HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1898-2-4, Page 7--410114 410-1,4s=era-aw,:,s.H..,�.
Th. Ila•Ives Are Name Trappers sad
Most of these people are smaller than
their Beko ko and hfabeya neighbors,
but not ell, as the dwarf women, are
soastimnes mnnrrl.d auto these tribes.
They deserve the vague dwarf nacre
from the sindiretty of tttcir habits to
the true dearth further inland. 'rbey
like a whistle. Indian -like life, bunt-
ing They !lyre nets 120 feet long and
a or 4 feet hlg4 • number of which
they Stretch across the bush, and the
Men. wamea rad children drive the
Fame into these beta. They are ex-
perts is trapping, too. They do not
My id *line place long enough to plant.
so they trade their game to their ag-
ricultural oelghi ora for vegetable food.
These Mayo heal men have a cer-
tain kind of arwnership over them,
atimetian.s furnishing them with pow -
/jar and war had seta sod a very M-
ile cloth for their "moss daring the
lice they are w that community
Khali ad nsoceaatul in the hunt they
Mont depend spate tbe wild pleats, nuts.
hooey, which they know so well how
to Bort They often have a feast and
More often a famine.
(Their sheds are Tram 15 to 1i0, feet
klieg, the lest reef t.a.htset thlt vt•tnd
ale one *leis tad being abotat 4114feet
high on the other side. Where. there
are lame trees the rods are made of
the bark at a tree 4 or 5 feet in dia-
meter. wbiele often toes mot have
time to oraok and leak before the
twee. wilt to move. Uoler thees
geed• are the pole bode, supported by
larked sticks 4 or 5 incases trona the
Mbar* is • space lett for a
t• bet vase every two beds. If they
•ave •Ay bones or small tin tsulhks
they keep them
}.here la mothie g to "he seen unlet they
have a pct or bowl. or tamest, Utast or
fan or a native ax; anu no one man
is rich enough to pewees all of these.
'Ley out more all their poaessiona on
Waste. notice; may be living
htir. -il[,mtz miles away.to�.
mrrow. 1 res moves not eq nae
Gre with them.
For amesem.st a man goes through
yield/at Lome of exorable. trying to move
as many jad the mosoles d kis body
at one-time as pose bla the spectators
.lspphg tM.ir bends and calling, beat-
ing on Woo and their drums during
Vibe gerttratnmee.. They seem to tie -
D PW la Cess s&preae being. who is good
kited. but WI coarse, hews no de-
kaowlsd.e of blew nay Leer the
apdrits at the departed, ase are sale
tb more et coos from a pica wines
one 01 their wentber diad. They Lear
sod try to appease many evil spirit&
one of which takes a dreadful ford for
b a psnielenest. ;An.00g the Mab.yse
seer lore I know of fret one blind AMC
yet it is the rola* to rind me. Wind
man is a community of from fifteen
o fifty *warts, and .omstimes as nosy
as three blind onus made blind some
.t.ght May the agent d this evil spirit
es • ptsnishmne t fer some offense.
Wes MeeCleen. a lady d Glasgow.
has green the funds for the work for
.bean pawls. It is the purpose to so-
ablieh a statim about ninety mike
tram the beach. dons regrbr station
work with the YMsbeyseepeaking lino -
pie teere sad at the same time doing
everything poesibie for the speedy ev-
segethe tint• at Meese weedier; peo-
Iiat the workers ass needed. men
• b good essetitatisss and a real
Isle fpr itinerating bash travel. If a
w hes a love for Tants and tweets
sad blade, en much the better. The.e
people tnig•bt he able to show him a
medial property of mune of the plants
;bey know that would be helpful to
en. The power to shoot a parrot out
tel a high tree with a ITLoc ester might
sot to be lightly overlooked in a coun-
try where everything is eaten, from
snake to s monkey.
Some interesting details oose.r'aiag
the lives of some dozen sanest Freaeh
widows have coma he light. It appears
that Mme. liaeMabonc the widow of
the Marshal and President of that
gems, declined to accept • state pea -
dos wham offered to her. She le,
however, w'eli provided tor, and dut-
ies the winter is to he fonad'1s heir
mammos, Mtsted in the Au• detBalle-
whagaa; bide during the aammar smooths
t he retires tel her chateau in the Lat-
est. The royalist circler in which .he
moves are of a very select and noise -
Ire anis. Mme. Cermet lives as es-
tr'.staly I retired life, hat still re -
selves Mir visite of Princes and other
distlapi.bed people why/ cm to ma -
foie with bar. In her hoses she bee
✓ Ilttts.eltap.t, whieb she boa arrSsg*
d hetuslf, slid filled with souvenirs
of bar late hsah&ad. She ab O, like
W. MaoNiban, ban declined • state
maiden.. The widow of the Grand
Friends, BE De Lawyer spade the
greater part of the veers La Chas-
ing*, where hag bmbsa4 died. She
ireceivee •peadion of twenty-four
thousand dollen • year true the este.
Casal C . M- PaNMmr's widow
has t+bg lar reMdsaes at the W -
her builb•ed'a name,
a▪ nd la is pt d • perineal of five
el reused dollars • year. O.41 d tie
mons active et these ladies is the wife
.t the historian Michelet, wbo lives
quite aloes and weenies ber time in
bringing oat orlr .4fticela d berlat•
towhead's weeks, said editing the man-
'ucripta he left behind, including hie
memoir. *e. Alassadre Dame•,
Coo, ix isi but in a dif-
f&reut way, �' E9srland"s mass -
wept., for her loci le to prevent
env of the arpsreaa works or frag-
lmenta of weak* loft behind from ha-
les published. The *11* of the illus.
trtovs comyoa•r art v • 1 me
loused, gore a
this, and ireful to thine
allow ,the per-
ornlance of bum of Ueenod'. meter
'+emltetitioes, cee the grand that the
1* .*tepee of the deceao8e musician
nicht -soffit fruit.' the eritlet.laapeas-
+d upon them
Rich in Love.
"I nay, Tom," said on• of • group
of young men who bad been consulting
with much chuckling and laughter as
they stood In a circle In the basement
of a large wholesale house, "have you
heard the newer'
"No," wild Toni, "I have beard 00
news- What le its"
\Vhy, Julia Elms is engaged to be
Tom started visibly, in spits of a
certain sturdy fixity that belonged to
him, and his associates exchanged sun-
dry sly winks.
..Yes," said oas young fellow insinu-
ating ly, "rhe is engaged, and I
call it good news Julia Esme 1s a nice
girl. Don't you think it good news,
"\\'.11, I should says not," said Tom,
stoutly, and walked away.
That was • little too much for them,
with all their knowledge of Tom's pe-
culiar way. They looked an each eth-
er bleakly, for a little while, and not
quite as comfortably as a few min-
utes before. One of Lb.= expressed Ids
mind in a long, bow whistle, and an-
other Bald:
"Well. I thought be would weak*.
at that, anyway."
He recalled the fact that It was in
aaaociation with the same girl that
Tom had perpetrated nae of his out-
spoken eccentricities during his stay at
• resort on a small lake the previous
summer, and the story bad leaked out
In some way. Tom had declined all in-
vitations and suggestions to join is
the excursions, picnics and inch like
gayeties of the other guests at the
betel, sad one evening Bliss Elms •ek-
ed him why be so secluded himself:
"Because I - have no money." said
Tom, latently.
The young girl flushed painfully.
"Ob, don't be troubled," said Tom,
kindly; "you have done no harm with
your question. It does look a little
odd -.Khat .i- keep-ae-+(wap-tresk-e eesy--
thtpg. Bat, yea sip, I hove just
samilrh motley to Pay say vacation of
awe weeks hare, sad get back to tee
city. Bo 1 ear have so mania"
i think, Yr. Marvin -twat i& per-
haps—" began Miss Elm. slow.y.
No," Tam interrupted, "no one can
give ins naythleg or laud me anything.
Bat I would like to spend as boar le
e raw op the lake. Miss Elms, 11 you
will go with see."
Uncertain whether she were more
amused or toacb.d, the girl accepted
the int station. and ,had aoaaita 4 to/
member that little exeurelon hapi'llyr
tor Tom talk could tawell, tad stile had a
qulek imagination, and the moonlight
stillness was a good habitation for
both thoughts and fancies- And Teem,
who had o(tee looked an her with ro-
omette( interest, began to love her
from that hour. ilechgarailler axe•ed-
Iagly truthful and Muhl. g}y ye.,
and amapstotth which, though not per-
Ui1 onl,i 1Ntelrea aotiAnd o
Mve, a
pretty about the girl, bat she had a
pervading charm which made one think
of Emerson's saying, "There is no
beautifier of oompietcios or form or be-
havior like the wish to scatter joy
and not pain about use"
Tom betook himself straightway
from the diseoneerted jokers to Miss
lileme'. abode, and no sooner was he
seated In the girl's presence than he be-
gan, without protan..
Mia Elms, I have been( told that
you aengaged to bel married, and
re Wive come to ask yon whether it is
The girl's start and flush disturb-
ed Tem not at all. He was simply in -
teat on the facts in exactly the same
asters' way that the atmosphere Is ac-
ewindospted when flowing in at an open
After i long pause, to abate
wbkh Tom proffered no help, Mia
Elm. said:
Yds are asking a strange question
and very abruptly. Mr. Mania"
Yes,' said Tees.
"It seems to me a matter of my
own private life." -
"Yee," said Tam again.
"Well," said the girt at last, some-
what so/uwd, I deal know why 1
should not answer you it I please; but
I thlah 1 ought to knows your motive
is asking before I trust you with
the information."
Tom paled s little at tbs word "In -
.f oration," but said again, dimply,
"Well," the girl, said. wonderingly,
after another long paute4 "what is
your motivesWhat has bailie veil Why
do yen wish to knower
"Rooms. I myself want you," said
Fearfully blunt, very inelegant But
Tom, you know, was not a diplomat,
and at that moment every feeling god
poios in him went its natural way and
took the shortest oaarse without re-
flection or sense of proportion.
Atter a little, the surprised and
moved girl said softly, hat with not
quite a steady voice
"Then, why have you not told ms he.
Bessuse 1 am Feor."
"I am not rteh, ' the girl replied,
with a look of admiration.
Then there was a Mhlaos In which
Tem was as oh.tiaatt as before, WI*
was vale and fits arpraiiiim wholly
aneramisr. 't'bsa, the girl, wild
hail se cite}iDeity sad directness of
her own, no unworthy of Tom's gild
Well, i will *saws year inquire
banestlyr. I am not engaged; bat I
think T shall lie."
"And Tom, a suede paler than before
withdrew withal* a word.
moor iso bed pert&, So girt turfed a
dewsshe at her wisdeeld4 whir +
the hl
e der, eamia*l • view of etas
i tree t bad Osmole vary rove
psaaamin.• herself. which
touaMs to syr. Than is t:latsed
b Ye
settlement fin a week, wit Itltvpe ie
et daillorstsl[ tarring rad fisterhgl
aliad to attar matters, ler +i
knew that the eye mute, not *tare too
lour at any object whleb It would sae
Thea she wrote to Tom as follow=
"My faked, I told yore I was mot
rich, which was true. Bob even then
I was beginning to grow riots. 1 have
made same program, but can go no
further without your aid-"
Tom's humility was not sure of the
ine•nlag or this deer epistle, but be
lost no time In finding out, and when
he did so he was happy.
I am trying to educate my *ore-
sata up to a higher standard of osis'
tun and appreciative." remarked a
housekeeper to a visiting friend.
"I wouldn't," was the re;:ly of the
visitor, who had hal experience of her
own in that lite. " 1'd just maks them
comfortable and give them good wages.
How are you succeeding po far t"
"Splendidly. You would be surpris-
ed to know how really and truly refin-
ed in their tastes are those girls who
work in kitchens. You have seen my
second girl, ids. and know how pretty
and gentle she is. 1 am persuading her
to take mandolin lessons, and atter-t
a class in meats' culture. Then my
0004 ,read to be so slangy, but now she
speaks the purest English."
Aren't you afraid they will be look-
ing for a different occupation whew
they are educated up to your stand-
ard[" asked the friend.
"Oh, no. I have taught them to ele-
vate their work, and make drudgery
divine. I wish you coma near the im-
provement in their cont ereation.
She was interrupted by aye it from
the basement It was the voice of the
" Hallo. you Ida 1 Bev you Clew the
0005, t"
��' New, no etch good luck. What's
•ilin' yer t"
" Has the freak gone mar-
atr•" Yep. What's up f"
" The bread is e.g."
" What ails itr'
" It looks as if it bad wbiskai • on it."
" You've knocked it nilly wid colts -
h -h. Bounce it in de alley wen de cop
is out of sight."
T.W. misuse* of *be !lose. made
gesture of despair.
Think of being called a ' freak' af-
ter all I have done for them," she said,
and her friend, who is a wise woman.
forbore to ay, " I told you so l"
reprise sleeves- ate i:ia`gGaVir than
they appear in L -'aria, and s good m.-
jority of evening gowns have the me-
rnwt exglMs fdt 4 strap, so -
~dine be a kit Alden. When
flowers are need for the trimming of
the gown it is a pretty fashion to use
Client ,fer a *mooing tpp�t tido. wool and
tamoog otber odd devices that we see
mea geotag gowns are waistbands. both
of tar and flowers. Rather a bizarre
appearance is given to asuwn of white
satin by a flock. ot.lace ,buttertlya3
various aisrs, irregularly arttangdd uta
the frost and -sia4 of ',t1►skiet The
butterflies are of. black lace and col-
ored stones are cunningly interwoven
is* the kind. Instead of bring en-
tirely appliqued teethe gown some of
the wings are etift.ned so as to stand
away freele the otitis. The corsage is
d thea. *Utb Wjlfi(�tt4�$$►iib, held ; more
of butterhlds, and the sleeves
are of pheasant green velvet, this
shade appearies in the embroidery on
the butterfly wings. Colored sleeves
whether of velvet or tulle are among
the novelties of the season and are en-
thusiastically accepted.
A Pedlar Sent to Prison for Repre-
senting an Imitation Pill to be the
Same as 1» Williams' Pink Pills
- A Far-Reaebing•BesLion.
Montreal. Jan. 24, 1888--A case of
more then ordinary interest to the
public eases before Judge Lafontaine
bare to -day, the facts being as follow;
For sopa time pistons H. E. Misner
has been, gong about pedan` a pili
which be atmbeing the sere
as Dr. Win ante' Ptak Pills. The Dr,
Williams Medi:10eCo, placed the mist-
ier is the hands d Detective Haynes.„
of the Canadian secret service, who
Sono had collected sufficient •wl-
dsen* towarramt thearrest d Mig .r
on a charge of obtaining nosey
trader false pretences., Mwtilee
Minter had heft Mo*trea), going to8t.
John. N.B., On his arrival in that city
he was at oleos placed under arrest
and ea official sent to brie him back
hark 13e was brought before Judge
Latoataise this -morning on two
charges, and pleaded guilty to both.
It was potato& out that Ids offence
was &grave one and left him liable to
a length, term of imprisonment.
The whistle' for the Dr. Williams'
Medicine Co stated that his clients did
set wish to press for severe punish-
ment at this time; they only w label to
eatable* the fact that representing an
initatiea11 to be the Mame Dr.
Williams' link m Pills was a crime which
left the perpetrator liable to a lengthy
t. On one charge the
than imposed a sentence of ten
with the option of a floe of ten
lin, and u the other case •sea-
tenee of two day is jail without the
option of a fine.
This decision is likely to have a far-
reaching .Reset, aa It .*sio to establish
the principle tkat substltuter, sod
those who sell imitations representing
them to be " the same se" Dr. Wil-
liams' Pink Pills, are liable loader the
erimislal eerie.. which is in form all
over the Dpminios, sad it *111 no 1
doubt, to a moseithereble extent, put an
lis; die this s.f•rioea business, as It 1*
t from the bet that the Dr.1
Willie:be lii.dieis. Co. went to the
expense of bringing this man bask
from so great s dietaries es At. Jehd
that the Intend .paring no exposes to
toot both the ynbtie and themeslees
to seO& ewe. •
A t rt&s sad rash Started os their
wadding total from Leming.K.
h , ea
tba wayto Chimer. At Jesters •the
*room batik** train to boy a paper.
and on Ids cetera gotoq.t41 wrote
trate. Eh was w'*ttl► Man
eir to Li -
M. mke
she was lieaRagcMiwritd Oto
before the ap% were Mersa *lapsed boars d
Troubled Sleep.
Nightmares and Dreams Filled the
Nights With Terror.
Dienvll1, Qus., Man Tolls Some-
thing of His Experisnos.
" It le with much pleasure that I tes-
tify to the value of the medicine which
bas caused a remarkable change in my
condition.I was troubled with sleep-
leeploneness and beads:slum at night. I
could not deep naturally. 1 had hor-
rible mightmeres and dreams. My sleep-
ing hours were to me times of terror.
I decided to take Hood's Sarsaparilla.
The use of this marvelow. preparation
soon produced the very beet results.
My health is improved is every respect.
I am stronger and sleep better. I am
plowed to recommend 13ood's Sarsap-
arilla to all sick people as it is the best
medicine in the world."
Max. Sumacs, Danville, Que.
Hood's Sarsa-
I. Canada's Gs loin*. 804Dreg-
gisea Prises •1; .1z for SI. Oes sell 'w
flood's PillsVicedei; ; 4,ke
The poet raves of. the l.satiful
That crown; his fair Wu bead,
Aod calla the man •'prosy old
Who ignores its splendors in-
Yes, the poet of it makes a fad,
Its glories in verse he will group,
But like other mortals he's mad
1f a strand of it gets In the soup.
Shattered Nerves.
b Atsaeks re.p*, et tieshpaexr. rat All
Agee - A Complete nreak*.wa r.11.ws
alai,.• rr+mgls aeearree Fee Itellef•Are
From the Nerwmarket Era.
Probably the most prevedept trouble
♦ en -eta es-sereeka
• ration• How frequently we bear
• is terms:lead yet how few appear to
realize its full Sadly import. Nervous
piwtratipm is to be found among peo-
ple °tall walks in life, and among
ohildree as well as adults. Among
bang people it is often 4,4s result of
our high pressure systems of education.
Among those of more mature years it
may be doe tc the cases of business, or
to overwork, or worries in the home.
But whatever the cause the inevitable
result is a breaking down both men -
=ally and physically unison prompt
res are taken to stay the ra-
isin* of the dteeate and restore
the shattered nerve forces to their
normal condition. (:ne such suffer-
er who has regained health gives
her experience for the benefit of those•
leas fortunate. Mies Kdith Draper,
who rendes with her parents et Bah
been. Ont, u a young lady who is
very popular among her circle of ac-
quaintances, and they all rejoice ab
her restoration .to lhealth. To a re-
porter wbo cal ed upon her she gems
the fdiowing particulars concerning
her illness and cure. "You know:"
said the young lady, "lave ill I was
last winter when my friends feared
that I was going.i*10 a decline. In the
early part at the winter both) father
end toolbar were attacked with la
grippe, and I bad to look after them
as well an attend Ito the household
work. The strain was more Wan I
could stand. and the result was 1 fell
iii. Tbe doctor who wee called in
said my trouble was nervous
prostration and that it would take con-
sirierable time fat me to roomer.
Under hie are I was after a abort
while elate to leave my room and (4o
about the house. but my nerves Std
not seem to regain their strength.
My limbs would twitch as though I
had 8t. Vitus' dance, I was subject to
headache& had a very poor appetite
and wan so weak that 1 could scarcely
"mahout. i bed been tadvieed to try
Pink Pills and one day spoke to the
doctor *bout them and he said be re-
lieved thy would do me good• I got
three boxes and by the time I 11.d
used them i felt they were helping
as and I got a further supply. By 1
the time 1 had taken six boxes I was
felling stronger and better than I had
for years. All the twitching in my
limbs had dlagppesred and my nerves
seemed as strong as ever they bad
beam. I .till took the pills for a
litttewbile longer t.make certala_that
the cure was complete, and Once the
day I di/mellowed them I have not
telt the allghteat return of the trouble.
I telt that mypreeeot exeeltent heatih
is due toDr.tlilersn' Pink Pitka. and
Ism glad to be able to recommend
Mem to asp ossa whore nerves .re in
a Mattered ronditk,a
Dr. Williams' Pink Pills are a tock
restieine. By their ,ass the blond is
redwood. sod the serves made strong
scald vie.rr ovie. and in tits way "threat.
fatten, from the system. Assenting
medicine Dr. Williams' PinkPIIte are
oos.rpsaaed. if feeling languid or
ont•etesorta" *box ii two w111 restore
you to viperous activity. Ask for Dr.
Williams' Ptak Pill. Lor Pala People
and take nothing else.
What M a meteor, mamas t
Well, it's jolt roe d your father's
assume for staying oat late at night.
OW Wm Peeled
la the diso,rrery el so wonderful • raaa-
edF as Nervitime-•dery-vela ears No
is the autekat afford. nub
rad for toeth•eba nemralg.a,
and tike. Its aethen la cramps.
•elfin, he.. is simply marvelous. : 'too
SATISFACTION 1! A 'RAO"f'10)t „ ov A maw WPM
&nes• of Its DillEleultiles .f Tras.perts-
London, Feb. 1.-A few figures will
enable civilians to form some sort of
an idea of the diffloultles of the trans -
poet problem which Sir William Lock-
hart had to salve In hie recent cam-
paign into the phenomenally mountain
ous and dtfficult country of tbe
Atrldia Whoa the Tire's ezpedi4iaeary
force was formed the Indian transport
organljatlon had to supply about 15,000
causeless 12,500 mules, and over 4,000
bullocks for the forces then In the field
or with the northwest frontier garris-
ons The ordinary transportwhich k
kept up in time of peace in India is
about 5,500 camels, nearly 19,000 mules.
about 7,000 bullocks, 8,000 transport
carts, 8,000 aushalaase heears, etc ,
3,00 litters and atretchen, and about
1$,800 ambulance heavy and light carts.
Practically there were available In
India proper, at the commencement of
the frontier campaigns, about 15,000
melees 4,000 camels, and between 8,000
and 7,000 bullocks.
For the Titch expeditionary force
it was at tint estimated that 16,000
camels, 45,000 mules, snd 12,000' bu l locks
would be required; but it was very
noon seen that even this huge trans-
port world have to be increased, and
a abort time ago it had reached • total
of about 74,000, of which no fewer than
45,000 are mules or animals carrying
1ee pounds. This 1s probabty the largest
amount of transport wbioh has ever
been put into tbe field In India. The
military force which ball to le moved
over a single rough mountain path
consisted of two divisions, numbering
shout 9,500 men each, while the troops
detailed for the line of communication
numbered between 5,000 and 8,000, ao
that the total throe was nearly 25,000
strong, and this does not include the
large number o[ non-combatants, aucb
as transport drivers, ambulance bear-
ers, laacars, etc., who are classed as
"followers." The trains of transport
and packenimals had to proceed in
single file over a mountain path, and
It has been calculated that, even allow -
Ing for gaps and blocks on the road,
they asset have extended over forty
or fifty miles
g- --'-'p Coiden Neritag.
Dom not cone et in mines alone. Put-
nam's PaioleM Corn Extractor is a
-ham- -items siei ,44-46 -**sial•-4!e
trouble and acts quickly and painleaaly.
Beware of sirtitates
tWhen I was in the country last
summer, remarked Hunker, I discover-
ed that a cow is always milked on one
And I know whirhl aline shat is, re-
plied Higgins, who guy Mawr lie W
country in his life - - —
'Whioh f
1 The outaiale.
lot rack the -eat of the dl-eses. Cate,
with LOCAL APPLICATIONS. a. Ito, mit
1e a blood or onustftutlonal disease. slid to
order to cure it you most take Inwood
remedies. Hall's Catarrh Cr.ois telt-
sets !reedy os
Yin bleed and meson. surtatw, Halr. Catarrh
Our Is nota quaek medicine. It was pre*.
eriMd by ane of the beat physicians in Otte
oou.try for 1 oars, and is a regular pra•c+lp•
flan It 1. composed of tbe besttenlce known.
combined with the butt blood purifiers,
sottsg directly on tbemuseum fathers. The
rreset ooumbelittlers of 'hu two Ingredt. ats le
bat protheses ouch wonder Mil resulte le oar
lug catarrh,Nand for lestimnntal., free
T. Jy-yCHENEY t 130., Prins, Toledo. 0,
Sold I Half' Famlu fP10. pries
the be.,
Tom--8oou did not
1 Propose to that
dear girl last night, as you intended
to. Ah. myfriend, I am afraid you
were not tred by the divine spark of
Dick -I was fired by her father.
4,000 People
411 Neuralgia,
Lama Ba..k,
(, Gout,
Salt Rheum, t
Skin EruptionsR,
Long Standh ig Sorts
Kootenay Cure
Bright's Disease,
Kidney Cons -
plaints, All
.II ir
'/ Troubles,
dty tits•, M.00
TH.s 7�r drab
gttt.Or MM
the &1,lychees
Berl. G•, Uiltsd,
.anise. ORE
Boott of a M0
es i1*1 bee b any a/.lns
•a..,' . •
Tea 101 a wti Cs1g.et eat•westerrwar gree,,
MM Nest eta
Five happy couples were joined la
marriage one daylast week by • d
gyan in Clevend. The clergymen
ootioed that to each ease the busbead
was tall and the wife abort Is stature.
By inquiring be learned that the com-
bined height of tbe bridegrooms was
thin feet, three Inches, and that of
the brides, twenty -font feet, six
inchllss - r.
neer Md to a n, Tee, sad Ortel 51.1*r,.
Sheet -Hetet Ceilings. Terra tette Tlle, fted,
INaok and Green Roodag Mates Metal Cot.
e los. felt, Tars Rooang Pitch, EW. Gutters,
bowop peas NA., supplied the trade.
Tenpins, main Adelaide & Widmer its.
Apples, Poultry, Eggs,
The Beason Commission Co.,''.'o.
Omer daet.nun red *Hese se. - MEM.
SPNOIA-e, e. A. (graduate of Dublin
▪ university. Ireland). Specialist Chronic
y���jf1aae1 Irmo, Mood, Cuuaituuoaal All.•.ta,
N. tarp. lepers a uad.uu. ter bummed
MBs, ligne dl Hales
1t.tr.1 Ler. e4o„remov.1
to w eslety Bldg., Web
moud St W.. Toronto.
Toronto Cutting School.
MOUND Misr, Lsaro to ( ut tau better wadi
T or profesatoa. Write for particular.,
111 Yams St, Toronto.
1111111) . 1P11111ftJ ♦(.s'tt 1\l.
r t IONft• I %(..(1,
to 41111 \Il'I 1' N IOI1t►.11l
Most widely Attead.d Iu America Ter
Illuetreted Catalogue detb years. ADItetnell-
SZ LLZPII.Ls • • • 0712.
- 1F So, Wlu•rt -
We Cs HARRIU.raw,.
se Use beet in the wend, $$ mate es mese
omen W fiteasrs keep 11.
DM 000DZ'$
?MUSS 11111110131, PILLS
A Speoifio for Female OompIaiatti
w s era. 4...1. 5. 7 I* *s •rn.11* e.1w i
,MluaI a54 aMlea'���rr,,1•�eee•.aaef.a 'seer
,.�. rade arias ran M la.p ase «ear aoDIM
wA :n �i.rf.W�tt .'�il�. sad ,�wjwr
fa.lnes oM"..credeaNV, SUW•t. M
Terme a MMeae.as 0►, teases, Yeeenea
Klondike Supplies...
81-siTmo Item. Wolin m" Newtons
Nei. *newnessnew.der eoo.ug
Fi.ars.TACsts, Kw. seed Klondlka
The Wightman Sportin
o0. et, Om Panic. NON ?al AL. QUM
mdrestustrk MLA • ear soletrws
Table; Am.rl....•rs.me
roe , BeW as feed
Ian.&Newel liti rt �tir a.IZ'�
a..d , seaweed
. -sear r . & Atomises .. Wools, tail
meld we'Jest • ease oust sees a.F
Sumac jtl•M: stem•este cls
.sty Y; •.• air. said 0 ,t=
`� • WIZ p5y Y eM
w,.1.4 gide: s cur w. 111.r C
Sw.mdrs s O. o D it $i b aW .adel�
inel Aria irrn w•a 1. mW
•.e •11t•mama �i willaM reamed Y run me
iYO.a.a�m..a Bee sok op.PPMY Yaw t..
t/�Illal.31., — • At- ROBro,atbdeeis Ceram.
tIEL 1 a •'.� •�e•...
"Wil, WAIT Y O U gum" The Best CANADIAN OIL
A I*seen•.srlvlstryOVOD the a sentlu N
ION. OW give the addr .es of r•areseetadvs
who Meisel. cleared $1U to rl D A T8, M vas
a"lia"rilin."T;lcaolw s't TORONTO. ONT.
O *I.ansad tela IbreeM
lFoyal 0i1 Ca
Over 300 are balms li iq ilarpll*oqe
Over 1000 In Torompto amd Lomdo..
ernoves Dandruff in One Week.
Cures Itching of the Scalp.
Prevents Breaking of Hair.
Stops Falling Out.
$1.00 per Softie frost Druggists, or so
- receipt of price N
Job Cook Mfg Co., London, Ont.
TIRES TO TIE T'Tne PINT is sone en g,wd-
oar CATALOGUE. mplaIas why the
Goodrich. Res -Hex single tube
wee 1se nptlathe as irel on for macer, TiN (tholes/ el all warmermown Ilk
lit being more Neer .psedemid drreele, and "wool pet out of N IND.'
Seed your address for "T catalogue, Dines quoted.
ANImoAN T1Ri 00., unites, tea and /N (Ong et. M., Terest .
Sy • Fr:Mtsil •td.g Esplaesl•
C AlNIN� � b� • is try�ee
Brie, finer ~ get l O. Z ass,
�e1r' t aOsaa� ane
ualM as, erj� Ii.�/ 1me Selling in WI woo ""' • i -, nee ere
ties for
h• • d
CO., Limited, 73 Adelaide Si, W. Tolouti