HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1898-2-4, Page 4FRIDAY, Feb. 4. 1e9 • IJ1PeCI Sna Pukisitors! 5,000 Copies New and Up -to -Date MUSIC WORTH 40, 50 ANO 60 CENTS, -Tc,ru.AT- IOc. a Copy CaII or drop a card for catalog EM rt,SON'3 . - REPREIENTi.G A & S. NORDHEIMER, THOMAS TORONTO. ORGAN CO. -AAAA_--.rtt the u rvaraws EVERY THURSDAY MORNING WS . mmaaudcas T GOD*RICR. TRiIDAT, FSEs Y, M. WEST HURON ELECTICN! CARaOW'S Meetings in the interest of Mr. Oerrew, the liberal oaodtd•te for West Hama, wilt be held as follows : _._ 11FAi1t.LRR- 7:30 r r, PORT ALHERT-S•trirdsy, i6ti, at 7:30 r r. W INE Ui M-rhs4.T, D.b. 7, at* P.m. CLD(TOftl-T.ssday, " 8. " BELGRAVE-Wednes., " 9, BL\ TS -Thursday, " 10 LONDF.iIOrRO-Fel., '• 11. " HOL1iESVILLE-Sot., " 12, et2:30 r.tt DUNGANNON-Mon., " 14, " ST. HELENS -Tues., " 15, " 8T. AUI;USTINE " " 15, at 7:30 P.M. AUBURN -Widnes., " 16, " HOOT EK'S--Thun., " 17, " KTNTAIL-Fri., " 18, at 2:30 P.M. QRANT'a SCHOOL -Fri . " at 7:30 " RINGS BRI UGE-g.t., Feb.19, at2:30 '• Nomination, Tuesday, Feb. 22 J'INLAY'S-Wades.., Feb. 23, at 7:W P.M. NILh-Thurs., " 24, 46 PORTER'S HILL -Fri., " 25, " LEEBURN-!later . Fdb. 26, at 2:10 P M. tt .. SNAP SHOTS. - It ie organization that wins elec- tiene. -March First, doesn't mean March Forth. -When in doubt, vote for the bet - tet nun. - An election ocnte.t should be every man's fight. -Give up the tried servant only when you can get a better one. -Don't have a styon your eye, when you go to the ballo. -Get your work in now, and keep your shoats for election night. -Roll up your cost, tuck np your sleeves, and go in as if you mean business'. -=The memory of fair OLlvsa's quar- ter century of good legislation still lives in Ontario. -The aim wbl can say, " I did my ditty," is ahead of the one who says, "I will do it." -It's a great thing to be always a winner. That's what's the matter with J. T. OAsnow, - -wast into the flight, keep np your nerve, and don't shake hands with the devil until you meet him. -Til music of battle is in the air, but the corpses will not be .ennted until tin seeming of March lst, ....When your candidate kaa been Wad in the baldness and not found wont- ing, stand by him every times -No trotter what other sonatina. ameiss may do, West Huron, as in the pest, most guys so aneesta n sound. -1[I yes are • young man in tie may town, sed your nese 1. web an the 8.t. 16 as appearesee beta" the Regis - New by 10 Asn , ltrfd•y. other�por'.Ontario, with any of the and deride for yourself. webat .. k isms had feed Oovmenwsmt for 11. past Iwm.ty....a years. -We des% weal im egh� we tle. gp1 � Mos whoa s far the right. the balls* too. Ami THE SIGNAL : GODERICH ONTARIO A SPECIMEN BRICK. --Our esteemed ootitempor$ry. The Star, is ie tutor in its last Revue, when it states fist Mr Gamow said, He eouW not see why be was not to be returned by aoolamation, and it was positively absurd flat a man hke Jos Bnce should oppose bis " Mr. Gamow never made the stittement, in any way or shape, and yet our oontem- porary expends' a third of • . • unto of space, Waking him to task fur ba • made it. THE ELECT ONS. THE agony is over, • • the day of eTeotion has been named. Tuesday, the 1st of March, has been net for the day of poliisg, and the nominal iota will take place on Tuesday, Feb. 22nd. For some time past it has been rumored that the elections would be held either in the latter part of February ter early in Maroh, and both parties are fairly well pre- pared for the oonteeL Hero, in West Huron, the Liberals feel confident that with united action they will succeed in onoe more electing Mr. Oasaow, who on two former ocweious was successful in holding; the riding to, Reform!, pripgiplee. He is known to be one of the inset 000- .cientioue, painstaking and, above all, most independeut wemberb iy the Local House. ahility-ieeequeetionesirimel is looked upon et eioelleht Cabinet timber inge near future. ,13e is a man of true Liberal- instincts, but moderate withal, and las the confidence of many outside of his own party. His plat- form power is exceptionally good, and he has the ability to thoroughly elucidate every question that he deals with. Under these circumstances, tt ere ahouid be little doub regarding his summit on the present oceaai n, if his friends loyally back up the eff which he himself will put forth toe y the riding. Neither over-oonfidence nor lethargy ie required iA)he present contest, but a strong and &most effort to return a man whose past reoord has been honorable, and in whore political f ttme in the 1lapna biahiseish have every confidence. TOWN COUNCIL. Mtsmllp e1 Ole se. rim meeting ei stat 9ti imbe g.unoil held a spilled teemllig for the ooeildar•tton of the aliatiif tomer by law, and for general booboo. Aber the opening of the meeting the minutes were read, and them the Clerk read the agreement with Messrs. Moors, of King- ✓ e.e. Is was to the effect that Moors k Co , of Kingston, agree to ersot • grain elevator sf n ot less than 500,000 bushel, capacity, to oust in the neighborhood of $100.000 if (Rod• erioh takes stook to the extent of 850 003, with the eedersteading that, if at tee next amnion at the Parliamoot of Ontario, • speoal eat of the said Legislature ie obtain- ed authorizing the town to ggarantoe first mortgage bonds, forming, • lust *Mtge on the said elevator when completed to the amount of $50,000, the said subsoription for stook shall be o•uoelled, the said guarantee aooepted as in full thereof, and all cells. or other monies, which the said party of the second part may be called upon to pay by reason of their said subscription ot stook, with interest thereon et five per out. That a bylaw hs eubmitred to the people• and that if the bylaw marries, the said sub- scription for stook shall be oaooelled and all monies paid by reason thereof retnnded. After oon.iderable dismission the bylaw was passed and will be submitted at the sled of the month. A oommndleation was read from the dlr. actors of the Hospital for sfok children, Toronto. and after • short discussion ten dollars was granted. The auditor's reports were read trod re- ferred to Finance Committee. A oommunioation from Oolleotor Reld, eking power to collect taxes ander motion 133 of the •ssecenisnt not was granted. Several a000aote were read and sent to Finances Committee. Report of Court of Revision rsoommend. leg en extension of taxes In two sn.tanoss was rend and adopted. The moors of Finance reoomm.ndtnr the payment of sundry •000unta, eoolodsd with the following. We rsoommeed that chairmen ot nom• mitts. rive writte• orders for all items purchased in their d.p•rtm.ate, directed to the Clerk, who will then teens his order for the Items, keeping the obairmee's orders as vouchers. The Items when ordered must Ds •ososc- ponied by Clerk's order. After the amounts some is, they shall ire osrtlAed by some °Mehl of the tows to re- ferees* te their oansotoess as to oast, eta Refers bhs .,omen roto, Dr. Helloes apo ptared before Lbs eseabsr sad salted the rtv11me• as a r b•per of address*/ eh* [ yRs asked Me semen a see that prow senditioes were embodied la the by taw b pretest the ratepayer, ss Mat be will gee nesse value ter I►. money paid. The oprokar said ohm then were sumerw Isetemeee .f etamelp•1 matey Whig lest tkceggli dd ens N bylaws, and that after a bylaw w.s passed i1 maid set be eM•asd. The desert Mee wended time the mused Medd should My. milled • Nubile smells/ Mimeo wlimiting the bylaw. KNOX CHURCH ANNUAL MEETING. The e.typng*Mss el hue: Chub bead thew usual -atlmg es W.brsday.oeds. of Ws1 week. The smiler Dreaded. ad Mr. Mama meted se ssesslmry. Reports hum the dlfas.t srgem'-'iese were preasae.L TM esmamsmb frees the mutism Wes wad by the p.psr. Daelsg Me rib 09 mowss were added t. the .samem les rsll aid 011 were ,user ed, Mavis! aped Ms roll at grease. 861. The report made Many rehearse to the rsmw•s by Math sit Ida We, sod sesswyed the slams sad Msyetel empathy of ibe suedes M all Me bureemed families et Ms e.m/epWe. The obituary w., hes year leatang . nam. Mere being 1r burials re- larded. e• e.r The paalsste Me elan Await ens aver - use aMmilesse tN 1S. Tks eellemis.e amenMd M OS. whisk ,were,, wee es - %4:` es missionary and besevellsl (lb The report of Ibe Sabbath mama was mewed by Walter BusMw. Donee the year the cath,,/ atm/Masa ~bed was 319, which dose not isaisderebe peewr'e tittle ol•w. The average aMs.da.es was 290 $W? were received sad sxpseded by the sohoaL The report of the Y P.9.C.B. was red by Miss Maude titraobad. The m.mber- ship of this souiey 1• at pressen 84. 3.- ceipts, $42. Miss Belle Wilson reported ooeoerntnr the work et the W . F. M S. The member- ship is now 54. The amoaat rand daring tee year was 8106, and clothier to the value of 880 was vent to the Northwest Indies misubn. The Maogillevrey Mission Band reported through 11. president, MI.. Polley. ibis band is filth at the heed of the invited*, mission bands in the Presbyterian Cburob io Canada, baying the largest membership, Ns largest average aft eds•ce, and raising the meet moo.v $118 were ooatributed in mo•.y, and 893 worth of misesllaneous st- iletto for India and the Northwest. Mrs. Captain Gibeee reported on behalf of the Relief and Ladies' Aid Societies. The ,enter society did good work in rabies 8378, whet enabled them to peewit the oburob with a beautiful Brawls carpet add other fur.lsbtags. Chas. A. Nairn, treasurer of the halldbag oommittss, and J. Elgin Tom, trwsrsr of the oospregatlon, Motu presented his state sveet. whbb slowed that dertag the year 814 978 were raised by the impetration. Of this amount 810.000 were raised by mort- gsge foc t tawnlargtneand remodeling of she march. th. amount paid for strictly oon• grseatlonal purposes813,019; les .the *Memos of the March, or miselee•ry pur- poses, 8948, and tor other benevolent and religious parpssss, 8960. Over 8600 were paid on the building tund debt, and 8155 are osrried to the next ytisr, as a balance with wbioh to begin the ordinary work of the osegregation, Messrs Rbynss, Allan and MoLssa, the members retiring from the Board of Was - agent, caste re-.leotsd. OMING AND GOING. Harry Olnoas was in the old town last week. J. Geary, of Wineham, was in the county town the past week. Joseph Doyle left for Iegervoll on Tues- day for a few months. Via. Vac Eamomd, et Maoism, ernes is town the past Friday. M. G. Raosford, of Stapleton, visited Goderieh • few days eines. -W. H. Rem, of the Remade. Pest, gars Tara fhettAL a_%11 lapj weeh. __ In �'0likineoe is •pendia a few weeks viafriends, in Collin/mood._ -Miss Maggie Moil urdie, of Heaselt, woe visiting fr'end• le town last week. U. Fresh, master at Ms Homeef^Refsie attended the meeting of county ooeaoil. Miss min Robertson, of the Sodom Pab- Iio school, was home for a few days the past week. Dr. Taylor was in Clinton the put week attending the meeting of Huron's medical tattooist ton. Mrs. H. Hale has returned from • pleas• ant visit to her daughter, Mrs. Alfred Ed- wards, Guelph. Miss Myers, after • pleasant visit to her sister, Mrs. R. W. Logan, left tor home, Montreal, on Monday. Miss Arnold, of Manitoba, after • two weeks' visit to the Misses Wilkinson, left for home, via Luokoow, oo Monday. H. Evince, Greed Organizer A. O. U. W. who was at Carlow lodge last week and in- troduoed a nan•ber of members left for home Toronto, on Monday. LOCAL NEWS IN BRIEF. The heavy •now fall lass week started mow shoe:ng. Curling 1s ewe of the town's •ttraotions these oold days. The new town ooanoil 1s having • busy time now -a -days. Holy Communion at Be Jeorge'e next Monday morning. Regular meeting of public 'shoot board next monday evening. The foe at the rink was In fir•t-ol•ss con- dition the past week. The Chosen Friends will bold • regular commit next Thursday evening. Farmers who Dame into tows an 'Tuesday reported the roads badly drifted. Our lee msrob•ae ars busily engaged pre- paring to store the crystal bloeke. Regular mss$og .f M•itl•ed Ledge No. 33, A. F. sad A. 1l *sib Tuesday. TM advertised mow shoe rases were poet. posed es Monday because it mewed. The band played a Maim selection at the skating risk, oe Wednesday evade/. Bkstiwg ea the shoal is no mares pleasant. Mrs mew beim[ to. deep for the pasties.. We are pleased le unarm Mae Mrs. Black - seem le recoverlwg from her resume severe illness. Te animates roams .1 the Liberal As.seeiMien sew open every sherwmme sad Mow were railing maim wheal bismuth a hole la hke tee lust of the burnt elevator the past week. This eld•fashiomsd C•mdiae Witter is snaking Me eldest inhabitant mit en W w• tideriag asp. Oar people are waiting tee Me eased se - pavanes of our local mlebr le. Where ors they anyway A pleasing festa,. i. wads/ a gni . its the Neette-de. M.shodfss sbsrnk IsiN lbw day was the sail, by Mr. Illdwa.ltf. A rsatdewres wit* has imit Ambhed baai. Ng two Ate dwellings its br, Andrew', bard. had s hew houwisrabug me'h i.se wseb Two ddgbe laid wibb es-wbrtu el aR Nature makes the cures after a11. Now and then she gets into a tight place and needs helping out. Thingr get started in the wrong direction. Something is needed to check disease and start the system in the right direction toward health. Scott's Emulsion of Cod- liver Oil with hypophos- phites can do just this. It strengthens the nerves, feeds famished tissues, and makes i ich blood. yoc. sod $i.00 ; all dr:ubta SCOTT & BOWNE, Chemists, 1urooto. Oeorgs's Chair, left se W dessd•y after- noon for Doupeseoe, but had to tarn home- ward as Carlow, the road Detwiler* that place and Nile being badly drifted. " The 0.11 of Isaiah." w1U be the wbjeet 4lsenseed Ly the suitor, Mev: cubo Edgar; 10 Nnrtb-St. . Methodist oherob sett Scab,y eveain( There will be • hockey match bebwus. North and South on the rink this evening As the proceed* will go to the band, 11 L hoped there will be a large atteedanee. The G. T. 11. hays arranawi be bays epeeist oars visit every town and tatty on the . y.tlm tor the pure.., of giving all possible information respecting the Yukon oouatry. A sleigh omnibus, while turning from West to Wellington street, on Wednesday, opoet, and as it contained Quito • number of gueete for •• wedding, cL�re was a lively . cane. the W. C. T. 17. will thankfully reoelve any 000trbutioss of oaet-off olothi0g,.psr- iodical', or other literature, at Moir seat meeting, Feb. 15th, for their work s-'.. t .lnmb ansa . ,...- Manager -Manager Standen of the Henderson Bt- ryole Co. was one of a delegation that in- terviewed the Dominion Gnvernme•t last week with a view to obtain en alteration to the duty ec-bleyolse. - 'Nits imetinb t,.W1iy the Provhioefinlsi' 1897 to the various libraries in Heron was u fonnws •-ttly'h 867. Brussel. 888. Otto. tan 8225 Dunganwo $97, Exeter $87, G"do- rich 877, Beeson 830. Seatorth $183, Wincham 8181, Wroxeter 1180. • WHAT IT HAS DONE. The Ontario Government has established: A Bureau of Mines. A Bureau of Forestry. A Provinoial Board of Hdalth. The Ontario Government bas promoted agriculture by Aiding Dairy Saul.. Aiding Farmers' Institute. The Liberal Government In Ontario has passed laws for the Preservation of ease and fish. Preservation of Forest lands. Preservation of land tor settlers. THE ONLY HOPE! For victims of Bright's Disease is Dodd's Kidney Pills. Not a day passes on which the newspapers do not record the death of one or more persons from Bright's Disease. Already its victims num- ber hundreds of thousands. Day by day the awful total grows larger. No class is safe from this destroyer. War and intemperance, with all their miseries and fatalities, are not responsible for as many deaths as have been caused by Bright's Dis- ease. Yet, there is a way of resisting it ; of drawing its poisoned fangs, and making it as harmless as a summer breeze. That great medicine, Dodd's Kidney Pula, hu cured thousands of the worst cases. It never fails to cure, hopeless u the case may seem. Would you safely shield your loved ones from the fatal grip of this curse of mankind -Bright's Disease t Then use Dodd's Kidney Pills, the only cure on earjjl for this disease. GODERICE BARGAIN CENTRE! te sager COISET SILE FOR ONE WEEK, COMMENCING TOMORROW. 25ce CORSETS 50c. CORSETS 75c. CORSETS $1.00 CORSETS $1.25 CORSETS for 200. for 42s. for 67e, for 75e. for $1.00. We will also sell the TRILBY CORSET daring the sale for 51.00. If yen don't want Oorseta, don't buy, but if you do, don't let this oppor- tunity go by without getting some of the bargains. • JAMES ROBINSON- THE MCMUGIITON 3H06 STORE has nothing but thanks for the patronage of the year closing. Wishing all our friends and customers a merry and enjoyable Christmas, and a happy and prosperous New Year. During the year now at hand all that dili- gence and courtesy can do to make the business of shop- ping pleasant to our customers will be done willingly. We have a full range of . . . Boos and Shwas, lluljljers, �ershnes, alp Repairing neatly and promptly executed Cheap for Cash. !CLEARING SALE OF SHOES We have decided to place on sale our Surplus Stock dunng the - NEXT 30 DAYS Space will not allow ue to give yon a full list of the different lines in oar large Stock. Here aro, s few, and you can judge by them that We Mean Business. 60 pairs Iwdyf's Buttoned Boots, were =2.50 and *3.00, for 70 " " " tt .t 43 " Id " 2.00, 5 1.75, at 25 " " It " 1.25 and 1.60, " 85 " Kisses' Buttoned and Bala. . LOO, ICUPHsMIA A, lsesLENNAN'S 24 " Lady's Ozford Tiea, ,t 85, $1 and $1.25, " A few pairs Misuse' Ozford Ties and Buttoned Boots A line of Men's Felt Lined Bala, were $1.U, LINXICENT. 4.1=eitieltralsgsd a e.ls ter tarsal a - is weer em garb la pMiNrMWN rgl,mdw A. M- ead New The best is nose too good for you - Ask d.shy for it, sure, • A A A A RI'aud-- take *1 other brand. �a�zrove im,.,Mare is u r » w rzerressidestrell UP The wiener of methew 1. to nem *0051411, the dal* wade are " 11101115 PURR Y SALT." tt ,t $2 00 1 60 1 20 96 75 60 60 76 Osll and see these goods, and if you need them, you will And it to your advantage to P cTr - grow ! I W. SHARMAN, Jr THE OLD STAND, STILL TO THE FRONT ! ! ! i ��f r 1l P*AOTIOAL HMO= sad Gt/ R 's.0 M'/atlwi. i.4w m...z ` al, �slrt'hswaerMir /wsttial wms.esso. and sar imaw Tia ALuYgd Pfer. beer: O. J. } p1CR lusi be Cloared Oat! RAY MADI QLOTHINQ •MY OWN MAKE All lretoleas Good!, aarll well made op, will be sold at rgark••tr bw wove to dear it out moa. A fins ewortmsmt of New Goode for raj and Wider wear. CALL Ale 515 ■c, H DTN LOP West-ut il•Ilor, neat . c1r•aL r Cray's SFIW BC Rad ' Wn1l Spruce Colds, chid*, Sore p ain throat, etc. d$$11t,-m41s•N r N..'easerees. r.wreera. For TWEN1Y-SEVEN YEARS DUNN'S BAKING POWDER THECOOICSBE8TFRIEND uwnr Yap �w C�M�o�. HELLO THE OLD - ALL KINDS OF COAL ALWAYS ON HAND Scraiitouarmpit Hard Cil AL 0.01ised cal the Market -!ales. wilier yes pt loll lbs. ter • tea WM. LEE. Orders bft at ELM= • yes*/ ahem promptly wooded to. OODRBJOH STEAM BOILER WORE& A. S. CHRYSTAL, Tse...•.. N oaremoat • Rees. uass5stsrer mf .11 kinds et 11T 1.41C RS, Amok* litaoks, UN Mane, Sheet bee Works, efo., eta, Asa D.ser is - Er8eo, Maehis.ry Ornate. M. An ti....[ Piga and Pip. Initheys, abeam And Water Ql.k. V lve% O►a.k Valves. hondeaaars, Mestere asst Is& imMms Oesneary es Had at Lowe! A Ilse el Steel Water and- i ss foe see of irmers mid Nitre. RAMNOe. preaepUy attended tan s. sly P. O. fez W. (Mll1Alfl. The -Impression am. to be fiat with ]Gln Harper's iambi the bet nesdy known as aisfpaa Lm, now Ienb ♦ arpreiesue, that ed. Thisb5 has been is A Mistake. + , + We are ina - Better Position than ever to do Plumbing.Steam, Hot Waters - Hot le or Combination Heating and Gas Ming, having ebWeed tlis monism of Olivet Bim• peeked Melt will wig LEE SHEPHARD d -.AL...., ••••••1410 o• , .