HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1898-2-4, Page 101,.vellrileiletterw-Milangr,. . xeoi 1 Supplement to "The StgnaI," -tCoderich, Ont. �IiRR10'S SPLENDID P081110 Financial Statement of lion. R. Harcourt. Legislative Asscmb:y, Tomato. Ler. 14. ler. Mr. Speaker, --Owing to the unusually ear- ly ar ly date of the r«umeacement 01 tbo era- sion. and to aha fact that the accounts In the hands of hon. members cover only ten months of- 1De present year, is.Ieel.ert tla full calendar year as heretofore, my state- ment this aflentsen must of necessity differ ronslderebt7 from those I have pre Io1Illy bad the honor to deliver, both a to its sub - and we bare realized a our ammo price At the eery •sellest bout possible the ac- 181.22167 per mile. The berths disposed of at en? Mlle net August are situated chiefly near fake With - peptise, In the Townships of Itatbbca.Sead- ding. Kelly, Paris and Hanmer. These rive townships are situated In a 61.- trlrt that has been prospected by miner* and In which hundreds of applications hare been made for leases or patents under the mines set. The department could net grant leases or patents before It bad disposed of the pine timber. October from this sal. $81.812. The balance Is still outstanding. Omitting &together tbe proceeds of this sale, our Crown lends receipts for the tee months of 1107 have been eleeptloually large. The Sandfleld Macdonald Corcrnment, It wlU be eemea,beea4. Led few sales of tim- ber, one during earn year of Its term of office. 7 h• avenge price realized et these four sales was $.300.41 per 'title. We have had only erten sales to twenty-six years, founts for the balance of the year. viz.. for lee months of Nosembcr and December, will be presented to the Hndoe In the. usual fern. and hon. member" will then, es al - wars heretofore, hate the fullest oppor- tunity to examine them In detail, and sub- ject item In committee, If need be, to clos- est s'•rultny- It must he apparent to everyone tbat a,ucb tuluablo time will In. !Ms way be Saved. that the business of the session w111 he greatly fat li:ta..•d and expedited by it was therefore abselotely necessary, as hfAs41*I down -iraw; ale we hsve-d•te, ii►--Mak-11 prudent, to sett ttria-titribeta order full aetnenfs of the' year up to the end of that the applicants might obtain their titles O••tobrr hist. and tLnt the.courenlrnce of hon. wembers nIII thus b beat suited. fLC9:I1'TN, TEN MONTHS IiNULO 31st OCTOBER, 1807. _ 1 llC. 72 trust pect4a gasut r and That very serious Inas by fire might be greeted. INTEREST RECEIPTS. Friday, February 4th, 1898. Y measltme, these rs11Ra7 obllgatloas will email auteu bu'lootoMaori's one-flfthbotf tmihnthe oes mill{ theaeud,of le06,this a rry'lucA111from AoA that ldoubttobi., dpretalled as to the I4n0 Ai�O,: decrees* a 1140 rob li else&toeiUife i Nest year three obligations w111 be 0215,000 e>.pc45diturc. In Ontailo the mnnlrlpetl• the Oppoaltlo0 In the variant, ihte'rvonlu;( the ewpiw of debt 40 cu•ew tat 50'.tit00•000' less tbau those we baro met this year, in tire, on the other baud, are relieved of the parliaments per are v oftegedouless sph n three I thatwhibbeing the extent rireedf v nclaf debt" f 1 the there will be a deo drop of 01, set burden altogether. dily the folluwlug year a drop of 91:,UI)n, end 1 could readily giro further illusi11Oo45s The ODpusitlou to this present Parliament Custrdcrwtloe, the het that dedoctlewt& to ePY four years from now they will, as compared to show that thle Province It extremely has taken objection to less then 1 per rent• Ike troutouut of our e1,0011 (year were c7w••� with thy year, he diminished to the amount liberal in the grants It eves wttb the of all our npcudlturea. mMs BBCtoy+ tau meet tb. to harps of rola seise of debt tuts eIt wa• wlkh pre- of expansion au.l of growth Ae. !u a hue - brought en sate, 0, the . In 1884, the year of our object of relieving t the mu expetlsa. Neatly all of our expeeAltures elq�chesored pinsion ud o nitre Nlni un flue h u blot mile, the purchaser's investment Our two lducati n an of artpm.hnt n are brought him an interest yleid of about 4u. [hone for education and for maintenance ed els& of waste and ve0ted the Macdonald Administration entrra'g upon tar 90th 7 meta per cent, Th. purebasers tbls year will re of our public inslltatlois. tat 41s cele. few than 314 pee coat. aro their 1n- In 1905 we expended lee .loIe0 porta Teltment. 042. while the Prorlue. of Quebec It must always be remembered that the only be 1.ame year w1'apeet for mafatsn• Issue and sale of these annuities does not add one dollar to our eil,ttng oblltona ante of pntlle lnetitottene, Inelading hes- Itals, $989,443, while Quebec spent only hes- When we sell annuities we merely postpone D the railway oWtgallons which mature dur- $$The6 n.ane asylums of the State rat New Ing the year In wblrb the sale takes place. Iaq,. York are beyond questtoa carefully man- ddmla;atration and eters. N to matters of pipe, (Mors: ars lit (hued and a 4sleadias, amt that ■II , 0 1 %I*1one drawn therefrom are fedi* and tnluele10. We must mice again ropiest thew that the MuAo of today la'teler Si liege territorially 1* It was In Medfield'• time, that we care aloe,. 1100 more people to seven). and that le abs Intervening yearn the work of development. We La 1884. last t them e exempt 1500. receive D▪ uPt over, t hate p annuli reeely (erred 16 had nine sales of annuities s W. bare had five salea.during ttjes aged institutions. The people of the State. ter • Parliaments. We hare not .Qjd as I inv. said, aro tined directly for their eery year. We d1d not sell nem, support. A ratepayer assessed for $3,000 e. 1n 1403 or 1804. or in 1880, 1480 or pays tts often urCed that • year for wh this purpose. ta:r We have paid out ter ralletay rid 1104 u.at'tzsurtrrrna'N'sa ws.Pin, tion Is resorted to the tsipaYer will close- d from our Muss .ales of annul- 17 scrutinize every antler and teem ire strictest economy. .g these two I'ar11"menta, more- And yet we bave succeeded in this i'ro- hit is fr m 1800 to 18J1 inclusive, we vhtre In keeping our asylum expenditures ald out for railway old and to retire considerably under those of the State of lee 91,(%19.732 more than we hare New Tork, cd from the aro sales of annuities Dors rot this mind to peeve that we man- age our Institutions with duo regard to to, economy l SUOGEItS1ON OUT! ES. I es ' acrea 1'p to 093,548 four t before the e adml COuutl f east. rento. celved bloc bare timated that we wonld recelrc from The State Commisslon he L•nieY in New State remtuly revises t monthly estimates, which are prepared by This analysis of Itmlf shows at a glance the stewards of the lateens hospitals under what large sums we return each year to the tbe direction of the Superintesdenu, livery people, end how little Is expended for or - precaution 1s taken to keep down etpenses. dinary purposes of gereromeot- 1t will, I am sure, interest hon. members INCREASED GRANTS IN AID. 1f 1 compare or contrast with some detail We bare spent under the heed of educe - one of there New fork State Institutions tion this year 1673,199. Our total *rpseal- wlth on. of our" 14 retards exPe*dttares. tore last year for tale purpose was $To.437. 'The'iYylum St tlgdettetra fp, -New- - ett, <s In 11'f. i rte anent t157'STMt tngptt &rani. we railed the St- Lawrence State Hospital. The the Prot -lace spends about $19 of it geed to Itirer 8f. iawrence, .04 It None, separate* support our sellouts, For boepttala and It from our *5).tflil`it Hlertrlll.--.No two charities we have siren, tad these are cosh institutions could be mon almila[fy clream- eleIDents sent to the Treasurers of the eart- stanrrd. Theft h aceommodatlon for 1,300 I its ustitetlons, this leer $IIIC,t8N• W'c atlents at Ogdensburg and 000 at Brock- I _. b to tbe Boners of Being, 111���lIItbe Counties of Peru ana�matoa, For merit -niter* we spent this year $11/.- 03_. In 1887 we spent $130,567. Vor ad- ministration of justice we spent this year 0=8,642_, while ten years ago we spent ST24,- 4A5. This tllustnte's in wbat ways oar ex- penditures Ineres•e. in emelt caw the addi- tional expenditure carries with It corres- ponding relief to the municipalities. Our total expenditure for all of 1907 will be cooalderably leas than the Souse au- thorized to to speed. W'o spent last year $143.587 len Glen toe Souse voted, and tb. Fame statement 4* true for every year for ten years past, end the amount ■oexpeeded each year is considerable. is not this fact couelurlre proof et oar earnest desire to eeonomlre wheneter pos- e1Lle7 The additional fact that our total expendi- tures hare been cont)eoonsly decreased for severai;.asa.3•x1 ctljjaoi be ererlooked. Oor fetal eapendllore la Ili 4nie0sted to 04,1(.9,130: 16, p4,aN.257; 16 81. 111107.146: 1804. $.1,942,10.5: 1816, $$,111,816: 1996, $3,- 703.379. 1 ran ■unre the loose that on? total ex- penditure for all of 11!07 w111 be reminder - ably less than that of 1106. Some of our eapeadltores are uncentrol- Ieble. They Increase automatically from year to year. OW' gnats for 'duration. for agrlcalture, for mslotaInteg our large asylums with their ever-increasing number of t*m•teS,are lof this character. Other expenditures, on the other hand, are well wither' Ger control, and tt U by eserclslnt caro and centime prudence and economy as to ibis class tett we have been able year by year for seven years In unbroken suet -melon to cit down oar egereSale ezpendltmres. Will hon. gentlemen opposite name a Pro- vince or a State is which s. desirable an end has bten sueresafully accomplished? SAND IELD MACDONALD'S POLICY. Hon. gentlemen opposite hare been for Months past talking eeatinae117 about the policy and economy of the SaodOeld Mac- donald Corernment. Was tt the policy of John Band4old Mae - 4 t.ald to keep adding to the surplus year by year and time form a targe resaxr•e fund to be constantly Increased by yearly er- t•am'ttatlonsl Neither he not soy member of bla Government advocated such a policy for a single moment. No member of Any fovernmeut In any eountry, w far as I know. erer acted en suck a pollee. Let us eoudder bri0Ay what his Anaaclal polley was. Whe* he left otfiee there was la the treasnry, e• I shall show later on, an avail ante rash rondos of less than $1,300,0110. Our financial critics opposite from a 1sn11.4 dfeteat pIitt.lwlt llama recently stated feat It *molested M *4.009,606• Their sole - take or exagtentlos to the extent of $2.- ttOu.000 is ono of 'eyelid striking examples �whieh f eenld readily giro Of the toese as- sertlon.Of the nnreetnteed 1105... of speech they habitually indulge la wben disowning one finan0ea. Rome of them, 1 am eempelled rel.etentty to nay. judgia( from their etaggented speeches only recently delloerel, de not ' seem to eerie tlleb It s*eeteary to respect tori tntelllg•ses of thbtr 1ttN- e.•r.a. ie a new Prertaoe, with 11* ever - Increasing and loud ennead" ter eeeb 11be- ✓ at 514 and 'enemas expeedlter• as 00014 alone fnr*Iih the me000 of helping the pen- p1e to help theni,etres-tbi* svellabie ass e nrpine *1 $1.550.000, inlets f$ Seid*M4 M*edmatd Admintetretle5 acemmnlated from 1t*M to 1871, must soma %eve bete ex- banoted. HD settler apart In lite teat year 0r of0re by aiatate the sum of 81,Ot10.On0 to old rail- ways p141117 Indicated *bat %ds polls/ wmi In able *ay to meta tap tb• vaunt?, *454 de- ye1np Its reentries. and net to beard Op year bf y0t 5 174)0158 s.rplus, R.d4Os. tb.re Is 5 pail& •e4 me*Ifost res - en. *by he did .et at ea earlier date an- nonnr. • p011'; .f large ,1lwn41tnn 0r rat eieldb0tI0s of tee available money en hate for. pshlf nIM. The! reason, Mr. Speaker, beteg, end nude n1,b1y, la so follows& in throe early lean, from INN to 1181. the L.glslatnre gid (hnrerement were loot- ing forward, 50 we ore errs neer. to the en"1 adjustment of the *eeenats between the Proelm'e*. and Ile • 0 044541 .s a ee.q end tee Treaserer n• �` he detailed Mon duties during the year 5175.000. Tork o e the end of Uctobcr we bad received Only flay relates out of tbree or hots -sand tame within the act, 1 will the semlon (loser be able to gilt 'act number of estate* which were nittered during the yes.. In 26 of our es not a senile estate maid duty this abs-t,auste.of,,. Ihtk. Ipcludug 10- pald half of the total num ire. e 1802, when our act wap psa!ed, we received 8744,378, The Goyernmtnt nod is entitles :o much credit for ergs receipt- All economists agree 4M*-4a-es-4ue-.,4,t tt.!- a - Ising revenue no has erer been do- I rills, It fully conforms whit the founds- Tttn rnpltiI espeb'dlture es lands. buitd- eincleits that all taxation should bare Inge and furniablap •t Ogdensburg amonnts to 82.272,411, that at Brockville 04411.121. The rate of ceeq! per b.4 at Ogdensburg f" 51.751, at Rroekvl I5 8170• The per capita cost et matetsaasee at Otdenabnrg last year Well $$11, at aroek- Tlite 5143. The number of medical orbiters at Ogdeele burg is 1 for erer, 127 patients, at Rroek- rllle 1 for erer, 193 patients. The pumber of officers, .ttrsdanta, nurses and employees at Ogdensburg 1s one for every four patheets, at llrockvllh• one for every 51x. At Ogden"bmrg 812 Is psid for eateries of effirints and ,tnploteee for every patient. at Broekrllle $48. 1d supplies at Ogdensburg sr. bought by the steward in the open market : we boy our supplies for the meta part (vis. A4 per cent.) by tender. Their C eoulwtb*ers bellers they ran only make sure 01 getting provisions of the beat quality by buying In the open market. The buildings at Ogdensburg. hating re- gard to the neeommodatton, rest twice as much en those at Rrockeille, the per remi- t* cost of maintenance Is 0f1 per cent. high- er, the number of °facials 50 per cent. target. Tho .nlarfes paid to officials generally at Ogdensburg are nearly denbte those paid at Brockville. The Superintendent of the Ogdensbmrg Asylum. the Assistant Superlutendant, and the Bursar, each of them rorel,. (wire am Inrge a salary as we pay the same officials at llro'kville. These figures speak nes plainly a.4 forci- bly that I need not further comment cm them - tiny i gars enetber cnmpartann 7 1 w111 refer to al* representative asylums Waite In four of the most advanced States of tb. Union. Per remit* cost of patients to s1* Ameri- an asylums in 1900 :-- DNIy Ar'ge Anneal. Weekly. Y0p• (oe:. Cost. latlun. Kelimarnn 11tc'h,,,918092 8,tee 1,171 i'ontlae, 141 41 1175 41 1 e7 1.000 ('ninmhus, OAIn 1114 7(1 '2 448 1,274 Cleveland. Otto , . , 114 (44 2 57 1,1(01 Warren. Penn 107 I% 361 944 Harrisburg, Penn188 412 1 LT 841 Province of Ontario, 12A 28 2 4T 4.254 We received ea Interest th4 year on out , claim rue funds- and urettmentu 3234.041. Ot this y -loot. amount ',414 was remitted to nt3y 451 re ;Med. tion p 11 1:16.672 t10 th0 Dominion Gorernment as the interest 0154 die us or, the fonds It holds In trust for us. intrrP*t car eaplitl held d, bre dor L:: the lromL,fuu w The balance, $22,233. rcprsserts Interest on Ontario ,,,,., ..-,,,r. 212,41441 .se lnlMp ebenuurea mid interest J er..t 041 it►4erttw4.4e ..-..�.___t,:1c41 _-- -_� r. -- --- -- e1NreTtrom fie banks on our depalti. • 82:14.647 51 The plain het, Mr. Speaker, that we have • Crown Lands Department- thus reccired this very year $212,414 from rows lands- 1 444.4044 10 the DominionGovernment. *14 I expect as t re ''row•, t+tudo,-.,-. 14.78501 ideational sum before the yes? closes, missy Innd^ 176 b9 Clergy kande :.619 11 conclusive proof that the Dominion holds In ('nmmou 1.eheol ln11.11. 1/4(11996 trust for tar •teat• capital food of serail Grammer 44-ha,4 l.ywl• _'114 12 millions of do!lam on which It regularly Unlrersily laud" 70110 7 W'eode sad (ptirMe..4•.� : 1.1x.:111 49 pay" us interest. I will take occasion later 1111.11(5 licenses 2,411 24 esu to refer to this question. 111r,wllauruw _,-...... - .. - 711 Itetnml. al "!.8 LICENSE RICCEII'?S. sl:.oi.1Nt 441 NT'. rerelved altogether this year from it ie I.•1e. 093 liquor licenses 8'280,157. It 1■ made 0p as Law w .1.414. --+Lt1:,. 79 fullows: - - tlon hepartmeut -- :Rf.i724 25 -Itsrenue front Revenue from 6Ity muuhdpuUtlea oth-8116.162 12 .t {suds ■1 Toronto 1...1.,4.0110 er than cities 154,1103(10 P fie Iustltutlona reran t:,•-- gahst,r l.nnall. Aerluu. $ '1'.113 let Total $271,167 12 ximien I.uostle Aay: , 7.6260-4 Rerenie from brewers and die - 18.000 ),unser Asr 10,4^1111 tlCere. 1897 I8,/k10 (44) rlt11ta Luuallr A nn, .... '.4410% sinn I.nnat4• A.v,nw 44'[1224 Total rrcennr for 1007in.luAktllls Lnnatl. i11111l .,, All r5 ler brewere' and dl.ttllers' 11 - la Lunette Asritnn ':.511 (9t Rad,ot r Reformatory for los. . . . 1 1.94105 ns w 1280,13, 12 Itrformaiury fnr Itny+ :Clew Th. revenue from Ilquer Wen's.' (not In - Rend Dome ute 'halal eluding brewers sad distillers) show• a net Central I'rlsu0 udustrle. 15.(i*)td1 increase of 82,084 over lost year, the rete - ,4e8 87 I reti* -from the cities baring lncrcnse4 by reseal Release- 03,540 and that from other municipalities Prnrinelal t+e•retery's hrpart• I de•reased by $5e6 men, 8, :13-41"43 The fee for n brewer's license In 112,61. ProrUtelnl Itegtstrar'e Inane!,., I:[nrtr. 11.1).trar-(ienernl's brooch ..,, •':al:n 1 Slnee last sereion the Prlry Council eon - /Ines, et''. "-MOO 'firmed our right to exact a Itemise tee from Insurer)... enmpanles' fees -On• (.r10 art and 18x1 art lean moment... (ees l't*Nic offeers' surplus fee• . 17 tile, cep. 0, awl 1t.P.1 11'e••,4.oeM baster& of OUes. 2.9:01 88 1 ed amongst the municipalities during each Rhnnting anti lisping Wessell. 2,11n 21 I of the last Ars years:- tire-estleen•ell ..-.. ,-., 101 4e 1pte.tss estates moneys ,,,. 0.845 18 1.1eettseTr. Prorinre. liur.lelpalltlee. rat 44.1.4 tlarctte 11.970 76 11.193 821)4.5111 72 92*0.900 71 1'rtrate 1.111,4,04R e') hA94 - 277,31%) 14 242,471 97 5refutes / 1,181 02.1mr, 272.8.61 12 272.101 31 Ground rent, old Agrteultunl • 14.141H8,1(44 T4 ?A7.n72 NI Hill tire4,tK11 M 18''7 .... 271.157 1^_ 270.000 01 Bellied,. 4 41 Incidentals it 77 I The Prorinr. of Quebec retsina all llreuse In«nror.rr mntpanlea' nsaee•- moneys and relnrne no port of them to the meet ro expenditure for In. eurn4.0 brawl, ,200, 9, mnulclpalUlea. It received from this source Removal of patients to asylums 4,:318 24 11.11 year 1003.087. 115104 a8 1 The total number of tnrern, 'atop and if, Pnrre.elnn Mtt10. teem I vehnleslate (net Including brewers' and dis- llraluage works nsse.sntenta4.W9 17 tillers') Ileenses 4 83,A4,,4'n1 7l leaned In 1Fer2 was Pratnaae A'-henettre• 1;( 1140 11 homed In igirt n•a, 4 Deninn a del.•uturea, the ,,,, 4,21[8 I.sued In 05 )41.111-41)41.111-41 14 11 40'.60. n'ns wns Sal• of auuWUe. .. 150,-4'7111 tamed In 1400 was ---- 1113.03(t.138 11'2 1KPE.NDITTRF-. TEN 110NT110, F-NOEP 3187 OCTOBER, 11197. 1 4 4444 M 1 brewer. «nil distillers, 10.148) 05 I The following table shows the amount of Itleense revenue retained by the Provtnee l 5µ td)1 r 10,Ps0 2i for Ile own use and the amount It dtstrlbat- 0 challenged, but when an election sppr from the old and time hoeor c Alelat rur- extratagunce are revived, A tondderable portion of our yearly c' pias reranuo earlier abet I4 414. .Had tat penditure eoaNst of direct grunts, *gayer- not been for such circumstances the Mee - ere, of money •sent to County Treasur Jon'LIQ Oovernmeut would not Dare left 'a cul rel Societies of Srltonl Boards, of AFI• aurllsbte ea!b anaphia f. stn, 0at30t;MRlot cultural Societies and of Hospital Roards• times atI least, forget, and wilfully too. We glee the money Itself directly back to the people, and they spend It In their own too dominating elrcumstaoces of the ease. Immediate localltles In retest of allele 1«al BANDFiELD MACDONALD'S SURPLUS. burdens, In 18944, for insiaeui,• ite gave direct grants In this way to 1141 50100451 of 1 hare •feted, sir, tbat t4I. Macdonald Ad - 11.002,098. for example, 1? we take x11 one mhalatrailo* lett Wee with an araliata ble expenditures of a single year, we will And eash rnaneet et with 0;27.0,000 is 1.as follows. 1i0tathe alit out of every 510) foe maint ce spends 0115 93 of It 11 spent for mrintnlel*R our C1�lsof lnrest 1 the enols Prorince the bad at Its of s3, pibllc institutions. 51896 for purposes of ) .^t or a1. education, $15 12 for_publie work" and s67.9i0. and (2) cash 00 band$172, buildings, $974 for administration tat jus- togeller 1:1,110.964• Owever he ales, $361 for railway aid. 0434 fnr atrlcul. from this total there must, b tures, $4 22 for hospitals and charities, 56 18 deducted four Bente.- alt $1.511'1.4100 set span fin 1871 by statue for railway aid, and which 82r ctrl) government, W 55 for legislation.otber purpose. 92 87 for colonisation roads, 9'-' 48 fur could not be need for any menta made DT charges on Crown tends, C2 06 for repairs Il CI) 9.91,131, composed of pay to public building&, 18 cents for Lntnitrattoa Inc Domianed for Ontario during the term and 54 S9 for tAe man? ♦artnut uacIsalled of ale Marde45ald ♦datlnhatratlon for rarl- Items wbtcb make up what we ca11 mlzcsl- 01* wrier* rendered the I'rorluea of Un- la0eoua expeodllure. tarlo from July 1st, 1817, to December 31st. regard to the ability to pay on tbe part o tile -taxpayer. Under our set emly isrc estates (end we bare bet few of them 1 our young country) are dutiable. But on e state out of etery fifty 1s reached by 1 _-- outs. Dlnct baits Very Marsh pa anything 4 ,I1 terN and- remote be Lear nearly all of the hurtles. No estate Ire In cable than 510.001 pays any duty and any eln•umstances. Neither husl*nd. nal nor child, father, mother nor granelaild, 0rm-104aw nor daughter -Miser is call upon to pay aDytbiug unless the estate e ceotls 9100.000 In [alae. In other States and countries, New Tort Pennsylvania and i:ngland Itself, for e e mpire stmtlar acts have a mach *1d application, ,...a -higher scale of dutits, a reach nrneh smaller estates, livery one our sister 1'rovIDc•r" Las (espied elle tion In this direction. The re -elute nag our act aro cur -[narked by the statute "elf, and most eo to charitable pm -p Oar statute dot's not apply to property K en, steeliest' or bequeathed Pur religlo charitable or educational purpose"- 5.1 crsslon or Inherilanm. ditties to the amou 81:30 of _..894 were received In New T State duties. OufelLs a1 year, viz., 1993. T British ,Geternme,.t ncelt-ed last year million tt dollars from s snug/estate. t e a is 7 a et' fes rte. s rd 1- l- er at 1rg1s4s- 11- ores. (•teal government. _._ $ 211,:.41 20 l,est•latlon ... .,„,. _ 1'•lt,pet Vs loan er111 la all probablllt7 witness • 1(111, A A.1, t',ls. r l t loll rat Mei Ice „.. 1154.442711 eilefe- enter 5 'Atmtnntlon, The net peened P•Auestion 078.1''9 47, last seselon nlx.lishing saloons and allowing Ptthllr institutions' maintenance 6112.M10 fel, Immlxnifon „ 6,767 eel only three tavern Uremia' for the first 1,01)0 Air:relinre 168,0112 171 of the imputation Instead of four as In for- Hne•pltehs one rharlties 102.A04 118 mer lerirr, end Only one license for path,Repi't's and mai,,,,,,,, 117.414 et ! l'nb'Ic N:11(1111101f0.Nli 24 600 thereafter Instead of 400 as formerly. Public - wort• 24.77A 701 0111, 1n roneertlnn with the nnwrttten law (blon(zallon road" 1714.301 e7 i mare,. Crown L4,44 , ..qi... 144.287 M of the surrirnl of Ihs fittest, Ioevlt.bly cote lofurt6" . 48,4L'9 87 tribute lo ties result. Ittatnte■ eownlldetMA Mbcellseeoes 120,1101 141 14,11111 x0The enm of *118,104, representing whit we rail "Clonal "ermine," Is meg* up of 1400400re A.h.wHtr.n 004` more than twenty mleeellseeous ifsm• rat re ill finless• &heeltw.s, the ,.,, b,�lt6(lieNPti. 71* la►ge't of tress Items is (hit 1llailw,y NA renlirst•s 114. tall; of 1121,5k1. which mutes to us from the Pro Annette 45,100 1D' elitist Secretory'. Department, and nearly 83 leo, 212 igi aft et 86fa la mels up of fees received for Our total tee -elves for the ten months of charters of Inenrpontlert. The number of 0t seek he • '1 109 3.270 1,151 3,1:12 3,010 A total decrease In awe leers or 276 11- e0nw5. Thr nnntber leanest In 1074 wag 0,1e5, In I8P4 3,970 tad In 1104 7.151. The nett fire /f�4Yt.U1[ EXPIIN 117URES. We c'1 rn,l'd Airing the fen months for public Institutions ntaintennnle 0E12,090. This Is more than one-fifth of all our ex- peedltnres. We spent for this purp0"r lur- ing all of 14:111 57:61,3. In nor seven large a.ylnms there wire 4.4151 1etlents In real- dence on the 30th day of September Inst. The dally arerng4- population for 1107 wan 4,867. There were 3.1 more female patients thin male. This le nearly tele times as ninny pati- ent* as we had twenty years ago. There were 137 more than we bad during the pre- tlons year. The dally average popelatIon in 1194 wax 4,334; In 1806. 1t was 4,857; In 1808, 4,700, and In 1407, 4,x07. Thr annual twit per patient ILL. year to 512(128, es again"[ $131 3.r, last year. it will be at enee adrllte.1 that this In Itself evInees on the part of thooe 1n charge of thew insti- tutions great rare and watchfulness as re - garde array item of expendltnre. We tnclndr. In common with sevef31 of the United Stales (llaasac1neette. for ex- ample), In our pot capita cost, ordinary rMNra, in atrtttateasylums of liaasarl'rnsetta tin annual per capita coat wap 1176 M. The 1507 to the «ni of °molter amnesia, as hon. gentlemen w114 netts*, le 13,8110,1311. tt rxrre4, nit* 0011,511!, which was of course far the whole ,ear, by 9477.4100. •.in mating my a(atemsnt, however, list February. i expreaaly lnfermed the Pomse Capita cost la Oar 057l'1m5 11 ,_Zi'gal r .0In 1697 1n Ontarin was 4,2754. 1f the some Villi. Brown& rale of maintenance was charged At Ntelaytime litchtgae, it wsa Ij In Ontario lo mna 411 the Aset5 leatltettona to (he accnrAfag to the Inst anneal report, 8175 41, I It world mean to 55 5s lncreesed eatrndl- and at the Mnttaween hospital, New York, Lure of 0161,47664• year. .. 8192 20. Tho Inst reports 1 have at hand familial 1? the event(' rate In Onurlo were sp• arae with some m4,hltlonal eomporlsona,which I4l9'4 in the *Dore Am.rkan asylums It elite 1 knew, Intnr'at the Menne. Tho a07• would mein to them 1 saving of 5242,76420 * year. Otmm, or hn.Pltels, a many prefer to r•at1 The enregoing six American naylame ere them, uhpp01 1 will name are feats and tberOmghly representative- Their Mecum- wellMulpecrl institutions:- .-, stances and eondlttens aro set arsine oafs. Meekly Anthill, ebmpsrteon with' them t1 tber.fore fete Root One[ Per rep. Ira'* en. and rest/enable. The per rajrtta seat of mi,,,,, 1111nnla ......02 70 0144) in mansgeroent le each of them le algin. than Plkn. New 7 ,41 11ia1...... 1 !O 1,18 42 1n any 0t 0511. W^I11ar'l, Now Tork, 14.44 , . 2 PO 141 12 T\ey Bate a larger pApn1*tton than e.etn Hndwnn'*N-c'ft New York. - 1, fry �1ftt I and that feet ab0old tend to diminish their lflddlei0we, New 1'nrk .. • ,t 53 DM fes per raplt* cwt, since the coat of manalte- (II*h. thew York Illet`hamten, New 'fork .. a 50 PM (7t meat should decrease 011h Mennen( tom - fit. f*wrenee. Now l'0rk.... 4 2fi fill gall berg, �0ellhhhll"ator, 5.w YOrk ..,.. 4 744 ak', 44 Prov, Mtarto, 7 asylons.. 2 43 120 2!1 Tho 'Opt 0t 10.l, a very Important [tem We spend more for the maintenance. of In lbs eeet et maintaining asylums. 15 tench oar pnt4le IasUlutlons than we do for aa, tem Ie thea. Mates than it Is In nntarin. other single wrens tis.. nearly, It not in a ereent report at the Cnlnmbne *07100*. for example, this slatemest appear. t-- fn11y, 02.90. Aly; mut of 0rery lido the "We hart a eentvaet for eat this y for their support it means a treat deal at th. temarkebty yew peke of 01 04 per 1171, sue% as education, admtalstratlon of ria trradoeible minimum of demand. me the ttcaaury Is to -day Sniper eve them as erect as It was tbei. I &sal present otrutent myself with Alp • Lem lurrilt Uluatratlone. Igy l AND Dietl UONTlCAITI'iOD. John *Medfield lett officer at the dose of 1971. N,4ber the Central Prison nee the Destitution ,for the Blind at Rrasttbrd were Io exlste•ueo at tbat time, The buildings themselves reset a large •um of mosey. Their malnler►ance None loot year cot 105.2101. The only sestinas for tiro lamina we bad et that Mme were, those at Tureen and Leedom. and )art of that at Klamtesr- We bare since Duet large asylums at Ram - Woe, 0.111&, Mlmke and Broekytlle. The erection of tete tour new asylum* alone cost us C.,346,000. and for torr sealed upkeep wo aP. ootayel1.d to pay 1111114.010. They 1 .010 - They .eoomta.date 4,060 patient*, ami they are all fitted to -day save ami of tea esl8tapa at Brockville. We m.fntalsed sift *6M Si71sw's its 1872, at a yearly cost of 5wla0111. We {feel malntala wren 'Legion's at as snail] seat of 9106,711. la 1171 only 1.500 patients were starve for altogether. We new care tee imeues 0.000. W• isnot not forgot that when we add to our public buildings we aeesagartee and proportionately add to eV pabl1 an. anal mafalenance charges. Under the Macdonald Adstbdatrathem mid • dollar was actually .psora tut ahlthic., the e.istraettom ed ani MI • dB. "l*lrpeas naw Mer 'treys. Mae* 1171 want more them 50.800.03t Ww have sew la the Province 6.842 mess ee completed railway In actual operation, and 1,1177 ogles of It lave received •nbst•*tla8 old from the Provincial Treasury. 4 esa.tsv*tlna _aL Jule 1111PWOMP tailed as expenditure retitle th• beam&. amen of the Province b7 way ed wages, mute tenths, rolling stock. 'tr.. of $50,008.006 e• 010.000.000. a vast expenditure et mese. which 1• a variety of ways sttmalatad trade and otherwise aided in the levsis9- meet of our resources. Our inions opposite is a petulant wan eomplala of our 6ssaclal aem8Mtrttline and Is vague. general, loom terms d•- aou. s it. As a special evidence of ons mlamasstemeet they point to tie railway eertl1eates asd annuities Issued from Unto to time. Berl, sir, de an expenditure of over 114.- 1011.000 ,108.000 given by us 1n std of railways eine* 1871, Let ms rows to clow quitters foe once. Lid any one of oar critics, sad moo of them have hal seats le this House for two er three Parliaments, ever object from his ae&t In this Hoose to a Nagle dollar of It 1 Will m7 boa. friend from Lanark or trots Rest Tork now rise sad name the railway which we sided and to welch we vlould tet have given aid? Has my hos. friend who leads the Opp*. salon a different ralPwa7 ptdleY 40 pro peso y 1f so, the country will be glad to learn of 1t. So for as i know, be has ant to title hour o0 • stogie oce*stQu taken ob' pellets In the Howe to our scheme of rail- way aid, or to any part of It, or to Gee issue of a stogie railway certificate. Tie money we bare 'teen to railways close since 1571 las mon titan font times oval eihaust•4 the mise surplus lett by the Mao- deaaid Ad•slnlatratlus. And yet tb. leader .f t1. Op eettlo' says. OM keeps asylum. that we have .gtlader ed 11e surplus of the previous 0 Melt. Not one dollar et It, as he well knows, was spent for ordinary purposes of goverment. or as part et our current. ordlsary .r ser - mil expenditures. Under the surplus dlet,Mtltw ath.ss1 eters was paid dlreetly to the malitalpal4 ties of the Previa*, tram the ProvimM1 Treasury. stalely Is tate years 1814. 11TSs PM and 1877, more than M,3811.000. sad the mosledpaI4Ues throughout tit• Province b. their ten expended this large sag this directly given te them out of the Previa. clal Treasury on roads and bridges. teem balls sad schoolhouses, and la paying .A their own railway debts. Tills is the Mad of Provincial e*p*lltnre which ear .eines at ern time call sgtanderltg On surplus and at another time di.alpatlag the sarplas, The Maoboadd Adml5 S8$tlsm 1* its last yeti 'pat by the way .f 44484 1041148 Ill4 5831.000. We /peat M 1546. Aailla' tlarltt+ es much, T4s•. SPM,&Oti. Rd dlgtteelefic1• 11 hsittl*g woes wee ably object. would la a single year make s sloe addition to our surplus. la Use carp et a Nagle parlltaa.at we eo.ld is this wag sats• tt this ons be salted s arisg, 41,400.000. Ot fila large east M 4706.000 the Ow. althea last genies objected to em17 413,514 and It hal bets already .bows, Mr. Spaker, Gist the -Items se .bjected te, malting lig this 518,900. aro not only is them'.ives esobjectI00able, but also that the MAW? of our critics la regard t. them M abort. sighted and nnaound. justice, hospitals sad cbertlleo and main- tensece of lunatics at Rockwood Asylum. These items were charged op against Oata- rlo. and not settled for until long after 1.671. (3) 5107,000 doe to the Pros -trice of Quebec from Ontario. as Its share of the collet - tions from sabre et Common Reboot 1a1ds aerie and0$ the years et the Macdoas* Administration. Tilts ataetr� a been pan 1e rani to Quebec aloe* 1171. (4) 590.800, ha' leg the priest of tin Itockwood Asylum, bought from the Doad•Isi Government prior to 1871, bet aot 11814 for astll atter 1877. '1'b•1*t t0 12,484.661, tad dernettag this frog M.- 010,90,4 we bate remal1405 11.120.1183 sr the exaet available cash surplus lett is rho tree- sur7 by the Maedenafd Administration. Our opponents fnrtler say (bat as soon as Jobs !Medfield left office his.us0enore, the Liberals, begets at one* to diminleb the saF plus. T11s Is an.tber reckless asd total/ an warns -tad statement. T8it SCS.PLCS 01' Twit MOIRAT G01- ETtN Ml NT . WhateTM the surplus was. sir. at ale end of 1871, when Sandlrtd Macdonald left office, it 055 greatly added t• la 1872 and 1873, a. bell as la later yeen, b7 the Mowat Government. 'Ile Pr0rlace st aha end of 1471 bad in investments and In cash. 13,810,004, while et the end et 1973 1t had atm 1• fib lareetmena and In cash At me date 1 e2dl0' -*bat we esti tba trnat funds. in them two years. there- fore, ria., 1874 and 1111*, the Ant two years 0t the Mowat 00Vetl•ient. the .sassing Tarp casts su. pilo. outside of that tenet funds. was augmented to tee *moat of 5000.0130. and yet, Mr. Speaker. the leader of the Opposition is reported le Tn. Toron- to Ma11 of Nerrgber 4 last to hale said, when apeaklag at Millbrook, '1 tell yea. and I would be were than a fool 11 I did as without knowtag' 1t t• be true, that dar- las the extste5ce 0t Sir Oliver M.wnt's Government there ester Dat an Distant of time wien the Oorernment bad • sur- plus." ur- plmi,. The tenth 1s, sir, there hes revel been an fastest of time wits* the Motrst Owen - mint bad not a enrolee of millions et deities. (A•pplauoe.) To -day, allowing for every pea sible liability, present and future, isdallad of tease our railway oblIptlea•, we have an available cash enrplas of at treat from two to three millions of &AMare. The aosa- tlo6 of the surpltn, its amount, and of these railway obligatloas. 1 will ammo later on. The estremely rash and random elatetessts of my hos. friends will set otter the facts. This very year, 11e_.Jpesker, we w111 have a large surplus, ow total receipts e1r.edlnt 041? total expiedlt•rea b7 at least 5330,000• The surplus we bare bees 4letessiag for so mail yeses pest 15 ter the most part the creation of the, Mowat 0.ler1m0.t. Is the years 1572 and IIir1. to wtdai I UTE Jost .4104.d, as well as In later :sees, for imamp4e, la 11160, LOU, 1457, 1866, 111811 sad 1686 mid tills very year, 1167, the total re- ceipts Of the Mowat Government sad of tate IiaelY OoTetemwt were tamely is 4x01.s of the total espendltnres. Tie viand .111015 and 5cetmmhitloe* of gage 7x•44 I have just aimed animist to men ties $2,110A,080, e*d la eta et OWN years there were extraordinary expeadltrxw, *t 11•614 every eao approved, emits. of the osppU b111. tad la the aggregate involving a lures outlay of taolm. Oar ep9os?ats tnile0tly seek to .*.teal thetact• trout the people. Our railway add poitey $t*.g*nt.d is 1171 lee ..tatted rp to Mri pretest time se elpsietitare of more thea 101000,006, eat .or 101P s 11x• IvIWtlp ornate.• an outlay at $.1»,em. Tt44. fist mend lass was Molise *mems the a anialpalitlee et "be P,wVlMO elhlaly in the veers 1114 to 1117 Imibaiee. 'Mao two petioles. vie., %11ws, aid end surplus dlstribattere, were deliberately tat•*led to harp the WOO 4t dlmialmla1 oar 1nvest.A torpid' Holds. 'fn. i.rglslatwre peesed,the enactments concerting railway aid and ant. pies dIstiebetl�ep with ^the very r4h)e-t, i repeat, et 81m1*leblai the etrridni belonging to the Pr0d*ea• The Legislature plainly IatNAw1 1441 Our iattpted fond* abnnld he drew* epos from Base to time 10 meet these very *Wirt.. It was after most earefd dillberatloa tbona4t deefrablo Gait the nitrites revenues of the Praline,. should be ntulsed 05 fie to possible In drvelnp!ng 005 rew.m-e5 by miens 0t allwsy prate, and al.n, 0bi4 reilering tnIe1N.A mono. Mp•MtIN, In mmpenSat. 55 fir as prar- tlesfbte the revalelpalltl.m which hod not brer4wM It waa d.illwntely tbnnght nn4eett•1M1e to bonnet mer eerptee r,ottennes, to IAA them 0p, to keep them nepr4Anrilr•, in the light of thew. plain feet", ail the criticisms of on? Opponent" see grnosir entad end mteleadlne. May i not fairly *ak that o.. *44. rsd to Meltnrt pOMtr sndlen(breo 06104441sUt.40.14.1 RH1 .s.. ♦ •s`portawt eneiti*emelt el rami et one `• �.a�tsfMr 0111111 Met nomsda of imides 185, we r atrMa, w '41,4.0 The avenge weekly cost per capita for the malatenanee of lunettes In -thew asy- lums was $3 10. la Ontario asylnme. for 1897, it was 0243. a MCerence per capita of 73 cents weekly. The average dolly popnlallon et (nestles charter$ Issued greatly exceeded that of pinv)on. 70an, t'rom marriage !Menses we received 01,0[10. In 18M the 4aneheld Mae. donate (torernment received from marriage sirens. fere 551,431. Perhaps tht. 1s the only Instance on record of a loss of reroutes that 1 was ronfident that the setoal re-' of whirl everyone appror,e. toilet would exceed the estimate. We have Prem the instrranee Dop*rtm^*t we re - Mosel -ell already dnrlag ten month, of this "'red a tlttl• tsmre than 02{L,MO, The leer a ressiderabl7 larger ram than we tees reeeire4 note, the Ontario Inatrance lave rer.Hfs4 any eon 7.5, 5404-. 1*4.4. 11 4. met 11 teat ssmmew cmonated to $17,854. gratify -hog to taew tint we hive reeetved The enlist& reiti.try fres of Dominion duties the Reil tee mowthe of Dote fear 11r•enr..e and friendly whitlow emon$t* to '1sm,4e7 mom Item we received ter all s< • 813.441. We ree0tved be way of *nail& list year. tstemtr7 o.rttAcste free payable by bnllding T e mole emus of Menem. 1t will 1s ancl.IH.a, 105& r'owtflsNes asd trait roil N<1.sd. Is fn IM rsrNpt from Crows Hands. 1 pantie, awl for rlartrre and applirallos tK 1'le 1".7174'"11741.7410 tti. w%leh 7 mm tiers. 116,x01. Tbte titters of revenue dale* .ow .s5M4.rw4elpt5 tram i Oren the l st esetas of 111r leas committing), the Crews bases Department emnw*te.d 40 $1.106.176, the largest receipt of any rear ANNi IT11t5. Moor UN. 1►s rer0rel from our mals of mnseltlse 11st 7Nr we noo.?e.4 802'1.482. Th. ant- Holm year 815*,942 reeetpt from thyr d.psnmest fee nor ant sale was In s renal bee been $*71,2/4. From of Crete Mils we vee -wed t\ta WOW. *1.408 losses, the we aid to the a Thea year we int Mq t�wu 14nvinee spends neer/ 62_ of it is require year therefore that we aro aMe rnnr)n54yAy to ten." thew that naw maintain them at a ennsiA.r• '� • 10110101111 ■omoar7 wi11 prams of t* - ably I. cost Thee Is requlred for 'welly torelt : enrage Aver• ,Imll*r Iistltntlone elsewhere, .semi weekly Peen- Tint ems*. lathe. net they are et featly h a*rre and Ptt Atn.rkaf a.y11ms-01(1 i4 51 10 4,114.4 retsorousi, penrlded tor, tenth is rcgaMe Six Outside stylise* .. 126 ^.S 2 41 4,231 diet, e4eM61,i and .'.port pretensions! tent - meet, .n ane w111 pretend to dlapnf0, 1. omit preen or eight rat the United In 15011 the ooall of teS4M*tlee le Ontario States ase the Inalrat Insane eared for ems 7 errata per head. *kilo 1* Qnehr' It et too Prate New lima Pta10 1s ea* of was 1t emits, and in the D'minlne 17t4 their. 0114 It 1046,11 5 .pr.IOI 111 on on the rents. ii.ini' prnpertr of the State fnr their sap- C1 V If. GOv11:RKMMR\T. t,-_ sirs, Ties to the .mm,nt of 81,2112144 The snit of Hill IerOnm.nt le Onr"•In ittied to 1009 Int this .per lnl ' I* 141)11 wit 1114 rents per h004 : In Qi. - 0f the Pisses, aw,nnf then leblpa and Mesaachnsett*, t ogre tette sold, assumes halt -et Mk.r hot? 04 'rattle gl'ea a tier 1714 rents. and In tk. hn.0talne !N. rent&, A14 set we )15'• there, heard of 095$4., opposite t Of M* 8 ,3g,691twn a n IIIQB11AS8b GRANTS TO MIIISIOIPALle T11(5. John Pan/field in his last rely most 1170,. 0450 In Milne egtl0ult*to. 14*? year we *merit $192.000. flet Oeverettwat gave tee bowl els and charities In 1871, 140,0110, one see lova Ave Hints N usudh, via . 51aa,noo In 1800. 1s thew three dlreMlOns alone. • .Ano*tins, *grl'bltnre sad hospitals . ad nitrifies, the Macdonald Administer Goo In foot years spent 91,715,828, while M our last feet years, vas., frngt 11413 to 1108, 1001011n, we spent 14,1118,019. By ptnehing them. three 1a0ly impartial rertlrea doves to the narrow 114114e 44x44 M the Mnedoeald Adminletrtlf0s we *0014 have added In the short armee of tear 7..ri to our surplus 1e acenma)atl a Of PAM - 000. in other w6rde w. gave beet to Il* pee. pie In theme three wny■ alone is font plan 52,488,004 more than the miasma* 4 44. minliteatfon gore fee a nkw period. To tab Ment we lightened the burdens of Dat temple Dorn not this prove 4nanlnsirely the niter. 1 might well trey rtdtentons, ale ✓ irility. of eempl$0g the 0xpeedl(uth e1 nit early rests with thew of recent ream atm yet, air, 1t• to di. fact that 15 every .Map*lgll Obese% of hem. gentlttre* .tops. site, wttl8al a sibgie •re•.ptkM, eeaatdst refetertoee Aare bees mrdo to tits male r . espepolliM of the ahOA.sa)4 Ilam, ailh the *Ira of Oerr'Ot yt01 thief'