The Signal, 1898-1-14, Page 4r 4 Yin /AT, Jan. 14, 1898. E.BI.&M.H. FOR 65 YEARS ander t'•e same Dame the good work of tnanutacturtnr THOMAS ORGANS has sone on. Death has claimed mere than one "tanager, • ore i an one member od mechanic n that t Eine,rbute am.at y th► a has never been a s .11tary break in the quality of Out Organs wade by them, keeping abreast of tie times, each searing bringing out new ideas 1l Aealgr., manufacturing nothing but organs. every eoiplolee being a specialist in bit own department. Hoeeaty of oonstructton. combined with that pipe- Ike one b, of tons so peculiar • 0 the Thcnme nese, places 1t today on the pin »sola or si p'rlurl y. Should fou wish to teat these Organs or want sot thing in Music, Dell at EMERSON'S Bleycle and Music House. / Representing Nordhoimer Plano. end Thomas Organs, ilk *pat U mugs= EVERY THURSDAY MORNING ST N. SelISI daa6Mi OOB1atICH. FRIDAY. JAN. H, MA CLUBtsING RATES: Tag SIGNAL and Globe $1 60 raa SIGNAL and Mail and Em Diss 150 ,tea SIGNAL and Farm and Fire- side 1 50 THE SIGNAL ant. Weekly Sun1 35 Tflitt 310-latbl. and Fatuity Mersld- - witb ChrppeQ .t 1_85 THE SIGNAL nun Eiontreal Week - )y Witness 1 70 Tux Stoical. and London Daily News 2 10 ,f ' effort will he made to promote the scheme in a practical manner. It will be well to hate• the matter attended toot en early day, as the question of submitting the $60,000 by law will, eutue up, and it will be ueim nary to hare a thoroughly digested plan, or the free and independent voter will not hesi- tate to defeat the subems, SNAP SHOTS- --Ontario elections Tuesday, Feb. 22nd. Cut ',our skates on. —Tho free and independent elector will be cook -of -tile -walk for the next month OR MO. —Last Provincial election the cry was Veal—the calf with the cough. This time it's Pork. —The first thing you know, Mr. ST. Jour, some of your able constituents in West York will be asking, " What's the price of pork ?" —They say that Brother Piste, of the Dundee Banner is now a oumpetent au- thor -Ai on the snow crop slung the Went- worth concession lines. .—It ung true that Alderman JOHN i�iiiaai et Toronto, i ! tt0 ¢PPomto0 Lady -in -Waiting to the viae -regal court at Ottawa, bat he deserves the position, just the same. --A newspaper man has died in Eastern Ontario of old age—not by hang- ing, as SAM BLAKE suggests, nor by starva- tion, which has been looked upon as a more commou route. —Our esteemed Conservative friends are cot:k sure that WHITNEY will win the next election. We will give a copy of Tits iIc.'AL free for one year to anyone who will name his Cabinet—elates to be made within theeext-theeweeks. -. -- - —_ -'--A mind-reader liii" just .tackled some of the Tory electors by stating that the HARDY -Ross Administration will be sustained by a narrow majority. Col. MsintesoN, the Opposition 'figger' man, map that the people should not mind what CMARGrOF'WATE. thi aided -reader esya. gERBAFT$R Tag Bann.&-wliir ala published Friday morning instead of Tera flay. The ohange of date will enable as to gine news later in the week than we have been able to do heretofore, and will, we believe, prove more satisfactory to our reader% Thin week,' as will he seen, Tits SIGNAI. appears in au enlarged form, a column hay- ing.been added to every page Other im- provements are contemplated its the near future, by whieh we hope to keep the paper *lir tho leading place in the .Huron Tract. HERE AND THERE THE Provincia'. elections ani upon us, and the destiny of the Province for the next four years will, in all probability, he decid- ed between this date and the close of Tues- day, February 22nd, 1898. 1be -present Legislature is in the last w,tek of its exist- ence, and the legislature are now cogitating whether or not the scenes .that now know them Will know thorn auy more. In the cor- ridors o4the House all worts of rnmorq are tion were true and pet in print, there would be many an empty saddle at the close of the next contest, whose rider may otherwiw, pull through. • • . As things stand Lt present Ill ,-i the Prov. int*, the apathetic feeling that has all along existed still continues, and the next (-contest will not ise won ter lost by the en- thusiarrn of .•itht•r party un•ler magnetic' leadership, but vi ill be inure in the nature of a s.,ldier's battle in eat % locality, and the result will he governed by the status of the lodal candidate. The Tory party evidently had this feet in view when they chose an many candidates from among the ntembera, and ex -members of municipal hcsliea—men with no particularly lwilliant parts; bittw-ho bad run the political gamut fmm township to county councillors. In Heron county this bas been noticeably the caw in the s.leetton of Messrs. Boric, Emilie and Moonier, but here the Literals have been taken at no diaadvautage, as Metiers. GAR. tktw and McLean are old county councillors —the former being an ex -warden --and Baum in East Huron in a colleague in the county council of his Legielative opponent. a • . Ie le very satisfactory to everyone that the campaign will be of abort duration. In a prolonged ennteet mneh injury is done to business, and a great deal of time is lost by tetaay which could be mon prfitehly devot- ed to legitimate channel* of trade and with better remits to the individuals interested. Three or four weeks earths hurly-burly and satertalaty of a political eiantine le enough aid to spare, and it is well that the Govern- • iiot hes seen fit to put the date sly. ile- tifpis, it is well-known that a eampsign in February norms at a time of the year when the rush of the holiday business is over, and • Rood deal of the strain in unotoerrninl • nirol a hal been relaxed 1 on the farm the wafts ta not a bray one ; and travelling on the senceseion lines Is better in sleighing Gee than on mud roads. Let dip tie doge dt aur. —Tie skrrllor gelation i, still a subject of 4anveaeati.aa but very 1ittle information is 1111 be MS swoon* Ns programs made 1- i1+M11Le - • beim prepared. us/ Ilia 4 paasatly a strong ffretraasme er the C.derlek e.rtleeltsrai tete ie lye Jan. 20, Pears and their oulture ; leader, On. Stewart. Fels, 3, Plums and their diseases ; leader, A. MoD. Allan. " Feb. 10, Grape culture and pruning ; leader, Wm. tt'i,rnook. Feb., 17. The Vegetable garden : leader.. Jas. Wilkinson. Feb. 24. Spraying and fungicides ; lead- er, A. Mol). Allan. Marob 3, Small fruit, ; leader, Alex. Saunders. Marsh 10, Fertilizer. : leader, Wm. War- nock. Maroh 17, How U make • garden pay ; I.aoer, S. Morelogstar. Marob 24, Poultry in connection with the orohard and garden ; leader, C. Wells. Marob 31, An apple orchard for profit ; leader, A. MoI). Allan. HURON PRESBYi ERIAL' SOIC1E-1'Y. God - Following is the program of the aooual meeting of Huron Pu.sbyterrl Society, wbioh will be brld in Knox obarob. Gode- rioh, Tuesday, Jan. 18th : Morning S.asios, 11 o'olook.—Palm 69— "O, sing a new soca to the Lord;" Sorip- tnre reading ; prayer by Mre. Gibson, God- erioh ; reading of minutes sod Secretary's report—Mrs. R Irwin, Cttoton; Secretary el �eppllee re net—Mies MoTa part, Clin- ton , rsasurer'i roper — n. S eforth ; election of oifioers ; prayer by 6. ,.Fletcher. Afternoon Session, 1:45 o'olook.—Psalm 49—"The Lord Himself doth give the weird ; " prayer by Mn. Gregor McGowan, Blyth ; reading Auxiliary and Mission Rand reports ; President's address—Mrs. C. Fletcher : Report of Presbyterial delegate —Mrs. C. "ampbe1I. God.rtob; solo—Mie Sbraohan, Goderioh ; Mrs. Jeffrey, Toronto, will speak on "What I saw in the North- west" ; collection, Hymn 443; dedioate.ry prayer by Mrs. McDonald, Ssaforth; pray- e r for Cnioa, India, Trinidad, New Hebri- des, Northwest, Japan—Mtn C. MoKerzi., Rayfield ; Mrs. A. Stewart. Clinton ; Mrs. (Rey ) Hendereno, Auburn ; Me. ( See.) Muir, Bruosfeld ; Mrs. Moffatt, Blyth ; Hymn 434-" Thou, whose Almighty word"; tininess and disoueeion ; Solo—Mien Wilk• iaeon ; Hymn 447—" Hark, the vein of Jess, Drying ; " prayer by Mn. Eternities, Lisburn. Eveling Simian, 7:45 o'oloek.—Hymn 458—" Far, tar sway In heathen darkness dwelling ;' Sorlptere reeding gad prayer ; deleatten—Knox ohurob ohotr ; recitation —Elsie Tye, Goderiob ; soto—Mr. Stud. dart, Goderich ; addrew—Mr. Maogillivray. from Honer. China ; solo—Mrs. Anderson, Gederioh; addresr--Presbyterial delegates; sere—Mr. Keleher, Oodetloh ; collection ; Hymn 608—"Saviour, again to Thy dear n ame we rate ; " Benediction. COMING AND GOING. W. Hillier speat Sunday la Mann. -Hy. Rothwell wM In Ooderiok this week. Can. R. Shane 1.1b IMb Friday for Detroit, Mkh. M. Kasfman, of Cbwley, wee is Uwe last Thursday. Herb Taylor, of tows, was is Clinton on Saturday. Jan. R. Shaw, of Buffalo, spent Saaday La Goderteh. F. S. soots, of Brwwb, gave Tai `[opal a oall last Friday. Me. M. Morris I. on a mesbb's ?lath be friends la Denett. F. Blair, barrister of Brussels, was at the old home sea Friday, H. Mullen, of Leekaow, spent • few days la Uwe Um oast week. Miss M. Cameron, Hamllea street is visiting triads 1. Elem. Mrs. Haeullak left far Tor a1. se Setter - day to mesh Mr. Haseliak- P. Malesaeen, banister of Ls.keew, was la 0e4..4. Ihe pest week. W, H.I.kbss. se Torsos, was 1• wwa fee a few Aar *sawn weak. . Mea. 11. ID ems. if W.-A.b.b. was la THE SIGNAL : GODERICH ONTARIO tows last week. visittug her stater Mrs. N. Martie, Hewgas* sweet. Mr. and Mrs. John Swaa, of Bruoetield, were in O,.d,rtob last friday. M sa Holt lett ea Teesdey morning for Toronto to rental* her studies. Hugh Morrison, hamster of Luoknow, wee m Ood.rluh last Tboreday. Irupeoter of keens., W. .1. Paisley, of l'Imtoo, wee In town Tuesday. W. M. Staniar, barrister of Brussels. was in the Cu. Town oar Friday. Ked Lomat, of Saginaw, Mioh., was re. 'toting the obi sotoes the past week. Alf Chambers, of Port Huron, is vuitiog kis retattves Mr. and Mrs. Wm. trait. M's. Ore W ilk oson left Tor Toronto 00 Saturday to resume her musical studios. W. R Marsden, Doe time proprietor of bhe A bt•io hotel was in tiwo thie week. Miss Jessie 01 ver, ..1 Gaierinh, u the guest of Miss Hattie Leslie.—News Record, Wm. Marlton was searching the country the past woek for big oak or rook elm sttok.. Miss Hillier, who spent the past week fu Credito., was the guest of Dr. end Mrs. Riven. F.g.rtoe Armstrong left last Thursday to ,wear hM atuda.. O Vicomte, University, Tomato. Kea Smith resented be Chicago lest week after a pleasant holiday -thin to theeld home, South street. Rev. Wm. Godwin peaseleed morningand oveoiog nn Sunday, in the Mein St. eth. church, Rioter. Mise E Dobie, after a pleasant visit 10 friends In (loderioh tp , has returned to her home near Auburn. Messrs Lamont and Believer were our in the townships the past week buying lumber for the breakwater Mie Teresa McIntosh returned to Lon- don on Monday to resume her duties in Sr. Joseph's Hospital. Meters J. J. Wallace and G. B. Let'mrr, of Ottawa, who were the guests of i) K. Straohen the past two weeks. left for home ye•terdry, very muob pleased with their O•leriob visit. F, 8 Soots. auctioneer of Brussels was in taws Frid.f, selling Mea Blair'. furniture and household resets. F S. 8. Dams har- row n with barrister Welt sae oondaoted tbtr al. for Thos. Gundry who was prevented from attending through • family affliction. If you cannot get beef, mutton will answer. - You may choose between milk, water, coffee or tea. But there is no second choice for Scott's Emulsion. It is Scott's Emulsion or nothing. When you need the best cod-liver oil, the best hypo - phosphites, and the best glycerine, all combined in the best possible manner, you have only one choice. It brings prompt results in all cases of wasting, or loss in weight. An 1rvtul.ts; keg. sad Sass, SCOT r & bOWNE, Chemises, es, Teresa. Extraorainary Engagement ON 311 NIC3$T Oz LY' Ylct�fia Oiieri GODERIC$ BARGAIN CENTRE ! Our Great January Sale begins TOMORROW VMS7=)AY., TAN"Y 7th. WRITE GOODS An Opportunity to Economize. Linens, Towels, Toweling, Table Napkins, Laces Em- broideries, Sheeting, Pillow Cotton, Lace Ourtaine, White Skirts, Corsets, Corset Covers, Shirts and Collars, Flan- nelette Night Gowns. WE SHALL MAKE THEBB THE MOST TALKED -ABOUT SALES OODERICH. B TAN_ 20th,, MR. JOHN GRIFFITH —IN— LOCAL NEWS IN BRIEF The Herber is now closed In for the winter. Tte smell of burnt wheat ,till retinas around the barber. Ho'y Communion at St. George's next Sunday •t 8:30 A M. Thee Hood has the atone on the ground to start a aew house at the opening of "#10 Artiste-i>1aet. A Car Load of Scenery end Mechanical and Elec- trical Effects. The Finest Entertainment Ever Booked for Goderich. RESERVED SEATS AT PORTER'S BOOKSTORE. NoTx - The Stratford Opera Hones baring been destroyed by Bre left Mr. Grtatb with this date openwhich scoonnt for his bookies hare. Otherwise Roderick would not have bests favored with Ms appssraaee. ber You get MORE SALT to the pound when you buy ICE'S PURE SALT BECAUSE IT'S ALL SALT I Your Grocer has it. spring, oo the lot opposite hu dwelling on the Huron Road. Man menet live hp meat alone ; be wants Rice's Pure Salt with 1t. Harold Jarvis will sing in Viotoria Hall, next Tuesday evening. Hugh Oirvtn shipped a oar load of Iambs to Buffalo on Saturday. On account of the mild weather the .kat. ilNriei, wa.*Weed--yestssday.. G. N. DAMS Or 311346.11511r TO OAiD3H 1ALADA CEYLON TEA. D Y ALL tia•ta ia-UI . ye aad SSs s Nast be Cleared 0111! READY MADE OLOTHING -•---••MY OWN MAKE All get -elites Goods, and wall made up, will be sold at remarkably low ;noes to elan it oat eon. ♦ gee assortment of New Goods for Pal and Winter wear. CAW AND ilii SE. H. DUNLOP West -at Tailor. neat Bank Meatren. a iesraekets-at -14atf Price. JAMES ROBINSON noun DAYS 8 WEEE are gassed in your shoes, then why not have ease that perir i. �OTS!T An Boos SS TEAT az SIMS �-.-.rvi AND THEY FIT AND WEAR. WELL. -.Our long experience enables us to select a good Boot when we --lice It ; we cannot be impend upon by;Cheap 'asks. • ---Our Prices ---Like our Boots --FIT 'DPM. SELLIMAN, Jr. COR. EAST -ST. AND SQUARE. Make a note of the days of the poultry show and put in an appearance. Orgenirattoe meeting of the PabGo School board, next Wednesday evening. Wm. Marlton is making preparations for repairing his dredge, " Argoldl, The Off Hand R'i. Club will have a shoot at their range oo Friday afternoon. Measles, of a rather mild type, are pre. 'neat in many parte of the county. Asdews Brae. & Co. shipped a on toad of bogs, to Colllagwood, yesterday. Thirty days' tale of show at St. Geo, Pries's. See ennounoement, page 5. Regular meeting of Heron Chapter, No. 30, K A. M., next Tuesday sassing. Ten oars of lumber wee shipped from Dyment's lumber yard the pat week. Great bargains in all kinds of footwear fee 30 days at 8t. Geo. Price's. See page 5. On Thursday, Friday, and Saturday the market was well supplied with cordwood. Les... Fred Holmes had to keep the rink eland on Saturday through the mild weather. Chrystal had • number of men engaged re- palting two of tbe water works boilers the past week. Wesley Fisher, B.omllke, kgs cannoned to sappily the Pablio School board with 75 oords of wood. H. I. Strang, R. A., eddremed the Tem- perance ateetieg In the Temperance Hall OS Sunday aftsrneee. MIN Jessie Alexander will appear next Tender ovaoiag in Victoria Hall, la a most interesting program. Meet forget the ale of p.rledleals and magatdses at Meohanies' Isstltut., nags Meteday wooing. oommenese at 8 r era Wait of Neam was the moss of the doll light and lbs dlaappeaeame for a Mae e. Friday sight. Two .f the betters were hang repaired. sad the ere hat was net able U glen sseagh ;newest More Whiwy gave great pleasare h] her (lee elderly M theeels, " Came Unto M.," ea t)seday weals/ last. at North -at. Methedise thunk, god I1 her voles ewbla- nes te develops as ft hal is the last few mouths. we midair for her a height totero, The Issas .end meat etresssive seas - 11.. Ivor eysgsd for Ged.rl.h, is Mr. Jake Griffith, awl his .=Adler, amegssy, who will presses Mee lsiaerbal Shakespeare's Kt.bsrd III.. so Tkaredar las, aoeb. Ile higb repetatles Jobe Griffith hoe oar- ded, 1s a sellteme inmost then Me ea>lye- m406 bane en Mos 10th., wUt be a maser - aide sea Rede,o year seats at else. VED .. TO HIS . . NE STORE Next BANK OF COMMERCE COLBORNE- ST. SIIver Plathj PRICE LIST. Spoons per dos Knives Forks 11 tt 75o $1.50 ?bo Table (hint, each ,.,_ 75o Piokie " " 50o Matter Knifes " 15e 42e Candle Sticks " Sad Irons " 15o Scars, per pair 10 and 15o We can Plate nanything in per, or Steel. Oall andOsee samples of our work. flIuI , ;1 X BICYCLIC CO. Satisfaction or Your Money Back. In accordance with our advertise- ments to guarantee oto' vorkmanahip to the fullest extent and in every particular, and as an evidence ghat the Guarantee Card, which you will find in the pockets of Shorey's gar - meats, means what it says, if you are wearing Shorey's Ready -to -Wear Clothing and do not find it perfectly satisfactory in every particular and will communicate ydnr complaints to us, we will See that you are satlafied Or money refunded. _ H. SHOREY & CA., - MoNrRn. . el " Reedyatio-Wit'" Cbtklag. ,ellios. — THE m°NAOBHiOfl SHOE STORE has nothing hut thanks for the patronage of the year closing. Wishing all our friends and customers a merry and enjoyable Christmas, and a happy and prosperoue New Year. During the year now at hand all that dili- gence and courtesy can do to make the business of shop- ping pleasant to our customers will be done willingly. We have a full range of . . . Boots and Shoos, Robbers, Oorsoos, eta, Repairing neatly and promptly *rented Cheap for Cash. JO$N ItolTAVG TON, Give the Baby up a weak cons - The only food that will build titution gradu- Chance 1uy batt aurdlc Martin's Cardinal Food a simple, scientific and highly nutritive preparation for infants, delicate children and invalids. ttcnay WAT*OM • 00., •...atay..., r.wTeaa4 For TWENTY-SEVEN YEARS DU.- N!S BAKING POWDER SBEST FRIEND LANOtaT SAI.* IN CANADA. HELLO! THE OLD RELIABLE ALL KINDS OF COAL ALWAYS ON HAND CI!Q11t011Scrajol Hard CoI Ag (zeal weighed as the Market Innen wear you get MOO lbs. ter a tae. WM. LEX Orders la% as EAMESM Lill sten i�ltlli to a da Lea.,. - - _._ GODRWCH STEAM BOILER WORE& A. S. CH RYSTAL, Dsmesso► to Cerpttal • Dram, aaastaatarsr of all triads et BOILERS. Smoke Stacks, Salt PAs, Sheet Ira Works, etc,, oto„ AM Dealer la— fasia s. Machinery tom. a.. All sire. of Pipe. gad PI P1Wafls, Steam and Water Ganges Globe Valves. Check Valves, Lnplrt►t�ore, Ejectors and Ie• on Oooataatly on Head at Lewes A 1 lime of Steal Water sad Hog Trona. far ase of farmers sad 'theme Ae0•tetag Promptly &Seeded M A. A OlmTVrdb. Lely P. O. Des W. Oedeelen Cartage & Fuel Co. are prepared to handle Bag- Freight and Household RI- rege: with Dispatch at reasonable rates. Dealers in all grades of HARD COA SOFT Wood and MAHAR eta to snit customers and dtliv . ered with promptntbas. Olidslrt so. 'bifid TNpbons Ala ad W.OO. �. 1 M 7Ts D. 0 �h[ �e�rwwewl