The Signal, 1898-1-14, Page 1is No •� .... arci7Volian i _., �...�:. IJ EL LO, HURONIAEll [1 in PO TWO MAY QUEEN H Ua R• N S TW Amt a'af N•Asw .tAmV,Ac- imago so • MAD DOCKS 1 KE NHDY Fos Oats VIA*. FIFTY-FIRST Z YEAR. --2656 GODERICH, ON'T'ARIO. CANADA : JANUARY 14, 1898 D. M°GI'LLICUDDY, EDITOR. NEVI ADVERTISEMENTS. -JAN. 14. 1 NEWS OF THE DISTRICT. Mere Sols to the Pound-Rioe's Pure 4 Balt Mutiny of Hero. Cowry CosooU-W. Lau Tor 68 Years -Gee Smereos ....... • • • Steer Truster --Geo. Porter Stem Malting 8s1.-80 Geo. Press. , . Removed -(3 N Davis Private Popile--Jas. 8. Cameros.., srtraerdtawry E.reismest - Vtei.sia Opera Hosea Private 8.1. .t Furniture -Fred. 11. Rodgers 4 4 5 5 8 1 4 1 Eduoe►t1on11,L 7 DRIVATE PUPILS TAKEN--UU D OR 1. y . comities done. Literary, l• moo mounercial wort JOHN Mix 111.0r Cor.111gr aed .limier Mia Pr1ry►to Rate. 4 1UVATE BALI, OF FURNITURE - /MD. H. It00111Xers vats Me'iew ass m. suss to Public Notley. • jaritiO 11) THE HURON COUNTY t:. u••ri.. The Omen sf the Oatwora it a e County of Haire 5W Is the Boomla the Tows of r re the a1.4'rluck s i. ii"it1711tiltiN 1tii tiiarirrU�` g�q TIN .....1 mesh.,/,/ eCiiia t%► �I�r wYt ha saki b iM Tnwa Ba14 Gsdsrleh. weteselm] Jurors 191b. 15.. s0mmens• Ms et 1 aides p m., for reeelvlag the wool .sep rr. theist odsosm sad tras•s°tlng any utas of the members 1s called to tow te the A. t A Aet resardlag Is the ley -Tawe .ad regulations : •.��.sit��e. mashers lie sash watery at an whish twee w or mfarwvtowswge mit, • liras by rdvert t as I• miss le (11 •l� ami by-lamosee�ws ..1 of the shod thaw Wows sad regulation.. of n Mvetall power to =O I u1 tae seelere ••.d an twesf.M oar evade f ' be sodery 'Moil be .xsted•'1 ander their dt:.otlo.. R-8.Ot a M. as. OIL Ip. RHf ofties b.r4 J48 MITCHELL. Hedy. Osemili . Dee M. IMT From ouPown Oor•reSpondante "owe ts 1.lereasWm lire That passu be Feed Anywhere Bun. -"Awes,/ th. intww^1.p•ralls S.wsftsd for The 5(00.5. p W INDHAM. The Lady True Blues, of flown, intend leading • box social in the Temperases ball M rid 000em of a few wash,.- --y, The Local Caton ot Y. P. Hatistleaaid 8eadsy 8hboot Workers h$4 Mama meerag to the Presbyteries church a Moeda* evening Jae. 10 .t 8 o'clock. John Shiites happeoad with a Manus resi- dent .t the W ier/ham laundry a few 11.ye ego. He was getting down Orf the washlsi atasbin•., whoa his foot strook • sail, wblob ran Into his foot. Alex Looks, the missionary from Port Said, Zippt, bas been holdings meetles to toe Christian Missies Workers ball, Vswrta d rew. daring the past week. Ho held issers•s o0 Saturday *vooior and all day Sunday. The oososrt nadir the .gapless g1 Clamp Caledosi. Seas s1 /..!lard, will be held to the opera hoose es l[md.y evening, Jos. 17th. Miss Tessa MiO.Uam, elocutionist. sad Mb. Dora Ziegler. Sertok stager will supply the program. twill go=lsadili 118r. ss ha wall to the frsos oaring for the welfare of the crowds who will book there be the sprfat, and feels that sew Is the time wises sees who have the time miesiosary spirit are seeded. He has b.d • good deal of sxpseha.sr • sesoag misers to Pm/trod sad amass lumbermen is Canada, and b • vigorous .ad robust mss, who M air afraid .f roughlag it OTICE-TRE HURON AND $RU4'E Iwai and 1.vet.s 1 Ce.Nar- he h•Isey W. e oes a* the lie reare fit tad nabs,/ 111110111�t the at 1 i Rm- . / NORTON. . tf te Far Sala or TO Neat M.. OirieruLyd4r, wL FtOK BALK r►R TO RENT -FOR 811.1 to eget the dwlINO(es Malmee.t at Moms menseed by F. 1s ameba ll�eroo�re oma f i�sokeddses brant MOO. rier awl Mess. sad boa a library, merinos sad a dleles Ther M Wf .g o1 laree rlelb emoted with shrub. lied fruit trees, s04 a mese lest laws. Apply to F 1om1 1!, es tbe pee- marea m R BALI. -ONE OF THE 11Ii8T Sanwa la W Oat Iet Lessees- Walt essess- Rwep.t 1�y sowater. Has me tewe4. ter rears. Ea nem Mime see I▪ t es the pesters. resits ears. NAS e.,Wefts* 5i Mat *a elliporsfist Trusts. tt. Plum z Ytiorsirrr vett Bag. Town. sita""etraMaTtilliseell ' �sg.wwHItet rieLietstL DUNOANNON. Nanta. -Thi Leal &R•oor In Dungannon tar Tam Dwwet. 1a at the oflloo of J. 0. Ware. J. P.. mawto. who will routes or - dere for ea advertising and Job- J. • and 1s to give reoelpte for amount• paid ter tie saes. FOR SALE, CHEAP -THAT DESIR- •ble pretnus7 elmlreled eft Arahurat.. is the ye tag e 11 *tom 1 1 room. WI to 1 Ttoof lead, tate hem erme to suit purchaser. For ply to J. D. WARD. Dungasses. 11,41 of dwell - lar, 7 water, . eto. ap- Tux/DAY, Jan. 11. Ravtv.L t1.LTINOO -Rev. B. L Hatton, during last week. oumpiemed revival mec- ums so the ohurob. w i.h ars h.nm well attended WrDDIsu Crawls Wtddtng belle are . till pealing their loytsl motes to ti s vioiot. 1y. .ad many have. sad are still join- ter the Wrote .f Bes•diNa ANNUAL MIt*rtma.-Tke soon•' meeting .1 W n..owb *Wert) Fires Inouranue Co.. will be held on W•dseedey, January 19.b. All 0000eroed will govern themselves se- oordisely. COM VALOCI NO. -It wi 1 be pleasing to the m•oy treads of Mrs. B. J. Crawford, Mise Rya M•Hougb, acid lass° Hamlets. jr., who have been on the eiuk list, to hear that they are gradually 000v.l.eciog. 1CDDLN (u. o' -Contrasting the .tate of the weather, on Sabbath, the 2od, and 94.11, we protium,' that we were transferred from the Northern regions, to the middle of the Temperate zona Mother Perth, it would appear. bee been making an extra more in her trssett. ANNCAL Mnwrleo-The &1111111111 000mr•- g.t•ona1 meeting of Erskine ohuroh, was /odd- AhreltietrOlt. a Wedsude Olt• inst. , the poster, stet. 1. iblrbslri- r iaxiov.. .. ir. wra...r-'rat^.rLV 'ob•Irman. Ib• *say. ►t>N i�f.Gt - ALV •BLE TO W ht PROPERTY FOR eA�,/Alb Als•..Th• thillpas mud et mete twiesbIs •sd `" t ems. p� g� OW time, ndlgt - tYeg8rlt• sit presses ,1�pgTrwygAte seesa Tu .1 *Jaime ▪ pdunas,/ god9174"4"1aenamo rae"1'neweltge. De9 dsnelt. SEAFORTH. !Samuel Barton met with quite • paroled awideat on Monday. He was eaga0ea 1s. shooing a hone when the animal kicked him •s the arm, looking a very severe wend. Oa Tsseday mare ata mestisg of the 33rd Battatioa bead, the follow*.g emomrs were .1.01.4 fee the meets* year :-W. McLeod. president : Theme Murray. free. sad Trees.; oomsittee, D. Veined. C. Brodie end M. Menus Oa Friday aft•rnoes.**1irsble welts - mot wee eaosed by • tem .1 hems bstoafl- ng w Rob •n T.. .s, Mika mals wiry demean ase away. Mr. Tour- isme. very pb to the lime., and aft0r rafting dews apses ata tenons nM M0.sam dd. the hl team nes (�selirNepped at Me At the regular .esetmg e1 the R. T. of r. the tollowlng *Seers were iastalled Clef, 8. t:. ; Bre. Beattie, P. 8 C. ; Sasser ;Isf, V. u ; Neer Smith, Ohm. ; Sister L Williams, R 8. ; Sister H Willi.•. 1. 8. t Bro. C. Bpsrli.4, F. 8. ; Be. Trott, Tress. urea ; Bra J Edge. Herald t 8i.t.r NNW. Guard; EFo. During, 8astiseitBYearBdabr. Organist. Dr. V. 8., had a narrow mops the osier day. He wee dsserisg • large steer. which wee is • box MU. The anneal leeks Moe, sad, mak me • dive et the doom. tam Ite ben thrown kis overshoe. tui thee wetted around the stall at a sow mimeo pic iir. Gibb mewed t. Mid ef mamiNlr ,wed p1 iter. Diu. weed Massif beim what weld fs4esbtedly have ptgp�al y/ eei.Mmd is F YOU ARE RNSRI iNTIC `AND 11000111,0.11 Iehete same bdhb M; a int s a�.t tr pot ns.d • . se t watt of Mw ea I mw Ae wed tb1 es Mres. 11l�Qess11W a.t will wart `art, T.1. for 1907, were raved .wdwpsesae�-- R. Hardee., land J. O. Ward, wore re- spectively re -appointed Secy., and True. as were also lb* members of the Inseams, committee of 1897. for 1898. Preliminary prooerthugs were sakes tato eo••id.rotterr, as to the emotion of • new manse, for the pastor. • ssbseriptloe het wee opened to mortar bow mash oo.Id be raised by the .embers ted adherents, towards no er•o- ti.•. Ir TLsxzxT.-The remains of M•rl.m Gor- don, ds•gbter of T. E Case. M. 0., refer- red to is last week's items as b.vimg died, were interred i5 Dsagas.sn o•lo•ter7, on the 4th Writ, b.Um ..o.rt.d from the rest• does of bar father by • l.rgs cortege of sorrowing relatives ; among whom several were from quite • Malmo*, atb. • terve n umber of eymppamthistag others of Du.g.n- . o. sod vbWtty. TIN solemn obsequies were impressively osglMted by Rev. B L Errs. sseist•d by Rev. L Arm - arose. I■ life, the deemed d was a basun- fel little girl and in death, re.smWd are . nae be beauty, sod imae.e..s. 8h• was i► proem:mess sad moos child, mire very food of Sabbath school, of widish .b. Were . regu- lar 0tt.ndwe. We, along with the strums of Durtgansos and many others. deeply sy.p.i hes with the bereaved /sant., is their great los. tireagh all w dimes - mhos of Previde.o., and Mad lkestor, who death all things wisely stud for oar . pinb.l wed being. _ Oorr.od sughttr, Miss Mem, a Chaeeh- wit., sed daughter, vide. Brest Gushy, durieg last week, were the guests of Mrs. Point•e's sister, Mrs T. Daher, and other relatives Mie Mary Pestlstsd I.; t last week es • viewer tour to rewires, as Tensaw Masters W.. mind Jobs. mem of Jolts Hiles, cam of Des- pie.s'a wbrprd.igf gtwwhante. left here this week. to leu a eines M toady W the C.Wgkete Institute. as Galeria. We week Nest Ohm beet et estmes. Mrs. U. v • at. O.11.rm• t•we.Np, who have boss es a Midis bar. te vesting as the Fee.M (goy, arrived home last week. stied report bast.. had • pleases! visage( bar Jos. Gib- tes, jr.. tree .f Jab. Others. toy, of West Waw.seek, bane; lased a fares, W East Wavered. removed to It dente last week. We .1.h kiss seem W ►i. new 1.1.110.. Mrs. Jobs Heelers. (user Mr. Ma- sk M.M.tk.) el Oedirioh, visited tweeds hre kw week. your bluish* scribe w at. me towered by a plement .bit tram bor. W. www Mewed W e.e Me look .o well and .heerftd 1 it mew es if the rofr..bleg air, is the leaasifeil Mader town .grew with her J W. Ye% sad wtfe.e M H.Imm- vine. drug the tater part of 1sM week, were ahs gusts M Mrs. Yeill bream. D. Roberts Dotter Uavidess. M Masi• who, asd formerly et Oedema tewu*Np, .ad his brother. with 0. JokWea, both Gotterl.b township, sod two female rola. tine, rMwMy visited Mn. Davidson sod f•loIly. WarDING Ourmr,-I. lesm week's ie..., of 8..fortb Expositor, we amber that ase of our former D..psm..d•.., bas bees naiad is the beds .f isatrlm..y, vda. , W. M.Kay, psissiM1, .1 Hew.N1 Noels' Meek te MM M.rtbs Smsll.esmb., of the same sad its be.tkr, A. R. M.Kay, mdl- 0.1 i.pprbd the mow . We ex. teed ..rge•nl•s.sa b the Newly wedded mph. wishful/ them jay mad b•ppiseb. BLYTH. J LEtBURN. TeaaDer. J•a. 11 h. CHURCH NOM. -There will be prayer w eed.,/ on Wsdaest. assails,/ of tbu weak, and on Solidity Its. C. Fletsber, of Kirktuo. will preach here. Voting in our ward on Monday of I.■' week saw as atroodsnoo of 83 voters to mail' 4.r their tavora.e O.udioate. No' ow ballot was spoiled, mon voter merging his z w.tbout an error. The first monthly fair of the Blyth aro- olatlon was held hen os. Tuesday. The Roman Catholio oburch here which hes beau undergoing repairs for some time will be reopened on Sunday January 16th. Mr. and Mrs. James Heeri$b, of Weliaod after an &bse000 of thirteen years., are re- n ewing old .cquaintauus to Iowa this week. Mise Harsh Bentley. S.I. of Blyth's most estimable young 'ellen, left Thursday more ter for Winnipeg when she has swop •.t a position with her brother, W. D. Bentley of that oily. • AUBURN. Mir Ella Molluruy, of Michigan, is at toot vWtiog her grrsdp•rents. Mr. and toot Alex. Morton, of ih• 6th 0000.eoton. Andrew review, ..f the ousters bound.ry, lett for Toronto on `Saturday. He pirpoeee ▪ tte.dtog J.meeo0 avenue Cullesut• in the Queen C yy- Mr. aad Mrs'Jas. Yoawggavareglipti.s potty to upw.rde of one bundled (triode Wit Frid.y evening Th. time was pleasant. ly pees. -.1 to tripping the light t•ntsstio un- til the wee ems' hours. The marriage of Mese Annie Helwig to Robert Jooee, Loth of this vines, took place. at the residence of the br.de'• hobo,. Re. C. C. Couz-os performed the oer•mooy to the promo. of .boot 75 guests. EXETER. Dr. Ames was in London Taeedsy attend- ing the funeral of his brother-in-law, Stewart Hams, wit. was. lulled in the City Heft wreak.. pW. IagrAtosit '+ei,Iwt's oars at4 . C. Urlpta'slast+�ll in as otg laoesasi��i eomdlttea. Mrs. W. Soutboott 1.11 for Leaden Oiler. day to stt0ed the tonere) .f kir broths .W• law. John garridge, who owe 7Uled kit the Otte 1. okaassw. F. W. Olodm®, late of the firm of G1.4. tmaa t Kerr, of Peterboro', h+a 0one into pars..r.htp with Mr. B. V. Elliott, barrio tier, and the firm w111 be known as Elliott 1 Ordinals. While openiog a chest of tea in Carling Itre.. store. on Fraley last, G A. Hyodmao ere of the olerk•, oat ooe of his arms very badly. E'ysipelas has set in and he is .0/pion totessely from the somdent. Mise Jeanie Alexutder and Harold Jarvis will appear ro Oidtsy's Hall on Monday, 17 W. H. Hewlett. ceramic and choir leader of Nadas street methodist oboirek, Loseoo, will he the s..omp..ist. •moi pi HENRALin. Mise Bigg.rt, of Climes. b .biting the Messrs Mardonk. The Re.. Mr. Dethl„ of Atlas Craig was la tie village os. Tuesday. Dr. Casa, of Dungannon, visited his moths hors dariog Christmas week. Mies Maisie MaK•y, of Dmss0000, abraded her brother's weddiug, hero, os. Woodsy last. F. Liersoh, of Losdeeboro, formerly of Hsasall, was in the village this week renew- W .cgse ntascas. Murdock MoPh.ms is la Loedesboroagb this week phoning hie brother -is -1.w and dater, Mr sad Mrs. J. T. (YBrtee. Mr. sad Mrs. J. T. Ilmartb.r left here es' Tuesday moxelsg last for Bermuda in the barren of Mr. M•emrtkor'e health. Ron. A. Mao gillivtsy, a missionary, of Roam, Chins, whet is making • u ur of the o►aroh.s tbrARboat the Hurts Presbytery, ism ester e_ `Qsa elehureboo.Moes.. day wenn et orb travdr aod laborer that bestirs ooastry. The oddrwm was an bt resting •a.; at the close of *be rotors be exhibitd.peshasse.1 coin, Images, rolios, M., of tis unary, which •4o proved is - Meeting fee the mellsso., which was oo.- parettively targe HAMILTON GROANS Are Turned to Boos -Aad Posse are •ffeo- rushy D.sp.11ed by'h• (}raiser mit .I P.in-ours--Soutn Awerto.o Rheumatic Cui e. Mr. I Maarten*, 246 W.Ilmgtoo Street N , Hamiltuo, say.: " Was very bed with rbeumatum fur many weeks -cored .til two bottles of South Aw.r.o.0 litteumaile Cure." Mr. Phillipe, Dr„ ooroer Hunter sed (huh litres s, H.mlltoo, soy.: ••S •• is .4masto•a Ham itt• so Cure u the lnMiesaa ahs( for Rh.amatisot 1 ever tried 't more` Parkin, Biobruok, say.: •'1 had Su'atioa tie bat17 I would got put my foot to the d .or ; D uos were intense. O eat 'shell from on* hottle-four bo' Ina o'.,,.pl.t• ly cured " Mr J. 8. Bette. Grandford, writes . '• Mouth Amerman Rheumatic Care is the b -it re wetly in the world for +outs rb.um.tum. Have tried it and know." Sold by J. E D.yie. THE; DEMOREST CONTEST A Good Program Presented. A frees. (Unrest for the sl1,er Beeler-MI6 Mildred t:.dwl• the s.creset.l (e spetlter-msoellent II mile al aelemoleas. The W. C. T. U. held their second u,ed.l °oote d.. us Monday •veato., J.uu .ry 10 b, 1n V.otoru Opera Hum. wbeo the silver medal was •tsar 4 $i *ism Mil- dred Godwin, who maim' "The Martyred Mother." ' There wee • good •udMooe, although .n tither eaterti.megt wadi being bald to the Irina on the same .eeniig, and o'h•it rte. por'ant atrantioas within the week p0rtic ut.rly the Harold Jarvis -Miss Jessie Alezao- d r 0000ert The Couto will net • surplus. Mr. Martis Lembert. nus d Ike Miser ra0dets .f the sews. did M (lie ra.ldo.ae, the aid market paafa, m Bushy mersi.R ler& Mr. L'abwl W been .1f - .rkeg fee w years hem lies melts of • w ply$M .tree, sad for oar time has tees os. rly helpless. In his pirins he was • Mem, whys sag, s.4 ler s great essay years after mooing to Se•lselb, was le tee employ .f the late Dr. 0•I.as... Oe Wsdseedry everting last, about 10 guests •ss..blsd at the home of Mrs. Mer - des 8mitk. Grey. 10 wheel, Mismarriage of Loftus T. Stork, a well Isms mnvb•s• of thh tows, to Belie • Smith. The sir.. .0557W51 performed by Rm. 8. J. Allis. Mt Ee.M.is. •...led by Re.. W. A. Smith, 8. T. L. be. Wowaiewr. meets et the bride Mime Gumb Smi/h Mold w bridesmaid while Ed. lathier. of ebb tom ...ted the The young ladles of tate bible slue d 81. sYt 'buretsNi. e.aday semi eslar.d tsugbrs and roam obildres with their !heads. is • d.esddly morel said pleader way a Wadeeeday ermine. The whole •dr ma reties top. awl serried thresh by the miss Wees ohm. lis malt beteg see .t the mine plese•se meshes ever .gess is Ike ease rosy The .hair 5...uspld by ew.�1 nese mse ladies. who 411.d /M pemlMi vey sredibbly sad pso.tally. A ptwri.Rpropr.as was neaered. Irrwp_wed Per melidet. 16 is always well, to he peeprd fee aoet• delve, for we de't ken whom the/ vent haggles._Ese .aryoahould keep •'Oetek..r." $ ►yIIs saws el horse. melds, esb. M•bbamiw lie surf pub,11 Wee Ifstaa► rabid and wares mer. quietly Ibis ray .that prepsrstles as the market. - aMtmehalk Lytle b Moose OLINTOre. Mime Ot w. ed ten% was bridesmaid for Miss Jeatse, of 0.4.rish, last week. Mr. W. Perdue, Mee stet with a very severe amide.. last week, is slowly improv- ise, bat h1a aril4. aro tory painful. Mrs. Moffatt, Vietris 8&, mare tbe permeable boast Mist abs h•s voted at every .lss1os and seer lou km vele ye ; this Is . pretty pod rwoeed. An aged lar sewwre ed Nes, wM sit.. r with hdategbMr•I0-law, whew M Ms kw Ther. Noble. Inst her way sed w.sd.eed dews to the railroad trash, sear WMstie, where sbo .lipped and broke her leg. W1f.r Moleozpu. 611mmow d» 1 8s. -The humblest 0.5w1, of W. W.weemek i ss es Monday, is tbe township bal. J. Others. awl R. Meld, were res ed iesity istetled w Reno sel.D,P.t , ala. Maien� :. weM•.io: Will.•Metes. ' Mid 1 ws. Pirates, M eeis1Qlers. The Nlhitief.(tfe. Bete wen sppielitsd t (Mark, Wm a- enads 1 Tresses. J. 0. Wised •Manse. Waiter Wilms ; AsNfire. D. 1. Mow sed H. J. Crowned. Other maNelp.l bon- gs* wee traar.etd. wbia!arras is the mttb.utn of Ns.lsIs E 5. IYae. • bund ed health he 1888 the S s s 1887. Me Mirk* membee belyl resplesietili. N.xt mosaics tall be Mid a Mesloy, the 14tk day .i Phbrww.ry, 1808. Thea M♦ - U hell s ppwlassi s aMNakr M lmser s Uhlsemed . rot. Dr. Aeim.w'.Otsasset will awr. the 41F . rMy rola 11..... whim* leil, 16 will else me Herber s Itah,Tease. Isis Rheum well all albs •fu5Ws. V data hires le hi H wiE irM� >)<adts f, w4 t►gmi► OIN brlfgt eems- me le the et esus. 16 Mels, Reil by J. L BRUSSELS• Brussels monthly horse tare was heli Thar.day of last week. On Tu.ed.y of last week Mies Nellie Rote end A McKoy were united in marriage by Row. John Rose B. A. e. sesik eselei -01 i ll' Sar.. medium John Meadowa aod teles Foully J. deu.hter of Gib.' 'McMillan, of this bur husband and wife. The school hoard has moved the desk• from the rooms damaged 1•y 8ro into the two ..00mpred rooms awl -ad! woke, the.obsose b.ok again about Ewt•r, after the reoovatioo s.d repair. era completed. W. F. Vaostooe and Mrs H James were each remembered with • Cnrutm.t present from their respeotiee Ii.bbah eebool ole .es in Ht. John's 8 8 The forgoer roomy. .d • lade.'s oompaeto0, and the latter • basun.* vars. Oo 1'0eed.y afternoon at the residenoe of Yr. David Ru -s, his eldest daughter Maes Nellie was married to Mr. A. M. MoK.y, hardean merchant. The toot was tt n by Rev. Jobs Rues. aseiated by Rev. D. B Ma Key of Craubrook. Some forty five oonp,es assembled to wttm.ss the o.remooy and well Mo newly married maple health and h.ppi• Dein, in while the whole village joins. The bride was tem recipient of • large o.mb.r of oreeente. FLORIDA ON WHEELS. imerveless Revelation..,/ r refleal Luxury (•a►sg ■w Jan 11 A marvelous rsvelatioo of tropical luxury • Florida State Fair in m rolling p•l.oe from the land of dowers, gorgeous with golden deoer•uons and tropical ezbtbttioos. impos- ing in multitude, wonderful io realletica, marvelous In variety and splendid with • bouaand tropical wonders, illustrating to tourists, invalids and prospective settlers the advantages aid re.ouroes of that sunny land. Tropical fruits, Florida wines, ex- quisite perfumed fountain., wising palms live alligators, etc. " Bear in mind that the alligators •re chained." This ooswrvatory on wheels, a tropical weaderland, was built of Lrlorid• wood .t • total cwt of $20,000, It is the most re markable oar os either 000tinsot; has been visited by more people o0 the outside than 'wsywrever'be'Ie•4. seeM.ter'y Me. '1'he people Book to it by night and day, sed papers have ce.onbd it from coast to coast s being the first of its kind the world ever saw. To dainty 1.mdeut.l exposers • seminal price .f 100. Milder under 12, 6o. Illi be charred. Wtroo 8. Webb, diressorimeer•1 Florida Sub-Tropi• or exposition wad Florida oommisiooer to Paris exposition the world's Columbian ex. portion a1 Chie•g•, sod °Habil promoter of Florida p.blieity, is director. lids abort expertise es wheels will ex- hibit se the 13. T. R semen in Goderloh Med•y, Jas. 17ib, 1828, tram 9 a. moo 9 p. ail. Another el the pion..n has reaposd.d to the roll ea to the person of Jame Mailer who died holiday moron( at the ripe age of eight .two. Mr. Miller was • native M Ctiasy 'i Ipperaty. Ireland, ser o•.5 to ebb emery sweaty "van age. sad miserly all that time nee wpR* in Walser. G.ene. meetly 0..'.s. NM wee inevine tseNMr with their fest eWdree : Mrs. W. Fehr, Mrs. RIM sed J. 0. awl 0. Mi1Nr. The fumed took Mese as Friday. The Tows Carlini Net 1888 will be mw. - peed M tenant* t Mali,/. R. Holism ; Rote, P. t r . W. Jaw ; Qewelllers'... J. P. e J Taylor• W lisevewg 1- H N t rd , L Todd .t 4 1[, U. Ple.mm�tr ; dims 1 • Mawkeest.. Tiese idilemaa el the Moshe mews inn dews liesiday maim bs. ▪ ..n *-74r.. MrWhitele� Mime 1. Athena 1< •ehme, i Disbar. M.C.0 and iNime4?r.bwll. W. C Gerd., J. Asheuss, A. Lamm%, sod C. Aheppred. Ow Mures of Pala Rad elewifllt.ena Maar Illummi• mer The remedy knows me 8e*N Amides Limy Owe gem i.ilo te relief to alit Mule is .4 srwysmtub efeM kt6ele, s�iiresayyl1lst.. bemegeheas sod .l his M'w... r .t a. bl . eta It mod iliMehsss /M nems, MUM* 1• Mats esd pro .e•1�.g. . t. weeN tl.wai Mose• _ IY .u.t seg presl.M1 w.sbs. bm the «mob '.stiessof /M gewr ile4Meal. held y J. R1Lywrht wtuoh will be •p• -ret to advesoe the 0111111.0 of t•mper.00e and for the betterment ot the people The °outwit opened with an instrumental .•d. petfurmc 1 with ezpre•oaoo ly Mise Auerbrooke, followed by • reoit.tloo en- titled 'Short and Sh.rp," by Mies Elise Ty.. bristling with temperance taste and flg- uree, wb.ob were brought out ole.rly .red du' soot ly. Mese MoC.l1 preoeded the sett moistest - ant by .wee' ly singing 'The Return.' b. 19tllard. whet. Miss (}paws (bashed ail Iusrr by her strophic word Ware of the br•ted of too rear seam or Bteol- -brakes Si._::JsTI 1R? ' sfgmw.:, rdi=illaF°Nrti.w+ v. ;.�. w" • 7 411nr VW. Reliel.-Mayer, Molwmn, C. O•mpbsil, Tweedie sod Rs4otife. Public Works.-Uanteloo, Martin, ?Wok. oboe. Prtdham. Wilsoo,Crstgi. and Colwell. Water sod Lisht.- Nrobolwo, Camelot), Wm Campbell, Oood• and Martin 8poen al-WrWon , Holmes. Prldbalo, Nrobolson, Create, MoLean, Wm. Camp- bell, Martie and t olwell The first mimed on oath committee to b. ohairm.n ; the mayor to be ex officio mem- ber of all oommt1Nee. Go motion of 2nd deputy reeve and Cons- oillor Pridb•m, H. W. Hall was appointed *.. ons of the auditors for 1898, and Sr Wor- • hip Mayor Thempsoo appointed W. R. Robert.uo. The by -law •ppototiog auditor* for 1898 was read the usual number of times and pawed. Moved by 2nd deputy reeve, ss000dsd by reeve, that Dr. rarer be • moor bar of the Ileetst• Iuetitute board for 1898, 1899 e nd 1900. Carnsd. Moved by 2nd deputy reeve, ss000dsd by erasssittsr Predates. flak_l.lialollowl*m be--.. .ppoiot•d mrmb.n of the Beard of Health of the town of Goderiob : Dr. J. R. Slow non and Dr. Taylor for three vein, Jetta• Shephard and 7. Jordan for two years, and J.mee Winos and R. Radcliffe for the year 1898. Carried. A t'y law appoints's the members of the Godertoh Board of Health wee read the usual number of times and passeod Mved by ooanoillor Radoli8's, asoosded b, oounot for Colwell, that the r.rolar meet - .ug nights ot the oousool for 1898 he the Ent end third Friday •veninge monthly. -Carried. The caution then adjourned. LUCKNOW. _A rep . evens . _Balm HAYFIELD. Mies Ethel Smith left this week to spend • ample of months .4 Monett'. - - - Rev. Mr. MotilH.r• preached tel 8a. - day. beth meralag as evening. Oe 8..dayfes.teg. January 16th, it... E. 011vans, .f B.i.miller, formerly of Hay- field, is exp•otd to preach to the Methodist ob.reb. 6. R. Smith resumed studies at Huroe College this week. He has been appointed to preach at Middleton's 8ulomrbill and HoImesvl la Oa Tos.day toning last his Lordship Bishop B•ldwi. 000grmsd 0 olw of treaty - mem ..edldabs for obarob membership is Trolly ohmrwb- There was • rood aimed. eves ret the ..r.lese, and' all were deeply impressed with the Bishop's earliest .4 drs- toel.,,no. who, .Iter. Andiar hie) besotted 01 i iserade4 1'y drink, falls dead •t his 'est, .ed the 100, moor.tsg too late the sad results of his stn. pledit.g total •b.tloeuo. .t her grave. heootnee • man sober and grid,. but •' oh, the price he paid." Mise Whitney sang " Pierrot mallet/ Co. Babette." to an exca:eat manner. •trikiog toot htgher notes with • musical expre.eiou .xoediogly ptea•iog. Tke •udieaw e000r- tsg, Mees Whitney r•epo.ded io a very pl'..ing manner, •.election entitled ' Alas!' "The King'. Kies' hy Will Htodd.r•,was • selection wn1ob showed the depth and'1}ich- nese of the sinuses v..foe, sod sewn in his encore, '• Break, break, on thy oold grey .tone., oh 8ea." he audienoe felt a beauty to T.onyeen'simmortat wordy unfelt before The recitation by Mies Gwen U'1Soroe, " A Contest for Truth," was • very heavy d.foult wleotion, but was •zoeptioo•lly ..1l render d, and proved Mise Colboroe to b-' an eloou Jolliet of no ordinary ability The male quartette not treisg able to till their number. Mr Rdwerde supplied their oleos most •ooept.bly sloping With mooh sweetow, " Where is Heaven." Mies Minnie Str•ohao was at her hest, end with • very pretty Soottieb aoom1 meg " Edinboro' Town," which was rapturously received by the •odieooe ; preceding which Mow Maori` Ddok.on recited "Compasses tion," making m0ry good points, and dm - pitying muoh etooeuonsry ablltty. Mies V.v,•o is an elocutionist who brings out prominently the point in her selection; to reciting " The De•000'. Match," the re- sponsibility of the voter was brought pro- minently to the frost. The vocal solo " Alla Stella Coaedesti," by Mir Fee Aohesot, with violin obllvsto by Mies Lour. Arbeeeo, was perhaps the finest pieoe of music, that has been rendered in Ooderiob, not •,oeptiog outside talent, and proves the artists to have very oxo-p- tional musical ability. Wm C.mpaiine Played the piano •000mp.oiment with ex - orient reflect. Indeed, tow vocalists to ilderiter-Aabio vee. Rhe held the sadism. ap.11-b'atd with her obarersg pereos•lity, pure emus - Piano', and organdie lose ooloriee. The Jude.. decision was Liven by Judge Doyle, who stated. that Irving earetully °empard point., the decision was that Mildred Godwin should native the medal, after which Rev. Mr. Asd•reoo pre- sented the prize on behalf of the W. C. T. U. to Miss Godwin, •ddresei•g • few apt words to the young .lo oublelet. The Woman's Christian Tem:erane. Uo ion desire to Cheek heartily the singers and their t•wber. Mise Wyss. epos whom they refitted so moots orsdit; the elso.tianbts mod their n,truotor, Min Fisher, who bas so kladly assisted them ; the Judge., Mr. 8trsag, Jodge D.y s, .ted tt., Mr. Ander- eo. ; and tato tl asps i•ts, Min mw Mi. Chute..- lith amp•Iku., an others who Wallis m.klsr the eostest sed coeoert • anagen, Th...iiiibeel 'aro that Chs poblto la he. cooling Tal tested in this form of estertain- meot, sad the Union expert t. .oatteae thew sol bele ..til the have six silver medalists, wthey will oompete ter the geld medal. The rerdieg room, 1. sow Is ro.0leg order mid i. • pl.wwu• pies to .peed a spare beer. Room Is Mrs. Wares • hoses, formerly O.Mtpied ley the Mime have been Oteel up. A amber M Mi .*nes have boos d.sated by Rev. 8. 1.. 8uiofl cad Mn. Rat. Smithey, sad memo of Ohm toadies daily paper have bun ordered. Y1 la iv meet to len the rem ops. mak after - sem tad evelifig dudes the wiser emetbs. Lae* week we were treated to tee of tae bone %bbiIb'sheet ObrMttssesbrlehm et bald be BayisM for met lima Os Tuesday mesh* •but ehtld.es of ?deity ah M Noiresed eh tows MU is tee deers. R'rw».ds. 847110. 0. ishiwessy •e•di14 tat. •edrew'. Stbe.tb Meet bald mew mid soother lane awdi.mm w.. pros. est "A Igors • Mee lee s' fist." Eves if be hos Mare beth frill. HMIs strtogitte_billriss W mew sinHbsuan laPotsam's Polska Oars i menoter sod Ad .f obs aeM*liy 4.05, pinny and at 5.1. TOWN COUNCIL - eyesore el. Jew..ww•k. es bet ons .Moslem. Mies Eliz. Murdock, ooe of Luokuow's most estimable yuuog ladies was united in mar- rto Mr Robert MoKeous, of Krises. The was pertorsed by Re.. •. 1t1cK.y, in t7A.PUI L4e of . lar s amber '.1 iovited quests, and ills nemy Lumillreir- presents given to the bride eviooed the bleb respect in whish the young lsoy was held hy her many friends to Lackner and wire- ity. ■I■5555 et the statutory ■•sties •a tuts Body. The statutory meeting of the Iowa sem- en was held ea Holiday foresees. Present -Styr Thompson, reeve Wm. Campbell. deputy reeve Jas Wilson. 2od deputy D. Holsten, oseeillors W. C. Goode, Charin Tremens. Jas. Colwell. Jam 0. Martis, Fred J. Prllham, 111.. P. MaLa.a, Mal. bide Nisholsoo. Hurt Deals% 0.47�. Cant heti, • piheti, D•.ld 0.we es, Maher! Releitfa Jae OQrre•41.. Cesd1Rsrs, Geed*, Prtdham, Martin. asteos mad Udine were .ppokwed • stink. tag eemmittl.a The ooaeaj Men Wok a ri- as.., and es remade' 16e retort of strikl.g oowmlttes eras, after • be a.mdatmta had bees mend. adopted i.1 N110*. t 1TARpr1t0 OMfmwrin..i. C.meory.-Martis. C•.tslo., Wflaes, HNpte. Mad Tessin*. Fiseaes. - Pretties, Wilms. Gad•. BeMw avid W.. OarephelL Osert of im1.p. C. Campbell, 0eMMM4 Cavell MI Mets& 1 Matta, Redeliffe, Mimes DUNLOP. Hosoar. Jan. 10. Among transient .Ieit r. the past week, were Mr. and Mrs. Robert Stirling of arse Porter's Hill. Mr. J, H. Barker was in leiter on Sus - day last. •tte.diog the funnel of his motor, Mrs. Gillispi.. Mr. and Mrs. Allan, from Brandon. Man., who are Tutting the latter', pareete, Mr. and Mn. Geo. Hawkins of Port Albert ass other relatives there, were tn our maids* this week. Petr Case aod his erten. Mrs. Tiger% tad Mrs. Myer on their way to Duog.nsoa he see their :setae Marion, deughta of Case, who died on Suadat , 2nd. 1[r*. AI was preeent at the funeral. Dowd room Sy.. AO01'irflKL,-Oaf former town's wit, Mr. and Mrs. Philips, weredienk here for Nyeral dare seeing old lrnsda and neighbors, nein, the guest* of lir...d lire. Glazier during their sojourn 10 our burg. Mr. Philips has not forgotten me of Dun- lop'* well known peerages, pdro. - CoLLAtxD Ireece ltlarr,-Witbout mao- u•1 help s two year old colt than had strayed from iu barnyard. dashed Wb• farmer's barnyard about 10 r w. with the etr.oea gate post oo hie sack wblob it had carried Dearly • quarter of • aria The fanner and a neighbor were lust (Awing so sppototmr► to meet next day wh.a tb.v sew 11 like an apparitte.s of • Ayw o:....!, end el -Al ret Jibe plight. They it, and rets po.deross woods oolisr without gettiIR cot by the barbed wire of whioh the gate was made. Theme! was unhurt. ADDITIONAL LOCAL NEWS. CHs1rrwA. Tee EsTgtrrAn .s.pe - 0 forget the Christmas tree soma 1 of Sc Oeorp'e Sunday metol, W Hall, this (Thursday) evmi.s. Ile R. L. or C. E -A full &stead•s's id the members of North at E L of C. 11.. is ,/.• quested at the meetses g tomorr'e r, (e rid•y) ' sysnl.g. It has been proposed to ohm. the Dight of meeting from Friday to Mem day, and it u desired to get the opielsm e1 the whole League os this important gums- hoe. iogrxr. Tsiergouioi Mlars Gospel Temperance melting labii�r� y was fairly w.N Weeded. It wee a very 1s• wrestles meeting. The speakersH. L Street, upholding the ideas of Ptieelpal Grant, o5 the Prohibition quashes. while Mr. Tom wiry ssipbatisslly teak tN wpm site view. TM ls.aiag met 8asday Mbar - sore. will be t,ddnfred by R... Jia Eke. A PL*AaAtlT Evening. -Oa Me.4ay Meg last t be Beastlier Sons of Tsmpr.aee, with star Meads. to the .ember et •bN fifty, visited the Royal Tempters of 7)04.. r401. Tees wets fully eeve.ty-Ive Eis,0* Template, with their friends, preessiThed With the visitors from Beemillr. mN% a eemp.av of about op. hundred .ed SMiletq. Il.•. The first part of the seems/ wee spent 1a the playing of gamer of various tied. and motel ooneersstto.. after whisk as STerlless program of vocal and raterse meat0* lai•I0, resit•liea.. ate.. was roe - heed. awl me taken pet is by beth Mal .ad Bassin,/ Wm*. Abets the mldlb .t M. ferneries lnter.iesieo was owned, whim osfr.shloe.ts were served, to whish awhiml pees - eat appeared le de ample Justin The he - ter part of the preecass was wifi Awn addresses y Revs. Ws. tad Jamb Edge. and lir Weddle. of fiseasfiler, The mats wassailes was geed. bus epeeist meshes Medd be mead* of the Beare Wkr Mehestes, .ampeb4 of peer; wt.e of thee ghee. seder the Mee trebip ell Omni* w►e were rM..Mdly ..Ilei epos M hey 174 to • w me d time rsgit 17*.milemelog featly db.wwd 5. their beam. *show hie ire rls1 the esj•yable they lied •rasa >• . les' TheHates Minns C.. ( Teem=.t t' H.ebst --081115. N-t.8elam, Pe ike's, Rade MH.1t O.Iwwn. Mt- Lsn