
Mme. Florence Morgan, the superin-
tendent of the plague hospital at Bom-
bay. has died of bubonic plague.
Tho Cooygreas of Nicaragua has au-
thorized Preadult Zela7s to oollect
MOM Wert by -iffreetti&lose.
A plague hospital at Bombay was
destroyed by fire' Twelve European
and 84 native patients were saved.
The Oceanic 8. 8. Company's steamer
Monaco sailed from Sydney, N. 8. W, CAUSE OF THE Di6.8STEE.
for San Francisco, tsrryiag £70,000 In -Itfa mn .t &10.4.Lba_diWter w❑i
sovereigns. jou go the .zpi sioa d ths'laoiler of
There is yamh telt _otitis betroths, ... _- _ .. -
a Queen Wilhelydns to Prince Levis � dynamo mschia. on board the
Napol.aou. new colonel of the Csarlas•V Keine. The first explosion L said to
Lancers in the Russian army. have been caused by over ala hundred
poutn4s of gun cotton, sad tbs subee-
quent explosion is alleged to have been
°•used by shells sad cartridges.
Ali theme,. theft' brigade. and the
navy physicians were immediately or-
dered on duty. Stretchers for the use
of the wounded were sent to the scene
by the " fire brigade, tne headquar-
ters of the Red Cron Society was ostl-
ad upon to send four stretchers, and
moa were sent to patrol the mean of
the dlseater, and piok up the dead and
wounded. The Spanish cruiser Alfonso
XIiI.. which was anchored aloe to the
Maine, lowered her boats and eased 37
of the orew of the Amerioaa warship.
Tse besot N.meor Abuse See - Mlle"
Lsr.w,.ed /Aso sees - true i•$.•►«'
Teas macs rerward Nadler as 1'.'s
libasrsssa -- NreaWeg se to lyase er
to+tione ate•
A drsspatoh from Havana mayo.-The
shattered and turn balk of the United
[States battleship Maine lies at the bot-
tom of Haw harbour, a tomb tor at
least 253 d her crew.
bile was balms tPlat 11.40 o'clock on
Tuesday night by an ezpbsiion well for-
ward useder the moo's quarters. Her
magazine is further back between the
coal bankers. Some of the watch and
a few at the officer's and Drew who
were m Wore .soaped. The explosion
which .hook the city trout ooe end to
the other crested the wildest excite-
ment. All the electric ligbta were put
out by the shock. Wire engines rushed
from uvea direction to another, and no
one knew for certain t:om which dir-
ection the exploasoce mine. Some start-
ed the report that it was the arenua4
others said it was s Melt, and 1t was
not until 11 o'clock that tits Mal cause
was knows.
The Maio. at the time at the ex-
plosion, wee at anchor about 800 yards
from the arsenal. and some 200 yards
from the Coating dock. Her steel up-
apper deck forward has been ocsnpletely
lifted and turned over on her star-
board side. None of the big guns in
the turrets are •isible. 111.111 slightly
listed to port.. and all forward of her
massive cranes for unloading ship's
boats h&c. completely disappeared.
The big fugne:s lis flat upon the twist-
ed and gnarled iron braces and pieces
of steel deck. From the funnels .ft
the ship seems to be intact. She bas
mottled until the water has cowered the
tap of her aupiritraGtar, amid' ting
stern entraillarbat ani erne rapid -firing
gun look over tiy.uatjr just below
the took before the'ves ere arrival sad
kept back the excited crowd. wttieb lt1-
eluded Mit the population of Hey %host.
it was awl seers at the toot as
stratebers were carried to the waiting
ambulance. by artillerymen. and the
sufferers tenderly pplsc.d on with for
conveyance to the lt4(ria. Hospital. The
brave fellow* bare their suffering ad-
mirably. sad awe limped through the
piae of eager faces with their arms is
slings, heads bound and blood-dsined
bondable oa legs or trunks.
Ths crowd had Wm yelling •a only
eyoit.d Debugs -and negroea can yell,
but a great beak tail epos the mom'
Wage et the debt of the woun'led. Ex-
cited men and women became hysteri-
cal. sad way a Latin prayer was
heard from lips that had Mee shout-
ing moment before
Every poaible arrangement fur the
comfort of all who were disembarked
had teen aside. sad all who could talk
praised highly the kindnese of the
Spewiab officials, who opened this
hearts and wardrobes to the survivors.
Fullerdetails of the destruction of
the United 8tates battleship Maine in
the harbour of Havens add to the
horror of what the generally accepted
opinion seems to consider an •atop no -
Aroordiue to latest despatobas from
Havas►, o1 the Maine's Drew of 1164
ere .-.l0l min saved. Of the 253
poetthtwo werer. etfksrs.
‘Voile the muse of the explosion
that destroyed the Maine U as yet un-
determined, somal experts are inclined
In the belief that itsorigin was within
and not from without. The idea that
the Spanish Government or Spanieb
officers bed anything to do with it is
scouted in most quarters a. preposter-
ous. President tick:inley and the mem-
bers of bis (lbinet are confident the
calamity on the Stain was caused by
some ansvoidabie aocident. This. too.
is the prevailing opinion among the
Federal otfiotels and the experts of
Lite Navy Department in Washington.
Aa to bow the eapioron may have
occurred. • host of opinions are ex -
',reseed both in naval and civilian
circles. Some navy officers believe
spontaneous combustion ignited the
coal in one of the Maine's bunkers.
and that the burning fuel heated the
metal partition between the bunker.
and a magazine ramming as s»iates
,„lbs amnuur►ltlns, .,. .. ,.
The Emperor of Chive lase issued a
special edict imetructing the Gov-
ernment of Ki.ag•Btt to accord Prince
Holey et Prams "ie every respect a
worthy reception.
M. Papinaud. editor of Labre Par-
ole. of Paris, has nhalleoged M. Jeans,
the Socialist leader, to a duel, owing
to a quarrel that has grown nut of the
Zola trial.
Reports from Odessa say that a re-
cent secret polios enquiry baa revealed
a sensational !caudal in connection
with Lbs coaling of the Bleck Sea
Advlres from Port Said report that
the British battleship Victorious.
which sailed from Malta on February
11 for China. went ashore outside the
tar while entering that port.
All the details hese teen settled foe
carrying out Cecil Rhodes' scheme for
the exteaeiou of the Bulawayo Rail-
way to Lake Tanganyika (Central Af-
rica). There is no difficulty apprehend-
ed in getting £3.000.000, the amount
of capital needed.
The British brigantine Phyllis. Capt-
ain levies. arrived at St. Johns, Nfld.,
on Monday from Turks Island with)
her bulwarks goats, her life boats
smashed and her sails and rigging car-
ried away. For twelve days she was
among the ice floes and she had hen
sides nearly cut through.
An attempt was made late Petur-
day evening in Kingston. Jamaica. to
kidnap Prince Clarence, formerly ohi:f
of the Mosquito territory, who is now
living there as a pensioner of the Brit-
ids Government. The attempt is be-
lieved to thee been the result ot Myer+
agusn ins( teatime
Hon., A. F. Balronr stated In the
Hnuee. of Commene nn Monday that the
3ov.rnmedt would he very glad to see
as international agreement regarding
eurr.nry, hut he hal nothing to add
to the information already in the pos-
•minim of the t[ouae.
All the properties and scenery of
half s dos.. plays belonging to Sir
Henry Irving have been destroyed
by a file In the archway ttnder t.
loondon. Chatham & Dover Rsllread,
near the Ludgate Bill station, which
was timed as alarm/demise for the scene.
ty d t8. Lynesen Theatr..
Tia Loailbh Daily chronicle puRr-
0_ a ,fatta0r that Heron Cromer,
plenlpotentiary In Die dip -
Jude* Steele Kays beet Paul MINA 8. Pow.
er t. Msmle. MII•a• p
A despatch from Pretoria, Month Af-
rica nays Ex -Judge Kotze, who was
dismissed from office for protesting
•genet the relatlona between the Ex-
ecutive and Judiciary in coonectios
with a law passed IS year ago, has writ-
ten to President Kruger. declaring that.
Lieut. -Commander R. Wainwright, of
the Maims, was half endreaaed at 8.E1
o'clock, p.m., and wan Waiting in his
cabin, sett to that ot Captain digs -
bee, when the explosion warred and
put out the elctris lights. Lieut.
Wainwright than lit amatch and went
to Captaan Bigebee's (akin. The cap -
t le Lt atppeara.bad been thrown from
his Ind, but was uninjured. They both
went on deck, and ordered men to flood
2,500 pounds of gun cotton which were
on board. The order was carried out.
The men never returned, but Havana
we. saved from •still more terrible
explosion. The large number of 'loathe
reported among the crew is said to be
due to the fact that many of them were
asleep below at the time of the espies -
don. Moat of the allows saved were
dining on board tbe Wird line.teamer whatas proper in the harbor of
City of Washington. s friendly power. 1 always maintained
SPANISH CRUISER 1N PERIL. precaution against attack, and the
The Spanish praiser, Alfonso X[I1, quarter watch woos ordered to have
Captain &Arabes, of the battleship
Maine. in an interview -on Saturday
with the correspondent of the Ammo -
Elated Press. described the explostoe
in detail. Be said: -"Os the night
of the explosion--fliednot ret'tred� -1
was wnting letters. I find It impos-
sible to describe the sound or stock.
but the impression remains of some-
thing awe-iasplriag, terrifying. of
wee. reading, vibrating, all-perved-�
img. There is sothing in the former,
exponent. d sayone oa board to,
measure the explosion by. After the
first great !book -I oan'not myself re-
call bow mans sharp detoeatione I
beard, shut more than two or three-
[ boew my 'hip wee guile. In such a
atructure as the Meise. the effects d
sunk an explodes are sot for a mo-
ment ie doubt. I Made my way
through the long passage in the dark.
groping frame aide to side. to the ketch -
way sod Uttar* to the poop. being
among the earliest to reach that spot.
So coon as I re.�sed the officers I
ordered the his explosives to be
flooded. sad I thou directed teat the
brats available be lowered to rescue
the wotesded e.r drowd.g
"Discipline le • perfect measure
prevailed. There was so more contu-
sive that a sell to general quarters
would $.rods.., if es mus►. I soon
saw by the tight of the flames that
all my 0ffisers sod !sew left alive
rad rot board surrounded nee. I can-
n ot form any idea of the time. but
it seated fire mioutse trues the time
I reached (bop until I left. the last
man it was puselbie to reach having
bees Paved. It must lave baso three-
quartere of se hour or store. bowever,
trout the amour of work tome. i re-
$ nmber the officers end mei worked
together lowering the boats. and that
the gig took 'ooze time to lower. 1
did aot notice time rain of debris de-
scribed by Lieut. Brandi° and others
who were on deck at the time of the
first expiates But 1 did observe the
explosion of the fixed ammunition,
red weeder more were not hurt there -
13. Without going beyond the limits
of w
was for some time after the explosion
in great peril, and her mooring tackles
were elected away, and she was an-
chored at • greater dietetic., from the
turning warship. She then lowered her
host* and took partin the work of re-
scue. The first of the American sailors
to reach the Mechtna wharf were saint -
ming. Three sailors who escspedt fell
'session just as they resoled • pima
d mfety. One of the Maine's officers,
who is heing cared for at the sanitary
headquarters, is seriously wounded. He
atrtmnoltien for the entailer guns ready
to hand, en that is the improbable
event of attar* on the ship it would
have heetd found ready. It was this
ammunition which exploded as the
heat reached it."
Raeea. ass Wu reefed a Metal Wbh'
•••cera+. way AIMS•
A despatch frown Chicago. iII" says:
he still regards himself as Ctiet Justice is very young. and is believed to have -Warden C. P. Hoyt, et Denver. les
of the Soprani'. Court of tar ',teeth Atri Mee the dfleer mos gasrd at the time of
Man Republic. 13e disputes the Presid- the Maisie". dssigaed • apathies .hair for few is
esti power to dismiss hhn, and quoted IRO,- MICRO The 'Endosteal &het& tor Glrll. It
vrious laws in support of his mune- I Some of the wreckage of the Maio,
tins. presiAeat gnaw,.pl
r.hd so Ili,.1 tell on t.oerd the City of Weithington.
latter. reiteratingl.D! dieaie.st.
and knocked two holes in her deck,
��,, The ehy.Iaiskof the Meiee Rev. Mr...,
P Cbedwisk, went nn hoard the Alfonso
A despatch from (rail Town to Ike1111. in order to minister to the
London Daily Mall says that the die- i wounded. A Spanish nasal officer said
noises! of Chief Justice Kota has raw I that Captain 8'
In the House this afternoon Mr. Dav-
id asked, whet contracts awarded by
the Government ooutalaed a clause pro
hibitIns aweatiag.
Mr. Muloak replied that the Blame
has bees ioaerted la the ooatraota for
the supply of gtUtle clothier with L-
IEU Bolassau. Muatreal, *28.801. sad
Messrs. Marsolais sad Woodsy. Mont-
real. 1L0116; also in the attract. for
the meetly at Mail begs with the Wil-
lett Compeer. Cb.osbley, and the Otte -
• supply cusuMn1Y•
Dr. Borden aaarwaced. is reply to an-
other qu atloa that an.rdsr-ID-Council
was paned on the 2411►. of December
last authorising the First Regiment ef
National Guards to visit Csaada dur-
ing the coming summer bearing arms.
In reply to Mr. Ingram. 81r Louts
Dames said the question of the amount
of thee limas. to be paid this year for
the right to fish in the waters of Lake
Krie under Canadian jurisdiction bad
bees -referred to Prot. Prism, Fishery
Commissioner, to report aeon. _
Mr. McDougall (Cape Breton) asked
whether Mr. Tarte nod any knowledge
of a reply bring made to the address
sent to the Pope by 44 Liberal EOM -
bora and Senators. Th. Speaker rul-
ed that the question was sot a pro-
per one to be put. on the ground that
it dip, not relate to the baaiaeee of
the House In any way.
Hr. Richard's% member for Llsgar,
brought in • bill to compel railway
companies in Manitot.a •m 1 the North-
West Territories to supply ears to
farmers for the shipment of greis,and
eatable them to toad directly from
sleighs or waggons to Inas t.:nt.atsnse
louses. At present, it is claissed,tbe
C.Q.Ikreguas to ship grain for my-
rtle,pt it goes through the elevet-
et for whisk a .targe of 114 cents
is made. The tail was read a first
cwn.ists et s seatless shelf- os whist,
the girls are planed. It is btgb same'
from tbe ground In allow four
to be operated by eleatrie wires.
Straps bold the viot[ra's wrist to Ilse
arta of tits !.bale.
.d alarm and s .r.h.nston thane .h- isalon"^ was the last msh At the Girl's' industrial 8ohool of
M x to a1 the sinking ship. and he i Ketosis. situated at Beloit. they tail
out South Africa. Irr.spei Nae of i Mlti- 1 remained alongside the wreck as longi what is called • spanking their. �Md
cal or racial (eetimg, excepting the Hol- I as It acs pn*Rihle to do anything in atria are strapped in the .hair: ea ate
lander clique. The administration of : the Heti of res.•,,e dstot paes a buttes elMIitlpellslT
Judie". is the T t is tr•nernlly 't' it: t'APT Widest an%T\i INTERVIEWED dopa tb rent. Tb' X•01111$ 1111"6"1"
regarded as laving Leen rednied In a (n s will fee asked la •few del t8
faro.. Some persons contend that the pt b, (4igalw•';' interviewed this lel sit tt•
susenthe power ought to intercom.. cn i •'ening. by the eurr10 • ondent M d(b. thlis.yhe localatassnthoeia read 12
tlas i1 Maph..tlnattlISt s�T
hef bs
the ground that the grave sransl a Aeeorfeted Press with reterenee to the ta
ta danger to itritish interests. reuse of the expedient said :-'•1 eau- will be pa.sheaed for the Cel t ie tot"
ao8 yet deterrents' the e..w. het roes- attttataleh
r wt.nt invest ig(.tors will decide wheth-
er the •sploioe was produced from an $TRTHS AMONG RICH AND POOR.
interior or exterior wee,1 cannot
soy easytbiag until .iter such an is- Tie birth-rate amain tate very poor
v ]las teen made. 1 will mot. of Parts is these timer treater ties
and eesrelaatioaaly anticipate seifteg test very riot, woven" to at.-
ti.tles eosgtled be Bettiltsie Aa the
eoc•fet sack 4.al4a.e there is a tortes.
pendia* [•crenae.
aesteenee l.aIlI as a. ever 1s.e e. P. m, te
arUl.\ reburials
A M•pma2rlA trnam 1.004^11..y.. -It le the aesairn. Mr da I wish to melte
asserted that coneldersbie r the progress hat my liesetIMAt am}Ira*te of the reason 1m
renestty been movie in the realisalies SU VOID AT EP,Y WRti-r.
d' the tut mail .!rata. with CbMda. The steelier (libretto tto *Rh M purely.
Have err sit. lave taus eoehatee of the Msiae on board, arrived at
i.ttldtlb eervte and itrltleh Nom* ed M whle the. mails will be orrti.4 Re %Vest, Fla.. sit 10.19 em Wednesday
dict ttbeeii-(lenerel in Est,* dune over the C*nadies Pacific Beltway if I.'uvro ss 1 s twill ),Dail from Iia.
OMR wt11 brow e Imperial Secretary Banish holbwtlda tete Ambit* red 0f ate eat•s4 ver:' twenty are
et *tate for Foreign Attain after the' It ie mid that flee tel knot bcsta, eat- weitad.d-tea seriotasfy and ^m fat -
are d Ehartssaa by the Anglo- tre..gg £4211,000
p s eseh, haee strawy beau ally: Captain Merrill. with (oniaais . "A," rink Artillery• took ptea..Mlon of
!neer. ear-Y110nr771rerr
M ittlpia .e1 Nasaseaesefte, mit yet 5.
s eon rah, wily row" eppn•IIs
A QU1t•:t GABLE.
Tommy--C,ja we play at keeping store
is here, swiss •
Mwensss who has a Medechr-tee,
but you meat be very quiet
Tammy -Ail ristht, we'll peened we
doe's •dv.rtiae.
Mr. Martin gives notice that he will
halt if the Government iat•els to pro-
vide for the employm-at of Canadian
tattier only in the building of the Yu-
kon railway, and also whether it is in-
tended to provide that Canada.• is -
iota only shall be employed ie the
construction of railways receiving sub-
sidies from the Dominion Goverment.
Among the questions sated was one
by Mr. Lemieux. se to whether a pet-
ition had been received for the com-
mutatioa of the death sentence against
Thomas Nulty. la reply. Air Wilfrid
Leerier said IBM ao such petition
bed teen re.eiv.d.
in answer to Mr. Borden (Halifax),
lir Richard Cartwright said the (lo.-
eromeot was sot aware that the km-
structios of ships for the fast Atlantic
service had sawny Minn, but be-
lieved that it lied not. Tis. Govern-
ment had been informed that the ves-
sals would be oonatracte 1 within the
specified time. The deposit of £10.000
was paid by Patentee and Tait to the
Beak at Montreal on or Moot the 8th
October. The ea:reeds. of a similar
amount was executed in January lest.
If 7118 alLNATR
-senator Macdonald, B.C., called the
attention bf the Government to the
necessity tor prompt action beteg tak-
es for the purpose of excluding .l1
threw of the Japanese race from re-
cording and working mineral claims fa
the Takao district. He had no objec-
tion to either Chinese or Japanese ow -
Mg into the country as laheurer., but
thought that they should be prevented
from taking up the mineral lands of
the Yukon. The Government should act
at encs so that notification wad be
forwarded to these people by their
owlode.a Oomauls that they would sot be
allowed tato the Elossdike to take up
Mr. Dwelt Mills acid that Japan was
reoogaia.d as s .1.111. d satins. sad
was subject to the duties and privi-
leges at a. country within- the domain
of internatioael law. Moreover. Japers
was a powerful settee, as well as a
etvilleet oar, and personally he doubt -
0d it it world be h politic step to at-
tempt to piste the people of that na-
tion on • different fatting from other
civilised natose Bin this regard.
eeeatee Msedomstd peopoeed that spe-
cial iinetriestiotes by is.taad to the Dassin-
ion iesptedcr of H.:i. in British Col-
umbia to wedge rigid inepeetiom of
the $&M OM Milebbier r et heels ply-
ing bagman Mairtissa, and Southern
Br tiah Col*mLLa and hosts in Alaska,
and that the few shoeLd be .trictly
carried out ss to the number of pacer
angers sad tosses* a vessel or Went-
er shemild carry, sad the number of
boats and dieet4oads allowed by law.
1. the rush to the Telma gold field.
every available eraft nn the coast would
be premed into merv4se. Last sew*
many of the emit used were sot any
es.erwortly, fist well •o Nhsded as
to make these utterly *treat..
Hon. R. W. Stott eats the Genera.
wet had aivemi' tektite Wiest by mat-
ing Use ebrirning of theme mrd Co-
Eltesso inert. to
to see that the law was strictly
ttenalnr ('legem% in prnpoeltg a mot -
ton for Ito aprointm.et of • weromitt.e
to leveret/eta sad report on the tangi-
bility and adveety.s which would
accrue from the construction of a canal
wailing the wetera of irk. Huron
with Lbase 0: the Rt. Lawrence by way
1 02 the Ottawa river, dwelt upon t. im.
portent* of the marject. it wee the is -
Itastite' to bring the 'soother* .f the
firm of co ltr.etors vett had tehder-
1 taken to do the work, Messr.. Pearson
lead Co., of Maxioo, and eminent scion.•
tifie men to giro evident* before the,
rosnmiltee. he committee, nampnsed
n( Sir MR•k.nxi. i1well. Senetir.
Scott. Care rain, McMillan, lloheon,
PaOws . Almon, ler, MoKKpg 7).ez .,
Bernier, Boaltoa, Parlay, YaoJ?saald
(1. 11. I.). Frowns, Bold, and the mover,
was appointed.
iimetor Perl.y moved for a return
gtvlag the member of permits granted
p�j waso 1lquon into the
Yukfor the o�k�
Senator Mills dented the newspaper
reports to the effect that he had great -
.d any of those permits.
the MOUS 1105,.• libeIMr I apetlw se Will
IM Allowed N 8*.. Tkeng* 2s e/N
A despatch from Washiagtos•, D.C..
Bays :-The Secretary at State has re-
ceived a oammweioatioe from Sir Jul -
las Paul slots, the British Ambemeador
bare. relative to the passage of the.
United States relief expedition through
Canadian territory, en route to the
gold region
Bir Julies says he "is authorized by
the Marquise of 8albblery to state that
the Domidoa Gorsyateent are quite
willing that flailed -States troops.
which are cattiest far plicas la Alas-
ka beyond the ltlet 'meridian. and are
considered neoassary for tion protection
01 the twit et azasdilioet whi.e is United
States territory, should peas through
C.nadian territory under the same re-
gulations which govern the passage of
Camadtan Mount td Pollee throurb Unit-
ed States territory. measly, that the
mea Will not be under arms. and that
arms and amanaittoms of war shall go
tthhrra lb C.nsdian territory as begs
Hr, Telles adds: -"The Doentilleb
Go•ver•sisent at two .aas time desire
to make it clear that they full ap-
eresiMa the wish of the United fully
Gov.rlssust to afford relief, and !taws
forwarded instructions to the b_al offi-
cials to facilitate the Impolitioa in
every possible way. An escort of Do-
opiaPolio. will
opiate,furnlsbpiP or the
exeeditioo during ite pa'sage through
Caas44-a territory."
haesso1o11tiss beams be will be glad
tlm airlittij= 44. Whittler
the above arrasesetsgetho .atistactory
6. the United States 6ess•rwrnent. in
"kith ease he will me advise the Mar-
o�unsss of Salisbury and the Goveraor-
toeral d Canada.
The State Department [tae accept
ed the terms offered.
sheen!e sae sees maws s. Deeeh be se
Tewa.M5 er sear,
A despatch from 0.811is. Out.. says:
-suday sight about 12 o'clock tits
broils out in the dwelling of James Ar -
them a settler in the toweshlp d
Rama. three miles north of Sebright.
sad about 18 miles from bore. sad es •
reealt Uwe pewees are dead sad s
foartk fatally bunged. The deed are:
Mrs. Jatene Arthur.. James Arthur.,
egad 11; Archie Artburs, aged 8,
Agnes Arthur.. aged 18 le fatally bunt-
Mfr. Artbure was awakened by the
cries of his sat. Jaases, who am
sleeping is the attie. He endeavoured
to remota the boy, but was toed to
twist. with DG lett toned
arts .ad bead badly
Mrs. Arthurs ran out of the house,
but retarged for her doe-tearold ooh•
who slept is the room wsth his par-
ade. Oe sad the son, Arrbie, as well
as James. were burned to a erisp.
Althea. the 1$ -yips! -ail diameter slept
is an adjoiaing room, cad ettasngfed
Os escape thrombi the kitath.a bolt
wee drLren beck by the f:amss, and
broke her way alt through the w:hsdow.
She then rem tiree bmldrsd yards to
mow a.neMk10r Hr. IIIMPaedua, ler
track martimi la the moor by Mood. 6M
wee Merl* bund oboist the bead•
uehosi•ters. breast, sad from bar h> is to
her feet. The fresh tell from bar feet
lama pai r d saa4ela, eapueleg bas bare
Dr. Giteheis. d Orlin., was Pura-
mo.ed, and dict whet 4e could to al-
1o�gLger Ball si ps. but shecrusot
TWO tot imr e►imirIS, a Moa seed daugh-
ter., waredtbrma from thorns. sad there•
fore The Lies probste'y oriel/tasted from
the stew% la whim fire wwa lett
for the comfort of the absent .to um
h1e r atm n. when the thmmif y rel i and
sheet t °A0*.
Dr. 'Greet, cd B•avertosa decided,tyet
se iaqia•st wee unnecessary,
WeH-ra.wa nb4sMY assts..... Setae tee
Great IMall•rty.
A despatch from Lawton aays:-Tbe
Right Hoo. Sir James 8taasfeld. wise
held the colas of Lord et the Admir-
alty. Usder-Sesretery ter ladle. Lord
of the Treasury. Presidat of the Poor
flaw Hoard. and President of the Local
Oevernesent Hoard, is dead. He nes
bong •t Halite. is 1820, repraattnte1
Halifax in Parliament from t810 to 1806,
.ad retired from Parliament at the last
EWt[oo. Bir Jellies was chiefly known
throughout the eoastry for hie opposi-
tion to the Contseri u. Disease. Acta
and •. Ma support or woman's sultry!.
He supported Mr. Gladetonel Home
Reis Valley, sad is 1M& oa the resdg-
naticls rt Kr. Chamb.rlain, stsoeeeded
tam as President of the Local Gover .
most Board, reentering 11a Otibh*st
for the first thee for fuel.'! years,
"ft Y a .0listlie feet." said Mr. BlU-
Oeby, "that the eeoh salt-helpfsl a
arms Is tete more help be gets from
a1001s. Ciliate, bat not Strange.
Averybsdy likes the ratf-re[Mat not
tIOUT14101111* mob hews tend ids wag." Is ttasgn.tie sed
I12o•51 rdoWatsesaso ms !• btleue Mea M
sNras0A as4w«e Q.nMf. galas, es
Ea el 15.trtrls t+sssasts.
A dsspatob from Leaden yys:-ot
House of abavasgsa tras crowded s
Monday wbsa the Chief Secretary k
[reiwad. Mr. Gerald Belli.ar, intend.'
a• the Irish Local Government bill. i
dolag stn. lie said he thought it possibi
the new ender of things would et tial
astern to be a fai♦ur., but be belie
ed 14 would work through failure t
the woes. which would be the Leeu
sing of better and brighter days to
[retrad. The Goveranteat. Mr. Helios]
...Boned. proposed tot the local al
slsi.tratton be thitribnt d bstwee
Cauaty Coasillo urban and rural di
tracts Commits. sad Boards of cue'
duns. the election of which would 1
by Parti aasstsry fratoblse with t1
addition of peers and wonea. The qua
localises and disquelifbstbns for •
!sties as councillors would be the Baa
se is 11aglaad, except that minister
ot raligio% would be diaqu•lfiled ftp
biting in the (Musty or District Caul
cit, the Ge•'ertpeoeat ietiug therein i
acoordaase with precedents.
For the sake of convenience, Mr Bs
four tsrtaer explained that shy hour
arias of the azietisg maims sad al
of the counties would be modified, al
the County Couto would take on
the duties of grand Juries. bat or
i tireol scatters, and smolt not u
elude etiiainal juriediotioa, or quo
tithe of compensation for neliclous i
forCounty u d DistriThe ct oaaell. oa
be triennial, and all vh Ig► - retire t
nether. The (fount woe
be the sole rate collecting astlwrit
and would control the ez4..aditar
't'bey� would s'ne- Ira responsible 11
dealing with .assptio.sl dfetrw, am
world aside wises( the requests'
8.at•dt4111901191MMMIS,oce slo14oet rah
should Isteglied. Dlahlia. Beira+
tCork. wo 4 .Piaci sieestiake V.
terford .nsntltatti Madslheg
eat (bast Comic ie soon
would be =moss/Vele for MX the e
tra nd[tesr..
lir lbs: a'ao rotated est that t
hill provided that the ooeapier w
table te both the county oars and 1••
ret., whether in • tows sr rtaral di
trfct, which woldd involve a reedjuu
meat of reale, en algal tars to
granted from the Imperial armhole
as an egriealtnrel great. Mr. Bei n
held he thought the bill wee baled c
els broad• democratic lineeedding tb
if extrevegesees warred. then r
apoesible ' for ties would bear t
burden. while they world reap tl
benefits of say .reooay.
Meteses of grid. and /rhes Aaae
Woes Mena
A dessaitrb from Athena. Niger Oa
Protectorate, West Africa, sa78:-1
telligeace ass arrived here that t.
French expeditions are advaaoiag t
ward Sokoto, the e.pltal of the Salta
ate at Sokoto, on tabs Sokoto aver,
the extreme north a the Rowe, Suit
and that six Fmemmb °Mona with
force of 200 mea ewe arrived at Argui
get triune', and Taiga.. The fore,,
town ie ss important plea oa the &,
arts Ri►er, stout WV way betwees 1
Sultan's capital .ad the Reser *lige
and is within (4. British spore. TI
Sultan of Sokoto hes commeasded
Freesia force to belt about Mates fro
the capital. The Revel
prey'. res.ntetke Age,
GeulerN Wm. Wallace. is holellse t,
iyfable with .mmualtime
fadtest at
ewe sad is i
tmast the Bb&W •tit No
oto wad to swore Freer& over*atir
d - ;t alt ten Rory.
It is asserted ase Nu.d authority tko
the Wet'o Niger Cohry.any Us been i
etreeted, after tryieg sa 're.cesh
obsess Ur.00 eel the retirement of ti
Prowl team British territory by fon
The 8ultemeste of Sokoto is $ lessdatoi
d the company. seed was recestty pia
ed under British promeetion. Tb. situ
Liao is regarded M .xtr.atsly gran
Greet Britain's forme is the protect°
ate district number Mtwara 8,008 at
0.000 own, under British efflAre
flavend the Gad Coast'Freakiwsterlar
at the three a.p.rste
er;tidh and Frek territorial dI*p to
19or Wait, .Old Aramigu. ADM i)
Mad says it has received coefirtaa.ic
of the mew. front Sokoto.
Nse.yNa ••flat moot reweevi pee.e.-
M mateea4 Tree. e•.I.,
A iktpstele from Paris Nye: --11
mote striking rletnnnetrat los of the a
arm*g growth of irreliglos is Iran
could be afforded than the ordedw ,a
issued by the Government to the mit
ran the effect thel henceforth the it
arriptirm, " ilieu Protehe 111 t'tbno•
" May God Protect b'raoce," RLall I
omitted from all eels-. It hes figure
an the latter ter just fe0 yciay witbr•'
may intJitdptiob, tbroagt twEli
pares, the ram. of three L1ngs,o th
Onmmase .and two �,�((,�, 001
now. it the twenty-eigbtR li year of r n
tUti. e 44oversieesi I.
dt.t,a t heave., itk, r[tbo,.a
F *4111 claims tie ells of t h
Daughter of the Cbtreeb." +n
Catholic." oouterre4 upon he
la Mat tries by the Pope.
A tMb 'never reams Its pssies
wooled May Kral up .aii bee roe - r•
over with a talo* protect thin
eater. provide. e fish A� cat, ••
sot of soak sewer, mar leaves 1.••' ,u
of that an ievtt tMts.ted.
.Mewl lhsl e(
�strs ores