The Signal, 1898-1-6, Page 61
Q TEAT, Jan. 6, 1667.
+1R e
. 000111160.8•6
Some BomerVIlle People Have
Suaplolona That Way.
John Lag eke ws. .gating With tat
D eceased, Dias teen Arrested ea e
IL tiaras of Murder Preliminary TrIa1
O rgan ■t Lindsay tad Adlearaed t.
toper/sub fee Farther Lrtdesee Fra
D etails.
Lindsey Oat., Deo. 23, -The public are
familiar with Nob details as have Dome to
light communing the fatal ,booting of the
yoaog man Thoma. Lee, in Somerville
township, o. Lb, 9 of November last, The
father of the dead boy and some of the
neighbors were not eat:died with the •v •
dens given et the ooroner'e in lust by John
Luff, who was with dseeeased et the time
ot the shooting, .od tbev appealed to the
proper authorities for en investigation, the
result being that oo the strength of the
representations male County Megistest•
D••000 issued a warrant for young Lod
on a charge of murder. H. wan area cat
on Tuesday of last wink. by County Coco
stable Short, and wagrppeimded t111 today
This morning the cane Dae formally irk. ■
up before Megutrets Deacon, Mr. Des a
appearing for the Crown and Mr. Steers f, r
the prisoner.
M'HAT IOCNO lam woe'.
Bdwcrd Lee ler., said he lived with his
father, Thomas Dee, on lot 71, treat .sae
Somerville towe l: leo' John Leff lied ea
lot 65, Mae nem Ob Nev. •, deed*
o'o4tk fa the .teenage he eget out bunting.
with his brother There..: the deceased
He told me to so one way sod be would ge
the other, while my brothers, John .ol
Caleb, were to go to the runway. I wen?
north and be went south. It was about 10
o'clock when I got beck to the house. Uo
my way I erased my brother's tracks
to the .cow going west towards the spot
where we had agreed to met. 1 learned In tanner and drena Thoreau was sc-
. pl my -14 ;Salk 4}t t+athlrun ja 041, ji .--. p dAsA esibe•' iia a '•antl
t11s Imp r wfs omit- "
.ed w
'aro M
11M• ge•'s abeNlas.
one's dead.
.e gee's bert•g
(.ov oedeisPd,
Seem eat's Peering
Boise toe's J.
Servs •ne's sorry,
Some ea•'s glad.
Brone's worry
t)r(vs bins mad.
every ala
Hks ire. *bole d Beteg is
D. Therese, Wk. Always Meeh
Alter the Uaattata•ale.
"Cultivate poverty, sell year elotb•s Cpl
b..v four thoughts," sold Henry De fi
!►crena. The American author and t
1pllat preoticed what he presohed. He
Ile one d the moat unique and laterest-
characte s of our history, • stoic
holding tut to lofty ideals and aiming al-
ways to redoes lUe to to simplest forms.
s• said :
, ns,.e.... i
r' ONE OF FIELD', P1 NK$.'
l the tude0M Put u Mad to m leaf
Weeded Speeera
A Yeas held Mary, by A. 1. FIselmg,
In the 531. Joe Times: "1 shall never ter
gel the Ina time I met ?bald. I was, In
101, setae et the Caldwell Pittman, w
Ind.p•adeet weakly pa published at
itageNa Mo. That wls the year of the
y samptgn. Major (Hurry of Se
della Ira .andidate for governor oa lb
Tadpole tike. Carl Soburs was stump
Ing ills Bart for Gentry, Greeley • Co
The 8th Leeds Democrat, a 1 blanket
died has
rimming, The
yet bevieg swallow* The Peen. Clients:
g!e*t oNlellita11en has billed for
ion, Ms.,
for as aUMrnooa end a lag.
10 was • day sell remembered In Oaldweli
sob. I1 eras in October, oeol and
plesseal H 111on was In her best, and
people owe for mils. to hear f3obers, B.
Grda Brows. Major Gentry, Disk Least
and other noted speakers. Field, long and
Ude, was with this wonderful combina-
tion, and Sas writing letters fpr Tbs
Ileaeorat-lwo gad three long, 30 tack
Dolman. per day. And what letters they
were -ilii d rioh humor, .parkllag sar-
o•am and everything that wee bright god
breezy and saucy!
"At this time Field was • mere boy
and had made no reputation. But he was
the same Gene Field. to some things het
i would pot be one of those who fool- .ever Changed. 11. wan always alive for a
lolly drire • nail into mere lath ..d gill Joke- ti was s slow, poky
Mr. ,
Mad wearisome tpenker. Re had bass on
He drove his nall on the shore of Walde. -'. Moor Lff u hour ud was goad "It -
peed, Gear Concord, where he spent two • lull hear to come. Field had got weary
years to studious retirement. That he and quietly lett the hall 1a a few mo
struck .olid timber' there his book, "Wel- menta the !res S5111417 reel. Of oouree
Casa," a fresh, anodes, euessostivs thew the meeting broke ap in • mad ruah. A
of literature, will testify. - T l ger a tet the dew. AL got oat
"Thoreau," wrote Emerson, "dedicated When peace and order was declared, Field
%Is genius with such entire love to the
side, hills and waters of his native town
at he made them known and interesting
the reader at home ud over the "LC
L 1839 he made a voyage down the Con-
cord, out of which journey grew his first
book, "A Week on the Concord and Mer-
rimac." The book was not a success from
• financial point of view, and the publiik-
er requested the author to take away the
unsold copies, which he did, carrying 700
home on Ills back and boasting that he
n ow had a very respectable library all of
h is o• • writing.
iasa tis 1M
us. ; open _k!1nery3F-Hdx ' . -
"Tom ie dead 1" "boo I go• to th. Igaca1 He never went to cburo'h, never voted end
never paid a tax. Once, when a taxgoth-
erer called npon him, rather than pay for
die support of a government which he de-
tested, he allowed himself to be looked la
jttt. Emanon, calling upon him, •.
"Henry, why ars yon hetet".
"Why are you nut hero?" was theleply.
Thoreau was yin unusual mhxiiiire of the
poet, the naturalist and the moralist. He
preached the most austere, self denying,
stimulating truths. He was always In
quest of the unattainable, "waiting," as
le said In "Walden," "at evening on the
hilltops for the sky to fall that I might
catch something, though I never caught
much, and that, mannawtse, would dis-
solve again in the sun!"
Thofesu never married and dui -or.
lingering malady May, 1162. -Detroit
Free Press.
found my brother dead The body was
lytor with his neck and shoulders actress •
pole. The head and shoulders would be 15
inches off the ground. He was lyiir oo Ina,
back From the position of tb• rale tad,
the body It would be imporib:• for my
brother to have shot himself. The wound
was behind his right esr, and the ballet
Dams out oo the left aide. 1'ne hair wee
• little couched.
After some further evidence as to the
finding of deosa.ed and clones gun, etc ,
the father, with the 000snt of the Crown
Attorney, *eked for an afjourameot to
Cob000ak to procure add Moos( wit eeees oo
• date to be fixed by the oourt.
Cranbrook : We are pleased to r.o'.ine the
same of John Hellas n the honor list cf
the .uooe•sful oeudid.te at the Pharmeoy
Gol!egs, Toroote.
Besnillu : Mn. Charles Walters had the
misfortune to break her leg last week while
Son..-oleooing ; she is getting along ea well
as oan be sxpea.d.
Ethel: 8. 8. Cob, sawmiller here, has
purchased 100 aerie ot hush from W. 1Jo-
Clory, of Elaa, and will send the mw -log
amber down to his mill here.
W inpham Ii title engaged in olippior a
hone at J. Wil.' n'a stable, Walter Beldon
was severely kinked by the animal, leaving
an ugly gash In his face and tramming one
of his arms.
Egmondville : Jennie Muldrew, one of
our m^et estimable young ladies, was
married on Wednesday, to Robert Scarlett.
a well-known prosperous young farmer of
McKillop township.
Morris: Donald MoK•nzie, eldest eon of
Kenneth McKenzie, 4,h lige. who has been
'Melding the Winnipeg Normal School, has
been engaged to teach the Silver Creek
. - -1lyolfor 1898 at • alar .of. i4b0. f/ . ,Vsa
Clinton: Mn. Taylor, Prinow it. west, wont. w contempt, W,t feels very sorry It
left for Relies' Corners, when she will par• he has deme wrong and would like your Opin-
tlotpate in the golden wedding of her ere- lea before making emend. Tours Very Truly,
Flamerr, Mrs. Flamer ; she had the honor of A Oowsrtctvt nausea.
eating as bridesmaid for her sister 50 years The" Answers to Correspondents" editor
„s, when last seen was moving npkby 1* the
Hallett : The marriage of Mia Effie J dttectfon of Rooper,town with amantacal
gleam in his eye and a doable barreled
Tromso, youngest daughter of Mr. Andrew shotgun on his ahoulder.-Chivago Trlb-
Tyreman, to Mr. Jae. E Feirservioe, Hull. urea.
•tt, took oleos at six o'olock on Moseley
evening, at the residence of the bride'.
father, on Sparlleg St., Seaford,.
Brussels : Ltet Saturday evening the
spirit of Ann. reliot of the late John Brent
former resident" of Brussel., pared away
M the Great R.yand. Mn. Brent was snak-
e, her home since leaving Brussel., nearly
II yen ago with her daughter. Mia
Rube Watson, at Buffalo, N Y.
• Ethel : This week F. W. Johnston, o1
Dever. Col., purobaed 6 young bulb from
David Milne, the well known stockman of
We plus ; for which he paid the sum of
1)400, so It is mid, Tbe animals were de -
leered at S•aforth, trom which point they
were shipped to Colorado.
Morrie : W. T. Mooney, wile and two
children ; Mn. Albert Gerry and three
ohildreo 1 and • daorbt•r of (leo. Mooney'.
all of Indies Head, N. W.' 1., are hen on •
holiday visit. Mr, Mooney is the eldest
sen of Co. Cosnoillor Mooney and Mrs.
(:,Fry is a daughter of (loo Crooks, Bens•
OI'nten : R, Hansford is suffering from a
sprained knee, the result of • very eimpl.
aoeident. In getting not of his rig a few
days ago, the wind, whioh was blowing
strongly at the time, carried the tines on.
1a ,00h • way that he oaoght his feet iA
(,hem and tripped, falling forward on bis
Grey : The truisms of 5 R. No. 3, flay,
had • bit joh on band in the semen* of s
te•ohsr f.r HISS as aeeee.ser In J. T Dedd.
'untamed. There wen 194 applloatlens ie si
reaming •11 the way lap to • R A , sed the
salaries asked eateries/ from 1176 to 5450
Edward deleted,' of Rt. Merv., was th.
Moine at 1260 per canon' Mr. Malate+
Molds a een-prefrsl•ne1 1►t .las mettles•
Rvldetty the ern" .f school masters h.
mot bee sirens by blight as yet, sod tall
then'. men to follow
A.eIdMf51 assts wed Avulse.
Until a ystofan arrives it b well to knew
what t5 a la swiergenelee ; the bwewledp•
may prevent leloowl•rimmin Drees the
meted w set with 5 *51. of -Quiet
ems," ' which states Mewling, ea novae al.
paps, destroys denggeons ripo• b a, and I y
lrse•atiag I1,11.p0t'es, aide .he par.• s,
bion lv The 40. set 01.00 . re . •
e bete•Iw• leant.'y
d H... Omly s smell gees illy
was at the hotel, the old Bamilton Horne
(now no more), is the parlor playing .ed
romping innocently with a half doom lit
tie boys and girls. Of course Field rug
the bell, but no one knew it or for a mo
meat suspected it at the time. This was
one of his practical jokes."
New Weeaa With as Umbrella Rivals
the Dade With Mss Came.
The new woman has • new way of car-
rying her new umbrella She places it
carefully across her left arm, just as she
lee hike Aaw NAM. and gulag *loin•t, it
W- rvf+ly.:atIia.alJ le&V-th the
Moth ether elbott•, Ifh•11lts'her drees dirt
from the mud of the street crooning with
her right bud -while allowing It to drag
on the other side. She thus manages to
crook both elbows at the same time.
Now she hails a ear aad-weederswh7
the stumbles up the step. Isn't she still
holding up her dress -on one side? By
IwtaHng herself sideways she finally gels
through the opening and fall. into • sent.
While so doing, she pokes the conductor
in the ribs with hu right elbow and hits
her left hand neighbor one in the eye with
her umbrella as she setties herself. The
woman who received this unlocked for
demonstration looks indignantly at the
newcomer, but the woman with the um-
brella 1 quite unoonecious of any breach
of etiquette and serenely twists herself
about, still holding the umbrella after the
prescribed fashion and contriving, with
the final wiggle, to knock her neighbor's
hat over on one ear.
Then she gazes placidly about+ and
manes her umbrella-• rival to the dude
with the cane. -Boston Journal.
The Limit Reaeh•d.
When the "Answers to Correspondents"
editor went to his room to begin the work
of the day, be found the following com-
munication from Hooperstown on his ta-
/Editor Daily Bread
DMA ft BIR -Kindly inform m• through your
Valuable Paper if you would consider the fol-
lowing a Das of freshness, one sufficient to ba
resented at the Tabs by not noticing the
speaker? several Ladies and Gentlemen at
boarding hones, Gent short Memory, Lady lofts
name, probably halt down times daring •
months aoqusintaaee Gent has occasion to ask
Lady with long name commencing with Mae
to pass some thing on bible, beim unable to
catch the full name on the spur of the moment;
says, Mies Mac, kindly pam so * so, lady pays
so attention, Gent thinks be has not spoken
teed enough "int before he can repeat some ens
else does the paring, happens several times,
Gent feels Imberresed, whoa Lad lady who
has noticed events and knows where of she
e psks kindly emote to Gent. Fogs. and *s-
torms Gent the reason the Lady refused to
peas things is because her and one. d her
Lady friends oenolder 11 • sage of too troch as
Deg Whlppees 1a Oburebes.
In former days almost every church In
1s neighborhood (York) hod an of8cfal
discharged dog whipping functions.
It was 1■ many oases the sexton, though
sometimes a person was appointed to the
post who 1ll•d no other office. In the
ridge etr,pae.n Elisabeth, William bpb-
son wu the church dog whipper at Ir.
ton In -Lindsey. At the same places, in
1668, the church wardens' accounts .bow
•.barge of tet. for whipping dogs, sad.e
is as 1617 Robert Robinson was paid 6e.
for discharging similar functions. In
*plan of the seats to Alkborongh obtlroh,
made to 1761, a pew near Ulf eh tb 4091ts
harked "the dog whipper. I
The dog whipper, bolever, was sot mi-
know. over the sea A welter In The
lhoolestolooggie tet i161 rem&As, In regard
to the Chunh of 81. Simon at Hark.,
Mat the windows of the north aisle ase
at three light.. The fifth bay opens lute
the pretty little Honden.lag•rskap.L
These functionaries --the dog whfppor.-
had similar honor In other countries. 1*
Portuguese, for Instance, •
Capella dos Enxutsoanse w1L often be
bund. -Notes and Queries.
ee fly Revstvere. ..:
There are revolvers with beadles et
served ivory and steel that ell .t glom M
1176 each. There .re fancy revolvers, ad -
beg lea however, than these with beadle
. t eared ivory, that have headless man -
posed of a somber of metals that thew
separately on the surface, but that ars
drawn and mingled together 115. the Mae
marbling on the edges of books. Some re-
revolvers are made with silver hadles•.,
.eked. Weapons at this sort .re weeps el
art. They may be sold le owners et coun-
try houses sad teed for sporting paryow
er for Soviet
rget shooting. They .re sell M
*aromas purchasers sawn) as to(v rr
w ha this •sentry. -New York
• Swordfish ]r5msa.
An old wherein at
the swords et sweedinh.
alma in weer f,.y
!1111 Mame
sad fames bars' the
emelltallsat that thein
Berea Medals of Repartee.
What are the neatest repartees ever
made? In the "Life of Tennyaom' we are
told that the poet was fond of quoting the
following as perfect In their kind:
A certain French king, seeing at court
a man said to be very like him blurted
out: "You are very like our family. Is it
possible that your mother was much at
inure" "No, sire," said the nun. "Rut
my father was."
The prinos regent, being in Portsmouth
one day and teeing Jack Towers acrone the
street, "homed out in his royal way, "Rol-
lo, Towers, I hear you are the greatest
blackguard in Portsmouth!" Towers re-
plied. with • low bow,. "I hope your royal
highness has not come here to take away
my character."
The reply of Margaret More to a Lady
tarred on their families. To the satirical
remark of Lady Manners, "Honoree mu-
tant Mores," Margaret More replied,
"That goes better In English, madam -
'Honors change Manners.' "
The reply of the Italian lady to Napo-
leon, who .aid to her, "Tuan IWianl sono
perfidl." "Non tuttl, ma Buena parte."
Tennyson used laughingly gooey that be
would glee all his poems to have mads
the first two retorts courteous cited above.
-London News.
The Madd•abse Ess.
The boss ,food on the bottom of the rig,
accepting listlessly the bark se I payed
1t, and tossing 1t ear•leesly Into place. Ills
whole manner was meant to convey to me
the idea of my own inefficiency, as though
le was ready to work, even anxious to
get warmed up In the frosty air, but my
part was to ,lowly done that his own was
reduced to chi d'a play.
The ,form brewed for • time in grim
si1enoe, but soon 1t broke in wigry shouts
of "Fasten, tenter, d -n you?" and then
the satire gamut of insolte and excommu-
I bad been nursed at West Point, though
1n terms leg@ bard to bear, and in expecta-
tion of the worst, I thought that I had
schooled myself to take It philosophically
when it came. But 1 had an awful mo-
ment now, tor philosophy was clean gone
and In Its place wa. a .wttt, mad doers to
kill, and as the hot blond rushed to my
brain and tingled In my finger tips, all
that I could ate for the indent were the
handy stones under nit feet, and the close
range of Fits -Adam,' heed. -"The wort-
aro--In • Logging Camp," by Walter A.
Wyokof 1n Scribner's.
M say when
05,75.11 gr a Child.
Mins. Teresa Careen, the plani* U11
a pretty story of bow her musical talent
was first dlanoversd. She was rely 1 years
old, but had been trying • pies which she
had heard her list* play. Twining rowed
she saw her father standing with tears 1n
iids eyes, for he wee an enthuda.tlo mnd-
ohan. She jumped OE the stool, malaise
Mg: "I will rover do 1t eget*, dear papa.
I promise yon." It took sone little ties
to make the ehUd understand than she W
done well
L the Wu* halls island, ted 1n teeth
America grows a wee whose trait soaks*
fin azaelest lather mad L .met to
deifies. The beth d ► tree whish g
la Pte% and of another w►o gr
the Maws Wands yields • its ley,
in er las smosestimbaM ret peep. sus Iaap.
Ira sane thetaer Ess >uos s* jl,► ktb s1g0•
entheit support
The MULE Of A ot11t&
isle amu. of a .h018 so • weary tense.
lite dfsew ea M. 150,507 earth,
In •
a io well Ilea,
woo k- rlsse
Sow ley of My U
The erne of a child Is a gall tram hairnet,
Brigaseslas the way d td, •
Zile .olden seeds loathe as even, watt beauty tied:. lows com-
Enke loose.. ea IIs Ingroee. wave.
And the stir the ends
16.e111 rk 7 esotptared neh►awr.e
(kr *Iekly peopled aisle,
Otve sae kwmwsdge, give sae lswta
Id is grief and esrow geed
YM me the weaithe et Mown et wealth -
Use aeUem nails of a *hill..
--Mat W. Bryan in deo. Beasetraelhelb
Iteapaeeo leads That Are Driven to Death
by lysroe (bal•e.
Beds driven indorse the wind are Man-
ed about reloaded), and they rarely
recover than Memos after 000e being
ennelt by the gala Shore birds are
dam hied upon the wanes and made
to swim for their ltves or they are hurl-
ed vioitintiy against trees or other ob-
eots aid kilted. Shore birds. when fac-
ing a wase, will tats every advantage of
trees' houses and hilla as dafeoaen
densest * wied They°wish does their
wimp and emit so clogs to the ground
alt to get the protecting shelter of a
hedge fence, and then swoop up .gals
iadenma* before the gals by • nirerfie
of side evolutions, Dying at right angles.
to the wind until they have attained cam:
sidereal. velocity, and then whealing
about straight against the wind sat
making some headway Wore it ovar-
comee them. This operadolt. is repeated
ooutinually until the denied place is
During one fall and early winker
gales partridges quail are quite fre-
quently blown out to sea by a strong
hurricane, where some of them have
been picked up by Saber'men. In nearly
all such instances they are caught by
the gale when high in the air, and be-
fore they can Hoover themselves they
-me "hurried- (ttb•pm4the
tors * tllldiin -
plumage soaked with the spray they in-
stantly berates helpless and cannot.
reach the shore in the face of the wind.
On our inlaid hikes and riven this is •
more common sight that along thug
coma abort*.
When .mos blown oat to *5,
shore birds have little ehaaoe of escape.
Unable to battle against the heavy
wind, they yield themselves to their,
fate and drift about until the dorm
subeides. By that time they areslikely
to be so for from share that they cannot
reach it again, and they either fly or
swim until they starve to death or die
of exhaustion. Their dead bodies, along
with times of the hapless gulls, terns
and heroes, are finally drifted nptm
gose shore, where 15. 'waves leave thea
high and dry. After every heavy storm
hundreds d ouch looking@ victims can
Ste found on the beeches of our Atlantis
goad --Oar Antal Blirsrla
Ma•hlaery and Modore I.Nag.
The smallest implement upon a 11
wheat farm i• a plow. Aad from rim
plow to the eleed s-fr® the asst
asps:ration in 'hast Gsrmoag to the hal
-one is forced to somehow hew the spirit
of the age has meas idled 1510 lure and
the redacted the amount of Mama labor
to the oriwia.m The man who plows
tames his merle only heciden telly h
guiding the ms.h5* The *MD who
operates the karrvw has half a domes
levers to lighten his labor. Th. "sower
who godi,fortk t0 sow," walks lsisore-
ly behind a drill and works brakes The
reaper needs a quick brain and a quick
land, but not neem nrily a strong arm
The thrashers are merely asdtlsnt
to a machine, and the men who heave
the wheat into the bins only peas but-
tons. Th. most dadrable farmhand is
not the fellow who out pound the
"mauling machine" most lustily at the
county fair. Be is the man With the
cnaairtg brain who cm, get the mod
work out of a machine without break-
ing it. The farm Imborer in the west to-
day, where mmoiioery le employed,
Ands himedt deemed to the ranks of
skilled labor and enjoys • position not
widely difereot from that of the mill -
hand la the .amt Sash is a tender of •
maokioe.-W10lims Aum White is
teseesng Saenlst/sa
Holland hinds the lest pian in the
world as a .,Mhos of smokers. Every
Dutohmaa ocsanss on an average 100
.roes a yet. The Belgian comes a
good mond wile an annual consump-
tion of 80 trances, followed olosely by
Turney with 70 ounces tad the United
Stat. with 80 otaooc Germany,
France, Spain mad lady tread closely on
their heei.., whits the United Kingdom
. amen nes peratieny low ca the list
with 11 omega -Leedom 10t -Bila.
Pateatese 05. allowing diettsotiv. mores s
CiltATMLatul. 0031201iTING
to the YOVO or DT0PZITIG.
p IrnydiQaarter-Pound Tine only,
PreHomoeoppathicq Chemists. Leedby JAMES EPPS & Co om
Ths But Ona Cleat Dully
in Western Ontario.
Tgo,o flA tam Pao wAT
j dchee eft folr slaved N
Tiro awo .sen ba.
ass boon.. 'Cimino* sal In
w petrosa,
W rpport of perms Irks
. M1 M/.ba.
Io•rMM Meq a. 115 as, this Cosa
d =Cell Moth with all lines and ra►Ien
la ti Canada sad lorepe
Dlaeot wire. to ell plate t tlw
numb ONmmbia and Peed.
Oz.s-lslmk • Wester.
Usenet be •zo.11•d as • bright, eater•
prising and popular paper. Has •II the
latest news from all parte of the world.
Supplied by all n•wedel.n in Westin
Ontario, or Ent direct.
Me Edlllsm.h
Only 75 dint. 1Ttaln.
Egsal to .ad better tb•a
at 51.00 a year.
Agenthi.t.pultlicaw meetuoa-
Address all orders J
LO1STD02111, 03erT-
y district to convent
News and Opinion;
National Importance
BOTP" t --
Daily, by mail. - - $6 a year
Daily and Sunday, by
mail, - - - - $8a year
The Sunday Sun
is the greatest Sunday Newspaper in
the world.
5c. a cooy. By mall, $2 a year.
144ress nth One Sew Teal.
Steam -Fitters
11 Manager .eed..rlah •
THEE _ .
Do -T' t.
Don't Forget Tx
h ve iia--tatgest and Freshest -
;took Lit
+ + +
Don't Forget to examinf
our 25c, and 10c. Bargain Tables
+ +
is nom pieteiere .rile if-- -
+ • X +
Seaare+lisp lolly ter
Cliuios t.&Jflls
Quadruple Plate, manufactured by the
Mei idan-Britannia Company, of Haas-
ilton, whose goods are known the
world over for High Grade. Also a
full line of
of best makers. Don't fail to see
Hew to Toglea rest.
A pian far rendering paper as tough
as wood br leather, itis said, has been
recently introduced on then..elder-t l!
sonedsta in daing oSlaide at Nino with
uta pulp in the sourm of m inefeegtnls.
11 hes beer found that the j....$i fns
dulls•s of aolhaseraticn of dossier sinr g@im-
t'lam fa. greaten will be the tastghm ee
et then pew.
A Owes* *ms.
'47 owl sash." eats the me et
medessba -.sleet, 'Me go to airw(y pisses
tit .nlmtrit e, beef uta --sifted bee
falba )Niel .milk urs llo snit as moo -
cad. "Phu ilonsole et 141n • "--mew
Ike& am
Ansel tie a. a silo aids 1tM-
ath • prow daub IM tae
issated• 'lbw wire aimed
llillen Wpm urns Amos%
salting .inert.• pews seek
`Asks thaspesse beret s11L`
11■th►per span mile b 411; fa Atha•
1 al r /merit. lR Is Angola, l
C+oc exich
0, TEM .41
Great Offer]
The Lond
free Press.
+ + + + +
The riee
green edhr to the
.[ Owl• w
s*r ta W4bsrokly Free PYehe..r• gem
One Year's Paper Press.
taesNils• es
to 1
• hr «
It "Fr .ails gifYeif1.r
ewe ret~orinal'y. sesterser •am
I lam.
53.00 Fa 52.00
' -. 1tslsltt
y 1JM Werk gfeeer liYses
liemayjd time OW TSAR Melia
«mod everywhere #. w
menmsntesdletM to H..
Free Press
Wh1tJs kp
Is clothini
"testy Ed•"
Made by tall
best linen at
By fitted
leman, and
of ease that
See the
in style,
we have the finest line and beet wiseei-
ment outside the cities.
We kindly ask your inspection Ot
these goods. Yon will find our pries*
The Kensington Fuoitule Co.
Limited, have made arrangements w11h
of Wesrst, to amnia fall the of tscelr oda"
The mane ea get
Furniture at Factory Prices
riumetmN 'u halt i. isMMa. =me maw
As opiate of then osg@paapl haat are rear
temrsataed by them
sad me lits greed display of
Fruit Cakes
.sat e51mmyteRren*het mIn*Md 14164,
OR1100. NAME1T63
Int01theMail0.L.•1v .11.4
1 t s • "t 11'se1
Pastry, Puff Paste, Tarts,
and Oyster Patties or
Puff 8811E
gftl the anal.sla w MINIM er.OsgYslt.
1f ylgstt estgs ees 11. pasty.
ell kimdstag em 5ON, Plasma Oaths
evp .rl b flip Nisi , W the► gel
-.mama,. 1
Boots and
In buyii
the Fres
coat you
If yon
that pi
Out long
when we set
Our Pi