The Signal, 1898-1-6, Page 8e. T><OESDAT, Jan, 6, lass. "lr- F le u THE SIGNAL : GODERICH ONTARIO. to OW ,ar CLEARING SALE --OFALI.-- WINTER GOODS We don't intend carrying over any lines of Winter Goods into spring, and have started this BALE while you still need Winter Wear. COBE AND SEE 008 BAIIGKINS! Ladies' Jackets Clearing Sale Prices at Leas than Coat. Millinery". the POSITIVELY CLOSING 4UP BUSINESS 1 and Sailor Hat', during clearing Bele, Half Price. :Gloves Gloves 200 Pairs Fancy Ringwood and Black Cash- mere, worth 17c to 25c, sale price.10c. Fancy Ringwood and Cashmere, worth 25c to 35c, sale price, lac. ^, . 1N_ ` Till -First of February, only. ' - 20 per cent. Discount off our low price. _ - Everything in clothing omits under this Cut Price. oeptional chance to fit up at unkfih ti of Frices. This will be an ex All Must Clear Now ! Blankets, Comforters, Flannels, Furs. Caeh and One Prioe Only. ! SMITH BROS. & CO. Dollars' worth of goods still to be sold, all of which must go at what- ever they will bring. Slaughter Prices on Everything! e aregoing to make prices sell•the stock. Yrou.shoul4 secure some of our bargains before it is. too late. COLBORNE BROS., term of trans" having expired be declined tow had maoiteet d tbesseelvee 1 became an Giber term. James Chisholm Led Poe IISrl helplessand could ao more for '3teilrl'C"wil'lIL'ioebik'ii'!Bmyesls odbi:astlt [ [Atli ynitq obltd. Vet ld not lift MEM ated, sad 9lr etoa.red t4ki beef to taint the dormant ones of the emotion to vote for their choice. Horse; were driven fast and quick through the mammoth snow- storm, each side haateuinv up their trotter's ee .pdN. arty all the votes were polled in the auction .ud at the close. James eine holm was elected for the Dunlop board of education, his oolleguee halon J. H. Btrker and A. A 7f ahem. for 1898. and on ber way bone she paid her annual oda."1-lift! jj. ,f Refuse at entitos, 1-- r • OVER THE HURON TRACT. The Grist from the Loo111 MAl- A Weekly Wigan of County Me s Served ■ p to Salt Everybody - rum and Point Clipped and C..de*sed Press Even softies. CLI1:1TON : It is maid that Mr. Todd :-_„•tt#ay snttt meroantile life in town. tlbe is engaged to teach in Leamington this year. Morris Mn. Huth Hanna fell last Satur- day and broke one of the bones in her right. hand. Grey : Amman the visitors from the West are Aux. Molntosh. Ltngdon, 1)akota t and Aroh. Sines, Ethel : Robt. Hall and wife, of Dakota, are visiting their parents here. They ar- rived nn.xpeotedly last week. Clinton : Mr. Tisdale has added to his valuable oollwtien of paintings, 2 fine oils painted by celebrated Frenob artiste. Brussels : Ed. Hollinger, who bas been with Jas. Jos... jeweller, for several years, has taken a position in Gaentb.r's jewelry More at Wawa. B.igray.: A large crowd filled the Foresters' Hall to overflowing -es Xmas night at the annual Methodist Xmas tree Over 7145.00 was the total door reoeipte. per J. H. COLBORNE. a oane faun ill ha y" t uomfAmtielI;'t3 , sssw. amz coir VII pec au en r am • meal- ww`-n- rytsfeo -.7 bit •nvi, :s -`'-"R'7 Wired to oat my toad and fried ins wbee Li Bison. 1.11 like eating, wbt3h was 001 otteo, coo- A. M. Robertson, M. A.. lett list week ordering the torture 1 was undergoing. My to taka a „moo 0. the t.•ohreg staff of "ad. arra 6w°11" Dat of mann, Lod for Williamstown High &noel weeks were tightly bandaged. My lege and feet were alio-swoli.n, and I oould not lift "Dewid I'l•wtd.aa' a "64/4/.0- 4cdKl4h oly loot two inches from tbo door. I could Htgb Sohocl' and now a reedibal praotitioa- so. change my clothes sad my wit. had to er is Manitoba, L re -visiting old sasses is dray Loa wash me. I grew so this that I tau vicinity • _ - looked more Irks a skeleton than anything LOCAL NEWS IN BRIEF. •1... The nam i suffered was almost past __ e ndurance bed 1 sot o. rest either day er o i,bt. 1 doctored with assay deotora, bus Dos'i ler,st. i1,. 1898. Mos - they did me no good. and Goole of them told There war tows band praotios on Mon• me it was not possible for me to get bettor. Y• I believe I took besides almost everything The lighthouse light ii not seem Down - that was recommended for rheumatism, but days. Instead of getting better 1 was oonsisstly hew Year's Day was the coldest of the gttt.g-weree, aed 1 wished many a time eeasoo. - that death would end my sufferings. On. The harbor and river are now solidly fro - day Mr. Perrin, storekeeper at Poaiypool, zen over. gave me a b, v of Dr. R'illiaatr• Polk fills There was Holy Communion at St. George and urged me to try them. I did w some- on Sunday. wbae reluctantly, as I did .o, think any medicine scald help me. However, I used Anaddition is beiag built to the knit - the pills, then I got another box. and beers "Dg '11°L.'"" they were sone 1 felt a trifling relief. Ise- First meeting ot the town council of 1898 fore a third box was finished, there was no seat Monday at anon. longer any doubt of the improvement they The town o;ook ball reef the old year out mere making in my condition, and by the pad tn. New Year tat time f had used three boxes mors I began to The Duly obnroh ssrviee en New Year's feel, in view of my former sooditiou. that i flet at 9► Petd.. w as growing quite strong, and the pain wee rapidly subsidies. From that oat. therm 1 here was very little work done on file was a steady improvement, sod for the find breakwater the put week. time is long years Ijwas free from peio, Complaint., of frozen water pipes, ware and once more able to tak• my pians among heard on Se' urday morning. the world'. workers. I have sot new the If you hews sot used Rioi s Pure Salt. slightest pain, and I feel batter than I felt for seven years previous to taking the pills. 1 thank God that [h Williams' Pink Pills came in my way, as 1 believe they saved my lib, and there is so doubt whatever that tbey rescued me from years of torture. Dr. Williams' Pink Pills strike at the root of the disease, driving it frau the system and restoring the patient to health and @ tree.th. In massa d teasabsia atlttasl the canine seized by his teeth isserating it grate seriously. Sinoe 'hen the injured Mand has given ooneider•ble pain and is bad - 1y swollen. Blood poisoning is feared but Ws hope no such serious result will follow. ak Io the meantime the est means sown are being need to alley inflammation and heal the gashes. Clinton : On Saturday Dave l:anteioo was around town planing temptation in the way of ems ot us who are hard up, by flaunting two one thousand dollar bills in oar foots ; he took good cars not to leave them lying around. B.nmiller : Mr. Henry Snyder had the mlslortaos to get his outter destroyed by his horse becoming frightened and runnier ineefer, the runner and the dashboard were alt t roken. Clinton : While Geo. Johnston, teamster, was sway from tows on 'Christina hotid.y some of nig neighbor% found that one of his bones bad injured itself, and Dr. Blacken was oalled in, who found that nothing oould be done but have the animal killed. Tuok.rsmith : The resident's of Joseph Atkinson; of the 8th oonoession, of Tooker- ..nith was the soesoe ot a element gathering on Wedossday. Deo. 22nd, the oo.alou being the marriage ot his daughter, MIM t(.hods, to Andrew McLellan, of Hibbert, Ssaforth : Mrs William Hinman. of the 4th oonoession of Stephen, near Exeter, died on Saturday last, after an Moses of about five months, at the early age of 26 years wed 9 months. Mrs Rosman was the youngest daughter of Thomas Roe, of this town. She was married to Mr. Neaman about two years ago. She was a healthy robust, young woman until about five months ago, when she was prostrated by • %even attaok of typhoid fever, from the .8wta of which she rsoovered. She haves a devoted husband and a little daughter about a year old. Auburn t Tbe marriage of Mime Annie Helwlr, eldest daughter of Mr C. Helwtg, to Mr. Robert Jones, both of Auburn, took plan. at the residence of the bride's father. Grey : Ed. Sperain and hi. good wife, of 12th oon., Grey, oelebrated the tenth asntvereary of their marriage by giving a grand anniversary party at their residence. beaforth: Miss Elder has reeitned her position as tesoher at the public .ohool. el be teachers of the staff tendered Mime Elder as address and present which was • 5 o'oiook tea set. Morris : A •cry pleasing "vett took plaoe at the residenoe of Mr. Wm. Marshall on Wednesday evening, D.5,, 29, when hie youngest daughter, Sara, was married to John McCall. Morris : Allan Adams and wife have re. moved with their farm stook, farsiture, Ro , to Howlett, Mr. Adams having leased hie farm on the 6th line to Joie Manning, of the adtotslnp fares. Grey : /these 30 truest. .mumbled at the bone of lire. Mandela for the marriage hied- vlai.s of bet estimable daughter, Bella A., b Loftus T. Stark, a well known young gesilemaen of Seaferth. Norris : Oee hundred aed tort/4 guests .itnosobied at M. residence of W. ManMll es Wednesday eveoin,, the occasion befog the marriage of his dan,hter, Miss Sarah K. be Jae. McCall, of Ripley. Bnsesls: Wednesday evening of this wank Per. Jas. Rome, B. A . epok• the n asals words swirls' John kledewe atm NIS *.dy J., ter et ileo. Melina., .11 of Rtsssel.. hushed and WIG. IltrtlessY i A week or were age Jain Pawl, et'llressds, relied at Mr. Kots'e, 116th sere.„ of Oesy to stated to some heel When the (Seer was opened a settle easR as file visitor and lie sees ►1. Ilett M, Ysgl got s; Ms Site hand whit» LEEBURN. TrcaDAT, Jan. 4111. Mrs. G. H. (lotto°, of :Stratford, *peat Christmas with relative* here. Mr.. Arthur Horton and two eons return- ed to Muskoka, Tuesday. aiter • matt of wee wesaaln r•lalismaial tri ja u .501100. Mrs. Foley, with her daughter Mrs. Cen- so., of Uareanoeo, ars eoj yips the New Year in the Forest City with relatives and friends. The New Year of 1898 just opening, will be marked by a week of prayer in the Pre.- byterian church. Magi,ngs will be held every night this week at the church, OBITUARY -The last day of 1807 called from our midst to another rest a former and well known resident in the person of James Strachan. of Saltford, who with his tan fly wore from Lanoeebire, Sootiest'. in 1864 to Goderiob, and opened • blacksmith ebor. In 1867 be mime to limbers and settled oo his term, calling it L.ebarn. from which our DUNLOP. MONDAY, Jan. A. John 11. Barker •pent Christmas at Ex- eter. Georgg. Cerrnl, of ood.rioh, was the guest ot Robbis n Cam ml g last week. burg takes ite name, were he lived for many years, translorunog the data forest into a progreastve farm which is now leased by G. Fulford. As a farmer. he took every inter• est to keep in place with his colleagues in latest improvements and as a rale did the first sowing of grails in the section each year. la 1880 he retired from his farm and lived quietiy here till 1E93 when he went to l:od• ,rich for a year or w, and then removed to tialtford were he was for some time till o.11 - ad banns Hs_ was s _BOO Scathed owl a tensa its meets. took • as s lsdtmg sad was one .f base's slump - Ione is wed known oee{,ets with Goderioh fifteen years ago. io 1872 when the Res. Jas. Seyeright preached Use word here he gave the building for meeting, and in 1875 gave the site for the church whioh was burned 'n 1878. and was one of its first el- ders and for some vears the treasurer of the obnroh. With your eorlbe there was a warm lick of friendship. if,. lam• ily will miss a kind father, who in the winter of years is takes 1roto them, leaving b.hlet him bts aged partner alter sharloq life's difficulties for over 69 years, Of hi. family, his son David le in Goderlob, Archie and Jams. at Sault St. Marie, and Woe. at Louisville, Kentooky. Kaoh has• made some improvement in the meehaotoal world of tide Province and States. Tore of hie daughters, Mr. Jas. Hates and Mrs Alex Glen. have preostled him in death, and his remaining ones Mrs. Chas. Me.rrls, sod Mrs. Tewsl.v, of this townshlp with Mrs. John Simmons, of Sault Ste. Marie survive him. Saoday atterneas hie remains were raid to rest in Colborne o.•net.ry, the Rev. Jas. Asdeel..., B A , pastor of Knox obnroh, Oedemas, (mada me."' the funeral .erwneea. The pallbearers were his son. I) K. Seraohan, of linderieb, his sou -in-law, J. Homos, Alex. Glen, Chea. Morrie, Joseph Teweley, and John Hoeto. of the plass. ammonite 1898, by trying it. The W.C.T.U. had a meeting in Temper - awe hall on Monday aftet000c Tb. "Aeon. of Huron Lodge No 62, I.O. 0.1. will be iestelid this evening. Andrews Brea & Co .hipped • oar load of begs a C.11ragwood on Monday. Doss y.ur four footed pet wear • tan ons: Mies Mead Quaid, of Goderich, .pent Christmastide with relatives hers. Jos. Coact., of Seatertk. with his two ehitdr.a, aed Mr. and Mn. Maodone'd, ¶ Vltlsos, sad Jae. Shari jr , of liderioh, were the Bast. of Mr. and Mrs. Glazier tor New Year's of 1898. The preeosdlnrs of the annual wheel meeting of this s.otieo were lively and in- teresting, at • fair turnout of ratepayers es Wedaseday last 1. the morning to di•o..s events that had transpired is the past year. 1). Commies. was appointed ohairm•s, and John [Awe.n sewet•ry. After IN.5elsg to the financial details and the auditor'. repo -1, piiotlag the schoolhouse, 'radius the eobsoi ground., and digdeg • ditch were prepared for the a.ni•p sampler improve. mats, for which the trustees are to take action It there 1. a enrolee of tends. Theft several ratepayers that hadn't ease the far famed abort task • view of 1t, aed the .halrn.s., as bo,. oosd.utned iM oureha.ad ge useless, and maid It the ratepayers sew 8t ft eoeM los sold e.a a.lghtertsg R. 8. ie fled. ohh township where the Wsaiese ere•lds's by ear. but the y.esg trestle wasted new ksgwidw hied were ea the alert, *Weise an •atertalfisaN w raise the tssdris kasy see In the sear MIN. The grt.MNu however aid see fewness a sorties of • sial* Jetts Dartos woe appointed atedit•r A. R. tlfsehte's PAIN PAST ENDURANCE. G. W. COON HOPELESSLY CRIPTLRD 181TH R'BEUMATISM. (H)OLD NOT RAINI Milli HAND 0* rODT AND HAD TO Si rim At.n rswMI.-Tana P0,. Ronntes, I0oomggg $.0%%5, eAattea. fad• anew, etysipel•s, osrotubsee butanes. sew. how pill. ars .sp.rior to ell Mime West - moot, They are also a speedo kr the troubles wbioh make the lives of se sane women a burden, amid ep.edily resters the rioh aloe, of health to pale and sallow cheek.. Men broken down by overwork. worry or excess will find in Dr. Williams' Pink Pills • amain oars. Sold by all deal e re or sent by mail. postpaid, 500. • box, or n s blies for 112 50, by addressing the Dr Wllila me' Medicine Company, Brookville, Ont., or Sobeirotedy, N Y Beware of im Rations and substitutes alleged to h. " lust as good." ADDITIONAL PERSONALS. Mies HiotoeS holiday. Ile olid . ie Lego dee:--- --- - Mles. Campbell spent New Year's at Sea - forth. Bee Smith, of Chicano, 1s 'deities the old home Mies Laura Aoheeos was in Seaforth het w eek F. Holmasted, barri•t.r,;was in town ore Tsesday. J Ta Newell spent New Years is M tobelt Samos! Dopa, of Dungannon, was in tows Monday. • R. H. Collins, barrister of Exeter. was In own yesterday. Mies Bell. Smith, of Ermnedville, spent New Years i. tows. Miss Mary Irwin of Glisten was is Gd.- riob es New Years Day. Mn. Oreig' of Seaforth, .1.15.4 here derma the holiday .same. Misses B and Ora Wilkinson were •i•i- Meg in Leaksow this week. Alex. 14edosald bee retered from • Tema TOLD cher A crag WAS tierntte1RLtt, yid► to hie home to Ashfield. ref se Arrasne TO His nemeses To. • Th. Misses Soayd, of Rrantflyd, are .is. Mar Shit sister, Mrs. Joke Alhee.s. C J. Myles, of Ratslltee, ewer of the ${.aster Myl.s, was to Gder.oh yesterday Prom the Miltrook Renter. Mrs. Wares, .ni ehltdrea spent for Rheateatlioso hes claimed many victim., Chutes kelidays with fris•d. in Chat" and has probably sa...d more pale than any Mime Minute Cemphell lett on Saturday lar Bt. George, where she is engaged to bs•.h sebo.l. R. A. Hill. stades. ..f Trinity medial soloed, Teeeeta, visited Gderin\ darhg the Weiss*. DAY. ether ill affection ma.kied. Among those who hart hoes its vietin a few hate .efrered new Nee Mr. 0 W. Coes, new proprietor .f • Reertlbtse babery Is Hampton, bet for • nenhsr.1 years a reddest of Pontypool, where hle severe Meese eooarred. Te a re porter wife interviewed hire Mr, (;sou gat. doe fellowmen pertbuIare of his great sugar lits end ultimate rtes• r " lease ewes K d ,jean sg+.. MOg Mr. Asea. ^ I Iasi • t of rtessablisle. At Bret 1 did see pay meek aitsaMN he *RIO as it was Neatly srewtss were* I hews (e darner for it, ba las 0 The trwbis west from hand le Irene, sal Bre. Teen after the drat 'yap.. NE Rat M r.srt MAD FIF7 NEW AC Mere Salt Sett Beet's, .1 Lae Tee 68 Yet Jiebeol Tru gem Mali Bemored- Private Pa s:traKdm Owl Pit1r•te 81 Reda DRIV AT ?RBI sad .t a Parties ▪ basin le os lis late r Events Which Happened 84 tweet% Old and New Years. A WEEK'S NEWS IN PARAGRAPHS aapp.u*.g• Tkst An Wortk Netteg Ne Matter How Bur boa Are -Demist. tea, Gait.d State. and Old Coes- try Items HoII.d Dow* N 8.111 Compeer- Read Them AIL i 4OW1CU1 UT &L ROSLD. '1'111 •esial calmate of the wheat yield in Laet0Ys is li,74b,000 bushels. There will bs.s.as avl .ur'piva available for ex- port. THE RELIGIOUS WORLD. St. Joseph's Sisterhood, st Hamilton, has received 17 young ladies who form- ally on the last day of 1897 renounced Lha world's joys, and decided to give their lyes to the services of humanity. THE FIRS RECORD. Owe of the C. P. R •steamer. on Koot- enay Lake has been destroyed by fire. File did 46,000 damages to the Turks Leh Bath Hotel in 11iongeal on Saturday` night. POLITICS -CAN ADIAN. qtr. MaoCalltun wag nominated at Wat- ford by the Independents. Hon. Dr. Borden. who is now in Bag - land, expects to sail for Canada on Jan. 19. Sir Adolphe Chaplain gave • dinner at Sp.noerwood and announced that be would retire from the Lieutenant-Goy- jr on C present sesdon of the Quebec I.egtslatt'a. POLITICS -IMPERIAL. ' The Marquis of Hertford, who has been spoken of as Lord ,Aberdeen's •aaee.ltiilr in Canada, says he knows nothing abaat the Imperial Government's infentfoninN that connection. Rear Admiral Lord Charbon Beremend has accepted the Invitation of the tinkle - lets of York to oontest that mat in Par- liament, made recast by the death at Sir Frank Lockwood, Q.C. Bio Reser Jsda. Doyle held Divines erre in the Court Renee es Monday. Rarebit seeetisg et Maitland lodge No. 33. A.1.'stad A.M. stet Today everting. D•ts't forget the west of the so•sos la Victoria hall, os Tuesday mooing, Jan. 18. Four oars of hay were skipped yesterday, ono going to Toronto, and three to Ottawa. A sleigh load of seaters from Clinton was a1 the West street rink oo New Years nigh i. Mies Jessie Alexander and Harald Jarvis are billed to appear in Viotoria hall, on the 18th last. This town bead at the destine ri-k en W.dne.day .s.Lng of last week. drew a Isms at. sadssee. Cittefliggli west dews 25 1' 50 mats • se -d on Thursday and 'friday, o• amities of the large supply. Hors 8.,aap.ont N.. 28; r.o.o.y will oleos °Ooers as Ita reeler meet's, n ext Monday .vexing. St, George'. Sunday School Christmas tree toad entertainment will he held in Vic- toria Hail next Thareday evening. The regular monthly meeting of the Cbarohw.maa's Guild was held in St, George's ..he.lroom o• Tomalley afternoon. The amass! msethor of the idaioh Hor- bioultural Society will las held is Comity Clerk Lands offo. sa=t Monday "wain, at 7:30 r is. Nominations for two enaeetilers b 8t O.orgs's ward will be received r y the Town Clark in the taws hall at 730 r r. en 8 aurae, eventsg ..npl*,wH•f 'lam weld, nest tt sto t hi Tbs,sdey, Jan. 27. 1891, soasm.solsg at 11 o'oleat In to. fev.peen. The ratepayers, of Bowmanviile, voted •1 the o.w gossti.. ea M.sday, and the r.- -alt was • terve maiseity again* •Ilowise the sows to run at hire., X.Calg 'abet AIO.elr. Lion's Head, Un:,., Dur:. lI.-A young man named Anna McCaig, to the MU. ploy of Joh* Rouse, eighteen miles north of this piece, In the arwnmhlp of Lindsay, . hot himalf y,.ntereley. telt. leek ale Urea. Constantinople, lire. 81. -The - arntativer et ahs Powers haus dosed le MM [ansa Below, who was yWthg as permit the Ter :lab Governtn.nt Io m - Mee. Janos RsiN...u'e, bee rein -sod to her 1 LM D 4,gN fan expired wrap. on the [mass's Rutter. LI•sd.at Ureses M It afy P.tb Ip'.. charily fpr RAI - Prase. mak..y Orate metrail , whwa, we usdeni•ud, .M hesI Peri D o. it0,-The Frennh, ft 1. as- kwooL .oasne , h ,s narttpfeg OQf•nns as4 MEL R. Naedsreee ►.tsr■.d bene lewtwee la 11 11 WI WWI Nie bolleolt was! sib owed, Co,Mtmee week Nth that so adios... agaldd Milt $aglltry r her deter, asn Walter Green, of wisghslo imsaliMmt row no ---...-.- nhiresteanecOrioile deg qw1 a pede•o lam •.sr1 rive bat arrest lag 11 y4.• aa ,11as an a welsh two • floes by r oak site srg eln 1Y. s e st WM IZ Oed.rtoh. I FO witht laws.• p manes. 1 B 8, 1` fart aAto aerie. ass ti= ted ass Rllteu. D0WAulL SUICIDES. Coroner Grolg, of Toronto, has with- drawn the warrant for as ingneet oA the body of suielde Gars. A. Whiting, of Thornhill. - Grieving an4 broken-hearted over tis recent death of a favored was, MIs Joint M. Matthews, of 140 Breckenridge ~It Detrnft, while alone in her borne coli her throat with her husband's raaor, dying several hours before her husband and son returned. d. I'OLIT11Ca_ FOREIGN. M. Toldsw, it omineillnr of State, hag been oiq,ointed email -General for Ronda at New York. It 1s reported that the Aft -Idle are a.- Itettlbling In trlfial council. with • vier of concluding petite. A Washington ',pedal say. it is prob- able that iieopslary Rhornean will rears early In the New Year, to which event Ian will be succeetieff,b7 Ambaalador Hay. `lltnitt *P ,L According to a report issued by the City L►ngtne.r, the total M;tmated cost of buildings erected lit London, (hit., for 11197 amounted to j970,000. London, (bei,, ..)eyed a natural 11s- eineae in pops/sties lade year a elf 11100 mule. There Wire 189 blithe,, 460 deaths. The rrtlr}hges nnm A Toronto meal ons grand jury eltpssggd the idea that departmental dorm Mwsill provide gleam names for their good' to pie - vent light-flpgeted folks from taking then. THE LAHOE WORLD. The wow" Leblghe •paratlwe ind.ffnfttly, wfgag „,r, ant of work. The Fairfield (Glassanw) ship which have hitherto held &h.,/ bog Rreployars' itisllMga. 5.,. plaited out notices, whirl booms .de•f1111 taJan.11•w 14. Many ether El ofsh yards win Dan The old style of falba .coos le be 4 5.gg sot. feared e gK bJ few Odle made es iia PUN. «1 It I Bawl ALI)! e.1. W AN7 i•M 22181 ansa. YI STRI Mint ,.• 1 IOWes. law AN