The Signal, 1898-1-28, Page 44 IPJDAT, Jan. J8, 1.98. Direct Ten Pubisliers! 5,000 Copies New and Up -to -Date MUSI WORTH 40, 50 AND 60 CENTS, -- 11, Ail 1. AT iOc.a Copy Call or drop a card for Catalog EMERSON'S the �xgttaX, le FORUM= MURSDAY MORNING BY*. ia.Du.UcI,DT OODi<RIOR. FRIDAY. JAN. fel. LMe. SNAP SHOTS- -Some of the dozy legislative tint ber i,• bcinggot rid , f. - —list thing we know that eleva- tor mill he elevated. —'i'bat steamboat promoter is a veritable run of Nt;t-rr%t, the way he blows. —Some of the political candidates are hound for Balt Creek, and the other fel Lows are going Higher Up. —Jas. T. Ukekow has his-warpaint snd the man that tont-hew the chip nn his shoulder, will have to fight. -The big Toronto dailies make us f. illi laugh. Es, h o1Ne is shouting that the ---_--fir'. candidates are "u the run, -- _. —If HOD. ARTHUR STURGIS HARDT doesn't soon di•aodve the House, he will in terfere with the campaign -materially. —In the Joan EATow Co. investi- "Aioo, if the mode of procedure continues M it hag been, the day of judgment will Ii. Metat 1..nway off. ietr. —Between the rooeter show et the town hall and the meeting of the county evttneillors in the courthouse, there has been is hot time in the old town fora few nights put. —Our esteemed subscribers who have not renewed fair 1808 need not hold back because of the election excitement. We never allow sentiment to interfere with business, Bring iii your plunks. THE SIGNAL : GODRRICH ONTARIO .we •ee aaaa —The Berlin News-Reoord says : The Gomm( n Sl AL came to hand last week enlarged and improved Brer M Gu.LirvuDy is a unique chat -oder and knows how to °millet a live, epic•y paper. buckle down to solid wort as never before. • In the other parte of Huron close in -fighting will be the order of events from now until the evening of election day. In South Huron M. Y. MCLAAIr, the old,member, is being strongly op- posed, and it is too earl, in the oam4 paign for any of his friends to do any shouting. Mac. is a good, level head- ed fellow, and with the prestige of having been mewber,.ought to be able to hold his own in good shape. Iu East Huron things are in a somewhat different shape. Both can- didates are new to the legislative sphere ; each is a member of the county council, and each has been con- nected with municipal matters for a term of years. They both hail from the same county council district, live within a few miles of each other in the heart of East Huron, and both were elected county councillors by ac- clamation at the last election The constituency, although it gave some 500 of a majority at the last election, is practically any one's riding in an election contest. The Liberal majority has been below 40 in at least two elections, when the late member ran, and that is practically the normal state of affairs Last election is no criterion to go by. as Mr. MILNE did not receive anything like the vote that would be accorded to a straight party candidate. There will be no walk- over in Eaat Iluron, and every Liber- al vote will need to be polled to 'win, if the present Conservative candidate stays is the field. Thera ii a rumor, that he purposes retiring from the co- telt, but up to thea present the au- thority is lacking. —To see Anent' HY.LoP. and HENRY Moesxv cheek -by -jowl at the county council 1peeting one would hardly believe that inside of a few short weeks one will he • member of the Legislature, and the other will be a remnant of the Legisla- tive fight. --The politicah"sentiments of our esteemed ocmtempnrary, The Clinton New Bra don't jar ns the leant bit, hut when it torne on the sow of poetry, the doe runs down our veinal column. ito poetry hes too many feet to the yard —or, rather, is too many feet from the yard. -Reeve CAMPBELL, while on the Square Monday last, heard what he sup eand.-to 1 lotitf cheering anan.'irg teen, tits town hall, and thinking that it came heel a Bre meeting, went up to the chamber, when be discovered the rooster show in tell h1a0 with Chanticleer work- ing overtime. He says he never heard such cheering sine the Grey nomination, when old Man MoPTAT warmed up the free and independent electors. HERE AND THERE BOOKS AND PERIODICALS. COMING AND GOING. James Jeyat spent Sunday to 1St. Holme, Fred °limey, of (Gatos, was la tows oa Mosday. Miss J. Maecsod of Kincardine 1. righter la town. W. Wood, of Bayfield, was in Oederiob last week. Tudor Marko, of Bayfield, was in town W saotieday. (leo. D. MoT.ggart, of Clinton, wee in Sown Friday. K H. Collins, barrister of Exeter, was in town Friday. "THE ',mu-rue/4T OF 1NeLosNcs."—One ot the most helpful books recently published is "The Investment of Inflames." a study of social sympathy aril service. The author is Newell Dwight Hillis, who has been known to the public for .on,o year., as a writer of useful rod inutruotive took., and in the present case has filled his inten• tion to the letter, by giving to the public a series of well•writteo and carefully thought -oat rasa ys on the investment of in- fluence. It tea capital took for your, men, particularly. Fleming 11 Revell Co., Tor• onto, publishers. SPECIAL COUNCIL MEE TING. the Itepert el the tisanes committee el ('e.aen &d.pear. At a special meeting held in the oourt house. oo Tuesday, evening, the Finance Committees report was presented, recom- mending " that as it is impossible to guar- antee the bond. of the Elevator Co., the town subeorih. for 150,000 stook, witb the proviso that if, the Legislature grants power to the town to gnaraotee bonds to the amount of 150,000. the towns subscription for stock he oats Had, and all oalls and is• terest thereon be refuuded The report concluded with :—A by-law to take .took, should, if our reoommend.tion is ocoepted, be at once prepared ard sub• milted to the eleotots, and upon favoring the proposition the work would doubtless at sloe proceed. MR. °ARROW opened his campaign to West Huron by delivering an ad- dress in the Liberal rooms Tuesday last, a synopsis of which appears on the first page of this ictus. There is a ring in the speech that denotes that Mr. Gamow means business, and there is every reason to believe that his friends are as loyal and stead- fast to him today se ever before. Thera is no concealing the fact that the ilabb this election all along the line will be a stubborn one. On the foes et it, there should be no doubt ps siding the result to Want Heron, to B tau Basses used to say, %tiler', no knowin' where a stray or en election may nn to," and Ike Meed. at Mr. OAatww will do well to take nothing for granted, bat &veld F. Moulton, of Stratford, woo visiting in town Saturday. Hilton Jackson. of Detroit, was in Gods - riot) on Saturday. .1. L. Killoran, ot Soafortb, was in (,ods- riob the past week. Pobt. McLean !Massed from his trip to Montreal. ea Friday. W. Bowden. Faster, was in the musty town the net L. F. Dickson, barrister of Rueter, was in the oo. town last weak. J. MoMurobie, of BIy16, paid the oounty town • visit lilt 1bureday. Batas H. Wilkinson was visiting friends In Luokeow the put week. Mims B. Wilkinson left this week on a visit to relatives in Toronto. J. P. Scoville, al.l'btoago, spent a tew days in town the past week. H- Hamilton. of Londe. ., upest a few da:e as towu the peak week.._ Mrs. Parrott, of Blyth,-Meflr NIMintt weak. visiting her father. Jso.. l s. --_--- Fred L. Bradley. of Lamar, Oelsra4a, was visiting in Godetioh, a few days sisoe. Thos. Straohan, the veteran reeve of Grey, was In town Wednesday, on township but i - trees. The Gospel Temperance meeting next Sunday afternoon will be addressed by Jar. Mitobell. Mr. Lyons, poultry fancier, of Lncknow, drove down 0o Monday with a large load for the Goderioh Poultry Show. W. Brydon, W. D. Fair, Norman Fair and 11. B. Combe, of Clinton, were in Gods - rich last week to see Riobard 111. Manager Saunders. of the Organ factory. was on a busi1iQe.s trip °eat all last week, and Jell for the-'Ea°i Egan) Wednesday. H. S. Holmen, station agent at Aoton, on the G. T. R., spent Saturday and Sunday in town. Marry was warmly welcomed by his many old time friends. J. Young. of Chicago, was visiting at the resid..e. of Slayer -Tbenspsee, the past. week, previous to the gentleman's depart - are for the Klondike gold fields. LOCAL NEWS IN BRIEF Cycles were In use on Monday. The Clerk of the NVesther visited us on Sunday afternoon. Dr. Arnews Laver Pilu for .ick headache and liver ills, 20 omits • vial. Rev. J. A. Anderson, B.A., presorted in the Auburn dbtriot on Sunday. Andrew. Bros. & Oo. shipped a oar load of hogs to Collingwood on Monday. Passenger traffic at the G. T. R. depot was exoeedingly good the past week. Our Hookeylt.s drove to Kinosrdine last week and bseb the olob of that town by 7 to 6. Hy leaving your order at the Balmoral Cafe, yon may secure ono* a week, direot from T. Y , .hell -duh, lobster*, eto. Why are well fed oows and Rise's Pure Sett to mob demand T Bemuse the oodn- bination makes the best butter in the world. An exoellesb program is being, prepared for the Noetb Ss. Methodist Sunday Bohool Anniversary. Ib will take place in about two weeks. Wm. Wallows'. two fins dwellings on Wellington and Lighthouse .crest., are nearly finished. and one will be 000wpaed In two weeks. On Sunday evening, the beg Evelyn, broke away from her fastenings oto the oheokwater, and was with great difficulty firowgbt bo the dook again. 1NI l -ArION or Maarr.—Owlog to the increased demand for the Baltimore Oysters the Balmenl Cafe now receives shipment• on Tuesdays acd Fridays instead o! Tues. day only, as formerly. As the orders are tilled at the oyster docks at Baltimore, that delicate flavor so dear to epicures, is not lost by too much handling. SEAFORTH. Mr.. R Hay. and Miss Ada Bonner are visiting in Lucknow. Mu. Maud Fowler has von. to Toronto to attend Bishop Strachan school there. Mrs. T. J. Watt, of Bluevale, is the guest of Mrs. George Imlay this week. The ween night .ervioes in St. Thome. °herdb will in future be held on lb ednesday night instead of Thursday. George Les, from Emerado, Grand Fork. county, Dako,p, is visiting his father, James Lte, who u at present very ill. At a meeting of the school board on Wed- nesday evening, bar. O. Wilson was elected chairman, Mr. Wm. B►Uantvae, The reoently made sddltlon, and the im- provements made to the machine room at the 1(111ifig• factory add oonslderably to the Institutloa's sapaclty for tenting ova work. Oso. A. Haddon, photographer, of EMs, le visiting his brother, A. W. Oso., a1- tbough quite a youth when be left tows, toned many who reenemhaed and heartily welcomed Mur. The Iabssl 11111000111 sad inaovabies are illustrated Senn. Them Gua be sees sad heard a1 to -eight's entertainment given by the Otlh.rt (Borden Os., under tile suspfees el the Gee.M.b Ra.. Boll ()bib. We hssr that the " Tastily Herald and Weekly Sear,'. of Mestgosl, wilt pabIW of daring the nett few .bb..pecial artistes bb Nertli• � The letsratailas which ser at the anise el the " Tandy Harald " is said M be of messes. salsa. Tib..?ast- Ily Harald " headers are sere M get the I.WW sad the bet t kestabks about bb sold Golds. bbs said Mer, .ad tow to pre - t Nest hi this. I1 to ere weeder the " Trng Motald sae Weekly Saar " h.Idr Its *WI satsselbss. sad Y isttlas eyrie& .1 clew sebseus.a avers vsbb. Nature makes the cures after all. Now and then she gets into a tight place and needs helping out. Thingr get started in the wrong direction. Something is needed to check disease and start the system in the right direction toward health. Scott's Emulsion of Cod- liver Oil with hypophos- phites can do just this. It strengthens the nerves, feeds famished tissues, and makes rich blood. sec. and 11.00 ; all Jruagieu. SCOTT & .OWNE, Ch.m,a", "forum*. secretary, sod Mr. Alex. Wilson a trustee oa the Collegiate Institute board. Mr. and Barr. Knight. who for a number of years have been engaged in mission work in China, and who are now home on furlough are this week visiting at the residence of Mr. J. W. Elder. - 000E111 CH TOWNSHIP GODERICE BARGAIN CENTILE 1 1 T CNISET SALE FOR ONE WEEK, COMMENCING TOMORROW. 25c. CORSETS 50c. CORSETS 76c. CORSETS $1.00 CORSETS $1.25 CORSETS for 20c. for 42c. for 57c. for 75c. for $1.00 We will also sell the TRILBhr OORSET during the sale for 11.00. If you don't want Corsets, don't buy, but if you do, don't let this oppor- tunity go by without getting some of the bargains. WEDNEIDAY. JAI. 96. Lon Tebbutt is on the stok list. Our old friend and pioneer, Alex. Tay- lor, is on the siok list. Ju. Yulll is preparing to build a floe new barn poet summer. The bills are out for a New Eoglaod impose and entertainment, at Holmesville, under the auspices of the E. L. of C. E., on Mondry evening, Jan. 31st ENrrorraiNtZNT.—The young people of 'Taylor's ooroer ars 'forking hard, prepar, ing tor the entertainment to be held in the sobnol, on the evening of Friday, the 4th. of Feb. Doors open at 6:30, programme to oommen0e at 7:30. VICTOR/A OPERAHOUSE Friday ct Saturday 7ai-s..r 27 and 28 — TBE CSLSB&ATSD — Gilbert -Gordon -0-ompany, UNDER TtiS Are►icro or THE Goderfoh Base Ball Club. JAMES ROBINSON THE m`NAOBHTOA SHOE STORE has nothing but thanks for the patronage of the year closing. Wishing all our friends and customers a merry and enjoyable Christmas, and a happy and proeperdns New Year. During the year now at hand all that dili- gence and courtesy can do to make the business of shop- ping pleasant to our customers will be done willingly. We have a full range of . . . . Boots and Sijoes, Buliijors, Oersoos, BIC. Repairing neatly and promptly e,cnted Cheap for Cash Nast be Cleared DSI! READY MADE OLOTHING MY OWN MAKE sea first—Antes O and well malls ape wW be sptd at reinarimoir low piles' to Mem It out son. A ane assortment of New Goode far FM and Winter w oar. CALL AND RRL *UF - H. DUNLOP Weotat Tailor. seat Bank Montreal Give The only food Babythe that will build Bilaby up a weak com- e titution grsdll- Chance ally but surely is Martin's Cardinal Food a simple, scientific and highly nutritive preparation for infants, delicate children and invalids. KERRY WATSON. CO., NNw.v"r. For TWEN1 Y -SEVEN YEARS DUNN'S BAKING POWDER 7MEWOKSBfBiiPoFMD JOEN MoNAITGETON,N, MISS BESSZZ GILBZRT (Boston.) Famous Lady Cornet Virtuoso. MRA. D. L01773 OQBD02T Ihamatic Soprano. 0. Ls ROY E311fT (lever Monologue Entertainer. Puturz =DIMS Phenomenal Boy Baritone. M115 MADGZ SAMA Pianiste and Accompanist. ILLUSTRATED SONGS, the latest innovation. and a series of views shown by the West Motion Pboture Machine. PRICER. — 25c. AND 35c_ Heserved Seals at Wester's $Nkstere. Satisfaction or i' Your Money Back. In accordance with our advertise- ments to guarantee our workmanship to the fullest extent and in every particular, and as an evidence that the Guarantee Card, which you will find in the pockets of Shorey's gar- ments, means what it says, if you are wearing Shorey's Ready -to -Wear Clothing and do not find it perfectly satisfactory in every particular and will communicate your complaints Lto us, we will see that you are satisfied or — oar money refunded. , --� H. SHOREY & CO., - MONTREAL. Mtge. et 44 Reedr4e-Wear" CletYlag. (?) The best is none too good for yon— ' is grand Asirour dealer for it, sure, And take no other •brand. ....Leogeor Tint eoal*a uses will 15 wNvsd ear Tss M ~ ani N 1ks dIb /ah . t� CLEARING SALE OF HOES We have decided to place on sale our Surplus Stock during the - NEXT 30 DAYS Space will not allow us to give you a full list of the different lines in oar large Stock. Here are, a few, and you can judge by them that We Mean Business. 60 pairs Lady's Buttoned Boots, were $2.50 and $8.00, for 70 48 25 35 24 A few A line .. If If " If di 2.00. -- - - e. 1.76, 1.26 and 1.50, " .4 Misses' Buttoned and Bals. " 1.00, Lady's Oxford Ties, 85, $1 and $1.25, " pairs Misses' Oxford Ties and Buttoned Boots " $2 00 1 50- 1 !e 95 75 60 50 of Men's Felt Lined Bala, were 21.25, 75 Call and see these goods, and if you need them, you will find it to your advantage to 13 -CT -Y- N"O-VT- 1 1 W. SHARMAN THE OLD STAND, , Jr 1 STILL TO THE FRONT ! ! !oe ' seu.1W RM flails say weeki Mm e.s MAMMAL PLUMBER and OA$ FITTER v.mw isz Y rowsr t fat I.Maee k, a *astkal sweetest um t y Rion Preot esu Phumese. CJ. J. H A RP= Ft. HELLO ! THE OLD RELIABLE. ALL KINDS OF COAL ALWAYS ON HAND Tal MOT Sorautoll Hard CoI AU Coal wetgbed on the Market Scales, wher you get woo lite. tow a tae. SVM. LEE. Orden left al HAW= j>s 1411'1 Store promptly attended to GODFRJOH STEAM BOILER WORSE. A. S. C H RY STA L, sa.aoM►le OM7ets1 • aleck. ideawtaeturee of all kinds of BOILERS, Smoke Stack*, Salt lean, Sheet Isee Works, etc., eflo., And Dealer 1a - Bathos. Msoblauy Castings, he. All dam of Pipes and Pips llttissp. Steam sad Wawa Owes, Globs Valves. Mock Valets,l Moots," sad wteea Qwbatlya Read as Lewes A sposW Has of Steel Wabsr and Hes 1�oogb for ase of farmers sad others. INpa15g stem/eh weeded tel A. S. 011:111111 1011.. IMO P. 0. Bidet R. a ,Lai'- t„ The Impression seems to be that with Mr. Harper's leaving the firm for- merly known es Hagen di Las, now Les k Bairamut, that plumbing has been dropped. This i. A Mistake. We are in a Better Position than ever to do Plumbing, Steam, Hot Water, Hot Air or Combination Heatingand gas Ftting, baying obtained the .srvloes et Oa s. Bm a praoYoal Sean with wide i LEE a8HEPNARD