The Signal, 1898-1-6, Page 11 HELLO, HUIRONIANB t�11 ASK Ives Tna MAY VEEN H UN 8 Tisa Ana wee Mir *AIDrAo- 1lADCY oleo' . THIN LEADING - rTEIWBPAPDR Oft HURON OOUNTY- 7 ~� • 17 . I- W - 3 fr 4 •• • 10114 FIFTIETH YEAR.--- 265:i TO " THE SIGNAL" FOR 1898 YOUR SUBSCRIPTION HAVE YOU RENEWED GODEE.ICH, ONTA1IIU, CANADA : JANUARA 6, 1898. A♦ ONE DOLLAR WILL PAY FOR THE SIGNAL vas Oils Ysan. D. M°GILLIC UDD Y, . EDITOR.' . T NEW ADV[RTISEMETIL-JAN. ITOWN CQJINCIL MEETING Lowboy's C hoaolates-E. B. Tilt.. 4 Fortify the System -W C. Oporto 6 For Bale Ctt•ep-J. O. Ward ... 1 Pain Past Iisdtlrs.ee--Fulford t Co. , , 4 /kb" of Me Ise -Horace Horton1 Z. B. Hid M. H -neo. F. Euereo4 Oedaeiaft Bargain Centre -J. Robia.as4 Woes Hares Agricultural Boo1Ny-Jae1 Mlseb•ll . gaarbtg hal.-8metb Bros. t Ca. 411 ! . 8 1Jlesory and Musical Treat -Loki Odes. 6 PsiMrely Clesi.' up Seeini Gla .1! borne Bore. - Pr..ortPYos Drug etre-Jolt Wilke5 Publte Mottos. HORTICULTURAL MEETING. The asausl meeting of tb. aodertok Hartl- eeltet.l Society wit be bold to the office of ark u Remo, the Court ea the eve- nty epaesday. fan. 17' h. INS. at 7. W. for receiving reports and electing officers and di. rooters.W. LANE, 1leeretarv. e.ierieb. Dee. f, ;sr. WEST HURON AURICULTURAL 80. dety-110 sank esestise of ibis lo - bee_ MM Is the Tswe011, eod•�b. �•,res". elmm"�e,; c�.rt'a.e._ ___..._ o®ee:s sad *.ieineeslt e1*7 •;y-43 k? t>iitil8!!I!.E Speela1 Meeting' to Obis. Up '97 Tits txemNl•5•-Rewe .1 Cert .1 Rerb- tes-Tae Water and Unita Committee tg.aeo Pecemmeadnt/•nsler water ami aridadM11�i' e • A SPECIAL meeting of the rouse eked& for gesarst business was held ala Thursday evening. Mayor Shannon in Me* .heir. Report of water and light oommitt e read. Moved by reeve, s.000ded ty deputy kites McCleoOgo retorted tromStrattord that the report be adopted. COMM. Mond iy. Moved by M. Nicholson. emended by D. bower 000trector Stevenson was in Iowa C+otelon, that the valves of the large ib. pa.l week. COMING AND GOING. A. Porter .peat the holidays to town. Ed. Munroe was in Clinton on Sunday. B. 1). Grant returned to town on Satur- day. Tnomse Taylor is oo a trip to the Niagara Falls, Mrs. R. Kveritt has moved to White- oburoh. Reny Kdw.d■ spout /OM Year's in London. Ohm. Welke returned to Toronto oo Tuesday: - Dr. Mabaa gent Christine" week et the old home .n• ->r Mit* Charles, B A , retuned to town on. Sst.rday Mies B. Wells returned from Lu*koow on Sueday. NEWS OF THE DISTRICT. From our own Correspondent.. There to laf.rm•ilik sere That Canines be '.sad Anywhere C1se-aew.ef the rem �"ySpecially immersed for T►. decal. goatee be repaired, and that the oommittln - Miss Robert•oa 1.1, tor bar echoei fs be empowered 1.0 have the work done se Windsor oo Saturday mos. Carried. Percy Tom 1e11 yesterday, oa his return Moved by the reeve, s•oonded by Jao. to Toronto University Cretgie, that the question of adjusting Mei James Lemon. of Rochester. N.Y., vi..ited "kr Gritti Last lgeek. water nue the Bedford blook nod Mr. Jobe Marrs), reta-ned tr Cloths= Wet. Iwwls tis eodea rod q Ne water acerb Om.College par Monday. Throne.. *a• Tri liditillUIV- wa Saturday. M r. and M r.. R % . Leges returned from Buffdo on Moodey. ..,. Benson Sturdy returned to Stratford Beaus.. College on Moodey. Abraham Potts left for the Toronto t,ol- lege of Pbsrmsc3 this week. MN sire -Sidett W rrfalsed from a visit to relatives is finest' ' Mr and Mrs. S P. He11.1seohed home from St. Thomas ea Moadsy. Mr. had Mrs. Wm. Iwm spout the holi- days et the old home A.hfi.ld Mies L ars R,bertwe returned to her school at bodom o. Moodey. Mw Parsons retnreed treat her visit to relatives in Ds roti OS rAday. Miss Mary Snarmsn retarwd to her & shoot in Ridgway on Saturday. Graham Williams returned to the College • Pberuesa0y Toronto this week. Miss Thompson .pent the holiday week at she family resideem Huron Rood D O'Uoaoor s eescding New Year's holi- days et kw 0001. n Whileohurch. Herbert McLean returned this week to the Toro.to C..IIKe of Pharmacy. Mr. R. B. Smith spent the holidays in Ltmdoo with her d•ttgkesr Mrs. Ellis. lobe Steil left for Howtok. having been appointed 10 • school is that Township. Miss On Wilkis•os returns to Toronto Mi. week to resume her musical .tads.. Mrs F. Jordan left for Montreal on. Moo tithe messiose 10 eked to the -tbs. -tR. is .g..- •wsasding a. moisten et seek st on redtaR N at • two wade' pe•rMeordseseest r seekin s ks is Oft yes d asta alleree<by-laws eel resale. maasgesent d the soca tambw-law. sad regulations. shall save fall power to �ol" � of tee .oeiot7. sad pit 111 of ides Unit shall pe ss! IL �g, y under Unit dtrsotlea• I skit el the 1w t} tilt tLg-�� Al. 11140BILL. 8eery. asterisk Dee. n. lila. Nortgat. Sale. MORTGAGE BALE OF FARM PROP- erty.-Them win be .old by Thomas M his Anedss me. 10 =V sot. ea es*urday. tbe Mh Aro et J uirr, '1r South Halt of Lot No. 4. eta, 4.1 MOW.* * Township of Colborne, one - maim is mom The. Property 11 well Outage. seed osoil. ARROW toUVO.Vidt For Mao or To Rent. POE BALI OR TO RENT -FOR BALK i' ora vest the dwelling sa Neisss-st. at �r."est occupied by 1. Owlet It sonata .r I6 roams. laded ea drawls( ream. dialog kirks a Ukase. a hes • library. OrateSier of .Sly ami".". AWN/ to 7. a IR r - m' the pt EsowsBALL -ONE OF THE BEST tlsemeY......eO. Let looses'. k MtrINMISitable eft g es water. H seers. oivaL 1esa.s7im modemhouse essitneeedy i st I. rarlif 13 er to J. A. Mc Teroats, tt. Marlin, that Monis & Robteese's soundes- lostAgrsvi brig fight rates be referr{_M water b1 ..inmatee with power to hot. ,Carried. By -frill' Nos. 9 and 10, grantiot .semi Mon from taxes to tin Keo.iortoo Foreseers Co. and tate 'net unit were read this meal number of tiense.sd passed. Tts following are toe committee reports : (WAST Or *1V111107. Your.•mmittee having bed before them epplieetioss for remie.too of taxes, make the following reoommasdsuores : 1. That taxes ot Time. Whitely be placed .idled the land, providloi he, with other hlerested parties. mama t. 2. That the taxes of Jas. Keag he placed against 11. food. 3. Tbot half of Wm. Bucha.an's axes be remitted. 4. That Mrs. Wil.os'• axes be placed sgemse the lend. 5. That Miss Andrews' axes be pieced against the laud. provided that the 000esot of the mortgages and owner be obtained. 6. That Ne personal tax of Joo Mo - Naughton M remitted. as Mr. Brodenek is ••Reseed tor and has card the same. R BALE -LOTS bN AND 70 HServer le de Town of hk► is seemed a aloe dwell - Mb 0epterober,1115 A1sb to DAIMON. HOLT = HOLMES. to tr V ALU ABLE TOW!' PROPERTY FOR SALE -The brisk reddest* ni the river ski Ike the nod de A. RomtteresedMrsejrt two•essser teats e ewellisi M'most okapis' and etlioini__ __ Mar*" rortyl (lleVeldsrtobpt AROnt it wonted. AIRS AND 1J8.T. Year oommitteo sake the 1013.0ar no omaeodatieeis for your adepMea : 1. That the laws minim of Mea. Cadet be remitted. 2. That the water rale pew- by 1k Graham foe water service oe lee 311 up 1st July, 1817, he .eoepted in full of .awn charged against him. 3. That 828 02 he aooeptpd from M Forte is full of amount up to let December 1897. for sleatrle light servlo. et V totori H.11. Md ;tat If • *bird of this amoue paid promptly Mee Bahia Is turned ea. 4 TMs Mr. Yale be paid for patting eleoirie light tato Me pest aloe, had the chairman bill the °overarming with IMMO. b-4-E!iae-thele"alis to oollsot all rates in so•ordasoe with laws. (b) That the oollsotar have power to to d power from Moen. light sod water are taken wheel thirty days ih •rr.an. (e) Dalt tiro eagl.e.rr of use.Ieetrs hg and water works plant are Dot 10 tore oe off water sr demi" light without too streakiest• in writing of the *dikter. 6. This the engisebre of theieleetrie i1 sad water works be eshj.M to the orders the ooll.Oter, se to oersted off and on we sad light from taken. 6 This • water meter be parob•Nd Ike brewery. 7. Tisk lite fellow sg .mesd*ese made a the water weeks hy•I.w : That the Serif of rotes .t the end of law No. 6. 1889, toiling with hotel eta be •.ended by Molting oat the user ".sob .tall up te 20.76 Dente seek ; ex stall. 50 ee.tt," and eabstttuting theref "• ecoit simile elsll, 26 mate, and each des deli, 80 .sate." That port of ths said by -lir amine w.obleg windows be saenled by lurk out tee f.11ewfh( worts, ' 25 feet free sal titter, i3 180 tet fruitage sad a $1; for este.d4Nim1.120 teesN pert el. $1!' .sl esbstftrth.( a the peke to .t, " 4 coke • hot for .sob foes free sad last se perks be s0.wed 1be use e1 water for sidewalks sad windows es esob penes .1.• pays • .tore rate." 1 bel the ski i .Mies he • ooded by hg thereat the fp�wieg obese : 34 plumber or .lour pontos .MB 1» •t li to tern es water be *ay hoses, law.. stable. belikesik deist at dad of soy hist iIffkesb Not sideisillor written elAll"I17 .f.*bo: maroon' et water sallied rale•, Any violation of le ise esk&od wasted Ir sail bytmid allby i and ►►cele .w. 8. We like IMsr.oted the eellerte on r. to st r. • Ir the that the war by- re m ht or is - ht .1 ter for he by - Mee de, tee or. ble with tag Soho oder, then. owe. tags. the Men betty data MIIN� Ito bora I1. 1ti.e r te Tws"DAT, Jan. 4 A. Young, tr., .1111 aeatl..ttee IR Miry poor Ale.. Johnston is home from London, hei look. well. Mss A Tyodell is spending her holidays under the pelletal roof. A very maosseful entertainu'eut under the auspices of the Saoday School of Smith's Hill, was held in the town halt. Tuesday evening the 21.t. The programme eowteted of .tugtng.. •.ottatioas, dialotus., and readings. The m.roh god drill enrolee by the q young girls was worthy of great p.m**, god last but not 10141 was a fest of candy for the ohuldren. Th. hall was crowded. and toe proceeds uncoated to 814.70 mate, to so in gid of the b. S. esbel treat, oo s visit to relatives in Montreal. hies (tors Sharman retorted to the Con- servative" .f Mesio, Toronto, on Monday. Mr. Seymour, who has bees visiting his home is Botha. returned os bleedey. Mies Freaks returned ea Monday from her holiday visit to her home, Msp1e, Out. hlr• Cbstophereoa 1. vieitiog Mr rel.t- Iv.e. Mr. sad Mrs. Getter. Norte Rey. Ott►. �Yes'7iiiisoe "cT nos 'Tao"?anus Year'. of the borne of Mrs. H llier.Oed.rieh MIN Skelton has been visiting bar friend Mise Jeokell, at Exeter, darner the pest week. Mr. Hastiage, of Meatreal, was visiting his relatives. Mr. and Mrs. Jordan this week. Mien Wlmlfrede Bell left o0 Monday to ream* her duties in the Cr•d.Yo. Public BobeoL p . T LIN. OTT non W =reek THRBU LADINS histeenoid1Ts1OaIN- ollid deurso seloMtestrdi GIALLO WA iTEU -- MIN AND kWOMB BIZ:kill icy' guar Me.. OINITIto"TesI WIT VW: MO Wooly guns. Lied I:IM A89 I4 BBT• psos t oleo bate better O so wee ly. (Afew - Ke of Mr. N inside.. The revival eo4mo.s are being oonduoted Mr, Norman Kernigb•n is making pre- paratioes to put an addition to his born. Herman M.edel returned to his home in Detroit on Monday. after speod.og three smoke siutihs its pacenia and the old .manse of his youth. Phe Ckr•etmes tree at Benmiller church o0 Thursday last was • good wooer, as far as the tree and yreper.ttooe were °mo.ro- ed, but owtog w the blizzard then prevail- ing, the sttendaeoe was not as large as wee expected. A large sleigh load ot young people from Goderloh sod Godertob township took .d - vantage of the good sleighing oo Tuesday night, Deo 28th, I,y m.kmg their way to MIS home of Mr. Wm. Blab, where • very enjoyable eveniog was .pent. MAIL Slavtcs.-The daily mail esrviue to Beamtller 5111 soon be an accomplished f.ot Ws undersand thee the petition se to the PoetmaeIer Geoersl has beee favor- ably rem vied, and the presser mail owner will be Raised for the now servi.s, of course with an inoresee of salary. Oorli'o EvgrTs CAST THste .SHADOW-• Biroas.-A large toed of new form or from Cornell's well koow establishment posted up the eo5osesion, and many were the wormisse as to where it we. going. 01 sours is won't do to chronicle events bre fore they happen, but perhaps in our next issue acs may h.ve to mention that • mar ring. oeremooy has taken place, end that will explato where the furniture went to. of Aabldd , is vleiltag her parent. Mr. B. QUEEN CITY relearns ▪ Mrs. Augustine. also other relarts 10 i '9t this vicinity, Mr. Rtoberd PoinNR daughter Miss Alm.. of Cburohville, near Brampton, vtslteed Mr and Mrs. Daher, of Ashtleld, ao4oth.r friends her.. 'CiowINo AND GOt.1 -Mrs. Young, wife of Matthew Young. of Weed. W.w•ooeh, left here A Moodey, 27 h D.o., on . visiting tour to relatives to Manitoba. Sr. T,��� G. Allan, (the energetic and popu- lar prio6p.l, of Dhugaomod Public Nithoel,) wife and daughter. +.ora, .peat New Year e with relative• 1b CUat0a. a*d Nater point*. MUNICIPAL ELI.TION.-O. Monday, Mr. Amiss* 11r.q.y.. deputy returning ohoer, and his poll olerk, Mr. T. Ir Derain. °M.- duetted ne-duos.d ' be polhor of voles, in Dungannon p'.Iltog h ,oth, for Ashfield. W• have not up to time of writing learned result. CAMS IN I.istx A LION. --New Year's day sod firs of 1898 wen very stormy and cold, as se. elan Suud.y, it being for the greater part of the day. and the evening .xoeesively cold and stormy. so that the year 1898 was ushered an with key 1elemeht weather. Mr Jobo Girvi., of 1Cinoipeg, and form- erly of this vicinity, being on a business bar to Montreal, called to visit his mother Mrs. Trimtl , and other relatives. Tb. prairie Prnvtoos mental seems to .gree with him •e he look* the picture of good Beal h Hayden Williams ot the Rook of Com. merge.% Seofsrtb, was in town on New Year. day. Jao Oirvia of Manitoba, a one rim. resi- des► of the county, was t151110( to town ea last week. Mr. .ed Mrs. W. J. Morrow who bed Men visiting/ friends In Reoh.ster returned es Moody Archie W. Haddon rettreed Mine last week, having bad • fairly suooe..tul .seenmi ea the lakes. Miss Bertha Daff left for Rlvtb on Satur- day to tete °hare* of a oleos in the Public Scheel of that vdlaee. Mr. sed Mrs. Sunb-I of Detroit spent New Year's at the reeide.es of the lady's *o•ber Mn. M•rrisos - - Wee Edwards .e4 James R H..da•es .f Atlas Craig spent Now Year's at are Jae. Btraagti's, Ooderteh. Nim._ I. Reek la% .s Saturday ter m K.ptettt• to e.rnatesee kr duties i. the Pablii School of that berg. GODEKICH TOWNSHIP. THURSDAY, JAN. 4 John Felooner who reo.nt4y hied in.ltaok of hemorrhage of the lungs is very poorly. Beanie Sturdy who has been spending his holidays at home hat returned to his mediae .t Stratford business ooltege. _ -Rev: fltierherarriftinet dreier; .5444 missionary anniversary sermons at Loa Methodist Church at 3 p. m., "Wednesday. Wm. Wakefield and Mrs. V(. F. Hiob were 1. London last week attending the (aortal of thea wail*, the lace Tboms. Bradford. Fitter Sttr,atoS -The municipal oouooil of �Ne.i TiLSeano.b-_xkwb ee will be oomp- .d"«7esemar ..,twitii ttiw.:esptl or R..r.te 3 -"'136 -cis. -4A rii't•lfl,111et..:6 r5t- rowing one. R.4t. L,ekh.rt. will meet in ase overasike +d l>, .ow J1a,ndey naata tint 10,1 of Jamie, y tj HOOL E,N•rI•TLINelINT.-On tae evening of ' he 28 h there* was a very int+resting entertainment under the auspices of the ts*Qbere to 000neotion with the 1t.thndiet cleiroh, th• exercises being .roellos► WIDOW ty the choir sod r.aitetin0e by the children, which were well re•sivod, and an 'capital sdttre.• to the oh,ldren by Ree. Mr. M,Ilytard. A y..asant time w.. *pent by all present. ANNUAL S.'N00t. MrrTIN" -The anoint school meeting was Mild oo Wednesday in the sehool hook. Jas Mallough was elected t use. a for lex' term, Thee Srrothere hav- ing retired. The school board for 1898 ls Dr. T. E. Coe, M D.. T. E Derain, . soy -trees , and Jos. Mslloagh. Oar school .pensrl.on Monday with an att.sdanoo in the sr dep'r of 23 and in the jr. dep't 24 T. G Allan, principal and Mies Teas Mo- Ceesell aiper.tatt. Fi.owse TAKEN AWAY IN 701 BUD. -W• . i m• ply regret rotten, to note that Marion Gnrdno, the oldest child and daughter of T. $ 0..., M. D , departed this lift .. Sab- bath evening, after • short illness of disease .1 the bran. She was b.loved by her schoolmates and other oompanios, Ming of s very smathle •0d genial disposition, age 8 year. and 6 month. In her decease she hes marl• s happy exchange from in earthly Seth ith to an heavenly ow. and to Him who said" Suffer little ohfldroa to mut. nem V.." The bereaved parents have the deep sympathy ot the oitteenie of Dun- gannon and Ytainity, in their sadden and said bereavement of their beloved d•aghter. FESTIV ITY. The Holiday Fun and Frolic T►e $ueeeee.1the Vittoriaa Era Rall l'ice- R.yally all Ter.at.-e.me .f the Csetpmea War.- eah.r r'tear noes .f ChrlM 5. west tpeoial Oorrespeadee oe. ONE of the grandest events ever 'lo Toronto eeet.17 people mem his.... Victorian Era Ball given by their Eioel- leooles Lord and Lady Aberdeen on 1`uesdsy eveulog of last week, when the Armories was transformed tato a veritable palaoe. It is now a thing of the put, but will long bo remembered by chows who had the honor of being invited. The gowns worn by acme of the ladies present had been wore by their wrest-graod- mothers. and very cinema and pretty they were. It would be useless to Woo, p: • de- sonptioa of the elegant ooetames, as epa0e will net permit. The entrance of rho and Countess into the h.11 room, reipteesul- tat royatty. woo it Ivy l.e0eastd.lt and lord- reeedept0- les Csasdt"'- The,cuirt - of many jar..• m iewgtb, Mir ea . pages, wee something which had hot INNS seen before by many ?oToato.ttn.,'ettrd^_....-•- various dmoes in costume, representing all periods, also the vartos oondiaons of sal- tine., arta literature and music during the Vtowrlan'Era, were oonductad with ouch oorreoseemad *kill as to indicateaameiros sod laborious rehearsals by the five huudred young ladies oakagnilkose ot Torok*, Henning sod leillese who tock part god made I1. exhibition on the danoinr floor from . quarter past tans to a quarter to twelve 001 of the grandest sight* ever pre- sented in Toronto, or perhaps to the Domin- tot of Canada before, sod was highly •p- preoiated by the two thousand ladies and gentlemen who were fortunate enough to re- caly• lavtali0.1 and who kept up the deco - 10g from twelve to tree, atter the exhibi- tion depot* were over. This ball is probably only one of the ex- treordin.ry 100ettoas that nave taken pleas irouod the fain of the earth, wherever the Uoieo Jack floats. at the close of the jubl• lee year, and at this time it might De inter- esting to know th11 of al! j 4 eirtroordin.ry and novel presents wl4iob 111ft'iiti4M-) 'Led ram,ved during this wonderful year was • Present from ohs 1st• Emprees of Brasil. a drw, mansfao►'red sours y from .pidere' silk workers. Go W•dnsdsy afternoon Government House was oere more the eosins of gamey when those who attended the hall paid their respect's to their Exoellencies before their deportees for Otte.a, whioh, 1 am Burs, w. will all regret very mach after the round of pleasure which has attended their vett here. I noticed sem. very pretty oostumes, par- ticularly in velvet, which is the proper 0p• to -dot• style of manna) tor calling and teas, and mikes an elegant gown when properly made. The new hat, the Napal- ms, also •ppeered at the reo•ption, and is very stylish and pretty, and to three who can wear them they are very b.00miog, and themselves out from among the steals or ties -7 aliel ojtRliellar "e ...._ ..- _., whit& they may 110 found. 001 I sew. which was particularly hemming. was of dark tress velvet, gayly ornamented with gold lam, sod was wore by one of the -prettiest Miss in the room. The Cummings Stook Co., .t the Prinoem We Theatre s week, .orpas.ed all prevle4S effort* in theft play " May Blossom." Each part was septally done with one e1mptloa. when Nettie Harshen'• abeeoos was very noticeable. lllanoh 1)o0glas appear* te innoh better edvanaes as the sweet, ems" tiding ..d ■o•uapeoting little wife or • happy young rhool girl. The holtdsy season is abort to oome to an end, sed I feel rare that We have all spent a meet eejoyble Christmas time. Old Santo was must kind la remembering as, and I am sure that *soy hearts were made glad for another year, and my ohms,* wish to those who say read this Is that health and h•ppl- pees may attend each one for many years to Dome. VViDDIiIO Colons -Un Wednesday of last w• ek, Jesse Meosry, of Asbtisld, aid Mite Miry Curran of Mt. Helen's, West W.wanoet, were united in the bonds r1 me. trimony -On the same dry, a very happy Yin' was •peat at the •esidesm of 8. Sonar ikirlrewkeirehoeeee i•-beieg'ahwasitiag. ie the boath of matrimony of Mr. Sounby • daughter. Ise. to Richard Westbrook, jr., of Lennon towesb•p. Rev. R. Falrbairo, E. A tied the nuptial knot, being witness- ed by many of the immediate relatives and (roads of hntb parties. The bride looked .harming, being attired is a wedding arose et Gob.lu Was oloth, trimmed with white silk, chiffon, and pearl pa.semesterie, with orange binmoss. After partaking of a es5rtee.S wsddiat dinner. which was nh.r..eht y.ej.yed by 511 pretreat, the new - 'y wedded ooapl. left for • bridal leer to Lodes, and other points. The bappy bride was attired tor the tour in • beaoti- tel gown of green and brown. with hat and j.oket at sets, We onagr•tul•te the newly ...Ida ample es the happy event, wishing them • Wiesner, loopy, and prosperous voyage over the ora of matrimony. Smoot. Yawn/cos -Tho following is the result of the election of trustees at ails• different annual m.Ynge named -throe school -David Orr in Wee .f Wm. Ed. ward. retiring, Pewter's Hill. mob. 11. - Clore in piens of.s MoDesald. Holman - vibe -F. McCersno is pima of 8 Walters. At No. 2 W F Hiok was re-elected, read .< No. 1. Andrew Drysdale wee re-eleoted. Wampum No -14'e. remdese. of Woe. Macke was the eases et • happy event on Wednes- day. Deo. 29, whets hs dss'bter Mies Ade became the wile of Mr. C)irN, A Voodoos ef BesaiIler. The R -v W Gdwie perform. ed the eereatooy. Th. bride, who was h•.d- .om.ly attired sod looked obermthg, wee atieedied by Mies Fl. Gledhill of Benm111er, while Wilmot Hs+ike performed MIM denye of groomsman After the oere*oyy sheet 76 rumba set dowo to • UMW SOUS r.pN% Th. oameroo• or...nt., which were bosh Madman sad oestly,ebow.d **high eat.em in wblob the bride is held by the ware e.m*uouty The evening was .pent to genes and danoiog The happy 00001. hove N. hest wtsMS of their meshy Irked.. Mks Jake Re1eree0 left by the early teal. es Mos4ey te re -anemones her dude et the Eletee Public .l)t.o1. Miss Pirdte Graham left os 8.tmriky far %kWh to tate up h• r oppotntm•st in the Radio 8•hod •1 that village Mw Mill • C.ap1.1l of tb. C.s.srv.tery knee Moira* waresto to million arrears of (d *resist T•wohu, 1," tihis weeh to r.ss.te water retie pareses% to tbe by law ate eddies islet* i..ttteMes. 9 We het es osM*ste el what it illseat to N•. 4 beadis good p• Usebri kwork soder 14.. 1. The amt will be skid 801, tilts think the briefs work .M.Ii ht Asad et ones. T011a0!'1* Artier 'RITZILY TONSORIgAs.L�g1A•.WeT,lst% .54 l.4 lathe era "Tat as. - merit 1118 MI;'! S OHtITs. lettseft•>s 14011 11111tad - Wallird- Ott, r M R0N AVM JAM'S e Oast sleek • OowiII .4 on !Davos to Otte'.. Rod de .H. W. ►on for 001 p.oa bylaw ed tb. a. 5llepet reylor *tete nada d deputy Il .m. b-rs of t Coder' for tor J onion R. A II oderi 05 • tl for ell, 0000 rid.y nail t CK .wt res,d vtlI yak, OD $ .lm t Mo prrf xase00r pi and teethe br S e Meloth1y0 pUNL sot YR, 1, . ul rksr w (ag theki Allan, K the 4 fiawns i ben, ♦ hio sbl •hair w 4sriot Sundt k. fusel IT, Actll .ndMn dao. se* ,tbe gm 1111.4107 ♦m..j pot for) epas1I .5L? *11 oar old' .rd, de 10 rw. ateck w ders for mbegteptiress, advereeing est lob - week mid itetborkso to elk Mopes Air tikoinits psitifer the wee. • few kik ris tow* eke poet weak. wow the greet of Mies Winelfret's Mr. sad Wes. Ry Mather% drove in trek belted Lorkoew Ns, Year's Day, on • stilt to Mr. sod Mrs. John Pherio. P.. Merriam end *skew, Fred 11,11er of Detroit, spook the holidays at the rem demo ed the gestlemait's WACO. Alba, Mies. norm.. trilli•••• igesised to the • HO kited es Issiley afoot • pkosest holiday et de feeelle reddest*. Nark* street. kid Ire Joseo. of Wdeloingles, Do- ttie. et Deletailda. am viettIug Mean. • ed the WO parese• Mr. Mil Ilia A. R. OistiolL Mod et Oeteriolt Wes Sewn a feer led week. A- • Webb le ketone la Belden OR 8AL , CHEAP -THAT 'DEVIL ot Artberea, le piy to J. ti. WARD. nomossoma. obi- tbe video* Jos it story, Tonesmo, Jas. 4. Mr. sad bln Bowdon (nee Matilda Bow- ed of SO Thomas most Cipletkiii *ad New YOWL et her fetber's rosideses. w.rde of awl, will Iry given to UK ettildrse of the Sabbath oohed in the esor future. Pardee wish's, to resew their enbeerip- WOMI Of inshoorlpi to l Ile STOMA( ems Wive Melt Mien at the oak of Wok. Palle, "arms -Is mestoseisi tbe CrieePar mid ureseetetten last week, Oirirte. or.. wee gives, tasked of 'Obeitet 1r. Salo of num Paerorrf.-Mr. Wo. O. t=rit.rosvsllY Persheost friss Jobe the sod belf of id Ha 6. Nit sea.. 111 D Addield. Ultimo age Odom. -Wee. Wake". (see Axiom. ENTs*TAtira StrT -Tb. sonnet 111141 Resident Wad. 'To tbe Editor of Tog Bios st.,- thought 1 would drop you • few lines to 18 you know of the death of an old resident. William MoCaig, who died oe the 210 at the residenoe of his disoihter, Ligr- 4114140os Creek, Algoma moiety. Got, in the 70th year of his age, of pneumonia. He lived la Ooderioti fro* 1845 ito 1884. He le survived by dye children three eons and two daughters. James limo et Silver Creek, N.Y., Kennedy at Ophir, Umh, Seinuel is Toronto. 1 .alsol at Livingston* Creek, Ont., sad Mary Asa at Lialithairil. soriber of year paper. W. J. McCaw. AUCTION SALES. All parties gettlag their wile hills printed at tote 'Mop wilt haves tree notioe veserted la this Hit Qv to the time ot sales. 1 r at Mot residences es Vtotorio-id. opposite Sheriff Gibbose, the whole of the hosoeheld seeds ot Mrs. glow who is lea. ing Oodortob. Tn. list comprises parlor and disk' reek fanlike, kicks. shove and farnitere, "setae stokes. eta 0a SATURDAY, Jeri. Sch, 15X1. St his &no- ef 60 sorsa being le• ees. 4, kooks div- ides of Colborne. Teo*. Ousind, *sot - Clio** Mie. Wilson, 'rho died at the vieltieste ef her eider, Mk. Utak es Men. day lest, hes lows es Invoke fee doom 7 yams, sad has boor • greet &Aft% Wes eke *11 id& Adidas redeemed, 0 --bort booboo& died ken yoke saiN sir=