HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1898-2-4, Page 8x7 Minae, Feb 4, 1898. • TH1S WEEK Ony Bargains in Dress Goods A table of Dress Goods, an assorted lot, Plain and Fancy Designs in Tweeds and Cloths. Any of theta would be good value at 25c,, To be Cleared at 15 Cents,4 Yard. t is Is an excellent opportunity to get • ('heap Home Drees or Child's &boob Dred Don't mass it. Bargains in Ladies' Underwear Ladies' Drawers and Vests, regular 50c., for 35c. •, " " 75o., " bOo, .1 „ " " $1.00 '• 7bc. ALL MUST CLEAR NOW I Bargains in Boys' Underwear All Wool, Scotch make Shirts and Drawers, from 19c, eaoi up. These.arc going at less than wholesale Story thing In Winter wear sus1 go now to make room for our large $prlar lmportasiont. Cash and One Prioe Only ! SMITI BROS. & CO. W. C. T. U. The Templar : If Christ s mission to earth "`were accomplished the licensed liquor tenths would be destroyed. the you dors your duty to 000.pw that end l THE DRUNKARD'S SERMON. As Mars peeled aeskease to • Regent that be roe ler ■te erne with a speech. . From the thew 0 leans 1'ic•yus.. It was growing late. The tide of human try Neat earlier to the eventeg had ebbed and flowed through the streets of the great oily bad swept onward, leaving the strange and almost appalling sense of desolation that gimmes when the noises of the town are Imbed. The electric, light flared unnoticed thsweornen ; the *trees can peeved ab further Intervals ; now and then • night worker hurried by, bis footsteps ringing out loud and clear is the stillness. In front of • saloon whose lights shone out bright and ruddy soros' the pavement stood • tramp, u nshorn, ragged, dirty, disgusting. He watobed with envious eyes the men who passed in and out through the swinging dour', acid then he turned his . yes toward two young 1. -Howe in evening dress who were Doming down the street toward him They bed been drinking deeply, and they stopped before the saloon door acid looked oariously at him. " By Jove," said one, " think of having • thirst like that mad not the price of an ex- ttngatsher in your pocket I Beate old Tan - tale, all to pieces, eh! L•gaor, liquor, everywhere, and not • drop to drink." He ran his hand in his pocket and prof feted the tramp • dime, but before it could be accepted, the other young fellow inter- posed. nterposed. " Say,'' he said, " let's do theood Sam- aritan and set Hobo up to a good drink." The other hilariously consented, and the tramp slouched into the saloon at the heels of the two gilded youths. The barkeeper set before them glues of liquors, and with • heed that shook the tramp poured out • brimming glass and raised is to bis lips. "Stop, ' cried osis of the young men drmakenly ; " make us a speech. It is poor dgmer that done t loosen • man's telegen„ The tramp hastily swallowed down the drink, and as the doh liquor nursed Wealth his blood he straightened himself sad stood before them With • grace red dig• laity that all his rags and dirt could sot eb- es.re. " Oeatlesen," be said, '• I look *eight at you and at myself, and It seems to me 1 look upon the picture of my lost manhood. Tutu bloated fans was once as young and handsome se yours. This shambling figure once walked as proudly as yours, a man to • world of men. I, too, 000e had • home, and friends and position. I had a wife as tieauti• Int as an artist's dream, and I dropped the priceless pearl of her honor and respect in the wino cup, and Cleopatra Irk•, sew it d' lye, and quaffed it down in the brim• draught. I had children as sweet and lovely as the flowers of spring, and 1 saw them fade and die under the hitghting aurae of • drunken father. I had a home where love lit the flame upon the altar and minis. tared before It, sod I peaeme'Che'1neky ere, and darkoen and desolation reigned in Be stead. 1 had aspirations and amb.tioss that soared as high as the moroing star, bnd I broke and bruised their beautiful wing,, and, at last, strangled them that I might be tortured by their cries no more. Today I am • heeh..i miteeoba .wife, s.Iatim -.h- out • ohild, a tramp with no home to call his own, • man in whom every good impulse is dead. All, all swallowed up in the mael- strom of drink." The tramp teased speaking. The glass fell from his nerveless fingers and shivered into a thousand fragments on the door. The swinging doors pushed open and shut to again, and when the little group stout the bar looked up the tramp was gone. THE SIGNAL : GODERICH ONTARIO. ' COUNTY COUNCIL. Ce.el.ded cram Mel semis. rwwsaDAY Inspector Toe's report for West Hares wee read and met to lCduaatloaai Commit - fee ♦pliesMea of Jaw barges for the posit - (N of Anixter, was read arid laid on the table. Seyeeal *sonata were read sad referred be Timone Comsistes. A. L. Gibson, registrar of Harem, waited os the Conseil, and extdalnd the diioulty La keeping the ollioe hooka In proper re- pair. Report of Ednoatioo Committee read. After council bad satin eommittee progress was reported. Messrs. J. C Morrison of McKillop, acd Jao. Burgess of Tureberr y, wore nominated for the posilioe of auditor. Oa the vote being takesMr. Morrison was elected. The Wars. nominated D. Urquhart, of Heneall, as his auditor. Moved by Mr. Patterson seconded ty Mr. Stuart, that the county oomu.iniooer examine Dyer's bridge, between Hallett and Wawanoeh, and have tenders placed befit,* this council at June newton. Seat to Road and Bridge Committee. Moved by Mr. Cook *wooded by Mr. Miller, that the County Cierk.asoertata from the Provincial •adttortttw pralttble ooet of as audit of the amounts of this county for three years, by the Provincial auditor, and lay such informatten before the oounoil at the June seseion. (Carried ) Moved by Robt. McLean mounded by Mr. Snell, that a riling be put at ,soh end of Batmiller bridge, in the township of Colborne. (Carried.) Moved by Mr. Holt seconded by Mr. Hislop, that necessary repairs be made to the Port Albert bridge, under the direotion of the County (Icriceioner. (Carried.) The °outwit *se adjourned to 3 r w. . 3 t• fir. Council rss.med according to :adjourn mint. statement otSea orth Collegiate Insti- tute was read and sent to F:reoative Com- mittee. beyond accounts were sent to Finance Committee. Moved by Dr. Rollins seconded by Mr. inert, that to admit inma:ee to House et Refuge, the card of admin on be oounter- signed by one county oounuillor of the die- trlot,'in addTtibn to the signature of the reeve from the municipality from whish the proposed inmate Domes. Sent to Execu- tive Committee. Moved by Dr. Rollins seconded oy Mr. Smit, that the Warden and Nantes of Re- fuse Committee take steps to have Brind- ' Wv,-•fie inseam of -ties How,- adasitsei the Asylum for idiots or to the county jail. (Carried.) Moved by R. McLean seconded by Mr. Cox, that county property committee •:- amnia, the House of Retuge mos • year same as all other county property. (Lost.) The oounoil then adjourned till 10 A.m., Friday. FRIDAY. Counoil resumed *cordial( to adjourn- ment. M motes selash seating mad sod approv. BOOKS AND PERIODICALS. Tres FrattOAMY CANADIAN.—Tn. Klon- dike seems to be the leading theme in the February " Canadian Magazine." J. Gor- don Smith oontri bone • general article on the region ; there are some gaot•tioatlt'..m' Mr. O,ttivu's forthcoming book; and Thos. S. Scott, one of the engineers who assisted Major Walsh across the mountains, writes humorously of his " Experienoes in the Cbilkoot Paw." Some twenty valuable ll• lustratlons and maple accompany the ar- ticle,. A contribution entitled ' The So - Bailor -General ot Canada " is accompanied by ploturee of Hon. Charles Fitzpatrick, Hee David Mills, E. L Newoombe, Ho.. J. J. Durran, and Sir t,harles Hibbert Tap- per. Robert W Shannon, until recently editor of the Ottawa Citise., writes of " Anglo • Saxon Superiority." Madame Samab Grand, the famous novelist, ooatri- butes a short article, on " The Modern English Girl," and it Is worthy of being reed by every Canadian maiden. Mont- calm, Wolfe, and their great struggle fors the theme of Dr. Bourloet's fourth paper on " Ta. Ushers of the Dominion of Ceara - de." The stories and departments are as Interesting as nsuaL HINTSTHAT ARE WORTH MONEY to close bash Buyers THE GREAT CREAT 3 -STOCK SALE BOUGHT AT A . RATE ON THE $, IS IN PROGRESS. Heavy Bottonade 1St pee 16a pie.;aard >OfIHeavy Blue. and Brown Denim..,..,..,,,.. ....-...—„ Whit. Silk Ties, i yard long, }'yd wide - 160. Mdb Or pe Finished Cretonne, worth 26e. 160. per yatd Mill Lengths White Ootton I Spools Linen Thread 3 pairs Ladies' Hose Black Nand Lustre Oot Blankets Boys' Shirts and Drawers * yards Apron Gingham 10 pieties Double -Fold Tweed Dress Goods 8 yards for 16e for 16c for 160 160. per yard 16c each • 16c each for 160 16e per yard HURON'S GREATEST STORE. R. B. SMITH. f four Dial g ilar Set" Rd><fpesdyr Olt Weak and Impure Wait Kidney and Liver T.orlllrt s. <1L ra.e.sao..tsreases. emir. ere d Report of Road and Bridge Committee was read and adopted. Report ot County Property Committee was read, and clause 3, amended to reed as follow,. That modem be &eked for paint - tag (inert Roses, for plain painting of brass work, tuck painted painting for brick work, painting woodwork outside. The county commissioner to define the clow of load to be used. Tender, to he placed be- fore the council 1n June nett. The following clause was added to the re- port. That all proper oonneotims between the goal and the tows sewers, be made as soon as possible. The work to be done u nder the direetias of the musty oommis• stoner and the Clerk. The report of Executive Committee was read, and atter • few amendments had bosh proposed in oosmlttee, programs was repots- The epor♦The council then adjourned NII 2 r. N. 2. r. w. Council rammed aeoordinr to adjourn - monk The report of Executive was «rata du - cussed in Committee, end alter dame 9 bad bees struck out, adopted. Report of lames Committee was read, sad adopted. Report of Hew of Refuge Committee was read, and adopted. Report of special oemmittee read, dis- o wned In oesmn'Ittes, and adopted la mu* au. Moved by Dr. Rollins, sooeaded by Mr. IdoIpnes,that the clerk be hereby espewsred to distribute pointy property sash at hod. Bugs eto.,ealy ea the asqlortsy of a nes-bsr of the county oemncll, and mrd se the anther= Iy of the reeves sad deputy novas as ba. - before. ( Carried.) Moved by Rol. M°Less, .seasdod by Dr. Rollins that the sew meaty flag be used her osenty peeps.m only, and ret lest to be used for soy .tkor asirosso. ( Carnes.) Moved by Mr. Tomas*. seniles by R. MeLmas that the wards. and slash essrl- Jeea�Ntpml AN. mLoud LrenktinuN ma idp� Mal ignatia shell ha sleeted ler a tern of tee yens. tail a rises te take pleas at nano time coif Mese se eludes § fee esasty teem 51l1ere le Imeeetive esnesitca reseal roped .f Emeettve estsminee road aid adopted. The vest.s by laws two Visa passed eel the eassell adjourned M masts on the het Tuesday `Jame. RKPORTP OF COMMITTlin. alA 'T 'TO 01.1.120311211 SALADA" CEYLON TEA. N T Ali SINK s --*s.. Yeman ase a d 1 fangs wine la the meat, the mewl ,rets" sasetser 1 man awaiting removal *the amend Prles., sad sieves bolos ander am. - ease as Vagrants. WAD AND Woos. The seinesittee roe onssisd that the by- law of the township of Oderloh Woofag red aWowsset be osplrassd. That piping be placed as guards os the bridge, at•Cliatem, Whtgham sad 8sltferd That with referee*, le metas of Meson Patters,. *ad Stuart, re Dyers bridge, that the Commissioner have said Wide* re -bails, if amatory. TIN Axcs coe.rms. The flats..aet•laitlee, after reoomsead- lag the payment of sone 17 amounts eon - eluded as follows : We have reoelved the treasurer's letter and financial statement. We find the statement explicit sad easily understood. W• recommend that the letter and statement be printed as usual in the minutes. From the bank etstemente sub- mitted to es, we find that the treasurer's de- posit, are more than the oath balance. srmCIAL The Special Committee reported recom- mending the council not to memorialize the the Legislature, to amend the High School Act of 1886, or the County Council'. Mao! the Mme year. xucox'nIoo. The Education Committee reported that the School Inspector's reporte had been ex- amined, and recommended that they be printed In the minutes, with the exception of the visits to schools In the acuity. Recommended that the examineuoa cen- tre in the township of Stephen for En- trance and P. S. L examinations be changed from Grand Bend to Crediton, and that rise County Clerk notify the Department of Education of the mange. Tha�l in reference to the communication of tbi" Trustees' Association, asking the ooanoil to send three delegates to their meeting in April, no action be taken. MX st•v'T1YL The EzecintersUlpiammee ccossmsteredad. M That ten dollars granted to the Pris- oners, A d Ai.00i•tion. That each member of the council he sup- plied with • copy of the Municipal World tor 1898. That $300 be greeted to the Agrioultur- al_ped Horticultural societies. ha - twenty" Live diltari bs s rto each Farmer's Institute in toe Crusty, That ten dollars be expanded In planting flowers around Court Homo. ' That fifteen dollars be paid to sash Pub- ic Library. That no grant be made to the Pottltsy As ooution cf the County. That F. Page of Stephen, and J. Ms Emmy ot Howiek, be greeted peddlars' licences free of charge. That the lockup keepers be not pad file sum of ten dollars per year. ` That the tender of T. O. Tipling for groceries for the goal, be accepted. That tender of W. T. Mnrney for meats for the goal, be accepted. That the tender -if D. Cehtelon for bread for the goal, he accepted. That the tender of F. A. Nesta*, of Sas- forth, for county printing be accepted. The work to be done to the satisfaction of the Warden •nd Clerk. That every order of committal to Hone* of Refuge be oonntersiraod by any oms county oonnoillor of the dietriot or munici- pality, from which the inmate sent, redden That $27 00 be paid to the Clinton Col- legiate Institute, the maid sum n. - eK lamas deducted through • transposition of figures That the following moms be granted the Collegiate Institutes : 8.•forth $OMI 83 ; Clairton $2093.06, Dederick 01806 32, and that these sums he paid by the treasurer. That the Wardell and Clerk memorially* the Local Legislature to so amold Munici- pal Lot, that Municipal oounoile be elected for • berm of 2 years. And, that the (leek find out the pries of type writing es•obises, and report at June meeting. WIT HURON IMsraorouATa, Excerpts teen Isspstoe J. E. Tess's re- OooiTy rsovt3Tr O01111lirraa. Ravened Owe its ad i elms s l nd s geedarexamined ms sad reoe amtended, Thai the gooier he allowed Is alter the wimy esr•mpswats of the gees yard. Thebe be held mem v the: dim, eel lwt the ssira, be em ►..rex to employ a mut pslst ma be bled sash Mole as need re - That Tat t e wags of Jades Msmas'sroes palated, sad • WIsbt. dealt preload Mr kMThat a meltable rallig be pissed in Adore Geg:sees. the Waaler" asked hg by the abseil be pompe d sari she wadis el the eller be palmedTIM a sew Galas Jack et good quality N beelbig be andmied. That ell emit reeematetiled la thie be Ms am4 mew the ger vides el the Gemmty Ocmmtwesee. the aemb'...f E 1 dleiehm end the tamed". That the diewwt meas la the scum Mem W he.. em..hnri wad heel dans led well kept, sad that ML hear alb apposele be a very eldest nee fthe e .Aces's awe. M Geabe's typed *Ned tea limbs 1806 Balaban� $11407 11 :ioveraae t erase ... 3786 07 rem Amoinment.... 48830 91 from other sswMes .. 31173 67 Totals $4906 30 Balsam to lin Towbars and Iniad. 1806 Mals teaser. employed ... 58 Feale '• ' 73 Average salary Male $379 •• • Clare. eCeeM*es4s 18896Illesead66 Tithe" $6 1887. $12818 71 4616 041 84 8308 14 60817 17 $11400 $8 76 9380 1611 1897 a " 73 74 4 la fig iambi er deprtlmests, the tomb. esu have Mimed dem 1806. Gerbig 1807 sow salols were built at Daakweed iso, 4 8. 8. tJfir sbe . Se. lb Askddd. sad Na 11 Hap. and fig .l thole w a snail be the fie aasttamat_ wnse 1401. leg 97, 4416, and she 1lestage isr.f aver.R.11ati alone«, 68 3 and 58 7 v.- At the re dememer szasisatlss 967 pa- pa wrote on Ettree.e papers, .f wham 176 p.aM 146 ea P. R. Lof whole 76 ▪ s • or imr rag rum nbes sentsr. lie - Me frees et Mmmesme. reler MARTears," "vitro MIR K lents wide of the wsJ.kttowu bomb mast eja.ur .f Highgate, Oak, " I was eerily heea leteee4 with rsesade palms I. sables, «std at Mmes was almost dfrakl.d. I tsiea every- thimr. as I t►en*t. aid rectors& for years without meek bomb. Them*I bad lest art • Sas* Itheameale Gera Te ay deMMst the lest den pave me mere re - lid lima I have bad 1a yams, .N awe bee• dee here membeely seed so. Tee ma Antis► Mala tee er, w Sell by J. L Dada The Loney of Korea drew Iran the yew e the Oa- Msdslsten, tsW yyefa .the sees $3 lis ~ !des •d x«.186. AAskortmal fled.1L Is Heron dee' last yam from the Oeta%%p Mese ay the fellewhag won a—t.naa b o Grey, Ill Sawbk. LUNN* 6110 s orebe rye i H IDIyretkeNiali�6s� i4� Still. � ~ .,dales seekI (he. On lima e MOS r w Ern les --a .l .testy. Closing -up Sale. The time is nearing when this firm's business must be closed. In order to close the business the stock must be sold at some price. GIVE US A CALL YOU ARE SURE TO GET BARPAINS EVERYTHING MUST GO We have a good assortment of nearly everything yet, carpets in particular ; but they are going fast. COLBORNE BROS.- Per J. H. For 1898 In buying GROCERIES you want the Best and the Freshest, particularly when you can!get them at STURDY BROS. at the same price that poorer goods cost you elsewhere. 1f yon want to .,liuy zi usdn1 present, see 'the nice things we have in CHINA and Glares ST URD Y BROS RUBBIR$&OVERSflOF$ - RIGHT UP- TO .DAT._ In style, quality, fit and popularity are the well known goods of THE CANADIAN RUBBER CO. ;!.OF MONTREAL .. Standard Never Lowered, • LI. DEALERS KEEP TPIHM AT MUNRO'S. STAPLE AND FANCY DRY COODS 1 ALL SEASONABLE. Yarns, hosiery, Gloves, Dress Goods, linen Department,—well assorted. Small -wares Complete. A large stock of Underwear at popular prices. Scarlet, (Trey, Navy, White and Grey Flannels. Inspection kindly solicited. No one will be importuned to purchase A. MUNRO. Drspisve - Sllv�ar Plating PRICE LIST. Spoons per dos 760 Knives " $1.50 Forks " -._ 75c Table Orsett each 76c Pickle " " 50o Nutter KnIfe " 16c Candle Sacks " 42o Sad Irrma " 160 Scissors, per pair 10 and 15c We can Platen anythingpr in or Steel. ICall and -see samples of our work. H MS011 BICI CO. EPPS'S COCOA. BNO ISSN BBE4R F4I T COCOe4 plumse the enrolee illedmsNe twits e D> CLOY OP FLAVOR IIPBRZOaFTY Dl QUALITY 416911114411 VIM& IIVTIUTMI QUALM'S ..�u. antis WHOLESOME.. ..TOOTHSOME — CALL AT — D. Cil NTELON'S sad w his mime display of Fruit Cakes teastihoe beet materialla pill •i ,i Kinn( • Leave yew in the Use of Pastil Puff Paste, Tarte, and Oyster Patties or Puff Rolls Litwarrent wU oras am"'ail lideb •�• Yin.. f�ha.ted t7tlm. b ii i ssi ' r'd m► wi PLANING MILL. MITIMIUM110 Mese &hynas SUB, DOOR and ILLIU'D Deane I. r mm. sf LUMBER. LATH. SHINGLES Aad b.Ys" mmMsw if ..fee dswsdpwa Saul ?Mtn t Bpsielt r,esr.mme or the eiederieb Merged{ew{ meeaetr. J'eb. 3, PIs., and their diseases ; leader, A. M.D. Alba. Feb. 10, Grape colter* sad psalm! t leader, Wet. Waimea. yob. 17, The Vegetable pedes 1 leader, Jas. Wahiawa. Feb. 94, Spraytag and faagiotdes t lead. er, A. Mob. Allan. Marsh 3, tioall traits ; lander, Alex, 8aamdaa, blank 10, Fertiliser t loader. Wm. War. meek. Mark 17, Hew to make a garden pay ; lemeer, 8. Meraleget r. Mark 94, Poultry is easnedies with the *retard and garnets I Wader, C. Wella. Marsh 31, An apple Graham' ler eam t leader, A'. MoD. Alia.. Canadian Pacific Telegraph Patronise Tele m4Com petition. ski pmiYea Pestr/ee with rfmm iA pm thesmat b ash MaOtWM sad la tis•Nst Ne Itthew�po rt et every ponos who believes is ossapctlaio. Tar 'ninth 4- i-" «ins tats Cessp.ng'. mass, smnasstiss with all Mae and cables in III abed "tale.. owes and Surma. Meet through wine to all Matt la the Northwert,Arftish Columbia sad Oses1 Oies-Mouth 81de Wees-et. a aAscu►n rI s[seisgsr leeieelea WB MAKE. Sewer and Culvert Pipes -- its Mas Mem tCemi same �'`.M WRfTat POR P A/p/$e THE OpRIO S1 ER. PIPE CO dpi AD1L*IOs, SI,. _avoRv av stems« ' Seonab Goods Quadruple Plate, manufactured by the Metidan-Britannia Company, of Ham- ilton, whose goods are known the world over for High Grade. Also a fall line of POCKET AND TABLE CUTLERY of best makers. Don't fail to see oar handsome CARVERS IN SETS we have the finest line and best amen - went outside the sines. We kindly ask your inspection of time goods. You will Lad our pelves L DAVISON & CO. TIN UP-1'O•DA.?I RANDWAPE. The IelleinQton Mitts Os, Limited. hive mode arramuamsats with J. BROPHE! & SON, sf weirtsat, to CAMS no ono M their ser, The Wife ma see Furniture at Factory Prises rim OMNI fZr.rrir.rerl entrm % ted► Ir miOsayeavls tache me Mlle CATTLE BROS Plumbers iltosmartters t l HAMIUION-ST aodeeticlep • a