The Signal, 1898-1-14, Page 2Id LIVES OF PHISICIIDSI
rear iereetioreas Tell T\eer axp.r eaee.
-� r•dseam. remateeneeer, a •trbb.rit
raid, as Lteetla.ate sea sae •
Chitties rarmbh Thelma&
It was shortly atter • more thea
Davy clinic in one of the largest med-
ical colleges where a number`ot phy-
sicians were taking a well dessrvad
recto and vte1 their cigars began to
talk "shop." E1perience• in; tbeirear-
ly practice formed the topic ot the con-
versat ion, when one of the old•sttprate
Leaner, present said:
"There is one experience in my life
I will never toeget if I live to be a
hundred," and when his eolleague•
leaned back comfortably In their chairs
a group of attentive listeners. be ooa-
tiaued :
"It'. many years ago. I remember
It was a bitter cold night and my land-
lady, ber two daughters and the ser-
vant were out, the ladies having gone
to the theater, and the gizt_to a UU,
Q'he only living thing near me was my
pet canary, .•tido even it had
sleep in its cage. I e as deeply ahsorbed
in a medical work. when I was duturb-
- j Y Tone kricelreiletlertIrelr
I opened it a tall man, in feet a ver-
itable giant, confronted me.
"' Are yon the doctor f wes bis sal-
"' Yes, dr; step in, I was shiver -
Ing in the cold` and I was glad when 1 r
he closed the door behead him. By the
light ot the lanae and that which the
fire from the grate threw out !saw,
as 1 said before, a tan en -u, nasmiagl;
stout et a hull, dressed in a beavy
frieze coat, the aur cap with the visor
well pulled down shlhe neper part
of hie face. while a grizzled bear
the rest. I Midi ar�'.ly made t u n=
---e-Cee"'etatTru rt'ey i mtwe me- prospective pat-
ient re; eated his question: •
"'You're tbe doctor
"'Tea; what can i da•{or your
"13eewe enr•weeint ha wal4gjjQ1$
to the chair whereon be had throw*
his coat. and. reaching into a side pock-
- et,
" It was' a knife, gentlemen, that to
my oyes . appeared a toot long. I 'did
not have rnuch time to think, for before
1 coal, n.ake a move he stood between
me and the street door. while I kneyv
there was no chance of escape by the
rear door. which I had locked and
bolted. I did some quick thinking: for
in a mooed it flashed upon -ms that
I was ib the promisees of a lnnetle,
"Defers •1 could devise a plan of •setion
be s;nke aga'n.'
' 'I ain't going to hurt you,' and
he grinne:I while he spoke, ' 1f you'll
ilo as i tell yon, it you refuse - end
instead of finishing tbe sentence, be
tapped tee lack of my chair with the
kn-fp significantly. 'I tell you what
1 want. You see i'm, a sick man, and
my tremble is that there's s'bei - in
my stomach parkin' at my entrails. I
want you to rut in tbere and get the
d -•i thing out.'
"1 knew it wee useless to argue with
a lunette, and sof toll him to lie down
in my operating chair. Once In it. I
might chloroform him, and while he
was ander the influence of the drug
I roved rem ty ma're my escape ani sum-
mon seristance. Somewhat relieved pry
the thought that my deliverance was
near, i acquiesced in the proposal aqdd
prepared for the coming trial. I in-
duced him to divest himself of hie coat,
treat and shirt. but all the time he karat
the stove. at the other end of the apart-
ment. two men of forbidding aspect
squatted on low stools, talking to whis-
pers and smoking. Tbm room was lit-
tered with crucible, pieced of lead and
other metal, whose character 1 could
not define, nor did I bare the time it
I had cared to. The man who bad
brought rue broke the silence by say-
'Bill, here's the doctor."
Bill turned ua tib pillow, and with-
out a word rolls 1 tree the sleeve of a
grimy ahirt, showing a deep cut iu the
muscle of 14. right arm. oat which be
had placed some cobweb to check the
"How dol you get this!" I inquired.
"Knife," was his laconic reply.
" 1 asked no further questions but
dreamed the wound. When my work
was dole the mum man who had so-
cumpanied me followed and took me
on my homeward journey. After we
bad walked three or four squares hhe
•uddoni7 atoppsd and said: ' Docd `E,
dom't say anything about this to any -
net here's your fee."
'. telt a roll of min in my hand'
Glad befogs I could make reply he was
IgooMM.. It was just 3 o'clock when I got
hence sed I threw the money on my
desk just as I had received it in the
wrapper• and went to bed- Nest day
I unrolled the package and I found it
to ,gostain.
When 1 examined them closer 1 treed
hese of them to -hi -'mum
Yon can imagine my disgust, and I
notified the police at once, but as 1
tinsels I -Referee s.v*i ._ des-
cription of the devious route 1 bad tak-
en the night before, my patient and
his friends were never located. The
counterfeit money r Oh that 1 turned
over to the authorities."
A hearty laugh followed the recital
of thin dramatic story with the ludie-
ous ending. and another began:
" My tale is not one ut woe, although
when the incident of which I am aLout
to speak occurred it aided to my dis-
comfiture and took me down It peg.
"I had a colored frMi4at IId 2filldals
hat summer Whom 1 was treating tie"
of charge. The Boor fellow+was suf-
fering with double pneumonia. and
one day when I called be was so we
s rake fiTrgwe I(entiy-ar
Gable to his familyeelleideanoid them
not to cit111 eieseiteecelot wises it was
'necessary -Tek ver i e 'deit`5 certl
'ate. Seteral •days lased, and I receiv-
ed no word, so one afternoon; the
weather being exceptionally fine, I
deteaminel to see what was the matter
as -dial the_little cot-
tage about 4 o'cleck, and found the
doors Gad windowe open, but. no one
within. Directly I -heard voices in the
back yard, and wade. up my mind to
reconnoiter. Imagine my amazement
when f saw my dying patent, surround-
ed by a number et his friedde. eating
watermelon_ gulping down piece after
piece with-.. gusto that made my own
teeth steed on edge. I stammered
something and hastily took my depar-
ture, as f Inferred from the looks of
.the sariembled comp say that I stood
awe hew v.efese eaally he their estim-
Mine is the ',tory of a hospital
where i treated a little chap stout 6
years opd..who,.while-act eery ill, dill
needel considerable attention," said
the third of the group of medical men,
"and its- patios and Iudicrouenees are
peculiarly mixed. The little one seemed
more than usually fond of Lia father,
and many times during the day Leonid
hear the •little fellow wailing for his
papa. One day be was more than ever
demonstrative. became
louder and louder. I welt to the cot,
pioked up the affectionate youngster
and, hduing him on my arm, began
to queation into the cause of his grief.
Ilo.p pu love your papa so much!'
I asked.
'1 does.'
t"" And can't you do without him
" 'He taut duo widout me.'
"'How's that f'
"' 1 have to det papa's beer.'
"'Can't any one else get it t'
"' Yea, Toeeph could.'
"' Wby don't Joseph get it then!'
"' Tause 'l'oseph'a deal."
end I suppose, he's now carrying pa-
pa's beer."
I guess I'll have to tell you my
latest eltierienoe," spoke `up the last
of the quartet. "It's. short end fanny
and only occurred a Lew days ago. Of
course, you, -know 'that the Salvation
Arm, people fed a mnlltnrTe of ibe
poor on Christman Pay. We11, among
these waa a.colored man, who certain-
ly must have enjoyed the feast. From
the description bre gave me be must
have eaten enough to satisfy the appe-
tite of fiveiordinkry men, telt the re-
sult was startling In the extreme, and
when he calcine to me he was the most
trtghteaed dairy i ever maw. His oheeka
were puffed up an 1 his lips were dis-
tended and hard. Ile thought be had
been, poisoned, but I soon discovered
that his Inordinate gluttony had
brought out a latent 'stela of hives.
which induced the condition presented.
In 48 Hauler* he wart all right, sod to
tblk day teleives i performed a mir-
Whatever the drep.water eail'or'a In-
Metairie and halite may he ashore,
he gets no liquor to drink at sea un -
lees it comes from aft, and is dealt
out to hien. When the men that make
up the mew go aboard. which they do
just before the ships sails, their trap*
are warrhed, and if whiskey is found
it goes usually over the able; sometimes
the Captain takes+ 'barge of It and
deeds it out to the men in had wea-
ther. It might be poaathle for a 1•111-.
or tri ionnggla aboard a little whiskey
enorrgh to hut for a day. but after
that he would he mote likely *Weal'
abstainer until the ship reached port.
down on the chair he kept the eau -
/proms Wea-•on in his right hand. Fin-
ally. .his ' head • dropped leek, and I
reached oe for the chloroform bottle,
He saw the. action: and in s jiffy. be
raiae.l up:
' No, you don't,' he said, ' I'll take
no drug. It you've got to out me I'll
see it done
Writ was a dll.rnrns I bat not fig-
ured on. an 1 all me ho•em want slim-
' meting. ' Hut an inspiration came.
' Very well,''1 maid, as 1 Peaked up •
waled and barert the flesh over the
region where the mystreinus bird was
Ideated is the n-'4 nn of my a•Idle-
orsned patient. My hand was per -
belly steady, ani 1 cut slowly, hardly
more thee grazing the elfin. Then 1
- reached wear where zny l.irrl cava hung,
i altered my hand through the doer,
sad sneitobwi the sstnniehed songster
from he roosting place and gave it
Lbe liberty, of the tome-- __
Df its wings It settled on the toekcase.
' Yee ars all right now,' I acid to my
patient,- who bail wateh.d the flight
of the bird with wi•lrtrt•ened-cyes.
"'Yes, thank God, and you here sav-
ed me.'
Apparently he was sane in a mo-
ment. He leisurely put on his clothes,
laid a five -dollar hill on may desk and
departed as mjmterinualy ss he had
come. 1 did not notify the police, nor
did 1 ever bear of me queer, outlast
After the oommenta upon this
strangle experience hid leen exhaust-
ed aaotber. o4 the quartet began:
The. indideat 1 am about to Mete
whlls larking the aenewtionat elements
of the one, our friend has just told, is
strange *sough. When it b ned 1
was a young beginner, sad had en of -
Ile. in one amt the denvefy populated die
fret where r,wly the poor lived. One
to might 1 e ae rata xt out of tied by a
utter rough -looking indivt3'tal, whose
appeeranee wee anything hart prapos-
Iteringile wanted me to come to the
healed* of a friend, who. he said, had
been hurt in a fight. 1 took my cam*
M sorgical inatrnmente ane drier nes.
Rs took !ea thretvgh alleys and hy-
wtya, aril 1 wan getting alarmed, when
ay guide atopic* 1 1n front. of a riekety
shanty, gave a par•iil;ar knerk and the
• Mot moment we were ushered in a
' tooth, dimly lighted by a tallow candle
he I became a.rnetenied to the meml-
ebscurity of the teems 1 naw a bed,
frith sdirty rnrg•trrtane, in one ror-
1Nt. nr
which. sect'iRai a meas alieie:a
N sat an old woman moaning and sear
A pew runtime*. obi, Play ne need
Kerrb Beadles.
Boston u to have a restaurant where-
in only vegetable productions will be
°coked and served.
Doge are annually taxied two dollars
each in Paris; but pups are exempt
until tltey are weaned.
A French agriculturist ha. graft-
ed tomatoes upon potatoes. with the
result that this plant produces pota-
toes underground and tomatoes above.
A jealous husband in Bellefonte, Pa.,
thought his wife had too many admir-
ers. and to make ber beauty teas at-
tractive, he shot of( tbe tip of ber nose.
Stale sermons are not admired by
the Archbishop of Canterbury. He ad-
vises his clergy to burn tbeir sermons
latter they have been preached three
After sharpening an Indelible lead
pencil. John Renshaw, of Yonklera, N.
Y., used the same knife to cut his corn.
Blood poison resulted, and the man
Taxes are remitted es Paris holiest
whioh are unoccupied. If awy part of
the house is unteneetad, auoresepood-
iag reduction is me„Ls 1n the amount
of the tax 1 ,
A saes alms • s
don pauper at the age of seventy. He
iaeitatehiefolends toa chapapagne sup-
per, and be drank so freely that with-
in three days he died.?
An undertaker at Leavenworth.
Kan., during the recent reunion of sol-
diers in that city, displayed in the
window of his coffin shop a Limner with
these words, " Welcome, Comrades."
There are Live centenarians in the
little village of Friendaville, Pa. They
are Mrs. Mary Callen, aged 104; John
Gibson, 102; William Feeley, 102; Mrs.
Goldevelaeoia4 Mrs. Helen
Garcey, 100.
The dairyman of Syria marches hie
oats to the boo of his patrons. and
-TOM oat t suss 'iII bt-
ugel0tners. Should they express a
the .dei ee cat 'ny- „pantie- lar 1
oa , the wish is gratified.
If one dollar were loaned for one
hundred yeah at six per cent.. with
the interest annually collected and
sided to tee principal, the investment
would amount to $540. At eight per
Dent it would amount to $2,203; at ten
per cent.. $13.809.
A gentleman who needed wifely at-
tentions waa recently married at Van
Beuren. Ark. Ile interrupted the cere-
mony long enough to adjust one of
his suspenders, both of which were held
in place at tbe luck by the restraining
itWuence of one button.
A cord of wood. weighing 4,000 pound.
will yield nine gallons of alcohol, 200
pounds of acetate of lime, 23 gallons of
tar. end 83 bushels of charcoal. Wood
•leohol is almost s perfect substitute
for grain alcohol for mechanical and
manufacturing purposes.
The outfit for the trolley railroad
in Birmingham. England, came entire-
ly from the United States. The caro
were built is Philadelphia, the rails
were made in Pittsburgh, the boilers
in Erie, tbe engines in Milwaukee, and
the electric fittings in Schenectady.
Young ladies take up the collections
in the First Baptist Church of Tren-
ton, N.J. A marked increase In tbe
atte.ndance has been noticed since this
novel feature was introduced. The
clergymen of other churches in the
vicinity criticise this Innovation, and
one of them has said, " Very soon the
lady collectors will be required toahoot
around the aisles on roller skates."
Postmaster Van Cott, of New York,
recently received thie letter from an
ambitious oun lady in • rural town:
- r---_
Feld people here any Idea et the en-
ormous expense of keeping the ocsaa
greyhounds in ebip-ah*pe. It meta one
company on an average £2.000 a month
for repairs to the var1mse vessels. They
are tltnronlily overhauled every matth
and the amownt of small repairing ne-
rosary would astonish even the old
voyager. in the shoos on the Ameri-
can side there la a duplicate of every
bit of machinery used in the maks up
of am ocean liner, frnlnenormous pieces
orf chaffing down to the "'maile*t bolt.
The international ComnaJ y has to pay A Dublin lawyer. writingof an es -
among its other exposers for a pro- fate ha haA just Fought, aded "There
henti mal- rat.catcher, who -clear*. 4e'. a Meter -sews re iv* which my wife
Alps nr the lit -tie pecan --end- T wish to be buried if God opens
" I am an act cress,
to Wiens nes re and ear Lasa - aN1Y\
Capital Needed t. tie l'eealrr
Tie Thee dna Tarred al Laet — Waal Isa. Ilea* fee tie states.
Mr. Ernest E. Wi1liatna, awls! oor-
reetoodent of the London Mall, is
%riling a aeries of letters us Canada.
The first of these has Just appeared and
is se allows:
I have been nearly a week in Canada
end h7 all respectable traditions of
travel records am now autpiy entitled
to give to the world sweeping verdicts
oo the manners and the morals, the
probabilities of and the pos-
sibilities of disaster which smelt the
land Of my wit.
But I will refrain from exercising
my rights to this full. A country which
stretches 3500 males from east Wryest,
and 1400 from mirth to south, is a
country whioh baffled complete deeorip-
time even when the writer in equip-
ped with a whole' week'* residence.
Yot tbere is much in first imprer-
+ions. The initial gisneebrieg• ea/lack
of vivid realization which is neer giv-
en afterwards. 1 remember how my
first -trip across the AtYaotlo
delible impreasiooa. Now, ten years lat-
er, incidents of that voyage stick in
my memory; whereas the happenings
of last week's journey are already for
the most part forgotten. Then I com-
piled an elaborate lag; now little is
lett save a fading nightmare recolleo-
tionable • of deckeamteir .quLeavings on an un -
t sruseeig into Canadian terri-
tory elbowed Nature in a happy mood
for Imperialist $ugury, New York had
eA rc(gt aid. ablilJ, ane
sky air
afitte u eyovemy tbettc. Whera,��fjyrain'
stopped at the international border on
The Wetly 'liioriiic b3'ist Sunda t.1fe
breaking of day came with a sweet,
invigorating, frosty air. amid eased a
char detail; the moon, wan to a do-
licate crtacent, kept company with the
morning star in a sky of ivory white
flecked witb little grey clouds, and
fluahed with flame on the eastern bozo
izon. And as the train threaded ate
hy aetUera' farms end:beets ot_ sleepy
cattle, one remembered that the Union
Jack o[ freedom was waving over the
country, and net that it wan good to
le there. "Englishmen have been too
long $eCuatomed to think of Canada
as a froth -bound wilderness.
When .pI entered the Dominion,
though K we. `the third week in No-
vember, 'en fields were still verdant-,
it the prevailing isobar hue of greeniah
brown can be a• -curettes, described as
verdant�,and cream now the white is
but beginning to descend on the coo. -
try ; Our Lady of Bnowe ben so far ar-
rayed herself in the flimsiest of veils.
The mantle will descent, a course. In-
deed, everybody here is looking for the
snow anziouely. It is not the wet hien-
as we kouw ib in M ng'and but is
the mainspring of business and plea-
sure; the lumtwrznan to the north de-
leads on it for use transport of his
logs; the you lar* in this city eag-
erly anticipates lbs first Lig fall for
a. • an 11 111 al
speer. For seven months I have akted
the beet parts In our Sunday .kool
charades. Kan you get me a chance
to star st . a. New York theatre! My
age L stetee$ nerd��ayes i• blue, and 1
am so awes saab'shus I !rata hardly
sleep " -
A goad i* a Philadelphia hotel lost
a diamoei stud in the drain pipe of the
bath. The proprietor of the hotel con-
sented that a plumber should be em-
ployed at the guest's expense to open
the pipe. The plumber recovered the
stud, an also found a d:among ring
in the drain. The plumber's bill was
$10. and the guest male 3140 by the
transaction, ss the ring is valued at
$ 15i0.
The term " nrliverick," which is ap
plied to lost and untrranded..cattle, ori-
gistated in Texas, whereIleaue�ase-
rick owned ea extensile gee. 'I`be
natural conformation of this range
made the sore of cattle difficult, and
he thought it unnecessary to brand
them ; but occasionally some of them
wandered oat. When unbranded animals
were found in the vicinity they were
presumed to be Maverick's.
The per capita consumption of beer
in England has increased since 1870
from twenty-eeven gallons' to nearly
Gad the oonmumptrun of spirt -
tone 'liquors' decreased from above to
lean than a 'gallon. Great Britain has
8,785 breweries, 237 diatlllerlea, 249 roe
titters. 12.800 "Ilceaeed victuelera." who
may sell drinkm of all kinds, and 18,108
Mans for the eel* of malt liquor. only.
Sit Robert, Rea, secretary of the Bri-
tish National Temperance league says
tbere is ler excessive drinking tben
formerly, fewer (rose of alcoholism id'
the hospitals, fewer drunken men on
the attest° and that "it is not good
form tor a ntlbntan to get drubk
any mors." Moe, number of total ata
ateinere la estimated from 7,000,000 to
• 4
eta peomiee of sleighing. Yet thin now
which is hailed with acclamatiao by all
who live in C'anaia, tae unfortunately
and, therefore, ('ana'a is buoy trying
to live down the reputation which Ru 1 -
yard Kipling has 'ryslallimr i for her,
and the Cana lien, Pacific Railway Com-
pany no longer pul.lisbes any photo-
graphs In which snow is among the
scenic feat urea.
'None, let me ezpiai i my title. When
the Englishman speaks of North Amer-
ica be
'fit, .--*Va."1"errrar
many others which are refreshingly
distinct from these observable
nuking one. indent. marvel that seek
diversity could be maintained. The di-
versity is chiefly ebown in the people
thernealves. The Casadiaua look dif-
ferent, they talk differently, their
manners and their methudr are dif-
ferent [rum these ut their Yankee
neighbors. And the t'ana,tians ars loy-
al to the Britlah Mnepire.
That is the great central fact for
an imperialist's consideration to -say.
Despite all that the Mother Country
did in the dreary middle years of the
century to shake oft hair daughter, de-
spite the temptations to enter into un-
ion with her eowerful asigbbor to
which Canada has beep* 000stanUy ex-
poesd despite that neighbor's oajoi-
aries, and, more lately, bullyiegse-cle-
spite all these influences. Canada
always remained loyal, and to -day idle
is more acral than ever. The absolute-
ly disloyal element, lot Yankees mag-
nify it as they may, is a neglible quan-
tity t: Canadian polltica.
The Canadians are Intensely imper-
ialistic. But fealep to the Motber Land
does not mean the aiwes e et grievances
against her. The T. IN' ••1011 has its
grievances. There :a: our which is felt
keenly. Canada's wealth -wealth so
enormous that the must exiert miner-
alogists Gad agrioodtlsrista. in the Doe
minion cannot begin -to estimate it -
has been held back alt through the
eentu •y simply frotw--laak-of men Gad
money. And Canada, waiting hungrily
for the mesas of trove's -has watched
the igsireelse-Asseleparatas[.-..the rival..
neighbor who cast off to alty to Eng-
1arid, but wbom England has continue•(
right along to feed with emigrants
and ca•,ital, so that Yankeelaui may.
without exaggeration be said to owe
that development..
Did the United States want to set-
Ue a parcel of agricultural Made on
the prairie, England furaisael the
capital, sad a Lair proportion of the
stltUnam to int. Did the United States
wadi a runway to 'bring tem' prtbduce
of those lands to market 1 Fon tland sant
the ca,,ital. True. she loft it for the
most lest; but though the money was
filehe4=by- Yankee financiers; the snit='
way rsaratiredelle furnish wealth for
01 her"' a.qkeea. Meanwhile. finer wheat
lands than Lbs Facet. the States can
show have lain idle Ib the British Em-
pire's loyal 'Dominion, hecauae tbere
ware no men from Englan 1 to till them.
and no money from Englan 1 to build
farm houses, and levators, ezel banks.
And though Canada has at last by the
herculean efforts of a few men, sec
ceeded in throwing a solitary and in-
adequate railway across the Domin-
ion and the (;ranl Trunk and other
lines are open here and there. Eng-
land has been deplorably behindbsnd
in furnishing Canada with the ca •iter
necessary to develop the country's
Truly, England is in America in an-
other sense, and the result of that
sort of Karnes may be gauged to-
day in the census returns. The Unit-
ed States have their 70.000,000 of inhab-
itants; Camels is struggling to eevel-
e is equetty meat heritage with a
bare 5,000,000,
But there 'are welcome signs of
change. the everysereetoorner in Can -
adieu towns men are congratulating
each other that t)', tide bas turned
at last, that the Mothtar Country is
awabwniag to ---.-
she possesses west of the Atlanto. The
general opinion is teat. Klondike is go -
in -o to do the trick in no small measure.
It is Klondike wticttl has set English
tongues wagging stout the Dominion.
Klondike, which is turning eyes west-
ward. That does not mean ttat Klon-
dike is going to he the hub of •Moth
America. It meals rather ttat in the
atirring off the hones the parts of Can-
ada which lie a Lew thousan h miles
neater England will get attention
Mien who go to Ytiken to mine may
remain io Manitoba or Ontario to till
It has Ise.rened elsewhere. Austral a's
agricultural develap'ment, so tar as it
- � rrrtlaw.r,.
O*6101. atneta .r *gibe .■ a *Irl obs w
*..a a►I.d Wrens meth.
An interesting case of optl•al sur-
gery it afforded by • situate operation
performed by Ur. 1Juulvt, a well-known
oculist, of Perla. Julie Dupleaais, a
girl 40 years old, had been blind from
birth, be -wises of a congenital double
cataract. She could distinguish light
from d•rknses, but tbat was all. At
the ea,ue time she had an eztraordla-
ary Gene of touch, even fur a baud
person and owuld cescribe minutely
anything eh* was permitted to run ber
hand% over. The operation took place
Mew limey 1 Teens nate We. Ter `a es
Eurot;,ean actentlste beteg meently
been engaged In • dlsouasloe regard-
ing the methods by wblob the sarsetka
of pain L wavered to ales brake 8otlge
of them have' held that there ars toe
meta of nerves. one of width convey*
painful senaatiooa and the otter the
sensation of touch. According to We
slew, wben • boy bumps his bead
against the ground be receives twoim-
preselons of that event. Ono b marsly
the sena* of touch, while the liner ne
cords the pain. If one blow is not hard
two weeks ego, and although abs has enough to Bart the mooed set et Derrell
sight, ebe L uusble no far to make do not act.
complete ore of it. And that is the
singular pert of it.
}or an hour after 'the operation she
could thins but oh -
This view la combatted by M.
Pbtllipe Tiede 1•t an article in the
see no agar
that Revge 1lclenttflgae. He bolds that
jests became visible to her. and Daus- there Is bat Doe set of nerve*, but
ed her exquisite pain. she said she that there 4 • "papa centre" is the
telt as if they were hitting ber eyes.
8bs suffered severely from headache, r brain which is affected 0Diy by exce.-
and for the two or three ensuing days I tive sen.sUou.
she was olrlitged to keep ber eyes dos- 1 It 4 well known that a boxer whoa
ed opening them only at inter+aL. For V halala� is Inaewlbie to pal* !roam
a week •U objects wen very mucb • powerful bow. Ii Thai* szpl•!ns how
bl.rrtad, ,bot gradually ilsca,ne distiao- arrives at ebb degree o{ reaist•na
ter. aadabe dada d wesik t them from ea telo.,u
ar=ba aMri Y MU all cis could (torn The boxer accustoms Llm.eif to re -
1 er in aatpst'inadt wai made with tiatve blows.\sivl man and anon pow-
ber to the zraazto o[ var4,us ole setup blow.. Aid at the nems time,
Depending only upon sight. ab. mill- saeb ms.t himself dial biowa, M had
tont "art et -tor a dog, a pence • for- i carol fl n
key,and a feather darter for a bomb little, � �Iie m, become s aat---haeis. and ed
as lot. [isle becolae acoasto led
of chryeant.beenoms. 'lien one of the to sola auxtaoes, he strikes harder
do•tore held a canary upon h's fore-
finger and she was totally unable to °tom
tete what it was. Hs put the bird in sensibility
he eyed the degree d (n_
a cag.. and inetaatly elle said 11 was speciaility esby 1epaint
of • set of
a bird. although. of course. she did We trattier vt ahold that 1heWreeehese kit not
not know what kind of a bird. k inally a process of pryobic education For
t.lrey blindfolded the gip I and permit- ' him 'pain' should be only a word, to-
ted her to touch all the objects elm cause his training consists not PC)
bad misnamed. bile deal/allied them much in the development of his musses
without an error. ! as 1n the se' r of poen, wti
ytaother care°% point is tbat .ks would interfere with bpm and prevent
seems to have nu idea of distance. One him from striking out to the hest ad-
ot the doctors hid his hand close to her ; ..mugb
far and told ber to take hold of it. + "Naw, meatal training has ao/i•inp
Sell-. rescb�.*ut lar. It •a 11 it -wars. to do with .peolal Immo _sjs. -pain.
Leveret Zees away Coeveluieljr, Ihs Tbl. mastery over fain cannot exist
trod to grasp a bottle that was ileo- • without a series of mental set. har-
ed epee a 4abie -at .abs ethw aro .01 < tng relatie♦.avtlih the divot% mental
the room. th nking that it was within .sas•tlors of a bio., of tka net..
nosh. Wh le blind the had oo dl ti -
catty in walking. ber movements tri-
ing similar to there of any person with
eight. Now she steps out aa If walk-
ing upataira.._bba says Lbeilovr look ,,M� tna� lanes ass acre Beed .lo
very steep to her. and she always feels
as if ale were going up hili,.•v tobsteain, la aha north land of Europe.
Colors she dura -not comprebe -a young gtr'r01iristocratlo family, who
Some of teem. br.gbt red for instssas, I •a intimate tziebd at the prin-
pa.n her eyes very mu h. It is carious, oe Denmark Ons of thea. prin-
too. that Dolor seems to cause ber more
surprise thea form. is boa, ling arras became Ismpre.s o[ Russia; so-
things aha was always able to gat some °tier u ala Priarsa. of Webs
ides of %bat shape they were; Gad ale The court of Dernark has bees re-
count alar, disUoguish the dltfersaas
letween 'substances. But color is en- giArkable for 1ta simplicity sod genu-
tirely beyond ber. tassesa and our friend, the Count --
It is said tbat several months mast on gehl_hassn. was stlaanlsted ,.o
elapse before the muscles of the girl's
eyes will be trained even beyond the
rudimentary stage. Never having had
.:gbt. she must begin just as if she
were a 1 aby, observing things add
learning to brow them without the
aid of touch.
Abets/ the 1 we Mut aeisarkable *Jeers 1.
tie %wild.
Frain the begienizg tbe Nile was an
exoepticnal river. Its sources were un-
known. There was those who thought
that the Nile flowed down from heav-
en; that it welled up tram streams that
disappeared under the earth on anoth-
er 000trnent, or, at the very least, that
its springs were laaccesslule to mac.
There wan porch mystery about the
Euphrates From the remotest times
its sources seem to have been known
by hearsay, tf not by observation, to
the dwetters on tbe coast.
sure to the gold fevers ani the sub-
sequent settling on farms of the men
who rtmhed to Ballarat.
Moreover, now that Canada is be -
ng taken seriously an a mining roan -
try mea will own tins that Fa- pier
parts of fhb Foneeion than the ter
North -Went are alfa° oa;able of tur-
niehing stories of 1 recious metals. Nova
Scotia hes an auriferous area compet-
ed at from 4000 to 5000 square miles,
and only forty square miles have yet
, been 'worked; - yet those few miles
;have for years Fast been giving a
steady supply of gold. working out to
'an average value of 58000 dollars per
mike per year.
Great rumors, too, are rife concern-
ing 11* prospecting whioh Lam begun
to the Rainy River and Lake of the
Woods districts in Western Ontario.
The gold is certainly there, and, what.
is of scarcely lest ars*ortance, there
Gess unrivalled It ty o[ tranmert and
watetr. -.
But where ie tba lase 1ieh melte' and
enteririaet Well, every one here, at
any rate, believes it is 'coming. And
It will apt,lealt at gold mines.
almost invariably retera to the
United States of America. It is tacit-
ly a.sunred by every ons in England
that "America" is synonymous with
the country where the eagle acreama,
and the Yankees' own ahmorpt.ion of the
term " America° " is questioned by
none -outside Canada.
it is otherwise. Cab•dia ie object to
having tbeir 'country's individtWlty
smot tiered in tbia fashion. 1
They are ready to explain to the
stranger, with consIderesee •fervor,
that, so far from Yaatee1aod absorb-
ing North America, it• dere not even
comprise the major fort. The whole
area of the united States, including
its big ice purchase, from Russia (-sit-
a14ed Alaska. iaooly 3,ie0,806 square miles.
A pretty good acreage according to
Euroi*an aandards; but the portion
of the continent which is under fart-
tish rule extends over 3,755/174 square
mites. If the continent jig to he lab-
olled with the teens of any particular
country, that country is, therefor.%
No ons who has not been here can
Note to reali a what the Dominion's
Mime/Ode diittkncew are like; but here
is • little incl./sot treat may serve to
give • dim notion. Wbwn I was trav-
elling on a train • few nights ago I
heard a passenger inquire of acon Ino-
for how late rms. train tram the west
was. "Twenty-two hours," replied the
conductor. Fancy, you in a rount.ry
wbere you ens be transported from
end to aid in taboret' eleven bourn; here
is a no.intry where a train can he
twenty-two hours' late I And the cir-
cumstance is not explained by a snow
block or.' say similar sooroe of long
deIt was doubtless to be tnzpdainewl by
w ine had mane ernaot on the i rt of
abs railway. but *earl delays of a Lew
minutes here ase a few more there
have to be multiplied manifold over a
vast et retsh r►t rntentry to maks a de-
lay of honer 4wo hours.
England is America " Y apprytprt-
ate in snot/Pee OPIUM. There am many
teatnres ie the 11te here which remind
one more forcibly of the United Rtattec
than of Great Brasile; but therm are
George III. waa one day visiting •
small town in the south of England,
and being anxious to see something
of the country, took a solitary walk.
Ile came to a hayfield in which there
Was one woman at work. '11* king ask-
ed where all the rest were and was
told that they had all gone into town
to see the king.
"Why didn't you go toot" asked be.
" P06111" she answered, "1 wouldn't
go three yards to sae hire I Besides, they
've lost a day's work, and I'm too poor
to do that, with fire children to feed."
HL majesty alipped a sovereign into
her hand. and said:
When the rest come hook, tell them
that while they were gone to see Oar
king the king cams • to pet you and
left you his portrait in gd11T'tn remem-
ber him by."
iA plate for physicians to emigrate
to is tbe City of Hamate, Meth of Al.eeppn. Though It contains 60.000 inhal.
►tants among whom diseases of the eye.
in particular are rampant. there is not
a mingle physician is the city,
tlood*t The people learned to let its
waters flow over tbair lands at the
tune of tbe inundation, and where they
raised dike* Gad sunk canals and baaina
it was to let in the water not to keep
tt out.
The Euphrates also had ate floods, but
these were destructive. They scarred
the soft earth with revere and swept
the fertile soli onward to build new
lands along the edge of the
Gulf. The people auticipated•tbe over-
flow with dread. sod their most ata
eorhiog task was to restrain the river
within bounds. They became more
intimate with the earth than tbeir Egy-
ptian contewporeries. They learned
bow to mold the clay and is make
their houses and the houses of their
Kings and their gods out of the ma-
terial under. their Leet. The Egyp-
tians learned something shout brick
manufacture,, but. they bad no need to
depend wholly yams that sort of build -
leg useterleLLD was easy for them to
obtain store% ea -Mb huge flies at-
test. -_
M nerame rsase aely wealthy ad Par.
ebaaed . Title.
When barrel organs, ono* the uaual
accompaniment of the magic lantern,
came into use, a native of the Province
of Tends was one of tate first who trav-
eled about Europe with this instrnm.•
In big- j01egrinations be oeld
meets; enough to enable him to pur-
chase frons the King of Sardinia the
title of Count of the country where
he was born -for which, probably, in
• time of war, be did not pay above
1,000 guises*. With the rvsetainrier amt
his money he purebred an estate suit-
able to his rank, and settled himself
peaceably for the remainder of his
days ie his mansion.
lam the entrance hall of his rtwelling
be hung up his msg•ic lantern and his
organ facing tbe door, tbere to be care-
fully preserved till they mouldered to
duet: and he ordered hy his wi11 that
any one of his descendants who should
cense them to be removed should for-
feit hi* lnlierttancw, ►nd his patrimony
revert to the next beir, or, in failure of
wind had blown the cook out from un -
a twswwnr, to the hospital of Tower.
0.1; a low years ago the organ and
lantern were *1111 to be semi earetiflly
a noble lits by the lovely daughters f
tbe Danish king. As she grew older
sbe det rmieed when she should cons
into tear labsritaace to eonaecrste her-
self to the nervi-. of the needy.
After having been maid cd honor to
the Fmpreas Augusta of Germany, an
resigned her position and went bask te
her own Baltic shores. As in all sea -
coast countries, there on the Baltic the
[fishermen were pont. Perhaps au oth-
er clans of mea undergo greater dan-
gers aid herdabips for lees return than
do the toilers of the sea. To abase
9sliarmen of the coed northern shores
abs meanie__ determined to devote bet
Sbe began to patrol the stormy coals
of t11e Baltic la ber ywbt,. sad moo■
abs canoe to know almost every fieber-
man's family for many miles along the
cosdt, and whenever she triad then.
�..� et rmd abs ted thdmt If salt
or nets were wanting. these she sup
plied_ She carried medicines where
no doctor could ever visit. She found-
ed Sailor's Honies and temperance
iodgsa, and wherever • brutal Mas
was the terror of his village or com-
munity, she labored with him to make
him a respectable citizen.
In this way etre redeemed many a
soul and saved many • home from dee-
titutlon and derrtruction. Nevar in
all ba: ezpetiences of oourt lite had,
the young countess been sort
happy .5
when carrying re.iet to the aLk In body
or In *cul in the teeth of a gale se fes.
But one day she was arrested and
hurried to a madhouse. The *Mtgs
brought by her relatives was that
era ruing up her privet* fortune' o
poor. undeserving wretched, and ne
glectiag her social duties. When
a 8chimrnelmann been guilty ot lel
Gag pia fellow -men at his own
coati The .countess must be male
She was impri•oeed in an aayint Ellet
some time, and it was universally
lteved that her detention was 1
o Astt1est the authorities diseove
that the countess's estate was being
me managed. An investigation wet
made, the wmaged woman was amine
toed, doctors pronounced her sane, and
alt's wan speedily restored 10 her estate
and to the world, Not long ago
visited F.ngland, and the Primrose at
Wales, her old Weed, brought coo-
fusion teem the Danish lady's enemies
by giving her stormed reception, the
gisAtest honor that can be ranted M
social aspirant*, and a public endorse
meet of the cou.rta0s and her noble
What a rcomaaa what a vicioryaoelt
a li'a lortra:yal The court. the flelt-
erman'a hut. the 'narrow cell. each
playeA its pert in the formation of a
rare end beanttful ehnraeter, that he
cams a blowing to the woeid.
The "madmen" which finds expree
.ion in deeds of beneficence and lova
*Melt ennobles and ay rich** every MIM
it towhee. i• so truiy a "divine mad'
nem" t.hat the heat and saint of es
might wall covet and strive for it.
..yew ,
A RBrt70DAT'1OM.
Mrs Hlhuvliet-•-al`s .>Ms hove' eta en
yourself rimier flrc raM of a pbysirie+a
whin nuance, awp.rtlunaa fleab' Del be
Peneenmend any epees! rti.11
New-ilnwrvler No, mad. •a. Be Few
ip y resernm+n(led pelt .ess*4•ar