The Signal, 1898-1-28, Page 1•
Fos ONS Toss.
Mask Taking Sal. -- Penn'. Bookstore. 5
Mien from the Publisher -G. F. Km.
erne .. 4
A Fain Impruslen-Iwo R %opined... 4
Ooderioh Bore/ale Centre -J. Robhees. 4
Room Making Bale -St. Gee. Pekoe 6
Vlotorie Owns House -Gordon Company 4
Closing Up S•1e-Colboree Bros 8
Altuations Vacant.
Apply to Mee. Joseph Kidd, North st.
For Bale OP To Rent.
or to rent the dwelling on Nelson st at
t occupied by F. 5,.001"• h ooateine
rom0. tadad ea drawls' room. dialer
room. park* and kitchen. sM has • Weary.
aambsr of closets, pantries and • cellar.
There Is belt an acre of Lad isimetu planted
with shrub. and fruit trees. and an exoe leas
ws.Apply to F. 8111111TH. es the pre-
tonne to We.tera °starlo Lot Loam's
S. township of Colborne, Huron Denney,
saes. (food clay soil. Spring water. Hae
bras oset'• la pasture for nisei,. 1st
oke.. Lite frame bar's t6 bI 90. home hoose
�y4l kitchen. Ston •ad PO. ria tire
lbzesil*at travel road.. 91900 oath, balance at
Ave • cent Interest Apply to r. W. Mc.
DONA H 00Crlow Ws1 l0tAan t� Toronto. 11.
tDrUvNA(3H: g Well
Pmt er Lot 9 Coosieloe C,Rodertoh
1-6 acres of lan. There is
ed 0a the property • good li story Woe k lt•
and with
gam whir
ehd� in • folly"
Grit elan piece and will be told on neesaable
tors. e- p.lits.lare apply to PHILIP
HApLT, Berri. it O.dertob.
DaOed rpt► h s
R MLR --LOTS 69 AND 70
useldanati Ilhry y k the Town of
Yes wild IY mooted • aloe dwell -
t• 0A i . HOLT m: HOLMES,
se te
V BA.LZ--TM brisk residuum, overieeldng
the river •rA lake
Woodsmen e$tm' .
Oise et theset valuable
perties baton'.
term Moslem train
dwelling ter ta*.lp sAing the Brit-
t/v. Aadrew%gl�•t present oeopted by
1. The dweW.t *
004 sdlo/aing grouen
n eer the O. T. ]t ~Sum formerly ooeop$ed
by *L. Leo Judas Tette.
P19em sad awns of twste•blo, •p
gds to nGARROW 0. D tt s
mid poultry. Highest prion, Larsen
meek el Dry Goods, Grocers., Hosts and
y▪ ew b m
seldom fro. O. E. KING, Wing -
tits of Batter. Rom sed Dried Apples,
ter whtoh we wtU My t 100.01(bsb Prtoe
Want batter In primo sad 1-I0. Mk. mixed
with gee dairy salt. and gilt edgeW. J.
3310R11041 fla..9rtc••at,, eoderWM. . Ont.
Agents Wanted.
STRONG. If you are aeon Ind u-
Igeleet ouveeming tar a . write
8M q M gl
I bays put b me. Im
et me go .geed sgui of are
1 sed will work bardk* '. . LIN!
Manner. The LINEC TT COM -
ANY. Toronto.
Tonmofrlal Artlat
w odd w Den p=in a*�ssw•
1g, ar��-itisw lyse
gill d
Graduate and U0Nethmlk Lyri.
New i1EaeRlne rNOOfga
Wotorsr or reg %ooLp.-At the Mel
maker et Tent No. 89, W Dodoes
tM Wortd, the following were sleeted
for the p.sMS$ tern c P tOs .ssl
,A. Mob Aries ; Com-
, JN. Arbiter : Advise lu•.st,
It $urkhsYer t Masker. Jas. Dashaatta.
Clerk. A. P. M.Lm. ; Ise" J. C.
1 Watchmen. fd. G. Mobane
dna lleweemb.I Mempuro. jos„
Rev. M. MIEN, eat Wilmer
Th. Tat 111 Gedmrlek has hese lin
ler the peel ewe years, ed M new
lwithy es.QNlo. with 42 member..
Oely One $.awrsa is Haan Dimes-
Maybe Ws Yea.e--Dr. Ago.% Den
for the sort N.trtr !'ads le Ahs Re -
11.1 beide d 30 lith assn.
NI sem .Yd 1 seed lk. Agar..'. Owe tan
Meert The remedy is . weeder-warit-
My am wee desk, Wise had .wase
sheat Ohs Moet, 04th ptdpIlefka
a imp **rare stage 1 wee • bay. 1 bed
maks, Oramplisp, Ilattereal rad
maisedesa tried away teusediea
say beradk. Abet art
ail Ire d1rr..JN ara'day
peuse tato
Rev. 1. W. gnaw.., liderass, Pio.
From our own Correspondents
There is 9nbrsstN• mere That rennet .e
resume Aarwttea One -hews et the
Fonv-eOpeet*lls mepered
ter The
MONDAY. Jan. 24.
Mins Peart Vides., of (ederiob, was the
guest of Miss E. Allan last week.
Albert and Fred Quid, F. Allan and S
Wimbers, were at the Oyster Sapper and
tis 04 Port Albert. last Tuesday, 18th.
Mr. Fisher and lady friends, of BeomU
ler, attended Westfield oharoh last Sunday.
A.umber of the sport. of Westfield at-
tended the Cantata in Belpnve. Tosed.y
n ight.
Dr. Henry. recently an honor Graduate
of the C. V. C., Toronto, lett Wednesday
for Dalton, whin be islands practicing.
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Henry, of Water-
ford, who bays bees visiting relatives in
Westfield and vicinity. returned on Wed.
n eeday to their home, Waterford.
T,'o'w y, Jan. 2510.
Mr. 8. B. Winking, of Dunlop, was the
sena of Mr. T. A. Haaghtoo, on Basil y
Mrs. George MoMallaa, of Goderich, was
the guest of Mrs. R. H. 8omsrmll, on Fri•
day and 8.larday of last week.
Mr. Gee. McPhee has been Lid up, the
past week, with • severe &nook of quinsy,
free Is sow es the wary to reoovery.
Elroy Fahr is oasflsed 10 the boase with
as shook of la grippe. His Deasy friends
will be glad to hear of • speedy re.overy.
sad W111 Johssto•, of Carlow, were the
ggotile of Mr. George M.Pbee the past
Wm. Cogen, of Goderioh, was in town
es Sunday.
Michael Farr, of Godwin'. span Smedley
with Blyth friends.
Mrs. and Mies Lyy.a. el Goderkk, are vas -
Wag Mrs. Joseph He[roa.
Mr. sed Ira. J. B. Kelly, et (*dent,
04te.d.d t0* ee-opening of the Cabello
shark ma Bawdy.
Detente. Jobs Murray, thief of the Os-
tarte detective system was In town Iain
Thursday. He is working a • supposed
one of murder la Mullett.
Mr. Campbell, wife of James Campbell.
dark of Hallett, died as bar rmsidesos, las-
timbers. as Tuesday. Her trowel teak
ptoos ow Thursday •atom me M one e'eloek.
The Carling and Skater Rink le oomplet-
ed. sad Duly wants Jack Frost to make it
• plea of healthful pleasure.
A man named H•mmeed. of Walton. wee
taken to the Hoose at Refuge, lase week,
safferiag with g••rrese 1n his feet.
John Fester. el Wiagh•m& sod ether.,
made a earned tespsstien of the tows hall
en Monday and faced It perfectly safe and
The first protise of the Shaw Qab took
Sens es Saturday sight. A espreemmireakjest-
Ie8 et the dub was held •k the
atter the pr.atiss.'
Mem Cook. ef Ertm0dvill•. formerly of
the Huron rend, Goderbb township. has
takes the position formeSly eso.ptd by
Mem Hed*..s, at the Hew of Refuge.
Teton ter Let Issue.
W • bare bad fine weather lately.
The nesting ea the bill should be stepped.
Mr. 8. Rhode, of Leeds, le et unrest
the gems of las amok Mr. 8. Caldwell.
Mie. A. P. Werra has named te Ode -
rid atter a week's sejeure to the village.
Mr. Jew 8levsns has ages ret.r.ed to
ear village atter se abases of three weeks.
The labia Leary is new epee, with
MW 8. Blair se Ubr rka sod evgeee is
highly pirated with It.
Tie people are saying that politla ere
terribly q.iet. eonsideri.g tike there w111
be ea ehnea Is • meath K N.
10. trees. Mss have been draw. se the
street el • arab let, should be moved b.-
ar, say deme.. M done by toren Wag
1ri.htta.d ky ties.
WIDNssDA-r Jan, 96.
pool. 149.0.o.
$., ir.. win 1* Deem Deems der.
the pM week. ,
Wm Leek Semmes .pent 8starday sad
Sraday t• Oedereb.
Mr. Brinell led the 0. E. mmetlag
a Wdngeimy .vestal. -
MMus Adds. WW1.d Agate Owls..
km kit kr Lerch a Tuesday.
MM lf0lto Hswkhs uliaalydisw • yew
weeks with bani
*,des,, is
Mia 16sOdiegk ft4 tle es
abeady efive sk& Mea W r 1�iad vials with her
The oyelr sapper. 'Idol' w MM radar
the eaeple u d the ParwMr'e ledge es
Teasley swam was dadded esteem.
Meas Bettie Trail.. w , HIt 04 .m, hs
has the geese et bee meads, MI..
Mama, L..kare, for the )free two web..
Table Pial Ike met with en tulddat
a 1stder. Umbra th1 Morass .6 him
.hiker Etas the Noah the add erase the
- sad bas *Ades mak* Gra Be was
orae/ .Yup the Iwo sed W.N. bet M se.
eed* tile serebd
A meeting of L 0. L No. 189 was held
os Mesdoy.
The Beptlsl oharoh people had a walk of
prayer last week.
Then was a children's service in the Bap-
tist oharoh on Sunday morning.
Miss Steep had the misfortune to break
her ankle one eveniog last week.
Rev.' Mr. P0000k began last Sunday
preaching a series of •psoial sermons.
Rev. Joseph Edge, of (oderioh, preached
miselooary sermons In Ontario St. Metho-
dist oh u rob last Sunday.
The following .ttead.d die Presbyterial
meeting at Goderioh ea Timetiey :- $
Irwio, Mrs. Manning, Mr. Alen. SNtwru,
and Kate MoTaeoart.
Clinton Gen Club, Limited, held its an-
nual meeting at the Rattecbary House or,
Tuesday seeping for the ,yentas el MUNI
and other routine bounties. -.-.r.
Monthly Horse Fair on Thursday, Feb.
East Huron Conservative Convention met
last Friday afternoon.
W. H. Kerr and wife. o.Lbrated their
16th weddiog enniverasty on Monaav even-
ing last.
Melville oharoh oholr will sing at Welton
Presbyterian tea meeting on the evening of
Monday, 31st.
A Sabbath sobool and Epworth League
000veotioo will be held in the Methodist
(Luroh, Brussels, on • date, to be arranged
in February.
Missionary &naiveranru .ermgo1 will ba
preached ie the Methodist church. on San•
day, by Rev. R. J. Treleaven), ot Brantford.
Hs will deliver his popular lecture "Say So"
la the ingrate church on the following even-
It isnot often that • bioyole U of use in
this Northern olimate in the month of Jan-
uary, but Mir Alice Sage, of Walton, broke
the record en Wednesday of last week by
wheeling from the aforementioned village
to Brawls and beak.
Leel Tuesday evening the Soar of 8oet-
land oon,memorataf- Burns' Anniversary by
giving • onsoert is the Town H.11. In ei-
ditioe to • Rood program ot muds, vocal
and instrumental, reortatioo, *to., Rev.
John Rom, B A.. delivered an address on
" Robert Berne."
Nance. -The load annoy 1. Dungannon
for Tag ..MAL feat the once of J. G. W arc,
J. P., nes tag. who will receive or-
der far advertising and Job-
work, ad le to give receipts for
moms Ned ter the soros.
1' Messed Ldp ede. Arthur -et.. in
tag li teary.. MOM 9eaadaYeaY and .MLr,
room., all 1a goad rspei Mind end sett waxer,
} •ore of load. [tall trees. shrubbery. eta
Terms to snit purchaser. Pm p rtionlare .p-
41, to J. G. WARD. Demonsmee, *et
TUESDAY, Jan. 25.
The Skean le beim, sten mon appreciat-
Our dtigate are t•kine advantage et the
good sleights. in getting • supply of wood
ex asoehsr year.
Copvht-secn o -re oreas
planed to be
able to mete Ih•t es. J. B. Crawford, is
aisly beiro restored to bar former state of
health, and is able be go out.
" HnAYY TaAw.-O. Thursday last we ex-
perienmd a old-time January thaw, It h•y-
leg peered ria she whole day, which Man-
dated many eller and swampy leads.
seal mems* of the Wwasoeb Fire Issar-
aes Ca was bred in Dan*•.50. on Wed.
seedy, the 19th. The miautee of last
swat mantis., the ,se. -treasurer's and
sadinn' report. were read -sad approved.
The *Ming akar. were re -.toted kr the
,.,grog term et three years.
BoaAL AND CtlarorxAa Taps. --On Tae.
day evening. the 1810, • very pleases% mobil
sad Christmas tree enters iamat was bald
N the rsid.eos of Rev. L. Arm.lreag. The
Wee was Masted with amorous beautiful
peeee.M. A large gathering of people grand
the oesseio• with their pr..eaee, and • vary
enjoyable time was spent by all prams►.
MILD Fos JANDA$Y.-Tbs weather, Mee
1898 wen *herd in, has bees the mildest
Bar J•ne ry stir • samba el year. How-
eeer. en 8u.idey and Sunda lest we SO-
perNaod • ahemm it bets, • regale. D•-
b1a biking ,-bat ma Monday le beaus*
allld tol,bmgrr - The ower whistreed en
Sunday has sale erases% siSghlag, width
ail sad .alldry •tie enjoying.
Swint Sus. -On Thursday, the 18tb
teak,, on •.sties ask. a .t.ok was heat as
the premiss of Jobs Grills, Impisemeet
agent sad auetieueer, Ashiia.
rswd of the yeem•ary el Ashfield, Weirs.
mesh sad other potato was proses& Joke
Parris. the popular sad ws9+geits •nitp.e-
ear. ensdeoted the sato to the s•ekhetien at
the peprietee. rmsIbi.a geed Ream for
every maim& nae up for leis,
Omuta Apo Ootso -During the latter
port Of
4.6W m. Jehs.ea mail wih,
sear EI.. m, hi sea, Utah Jskselem •ad
Min, ret 8.I015, Mdt., visited Mrs. It
Davids*. sad fealty, sad other relatives
fa this alike.. Mr. Jdnsles, sr,, is •
sinter at the lets Robe. Docks.., sed W.
JeiaN... M . broth's of 1s R. Treleav-
en 1 H. Walker
.,seer. sad sow a resident of leasnell,
arrived es Saturday a • MIME, bora IN
kis pard.. mad friend.Wain -Joseph id. �ig�g
f 8. year BinHi/,d whi le
Rieke& rad pert te Were Wome nk.
moved with hi hsllyt, hr -' ted *soda
sleek sad lasekstonW, es es ie Met 1(}iday
We wish bh.ems* H* will be sash
s geedd,M� obliging
s i wen
ad ..e s masher is the Presbytsrlft.
Aerik, kepi*, teem on tanm
. eeeiwa, okra
rid me es Mierier the duties of width les s
gats .wire Fwa
Is the perfor m'aes of, bin
,•sassy will net be tardy fillet.
100.10.1491111611. held their wird
4gMMa'.bed w
1y la .Lmtg Welds, even.
The Liberals Moet to Organize.
1. T. 6arrew, the e11 Member. Glees 0• 0e -
coast et Ids stewardship -Ike Is-
sues 0stere the Peowle--Or-
gaaiast*.s Began.
THE first organization meeting of
(iode'ioh Reform Association was held 111
their room.., Horton's Brook, Tuesday even.
in. Notwithstanding the inclement weath-
er there was a good ottendanoe.
The chair wao ooautned by D. C.
Str.ohw, who in • brief address gave the
houses which lied led to minor the meeting.
An eleotio- was again upon them, and it
behooved every Liberal to be up and doing
to enure the election of Mr. Garrow, who
bad so ably represented Wast Huron for
the past eight years.
Mr. (arrow, on Doming forward was
warmly greeted. He said he was glad to
have afforded him another opportunity of
meeting toe ,lento[. of Goderiob. In • day
or two the icouse would prooathly be dia-
solved, and the day for • new election an-
nounced The present Government was
deserving of the hearty support of every
Liberal. For • quarter of a notary it bad
been 000troll.d wisely and well by that em-
iwnt, min Bit Oliver Nowa°, and when he
had stepped up to a more exalted position
kis mantle had fallen upon a mon who had
mislead traininr under him for many years.
Hon. A. h. Hardy, bad not the great experi-
ence of his predecessor, but he was • young-
er, and in many ways, • more progressive
man, sad was without doubt one of the ablest
speakers in Ontario. Tons provinoe was
In the mile" position of being the only pro-
visos that had no debt ; nowhere else bo the
world could such a one he shown. Then
was not • o0untry, • pruvtnoe, • oonnty or
• municipality that had not a debt, bot Oo•
linin &coupled that proud position, thanks
to good Liberal government for over twenty
five years. True, on the stump sod in Tory
newspapers, it was contended that the
provtnoe had no earplug, but on the
floor of Parliament that contention
was not made. The Mail and Empire when
the House was in session. mode the state-
ment that Ontario owed $8.000,000, and be
had ktmo.41 dsc/rrod immediately .Iter,
that The Moil ■ statement was an unquali-
fied falsehood, and The Mail had at
tempted to defend itself from tet. aspersion.
H• Mir .fiat The Mail now oleimed that
then was • deficit of $5,000,000 -it hod
bumbled down $3,000.000, since he had
given it the lie on the floor of the Hoose -
and it still bore false ,,hoses. An effort
bed been made to work out the oohsof
provinm•l indebtedness by uhsrgin* op the
railway annuities, but the speaker explain-
ed tb.t tbot way of doing busmen was
n either fair nor honest book-keeping, and
wouli not be recognized In any finano!al in-
stitution to the world. Another thine
about which much ado had been made in
the ooantry on the stump, but which was
ekrefully avoided in p•rli.ment was toe
alarm that an extortionate prion was being
paid for sehoolbooks and that • great mon-
opoly had boss created. The facts were.
that provision had been made by the Mini-
o ns. of Eduoatioo that every five years .n
investigatten was had, ea to whether noose
had talks is the prodaotioo of books of all
kinds. and if it was found that in other
branobe* of book -making prices had drop-
ped • oommewurats reduotioe was made.
The report el the last oommisstoo, which
comprised Judge Morgan, a Tory, and
Moors. Baia, (Public Librarian, Toronto),
sad BLekett Robinson. (a perlodioal pub-
lisher mad pinkies) prl•ter,) was to hand.
sad proved eoadasively that Ontario's
schoolbooks were amongst the obeapeot
and beet published. The other, and the
groat Mese el the Let semen was the
piggery. It had been beton the Pub-
lio Annan tiemmittos during the ca-
dre .s.slen, and had monopolised all the
time to the sedation of really Important
matters. What were the hots? Each oso
et the Government institutions in Toren*.
formerly bad a small pippery, and by • oily
erdias.o. %bey were tweed to absndas
Mem. and as they hid • Isere amount of
rebran lend, et... whisk bad entered largely
Mho the s.nteatsem Mlle pigs, they deter-
mined to .tart • *eery en Reen-
Ha -
0.r, whisk *told boded �y from th.
Government iwtitutdaM. The piggery was
bull8--se1 at o coot of 836,000, but at • gain
et him than $7,000; whine 4.01.4ed toe reel -
doses of the earetaker. There were 910
pigs than, sad the Mee 1■ thecae wee ea et- savable ..ea. M the waster of
1826, of the pigs biassed sad died,
mad *0 men ger at the p{,�eser�y et eros trot
v teetaasy advise. AMsrpl rrrM, when it be -
oases mere serious. the matter was placed in
the hands of Drs, Smith sad 9weet•pple,
the Deakin Akers coder the Prevention
of the Spread d PlespoisAe%. why directed
MO the estate drera should b. 11llld aid
tee drw.d hasp ermeatd. That was
de•., and dasgrn.ves her were fogad %e
here esssped 1M es ad their *ream
re uselelaesN * Fame se 1 alt.rward.
ran. A ma gamed
Maras and W amisins .smd Dans, who
W bete ,..Ned M kill the pi... are the
•OIOSIltdse he alba that every iree of the
I10 ales eves Mussed. Newt's, It wee
skews, bad wanted to rot $26 for two days'
week M tale oti.i., and havener been *-
tumid the eateaat, took this any at 4*.yg*
eves wee the tiovcremen/ by le.Hsq up
Mr. Sh Jets. Arae. deettlems. hd se-
sta* tittle **vire.,, mad kat hiss Md sod
.wease, mash me h wee. to NawMw A.
morass them taw would-be meekness.
Sal* the heed el Ne Teeer ay Assad&
time et Osier* sed Dr. Swmafppiethe
Derables Assbtast lonpme.r, gate •
.wetM$ d.Nae The Weer. la perwef,
bed symbol awry .gig el tits A hop,
save gee, ear be deemed thN Nara were
N mater 1'4 ire sent to the sad 1ler-
��ggww Ther. Aeric wee Mk bet tree Mr.
liassr. like lad the dusty even
hogs, had given the highest market price for
them, which he certainly would not have
done had then berm the slightest taint of
disease. It was also proven that in oases
of cholera, only 60 per oent. of the animals
were *hooked, and that of those attacked,
fully thirty per not. r.00vered.
And this is praotloauy .11 then is
to the great psrgsry so.ndal, which took up
the etteution of the 1'ublio A000unts (,'oma
mitt.. during the entire session. In oon-
elusfon, Mr. (arrow sold that he wanted
every effort to bt put forth this time, so
that Goderiob would satisfactorily demon-
strate that it had oontidenoe in the present
Government. It was every man's fight, just
as much se it was his fight, and Its felt euro
that if they man did his 'here, he
himself would have the satisfaction of know•
log, on election night that West Huron had
once mote endor.e4 sound and s0000mioal
Rosemount to Ontario. *owe there were
who thought he wee • proud man, but ho
was not proud in the sense of being stuck-
up or • snob. Ho was proud of his good
name and •u honorable record, and be was
proud of the foot that be had represented
West Huron during two Legislatures, and
ou .leotion night he would be very proud to
again represent the riding, as he oertsinly
would do, if his friends did their duty, as
he felt sure they would.
After a brief address by Mr. Cameron,
the praotieal organization of the town for
the ensuing o•mpaign was at ono* entered
Aaaeal meettag of West ■area Agricul-
tural Society.
The annual meeting of the West Huron
Adrioultaral Scanty ,woe held .lest meek .to
the town hall, the ettadance not being ever
large. The director. sport, a rather
lengthy dooument, showing that progr011111
had been made during the past year. was
read and filed. The trea'e report was the
most important document before the meet-
ing and read as follows :
Legislative grant, $393 ; Muntoipal
gnat, $20 $ 413 00
Members Subscriptions, 278 00
Prize moneys retained for member
ship fees for 1898 196.00
Admission fees to exhibntio,$972 80
rent ot ground, stalls, etc., $147 . 1119 84
Moneys borrowed on note of Direct-
ors 400 00
Goderich Horticultural fonds 319 00
Misoellaoeous minor receipts 142 20
Total receipts $2867.04
13y bal•oo doe the treasurer se per
last annual report $ 2F11 97
Aotaolly paid up to December 31st
for prizes 1376 60
Money .warded for prizes, by re-
1.ned for membership lege for l .
6 00
Rent, lighting, fitting a(t,iie,aft •
buildinv and grounds 33 76
Paid for loans or montages. (1) pria-
oip•1 9600 00, interest $33 00.... 633 00
Working expenses, bnolading ser-
ving of secretary, treasurer and
assistants 395 77
Misoellaneoae minor expenses 196 22
Total expenditure 9.3096 32
Balance doe treasurer $ 229 28
The report as adopted was rime, and
election of officer, proceeded with as toll -
owl :
President - Dr. Clark, r+•eleoted.
1st Vise " - I. Salkeld, ir., "
Sud " " -Jan. Book,
Directors..Goderioh Township, C. J. Mit-
tel, David Lindsey, Jams Connolly ; Col•
bone, J A. Varooe, Angus McKinnon, W.
W. Fisher ; .)&,rich town, J. C. Martin,
Thos. Gundry, W. T. Marney.
Honorary directors, Mayor Thompson,
S ,riff Reynolds and Robt. Mclean.
Auditors -8. P. Halls and W. R. Robert -
The new board met al the oonolaaion of
the .seetdn., and re *looted the sentary
and treasurer. President Clark and S.or.-
tory Mitobell were appointed to attend no
meeting of the Fain and Exhibitions Associ-
ation at reroute on Feb. 16th, end the foil
owing were appointed to revise the prize
list for 1898 : I. Salkeld, Jas. Connolly,
TMs. Gundry, J. C. Mertlh, Agana Mo-
Kaase, W. T. Marna and W. W. Fisher.
Tertro*Y, Jan.
Rebell Your., of (Darlow, trove out
• *masts* visit last week.
There are prospects to view of harem
Farmer's Iwtitae Meeting a1 the 1*m
•mos ball, is the near future.
Thursday, of this week. the annual on -
greaseless' mesa's will be bald at 2 r. tr.
and M Ib Men, 10. W.Y. S. will hold its
E nable..
The dancing party at the resideeee of
8lobeel Camay, on Wednesday night of
Let week. was • decided .noose. Then
was quite a targe •ttendaooe of young
people and the deceit,. was kept up t111 tee
.mall hoar et aermipg• James Yeas,, of
Instep, .art the Yiolbtke%,
Ors Txnotts.-To our old friend, H. G.
Horten of Tenon. for • neat ealead.r for
1898. Harty le dpi.* • One business at
the sass strand. sad bas now • leash ethos
at the C. P. R tetegropb, We hope te.,
darter the amble sea ser, we w1H meet
tor • ,het over old days is Roam Lothar.,
for bis wittier labors, the Rev. J. D Aso
dors*, of Be sh•reas, Quebec h•s bees
pres.ted by N.:eo.greg tioe with • sem.
piste *tie for the enter storms in the
. hsps 0t • bauble see* and robe., to molt
mese hie gib *415, Be le Is geed health
sad bin era fere*Ms. Ids Spat aerie is
Latham is his trade* days.
Minutes or January Session.
{ieerge Me*wea, .1 Ueneall, elected Ward-
en ter tries -The Committees ter
the year -Other matter of
THE County Council of Huron met
:n the oounoil oh•mber at 3 P. 111.. T.ndsy.
All the member were prawn. --- -
The alert amieegl`tswarden be elected.
The foltowGg amass were submitted. 8.
S. Cook, of Howiok; Dr. Rollin., of Exeter;
• and Geo. McEwan, of Henson. Mr. Cook,
with the consent of his mover and .eoonder,
withdrew, and on • ballot being taken. Mr.
MoEwan secured 9 votes and Dr. Rollins 7.
Mr. baoFw.n was declared elected, and
subscribed to the oath of otboe before Judge
The newly eleoted warden thanked the
waned for the honor that had been done
him. It hied come to him in the way of •
surprise, but nevertheless he felt grateful
to the oounoil for having .looted him to the
position, and would endeavor to °onsets°.
densly discharge the duties of the ofoe.
The following striking oommitt.. was
elected : Messrs. Cook, Holt, Miller, Tor-
Uouooil•rid thenMcL•djean,ogxp,4,ggdtl Wedaseday
Commanio.tioos were rend from the
ooanty of Lanark, reepeoting amendments
to Htgb School •ot, of 1896, and from the
county of Brace, asking oo-operation in pe-
titioning the Legislature to amend the
County Com:toi s •01 of 1896 Sent to Spec-
isI C4mmattee. --
A oommunlo•tion from the prioo0ere aid
society was sent to Exeoatise Com. showing balances to credit of
pointy, in Bank. of Commeroe and Motion's
were sent to Tina.*, Com.
Report of Road oommiasioner, read and
sent to Road and Bridge Com.
Report ot I. P. S. Robb, for East Huron,
was presented, and sent to E ino•tioo.1
Registrar Gibson's annual return was
read and sent to Finance Committee.
The Cooler's report was read and sent to
Property Committee.
Moved by Hislop and MoLean (Tucker -
smith), that P. 'Holt and W. Lane be audi-
tors of criminal justioes' •000n0te. Carred.
F. Jordan, Goderiob, Dr Melons, Sea
forth; and Henry Plumstead, Clinton; were
elected to their reepeotive Collegiate Inetl-
ta*. brde.
Msar.o.. Ilsird, of Stanley ; and A. J.
Peon, of Goderiob • were appointed mem•
tiers of the County Board of ez.minen.
Following are the standing oommitt ..
for the year1898 :
Executive Committee. -Holt, Mooney,
Hislop, Cox, Cook.
Special oommittee.-Holt, Mooney, His-
lop, Cox, Cook.
Finanoe Committee.- Rollins, Miller,
Torr•ooe, Stuart, J B. McLean.
Education Committee. -Rollins, MUler,
Torrance, Stuart. J. B. McLean.
Rood and Bride Committee.-Psttereon,
Hoye. R. MoLean, Mohican, Snell.
County Propery Commit*.,. -Patterson,
Heys; R. MoLeso, McInnes, Snell.
Egwlizuton Committee. -The whole
Warden's Committee. --Miller, Torranos,
J. B. MorvanHo11.
Hoene of Re,fuge Committee. -Patterson,
8tusrt, McInnis.
The usual motion for • grant ot 9300 to
the Agrioultural 800ietise was rent to Ex-
ecutive Com.
The oounoil then asijourned to 3 r. a.
Thee. Woerytsa lige,
(lee seeNfM.s of Dr. AernWe 06thaent
for le my skim et sad • ears einfert. Applied every
is the oak .Ashlars wee et 1Md, 'Mad-
sires ewes* sad all DI�saias rad
skis Alma19 eras tate aygle, P.It*
soma. - -
Counoil resumed e000rding b •djoarn-
A number of reports were read and sent
to various oontmittees.
A motion to greet • sum of 910 for flow•
ere around ooart house, was sent to Execu-
tive Com.
Altet several motions were made and soot
to oommittee. the ooanoll adjourned to 10
A. at., Thursday.
Minutes e/ the Statutory meeting of that
The regular meeting of the town oounoil
was held on Friday evening, Mayor Thomp-
son presiding, and present, deputy reeve,
god deputy reeve, and oonnoillore, Good.,
Colwell, Tweedie, Martin, Prldham, Mo-
rvan, Nicholson, Colin Campbell, Dunlop,
&ateles, and Craigia
Minutes of special sod statutory meet-
ings reed and confirmed.
Moved by Goode seconded by Cralgie,
that Mr. Allan be allowed to address the
ooandL Oarrfd.
Mr. Allan Dame forw•rd,and stated Mat by
•rr•oemeot between the town and the G. 1'.
R., he west to Toronto and Kingston to es -
&aver to promo*. the elevator projeot. In
he interviewed the ern of H.
! Co., and after negotiating with
Mem for • day sad • half, s000eeded to
oasUriag what be thought the vett' bbd
s.*ss, as follows : The firm would seder -
take the entire projeet, s.hjeet a the fol-
lowing rale* : That the tows agree to pro-
sentn the came for steak amo.gst the
miller, el Weston Oat•rfe. He (Mr. Allan)
lied agreed tow se stay s possible, drat
would tet W. to gra .11 the stook n-
tebci ad the Cemvaay agreed be arum,
Eke babas& They prepe*.d to meet an
elemer of 600,000 0.ebele o•p•dty, with
mssyfssry hr 1.000.000 hathele, sod to
baN 11 ready for the sesta, *mesa. They
weak lam* beads be the ammo of 150,-
asera1d ►1 the wane, that •maid
a1 Me stoat 019* {� �a
mpy mad
mar the elm,* M the extent gf the met.
pee, by way of security to the tows. ;They.
would also g tee the payment of •
sinking lurid sutfloient to most the prtsdpsl
and interest. If money ooald at say time
be had oheaper, six months notice of oboe.,
would be neaeemry. After these arroge-
m..ots had been made the Company wrote
to their .ngioe.r, at St. Louis, to be pre-
pared to oome Bast nett week, to make
neossary preparations towards erecting the
elevator. He hied meds esquire. oeooero-
ing the profits on elevator stook, and had
found that there was no stook the equal of
it from a dividend bearing emend point. The%
is why the °omp.nise are usually kept as ohne
oorporatioss. $100, 000 to $115,000would oos•
moot an elevator. He hod examined one of
the o•paoity proposed which had bees belle
for $115 000. The firm was • strong ea*, and
Kasai* had Riven them a cash bonne of
925,000 in 0000eotion with the elevator re-
cently oonstruoted thew. it ronlet be ask
e d why the Comttooy, having got • large
bonus at Kingston did sot bold out for ous
•t Goderiob, but the situation of Uoderoh.
on • direct line between the Eliot and West,
was greatly in it. favor, and gained It •
preference 1n the eyes of the Company. At
Fort William, during the past season, some
17.000,000 bushels of grain had been handled
and of that quantity, over 11,000,000 had
been shipped by Americans to the Ent. An
elevator a0 Goderioh would get • good share
of that 11,000,000 bushel., in addition to
what would be required by the loos1 miller,
.loeg the line of the Grand Trunk, for our
district would reach to and include Toronto.
Richardson & Sons. the well known elevator
men, said that for the purpose ot feeding
local mailer. in Western Ontario, there was
no better point than Goderich. Other
ot.aee in Ooteri° were endeavoring to pro-
mote oleoabor .obems, tut the situation of
Goderioh was greatly in its favor. He had
learned that the opinion of the solioltor
was that the town could not guarantee the
debentures, bot he believed the oorporatioa
could raise the money and lend it to the
company until soon time se the
legislation. could h. obtained. The work
should be gone on with .t onro, and no time
should be lost, if we meant to keep op or
increase our present trade.
The following opinion from the town soli-
oitor was read :
Robert Thompson, Esti., mayor.
Dear Sir, -I have considered the question
of whether the town eoonoil eau guarantee
the bonds of the proposed Elevator (:o ;
and my opinion is, that they cannot. They
eannot under the g 1 law, end under
the special act reosotly obtained they eau
do any ops of three things, (1) Groot &id by
way of boons l (2) grant aid by wry of
loan ; (3) take stook, -.Ib to the .mount of
$50,000. -bot the by-law must be passed by
the popular vote, end not morel by the
oounoil. It would have been eas7�to have
pot the special act to permit the monied to
guarantee the bonds, but no one suggested
that coarse.
It would be easy, I •m sure, to get frons
the Lepialatnre another bill next eseslon, in
amendment of the present one, permitting
the guarantee to be g,yeo, Dad meantime
perhaps ynu 000ld give snob financial .id
under the present hill's. would make the
project • s0cos... }-ours truly
J. T. (Assow.
Moved by Jas. Wiiso noo.ded by M.
Nlohol•on, that the town loan the Elevator
Co., fifty thousand dollars, and take • more-
gage until each time as the town oan have
an sot passed, allowing the corporation to
guarantee the Company'. bonds. Moved In
amendment by 2nd dopy. resew, *fronded
by A. P. MoL so, that the Finance Com-
mittee be Watt uoted to investigate this inn -
ter of fin•noing and •mlati.g the Goderiob
Elevator Co., and make • reoommoodol tie
to this oounoil on Monday. Amesdraoet'
The water works engineer's annual report
was read and east to Water and Light Co..
A oommanio•tion from Captain T. N.
Daeoey, regarding an injury he received
through falling over some loge cm the streak
was referred to Special Com.
Councillor Tweedie gave soon, thee at
next meeting he would move to reglad
motion, re Hueter Bros. •oo000*.
Councillor Goode gave notice, that he
would move to reoind motion re Graham.
Some three applies/Acne for extension of
time to pay taxes, were read and referred
to Court of Revision.
A number of se counts were read and re-
ferred to Finanee Coin.
The Finance Committee reported In favor
of paying the following anent.
V•ouum Oil Co $12 60
Candies A. B. Oo .. I9 60
Stevens Man'*. (ran,,,...,,, 7 06
Tho. Swartz, . ».,,r. 7 00
J. Wilkinson 1 00
J. H. Worsoll 33 96
A. MoD. All.. 37 •L
Ooderiob Lumber Co 90 88
A. M. Polley 10 60
Tins HIGNAL 22 00
W. MoClymont 1 26
A. Davin A Co 24 36
The report wee .opted:
A oommaniostfoo from the chairman of
Water and Light Committee was read and
referred to Committee
Moved by Jeo. Crdgie ss000ded by Jas.
Wilson, that the matter of measurement of
wood on the market, be left in the bade et
Market Committee. Carried.
Moved by D. Helens, seoouded bi M.
Nloholeoo, 1004 the treasurer be iastreobd
te bring is the following statement, yiel-
ded by the auditors. Fire' • etstsseest of
the °errant scats and liabilities et the bows
00 the first days of January, 1827, 1898.
Second, • statement a tee perm•Mmt 1i•-
billttse, sed a otstemenl of the meson.
•val!.ble M ..set the game, toe the tint
day. of January, 1697,112. Third, • site -
mast of the renis revved fiat the de.
Matures voted ter the sower system. ,mneme
hunt:and *Use works, .ad
also el the expenditures made Is referees*
to mete ; .4140 Met mentiesed statement te
be divided late three amerate cements.
The week there are 72 employees M He
Orld•a Co's week. ad 29 se the Ealttka
As s,.0. s says : " MM Abort le .•
ezo*pg0U&1y Wiliest ma* adobe Mad kw
. lesthe e ems r.etarecdp eapdeseid bail
sawed." Mader the siqleasetls beds.
t Dm M•8 Oak Triday .ad Saturday