HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1898-2-4, Page 3Study in Hearts hisvet its &"`6r 't t�° el°� � �Bsov$cBs OF cw1D1.
his white 2"O'b' lbs little I &rvsxaA
lean lata which !tla clotbon, carefully
patched and mended had just been
neatly MCMd &Way with many tears RICH Ill WATER POW11. ■INIRALi
ray halral Why, little woman, apd beartaelaw If be had only known AILD AORICULTURL
t have I been doing to your' be would have reached out anda'sAV
the woman, net the aazsotas the shaking hand that eaaootbed his TM at etatsa sees n eyes
Crumpled pillow perhaps for the last e'nas " �w
with a Cheerful ons; but her time. mingling his soba, and *ling- -11""44 &steer •t Mr. ageeas K. wag
•were dim and her fingers busy Ing tightly to the faithful heart that Usages, the Leades nail o•rreopeadons
toil a pile of small tbtwdbars Sor- (alredy aaaUcipated the pangs d part- The following is the second letter on
ts. The look of pato on his mother's face, Clan'da' written ly Ernest E. Williams
There is no season for them ss she &trained him to her breast when (or the London Mail:
I know of," she answered, with be Maid ood-b next morning, !inf1�er- Ca isda's arrested development is
gentle sb"s, of the hand, adding ed In h& chll memory for a whlie showing unmistakubis signs of renew-
dlt, "In, any case, It is not your as he trudged &long merrily by his fid vitality in every branch of Indus_
It.. I lather.'& side; hat be was of •A age
what unwelcome or perplexing try. Perhaps "renewed vitality" is
nut presently a tear fell on the thoughts are easily aboaduoed for bap. scarcely the right terw
bby table cloth; fleas another. pier ones suggested by fresh sosoeaand The position is not that Canada bas
"What I& tis& matter, dearestr' ilk- new [seas, and presently kept up a had a cycle of progress, succeeded by
the hba
snd, who had been watching continual flow of inquiry and Chatter a period of stagnation, but rather that
without noticing his ft is gloomy
r furtively from behind his news- silence, her life has not yet really begun;
per. IU, the terrlbti Imeumm all thajday[ The years of her history ars as the
"1 an so tired." sls said, Grasping Tbs mother went about her work with first selautee Is, a sow born ,mast's
a b avy heart, 11&toulag for Disk's
to his arms Ohs sobbed there for ,its, whale aninuti.w 4 almost is stts-
whlle, thea looked ftp with a Lint ,rate*
with as eddee, start that shonly to � PORM
le. "I have been so burry, ••bd&y, not to bear it again in -*
or nor- Canada's birth -throw havebs&n tong,
d yet many things are Lett
undone. row, in anger or appoaLhe OWL- asci taint hearts may have wondered
I did not go so sleepy in the oven- dna were very chained; the sight Dick's empty chair at meal times whether she would ever live at all to
ag--" ahs broke oft, sighing, and affected them strangely; they asked tale her place among the nations. While
at back to bur obair. oostinsally when be was oonala� the United States was growing with
,,You have overtaxed your strength, back. - the
rapidity; wbile newer pro=
tittle wife It estst't go on, I toast as! kissed his .I* saying' , Their father came home sag*. He tineas of Britain's Empire were mhoot-
a higher aalary-ht's so 0&e wait- "Dick has m & a friesd welt* Yiv_ tag ahead, the Dominion lay dormant.
Ag liar thus to Klat. A little more Ing." liar vast mineral wealth was mat only
messy will give you extra holy, &ad, "W11, d wanted to Doane book with Was sot exploited; no one took this trouble
I am steeoa&stal to-morraw, Chars me, .a�-y r' of assess, that was only natural at even W attempt to measure iL Her
1 be so grey hair* -+t least, for first but—" water power-tbe greatest of any Case,
a good many years to come," be added, "Don't she -JA brokenly, tad went try's- still spends itself in toasty
cheerfully sanruiaw out of the room. the
rivets, al
"And, if not, dear, wo meet still lee ba[. ease tet tie* roar .><
posteat" ale saswered, rising and And now • stiange•aileaos came be- (aIl••
ning down the lamp, tweon husband and wife. She felt that Here and then, the hum of is mill
• • m • this was a trouble that amid not be hard by tells that wisuot and industry
The owning eal was tinlshod-five shared. for a word of kindness or are is fashion the
the gry my huAonths had been ted. &ymby would Loosen the flood �°g' in • puny
'Good night, children:' said their gates of her grief, and there was no illimitable store of electric power which
tier Aussatiy, ss they paused beside time for mourning to which she could Iter behiad the mist veil spread over
foresee no and. Meanwhile she moved
chair. When his wife had taken the rushing water[; but the instances
hon ha dsrd on, tbg about the house Ilk* a ghost, &'ways
p4,►atain, Pon of Odtaatags txlag taken of this f ow
he ltd brought bar, sad •atiol alert always listening. It was r U -
ted boom tillikwity in telling it. In & shadow had corns in Dick's place- • or, though • high Comlplimeat to the
nervous states she seamed away an shadow that she followed eagerly, only enterprise of the tow Canadians too-
Lonable Uma. -hie walked to tho to clasp with empty arms. The bus- coral, are merely microscopic when
toot of the attire sad• listened. There hood watched her sadly, hoping, scaled to live dimensions of
was • go tin murmur d vo+oea since everything aeaamed much luiot-
rboad-the olear, motherly ton" es tbat.bn.had ttlwts soma mgt Lim,THIr POWEIf:t.t'ASLASLIN
he loved so well- and thea a soft, her Her persistent sileaoe -tauhod, I had hoard much of Tats ooaosrning1
Childish echq "God Wen bless my dear, [birritated him; for, though he
father." The words went straight to u,usd the child sorely, he could not the industrial possibilities of Canada's
his heat'[, understand this constant dwelling on water power, but I did not grasp the
He looked up from tom book be was `,sorrow be believedAnd to be a blessleg thing till I Carse out here, and began
preteedlag to read wAw glia entered too
�dt v„_ly, batBarely,sagely. tJea a4tually to loc% on, the cataracts rush -
rhe said wmril ; fstu► �ti later, turn flare who had toiled for In, awn to said wearily: ___._.-_ g 7 wssbg, sadlist40Md to their
"It was ago good. h sab11 this morn- each other %-**pathy for so many roarrs., whlali iriia7ni iii &am rot«
leg, but they said tbat arse Chang* )e!,s night he &wet• rather mudd*nly, of this wowUrful, eagtsoted country.
would lead to others, as►d It was not His+slfe was not bybis side. After an And yet I have con se little of It.
Possible to raise the &•tar'" Just as -iougsam ch, befound Isar kneeling I bate &bot the Lachine Rapids, as Is
Mow. I promised not to speak of it by Dick's empty bed." the custom at visitors to Montreal; I
<A Andy 004x, but they would not cage- 'One would think be were dead "
saget. be maid, lifting her geatl f from tDo have Looked at the Chau diem Felt& in
"Wall, we •m no worse oft than be- floor.- Ottawa; t have bean rowed to the foot
tore," said his wife, trying to bids bar "It would not be so bad then," she of thirteen waterfotts, all within three -
disappointment. sobbed, "for be would still be our*- and -o -half -miles of each other, and
After & pause be began awkward- our very own."
ly• about sag beses train joarsey from
8e tried to Comfort her, but d
Aaothor preposition wage made to me He t1tlO '& said aL eontainlgeg h
to -day. Tbers is no doubt that it would Oad a great loser, &stied him M lege
nitimet*ly Geae[it us, lent-" aetto.d her pallor, and too da1•k elrotas thele rapids as iam000a electrical
- Wily are yga so strange[ What is rated her oy11► It came into his mind ewer.
again the matt nmttltt at breakfast,
Itt" abs urged, hardly able to define the when the children fixed their solemn The great iAobins, Rapids light Ment-
a feeling of fear that crept over real, and provide the motive force for
r eyes inquiringly a their mother's
"I will bell you. door. Cat head part- ace tic street air*; the Chatudfere waters
ha& offered to adopt Dick -to briag When he had goes into the city sad do the same for Ottawa, besides sup-
edacats. ssdplaog bless the world the children. to school, ahs weat on a plying cow and other mills, but both
.. mysterious exeureloa, nearly taking y
[( ion were his owe Boa. an only nailed upon to atiw L tin
..To table him from no, the wrong train is bar aarvous halts
She was not used to trawling, poor Wet of their energy; while the waren
"Tit is theion paga it part l it. eat little woman, sad felt thoroughly which roll to waste at the Chats Rap -
him on, ' he told great wretched and ill at ossa, but the yearn- Ids are not at present askteb upon for
rav I that, sloe a wiahus that Ing for the sigbb of bar child, before be
&ball les the tlgje sixes nmd to any human senior. And them epeci-
btry'm tcalaiag�",,..,.,.� Meat abroad was too strong to be re- mens of Canada's water r are rs-
"But why doss h: ;Qkw4r child,.' �� and she walked miles to catch a powwe
•He bee recently lost Mo wife, by glimpse of a tall, white mansion, scale- pealed over an onormass area in Os-
born he was mach &ttachad, as Ging the windowse&g*rly In the vain tario and Quebec. Suppcsiag Cased&
•Ting ago ehildrus►. Itlais rather Wendy. hope of&salauf Dick's bonnie lac* ♦Iul to be tea times an thickly populated,
suppose my nnntioa of our you It she bad known bow ho pis" for her
amll when I asked for a ratty, [er to that mrl*edld bat deabtiag na It L, and prsaning alsoo the sstt&-
W him with the Ides of helping no whether " wostl 6s right to disturb factory aeeomplishsasst of the experl-
him it be had bass able tit, settle down, ruts towards transmitting
way." and foartal for the promise she bad
re wt& • toad cilena. betweenpo+►� r long distances without too great
bsaltaged Oad wile, them sive tale- giwm hec husmbtad. [f Iltte Dtoi were loss of eagerp, every town Could be
ss Jsis bar arms, she wentback tire- tit, and all iia street care ran, every
1 y, with the hungry longime yet sur
"How would it help lass" tisfisA mill and factory set humming, ever
"l }Is child would tem well tubas care sait cots ase of her busiest ea boeso ILL and boated, say, every rat-
. sad have a better education and yu. end te, wag train could be ran, by the taros
'tion than we could five[ give bis. make up for time lost in the morning winch thea ion the rapid carnets of
time -who knewat-be may ba of ave aha worked as tar late the areallg. Canada's waterways. That, at any rate
the ofb era" tip, chat% to flames at the oitwbt, in the 8m11berste
"Nat," shra argued, with alittle gaiv- she Nos wt dismay that It was tang OMI ION OF ELafTtRlti7tAlf8
r of the lip, be would form other pest the ramal timms for bar husband's who Daw traveled to rho Dominica.
Use, and grow tap without knowing or 1+ w
4,1123• It wage ra{aiug whoa she west From this cease slow Canada's [n-
ag for as." to the window, and the ugly attest lure greatness me al a assured. for
"My dear, it world be out mouth less looked more disgust Baas ever. Be W
to food-ose care off your overburdeo- bees kept beyond office hours Wore, just oa the industrial greatness of the
ad abouldess- bat nos► ahs telt horribly toasty nlneteeath century has larf.lhr laid
No ad it •WO&JA be t grwbr sad frihtened at his ahseace, and with the mations which had the great -
trouble them ally [can't, don't Oak would have one to suet him bad eat atom at Boat in thoir Countries.
so, darling; It is like tearing out she sot feard to leave liar sleeping p, with the passing from &team to
s piece of Sly heart; •aythl:w but chlldrea. electrietty, tbere mesa little reason to
tit,.' Reviewing thn laests of the past float* that the greaten" of the twen-
She (filumasg herself into • chair, weep- weak, a& mba est lm ti faded Orm- flet{ century will 11*, eaat*ris peribus,
I ag byoterfeall chair, too miserable sad excited to within the reach d those cotttlmnalties,
Ho "sited till she wall calmer, and resolve her ordinary oocupsUons, she which posse the mut abundant wat-
then said slowlyl bl&med Istyit a hundred ttmoa (m er Power. And oo county in th•world
"i have given veep it shall be tb& Mdsdgsiai she had earned her bas- is so richly endowed with torrent& as
rttertty ns lois wish band, and dreaded the result of bar is Canada.
Pressatl she heated herself about reticence. With Caaads, also the other neves
the rooms; the occupation did bar Bf daring that dark- nary ingredients of industrial great -
As she plotted together the battered brsahnation to try and live down her qer• so tar as Nature's provision is
toys, that lay here and there, she sigh- eserwha'mlag &err she koros that coceerned, are fully equal. The men
not all be leader Lure and worship of
*d. and the mousy ale to seek; but. the reel
"And it we decided." sbe is bar hue and and children twsld anti are alsonst A..Freseb Hing ease ds-
befsa sorivea Canada an a few acres of
a low voles, "wham wg�ald-i live to flue knowing desire at it iffiest, or ,
t[or, make bar forget for one moment the ssvw.' A mors silly libel could warns
' Within tlm be uttered. The "few sures' applied to
w11sl, treoat4se he M to child els bad• barge and tendered a oatatr na as all flu p
taken abroad is about tea days. We to yield Into the hands of etreag- rWe is hmr'd-
rtcut answer by to mgrrow." els ty even Fundy o ib toollsbt►estf. The
' go *Dan O relareece to snow had the vial lib -
got" tsas't et bum Suddenly tbereesmo out of the dim °Mtn
got" I silence a sound that made heir start wlsgs character of the halt -truth. ram -
The haslpamd & his arm about! air is cowered with snow for b&it-
bar walat. lipped and trembler Bice stumbled along the or, rather, yup" than halt -the year;
narrow passage lead throw open the but not onty is the snows as aid, in. t I I• vary better
to me," l acid, door. posting. Thera wIM& a singing stead of a hindhaao, to loeomotiom,
' but I love better. Yon will Mt leg la fee even sal t/ miut bebots Dar productivity
able h gen lien Ib oqm wttl tlttbl a oyes Ls the footstape atom neater and but It is also an old to the
reuse full As It ts, on, of the soil. Particularly is this so
are too wor aaarer-- a firm, even stride, and then is tea ear of cultivated fields which
t� and careworn. �sd. the harried patbss of little feet -Dick's have boom maeuted its the autumn. A•
besides, it is each a did elasbg little feet, trying vainly to keep to
for r4the bast ltsaeees Her grip od the hand
rk-nae be would not Mem it be; ill". le the
wore ahle to understand what It want Zhane'a the Long street she flow, liar its
thb ann r melts, the
for the future. There are the othave It ill" molstare Wanars, and car•
t0 cosdder, and Vs ate ago poor. Don't 1 malbbna d tint rain or pan "004-
eyeea- T� it athe receptive roil,
think ms unkind; [know It tea great mot to Plat bar palpl�autiag so fertilizing tt much more •ffiriont-
401. eh,IX41; It to the beat thing we Gaga =rt child was elssp- 1 thea It the land had, remained tare
do" fid In bar grow Tleg huslapd felt & ging the winter
"ThAn, I will try to boar It, bear." she abddog somrntton v i watched that But the wtater ocown so early, sod
Id "Nokly, hiding bar face as his er"Un wulllderieg bow he had the speller arrives me late, Is the •ov.
hoaldsr. jwtion sometimes attend In the old
pe i bar to let the boy go. sad cetsetry. Tics oltijeatiCw istrue sten
Little lark e e • well rgwmtdsd by that bright glance lea Measurebo tag tlrp timate send
fart hip slap! snrietly tis al t of apd graNtude albs few him. Uta[ rho &esnow by British standards, and
udvall sato s' new world, on, avid n}o, * paritoaistrb wittiw tDg reale►rifles isap
all of doltght apd dsa2tvr, and tti� rist O great deal l+y briafttaf bila OW to thus lands In tic llns►talee
ram lire loving arlun that
had ahoy- back to tvh{sli lig northerly asci ensnare from
red hlm'sll hie { 114. Fie on, Oke hooked tap from Pick's stifling li wbtmard. list then
w that he was fe s Ibis• asnbit4we with gentle defbasee.
ad fear fir 1 tiii.6,l ` "?At the would treat tea as it tea O_AJIEC'j'ION LOW motes
d,vtft Cos leas fib , ewMasofoud gene';' ahs 14,14 nbftly, "hut eros •.:•iu it glen ails w{so i401, In tae* of
I dark Urure "Ai writes sad keep what God hall glvos AM." tea fart that in Ossadt vegetation .
,' -�
" 9
�r hay
�' #'-
60k W ,- 'fie
;� , 4 ty �""� N 'fit}
wll.rr;�++-.. ... __. r -...__,..-:' T" -Y [*�'... _ «ic '.+•w4Y: F,�1
,r 17 .
It `' ,X, -
j_ -
grows and riyens so rapidly in the 1=4able,
are bad! tstested Oesir lase is '
spring and summer that the Leaway is THE FARM even CANADA aj Illi1N{i eUL1It.ears than overtabon. Hers is an o • albuuLt ramudlal treat-
P- agent &noosed to ridding them of firs
Posit* illustration related to me the - peau lbs their vitality will be found new sass Ung& Waved or $be a••meeMe
other day. A former In Scotland TjX COMMON INSEAM ATTACKINO to hai►s been sapped to much aim extent 4*VOMMB'ie'
sowed his nom in the spring, then lett FRUIT AND FOLIAGE A" HOW that the will The Dominion Oonwaanent has tomm-
to visit bis brotber In, Canada, 7 paver prove trouble
Tule auonrc and future trouble will
helped him In his &navies, stay" with TO DESTROY THZIL be saved b ed lbs aarraded ssgalatiaos rgQgrilat
ipgd 7 adopting hruotc frost- ydamt mining In the Canadian Yukon.
him during the mummer, les him The arcual lass to ttraDtesov►en emmR. 'Naercova,r i.L is almost as lar )
to harvest, and thea raturued W throtrggib iose4s was veryBrest. In possibility to absolutely extinguish the ;
grain. Every miner sad every ga►pioyes of a
Fn Uma to harvest his own Ontar.o there were 10,000,000 apple Meas, scale -ban once fully entrepohed with- miner must take out a miner's Corti -
out the destruction of the wood on fk&te, the fee tar which will be LOW
on Canada's adaptll Tito to agriolel. PionitgAgre . hicb were is hearing. Theins wbioll It nwrishes. Otur first aiU-ico, I dollar&, and in the cams of a company
as Canada's adspI o 8k 60,000,000 bushels of thardoa•e, is under any and all circum-,
tura. Contempt he& given way to 20- spillaq but only t tow of them were, stances to I fifty dollars W one hpndred dollars,
slpectftal wonder. The quality of Iliad- absolftel
tole wheat holds the world's record, y perfect apples. The apples GRUB UP AND BURN FNFFSTED iLccording to the amount of capital
and its "No. 1 hard," is s by -word of sold in our stores smd put upon the I Ka k. a M -r'a license will Confer a
admirationIndeed, when the vast tables at our hotels wars a disgrace to THEM I right to mitre. fish, bunt. aad t, coo
rich plains of that province shall Po♦ the ootee►try' with, the cit will pay in the end. The latest 1 timber necessary for mining. Provi-
come completely settled, the position ttPr w I.ulletis Glishod b the Ohio ri-
of other wheat exporting counUieswill proper mixture sad at lbs proper time � y da I aim for obtaining mraern' certify
ip ng V CPe oultura! Ezperimarutal St&tta4 dated
become little abort of critical, there wage no reason wdrfr 8o or 00 per July, •1807, says: The presence of utas will be nude at • number d
With such quality and quantity ar- 0111a.d the fruit Iim houbd not be per- [h[sweat on any ose'a paoud&es is a I cities *ad towns is Canada. Mining
rayed against them, all the land and fent. Lm ansa* aagees 100 per cant of per- calami,[ and uncostrollod becomes r I eiwtms will les two hundred and [itty,
currency reforms wbieh the brains of fact fruit was obtained. Spraying hes publi,o �sBger that should, not be toyer- flat wide end twdisoover dr and tits
bony politicians ran devise will tail to bocxu demosntr&ted to be s wnooass, asci &ted Against this most Insiduous
minister Yankee formers to the sweet' the fruit was larger, clesuer, brighter pal both nurserymen and fruLt grow- i hundred fest. Every alternate tee
sleep tbty owed In the days when sad possessed superior keeping qu&li- ere are slits practically helpless in claims shall be reserved by the Govern
Manitoba was the roving home of Ip= tits. People are gradually swektog to detecti,n rte
preaecM until
dians. As to the quantic of grain the fact that the spraying is indiwpeu* Ceased be the inslalitfltantt atom nront of Ossada which may dispose
at present produced, the 107 figures &bye to the up-to-date orchardist. [bat it at first appears, and has lav- � of them at public auction. Subaqua -
aro not yet obtainable, but every There bad been catalogued, 356 species come master. Heretofore orchards and oft++ mining leases will be issued in five -
now -Pon Zoader knows how Canada's of insects which feed upon the aPDie. nurseries wen oonsideted as the only mile sectioce, with a fee of 0040
prof( w meftthis year have These were dtiuvided into two classes, so-! places in special dsuger•, but recent hundred dollars per mile per annum
gafor to pall op the shortage In cording to the formation of "I dispoveries at the pest on forest and and the usual royalty on the outpuq of
the world's crop, Lad mitigate tbsdan- mouths. �ornsmeotal tease shows that this was gold tbreCefrgeu..
ger oft, bread famine. Lt Mlaticatory insects, such as ash a mstake, It file boon found on the I The fee for rsoordiag and renewing)
In, 1006 then were in Manitoba along erpillan and beetles. (black walgeat. mountain rah, hags-woo4 mining claims will tie fifteen dollars.
1,140,276 acres of wheat, yielding :n,- tad, Suctorial Insects, *uoh as liogsi� auplq willow, poplar, birch, situ sad I Any number of min�rq not leas tb4
77b,058 twahela In, 1888 the program scales. SoDrwtwtt. It is usually the rase that five, w•bo may be to a district meN
of .the prgtrjpale year wY etrutrllZ_ 40r . T'h&4irst .v sso treatsd toj - wag beacons caore-fam4tar W" r K� ; ttan one"Dandrmt-'mita-distarrt trv4 -
rested, the total produce being only pvc4m on their food. 'Itis emorad Ionemore vul*rable point is n
found, the office of • Goverment minior
HAMAN busbels, but this alarming treated by umi,og come solution wi1401, or a stage during which It can be man- 1 recorder, may appoint a0 acting re.
fall Is "pialsd len part by. the r•dao- killed by amtadt. I aged with greater ease than at other corder. who may r9oord cla'q , and
tion In towing to 099,508 acres cones_ For Mikatlratotry iosects, ParTi limp. It must be confessed that in viho shall within three months traam-
quent on a glut In the market, but should be used, 1 lb. W 200 galloon d the came of this San Jose scale the for his record fees Collected to the near*
chiefly by the unfavorable character of water for apples. For owtorial isssetiL I bat ter we come to be acquaints !I with
the season, the yield being Kerosene Smulsiun should bre applied. 1t, the uu>re we see to (ear of its rav- I eat Official mining torder. A toy-
theONLY 14.5.7 BUGHBIB TO THE ACRE To make Kerosme vnvulrion take_.. ages, cad of the alta &l ten per Dent. onn gond mfr
gram labor involved ed shall i,e levied and collected Syr (lot.
as against 27.86 bushels In 1805, Tbery Hard soap, 1-2 pound, or soft soap, 1 qt. in iia eradication. No one who h", ernRment officers appointed for the
were also big drops in they production Boiling water, Molt, 1 gallon. not seen the work of this pest when it purpose, but provision in made for the
of oats and barley; but these set -backs Coal orf. 2 gallons. i has had full awug Can understand trts I eaamptine of the annual product of
to Canada's agricultural progress, as After dissolving the scarp is tJs wat-,fearfully deeirvotire nature. If thea, any mining claim uq to two thousand
the IM7 harvest shown, are but a tamos
- or. add the nh oil and stir well for the variety •tfeotodr is not satisfactory., I five hundred dollars, 'so that claims
porary ebb, without significance, in a 5 tic 10 naoutes. When properly mix- or if the trees have passed their best that do not produce more will not be
tide which is bound to flow for many ed, it will adbare to glass without oily- I oz the inner bark has been diwOlor•ed, liable for royalty.
years. Bann. A syringe or pump will aid mualh, it would be far better to end the m&t-, Prow inions are nude to preventopec-
But it is not only In wheat that Can- in this work. In using. tdiluts with , ter at OW% said save wrpenes and I ulation in claims by throwing a claim
ads threaten• the rest of f:he world. (r'o'ts 0 to 15 parts of water. Kerosene trouble by burr�i the trees. The only open to entry which has .not been
in live stock, and dead meat, and emulsion Buy be prepared wrath aur scale to be trusted is the dead wale. Ae, worked a Certain number of days, us -
hem, sad bacon, in dairyproduce sad milk. 1 gallon, and coal oil, Y gallons, far as ass practical aervioe is concern- , les rassoBeble cause is shown for
ao required. '!ibis will ed from ttutural einem' joc failure to work it; and others, provid-
lu ltrt/tti else is steadily forging to soap ttsibg req test this sub t i
the ttrtnt�, atld w## her unmeasurable not keep long. Fox Scale, Bordeaux might be dismissed with these v% cda: that • record shall not he issued
t isi is AMIA at tbeee depart- ml;xturo according to theiotlawtty tur-�'Tkere ere miatne- Aber 1011 ttrsE enc-} t`or aoeeii'tti"oi nae claim in the same
rsta, she is obviously destined to take mule: -Capper Sulphate, 4 Ifs, Lim* 4 PPriubmts, there is nothing to intlloats locality to aBy minor. There are otlt-
ieadiag part In the world's rodae- lbs., Water 40 galla alt u usual to add that either• the ftmgus or the insect
a p or provielon& gusrd►ng the public in-
R1oM. the Pars Green to the Bordeaux mix- esumies have had. any iefluenee.even' terest and at this same time affording
Considering that Canada has only tura thus making a combined inaeoti- la budding the pest in check. We have improved facilities for mining the
just begun her development In any of ct.ds and fungicide. The first atpplica- little, it anything, w expect for the wealth d the Canadian Yukon.
these dlrectioas, abatiatir� o[_ Les ti°n aDanld as mob* last t,etore tDe�t. at tut team tie •id �- -
� _ -ago .. ..,,�...
bu To to`rtrpll.- the second. just 1� "osoulas.
ontess we" are woeful!, r, misleadingbefihe � blkaaoma fin. the third just] Wbsa tics Igoln. J. Dryden learue .'t
assess fact
with s full hitherto
acc et after the blossoms home falleq the't6e existence of the San Jose wale at - HORSE SENSR. ---- '- `-
pli fagot that work hitherto xperl- fourth and subsequent spraying at In- I1Qwgara. he sort Prof. Pantoa and W. T
meatd is little better than the exwith terrain of 12 -to 14 drays, as long a& I M. Orr to irar►est' te. The soon as The (bled his driver story k how s
mental efforts of pioneers; Ipnt with I � y loess called his driver to work is only
this fact in view, a few figures will there was danger at we Is. 75 per cent. aertatned that it hada been imported thinst�aM get ti lawgh nce *11not perhaps, he without value and in- of the so-called spraying was out spra on nu•reery stock from New Jersey, end another ge
terest i,og at all, the tress were only drMr. Orr wrote to all the nurserymen t'ree's most wifliug and able helper, the
ad, the spray should be broken hits a,in Ontario for lista of stock imported holm:
The bacon exported from Canada In, oB• and when the sun was shinins y
1800 was valued at [ L oil feeut N. J. nurseries t duri the et
S,goe.is6 dols.; hams, could see a rainbow around tAxo nozzle. 15 years. Many of the trees had, been "It is on record that daring lbs bu11d-
at 57'2,855 dols., and other aorta of I ing of the Waterloo bridle, • borne
meat at 990,2Yi dot. The tutt*z; &oat Don't drench the trees, spray teem. I traced and about 20 occurn+aoss of the
twat reached 2 total vain* u erl6s1nt A lid deal of care should be taken mralefound. Three were principally Ln- cattail Jack was employed to draw intone
dols. as increase d value
data., on in soiectLug & pump, the posuts to be Masex, Kent Lad Lincoln Counties. trucks along a tramway. Near at
Looked to ars: Eight as tea trees had been, feund is
the pg+stioas year. Apples were ex- �VenRwrotth Co.The Dead esu a beer &bop used by carters
1, flans d OP*rat,oa. government is
ported r the vnted f 1,484,445 dols., act' and navvies. • Jack'" driver, named
and pears accounted for 1,l00,491dois. 5• Evenness d distribution. � Promptly end wisely in this
it OumpeoteAm". scatter and fruit -growers and farmers Tom, was an honest follow and wry
clads the
chief export
of all -chess.. Durability. m,
These • but ea pand do not [n 4 it mh.mid ansist thein their effort to tied to Jack, but too fond of spending
s rt
The value of the Canadian choose ex- k Pow or. stamp Cast the pest. more time than be ought at the bee
Although it was thought two earn
port to 1808 was no ►aeon than 15,058,571 0. Agitator. ego th�atgtD'h scale oil d not a=1st in ems' Jack, tho<sgh •restive anima
dols. The growth of this Industry Is A Ian" should be used b, elevate the our that th and that could had nothing � accustomed to Tom's habits and
Canada is a truly marvelous instance sosxle inset, the tree and a double or tri- b. fear (rum it. it t w appears Last w&thed patiently till an owerlooker
of what energy and a steady deter- pie discharge should be used as in this started into activity.
mination to produce as article of ani- w• work could be dace much faster. the olionatic conditions are favorable.
1 y That we are in its lite sone is proved 'OO one occasion the superinten leap
farm excellence can achieve. Canadian THE SAV JOKE ilCALlI the r belong away, Tom took so long a spell
Cheddar is not by rapidity with which it hue mul-
po&l to the best Chad. tip fed in Intested sections. Not only at the ale that Jack grew Land, and
daybat befit a hes aeoosae the equal of all Probably such
the advent of L& i,msis hive the trace fastener being long enough
bat the lest sad the r of much caused such wide ars our orchards and our viaeyarda is p{xt � head leside the beer horse
Spred &►&ren i■ this be
danger d destruction, but our forssta
of the ohatvee muds in sglaad. And aoantty, oa has tlhat d the Baa Jose door. and ssisisg the astonished Tom
withal . scale. also, e�t only coaifi"' Qtnat and by Abe, collar with his teeth dragged
oedmtb. I tuncheokied there is no quer ta>X to his duty at the trod[."
IT 18 CHEAPER. Ft r uncertain when the Sea Jose tion lent tb&t it world y
The ebeem factory tadustry to Can- seeks, ortginat'ed. It i& known to exist
ads datef bleak to LOW Two years iB Australia. Chili, the -United States BOON OVERRUN THE COUNTRY,
later dere were tea factor::- _• and Canada. The first relisble infor- destroying all deciduous trees sad
work In the following year there motion that ere have at it is that it Plants sad causing a loss of millions 4M TURNED THE TABLES.
were seventy-two In 1500 there were wi found u the Sea Jose Valley. of dollars. As to the natural enemima At Scotch weddings some years age
California, in 1870. It was at once re-
I,6g6 ongntsed an a serious mansion to lbs of the gale r already noted. Professor it used to be the awtom to batter the
The "fryindustries, like all others `h,W ba lila the re are none of •oy hat of the
[snit rowing interest of the State. The th&i" ban been effectual is ever case bridegroom an he wan leav-
ta this soma have bees greatly sed- 1
sp d the scale ftenm the point of Tactical vervioe, The Only treatment 1Og the bouwe In which the ooreeoay
ed M the P and Dominion Gov- P f
*rammatt The tlaoxies of the Man- original infestation ossa rs.pi,d, its area is burning. Whole dl coop solution ban took place. On one of those 000asiogen
increasing in every direct[ Cs. to 1878 failed i•n some cases. Hydrocyanic acid a newt married
cheater school of polttic4ul economists y couple. relativoa of
iR bed become a serious pest. In 1800 has not been al r oatisfao
ma lithe advanced
ed t and the' status- Professor Cgmmteek said it suss the or togethe the t.ridegrtwm, determined to carry
man who .e.arsed then doctrine that y• Some tiarve reported satisfactory
most pernk'ms scale insect kscwn, out the observance of this Custom to
the wholes duty al this State was to rosttlb from the use of pure kerosene.
effeas Itself ii tednetrial
sad that be had anter even say other tics letter. The bridegroom heard
Owers tetuw used it with partial silo -
would promptly. In, American parlance, e° sf'°°�`°m and so injurious. re, but killed numbers of their trees. them discussing their plans and die
[t gnat iliscmvtered mut of 'tics Ourexperience in Wafted, sod report*patched a memesnger to the carriage,
.be bry an dose tit you would never it
untiA 1805. Now it of reslts of the different treatments which wan waitiag, with his hat some
find him. No party would.dare to has been found in nearly every state in otbor Iocalirtto& are eoedlktl me w There time previous to his departure. Then.
bring forward the principle of 0are- sod lulls extensively distributed in appears to be different results in dif- don of the hat of a male relative
mental inaction which is still the e&- some of them. Trees from New Jersey fervent localities from similar treat- who had plotted against him he pre-
tablished faith of the mother cotmtry. nursartem hone been the source at the mart. pared to go out to the carriage. No
No one would ever. want. to bring tor- jgjstati G in Wag Eastera States sad ll'rotemsor L. O. Howard, of alae Unit- sooner bed he of to the door than
ward much a pr'inelple. The idea is CLue". his hat was furious) anrulted sad
foreign to the initial cosestption of se- d 9tingt Desartrtte" of ale sti(ture, 7
Clonal The source d [hair infestation was t1•�; says: "The seniles still ox- almost doatrored. lie walloed out of
gtr0ntttzmtien held ly all Ceaa- Japan plaza stook isnpvrted from the iota in nnu Bert" and orahards in near- the bon" ami¢ the laughter of the
dish irrespective d party. No State San Joao Valley. California, in IkAo or 1 L11 the 8tatce, wtbc+re it fan heeB bystanders and entered the vehicle;
Inentaor al ebur fegatded as import- .W located. and there is little or no doubt then takisg his battered bat from ills
inept oro ever led State money Prot. P. H. Rolfe reports that the but that its dlsgemmtnsttou Is ora- bond he threw It into the hands of its
gramtc stat stet ns wasteful orchard where the scale was first found proper owner, exclaiming.
or harmul, when tbs object i* the &tautly gbioQ on,, and it la doubtful If tt, "Hwy. donned
furtherdnce of C amd�s i■ tKrfal d♦ : gecn° practically tille� less Ghag b get can ever he stamped oat where it Dougall, there's your bat,:' and doused
wWaintment. And the Texan at tUetitats= flee °f the trees Derog o1Lvg.. -- Ilse brim thovasshl� *stattfished. !t in,, o� �d the eh't*w of &H present.
The scale is new in Canada, and as ih,erefore, impC&AitA • to my that the Mr. Dougall was the unhappiest look -
aid policy is seen in the steady pro- we have little experience with it. the sea is c letal exterminated from Ling man in SooCand for some time
fress everywhere observable, despite opihlote of ybose who have known It ,by orchard nursery anti,l a number lift" I hat.
mengre flaw of capital into the for yeas•& an •alu*ble. Professor J. M. of Jean have elapsed." We, know that
country Aldritpn, d Idaho .say& that iAs is the many American nurserim are Infested,
There is danger, of course, In pmt- most dreaded d all insect pests. and and for our protection we ift, N bow H1� PRtjMISI•:_
Una into the hands d peLiUctans In 0arneet effort is soaAs to prevent its 1 Itgislstiss aa4.borizing the thersagh
office the power of paying out public ggeet"tA+ulgf ► foothold in now lutalitk>. In I t tan, sled, if nefv,masry, the treat- 4,nd you will Bever think of lettins
funds for the aid of private ant"rim; Kammwhsmatts frequent oCcurrsneve i d quarantining of all nursery m built[ the kitchen fire► abs said, as
but the. power ham utppt4, linea applied have heen found, among them Lein[ , stock send fruit o ming into the sous- she "book the rice out of her parasol
either to heor to fielish sowSvlen ECar poWe nets Boston. This to o! j try--WtWtb&r sommiponied by • car- No, he answered, earnestly; I never
the perilous policy of granting a:portspec�ai baterst in ocierw of its helms tWicate of inspection or not. AVe have will. It it becomes necessary we'll move
bounties to oneAurage infant Indus- the coacoastonortherly oocart of th6lbeen receiv2 from'tho United States the stove out in the dining -room
tries has Ixen safe( earned A oat, and scale. in Talbot county, Maryland, J. (Mirnfestecl with the 'ae»te for the
has egnceeded In Its aim without H. Red.'s orchard of fourteen acral% I past ten era, and nursery stock for
landing the country In the economic, emaktivg of apple, cherry, plum and iv A GENTLE HINT.
bog wber lg, for example, RuropseB from one too t Teras old, are I font or ear etre. We found ontCalo
beet -sugar rountries taw find them- sit Lnfaated. At jibme' IZ E. lbw's and poses � season h e anal
, . cook
on top of grained,
d, jest the [invest
setvea TIM thing is kept well in band orchard d twenty acres M practicwtl and L°nighdon i."Ill with the strafe, rook . top d ground, she Ln
which night warty have Leen atm- Mrs. T.'e pwther-Aad I '�enlppoes
In Canada, and when, ss in the rass of all Wonted and many trees have di municsted to some tree or t. that's the reaurn you don't think t se•
eheess the bounty has nerved Its par- in ari«p and Mk wumm's onebarl, d The Oma Jose Act reasgt�af by ressary to hire ane, lg It I
pages It Is wathdraws., x,080 sores, the Vain, was dimempred. df , I . . 3 •
I • After a Ctitleal.euas*aii 0 only(y(l the ides for
AmseaHso Ontario ,
y provides for the i SALTED. r
- ta'ses were found iateatdd. On a fur- oprahards. and � destroetieu off[ suspected
j 'I � r
teat examination within three u'louthe toot*& trees. It also provides for eoo3w. { Juneau Jake -How about that mild
LA/Cfs6'r PAD IN RINGS. abomtt 1,000 u
tries were fond infested. los to tha extent of 1.4 the va- of salt some of the boys found up the
IB e, oases the Lafested trees have
The newest waddling ring tank" Hiis I Im jtAbs tress. gtACh the other dant
an ordinary, rather narrow, plain gold boa spWabad Lad burned. to other I Jose wain can be identified Nitkt Sam -Termed out to be nothia'
nomas tkmsvtftb spraying has been g6v-r tel but a gdd ague+. The thlevfe' sma.d.
ring On the inside d ft's a tiny hole. an thea[ resells from &prying 1st, It le round. roles had salted It. ,
By an Ingenious matrivown the gold lave been far from s&tisfectory and 210111, It ie na&oll..
ringrates, disclosile two linked mattwru are worse an they were a W. The be.ek or trwt around the ��
` R than
- year oto. scale is discolored reddish or purple. A LOVIRR'S DROCRIPTION.
eirelets. The data of the marriage and It to at lost reallsed flat not only ares I Every fruit -graver shouM have a Doss Mon -i Anaft nes bow it is yogaf
the initials of the Ipittogtoorm and bride our osrbards In danger. but tduw Pt- pocket hvilt whirb can ho ;,act at about edmter failed to fleA ,ire at the .tarts••
are tngnviod on the upper inr(sce of intssgs el sit dnCsdnmm vag"tation in, BGr., slid shimid exa+niee bU trews, of You weld you would dew•ribe as to
Doe ring and s motto such as "Amit) tttrretf5gsstL shaild the post etu•e ts,- peeially Ibowe which are not doing well, bar.
ungoe ad area," adores the Igwet out. soma /A0ll ioltewi ps�reAly tbtcwtKheut fhrlJJ I>y rnop.ration ram t,bim put M Fdsttstwd Lover, who ween • poi
Owe. Wt" this Hake are flood to. exit foragetst for tle t oast LII bore denit with. pteal siotu in KWO MOW the ..11wr
getbw the iamriptia W are lose led. d its &*I extiortiois would he Met. Mr. Orr Albow'wd nwithfena d wood folks ager -Toss. i told bort to tont rafg
•a.ltasre sag nobtlat d the rise's "r It — )d mansin a standing trwascP ieers1#4 with the, sada. so'l-It conn cox- heaut.ifel giri, with the take of • Ma.
ret. 'tea bridegroom wean a aim 1- f vee- Bt tat blew boot rm**1i is unitnod by s largo number Ot people. down&. and the tom of a sj,ipt. It -s
to rift. the ars cad the matchbox. Where the ---J. R OR.R. queer she Siam" 7d'A• !
r in,I lm��
..•... s 1 ,.f,V, 5' y'��,p 'V6° � r}.. %A� s
.last -..i .,'•1.+,yd 1_-"t „y'.�., #a F. r,:;.�_* 70.01 A., IVE I
.. .
i... 't;-. .e