The Signal, 1898-1-6, Page 4. 4 TeViteDAY, Jan. 60297, t E.BII&M. Ev'ry Month I.00 a Year The handsomest Music Iagazine published. Sub- scription only $1.00 a year. Each number oontains $2.O0 worth of New and Popular Music Superb Illustrations Clever Short Stories Latest Fashions Latest Styles in Hair Dress- lug• Call in and get a sample number, or buy • Christmas number for 10 Dente, containing "Chimes of Trinity," the Prettiest of the new waltz. •_t EMERSON'S -�---- aha Oigna ts PO=r •shun EVERY THURSDAY MORN/NO .T b. 1eeCIW11! T Trrw •f .uMettpabl.t a One month. in advance 11 Throe mouths, ......, a0 81z II ' 1 If the year, 60.0 An•erttalaR maths, Legal and otner casual advertlesments, ]tis p.r line for first Insertion, and! Dents per lib* for each subsequent Insertion. Measured by •. bonp•reil .cels. Basilica cards of six lines and ander, fe per year. Advert- mets of lost, Pound Strayed Situation, Vacant. Situation, •. anted aatd Bareness minces Wanted not xoeediae l lin..onpareil, $1 per month. ... ':•w ere flrts'tafri3 •_. y Pejo. o.perrs t iterw, t for dreTg 4.11,`f tiatY' .eq.eHA iiaaihe 'Latwer -edit . tat *srvo tttLwa Any special notice, the obfeot of which is to Promote the uvular, benefit of any indi *ideal Lr company, to be considered an ad. vsrtisement and charged a000rdingly. Local notices In nonpareil type one Dent per word, no notices less than Do. Local notices In ordinary reading type two c.0trperword. Pro notice tor less t� 500. Notices tor cbnches and other religious and bs.evele•t Institutions halt rate dabeerlhvr who fall to receive Tan BroNAL regularly by mail. will confer a favor by ow. q carting es of tis, pat sten early • a date as p• Nome heel • change of alarms L deans . hexa the old and the new address should be yen Publisher's Retire, sewn ed of the means to run aelectio as elections are usually run in Toro to, there islittledoubt that he woo have been elected to the mayor's (AlaiE. A. MACDONALD la lint the oul man who has been beaten in Toron n n desire to carr boor with the e power; I ld that be, its a deaire to obtain fa r. things for himself and relatives ; if the y crack of the party whip will cause hila W i to awing into line on s questionable THE SIGNAL : GERICH ONTARIO duct in the floes, are actuated by a ( ADDITIONAL LOCAL NEWS. MAworie lInTAu.AT10N.—As the reorder t remise of Maltl.ad lodge No. 35, A.T. wad A. M., on Taeeder *Heine the emosre el ebe lodes. and those of Motets, Ssar, Carlow. were installed for 1898, by R. W, Bro. It Radohfe, ae.atd by K.W. Bre, Joseph !Book, as follows ; MAITLAND rouriNOITA*. by a matter of a few thousand votes. E. B. OeLse was snowed under, and so was E. E. SHEPPARD, and .0 was R. J. Ftsrlru, the " People's Bob," and so were many others. If E. A. MM•DOxALu had a bank account he would have been elected this year, for in Toronto, as everywhere else, "mon- ey makes the mayor go, whether she has legs or no." : And so, we would advise our esteemed Toronto contem- poreries not to get too gay over E. A. Mac's defeat on the present occasion. Any man who can poll 8,000 votes in Toronto, or anywhere else, without a penny in his pocket, and with the newspaper influence and the capital- ists dead against him, will have to be reckoned with in the sweet by -and - bye. ERNEST ALHl Tis neither a fool nor a sluggard,-w.d we miss the mark very much if he does not bob up y later on, sed -a 4ha Smart Weeks guessing. The Provincial political pot has not yet begun to boil. There never was a time so near a Provincial election when sri little interest was taken in political matters as today--R-may be the calm that precedes a storm, but j —Have you sworn off 1 111o, stay policy ;—if he makes any break along any of the lines denoted, he can make up his mind that the all -seeing eye of the great public, sees his failings, and verily he shall receive bis reward when election day crass around. SA_.. t • And it is a good thing that such is the ca'e. It is right that the elector should he able to pick out the coun- terfeit in politica and (told fast only to the honest coin. When a constitu- ency has an honest and upright re- presentative be should be esteemed as the apple of the eye ; but, on the other hand, if it be discovered that the member is merely a political har- lequin, an ignoble self-seeker and a dishonest phraze juggler, the duty of the elector is to smite him with the ballot untill he is dead, dead, d Fortunately, the me tuber who repro sent&Waift.tiltt'op - ijJ he Ler;iialatu re is one whose conscientious - earned for him mood name with the elector, and no stigma attaches to him personally that can possibly stand aga;nst his re-election. ' SNAP SHOTS. floss Porter W.M. A. Robertson R. Bock S- W. H. H. Rom A S. Chrystal 1 P.M. J. W[Isea W. D. Tye J. W. A. MoDoaatd T. Haokatep Chaplain Ales. ties E. Dowsing Treas. Jas, Yoaag Kum R•stall Sec v. J. Varese. Dr. Clerk S.L. N. Jet al R O. tt•yoolds J.V. W. Young Ela. Campaign° 1.0. A. Yours Jae. H.y. Tyler J Grommet% Jae. L.oaard Stew.rd R. S.ewart Joe. Tancoce $:.ward H. Gavin At the ooanlusion of the isstallatiow pre- oeediage. the brethren sdjouroed to the supper roots and partook of bivalves sod other dainties, and after tis„ repast return- ed to the lodge room and spent as enjoyable hoar. Thu speeches, song add S..tia..t meds ao err•lisat program, that aided with the tau or warden's toast and the Na- tional Anthem. The visiting brethres from Morning Star than left for their several bootee with the hearty good wishes of the m•mben of Maitland, who one and all gave atter.oce to the well knows series.! happy to most, sorry to part, happy- en '..t again. AN Daswe—ACLsAN,--Stratford Ti high Mees err Christmas day"Sarum Greve." the residence of A. P. Mclean. Goderiob, was the scene of • pretty cora mon,, when lis esoond eldest daughter, 1, zxie M., was united in marring• to John F. Andrews of that town The osr•mooy took olaa in the presence of a larva cumb. •r of guests and was performed by the Rev Mr. Anderson of the 1'resbyteeme oberoh The bride is o.• of the most popeist yonag Isdiee of Ooderiob, bases an amiable die position and • kind word for everybody. She looked charmingly in • very pretty travelling mistime. The groom is • most exemplary vouog man, and is a prime favor• to with all elm tone him. The lug• GODERICE BARG/dIN CENTRE Our Great January Sale begins TOMORROW X912Z1"Z:)Al2% TAN'S!" 7t.12. WHITE GOODS rAn Opportunity to Economize. Linens, Towels, Toweling, Table Napkins, Lues, Em- broideries, Sheeting, Pillow Cotton, Lace Curtains, White Skirts, Corsets, Cornet Covers, Shirts and Collars, Flan- nelette Night Gowns. • WE SHALL MAKE THESE THE MOSTTALIEED•A80DT BAI__ IN OODERICH...,:_ .• : ackets at Half -Price. from wbstever cause the apathy that exists on public issues in Ontario is of the most lethal character. The Tories are not shouting with their old-time Vi r that " HARDY Must Go," nor 't tureen ter �A.RDT "gsinese. Everything seems to 1* as flat as the prove `tial pancake, and if the Pat- rons had not been taken into camp by the Liberal manipulators, anTrad1 —The SOF with the cholera heel p OIMr earn off. Dumber of overly sod handle/one presents which the happy coup''e received testified to he high esteem in which they are held Frank McLain of this att. brother of the —ST. JOHN'S new evangel is a stick- b "ids, sod F' Andrews were ills cu e reocr, er, a speak. lnen, while the bride was attended by Mies Annie Stewart of Goderioh and Mies Cook _ rase? wan - liamiesd and now 1* mored from Qtiebec to Ontario. fifty gueete sitting down to the sumptuous repast. Mr. and Mrs. Andrews lett by the —Our Lady of the Snows embracer afternoon train 00 ,heir wedding tour to 1'ai.a.Fa, and ('ands coleys the embrace. Rochester, New York, •ed other easter, pointe, followed 1 y the beet wishes of a set of frterrerso a wtrlfthem a happy the —What is the issue anyway—hogs t or log -rolling . reepernna lthemtrnev through life. On them cars they *ill reside in oedggieb. le THE KINDERGARTEN PALAO.,—Miss Thompson i. the Kindergartener at Margar- et Ave, lied it 1s here writers •a ers ase odaily g• •rot the wee ones have their •• At Home le n the Kiaderrtsa where the email not been induced to let eo their 'or- # more uo1.e than the calf with the, re ganization all ova,- t i,t Province. the "ugh. chances are that .lox: I!Alroce wr•uld JNow that the session is over, which is taken advantage of ky some people hsve been the next Pm -tutor of the,, J. C. Le Teazel, of Ooderlch, hes been ap pointed Local Travelling Agent for the tow.. ships of Ooderloh. Colborne.. gsadald and Wa weeesh, Local postmealMIS the df1liil! liryjt . manes ` empowered to tnes etheertptlo.s t0 Tb. el•NA1. AU oommttnfeatlono mut be addressed D MOGILLIUUDDT, Ttsphone MITES 1'1h a»gY. Ooderlok do/. OODSRICB. TAU/UM/AY, JAN. R tall, CLUBesINO RATES. SUBSCRIBERS who desire to take advantage of THE SIGNAL'S offer to cl b with any of the following news- papers for 1898 may have the balance of 1A97 free : THE SiGNAL and Globe $1 60 Fns bums'. and Mail and Em- pire .1 50 !ZEE SIGNAL and Farm and Fire- side a l 50 THR SIGNAL ant. Weekly Sun.. 1 35 Torg 1.11, Was .lid j(,g-.4tf biareAg • with chromo 1 85 TnxSlONALand Montreal Week- ly Wit esll --- eo- THs SIGNAL nod London Daily Newsy'"' - -'2- 10— -fir • to spell Christmas with as "X," we hope It ' 43c0PUREss,97 The Sir o f te Earth FOR TABLE , BUTTER . CHEESE AND GENERAL USE. ;—JAMESROBINSON OWNE9'$ STILL TO THE FRONT ! ! ! Itnaeay work Ia tiedertob as a PRACTICAL PLUMBER and GAS FITTER M work le the past ..evidence test 1 am • those y practical wAw'art sad M1 int be Mead as low as that charged fee taferfor work, The Practical Plumber. PACKED IN NEAT AND ATTRACTIVE PACKAGES OF THE VERY BE S T QUALITY The Signal until Jan.10.1899.$1 • 111! NORTM Af1ERICAh CMEMICALCO.ftMITED —�—� GODE R I C H 0 h T. —� IIERRE AND THERE. THE calamity in London Monday evening last, by which some two score lives were lost and a great number of persons seriously injured, will appeal to the sympathies of all our readers. A civic election had been fought and won and lost ; and, as is usual, a mau meeting was held in the city hall, which was crowded from end to end. The crowd became boister- ous and vociferous in applause, and the surging of the excited main caused the . springing of a cross-piese under the flooring, which broke and preci- pitated a large number of those at the *Uttering some twenty feet below to the mayor's office and to the collet below that An earthquake oould not have bden more sudden, or the results much more awful. Since the Victoria disaster, some seventeen years ago, nothing so terrible and sweeping in its mortality has occurred in London—nor in Canada -_and the people of the Forest City once more have the heartfelt sympathies of all who inhabit this Broad Dominioe:-- • The Toronto newspapers *az face- tious ever the defeat of E. A. Mac- ao/cue. in his contest for the mayor- alty of the Queen City. lip to the day of polling, not one of them be- lieved that he would poll 1,000 votes, sad lilies and jeers were his portion, bat .laefion-d.y ,bowed that over 8,. 000 of the electors had faith in the Province, and the two old parties would be in oblivion. You needn't laugh at this or it is not intended as a joke. As a matter of fact, the day of hard and fast political affiliation is past and gone, and the independent feeling in politics is tnore in evidence today than ever before. A few years ago, comparatively speaking, the Grit newspapers and the Grit electors took their inspiration from The Oh be, and the Tory newspaper's and eleito7 said Amen 1" to everything that was written to The Mail. The member in each and every locality wet worship- ped as a demigod, and was believed to be possessed of all of the political virtues by his faithful henchmen. When the parliamentary Strom geld "Thumbs up !" up went the thumbs, and when he said " Thumbs down !" they all went down. It isn't so any- more. The progress of education sad the knowledge of men and things are now fetich that the mere fact ot a mac being in oerliament vibes not prove that he is the superior, mentally or morally, of his fellow„ and the MEM - her who in the past was lookers up to because he occupied a position of trust, is now respected and esteemed only is so far at he bonestly and conscientious- ly fulfills the treat repand in him. s • it the member ip aselt 4,, _Y as he has ares to grind or togs to rum i be isnot scrupulously honest, but ward% le have • t ake.olf foe-pyoinotin M'e.dso w. and bad he beana w lla' 1 o�Z��tioe it kis votes and cow Um Obliges*, by Mies L. Aoh.eo.. ) 1 R,b•nd.. M . s By a Ar hoses, Voatl Solo, Co..-nitted To The U.p Mr. Belabor. __-- Judges' Decision... Press.atioe of Medal by Rat. J. Aadhrso., THE ELECTIONS. OoDratCH Towe.—'rho o61y votieg 1• rows was for dept reeve, bat, T. C. Nate) having sigatB. • his leteution of re- tiring there was bot al ebb vote Foiled. T. C. N•fteL, 104 Jas. Wil... 154 60 AIRFIELD. Reeve, D. N. McKenzie ; deputy. W. Mickley (*cel) ; 2nd e.pety, Houten Dal - tea. 'Coad i lore.—Barkley sed Hunter. The moaned ot test year was r. -elected, the reeve securing 60 et • m•iority, and the Zed deputy, ever 200. a.AYYIaLD- Reeve. Gorge Erwin ; Councillors, Dr. F 8tanbury, Thome. Clark, Jas Thompson, Thomas KIIioM, ; liregnees, Jobe Pollack, Tem Cameros, John Widdoe. nwee.XLe. Reeve. W. H. Kerr ; ooeemllon, George Thompson, George Basket, Leatherdele, J. Warwick. MX ETNA, Reeve, T. R. Carling. deputy rev., W. 11. Bisset. ; onaaduors, N . Harding. B. Christie, Joba Kvase, OOLROagL Nov'•. aer.ighwo 81 Mb 36 4 Andrew Million 36 16 82 B. J. Mono 27 29 39 Peter McEwa. 43 74 40 Ales. Robertson 50 8 48 Jesus Taylor 14 28 57 • Peter Maaws., Jas. Taylor and Keralghan were *Meted. H A RPT EL strut him -fingers into the oreasur.'• eyes compelling it to loom ire bold. But again it came as h m, i his time asia- i.g hi. vestment and dressing him ander. Hie Hook clams to hie aid, end two of thea with big pine knot.. haven belaboring the reptiles. The tight was (arise, for • few .beat.,. Ftnally Stswaruoo got loom and started shoreward. Both alligators thea plaug.d through the crowd, soaping right sed loft and Meets' of tis. m.. The minister's dross was nearly torn off before k. reached shore. At the jaooturs • party et hunters mime aloes and they here • foiled., driving off the alligators, ere that the party got Well' Stswertaoa bad to be tarried house. Several of the others were hart in the iirht mad all were mon or lees braised. Is is thought that the barking of the dogs brought the alligators out. Them men eating .oa.tsee, brougbe Moog to please the children, osn be ems alive sad kicking in Florida on Wheels, groins( Palms (roes the Land of Flowers, with an oid•I Florida State Pair owe to exhlbte hen at the R. R. Depot. '1'►s offigfal State Fair ea wheals will exhibit in Goderioh at the Grand Trunk Ry. Depot Monday, Jan. 17, from 9 to 9 p. ie. and Clinton Jas. 18. they won't Start in to spell the MsiriOari, iehildren from 6 to 6 year, of age reodve name with a " K. " —That timber question may yet be t hi• rieath of w,me if the slake in the Legis lature. --,Now, Mr. WH/TART, trot out your Manse. We have had more than enough of diseased park. —That solitary porker that escaped the (7hulera at the Humber piggery. roust lutvu kern the " office hog " --It is claimed thief, the Local House will close on Jam loth, and after that the people will Ire the owners of the eituati..o, —If W H1Txsir were consulted about the time for holding the Provincial elect- ions, he would say, "March Fo(a )rth" to the (iovlrnment. --Then is lea steam in Local poli- ties this year than ter hefprs It .'anent be that the new leaden. are low esteemed thee their predecessors. —Let's see ! On this hog deal, does Mr. tvr. J"HN claim that the goretnrneat gave too much pork for the ahillieg, or that they paid too many shillings for the 1 pork' —By the list of tellers on Sit OLI- VER, New Year'. Day, quite a number of residents of the Queen City -are endeavoring to qualify }or the. Provincial gnbernetional re"t'ptiens. -our aeleeeed fallow-Oasedise, iso., ALAN*? Maopr,NAte, wee "erne IM's " in the Tnmote wteyuraty enttt..t. 10' he it a that *tam who stroll .toj driven. He's of the rubber halt variety, —Were& Joseph Revs res Mies Maty, daughter .f .foie M..... led Mee. jeered bawd sed begines Wedowee, et tis emit their 6.st training, and e. is no wonder that permits are se suttees to send their ohildrea to sohool sometio se when they are searoefy fear years old, onoe they have Nee their work. The many small. bat valuable t.eohings, of all ktads, that are iwettlled is ibe minds of the young and which go to help them along through the joeraey of lite. are taught by a teacher whose whole ambitious] be to stW farther edemas, Le Kindergarten' Work. mad is this .he is Wag ably asnetd by She rest et our Moder/Arms teachers in the town. After the work had been don, the children removed .11 the chain mid tehl., sod the games bevels. " Ali work std to. play mak.- ' etc. tV.11 they play $$ th. Kmdergart., , and the pier is indruot. i••.. as well as am..Log. The Uhristmatt ire, tilled with prowls from the parents of the children was .s>t br.eght forth, and the pr se.ts distributed, is which the Misses Johcsaoa and veu hauh,si,n esrdeted. Miss Thompna ream, e e lot of very aloe pres- ents from the pup Is, and freak the ladies who have children in her oto, tor wbioh she exre.4e her cheeks to all. Mia Jobe sea at times restated at the p1•eo, wbioh helped to make tis ezeroi .. en eot,rtain. I. —.Sortie Need Record., Tam lieu aA r --The tette/nee l tism pro- gram to b. e.t deed to Vision. Open Ronan. Monday, Jar. 10sf. the eocamieb of she D«aoreet Medal theme* : Vocal Sole, "'lids Ch.roh Amuse The Way. Mien Flo Oo..elty. Bmoltatle.,. Mies lilies Ttgh. venal Sol., " The Ret re." ...Millard Isis ltstbiya Mc0.11 R.eltat,ee, 'Ms Marty, •d Me, her Mir Mildred God.1., Vomit Belo. •• Hemet 0.11ieg To Babette." Hutthlesses Mt.. Whltesy. Veil Sole, •• Th. B. Kies," Will 8.oddart. Mlm Owes Colbegate. Male gear**, Reeltactea, MMn !IisM D ebeee. Vogel Me. • lidisbere' Tee.,_ "getsb, Mies Btraa►ae. ltaelbtetien, MRams... Vogel 8gle, Ula ewdaesewds.M MI6 Vis• 19-160 15-149 64-149 64--211 10-116 68-167 Newnan ATTACKED BY ALUGATIAIL Marrow E•e•r. .r a ateewd laseeleasit early e. theft 4Mas Mime 1..1ertsa, *peed& to the New York Warta./ OVUBD0. 1!'f4 -..The $$ Willie *send, ow, � i ir.'r Il . ' bait ef**I ever an aleMet nob to * p•ev o. Tb aredy ..a-- dilleglett, teal the narrow ..asps Nb •.swab *AL Tltt __!herr. the Ree, James ctblw.rtsos, bag armed wooade a his person to sheet ter h The party. member's, tiftus. sexy. .f eaten were .e.vs,ta, went down N the ogee now nightfall. Tb. •.••arta win ol.tbed lavabo wad ready for the t"user,• The old misdsMt waded out with them and had dipped taree when mm. deem •mam W awa eat 'get ere 111,htinie 8sdd.ely two hlg angers•• aseIsd eat of the m•.srov. btcstt •ed pl.aged iris. the Breed. Th. 'Notable bravely meed hi greyed, ' iespl r w) • wrest epla.hi.q, while Mee .revs!s mads der the .hors, het Muir weber. e mbed germs.!•, mads them 'regrew slew. fls..f the reptiles omelet a mums moven by the dress and pelted her down. Ohs ..n..ed and ebe .50.Wr plerated tear rearm. -The hlllgabr 1e* g• wed •mss. ae IMs epee seethed.- The tetniSr dodged Me eke anigeter might hi' by Yes ares sr.kla r *iv wae.d. The pru.aker (lederfoh Tp. • The residents' et Mr. 0 Elliott, of Goebel* tow.ehip, wee the mane of • quiet sad pretty wedding last Wednesday *easing. The ooatr$s1 par- ties were Mr. John Reid, of Stanley, and Moo Maud Elliott, daughter of Gabriel Nlliott- Seutoeth : Oa (`,helot's we, • dwputalise from the Trequslr laaily, oenai.tug .t Mews: Jobe lied Robert Treq.alr, waited ea Mr. Jobs flo,bt; as his r.eid..ee, is Benemll, end prevented him with • very hsndeome geld watch mud chafe. s a token of respect towards hies and their apprenie- ttero of hie diligent*. we &datelines / of the affairs al their late brother. James Trao.•ir. T8111 LITERARY ay051611 CREAT OF TIIIIS11011 testessinee MiaseTESSIE ALEXANDER Con.4a.nose liloeatt,i.iet e* XT. HAROLD JARVa pumice aree4Teeee. *W fir stab the satire programing as • Oosc•rt In ictona Opera Ass ON THIS 1E ON Y It le owaller we harm the agegerteampN hear two ewes art at ter. Ames •.seer• !swill •• doable tt will won •arse «t ow~gw the essliegaw ePeorbu.tty. Pisa of Hall sad Tlek*Is at Potties i i