HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1898-2-25, Page 4• E.B. & M.N. _ �. K.. AUCTION SALE -Oa- BICYCLES - •BOUT - We earnest having as A001100 tall of BI- evdes, new sad -euou6 hand. There will be from SG to 114 oh gels fr red. and 1,teadloa tare►�am sswi 1 do w 11 to look into th s sale efereMacias their order*. LW• Parties having wh'els they wish to die pose of ons have th w entered In this Sale for the small sum of SO'. EMERSON'S BICYCLE and MUSIC HOUSE REPRESENTING. A. & S. NORDHEIMEii, THOMAS TORONTO. „w, -ORGAN CO. 1e PC&LIsaJID =- IMMIX THURSDAY MORNING ser a. *.dols®lilts OODEBICH. TRIMLY. FIB. re, OPS. WRST HURON ELEO ICN I MR. CRROW'S MEETINGS. Meetings in the iutcrwt of Mr. (;arrow, tbe l.,b:sal oaodidste for West Hares, le ill .btield 4L olloves PORTER'S lit LL -Fri , " 25, 7.30 o'olook. LEEISURN-yatur.. Feb. 26. at 2:30 r.v. SA LI'FOR D_Saturday, •' 26, et 7:30 P. SI. KINTAIL-Mond v. '• 28, '• SNAP SHOTS. -Fill niers Pete.. -apt there !16 no laggards Tuesday. nest. -If you are in doubt vote for our &ids. -Soon all will be over but the sh:rut.. -Be sure you're voting right, then go ahead. -Over-confidence often wins votes for the idle. r fellows. THE SIGNAL. CODERICH ONTARIO _-When you know a politician to be plumb. stand by him. __The contest in West Huron is a sort of a hong distance light. -The man with the ioe waggon will h' along Tueedsy evening. Politios should be a question for thought and not for hurrah only. -Don't drop the substance for the shadow when your ballot goes in. -Every elector should feel inter- ested to the ttwult iu his own locality. -If the old servant has beets holiest, upright and able_ re-engage him. -There never was a sower election ..o,test w Huron than the u r just 'closing. -There isn't es much excitement as there was when tate hest.crluoty Council was elected. -Poll your vote before high uoon never wait fur the shadows to lengthen. -You may shoat for every oandi- tlete, but you can vote only for one and save your ballot. -The contest this time in Huron km sot been what might he called a band waggon campaign -The question i• -Met one of debt or surplus. but has the Pro% incial m.IIey been honestly spent` --Provincial politics may not have (teen a "hunting question," but �.•u .houl.l vales itralgbt, all tie lame. •THE IND OF THE BATTLE. BEFORE the next hags of TUE SIG- NAt. the battle at the polls will hate breis fought, and won, stud l.■tt. Here. in Wont Huron, the a incest has been devoid of that ',emend character' which, we (Arlene, has hem' dragged in in some of the other c,ot- stitueneies in the Province. The local can. disiateri hand. not dOei..dariag the oas,ltaigrt, except at the nomination meeting. and per- wmally strait' towanls one another as they stood at tine beginning of the campaign. In the local papers. on the Reform side not a disparaging pereopal reference las been _main against the Cuusert ative coo j%.Idyty although we regret to state that wore than tone of the Tory Newspapers have spoken very unfairly against the Liberal candidate, card have gone out of their way to drag in outside issues. However, Mr. (iAatuw is no nos -ice, and is well able to .tend that kind of thing. -- The quiet feeling which prevailed in po tti(tt was somewhat w-srmod up on mum nation day, and much interest was main - fg'sted in the addressee given on Lite occasion. It was the first time the Conservative had ap- peared to a public platform during the campaign but since then a number of nest- I ings have been called and he is endeavoring W cover as aaehground W possible between now and pulling day. But the friends and well-wishers' of Mr. (iarbww must not flatter tkemeetvee that the old and tried member will have a walkover. and roust be- stir themselves fr so now until electiou night to assure that a good, uhl-fashiut.el majority Inn rulled up tor him Mr Bata asd his frisatds are neither dead nut' aleep- iand work of the strougest kind is absolutely ,necessary on the part of every Liberal to Five Mr. liasnow the majority he should receive e e * --le is all very well to pooh -pout the candidacy of Mr Barn, but pooh puohine doesn't build majoritiea. What is wanted is work -strong, steadfs.t, baldest world. up to the last hour of polling Organization usually iwine out iu elections, and it is the duty of every true friend of Mr tLtattow to see that nothlog has been left undone to ensure his return on the (filming of March 1st. POLL YOUR VOTE POR BARROW. ADDITIONAL LOCAL NEWS Remember to -day is Barrel° Day at Robinson's. Noveca -Mee Lessor w.11 meet her pupils on March 7tb. Farther permuted next week. L[RTIN Sasr-teas.- Uartna Lest there will be devotions at S. Peter's every 1Ved- Deuder and Friday at 7:15 p, in. Laterite Saesote.-lief you oysters •tido Victoria restasrsat, Woes street, where yes ma always rely epos having them fresh ; we do the oyster busisese. C. Rl&okstoee. ('otturxasn TODAY. - T1. great asst- would nave • •••"•••• heu,ng; bus soca versary Sale at R. B. Smith's, eevaasaw to -day sod ouotinu.s for 10 days. See our cane forward. kir. Darrow then addressed sit window tor draw goods sed Mike. hos bearers for over ate hoar and a half oa New aprisg goods, worth prem 65 to 75 cue.- the dlfereet *Ties that lust now occupy • yard, your o{lo:os for 45 cis. the public =io•f. He asked the iadulgeoce' PAa.LOa SOCIAL -A parlor social will W of bis audits*, remisd,og them that he given by Knox oberoh choir at tho St. Limhad hese oat for two woks, makitsg r:noe-the rssideeoe of ldre. Reck, Itos- speeches etery day is ditfetert parts j t the trail -et., N Ifo t Iey ocea,mg the 28th. ndaag, and telt a little tired, but tut se soon as he commenced to speak he warmed an to his work, the tiro' feeling hecorn- pllined et seemed to have d, mined him and it was Daly to see that (;arrow wee the; man for Knifed on the lit of Marob seat. Oestri. Tam rxiw. -s MErrllo -tier. 11. His epodewas mainly upon the poet reoord I W. L.,ok., of Pok Hail, addz.aed a Targe of the late administration and t.f the honor- sudiecoe in the Temperance 11.11. Suodey sib's and able men who thorsoesedosotoaktres • ft.es.on last, en the subject of probibitioe. affairs of the Provioos for the past 25 yen. Dios B.in favored eye meeting with • solo, He spoke at some length on the 'orphan, whioh was well rendered. The meet's,* gnat ibe Opposition jest now to making so are increasing id Interest and atteedaoes,7 much hue and ory abOI', and Quoted at The meettrg next Sunday will he addressed I..Rth figures and feats inane, the. they by Mr. Gregory, student at the G. a. have co grottoes for making the false etate- All are cordially invited to be Pr asaa• a•---.tathat they do. Ms. taxed 44rastloa 4:15 o'clock. stoat the timber limits was handled by the •emker ie a most able manes. and it wed u shown conc'usively that the tVbttaey party, ►�t111iE CAMPAIGN ECHOES. by the mts•rspres.0 atiou of lair. and Seures, bags no grounde for mak.ng the false atetemeets that they have etrcelated °arrow Before the Electors. through their prow and no the phi form. -_-_ L..'ly, he spoke on the gre.t piggery tote, ■rerbaaa el l"&rf.as Important Y.InI.-sae os ie as he was oe of the commissioners ap- pointed to ioyesti &te the matter, he was Election Excitement Gradually I well op to he .nbjst. concluding t y eosincast-bung rFGnua tends , gnat Mr. S'. Jobe asd others of his party ter Taaadey t lost brought this ep as ea el.ottes cry, bat I lee a 1 ont.rang abs pig yarn had turned •_ KINTA1L. staieat theta and exposed their weakness ON Friday, 1 Rth inset, Mr. Garrow + for areuerout t.g•iatrt • party that they rsesei • Breit est, poll lied so legitieeate cams for eon last. �e M,'l'he stock argument of the Tail party is this sillies in Young's hall at 230 s. a. that it is time for a Bhang.. but a re vnre 1 How a person Can gain a pound a day by taking an ounce of Scott's Emulsiom is hard to explain, but it certainly happens. It stems to start the diges- tive machinery working properly. You obtain a greater benefit from your food. The oil being predigested, and combined with the hy- pophosphites, makes a food tonic of wonderful flesh - forming power. All physicians know this to to be a fact. All d.ossets.eg01-.•i $'.e SCOTT & DOWNS, Ch.wt a. Tana* The hall was weeded to its utmost capacity ty the repreeenuiive yeomen of this im- 'portent seaden of the riding and when the oandidate week his stood epos the platform tt was plats Is s.. Oise be was be the Meals of his (Heads toad ttalt+.a esppo.trrv. Ta. sisal/Maw. Norma Dabs*, lit deputy reeve of -the township, task the chair. and ably performed the dater ea Ilse memos by is trodocine the trsdidM. ••td nqumt,og the opposition oasd,daie, or soy person in his behalf, to take the platform. when they inst. Refreshments will be served at 8 clock, and a musical and literary pro• gramme will be rendered. Admission 15 o. n te. Premeds 00 behalf of water -motor. HURON'S CREATEST STORE. The Goods moat be sold in ten days to wake room for large importations anti the early opening of our Great Spring Millinery Exhibit. Items of Interest Children's Hose. bo. pale. or 3 pairs for 150 Ladies' Hem, bie pair, er 3 pain for... 16o testi bilk Ties l6i Wool Bootees, 5o. pile, or 3 palm ter15e Boy: Uod.rwesr, sash 164 Leduc' S.tNi'f.pres. 15o 15 Ladies' Col1er., ooIored, for 153 or lo. .a.►. 2 oak Ladles' Cala, white, tor.. 163 2 Lhasa Cells.., Ladies'. nes 16e Table Oil CMtb per yard ' 16J 4 srds Toweling for ... 16.1 5 y.rda Levities* Pries foe 160 5 yards American Cballie tor..... ... 153 wool doable fold Dress Surge. per yJ 16J B'sa t Fleeted lustre. dhi fold. par yd. 15 i Cassie et 26e. earl 30a. Ventage ter 16. 1; yards Chilton tee 150 Ittpair obei0'd Otisae. meGismo 163 Silks, per yard dao Laps Collarettes, sees lbo Ladies' pie silk Tues 15o rd I6o Lad said Misses' An.we 15o Po resole M. 15o 160. for Close Buyers. Lace Curtin, sof e'tib Isege dee. per yd lb. Besse Gina sets 16. Ladies' Blow !lett' 160 Ladies' Belts ! 15e Deer Battens, 3 dogma for. 16. Tab's Liam, par yard 15. Gee Rlsakeu. 16. MW i.5Jthe White Oettos, 3 yards foe 15. Tweed Drs.sgeode per ye 15e Navy, Beewa.Uar nod plank Velvet 160 FANCY GOODS. C.Mlo. Tem, tee aides 163 5 yards Sall Frisgm, weal, for 150 Thera '1idles 16o Odd shades lierila and Z.p►0r Woe* 4 stile.. irtr 16e Childree's Week Caps..... 16e Meese' Tuns. . 16. Fiateiag Wed, en. .5.d...iy. 4 ahead far 160 Large p&eb.ge hash Wok,. 15o Demise Wool, 3 >s. for 16o Shaded (ioebet Cotton. 3 fie 16e (i Lia.. Mats for lbe Feat y S.1k Cerd., 3 y.ed0 fee.,. ` 15. After the First of Marsh we purpose operating our business on a CASH BL$IS. The above is • hint of what our customers may expect under this new order of things -Cash and City Prices. R. P. SMITH for what 1 Sorely the Wooten de see wish to obaoge • good tieverument lot • bed, se res their obanoss to see • reposition of the Tory tattoos thee disarmed the Ottawa parities./ bikes rt was under good Reform rule. - -- Balers Ist..Le. a depucatios Prow Klass - bride, •eked Mr. Gamow to bold a mooed meeUoe is Klatail in lieu of the roosting advertised for the totlowisa day at tam above place, elating for F.S.seteat the ratepayer,, .► rho Iwo teasel ms.tMg, de. aided that tee school Imam shesld set be usd for any bat school perpoiss. Ae.ed- ittg to their senses, Mr (,arrow daeitled we (old the Knn.ebridge meeting is Rioted efts► the nsri:.saties, tie date to be trade kiwis' lues. . Three nearly cheers were gives for Mr, Darrow at the clow and also cheers ter Hardy and the noose, tbus terotsatine as enthdtrtie a meeting as ever was held it Klatch. DRANrs SCBooLHoLsZ. P0Aataally at 7:30 p, e.. kir. liamw sf. rived at the sew and headed's mom wheel home lately built for tau interesting wheel asetioe, ,std totted • lege sudi.00e weals t to moseys his,. Possibly at no eteetiog that he has held during this campaign has he received the ovatioc that he received Mee. it sae Ilse a visit to old friends and rarely br lism were mat in plwsaat plasm Jenne Groot ably 511.4 the t hair. Is Oke most natural .a1 badness -like way he in- troduced hts spe.k.r, and asked if any per- son ereon wished to steak in fever et the Op- position. Nese, however, same forward, for gesttes.o who rue a bole-and-oorser oaspetge are net the mea to let their &otiose lee dartatht, es Mr. Gttrrew bad ee speak aloes. 1te speech was much th• tame as at Knoell, and the fragment ap pianos that greeted him wed the *glen a a -'e w Mas of approval et the able im- am is *oath too Albin of the Premien bad boas carried ea ty the MowealIe dy ad• emoiateeNes bespeak s heevy support ler Diva is tale Imes mottos. The Maims. Mee clued ter three Mavis for lir. marrow, whisk were rastesded to with a will that Meetly shows .that shoos Sootobase Issas D seinen, sad wham a SootNtmao aeons bombast " all rte whole Whimsy crowd otwld sot °Daaee kis mind. AMBERLEY -HA1 N E'S SCHOOLHOUSE Oa Saturday, as 7:60 p- m., the Met of the week'. omeettspe was held at tits &brie plate. This is a sgalr gaieties as far as semi) vs go, but if .m.11 is sambas U is bug io .sths.iase. Tee (oaks up bees are meetly at1 tootobmeo tt emu ns lilslsed stook. Th. Patron sternest i. Meesg in this corner. sad at ta. last Provfesisl olem Ursa seas- solid for the Pauses .asdldsta, but ram thee the tablee hare tarried sad they are beak agate to th.ir old Nskm ea toed mall Reformers. Up bore it is a *see .0 •' Ne Tory seal apply.' .sd the few that wwrias be ,.d on tbe esters e1 esti hood mop looked apo &e of no camrtlaesse when- ever. For Mr. Gamow It w111 se ornottea4 Iv a walk twee and his majority as «aiTj b. oe.apuded by t oeetisg all the names as the rear's list a'd dedwtisg.4h. few Tories taestio•.1 above. At 'h...testing be was r.oet,.l with true S.w•eh welcome and kis e pcwb, wh:ob was mach en the same lime se at his former &eddies*, sons lietsaed se with marked •tunnies. The seed kik here are pee readers and the old post- master at Leerier peat °thee mar by, ,War. .d os that a Tory seweporor wap • rare this( la 1M otsl/bberheod. At the ekes at bs meetf.g the oheiritses, ser. Jamieson, ...11.7 lee three °been for the medidst* „st. t three ter the flames, which whit tesps.4. ••d 50 is • hearty soesser. epautiaenelion GODERICB BARGAIN CENTRE GLORIES IN GIVING BARGAINS, AND WILL HOLD TWO MONSTER - BARGAIN DAYS ON THTTRSDA-Y AND PRIDA.Y-, FEBRUARY 24 AND 25 No time like the present ; no time like this. For your money buys more here than elsewhere whether you spend dollars or hundreds of dollars. Whether you spend much of little, an honest, careful comparison of Qualities and Prices leaves no room for doubt. Of course, the first days choice will be beg, but we will try to have enough of everything to last both days. DRESS GOODS. Bleck Bresnan, 96a; tee lfte Nie . ter.. Sae Black C.shtsser, 96.., for 12. B1aok Sures, 95n, fee 19e Tweed Sleets, 26.., for. 16e A lot of 50o. Goods for 26. LA;i CURTAINS. 96e. See tett hos fist for 77�661e. see for RSSee f P faarr 19s 40o 60. 85o BLACK SILKS. $L40 toe 1.00 for 75 ler 60 for 3100 76 60 50 SHEETING. Oa tee pair yard for CASHMERE HOSE.. CLOAKING. MEN'S CAPS. 42° $1 00 per yard fee 5 66 50.. caps ter. 96e 1.26 per yard for 87 A Jeb Lt, ST, 76e. sax 500., tee 160 150 par yard ter 100 200 per yard far 126 50a. pair lee., 360. pair for 26a. pair for 10 1120 263 25o ' OOTTUN HOSE. 6 pain tor........... ........ 260 Um. pair fes 8 124e. pair, 3 pain fie 2i REMNANTS A Mt of Lads of Mole for A let of Umtata Sed., 75.,, ter 26e 51),. satn !wavy. ter 4. FLANNELETTE. Twit 7A.. Rama y*14. be .............:.._ FACTORY Ct)TTON. 5e 7a. sae yard wide. fee 5. MEN'S PANTS. $1 26 Plats fee.. 1 00 rants fee TICKING. Me p yard yt� 1Os 5.. 98». per yard fee 190 OOTTONADE. 960. fat 200. a 5.. for r *1. 15. 12s WHITE COTTON. 36 lash. 566 lei, sal ma *alae. tor M FLANNELETTE BLANKETS. GRAY AND WHITE. CORSETS. $1 28 par parr for 5100 1.00 Trilby ler 76 76 E. T. fie 88 AJob Let he 20s.•pair TABLE LU4EN. far .. 60. Sia. Cahis•.b.d. for ... lfl. 36.. " fee 1161 60o.LADIES JACKET i.. s..• 11•604 •160, fer ......, 4311. 6 undue Jaekehe for 02 00 dash i lAdbe iaikel., 06. t.r .... 2 Ifo mob 4 Ladle? Js15eu, 8650, fie376 sash TOWELS. LADIES' UNDERWEAR ldhs' Vols. Um. 2 M LadW Drawees. M... ler 14 MEN'S UNDERWEAR 45.. Weis 0r Ikrawere ter 96s 60.. (Stets er tkawsea fee 40s (hetes Towels fes 1. Me. Osumi Towel* ler .. es Towels, 5a ea.b. 3 tsr 101 TOWELLING. 5r* Tewepigg be 40 le. Towellieg for be 0.. Towable' tier 8e UMBRELLAS. 50 for 20 �1.25 fes 1 1 00 100 for 70 KID GLOVES. 11.36 11.000 w ._ in 85 75 leg r 60 50 bee 44 LINEN TOWELS. itis. tar Into 15. los Ws. tar No. be MEN'S UNLAUNDERED SHIRTS. 40., Shirts he Son Shirts for ... 76e. Least w.d Shirts fee 80e 50e. Oslored hbirt. fee 40. ... 448. A' RARE CHANCE TO SECURE THE LATEST FOR A LITTLE MONEY. Remember the Date. 1' Hir v JAMES ROBINSON. Nast 6a Cleared Opt! READY MADE CLOTHING -•••••••MY qWN MAKE all.rebelees Goody, sad well made car. suit o he sell at re arks r low prices to Blear It out mos. A fir aoertoeat Orf New Ooobs for sal asd Wls5sr wear. CALL A11 Bis 1111. H. DUNLOP W.et-st Tutor. moat Hash Mestnal. • Give the Baby The only food that will build up a weak cons- • titration gradu- Chance any but surely is Martin's Cardinal Food a simple, scientific and highly nutritive preparation for infants, delicate children and invalids. SCRRv WATSON • .0.. P urrieTeee. r.rwwsat. For TWENTY-SEVEN YEARS DUNN'S BAKING POWDER THE COOKS BEST FRIEND (.ANGLST SALE IN CANADA. HELLO ! THE OLD RELIABLE. ALL L KINDS OF COAL ammsor ALWAYS ON HAND THE BENT loll earl coal Alt COW woieeed on aha Market Seale*, war yon get Moi, tbs. ter & tea. WM. LEE. Olden left at EA1PU A Lift Stere promptly attended te. GODERIOB STEAM BOILER WORKS. A. S. OH RY STA L, s..aesesr to ON►p t.l at masa. manat.etasr Man Mau of MOILER'S. Masks (5keka, Malt ring, Sheet Iron Warta, eta., etc., Aad Maim l a- Nagtisoe Mnshioery Critter, Sc. AN Nese .1 Pipes and Phe Miaow, 0 Nabs'. sot WSW .,valves I : = osstatanMy s. Itamd ae Lewes r_ A .,.sial lime of' Steel Water sad Hog Tmasgh. fee use el formes and neiler0. Ramirblet 4.50.537_M5.4 1a A. S. C3*TVUAL. •Iv P. O. lees 1r. OOdatW. The Impression .alum to be that with Mr. Harpers leaving tbe firm for- merly known as Hamm A Lis. sow its a ihtsv tessx, that . ptuteMnf bee bulla dropped. This is A Mistake. + + We are in a Better Position than ever to do Plumbing. Steam, Hot Water, Hot Air or Combination Heating and Owe Fitting, bowleg obtained the services el Qom BoEAaq a pmatioal soma with wide tEE asxEPxuto