HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1898-2-25, Page 5Your Opportunity our Cosa. Before stock -taking, to Clow out all Winter Goods, we are now selling our STAd FPLEANCY DRY GOODS an AT COST and many lines below coat tp clear. Dress Goody, all -wool, 110c. a yard, worth 50c. Black Cashmere, 50c. per yard, worth 85e. Ladies' Black Cashmera.Hnas, 124c. per pair, wurth 25e Men's Top Shirts, 50e., worth 85c. ,aien'g.Underwear, at your own price. Blankets and Comforters, less than mill prices. REA Y -TO -WEAR CLOTHING Meas, Youths' and Children's Overcoats and Suits at Half Pete as they must be sold before our Spring Stock arrives. _ Est. JAMES A. REID, 8. J. BSID, .manager. i DIE0. HILLOCK -10 C*therm sowasaso, en Friday, rob. 16th. rile Maloek...7 Musk - tar of Tisanes Omsk Jars Hillock, mess years anti taeath•. 11p.� FALCON FHoderial eb. IAM. JMmes. thirdmion el fie r. Bed path Fabearo. aged IS years sad 10 mostbe. leg. YOUNG 1 h. a' ea Thursday a gib.disbars, 'imam aged F! Jeers dad 6 meats: appr.olated recitation by Mla. Mees fol- lowed. and Mr. Fisher's reediso led to Gm debate, " Remind that ally k(. is more ad. yant•teo.s this massy tile." Morn 1.. lend opened the debate with u .xoellest sadiron, 4. wbiok m.ay pertinent pants that mitlr.te against eoantry life sod ytw versa, were lewdly a.d torbtbly promoted. Mr. Williams, who led for the imitative, an• meted many of the points mads by his op: petites*, and d•ltyared as able composition ea hM side of the ow. Miss F.rru.es fol. f HB TALK OF THE TOWN. WI p...LIT ,a....mid n, a;: les$ prwot.ttoe is laver of oily life. ►Ir. atiehmes1m jasfe11447014Ar#1 1"4""1111omaket clewed for the ..,stir by Oyu' asre.mh•t Miss lierpwn'e [.carr*. •asst'• traducing enemy Rod points for bis side. Moe Ireland clotted the debate in good style, N BEAM • mole u i Ter Coate. 1 POM jsktaq up the last speaker's reeuks in mob 119 Mat 111 • AMP. Amapa T. Takla' Metes. ea' Salta Nell Prost 1l."-aurne. Yes viii io.. o the elevater bylaw on 8.t• today, for t member of the Provtaclal Parra meat on Tussd•v, and • pbetapspb by SW - taws aay day. cs %be11t1 tau we .7tcbM wbo. e ore, rtIbam'. a11rs, dteley.w M wear. Versigniamme•-Ahthe masa* wasting e1 the H Om.f.asy UAW ArsdOrla Mid r the 1.l1.e.+.E admen 1�s el•st.d tat esenf.g year ; Prsdddl, . F. M.Oo...r. Osm.t isc. ; rise - Ramillies, Ood.rieb ; seor•tely. John sem Wiogbast ; treasurer, J. R. Cunt.a- amaw ea to Mow them the lady de baton ma 0•1l bad ass m seed ea item ti kapott. elm bat had 18. ;Mimosas M quickly dk atm the week point. 4a the erosoeete pre. u ated b] their' oppemeta. The jacks•, ivP;").11141.4:'itee't176d7is3.t.illit':. V•sedter,alterwrrdle•r01 lbs.ttirntative byWi nte r Goods at Cost . rleb•tt' of 1'hat.d.y cooing was the beet we have iktosed to 1 r e some time. for ' be points ea • este were well node, and the language w.. excellent. Mr. W album' address, we optes, could not be erodesd by many seater university men, it MM. po•rkably well thought int, clothed 9a W tt8.i«.t of Evelio. and elear•y and iepdbly delivered. bliss Fergrsoa'e ern {libation to tL* debate was • masterpiece iiamatter, las 'l.t;en; while M rend: a WEST SIDE SQUARE, GODERICH Mr. B "� displayed oosaidernttle knew - Fos THm,•Focs Yta.a-R J. W.I.ledge of N* chorea ■ul.ieot, mil m .mall oratorical abitity. Part, U ear, mewled with Mr. Boas* awweriag • question from tb. drawer; then • reading by Mr. Weber. n ' puy Uncle Tom'. Cabin, created oos.ider- Is.tratseatel duet by Misses G. Strang sod was d.e.rvec'ly encored, C. R. Edwards I am. (un, but was • trifle loos, Ju Thom - Jessie Di.krea, the Collegiate Journal, by sang " When Lovers prove unkind," sweet - son was an excellent manager, ►ad B. D. Mr. IC'Uots, asd mediae. by Messrs. Lam ly, and was also honored with an encore, Grant who eau again in the darkse lice, a and Blake elated t8. program. Before cu.. then o.mo •' The Mau is the Morn is • 7ood man of all work. eluding, we must oestr•tnfate Mr Elliott Coo.," by Chu. Clswortb. who was also es Isis clever re•diN of t) . Collegiate Jour- *morel The " T.ok.r's +'bores," " The S. S. A e rrvsruuay.-North street Meths. ad, mad the writers on its esti for the rx• Pardon Como tee Late," by J. T. Acheson, .list church Sandy School has been noted eeeMat matter they eestributed for the ken. "My Baby is a Roo Too Rolle." lir Chas. for the interest takes by its mambas in of Feb. 17.h. Clewortb, "The Sweetest a'nry ry ., 'I ..'•i," getting up • good anniversary entertain- ' by Mtr1TaEIw.-'1'hs Opera House held by Jae. Tbompsoe, "Tho %Versant t;abt In meat for 1 years pec, and this year • fart. aixwrie e• 1b.0Fridaerwia', wbeo the Basch." by R W. Loges, " Asleep is was no exoeption, us fact exo.•dirg in some . l • O..sdi Minstrels gave wteenie*. ! tb. Deep," by A. E. F.rte, 1 Want Ma respects its foim.r effort.. On Sunday perfortmaes for the bu.I1 at the town Lulu' by D. B. Grant, and the •' Bell sermons were presohed by Rev. 11. W. bred. The martian roes shortly after 8. and Choru." All the Mayer did well and ears- Lock.. of Park H:1,, la tb. morning to the discoveredTb u prett, •swab u we have °d'GOerm- &'wen mob of the boots. the so8olan' and in the evening to p•renta and Sun- . ". u VNtorla'@.ta,e. t4eated to •semi- end mea, Mame. Lots, Grist, Niebolbos, S. A. workers. Ho mho addressed the Sun- eirole were sora. 17. g.. 8. the three •t Cleworth. Tilt, sod Edward.. with the in. d., School is the afternoon. It is a very lerlocutor, A. E Forte, entertained that difficult matter to interest children, especial. &adl.n.* with jokes about the 1eveter, el- ly small children. with • sermon, but the .•tria light, eater works, and other local rev. tpstleman was cqu•1 to the task, hold - mitten, and am • rule they Wer. mtMivd inq tits attention of even the smallest child with boort, laughter, the sadism. tatoh• throughout his duooare. to them. The lee os •oily. The Aamas I'tpe orgatarw.s sob/dart 0000pi.d the body of the church • awns introducing • big land that did wet and choir loft, and took oh.rge of the muni• play, though cob member bad • p•1sUar e.1 part of the 'envies. The annual ent.r- is.tremeot to play es. Th. Giant Drum talamwt we. held le the body of tae obnrob Major', was • bane in wbfch two youth", on Monday.vglsg, and was iarpiy •treed. Belcher and Beekman handled drum major's ed. Rey. Joe. Edge, pastor, acted as oh•ir- loo.ms most otiosely. This ..ms Steam man. and after 0 short •ddreer. • (thorns by Hibersides Nagel, R W. Logan. and 818 members of the S. h.. and prayer, the fol. wonderful Omphophosi. The owner only lowing program was presented : Recitation, bud to wiled op the machine to get vocal Jolts Edge ; r.oftatloo, Gladys Whilst) ; or Mstrsme.tal solos, .r .p.5ehes et will t.oitatios, lroo. As►eaon ; Rook -a -by., by Ph• M•s•Rsr'a Trial., a o.m.dfetts.In 'bleb the billowier member of tbe primary d.. •.theatrieal naaeger hires • csmpasy to serenest : Nine Sharman, Erma Whitely, Hattie Bek8.r. Mand B•s..m, Wlsol. Reid. Irma Pridhsm. Jade Edge, Evolve Hayden. Posit Lex, Ten Biu.tt Om Bates. Grade Clef, Aggla Kirkbride, Ella Rebesna: reolt•Mca, OLIN Roberts's; reel - whin. Oohs Faber ; recitation, Hattie Dasher; .a••, Else Atwbrusk, who seise masffeseediy and swe.tl yes mast artbtl. .ally. MB oral's " Wa1W, i mikados. Van Wbibsly ; r.cit•Msn, Dottie Ede ; dwell, Hattie sod Sydney Belcher ; rodeo - Gen, °medaCluff : recitation, Ram Allies; Tambourine drill by 12 dirk.: Dottie Edge, Lairs Shaessen. Orme v. Weer, 011ie Rsb.ifssa Gladys Whitely. Maggie Mai.•., Jss.NGraneelon, Dell lAsf, Vasa Whitaky. Mata Pendent. Myrtle Osselas ; abeam by w si.�. M berme. Gado Mierstry, 01yys.Thema Lewitt. Adak Dell l (Marty, Barks Zlieure s, May 011..11 t ease Aril. by lir telestai bete s W. Brydgo. J. P. lt.w., M. °elbcesle. W. Darer. a. 811.8.►, IL oermsrl. W. O.w. W. Robbeem, 0. Rotesema, 0. Diellik. E. Oiv 1. 4q ; rmitaelss, Oersl. *WOE tisk B.Irttsu��sMa, Oss reel M W PLAIN TAL - - ABOUT ..SHOES. THERE are all sorts of Shoes we do not sell, be- cause they are of uncertain goodness -Shoes that are shining and shoddy, Shoes that are made to sell. Whether you pay 75 cents or $5.00, a pair we see to it that you get every penny's worth of quality that can be possibly crowded into a Shoe- at -th ee-you-ehose to pay. • SOME WINTER NEEDS. 10 CENTS FROO 18 YOUR THROAT 10o. TUBE TOOTHPASTE Wo. WITCH HAZEL AND GLYCERINE JELLY, for Map. stn 10o. COLD CREAM 10o. AMONDOL CREAM, tor atter •bar Ian. sea loo. COLD IN YOUR HEAD 10o. THE PERFECT EMULSION OF COD LIVER OIL WITH N/POPNOSPIIITES OF LINE 00 SODA A first class 30 per cent emulsion. Jost the tbing to nourish and etrengtbea the lung.. Regular Soo. sus for .So ; 3 fur $1.00. You are advised to take It In time. W. C. GOODE, Chemist, BEDFORD BLOCK. Sampeoa'• Red 141••1 Pl1u-Tale and Blood Building -only 25o. ; 5 for $1.00. .. WE ARE AGENTS . . - rob Tai - Ccicbraicd Qoakcr Folding Bath Cane1, Hot Air or Vapor Bathe at Home. F. M. D UN HAM, -- Chemist & Druggist. ST. GEO. PRICE tors, of Colborne, was in town ea Saturday, to renew his aebeeriptlon fax 1898, and whir doing so i..id.otally vaoattee that be bed been • wbasstb.r to this paper eoutlanoosly for thirty•tosr yearn Mr. lS alters is near- ly sixty Tran old, hos look@ as hale and hearty u sem: y rata at twty•lyS. Ax UxrArn WITNESS -" Gatwick' most be an umbesltby spot. The Star says:- Steae Jas. 1. 1898. one arts la Oedemata h.• bad so lees than 17 funerals (or shoat tour • wed), sad SO eal.rd.y it bad *barge of three.' Ti. above, from the Exeter Times. k mit true, for darts' January (tour weeks and than days) them were but five deaths in G.dM eli. i e., oar male over titres score and tea, two babies, and two fumbles. emit of whew bad bees ill from Wearable diseases for meaty menthe. For the halt year laths, Jan. 1/, 1898, than were t ply Sham death. to tows, sea a very tuhr•lthy .bowlag for a burg with ever tier tbownd readm its. '1 HE CARrtIVAL--1'rer. was • very large attendeaesat the West -al risk on Mssday 'vetting, (boort the member L wniyal dress and tie quality wars (meat. At so time haw 81. amok* ma the risk premed as .Mauch ditisie picture, as re- gards snmbor, sad M may .f the so.tomo bad bees abed on the risk bmere, the .ane was ani humblest Tb •sly origt.al dress that we saw woe that of Master Robe. Crider'. "Kleadike.'' and it deservedly get the prix, for arm dams The judges, Dr. 88....., Gro. Eliot sad R W. Logan, awarded the prise le the beet M mob elms. bat, se me of that tam rksdj they bed to give them, hat tits *rias offered by the loam elmiM haw drama better .at Imre mensal oestreea. TM tows bead was proms% gad 'played oasis; pes�rs� The erre minor wen . P. T.rab.U. ,:seder. lds ties/ t Jas. Ms sat'. a georbreo a .1 !•hi11e 70 own ago, 2nd tarry a Ulm liar. .1... b lady, Li ktdy's /easy ; Mw &PEW. Fres+. Skid .17's tlsem�y �; E. Har- WYI ,, Ube J 'd. boy's boob - lad gbh b.e bee? 8. Helshw, "Coos (leas," hese •stria ;Mee .f•hmess. **Herr Orr; tdy's bat essls ; Hight Oaf ly 1LNsdlko." bay's hew emir. The awards :aids by the =usher swaged/ _ `'es, w W sir gFfusier ed gaslM6sr„ lit w adios. ...d�1 wars Maga. rwlt aro rs es t..a we sst0N t " t' IL nuns 8 i Pfd . S ." ( W. t •' tee the s ass." (Ws w. " new Waiiites.- Omar -1' fiM t " An 0.d?Wd.aat Lay." Mrs Om 1 E*... Mated, L xwl�s t " 88. Vales. tree." May iterbseY ; 1e mos." /beer Rdbw.11; ••'Gros,'( Joke Iaw 1 •' Oimik" � 1..l... t Taw " R Ob " PeslOsower Ins ewtfs.d." Teed • Isdire 1M�. _ Ober. *mad= " • Mew 111 the Rod Crow." Seim 0. low " wrin- lam Oliva i "Liss WI.Ye'y%f�..tkw ,v Ors ,. M "Que...et Berl. Greer l bear I Shoes Repaired ; Satisfaction Guaranteed.. WrAhmtrrs,- "Gest a heel IL Eras, "Hesse.! Lexie s s8srlaed i "O1sers,a L>IeM8 nor - tem Tun noussisys Lr1'ot.sr lie t ry.-Os ee - .1 s8a Wieder each and hotat doubly colored u the tie bad Mack hoes. end were dressed either in rad or blue mamma. The Interlocutor, co. espied the metre sod was raked •bece the other, and 8.1)4.4 him o■ .till bigbor seats were four others. All except the 000ns wore n ew duck snits, sad (heir seat get up and charming pose would hays dote coedit to the beat teas of " Man o War's Moo'' we have meas. O• soda tide of the austral 8g• ore set • pretty good looking piety?. of • yeas, women, and the wholes mese did eredit to the heads and hurts el the bands- men sad thane wise seeded thea. Tbo program messed arab a very appropriate pi..., " A Railer'• mberst," which was well g avot', the nett meg was " The Coon Moe got Na 88.8.,'' by R. W. leges, whirl a �iJrsmwtfv ss eserl".l pools• ifs ..t11..N� 11:73=4.114 .,. L 44 ,.a. tlr6tt.t.t e1.d- obese 8.8 tl8..1*. •asad...la+k118.18. An sialmel MI 1 Deilw.see E11M1► t T* 'u...led. SALE of Confederate $5 and $10 bilk are in oircu- Latioo throughout the melee*, Look out for them. Ed. Book lost a dog .81. df tut week. and bad no wooer advertised it 1u THE Stu• NAL than • b.* black dog, that world have made a dozen pair, was found. THE WEEKLY M Amos T REPORT. Ooonatut, Feb. 17, 1e95. Fan Wheat o en to 0 92 Flour. family. per cwt....... 9 40 to 1 10 Flour, patent, per owt........»-. 9 90 to 2 PO Baa, V ton. _.. -.. -. - 13 00 w1:i 00 • ton �. .. 14 1 1014 0ppp Oats. bad ................: _.... 030 to 3! 6d WRITING TABLETS NOTE PAPER and ENVELOPES 5 dos. Writing Tablets, 8:104 in., ruled or plain, reg. ISe., sale prise 16e iia reams Note Paper, regular 10c, .per quire, sale price 5c. J reams Special Paper, sale price 20e. per pkg., 5 genes to,1kg. 100 bozo Nets Paper and Envelopes, sale pries, Se. a bol. 50 boxes Note Paper and Envelopes, reg. 2Oo., sale prise 10e. a box. Good Square Envelopes, regular 8a. and 100. pkg., sale price bc. Good Oorreuponding Envelopes, Ba pkg. Oiod Huainan Envelopes, 40e. and 50e. a box of 500. OEO. PORTER, Peas. !boat.. .. - .. 054 to Har, i ton.... ....._.1-..... 560 to Potatow,.Rbrk...... ..... _.. _.. 0 35 to Butter „.. 0 13 to Sm[• ova nap•oked. G dohs... 0 15 to 900 W Hies _...... _.. _. 500 to is 0 6600 to ive Latasilo• ft...•,u.s.....na+.:...ux..... `'!S tto o Bacon.. -.-......,..e.�- 0 12 to Ham% per lb ..-. 010 to Cheese. nee ib.............� • 0 It to Ikessei Hogs. per ors -- 6 30 to Ineemd Best toretimeter 3 01 to mime Bseesy, pm boob , 60 t30 tt 4.1 16 se TORN KNOX, GENERAL ACC- oo J %loneer and Land Valuator, (loderioh 70 ,tat. navies had not ' lora bis experience In 70 be attoggq.0ries trade, he 1 In • position t0 80 lid:taus 1th Uterou.b eat tl® •11 com- l6 milestone entrusted to him. Orders lett at 14 Buxton's Rotel, or sent by malt to rte address 11 Goderioh-P.0., oer.fully attended to. 3014)1 75 KNOX County Auctioneer 1987tf 00 - 30 30 Traveling GUMMI,. ..- .._ ARwIID MURK RAILWAY. Leah., Wired .. 10.39 aim flail sad Express 1.25 p.m. bitted 7.40 p.m. Mall and Express 10.60 p ,m, DWART. Mail end EzprW i.16 a.m Mall sad Espartos ........,.,.,.....--i#9 p.m Mixed 8116 o m AneUtoneer1.net. FRIDAY, PTA. Do Spectacle Peddlers `Understand Fitting Glasses Properly ? I"HOMAS OUNDRY, AUCTIONEER 1. and Ineuruoe Agent Goderlob. Ont. Agent London and Lanoeshlre FIre Ins. Co.. Dore Dlstrlot Mutual Ins. Co. Bales st- ead d to to any part of the oonntr. 901y Perhaps they do, but It is not likely. Iu buying from thew, people run two great risk•. That of having the eyes ruined by ill-fitting glasses, And of paying the price of good gleans for poor ones. We have made a special study of the oyes, and are .luslified to tit the most difficult cases, correctly. L• .addition to which, we refund your honey if you are not satis- fied. ELECTORAL -DISTRICT,,-. -----OF WEST -HURON Hary ; redrasa, ansa esellalL Garr lelsllt Kb , feeble - Vega Issistl ; weed sel Miss elk try obe: Wee Pre abet WWMk lunar. Gar. , ants Athees MEW Tog sow. Dr. Wee Iwo re nsit.faw.. VY. •ter. Mitres I& Ilseer. Nast Isere sl stns v...tar• Maim 1Mb f ails thy. 1 KM Owes fabs.e t s k% As �.y, .8m.011M8 a were u*. ow s11 �M911�r(v.�srA Y lrsb'. Ibe Nonesal w118see .81R1.1t 11 AID $TAT J T fie. t• tltlaab w vas said Public natio* is hereby g yo that J. T. YARROW, E.q , he, pursuant to the Ontario Els/Aiwa Act, appointed W. L. HORTON, of Gad.rioh, to be his agent at the pending election. Dated February 22od, 1898 A. L GtSPINt"' Returning Officer. ELECTORAL DISTRICT OF WEST HURON. Pnblio notioe is hereby JOSEPH BECK, Ery., has, the Ontario Elections Act, appointed R. HAYS, barrister, of Godorioh, to be •gent at the pending election. vatted Fib. 22nd, 1898. 111 LL NOiIOI A w. OORNELL. dJndertaker & Embalmer SUCCESSOR to A. B. CORNELL N. B. -Our CAarpcs hare leen Greatly Reduced ix order to curet the popular demand for Electorate Priced Funerals. given that pursuant to C. M1. A. L. GIBSON, Returning Officer. Meehanlase Institute. Nothing can be fairer, and if you give us a call you will be well pleased with the results. . T =. �ODERIOH MECHANICS' INSTI. TUTS LIBRARY AND READIED 80011. nor. et Zest street and Bens MP .tells. Onu trim 1 to 6 P.M., and from 7 to 10 r.me. ABOUT 9000 VOL'i IN LIBRARY, Leading Dai/y, Weekly and Illustrated Papers, Magassves, etc., o,. 1f41e. uuEMBCRBHIP TWEET, ONLY e1.N, tranli.q free use of Library and Reading Room. Applications for membership reo0vsd by Librarian. in room , H. COLBORNr77E. H, HAMILTON. Secretary. 12th 11Y. Librarian. aad.riob • I don't have to advertise a Sacrifice Sale of HARDWARE My Goods are So well Purchased and Selected, DRIIGEALST & OPTIQI.*,N pentagon, M NICHOLSON. L D.S. Liao D.NTAL SUMMON. Rome oppodte the Poet Men . _ __ Veld lint, Crowns and Bridge Weeks w 95 Years Expert nce. M. MABEE, 11. D S ,1 /. TALSIURuEON.-Latest and approved methods for all dental operations. Preserve on of the natural teeth • p chilly Oakes aver James It00isa s's Ory r ds store, 00r- oer of Wed St mu he Bcoare. 67 1 M. TURN' JLL, D.D.S., L.D.S.- •J . Dental Bahasa. (Lately assool•bd with Dr. Dixon. of Montreal. Gold and porous- isle, olo► is1e, artificial teeth mounted on gold or alum sari bases, awls! attention glom to the oreoergatlon of the natural tooth. OdN la NoL ,'fin's new block. 1111-q MtsdIoat . R. 11UIIITES, PHYSIOLIN, SUR - I , gem. to. Ofdoe-Brteoe street, the resi- dence lately occupied by Or. Moban Light cells from resldenoo. Toleohe•sIS - UMW. I can Sell at a Profit at Others' Sacrifice Prices. "I I have -no- Burps Damaged -$fes to Give Away. No man can continue in business and sell goods for less than he pays for them. I don't propose deceiving you in that way. I carry ah Up -to. -Dale Stock of Hardware. My Prices are Right. I am here to stay and to please yon every time you purchase from ffie. R. W. M°KENZIE, G. CAMRRON, IIARRISTER. BOLI. i.81. citor, Conyq•neer, do, Of6N-0s Hamilton street. 2 doors east of Collier.* Bros.' dry goods store. 37.17 t KN EST HEATON - BARRISTER, �J Solicitor, Notary Public Canadian Ors of Commerce Chambers, the Square' iiod.rh h. 95w• L� CAMPION,Q.C., BARRISTER SOL LI. latter. Notary, to. Office over 11.41.a tlhli. 'lunare. Ooderich 0. JOHNSTON, BARRISTER, SO- l�l. lloltor, commissioner, etc Miley to .can. ()tis : oor. Hamilton and kit. A Irew'e (i *Street'. ederiob.Oat. 604 e U. HAYS, BARRI/ITER, SOLTCrt- iI. , OK, ko. Omen North -.t., next door 11JXAL Limo.. Prlrate rands to lend at west ntee of Inter wt. 1060- t A Ow a PROD DFOOT, BAR - 1, )<� {te +sre. Attorneys, Bolloitore, fa., GMs. -b J T. Darrow. Q.0.. W. Proudfoot. , tA6tIS1LJN, HOLT .t HOLMES, �.i min -leers. Bolleitore la O8asoery to loderl, b. M, 0. Oameron, Q.C. ; P. Holt , t alar Holmes. 0. WARD, CONVEYANCER .3 . a.o,..sd eommissloner for •dkl!nngs sad re crleg recognboeos or ban, amd•vlis IN Mrm•ttOse, depositions or solemn deedsss auras In or oo•osrning1{ an/ action, snit or pr► ..ding In the High Court of Justine. the bun of Appeal for Ontario, or In any wing DI r Islas Court, All tt•asactlottm nd promptly exeoutrul. Ra.ldeae• sad P. di.,.. -Dungannon Oat. -I? Loan. Loa Insurance. IONKY TO LOAN. - 45000000 Privet rasa's.) lead at H per mut. aa- awl1xsoN lbs�e (Whores HtellBodin,oMTV MuNEY TO LOAN -FIVE Pelt (`ENT money (•• lean. pirate fends ; slap 1k.a e ass farms to rent or soli. Hooses sod lets to rent or for sale. E. N. LEWIS arrlttmR .04,1108. l)RI VATS FUNDS - PERSONS DE- I @irons of obtaining money on fiat-•lasn arm maedi) cos do so at 64 per cwt. ap cidBtUaAtes.. 1locL.UoA,GH, Room 116. w1S 14 IMAGER. CONNEYANCINO AND th lspaesw Marshes aohm. opposite Ma's Hotel, t.od.elen `IONEYyprTO LEND ON MORTGAGE EAGER, omes :.•tilts MKerttds'm Hetet. Wdo- 'oh. 141.J. T. N•TIM�L,,agTIRE, �L3ITZ �AANDD e•1•• • -1- . Neetrda. sodis6oss.� fir ONEY TO LEND. -A 1 • R A lI TW• nesses. *pat and r=alirekeir Is meas, at tim lowest roes a . doer 8, S'the lemars. WINS )vita Tonaotrlal Arent FRITZILY, TONS )R1AL AIME?, sh me temeheabas��. ata i` mus Mush > PURE BAKING .. POWDER 0UARAR?ElO - FOR 25c. A POUND AT - J. WILSON'S ' rRlM *wrlON DRUB EWE& !elle.... 68 -41