The Signal, 1898-1-28, Page 6s,r-W..,..- ..
lemmatise Ova. About Out Own Ceestry
Onset Itrttala. tar Limited stats.. nae
All Parte of tie ONM. C.eds..,d .M
Au.rted tor Rosy Reading.
Manitoba fanners are shipping large
quantities of stock to the Yukon.
The Grand Trunk Radia& Company
will enlarge its wheel foundry at Ham-
Welland now has natural gas for
eating. lighting and manufacturing
m rpsses.
An agent of the Dominion Govern -
meat is at Copenhagen securing Lap-
anders and reindeer for the Yukon.
The Marquis of Lorne bas accepted
the position of Honorary Colonel of the
'.6th Battalion, Argyle l.igbt Infantry.
Mr. Georgia ('uun.'eli• Clerk of the
!Minty of Wentv,orth. diel suddenly
et the family residence, Hamilton. on
Saturday. f
The Department of Inland Revenue
effected 215 seizures during the peat
year, s i•rge number being illicit wbia-
k.y stills.
The Spring Hill Coal Company, of
Nova Scot a will operate the Souris
_"tbal-fields. where they have 0ecnred
tracts of 1 and.
Messrs. Siegel, Cooper & Company of
vttw York and Chicago sem
have no intention of opining s depart -
rental etore in Toronto.
Her Majesty's ship Phaeton, and tor -
?e to dcatroyer 'Sparrowhawk are at
Fequimalt, B.C. There are now seven
warship In thkt harbor.
An order in Council bas been passed
designating Port Stanley as a port to
which tke harbees set'ah&ll apply, and
declaring the limits of the port.
Owing to the heavydrafts made on
the Mooted Police or service in the
Yukon, the remaining fords find it dif-
ficult to attend to the calls made on
Tb. -City Hall at London, the scene
a Itbe recent accident, is being repalr-
�Tt there ls an itstion in the
` y for -£fie ereciivo vi s�pei� 6x"11- lei.
ther north.
The Government will place some 95.-
5:800,(00 whitefish in Lakes Ontario,
Erie, Huron, and M. Clair next sum-
mer. TM eeggpgs are now being batcbed
• IA
the Ffanthviccl SifTiery.
The investigating governors of the
Royal Canadian Humane Association , sword ea a present to Ki,og Menelik of
have award tbe silver medal to Al- em p ole.
bort J. Cummer d Hamilton for swing'
Klee Amelia Hall from drowning. -,
Smuggling in a large way is strongly
suspeot.d by the CustomriDepartm•at
to be carried ea over the frontier. at
Niagara1 ells, but the experts et the
imminent are able to nonplus the offi-
Ths city cleric'sof mad post -office
et Black. Versatiee 6•ve beets destroy-
ed by fire.
A wheel compeer is Buffalo has re-
ceived by cable an order for 1000 bi-
cycles to be shipped to Hamburg. Oer-
The narunation of Attorney -General
McKenna as a J uetice of the Supreme
Court has leen ratified by the United
States Senate.
Eight mart were killed and four seri-
ously wounded at Sandy Forks. Ky..
in a fight which arose over a game of
cards. All were colored.
There is • big strike among the cot -
teen operation at New Bedford, Maas.,
ani other New F.ngland towns, over
the reduction in wagea.
At the annual meeting of the Boston
Chamber of Commence the resolutions
favoring reeiprocity with Mends were
unanimously adopted.
The Cleveland Music Hall. which was
built in 1885, at • oast of $80,000, was
destroyed by fire on Saturday night. It
bad a resting capacity of seven thou -
Rev. T. Dewitt Talmage, the noted
di ins of Washington, and Mrs. Elmore
McCutehenn Collier of Allegheny City
were married at Pittsburg, on Satur-
"Gray Gables," the summer borne of
ex -President Cleveland, at Buzzard's
Bay. has been visited by burglars. who
ransacked the boom from attic to cellar
and made good their escape without
leaving the slightest clue to their iden-
Ths proposition sow before the New
York State f.egistature to legs;ixe Su-
Meilslotkiiialpt..i M etre Tgrk city has
evoked a storm of protects from the
theatrical protession, who Melee the
idea of toeing their one day of rest.
They will ask the clergy to assist therm
io a crusade agailed the proposal.
In the (sited States Senate on
Thursday, Fenatcr Caffrey, of-Lou-
,isiana speaking on the immigrati .n
bill, said; 'No immigrant not a pauper
Pr insane, or diseased or criminal,
should be turned sway from our shores.
This bill is the dry of procrastination
and selfishness. It is another form of
the mann of protection."
Yellow fever bas disappeared from
Dr. ,8yjlwepiTiQel says PrinceBis-
m rieles condition 1. not sttious.
Duke Alfred of Saxe -Coburg -Goths
has been ordered to Egypt by, the doe-
Disastrous floods are reported from
�Ot3+l:j.ttSa..os the Hlvslsb frostier o
emus' tinges Wetssleg ,ion Messes. reset
salsa lehmestrs.
A despatch from Londe* ..7s -4s.
Lord Wolseley, Field Marshal and Ceo-
maoder-In-Cbiet of the British array,
spesklog at • banquet is London. on
Thursday evening, refuted what he
called " pesmamist rumours current
about the army." lend Wolseley as-
sorted that if E+adiand declared war
to -morrow she could have two of tis
finest and meat fully equipped army
ourppi in readiness for any Britiah pert
before Mies amid be ensoar.! to em-
bark there. He said furthermore that
if the men were better paid there
would be no difficulty in obtaining re-
The Daily Mall. ooeunenting un the
recent Ministerial speeches and the
proposed additions to the artily and
navy, thinks "it aU proves that Lord
Salisbury can be resolute when mom-
There has been • responsible state-
ment that the Government has decid-
ed to add 7,030 mien to the navy, and
the firet-olass battleship Hannibal,
now at Portsmouth. is to be put at
onre into commission. There is. how-
ever. no official information or con-
firmation is either cases.
fesir store *J a Weans& is etaseMr Me-
llowed to 1.e la Canada.
A desyetdh from St. PauL Minn.. says
-Mrs. Areelia Forks was abot five
times at Sheffield Mills, Rice county,
on Saturday. She was dead when the
neighbors arrived. A satchel mu
found on Monday in Mrs. Forke'a barn
containing shoes, overahoas, and a cap
belonging to Charles Forks. her di-
vorced huaband. Mrs. Forke obtained
• divorce from her husband two years
ago on the ground of cruelty and non-
support. Forks was very angry at
this proceeding, and, it is said, told
her that he would "fix her plenty"
for so doing. He went to Minneapolis
and went into busineas. and ass there
until last Friday, when be sold otit
and said be was going to Canada. The
evidesee .some, to attlow tiaC immedi-
ately after disposing of his business
interests in Minneapolis he went to
Sheffield Mills, to the home of bis
forme, wife, sad hid in the barn Fri-
day night. Everyone was away from
f home Saturday. except Kta. Perks.
ranne. .
Tbe Russian army ham sent a costly
A fortnightly mall service between
Auckland. New Zealand, and San Fran-
Naso and Vancouver well be Inaugur-
ated os April 1. Tbe Oceanic and Cana-
iisntAustralian lines will sail every
fourteen days alternately.-- • ---
Sines tie beginning of the year thir-
ty-nine fernlike from the United Settee
bay* takes up their abode in Toronto,
being of lbs opinion that the future
of that oily is brighter than the out-
look is the United States cities.
Sus:ceste' obeeryatio of the soar
*dI"iem were mode Le India and other
parts elft the globe. •
Ctle ' 6atbolic priest was slot and
times wounded during 'vespers In •
Catholic church, Et Corfu. Island of
Corfu, Greets.
Tbe Mistral -Ma gold yield for the
month of November Will; Queensland.
78024 ounces; West Australia, 75,040;
Victoria. 70,177.
Bucbarest has been imitating Paris
by having a duel between journalists.
Being lees skilful than their French
originals. however, one combatant un-
fortunately killed the other.
A Cannes despet^h, speaking at Me.
Glad'tone's health, says: --"HS Is ex-
tremely weak and so dejected as are -
cult of neuralgic pains, that be has
Countess Russell, widow of Lord John expreweed a desire the` all were over"
Rummell, is dead at London.
Great Britain has again declined to
reopen the sealing question in answer
to a request of the United States.
It is said in London that the Govern-
ment wi11 ask Parliament to sanction
an increase of the army by 15.000 men.
Alarming rumors regarding Mr.
Gladstone's health are again current
in London. but reports from Cannes
•tate that tbere is little foundation
for them.
The very Rev. Henry George Lid-
dell, the former dean of Christ church,
Oxford, is dead. He efts born in 1811,
and was at one time chaplain to the
Prince Consort.
Events ie the far east are forcing
again Into prominence the Pacific cap le
question. The influential jouruala all
point out this urgent need of an •11 -
British table.
Henry Irving hie been selected as the
Rode Ieeturer at Cambridge University The Vat;req etalistician announce*
for 1898. The lectureship was establish- that last year the Congregation of Car-
ed in Henry VI11.'i1 jme to 1* devoted dinals revived 490 applications for the
to "Humanity, Logic, and Philosophy annulment of marriage. took about
forever." - halt of thein into consideration, and
It is rumoured in London that Em- out the bonds in only six eases.
yeror Francis Joseph of Austria will
shortly announce the betrothal of the
Archduchess Elizabeth. daughter of
the late Crown Prism .Rudolph, to the
King et Spain.
The suit against Lady Sykes id Lon-
6ss.-lt..,J&j l U 8 ey-lender1 has fail••
.4, -tis Jury finding that. The s gnu
to tl rioter were forged: This
ber Ladyship in a r•tber worse pool-
'.lon than before.
Messrs. Wields ride Prost . who es-
caped tee manners of the Britlsh sur-
vey party which was attacked by na-
tives at Mekran, on January 12, have
reached Ormara, on the Arabian Bea.
There was a severs earthquake shock
on Monday at Argenta, Italy,eighteen
miles south-east of Ferrera,}A church
and severs, buildings were wrecked,
and some persons were injured.
During the past week the deaths
from the bubonic plague at Bombay
numbered 1151. From all reuses
there were 1,540 deaths 'the exodus
is increasing, and business is st'sg-
It is reported that Japan has pur-
teased the Itraziliao cruiser. Abreu,
now building on the Tyne. for £F10.000,
and has also bought the Brazilian Iron-
clad.+ Iteod,.re, and Floriano. which are.
constructing in France.
Considerable surprise has been caus-
ed at Berlin, by s despatch from St.
Peterahurg, to the Cologne Gazette
snnounring that Ruesia has formed
a new army corp a on the German
and Austrian frontiers at Vilna and
Mr. Dunbar Plunkett Barton, Q.C.,
member of Parliament for the Middle
Division of Armagh, has been returned
to the House of Commons without op-
position on his appointment am Solici-
toreleoeral for Irel•dd.
England has taken a step toward the
shandoment of her unituccensful fres
negro colony of Sierra Leone, now shut
to by Preach territory.
The Quart has
evoked tbe lettere patine of Itl5ti lin.
'eluting the bishopric of Sierra Lone.
The Lord O'Neill was loot on Wed-
nesday night off l.imceie.k, and the
drew were rescued by the British
steamer Kincora, from Liverleot. Tbe•
rush may soreat in getting away'
frotheBink ship that the', crew
lost everything.
The annual commemoration of the
death of Prinoe Henry of Battenberg
t sok rime no Wednesday at Whipping -
ham chsreb, where his remains are rest -
ism. The ceremony was attended by
Q.soa Vietoria, Prineess Henryof
Vatteaherg, Prineeen Chrlctlan, mad the
Marehionw of Lorre.
The Eseeltt4re Commit`tee of the
ewAletrl ted Soeiaty of Engineers ban
-- p -I the strikers to aesspt
sa44,„.�.n' terms practicallygir-
r the letter see nontrol of their
It this &deice is accepted work
probably he resumed an January
Empress Augus ' to . Tat
Me-huabaad is
a brace hada o[ the seven rni&ia-
tnrea e1 her children painted on ivory
appearance unannounced one eveningdin
sad set in jewels. From the middle
picture hangs' the portrait of the Kai- the boudoir where the Countess was
ear, to a heart -shelled medallion. bitting with the two Isoys. None had
A' swordfish weighing 2070 pounds heard her enter, so silent had been her
was lately brought to the market at step, and when they looked up and naw
Taiping. in the Straits Settlement. It
was 30 feet lrmtr, the fleab and bons
weighed 900 eattim, or 1200 pounis; the
fat 230 ditties, the entrails, 400,
”t' the awd>rd 30 Melees. it �i
"t iri y
s,. Gletwl.$ illistfteeel._ gay Canada
sao.ld Pay for Naval serene.,
A despatch from London say. -Sir
Michael hick' Beach, Chancellor of
the Exchequer, speaking at Bristol on
Wednesday evening. ridiculed the no-
tion of providing granaries. as has
been suggested in some quarters. He
Tae rue Pulped Jima' Mem sed eery Me,
reuse - elearwd by gessoes -*Snead
itemised IelsrM.
A despatch from Algiers, mays
lewnh riots were renewed here on Sat-
urday. The mob invaded the Jewiak
quarter and pillaged the shops in the
Rue liabasoum, driving the Jewish seer-
ercheats into the street'. A squadron of
obsesenre were ordered to the scene and
charged tate moi, with draws sword..
but the mob re-formed further on,
cheering for the armee Revolvers and
daggers were freely used. One man.
who was stabbed in thio back and shot
In the bash, died on the spot. Many
were seriously slabbed, one tamed Cay -
oda dying from hie wounds at 4o'clock
is the afternoon. The crowd. hearing
ut this, became dangerously excited.
shouted. " They are murdering us."
" Death to this Jews," and reeuwed pil-
laging. The fronts of mix shots were
destroyed and the toot was burned.
The police repeatedly charged the riot-
ers. but were stubbornly resisted and
were powerless to restore order until
the troops arrived. Several policemen
were ',seemly malt rested. Man arrests
Mete theft have ete made. The
Jewish authorities recommend their
oo-religionists tc ramaln in-
doors. Both the men kidlel
is the rioting were Christians and their
ooctpaniopi have sworn to avenge
them. Disturbas ea and the looting of
Jewish shops continued throughout the
evening despite the efforts of the troopa
to qu.0 tike rLs4a. At 10 e'elee& is the
evening new Jewish flour stores wore
pillaged and their (entente thrown in-
to the streets. The Zouaves then
charged the crowd with Cited bayonets
and dispersed it, many persons being
injured. At tee moment this despatch
is sent, 11 o'clock, the rioters are reu-
semblrug on the quays and Letting fire
to the Jewish spirit stores. Troops
are being sent to the spot. Already
there have been 150 arrests. The
maintenance of order has been entrust-
ed to the military,
.lora atellasa4►tis) awe made ey weetestate
ie New York.
A desps.Lh tram New York saes: -
In s two-storey frame house on Ann
street, West Hoboken, Police Officer
Walter Noah on Thursday night found
-kr ismartertei't etee Corsets
bills. The money was only printed on
one side. to this house, in July, 1891
Wittier Brockway, the notorious forge.
er, and- blrs. Abbie Smith were w-
rested by Secret Service Agent Beggs
and a large quantity of counterfeit
money was found. Brockway was tried.
found guilty of counterfeiting, and sen-
tenced to a bong term in New Jersey,
while the Smith woman remised a sen -
said he was convinced the Briti,h I lade six years. Tbe house u now
navy was etrong enough to bold its ' of . E. pied s by apolitical club known as
own, and in any war England would the E. 0. Scbrady Aseoriation. Leat
night Mr. Noah who lives next door, I
have many friends ready to supply arcornpanied by the janitor of the club, 1
cern. Referring to the coming bud- - searched the attic and found concealed
get estimates, he said these would between the beam' of the 1 oozing the
counterfeit money and Mete. The hills
show that the Government was fully i were done up in packages ot 65,000,
alive to keeping up the standard of sod were in a waterproof bag. The
the army and navy, though, he de- bills are on the Bank of Montreal. Ag-
eisred, it tions not creditable to Can- lest ° Bagnotefrssg ieof the Secret Service, a
ada or fair to English taxpayers that d and will take abargebaof
snob a colony should practically con- the plate and bills. The house will pro -
tribute nothing to the naval defences babty be thoroughly smirched again.
of the Empire. He hoped Canada would
soon turn her attention to this mat-
ter. adding that be was oonvinoed that
if she did not the day would come
when she would have "a rude awaken -
lag which would be entirely her own
fault." In concluding his speech. the
Chancellor of the Exchequer announc-
ed that Chins had approached Eng-
land for •asiatance to pay the Japanese
indemnity. and that the negotiatit.ns
were still pending.
' tubed Vitriol I* Ike race e1 a Countess
.ad Burned tier Ow■ Sass with tee
Baron von Kudlich-nephew and heir
of the well-known general who played
Talrters •.steers of a Urinate Crew Ar
►N1ld es sa111ase►ti.
A despatch from Baltimore, -Md., says:
-The British steamer Ursula Bright.
thirty days from Havre. arrived here
on Friday. Thirteim members of her
erew, charged with mutinous conduct,
were taken aboard the police boat Lan-
non, and conveyed to the office of the
British Corseul. Captain \Vhiteon laid
Merges against them, and to -morrow
a naval court, consisting of two Bri-
tish .hipmasters and Consul Frazer,
will try their eines. The crew were
shipped at Sunderland, England, is
July. ties agreement not to extend be-
yondso great a part at the court of tbe Tull- tas they mild reachor se sea porn t of
feriae married the deformed niece of the United Kingdom. The steamer lett
[Deice and Inherited through her mil- Havre on Denemher 22ndand the men
lion and the Vienna Fremdenhlatt- after demarsiing their discharge, re
deserted his wife in Gratz about a year fused to work.
ago for • Countess Gregorowltch, niece
of the Premier of Service. He took his
two little boys with him to live with
the Countess In Vienna and sued for
Bearing the other day thattheCoan-
-waa about to beguMmee mot.
tV_.desrti d (ted wife, dritap_lbeans with
tory', travelled to Vienna and made her
tier standing there gazing et them
'without uttering Reword they were pet-
rlitel with astonishment.
�►�n t((atmos attemptto risrl
lIMR kinsr chair Baroness' ktueidarteB
Accosting to e. epeeist -despatch re- !leeward and emptied the codtenta of
teMed from Berlin, It Is semi-official- a bottle of vitriol over the tats of the
ly announced in that city^• that ,(ler- emotesa, some of the burning liquid
many will not. °hetet to the appoint- spattering into the faces of the two
ament of Prins* George of (erode as
Governor of the kilned of Crete, "pro-
vidrl the other powers unanimously
lie boys.
The screams d all three brought Peo-
ple to the mem. The Baroness was ar-
vested and will doubt be confined
In the italinn Chamber of Drpmtks for the remainder of ber life in a lune -
on Friday.. blue Premier, libelee, dl tic asylum. The Comtel and the lit-
Rudinl, explain -4 that the r,eent dire -LI_ jet lsoys were beton to the great met -
°mere in the Hallettprovinces were r'''''''",""&" hospital in '.Leena.
due to the ckernes% of foreand lack I Oee of the little boy, fourears old,
or employment owing to the retrench- ; he' Inst the sight of one eye. 'be other
manta in public experar
ndith. little fellow is marked for lib with a vitriol burn oe his cheek. The nnforto-
A letter has been received at Rrus- nate Counter is so shockingly injured
se4, free Arongat, dated envrtdMr %3„ that death will b. preferable to ear-
wbk•h reports. that the iasue/eat, hay, nivel is her ease. filer a es, Dose end
attavke.1 and defeated a detaelgaaat1
part of her ups were h away M
of the Omelet Ate:* tempi north of the the. vitriol.
Luk.. killing their enmmenier eaten, It is one of the most abrwikin trier -
Denten perm ally undertook punitive tidies that have taken place In Vienna
operations from Lakeside' ha the Masy-I in many • long year and bee crested
etre district l • tremendous negation. -
Proposal to EsuNlsa • IAN Pow
tie a. Jam. Ip.( -Special }-J, R.
of Nelsen. B,C:, v.presesttiaf,
the Commonwealth Mining Company,
along with S. O. Shorey. J. C. Holden,
Senator Tbihaudeau, Mr. Beique, Mont-
real; Mr. Robert Jaffray, of Toronto,
and others, waited oat the Government
et Ottawa, Wednesday forenoon, Mr.
Pow -elle company bas • scheme for a
stage Doe between, Ednonton &ad
Dawsitvn City In the Yukon, which he
says coolie travelled in about twelve
days. The Mehemet is about 1,1100 miles.
The antimony elks for large powers in
td p► miningion me d Mepg'sfi or.
T se* the Prertr(s�.na Mmasi's Ir.
Tarte and 0iftrst.
SIe011.v Sto.ew Molls from Portland
Crowded With Paee►S*en pad Prelitbi.
A .lewipateh fmm Portland. Ore.,
rya --The steamer Oregon, ailed for
Alaska On Sueley night with four
ha•ctred sad fifty passengers. and 1:
Ifie tem of mineral mercharwtiae and
baggage. Fifty head of live mt.nek was
also part of the cargo. No leas than
tkree hundred people wko applied for
passage were refused, and hundreds of
tees tot freight were lying on the
doekm •weitiing transportation to the
gold fields. The demand for lumber in
Alaska le evinrmnu., but eteemahips
refugee 10 retry it, preferring to take
1.w hitt% fr'ght, leaving the lumber
for angling verete'•
NEWS F8011 TH1 FIB 118T
401111• ilea sma.s. Power - N. Will
Moak tills hessian fetter - Geranium
Maps 55111 to also -Vitae Say ad Wer
Cl..da Lues..
d spatoh from Yokohama, says>: -
A fleet of new warships will leave in
the ooutss of a week for Chinese wa-
ters, the Mikado provenly inspecting
the Yaahima and the Fuji. steel bar-
bette sbipa of 12,450 tons, displacement.
Decresa have been issued appointing
Lieut. -Gen. Viscount Kawakami chief
of staff, and creating a supreme mili-
tary advisory council. consisting of
the Merqui Yamagsta, Marquis Oy•-
aana. Marquis Saigon and Prince Ko-,
The London 8t. Janrsa' Gestates, oola-
menting upon the despatch 1rum Yo -
It tbsaaa saying that • fleet of nine
Jepson* warships will leave Japan in
the course of a week tor Chinese es-
ters, says: -"Japan is prepared for
war. Test. in • nutshell. la the news
from Yokohama to -day, and it is really
the first news from Japan since the
tegenning of the Chinese crisis. it
was obvious that the Japanese Govern-
ment had stopped telegraphic commu-
nication, which it never does except
when mobilising the army or navy.
That is precisely what it has been do-
ing. It fa almost certain that the
destisiatioe of the fleet is Wei Ilal-
WeL and there is no doubt the move-
ment means that the status quo in
China. so far as Mao•'hnrie and Corea
are oonoerssed, shall nut be altered by
Russia or any oombin•tion o[
Russia's allies, is defiance of Great
Britain and Japan. ho long as the de-
fender's policy 1s equality of opportun-
ity in China. they are in a position
to enforce their claims."
'!lb"s 'RC •glies
pradswsses to a list et the ships in
the seem, pointing out Its
lmmesens fleeting strength. and ssys;
-"Even with Great Britain a mere
is-e.Leaker,-4t is prebabla
Japan could finish off all the Russian
and Germag wars/rips east of the Sue.
canal ire abort order. Great Britain.
.Oven- including Lbs Powerful. has not
• mismel in the North Pacific capable
et standing in battle line against three
battleships which Japan possesses."
IC is reported that Japan has pur-
chased the Brazilian cruiser Atereu,
now build'ng on the Tyne. for £.170,-
000, and has also bought the Brazilian
iren.'lads Theodora anti Floriano, wbtcb
are constructing In France. Agents
of the Spanish Government have been
in Union trying to arrange for the
remehare at these vessels, but it is no-
derstood that they were unable to
raise the mos/wary money.
A special despatch from Paris says
orders have been received at Cherbourg
sad Toulon respectively, to immedi-
ately prepare the battleships Bruit
and Vauhaa to reinforce the French
squadron in the far Ea.*L
The Brute is • steel vessel at 4.754
tons displaosenent. and 9.049 indicated
bor.e-power. Her speed is estimated
at over 18 knots, anti the carries •
crew of nearly 400 men.
The Vauban in s Meel vessel of 6,2110
toa. an -1 4.560 indicated horse -power.
Her nominal speed is about 14 1-2 knots.
and she carries • crew at 440 men.
The Brriz and Vauban sailed for
China on January 24. Admiral de
Beaum'*tt boa been anted Com-
mander -in -Chief of the French squad -
non in the far East. Ha will hoist his
flag ote board the Vauban.
A special despatch from Shanghai,
dated Friday. says that France has
purchased three Chinese steamers, and
is trying to acquire others for conver-
sion into transports. According to the
same despatch the ,!spinose squadron
sailed from Yokohuka on Saturday for
Chinese waters. i11'be morning papers
comment editoris'ly upon the menac-
ing argeet or affairs in China. De-
spatches from Paris say that tbe report
is current there that China is trying
by the atter of high interest. to obtain
a loan without aneistasce, and without
the guarantees that Russia and 'Eng-
land demand.
A despatch from Berlin. rya: -The
Berliner Neust Nechrichten announces
that the German warships are still
sounding Ciao -Chan hay, adding that
the exact nits of the port is not yet
fixed. and that tbe Government intends
net the ennstTartkrn tft tbs awls s-et&T
port shell be borne by private coin -
ponies. it is further stated that one
company has already hero formed to
construct the docks.
A despatch from Pekim sayer -The
prospects at the Rritieh loom are not.
bright. The Beitiith and Japanese Min-
isters are acting in concert in the abet,
ter The lose will be (If arranged) at
3 per cent.. and will be issued at par.
A despatch from Benign Lays:-dll e
following semi-official aanoltucsement
was merle cis Moalay:-"The statement
regarding Germany's intention to open port of Kiso-fie to the commerce
or the world are practically cermet.
dermas&J desires that its policy in
Chlna Monte be of a Moral character.
not interfering with commerce of
other nations."
The Minden Tiamee editorially on
Monday morning say.: -"We are glad
to learnt from various trustworthy and
mutually i•adependent 'nurses that the
runvrorn of Germany's intention to
open Klan -Chan to the world's eom-
m•rne are well foonded. It thio de -
(Mine le pusintained. Kim -Chau will
probehly Monism as t, busy, and
riebing estrepotreof the world'.
trade, a :northern Hong Kong The
wisdom of the ded•ion cannot be doubt-
ed. It will Mod to improve the unnec-
e•sarily striped relations between
Ragland tied Gerlasrnr. 1t 1. to to
k t sd (bat other natio& will follow
Germaad's example, and that the tar
Em er& question may thereby to
greedy slmpllfted "
P rospects or a tla War Over Ma Calsese
The Londoc Daily Standard in an ed-
itorial on Saturday presents what la
prentnahl'y the off Con•erva.tive
view of the Chinese dtustloo. It
nays: -
"A cabin survey ot the situ tion as
it exists on the .pot aoarosly encourages
the hap. thee by the mere lapse of time
everything will arrange itself. Rawls
e nd Great Britain are nus in a post -
lien d whltlt it la clear that one or
the other will have to give way. It
ought not to be Great Britain. If our
Foreign Office on thla occasion penults
tbe threat@ al the Csar'a Charge-dt'At-
Mires to coerce the Taung Li Yemen
into ',rejection of our terms, there will
be an end to our influence at the Im-
perial court. It is not the first, but it
is unquestioembly the crucial trial at
strength. St. Petersburg twa Moses
the ground and thrown down the ahal-
j ibe • Standard, continuing. says that
there is no lack of means for siert-
mg in action the principle that has
been so Unequivocally expunged la the
words; "If neceemmy. et the cwt of
war," uttered by iiiohasl Rieke -
Beech reosatly and don ludas-"J&.
pan is stated to be acting In ooncert
with the United States during the dip-
lomatic struggle with the 7'eung Li
Yemen. The naval strength d the
two States interested in maintaining
inviolate the statue quo is overwhelm-
ing. It. unhappily, the question of
mastery hes to be decided by force,
it is bard tome how the policy of onm..
meroial Iibarte and equality man be
Tied asd teems to seat\ - titled • ufrl
(Loots. Seo ter*..d to Stowe.
A dsap•toh from Buffalo same-
Theongb . w einem /metalled Actor of a
room In the Yaleowitch block on COm-
mercial street, on Wednesday morning,
• passerby saw the blood -spattered
body of Kate Clark, wife of Ed. Clark,
• grain scoops:. The police broke in
tlie"T E door. The wills, tied, Roof
and. furniture were splotched with
blood. The woman had been beaten to
death with a choir Neighbors heard
the eour+le quarreling the previous
night. Clark could not tee found by the
police, and they are certain he killed
Later It was learned that Clark tied
tbe hands of the wopan and then
heat ber to death with a 'cooper shov-
Following closely on the brutal mur-
der on Wednesday morning of Kate
Clark, by her common law husband.
comes a double tragedy Murray Bun-
dy, thirty-five years of age, married,
and the tattler of two ehlldyen, Wed-
nesday night drove out to • road -house
on Walden avenue, just over the city
line, Tbere he rust Mattis E. Van
Sickle, a woman of ill -repute, with
whom he had beep infatuated for some
time. Bundy had repeatedly asked the
woman to elope with him, but she had
steadily retuned. Wednesday night
he preened bee to leave the city, sad
upon her refusing to have anything
more to do with him, be drew a re-
volver and fired two shots at ler. Both
bullets entered her body, and she
dropped to the floor dead. There were
several eye-witnesss of the shooting,
but before anyone could make a move
Bundy planed the revolver at his
lived, and Beat a bullet into bis
Two 1•luers tilled In as Avalaue r 4.
seltMa Col■w*I..
A de+patch from emir, B.C., nays:
-Men are digging in a enowslide at.
the C'ons-didated Alabama mine, five
miles frons here, for the bodies of
Charles Wagner, a mining men at
Spokane; and J..1. Luna, sets) is be-
lieved le have come from Escanaba.
Mich. They arrived here Ileceml er
6th. and left with a packer tar the
mind. That was the last seen of them
alive. As they failed to deme to town
for their mail,, fears were ar,tused,
sg i Friday a party went up the moon -
to the mine. They found asnow-
elide had swept down tbe m mtain
end wrecked the elackmmith 'bop. The
e.bin wee. net struck - and MAL were
found the men's eats, witches. mon-
ey. and supplies.
Ur. I'kstb.rl.11e. (.•*aria .n Ise CMOS,
r.,.. .r tN trwplre.
A despatch from London says :-Right
Hon. Jos. Chamberlain on Wednesday
night at Liverpool paid a warm trib-
ute to the imeri•l importance of the
Cannditletq Pa old, w i eg val,ed i
magnif eilleree I 1* 1a im -
Malls signs cent in via* of evente'ln
the taT Eats(4 in the Hevelnpenent of
which as the Government here fully
realize, the Canadian Pacific route pro.
vides F.ngiancl for the first time with
• strong trump card. Mr. Chamberlain
also acid that it wattle be foolish to
attempt to predict the form which lbs
Miura closer union of the Empire
would take. He .tided :-"Tt may to
is the shape of a commercial union. or
inaperi&l solivereis, which I don't think
so absurd an some political economists
believe, or It may be 1t the shape of
own. imperial oOenMU."
Dorothy. closely eyeing a hornet
Oat has name in through the open
window-Thterel I should tklsk any
flv'd know hetter'o to lace in tight'.
life..1 unseal fail esi rime Alt Part.
.t 41.. World.
A, top of ooel yields alrltoet 10,000 feet
The coinage of • sovereign ousts the
English mint 3-4d. -
A leper %teeth has barge exhibited
by a Drerieo watobanaker.
The import duty oa hells baa been
raised la Plans to twelve trans.
A000rding to a German natursliat
there are 306.000 species of animals In
the world.
Ths only civilised country which does
ant grant patents on inventions is
LAM year tote Berea post-otfioe tor-
e aided 291,000,000 news{ apera and re-
ceived only 19.700,000 from slsewbsrs.
Whw th• 810214's tuanl is completed
the distance between London and Brin-
disi will be dlminiebod 132 kUaztptres.
Ratlw•y-tunnel betiding in 9witser-
laedi atm now W dolts .t one-half the
oast. and four (loins as Met as thirty
yeas* ago.
The largest room is the world under
one roof and unbroken by 'pillars la at
8t. Petersburg. It V 80 feet lcerg by
130 feet in breadth.
Lately as olive -tree wee carelesly d..
stroyed ((sear Nice, wbtob lad a posit,
tive record of five centuries and owe
aired M feet in eireumference.
Madrid is threatened with • strike of
if rooms' ahopmrn, who object to were,
tag front eight to eleven on week days
and till (oar on teen's's.
A writer in lbs Fortnightly Review
thinks that 56400 termer*. each wart
a 100 -sore farm. in Canada. could sup
Ph all tb. wheat England seed..
Since the year 1007-'311 the permute('
of recruits to the German army who
could not read aged write has needily
deor.amed from 0.71 per cent to 0.1.
As Austrian eommisfon recently
appointed to consider the edvwbiliM
of allowing Min manufacture of arti-
ficial wins decided in the negative.
The dumber of sheep is the worlds
estimated b &moult to 568.000,000. Of
Ibis number, between one-third and
one -hall age_Malha ed to be .madame
The numbers of letter. ate., forward•
ed last year by the German pont-ot-
lime was 3,203,000,000, of which Berl*
furnished Dearly one -fifth -435.000,00e.
The latest project of the D•aiah gov-
ernment is to introduce an income tax
of 1 1-4 per cent. a year, those having
leas thao 700 ermine of indoles ,
Pittsburgh firemen are now permit•
ted to weer service .tripes o° their
sleeve*, different Dolor* denoting oar -
lou. terms of service op to the golden
stripe for five years.
Prua.ia seems to be enjoying better
times than it did • decade ago. la 1381
109.190 hectares of lead was confiscated
at auction, while in 1896 the figure was
only 66,(102 leotards.
Kehl lea a new bridge across the
Rhine, but tbe complaint is reads that
it is se mite a structure tint it conn
versa mom uulavoraWy with the �
railway bridge buUt forty years ago.
It is not generally knows that when
a person Latin into the water • common
felt hat can leo made gas of s. e life -
preserver. Planed upon tar water. run-
dowa, It will boor a men tip, it is said.
tor boars -
.A Liverpool Court bin decided tb•t
• nurse attending to a taw of i
t.doum disease is entitle i to extra pay
meet during the weak which tb. rules
of the nurses' home require her ta
remain in quarantine.
An Italian named Galelllni bas re-
cently trade a boat of cement. Tb.
framework ie of MUM steel bars 'lay-
ered with a wire netting, the latter
being. in turn. covered with .learnt.
The surface is 'then polished. It is
claimed that such a haat cost. 1e.s thus
a wooden one, aril despite its extra
weight. glides more easily through the
water. t
CAttAD(t t e'I ri'3 R
eep.vM Prow Tae Old Courier aro Tss,
A report to the Dominion Agriculture -4
Department from Lottdon, Eng., re-
grinding the butter trade, sys:-"Tbere
has been a fair demand for Australia•
butter during the pest week, especial-
ly for butter at • low price, so as to
bring a good profit when retailed at
24 Dents. Prices are somewhat easier,
sad while gams agents ere selling their
choicest brands at 20-1-2 to 21 mots.
others are fighting hard for 21 1-2 cents.
Mt them7►��d� are selling lowest will
win in the tis of sale, and succeed is
lowering prime, as well as the pockets
at the Australian dairymen. There is
in the North of England a very
demand for Comedian creamery but -
to and in Manobester choicest geni-
ehave brousirt from 21 1-2 to M S••4
ee , wholesale, thea exceeding the
price for the Altstralien product,"
.n od Ottawa Sa3.res Mb•..
map sermea
isaae Til !Mani h his
daughter Oltvre; aged nineteen, •d his
mon. ten years old, who lire at the tom
nor of Bridge and 'Wright streets,
Hull. were pretty .everely burned at
their home on Wednesday weenier ly
a lamp exploding it is teaTed that
Mine Laframtrrise may die in cocas
queers of the injury she received(.
S spi.alss .r se. to a tetseltl'. Mee /tan■.(
T.rMet. Fess .f Lira
A despatch from St. Petersburg gym
-Forty persons were killed sad sigh-
t.m injured by aD espiados et gas in
tine of the mules of the tam r Com-
pany, in the Taganrog , oO to
south shore of the 96a .