HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1898-2-25, Page 1[]AIM YOU RENEWED �J YOUR SUBSCRIPTION WOK THE SIGNAL Fos ISO • 'Tbe wunL THA 141EAMrNY1 NE7WsPAPE]R OP HURON COUNTY. ONE ttOLL.1Tt WILL PAY FOR THE SIGNAL Fos One Yet•s, FIFTY-FIRST YEAR. ---2662 GODERICH, ONTARIO. 'CANADA : FEBRUARY 25, 1898 D. WGILLICUDDY, EDITOR. COMING ANDOOING. t Hy. Rothwell was in town this week. Mie. Tbempson, of S.•lortb, spent • few dsys in town the post week. I Wednesday Mies FMrma• Mee lett on for • month's visit to the Forest City. Mies Mulles. a Lukn•w, was the guest . of the Misses Wilk,osrn the past week, (skean,, of beafere, was welting Mrs, it the Ue..w v.Wee Cuo.a&te Wt week. A. 11 Smitbor.m, traveler for Dr. J. C. Ayer ..d Ce , of Lowell, Man.. was In ;owe this wink. . Manger M.Cresdy, of the B..dsrsoo Bisyole Ow.. [wade • baroness visit lo the Qa•se City [hie week. 1 Abe . S.iketd, jr., cod Miss Mary. were rssitia( their Die's,. Mrs. Miller. a1 S-, , lisien's, the post week. Wanted - lAT ANTED -JY A LADY. TWO rents. or 4I 'arse one. warmed. with to srtiptighs ptaao, w.tb or aeesmm•d•tl o with=e' bo• rd. Tt •• ro.•m. wanted must b. t/jikln 6 infinite.' wet "1 the i nuare. Mate twee. Address. bee Ni. BttiNAL or/iOR. , WAN 1'ED-A CAR LOAD OF BU TIER ' for we Prosiness. S. ti. A. KING. WANTED -AT THE HAMILTON -ST. , Prod• One Car et Pulsate. Tw..nty Corp hats ' e••ryt•Na O J rof BMWcan et Pub1Io 310410,6,, __ V OTICE TO WATER TAKERS -ALL 1*7. o Mmld by 1.1Mb y. •iRels, INK 1 will he noll coed by lMtfs.4 orad the w• or tuned off. A ' rier of Water sed bight Committee. W L. HORTON, Collector. It No ICE -I BEG T() -ADVISE THE sober.' pu • Io th, the eoreemea the- twsec J. 4. P bis ,ad tenet! hos •Rwlt•d. sad him w, r that not naw swill h r do la�'artye Md los' CO , he will -hereafter do laNa.M op CoalemOunt '-o dere lel* ell v. !lobos.Asia of beet Leh ., eoop�.site 8le•m ',Fier K L. or .t J. H. Wer- •e11'a ser. will be oroapti7 at ended to D. r. 8T3 ACHAN. For sale or To Rent. FOR BALI oft TO RENT -FOR SALE or timet the dwelling oo Nelsonnt at by P. nmuetb it oe•s.nt e..gNJ seal.. 15 Whoa drawing dialog gesso, reg roes, Menem. bas library. room. eerier and sad a oumbw}pel' pantries said • od cellar. Thomstead t Meg with t>keltfh trews,_ n4.$ Mee the pre - mites. laws. Amity W. m FOR HALE. -ONE OF THE BEST farm. is Western Ontarlo Lot 1.00no.e Mon t. township of (o1borrw., Harm County. WO acme. Good obey soil. Boeing water. Has bees cost auonely to pasture for 11 years. lm class large frame ban 40 by 96. Frame bets and Web's. More and P.O. on the protases. itxceNent gravel road.. $I,000 cash. Memo' at ietere.L F. W. Mo eve ser cwt Apply to DON AGM,Ciylow P.O.. Oct. or to J. A. Mc DONAUHM Waikato* 8t Soot. Tatrs.te. 11. VALUABLP PROPERTY FOR SALE, ' Part Int P. Cceoes0s. 0, Oudettioh at Town. o.•Wwle 314 mole of land. Then 1. situated on the property a geed 1 K bee, dwelling, with kit**. at .ad with collar soder the wash bones. The Y e ,,s.�•11((� first be ole and will sold en res.onabIs term& 7*' pmtlwlme apply to PHILIP HOLT. 8.rrieie Roderick. Dated elk Jt t .IM4, j, OR SALE-WTS b9 AND 70 1L Bti,c Jnson'1 Survey 1n the Town +f (loderleb, epos whish Is erected a mice dwell - log holes. Dated September, Apply to M[ O HOLT It HOLMES, Gderien nett VALUABLE TOW b PROPERTY•�rtFOR BALI brick -The reredoses flake b1 els the liver ed oesepW A. lllaoDer fa Amman ate ett me, master Oso the tad at mem valuable 1p404nale pro- en anew to w. r J orlitormiiy moupl•ell d Yri.M t li _ noble. en ply to , • • Mitl3 RBI=s a*UTL Graduate eels- _ Gottschalk Lyrb 0rgaelet h Gant and Ob�pose% VMes • wth a p; he ..�iL street. Stamm Aims Ito& ' Xew BSaoh1se $MOD&. ' JKW Istfll111NE$HOPS-ALLE.111106 den Prise sarIA ofi at «, oq reg��ttt.' mow+! . �!Itiwi�ossq .'�., +roe « 11001116-1. 11ts . J. h ---;- pi .1"" ' e d*inta Wanted. A0INTB-e• TSE BEST LIFE DT RISA Ms 1 • POMPON woL AO K N T B - •• ItIIVIIVIES GOLD •M•f likep fields," wt1 boob' ji GAttila 44"•:• GENTS-" G W •' THS UIt. ot ...,..:,e pia. " HRA ,�i ODIg- BOAR •� ' 4. 171016-1211 BUB- • tilriro loos 126.1/41t fa somanownesseeisewesseemen lllirtlw* - w. em v i ' • HE MEN IN THE FIELD. arrow and Beek Nominated Larne Atteanimee at tie 11esalea/1ea- Harrew, Reek, mad mk:keame de the talkies -• owlet and order- */ Plhertni HE n,mination for West Huron as held in the 000rtroom Tuesday last. storms *Rider Gib.00, presiding. J. T. GAR101. Of Godpriob, was •Omin- by N. 1f Young, seconded Lf Wui. Blake. Junior Be K, of 3alttorii, was nominated by P. W. Scott, seconded by Robt. Mo• Inas. W. L. Herta, wav appointed .1.011on .rent. by Mr. (:arrow, and R. C. Hay/ was boo fur • ender portion in the interest Mr. Book. After the re•dini of 1bi Int of polling booths, the returning otbosr Toasted the air, and ex -mayor Saa000s was appoint - to preside over the meeting The chairm.i.rplaised that Mr. (arrow sold speak for as hour, Mr. Book and Mr. Draken/eon would have ao hour between em, and Mr. (farrow would have half an sr to which to testy. Mr. Darrow, un ooming forwent was loud - ly applauded. He wait pleased to see 10 large •n attendant's, as it showed that the people were ninon an interest in pubiie at - (etre. Th•gentree o1 the day was, "Who shall moven this province for the t est four year • " lH thereenettentes. little need be waid. A. moo west, eaoh was a fairly re- ntals man, and both had beet for many years residents of the riding. He, himself. had lived in Gderich since 1861. and his lite had been Infers them all of that time. A• to legielettve matters, he bad already s•rvd eight peen, and oould be said to here put in hie appreatloeship, wheelies hi. oppoosat 5400 • stew man, without • reootd cad meld make promises. He (Mr. G.,) wee a Liberal, but he might say that there was not • great deal ct what might M cel:- wed etrekghr - psMir ie the Lovielatare. Throe out et four .eosins were nee -partis- an. and the fourth was usually devoted to preparing entresltioa fur election.. The Loam Reese was primarily • business place, to deal with bustoeie matter•. There were Rte polities le municipal law. chattel mort rages. & o, and oe its bounties record it must stand or fell. T.kiog that view of it they had hal the best Government to Amer during the past twenty-five years. No money had been equ*ndered and the leaders were without stale. The fin.noi•I quer ion was then taken up, and the optuiou of The Mall of today on that onion wasooetrast.d with what it mid in 1890. Ia 1890, The Mail admitted that the claim of • enrples wee a fair one, but today, the same faunal cl•imd that instead of the Proviso, being $5.000,000 to the good, It won $9 000,000 to the bad. It was quite true that the Goven- meat had never saved • surplus -they did not believe in piling ep • surplus when the erassy *weld M spent to better advantage In lesssalrig the berthas of the pe.ple-tet [bey bad • morphia ot over $5 000.000, •.d Chen was no gainsaying the foot. It cse- eistid of fovertment• in drainage debts tures, capital held by tate Dominion, e m mon wheel funds, sed ouoaat to reedit in bank. amnesties n all to ever $6.000,000, whilst the obligatioes readied may $2,710, 000, although Mr. Whitney .4 Marna had stretebed them to $3,000,000. These were railway &enmities whisk had Wm extended ever forty years, were daersasnr Tear by year in amount. dud w•sM to etineb i" 1937. If tis Preelaas was b*.krwps, as the Opposition •.Handed, MOON dsnteede point out when they bad borrowed on dollar in the post twenty-five years. end also expiate hew i1 =me shout [het the Provisos n- oshed $212,414 fn [merest from the Deena - be nab year end $30,000 from ether in- veslmdOta. The total receipts from Copied - oration to the present Mom was ,366.- 700, "tad the dlsbar•eeeSM wen131,• 561, heaviest • marline ot $834,139 Where Ill Me debit Whet do we ewe[ WM. IW he beaters s aue4*Lor t In 1864, Indies the railway aid nemildem ptresdeg, tenon - al aealMes to ren net more than forty Tsars. were enb.Ntet.d. and theme are the cagy obligations that al preempt net epee He O.vwere@sa Bet it had been mid, it the Goverment is seed 4....1.11,, wh don't they pa .d then aeltles t This he sa rsa.enieg it it were stet that the O -v ruse t is roo.lvty 6 per oast. on l iasionigights, and le aatla a woo sung fee the easeities at the rate of 34 per vont Aee saving $30,000 a Year, ao boding the tore avesemeste. After a brief rehi even te the Umber popsy, the speaker Meted that else Openitlen ea the Seer .f the Hens. Nd sot Mailings the expeediters, aid is {weedy years bad amt raised *W- ise M mere Mae tars gs•eerw at cath peg scot et the entire •asa.a TM, ebtrd Net the Oevanmest were esa.adsl-t e Meq shaved [dams N the bee, se MelbrMh apo. Os Mlgaa4eel beet goodies Mr. Oar• raw thread the.** system had ben arid- ly im,awed at Ma yews. that the awns had hese elm)}itlt4 by -$s1483.he ser - her et beetle, sad e, stwhams 87 bode were l j tsiy.{I MO tiro Wen Mkksui .l" j 1 - *.. 8.rtid with m- ho r Oiled list whom Zhho , Mr. Math, e the swore thee RIs esaa$Ms wade be parelan. Hai lir. i•se Minh Rios oemmH- $ee the 5,14..es weelei heh pose se the MW.5, sad N es was Oahe the would Ams4ar deep mMi M by Mr. Whiteley wee the A4Olwe! Seed et Sh. :: . 0 eeem,ma width id bele bad roe• !� wbitb iso 7, la*wthw a tbr IAmal Mew riI . 18 was dem said Rhee tb5 *Biehase asetBOW *sties. Dew be istrelw fro Thets im Who eslesta ter e..ke4 the High Schools t the people, sad the Mlatater bas vay little power is Me [matter. Alter • brief refer- ees' to the piggery, lir. Darrow gland by myna., that he keen of so reason why any Liberal should be ashamed of the record of She past twenty -roe rears during which the Liberals had governed wisely and well, and without • sandal, and there was absolute- ly no reason tote the reiter•ttoo, parrot -like. of that ory, " It id Rim• for • ohmage," simply because Sir Oliver Mowat used It lis • wmpaira speech at • time when the vul- tures at Ottawa were fighting over the oar - este, ..d Canada was suffering. Don't take the uoksowo for the known ; don't substi- tute Whitney. Matheson, and SL John, for'. the able men who have up to the present guided the destiny of O.ano. ( Loud •p- pisase ) Mr. Beek wee-a.pmlly received by his friends. He ems. he mod. se the oa.di• ditto of the Llberpt'dasarvative party, and was 00 as , as he had lived in this pre of the country since 1863. He had been in both township and oo0oty oouootl and had re•obed the Warden's chair, }wt as Mr. Gsrrow had done. •ud now expect ed to reach the 1.syulaturo. He was cion - ducting( this osmpaign soeordiog to hie OMD method", and the 1st of March would de- termine whether hie plan of ommpeie's or that of his oppooent was the better one. Mr. (:arrow bad sold that the Loci Hogue was a tininess House. and that he was an independent. 1n rep y, he I Mr. Beck) could say that there was no more partisan mem- ber to the Hume than Mr. Qarrow, and it was time for • cheerio. Mr. Tarte esti e ighteen years was too long for • Jovero• mean to be is power, and if that wee so, 26 Tawas wee tea loan a p'ov d• Wks. 114r - Ron was master he appointed one 'Tory oo the License Commission for this rediae, but sines Mr. (farrow got in oo Tory had a show for any office, although he pro- fessed to b• on very independent. Mr Gatrow had stated that the Pubho Ao- eoueu Committee was the imporaut nom• mutes of the House. sod he was • mem- ber of It, nut last yeer, of the eighteen meecinn held be failed to atter one. Ic the reset session he did attend. as he was council for the Dippers/. After touohior on the fioanolal situation, Mr. Beck got ',mak to °minty matters and claimed that the Goverment had adopted a oe.trslising policy In aimed everything. The reduotico cf the County Comic 1 could h ave been brought about without leaving se mary of the maoioipalitta without repre- sentatives. But while the County Coen - °jai -i s Wer* red-iai 'Ta adober the Legisla- tor, were increased and the Provisos saddled with tIe additional expense, so that oow every effort had to be made to get mosey to run the aeee• cry •apema. Wby now, said he, they ter peoule not only whoa they are living, but alter they are dad. Poll -your Lest year they bad reoeived 4120.000 from the Mousy-Cewtbra estate, and that, said Mr. Beek, will oarry them through an e lection. Then was no audit, and as • re- sult it was next to impossible to get at the details et expeoditeres. OMee getting was •bother feature, and it was &aid that Mr. Gilson, of Hamilton, had over twenty re- latives feeding at the poblio er,5, Haslet John Dryden had • lot more and so badothers, but he had not been able to find test Mr. Darrow had mon then one brother t* the esevies, and he was down for ever $1,400 a year. It was Mas for • ob•iga Then were tee many lawyers in the Home n ew, eaanoould ting laws that they not eed,ntacd tksmaslvm. The speaker Wooed by asking support ea 10 of Maroh for "Joe Beak." (Applies.) Mr. Dteketieo., who wee to take op the unexpired time of Mr. Beek, began t y de• (Untag to be bored by what The Mail said la 1890, es at that time it w00 • saes/ Niter owese* of the CousarvMiv. peaty. Me then wedcrteek to wipe the map= eels/ existence. IMO year. Mag tie year halve sit 51.atias the Govente alit bed wader - taken to swell the reosipl solemn es snob as peemible, •o as to make • good elewag. and see of the Item, was $166,00, eblde- ed from Ste soles of saewitles. Tee int appeared as a .r.dll when le reality h en northing are new may remind se • pre• sneer note. Is ether words. N a man wee behind 4100, all he bad to de was to neo- nate a note for $900. and then dales that he was .head to that extent.. TMs, there were draining debaters@ and other awes, which lite Prov[.e was gradeally Nettie, rid et, and as they were s01d the Gowers. meat aged$[. them up as anent receipts. 16 wee jet se N a teen fend he was got - Meg heated, esid the speaker bet be own. ed • settings. widish is paN up on the Tsar when be is Wart, and he thea thinks yYM taw MVM ben witted to sees b*'4* /alblu be le w.0 eB flees 1,011:114 At At the same time, be w glint a the andsla is l his these te way his ,bis. Brea whip resume from ear Meow Erne were set esa0ag tea to keep teg.tber see Leek surdas, wbtah a 1463 was $1,- 000.000, wed le 1411 .meeetbtgt M stay $610,000. On bat years 4.esial opera - tins there wee • leant of $11,0006W eimei• he, hat larger daring had bee the rale ler the pass feet yaws, sgrewatag ever 41, 000 000. W..em able by the nominees aatsment of setimatee ter sort year to ap- prolamin. the late whisk will hays to he sot, as fellow t IMpRiMa-we it910000 shillisrirtilleases196,00D Ase_Mae 97,000 Teal .i tiu.eipa 3 312.3 000000 Dip $ 1146,900 whhh weed preethany wide e W sr fdn w ebrdse new Is tis Vernet the ogwa...< sr wed/ dew% dams he* N.mart.*MA they ins Mkelt Mr. .IM Mr. Belelel v Nee rhea x111 dost sew. 1114 14 40 r see Redly •., payable, and dear that there is any [.debt• einem. Yet, $1,196,000 stars against the Oeversment for 'seaway seearittes and $3.088,000 for ..seines, or altogether 44,- 216 000 against the alleged surplus of $6,- 200,000, A earplug, he uoat•sd d should mean • surplus over cad above all add)... w ines*. Bus, the Iloveromenl ray, we get $212,000 yearly is interest, which reinvents over four mdLos, oapitalized at 5 per os t,; if we are not perfectly solvent, bow do we get that interest ! To that hu would say that at Coatderatioo, the I'omnioo bead • oertaio amount of trust fui L for the Pro- mos, and what we got arm Interest ooly, and we null not get soy thing else except by a tripartite arrangement Intwre the nonunion, Quebec, and Oateria Wby Jobo SanMld had tett asst ib addition to his $3,800.000 of • Hittites. Theo in 1884 an indittoaal subsidy, and It was only • subsidy, of $142 000 was given to Ontario by the the t:oeservatter - tsmmsmaut. and the L beret now claim all the eubsidy w assets. The only real assets were the remoaats of the debentures and the ooh butanes in the banks. The mutation is asked : Are we going behind His answer was : Yes, going behind by leaps and bounds. In Mr. Garrow'. and Mr. Heroourt'e statemente of toted receipts since Confederate:a, the four euuoomwal mars of Saodfield Mucelooald's regime were included. wherein 43,800,000 were waved in herd Dash, w hick, dedaetieg the $234.- 000, figured out PI the Goverrmat, would leave • deficit of over $3.b00.000. He thea censured the li..ao•tiooal Department and cited Gelds in Smith to favor ot ao Advisory Board such as they had in Ens/loud. le o intuition, mod be, doo'1 Loyo a -a [Ara qusauas_ rlt the merits or demerits of the oandidates, but be aolwtd by whether the Government have carried out their profedrio..4 and if you be limo they bate cot, let yeth-the war be, " Owtlemeo, we cannot rile the lease." (Applause Mr (arrow, in reply, was loudly greeted, but at the same time a Dumber of Uoaserva- titres started for the door. After quiet was restored, be said that no mere gathhaog or jagglup of figures could make away with our ••este, Hee coy money bwo borrowed outside of the annuities ! Mr. Dickenson admitted that we received lutersst that represented $5,200;000, and that..ur railway debts amounted to only $2,700.000, but hr says, you ceo't use the priootpai. Ws dna'[ went to ere the pnooipal, for no layer ase ooal.l be made of it than to hove it drawing 5 per cent. iatere.t when the rail- -way dsbentaree ono err Duly i3f nor eon•. Ha e1)1 wa are roach, behud,.boI we u• 51.11 to fairly good olroomstan.es, with over 8600,000 in the bask• tosaw .oredit, in at. dilton to our other ioterest.a coming in. I' had also been stated that when an snook y was sold it showed that the Provipoe was Vote for getting hard ap. This was not the Ce', se when an &enmity was sold, 1t west towards peyug of railway certificates, and the money oould be applied to no other way. As to the alleged falling behind of the Prov- ince by 41,000,000 in the past four years, it was • myth. In 1894 we had 81.000.000 In the treasury, and today we oan Maim • Dash morales of $900,000, where is t he million dollar deficit t That @tory about the man and the mortgage did cot 131 in when the sale of annuities was being disclaimed, be- cause the moot' r.mivd was applied in this case to paying off an ledebtoess sod loft things in 00 good • state se before. Theo, the •atement is mad. that mein year we are to have • do8oit; well. If so. we have the money in the bank to pay 11. We are still doiog business at the aid stand, paying twenty abillmgs on the pound, and have done so for over tweaty-foot years, and will continue to do so for four years more atter the first of Marob. We Gannet sell one dol• liar's worth of annuities without redaoins the amount of the ratlwwy 00,114...., ofd even Oa' enervative sleeken' ought to know that. Al to the statue of the Mail In 1890, it certainly was sen favorable to the Ltb.ral party, and being imposed to both parties for the time bong. was probably giving • mon truthful seatemIen than at other times. II lad also been said abss Mr. Hardy was endued to no unlit for the true feeds. That Wahl be, bet he wee deserv. ng of credit that the Preview ted not be- come hopelessly Imesivd In debt, as had Quebec and other provinces that had start- ed with as eine a Most se Ontario at Coe - federation. With retortion te Mr, Book's oatemest about his (Mr. Garnw's) brother, all be need say egee big brother was • settler a0 a the Peg* Send district. that be had befit • whAettll, whisk nee des- troyed by Ire inertly after beteg built, mad without on east .t iceman.. TME years before. be ( Mr. (arrow) was 1■ the Legislators, mod without effort or know ledge ea his part, We orate., bed hese ap- pennted • wed inger. That being a sayable sad &Beset *those be led bees pro - mond to the p.MMen of htspeeer sheat two re ala*, but be had eared lis piemetfon by ream and *[tie monies, end en [lesson be k.4 • brother in the Legislature. A. to Mr. Beek's farther Matinees that there was e eclat, ell Mat egos n*eam&ry a nay was thee there egos es ee,Ghl er .MG1.N .. audit as then wee he Domino again, and everybody knew Hat salt wee the ens instil Woollen woe takes by Oct MNhwon. tW IeeW lit hes the baste et the Tay Omni. Rio Bsk'c Gad plasia wee the slit err, " 1s t4 lhse Oar a shasge." eel Se thee It awed rata) be mid dm se Mapes Omen* baba Iowa M odim. mese Ihmlr , Wwri.R a debit, dear d ewOimtl, edged their they. lo was w 1 Lod '!'M s sseiiag�wip Melba baa to • nese by W ser ----y .hues. AUBURN. MOMD&r, Feb. 21. Rev. Mr. Cocaine is at prangs seriously indisposed. Mims Chester, from Hullett, is the mutat of Mies Stur'y, Jobo Ferguson is, we are pleased to learn, reooveting from his resent severe iadi•po• •loot. The logs are owning in last to our loos' sawmill, and the yard is likely to be era Toe 'riot mill is doiog • live business, having customers now from the neighbor. hood of Luoknow and other points. Mr. Ostrow, M, PI'., gave • o•pltal poli- tical address here Thursday evening of Lai week. The chair wtt‘=oo.pled by John W [kora. 1'h r lecture by Rev. W. F. Wilma. on Friday of last week, wee a guano. and net - tad the Orange lodge ot this village • fair figure. A feature of the oo0•iun was the exoelleut singing of David McGill. of Etat W•wanssb. The chair was uooupied by Matthow Lockhart, in an able meaner. DUNGANNON. Novit-u.-The local agency In Dungannon for Tea Bmw.,. is as the °Moe of J. G. Ware. J. P.. oouvey7anoer, to., who will receive or- ders for • becnptleas, advertlnnu and Job - work, and Is authorized to giro receipts for amounts paid for the eaaM. J. W CUMBER',AND, CARRIAGE and waggon mater. having purchased the oto k. lumber, and plant, from ntrepbeo [pothers, is oow prepared to fill orders tor o•rrtagee, wag el, bug es and any article usually made In a carrlase shop. that for Wet i design, cemeartale seg. sad solid workmanship. cannot be beaten In Oaarf6. Painting la the latest style wed best work m.nshlp, attended to. J. W. C., has bad con- al lerable expert oe, he therefore eollolts the p.tro.ale of the fanalwg 00.5.501* and all who may want work m h's one. will find him at Rho stand formerly occupied by Stephen Btetnen. Dungannon. 1.mtsbet Mkt Is Bergen Day at Reit- There will be Model ewes N 1M wee- sby minim ee 'Waya NeethM. Meths/1Mahmoh I r•DIT,irth 22nd. T. MULTI]“.. Toe annual tea meeting in oonoeottoo with the Episcopal church, on Wedoesday evening of last week was large- ly attended, and proved a senen in every particular. After a moat .ubetenllal tea had been partaken of. the andieooe proote led to the oh.rch where • sacred concert inter spend with .ddreeses was cove°. Ito,/ Mr. Armstrong, the incumbent, presided, sad delivered an excellent introductory ad• dries, ' On Home." Mies Neftel then sang " The Sar of P,ethelem," with much sweet nese, and St. {4.orge'e4>beir followed meth " While Shepherds 'Fatah their flecks by Night," which was a Iniinhly rendered. Rev. L. Hutton, spoke on " Will Christ- ianity continue to the end ot time'" in . nm.ner, that showed he was well acgqtwai.t. d with his subject, and to the gr*tieatlon Garrow. of his •udieooe. After more mn@io, Rev. R. Fairbairn addressed the Meeting. on "1'he extension of God's word on earth," whioh question the rev. gentleman handled •flbtiv.ly. During the evening, Mrs. Mil- ler, Miss Barrett, and Mr. Cuff sang solos, moob to the -pleure of the 000rregat- ioo, James Thomas gave • ooroet solo from Eli, in • style that proved him a master hand with the instrument, and the choir renders! many pieces. BLUEVALE• Miss Annie Rutherford has retur'd to Termite. Otte of the prettiest weddings ot the na- me tont piano in the Methodist ohurob, on Wdesed•y. Fel. 16, when Miss Maggie, daughter of Mr. Thomas Stewart of this pines was united is warrien to Mr. W. J. lohoeba of Morrie. Re.. D. Rogers per- formed the o.nmoo'y. The aburoh was filled to the door, and just as Mrs. Rogers had tlaishd playing the middle, aroh the bridal party entered. Mesa Stewart was dressed In • deep Dream serge, trimmed with 1•°o nhbon and alk, and the oustom- •tv orange b]osome. Mise Sara Johnston, her bridesmaid, was attired in • lite coos - Nine Mr. Will Stewart supported the groom. After the coremeav the guests re - termed to Mr. Stewart's residence where • �1sasa�1 evening was spent by all. The krlde eeedrd mint beautiful PlioNtb, smear thee being -ewe very beautiful chain fres the Methodist ohoroh choir, of whioh .he hos m 1eng beg the ef6oieot organist and • very hasdereie bible from the trus- tees of the ebsreh. Mr. and Mrs. Johnston will live se the first 000esesion of Morris, sed will have with them tn. very beet wkhe@ of their frleads. A SARNIA WONDER. W. Barton got Health and Strength from Ddd's Kidney ''.tis. SA•KTA, Feb 21. -The mem ef Mr. T. el °beaten, of Osborne, walks widespread interest hen, as Mr. Johei .lewell•knows se Sarnia, sed the p.blis0ns rupees of kis ekes is knows to be true. Bet William Barton, et S•ralw. anima N have bees • stall worse else than Mr. Jeb,• e tas. Mr. Berton was stinted with Bladder trouble for essay resp. Dann and medislnes stktty tailed to re- lieve Nm. His ..1eriet. wen •1meet be- yond hews neuroses. At tenth he tried Ddd's Kidney Pills. Ae is mons of •thee mass 1. Barba, a any hp.wed n set n11Megly abort time. Mix bees wean all he nod. Bet they 'an Ines pwies bedey wed measly .teeth. THE PuBLIC MEETING. Elevator Bylaw blseuesed. The Twos .ell51ter, 0r, /shwas, ■r, Allan, Reeve Campbell and INI•re Hive Tbelr views ew the Raea*Nn. The town hall was filled on Tnedey .veniog by those of our "miasma who take en interest is the elevator bylaw, that will oe voted on by the people on Saturday, an.' wanted to hear it thoroughly dasoussed so as to he able to give an intelligent vote. Shortly after 8 the meeting was opened by the election of Mayor Thompson as ohatrman. Hl. Wonhip on assuming the ohatr mid that the meeting had been called is oonneotioo with the building of an elevator to replace the one destroyed oy Bre. He drew attention to the prooeed- rage 04,...tbe Cannot! in appointing the then Mayor, Dr. Shannon, and Mr. Allan as • delegation to interview the manager of the O. T. R , the foot that that deputation got little e00ouragemeot Isom the railway magnate, that in oo0sgaen . it was decided to fowl a joint stocs company to build ao elevator of large capacity, and that Mr. Allan had been appointed to help oarry out ebebxojtot. Be then detailed the work that had been done to help forward the "chime and concluded by saying, that be tbought the carrying of ape bylaw on Nat- urd.y would be• good thing for the town, end that under the present arranvemeote its peas tog would not entail additional t•x- fatwn. f he chairman then called . a Mr. Garrow and resumed his seat. amid . leers. Mr. Garrow did not expect to be called on to mane an address, but merely •sewer questioaa, but befog called oo, he would comply with the rtqueet. He said at was evident the town wanted an elevator, and that if, with • proper torec*at of the future, we could procure .doe without undue ex• pease, then we should hove one. H. men• tienel gentlemen who had uad.raken building an elevator as a oommermal enter par, and olaimuf It would pay, as all hue friends who had studs in nu.ih institut- ions had loformed him that there was no batter paying stock. 1,• The speaker then went into the finanoisl aspect of the one, he mid that if the ooa- Ae$'trgp/PSkeitimttre town weuW sever bet Mated on to pay scout, but of ti were not so, rhea there was no doubt the toles would have to pay the interest on the guaranteed bonds. After mentioning th• manner in which the bylaw had been framed as it was uow before the people, he explain- ed that if it carried, an aot of the LeRul.- ture would be required, allowing the town to gas:wake the bonds of the company to the extent of 450,000. Before sitting down Mr. Gsrrow referred to the rates that would be given by the O. T. R and said that it was evident Godertch would have as good • chance as other plaoea for the grain trade, as the authorities had agreed to give the same t•otlities to Od- ertoh as were given to Owen Sound, Mid- land and other places, Mr. Darrow was loudly applauded on resuming his seat Mr. Alias, the next speaker, raid he would been at the beginning. and detailed all that had occurred up to the time of sub- mitting the bylaw, namely the visit to Montreal, the origination of the prospect u., RI submission to Mr. Hays and 1a return minae the oleos, guaranteeing that • cerate quantity of grain should be put throng, The speaker then spoke et hie travels through the Previews to obtain sub- soription for the stook, and the likelihood there was of it all being soluoribed, as after the town, the G. T. R. and Wssnern millers had subscribed, Moores & Co would take the bitterns to make op the 4149,000. la answer to • question Mr. Alba said than the point for the erection of the sieve - ter was net determined yet, but would be settled by .n expert engineer, and in answer to Mr. Acheson, who asked bow the can would stand if an ant te guarantee the bods wield not be obt•ind, he said that the tows would be forced to hold the stook. Dr. Holmes said he was sorry to appear In e.emtnr oppesitien to the bylaw. Ha o0at•ad*d that it should have been sub. sand be the people la • form allowing Mem N vote for gaare"teeisr the beads, clad --slat if it carried, ' hen am a*1 of the lwgliktsre could be Obtained e.ohrmtag it. • presiders of ton followed by musloipal *ties He argued that the monad wade • mistake in petting • bylaw beforethe people in • shape that could set oow be amended, and said that all be weaned was that the town isheuld be properly protected. The speaker said that the protest bylaw was the first he had seen where them en8rieg into .gree• menu worsen bound deem by hard and fast oo"ditewe, and artts attention to • loss of $600,000 by the nailed eeaaties of Huron and Bruce. He tees read • Dopy of • by- law of the vill.n of anneals, which he eon - method 'Imported hie views. Here some 000ta ties arose, the Dealer sating that he Ind submitted two questions to s lawyer, whom wawa., he b5ad, npperNd hie views. Mr. Garton replying. said thee the by- law was draws 4, proper ferns. dwelt on the differentiae of open regarding it, gave ►b ward that the en draws up for the tows wam piteously mirror* and then enter- ed late a low explanation of the legal te- non o1 the ease, Mr Garrow wee.heord as he renamed hi, Beet. Mr. O•rrow again' rete, sad explalad the Browns one. whin% he bold was net la exaet •coned with Dr. Relines' version. Mr Neasden explained bow be emote slim • requisition for • p.hlle seem', and exorostd himself 0. 5,14.6.4 with he re• 0.M• Mr. Darrow Ryan nee, and said, that WOO new the eammeil meld wow bylaw to .wales the Beget sent after the bylaw was srr1�� d N out r wished. BM7r U•esp%tll was plowed at the web less est sad did it the bylaw serried iI, wend be the Soty of MIe se - m M ett�M te cess property serried ea$. The. 3 s !then 'eked it the council could, is the event of the bylaw osryi.g, legally make the new ta-gola gs.r•ateeing the bon's, cad the town soliottor replied in the •Mrativa In awwer to Mr. Campbell, Mr. Allan mod that the proposed polity was tosupply millers N est of Toruato, and sometimes that oily ittaU from Goderioh, and that the Messrs. Moores had &lrroed to engage all re- quired labor, outside of professional, in Ooderioh. Mr. (arrow in reply to . question said. he thought the town would be mind on to pay a mot, as the contractors would most likely Inane the institution, until the act •otboriziog the town to vu tee the bonds was ebt•ittd. Alter a short aJdrees from the chairman the meeting olosd. TOWN COUNCIL ataatee et Me sea.ta limeng eft fiat NNS, The regular meeting of the tows oomoil WWI held oo Friday eventog, Ht• Worship, Mayor Thompson prsstdtog, Minutes of previous meeting were read end approved, and the tre.sorer a report for January read and referred to fia•oo• com- m t tt ee. A oommuniogUo. from the mayor d Tor- onto, re. the proposal ot the Bell Telephone Co. to tooreaee its mow, was read, and the clerk directed to answer that tt was too late to take &mon, but the oouooit was In sym- pathy with the meson takeu 1 y Toronto. A commuutsation Irom Jou. limas Rebma- nn, acknowledging the receipt of 410 for the Toronto Children's Hospital was read. F. Smiley, who wants to advertise God.. nob, was allowed to address kb. oeu l.'aiL.ittsti -- the matter was ficelly sent to Bytom' Oem mittee. _ A Lumber of 00oou.t• were read and :re- ferred to finance uommittee Report of special committee :- That in the matter of the c0mmaoioation of T. h. Dowry, we beg to make the follow - tug recommendations : - • 1 That the matter Gt W taaw.bs referred to the Coact of Rev.eten. e------- 2 That the qusttoc of wailer robe be re- ferred to water and bent oommitleo 3. That on the latter part of bis oomm.ni- o•tio0, re. the appointment of • oommtttee, no action b. taken. The report was adopted. gtresrsese•s of nee owe teh tttettrul*seot te..e.a,• Marsh 3, Sm•11 trait. ; nadir. Alex. Baemdae. Mate 10, Fertilisers t loader. Wm. Wast- es*. Med 17 Hew M make a stardom gay : ilmalice. B. MertNww Meath 94, Psaltry is cwesela with the ershere sad wen i leader. O. Wells. • 'KINTAIL. Tux,DAY, lith. 22. FARMgRY INrrrru,g Mirrjpio-A000rd- Ing to annoa0wmnot,-two x15011041 of the - above institute were held on Thursday last in MoDcoald's now hall in this village. The flet or afternoon session was dptmnotly • repreeenativ• farms'', gathering, and about 100 or more persons assembled to hear and reestve tate info- motion gr•tmtomly ofierd them by the lecturers detailed for the pen- sion. The ecaiel president, Mr. Bailey, who by the way i• quite a favorite bere,hav- mog toted in that capacity on several pre- vious 000..1oos, iotroduoed the first speak- er, Mr. McGowan, whose subject was on "The manareme0t of manures on the farm." The lecturer spoke at some length on the lariat importance the proper mare of their best forttl•z•r, was to the farmer, who wish- ed to make • semen of his profession, and in olear sed forcible Imp/nage pointed out how deplorable it was that such a great waste of wealth was, annually going on by 10015 who called themeless god farmers. At the alone of his inteir•eting •abject he lo,ited any of his bearers to ask questions thereon, which request brought out many erquiriee from those amongst his sadism's, and was the means of •wek•oiog • desire f .r (oformstinn whioh no doubt will have • good effect in the neighborhood. The next lecturer was Mr. MoMillao, of neer bee. forth. That gentleman is • fine speaker, and In • (!Dont, ems. 000versatiooal style, kept his andienoe spell bound for over one hour on the subject of •' Coro raising and 1'uildlar of silos." He also spoke at length oe " The proper draining of lands," sad il- lustrated his robjeot by chalk drawly. Many were the question• asked, sad hie varied subjects and the stile mummer in whioh he plowed them before his audience will lone be remembered leers The even- ing session opened at 7:30, and the large hall was peeked to its tamest cepsoitr, many ladies beteg present. The chairman ansouneed $ lengthy program and called on the Kimball band for some music whioh was well rwivat . Piper Moloy played three times en the pipes, and filled the hell with Sent.* mmsb that Deemed to go right home be the 8.oMAerm in the audience. Mr. Me - Kay dowsed the sword dano. in • weer that showed that that gentleman, wag M novice at that sort of thing. Tore .wean Iftde lavas. the Mieees Monarchy, tuns a duet that wee moll rioder•d, aoij Muter Long gave • very IN solo. A geticmae from up the 10th coo. sang two spirited oomio songs that fairly brought dome the homes, Mime Lumberton played sad meg •• My Candies Hew," sod for wren esu worm was seg in the Promo\ That yesmg lady hes • flee eontralM and her rwoderisg of that song was sewn •pprooatd The leetur•re agate spoke at some length em sabjeste different trees their .fteree.e session, sed the chanson mind on the reeve, sad let deputy reeve, of the tewesblp, who were t. the undies's, far as address, •Mthese getleeee 0.5lnered with neat sad .smplime.Mry eposehes. The le- sttete w slw.y. $ osomas beg, sed ins and able se en - WPM. informed a that Kn- Wl Mas 1M NIMMOM - MMr et having the greaten easier N asmbtr. •t any other society le tbe aseaty. The animal asthma wee e•1M► dei shoe skied • neeWg that will always be • red letter day for Kin tall. it's about time the aaabgese of the Win- ter earetval gee their teams n tl... T. E. He Bede[\, rested the Boiler prepwty is Odksa. sad Gedeeleb bows. 'hips. It will regetre 300 wattle to timet is F.x.Nr Times. The now Ootbelie ebanb at Leknsw we be upend ent *soft h His I,•� , Raney O'OwRwM1 assisted by tier. 1h�HN* M.Keen, Dina• fwd degree. O. sasses[ .f the tonere an Thank? end,* the rageslar pressdas of dm Ado 1001 take phew is [the NeMatb- sd10 Mare this. Friday •vuang. 1