HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1897-11-25, Page 6STANDARD NEVER LOWERED. AT MIIN&O'S. STAPLE AND FANCY DRY COODS! • SIGNAL : eQPERICTi ONTARIO. STORYETTES. THE JOURNEY. 1 thlak of death as some d.11gbttul journey That I shall take when all my tasks are ' done ; Though Ids has give° me • heaping measure of all lost gifts, and many • cup or plower., toll better things await me farther nit. This little earth is .ion • merry planet ;) The dutas°. beyond it do supreme ; jl have no doubt that all the mighty spoons between us and the stars are ailed with tame More beautiful than any artist's dream. I lilts to think that I shall vet behold them. When from this swung -room my soul her roared ; Earth t. a way.lde station where we wander. until from out the darkoeu vender, Death ■wmvs his lantern and cries ".11 • board .1 think death's train sweep; through th. solar 'syst.m, Passing suns and moons that dwarf oar own; And cloee beside us -we shall find our dearest, th..spirit friends oo earth we held the nearest And closebasil* * us God's great throne. Whatever disappointments may befall me. In plane or pieaures to this world of doubt; I know that life at worst osn but belay me, but no melicioua fete hes power to . stay me, Flom that ,rand journey on the Great Death Route. ...ELLAL.Witgetrit W twox. IIa.'a flatten or wsssea. I would also advise young women not to depend for happloes upon the flatteries of men. It is a poor oompjiment to your sex that so many men feel obliged in your pros - ewe to offer unmeaning oompliment.. Men capable of elegant, slab -mai. 000ver.attoe eleewberi i•msSdme• Seal sailed tees $$ the door of the drawing -room to drop thaft aim - too. sense end to del' etbdokoatM lot- teries. They trey Walls • t your drew, and about your •ppesremee that you know. tied that they berm, ase tab,. ' They my you are as Intel. Yeti keen, yew are not. They toll you that " yeg are looking sing. Welty beautiful the. eveal.r,' whop you know very well that the remark ie only • oommoopl•ooa.. Some men thtok that a conversation with • mimeo is interesting only as it ia dotted tied tiptoed with e•tteriis and meeniugleee oomplimente. Determined to tell the truth In of .s, and store, sad shop. they oo.aider It b000r•ble to lie to • woman, The same thing that they told you oa this side of the draw.ng•room, threemin• Wee ago tie, y said to some one co the other std• of the drawinv-room. Oh. let no one trample un year self-reepeot. The meanest thing on witch • women can build her 1•1•11. M.,i1Min•MINOINIIM. W. C. 1'. U. DEPARTMENT. Tl'1E SARs Why sell it • bar ! flay wholes derived. This name fur • depot of spirits */ evil Was the name of some.ly friend of virtue ooattivod. Or, like the thing clamed, did is some from the devil! I'll tell you its moaning : 'Tis • bar to all good, And a constant promoter of everything evil ; Ti. a bar to all virtue --that's sell wader. stood -- A bar to the right, and a'door for the devil.. Tu • bar to all industry, prcdenos and wealth : happiness u Ib. flat t arts* of moo.-7'altwgs A bur to reflection, a b • r w .otri.ty, - --r- - A bar to elate thought, and • bar to Nand Tale 1. Tree health, • A bur to good oonsoieno., to pray*, and " It t.tNo moory to run a newspaper." to piety. says the St. John. Kansa", News. Ciuld anything be more absurdThe A har to the *ending ot obtldren to school, To clothing and giving them good edu- catement u an exaggeration. It is an all To cation ;' wooi and yard -wide whopper ' It ha. been A bar to the observance of every good rule, disproved • thousand time.: it i" a clear A bar to the welfare of family and nation. e•.. of airy fancy. A err to the hallowed enjoyment of home, It doesn't take money 1. run a office and get A bar to the holiest earthly trnitton : or opy of hewopaper a a free . the . c end Ret A bar Piet forbids its frequenters to oome a Dopy of the peps,;roe. lc u r charitable Inatituttoo, a begging oonoern To the goal and rewards of a virtuous am. " Money is the root of all evil " Gb your job printing to time of those tray.11ine scallawags and thea oome and ask tree pub• Itcstoon tor the uhuroh coldest/. Get your .ocuty letter heads printed oa&uLLnwn.end �- bit on. then r.sd your home paper with aA the beautiful thoughts in reeolotions of rgpeot and carie sielxxku.-They make -mob spicy reading, and when y u pick it up 6 led wino those glowing sea vivid mortuary articles, you are so proud of your I t• le paper. Selah ! '1 he y meg l.dy who bunt into tears has beet, put tcg.tber spate. RUBBERS et OVE=RSHOES .. a VERDICT 5 A bet 1. intektfdy. honour and tame, T. friendship and peace and ooanubial love, ?a.ths ;tweet delirhte that on earth we may claim, A. bar to salvation, and heaven above' !Pew le Abelian Ibe sales.. In a letter to the editor of the Ram's Horn, the ble Neal Dow says : You oak if I oannot sand you a brief mes- sage "with my op nion 0e to the best moth• od of •bohahine the saloon." I am over- whelmed with work just now, so that 1 can- not send you a long article, Dor indeed is there Well of one. I know of but one way of •' •boliahiog the saloon.' sod 1st b to Persuade the "March membership to help us, and no longer give their influence and their votes to the grog show. The Christ- ian Work of 29th October, 1891. mid : " The liquor tratlo exists in this oo00try -.to.da y *obi .LY this sabaraaoarl.ahe mem- bership ot tine Christian churches, They ,,ydM..the meatettl off; h, _pttlati0a. tat. AR t n' the •principal towns 0Plbe the abolition or` the"Walla w concerned. Dominion agree that dig THE CANADIAN RUBBER -COS RUBBERS 0 , -JURE THE BEST 1N THE MARKET." 1~ -.411 F)ewrtor-.... oip ... Iwthosn. ALL SEASONABLE. • :,.'Yarns, Iloaery, Gloves, Dress Goods, Linen Department,—well_a.uorted. Small -wares Complete. " v A surge trbeek`pt -Underwear at popular'lirices. Scarlet, Grey, Navy, White and Grey Flannels. Inspection kindly solicited. No one will be importuned to purchase. A. MUNRO, Drayer. Do Not' Forget that we are s ' gin in the OTSTIftt trade. BEST BALTIMORE OYSTERS tl Selects" and-- i` Standards " FRESH AND SOLID MEATS. CHAS_ _A_ N.AIRN_ WINDOW CLASS. R. W. McKENZIE hu placed in Stock the largest importation r ig I N D O W GL.A,BS yet received at prices which oao•o be touched any where. To get his tenets to secure your custom. Ro k.sps Ilse ELEPIMIT BRAND WHITE LEAD. Acknowledged the hest. we -All Hardware Building Supplies away down in Pelee. R. W. MCKENZIE OF THE CHEAP HARDWARE STORE. YOU WAT THE BEST In buying GRO0ERIE8 you want the Best and the Freshest, particularly a hon you can get them at STURDY BROS. at the same price that poorer goods cost you elsewhere. We sell quickly, hence our (foods are always fresh -- they doc,'t stay with us long enough to get stale. If you want to buy a useful present, see the.nict', things we have in CHINA and GUSH. • 1-5/1/..R.DY.IWI) When they lay, Go, and vete Go, it will go The saloon exit. only by vote. ; there te no Rawer that oan crush it but vote.. Is there are four million. of ohurob members who are voter* ; it is safe to pry that atea.taethe of tttw 6.01 ta.npbold the grog shops ; the devil's imps helptug theyk makes • force so poweful that friends of temperance n•000t withstand them. What eon we do about it! NeaL Dow. Els Own sauna.. el man wants to drink wbl.kt y, that is hi bantams,' say. the saloon apologist. Let' see. When Bob Poised and Com Parker were drinking in Heflin, Ala., hot Saturday night, nod in their spree ran • oar of the Southern -Railroad off the switch and out on the main track down the grade, till It .topped on a high trestle, it became the Southern Railroad'. " business." And when a loaded freight train came along and rushed into the ear. causing a $100 000 wreck, c'ettroyiog nuob saleable merchandise, it became the business of e guest many mercbante and shippers, MI well. as the railroad. .. , And when three dead bodies were dug oat from ceder the wreak it became the bu 1. ness ot some wives and orphans. And when the taxpayers are called upon to support the families whose natural pro- viders have thus been suddenly taken away it will beoome the loudness of Novena' other annals. One man. drinking often become. the hammer, of reyer•l hundreds or thousands of people, and the man who cannot per. eeive this fact ought to be sent:et once to an institution for the education of the fee ble minded. -Motive. cast a lisart .r seer. Not loot ago .t o. tonna laden Wit Brims were on their way to tae abrin of "Ls Beans Ste. Anne," (the Good St. Anne) In the Provi owe of lluebeo. While the first was eta yiog at the station of Cr•tg'e Pond the mooed dashed into it. The eosins-driv. or of the latter one, McLeod, not a total, abstainer, only • •' moderate ".drinker, get a quart of hoer at Artbablake, • station ou the way. 1. Da -nave to engine and Darr. Add the poet to the price of that quarl•df beer. 2. The railway company hes already paid $385, in shi esttiemoot ot oloime for damage. No doubt it will hays more le settle. Teat makes the prioe of that quart of beer so much the greeter. Should it sed in lawsuit the cost to the loser must be added to the p4'toe of that quart of beer. 3 Sufferings of thy wounded, in many instances awful. Add the motley value of those to the price of that quart of beer -if you can. 4. Coot et attendance on the wounded_ Add that to the prise of that quart o1 bear. 5. R 1 pamengere killed. Add the mossy value of their lives to the price of beer. 6. Funeral expenses. Add these to the priori of that quart of beer. 7. Sorrow for the lois of loved one. killed Add the snotty value of that M the Inc.iof. [bat quart of beer -If you our 8. Oust of the bequest. Add that to the pdes of that quart of beer. 9. • The engine driver. liaised, was among the killed He solemnly promised to oomply with the roles of lobs eompany One el these forbids persons la its employ- ment drink's(' Intoxicating Ilgoor while on duty. McLeod broke his promise when he get that quart .1 beer. He bee, therefor., left a blot en his name. AIif'd the money vales of that blot to the price of that quart e t boa►. -if yew coo. One way and another. ;kat quart of herr has proved to baa fearfully meter it. OONE TO A SHADOW. Rooked by Pain, Bad-i;;iddeeIAfs Dye -pair - ad el-Sentb A.arlesa Sheemette Lure was the Geed kneel Whisk sidled the Tempest and Piloted Rally tato the Herber of Health. " I was se troubled with gelatin" that at times the pain and sOlferley I sepertiseed mss exereetstt.g• I tailed Is flesh h almesh a shadow. I was almost need ntsesly Is bed ter over a year, and i had "pens Modred. of dollars N doot.sta(. 1 bed Arm* sham op hope of a ewe. A Hittite who bad bees pard (van tie disease by Bonet( Anterl.ss *hwlmati. 0.'., ladsesd meit. The ORR dens wave me fesesela nMlf. Maar thus b+rtle" M'a.eemp{Nsi tiered." W Menbtl, Verity P. 0., U.I. Tales w tlraesoaal Menem ea Weems. Yemen women ate often led to ditgteed far happiness epee pntmnal .berms. Do a.• to beguiled late snob • boll.!. Seemly is seals a whale thing, it does ..t depend upon tassel preporsloce, or epee the aeeehle .1 the svn, or poen tee limb of the trhaek. You sometimes find it among irrearlat terse. It is tbe seal shining through the loos Nut makes it beautiful. But alas for thou who depend upon men personal charms. They will mese to disappointment •sad to • proal fret, Then ars so many dif- ferent opinions about what aro perooual therms ; and teen sioltaw and troubL d'nd age do make such ratlines. The poorest god eihst • woman aver wersbipe is her own face. The saddest sight in all the world is • woman who has bolls everything on good looks, when the uharm• begin to vanish. Oh. how they try to oover the wrinkles and hide the rave' e of time ! When Time, with trop -shod toot, supe oo a face, the hood -marts retbain and you cannot hi4. them. II 1. silly to try to hide them. I think the most repulsive tool in all Iho world le au old toot I oould understand why a woman should be ashamed about nettleg old. It is • sits, it i. • prima facie evidosoe, that you have behaved tolerably well, or you would not have lived up to this time. The grandest, thine, 1 think, 1. eteraity. and it te mane op of countless yew. When the Book of Books would set forth the ,ttnot- ivenes. of Jesus Christ, it says : " Boa hair was as whitetail scow." But when the oolor goes from the cheek, and the lustre from the eye, and the spring from the step, and the gtepetulneea from the gut, alas ! for those who have built their time and eternity upon good looks. But all the, Mesage of years cannot take out of one's face benignity anttw d tiadm._and oompasine , and filth. Culture your heart and you culture your. tam. -Talmage- Cure yourself of tbeeseatlam. The application of Nervfine-nerve pain sore -which possess« such power trey all nerve pain, has proved • rem•rkebls unmoral in rheumatism and neuralgia. Retellings nota on the nerve., soothes them, drives pats out and se give. relief. Try it and be OOD. voiced. Heart -Spasm 5A REMOVAL LADA" CEYLON TrA. During next week I will aT ASA ♦tteCnilF-1se.ear, noel ase y m Stook of move alfa Satisfaction or Your Money Back. If you are wearing Shorey's Beady -to -'ear Clothii and do not find it perfectly aatis- faotory in every particular and will communicate your complaint to us, we will see that you are satisfied or your 'money refunded. H. SHOREY t CO., Montreal. nil is in aoeordanee with our elver• timpani to guarantee our workmanship t9 fi11liti lrxteill, anal W avat,J.. pato elder, anti an evidence that the Uuaran• liesI'ssiewtticlt you will find in the pock- ets of SHORE 1-'S garments, URA NS W0AT IT '%AI'S, Must 6e C!eared Out! READY - MADE CLOTHING. ......• MY OWN MAKE All Bret-cl.e. Goode, and well made vp. will Sbe sold at remarkably low pima to clear !t Dot a00e.. - • • - -T- �. ACEW3 eSRE Fen THE NEANT A WONOERFJL LiFE-SAYER. No organ to the human anatomy today whose diseases ran be more readily deme► ed than those of the heart -and ,ladies' discovery has trade them amenable • GROCERI to the Store formerly occnpit (1 by W. T. PELLOW next door to Cox's Meat Shop, where I will be pleased to tinct all my patrons and the public generally. A full line of CHOICE GRO- CERIES always on Hand, and every effort made to give antis- factioc. GEO. HALEY HAagIL?ONiT. PING MILL. EITAIIIISMED Iibb. il IV s ' :,� Rhy�as SASH, DOOR and BLIND Dealers In all kinds of LUMBER, LATH, SHINGLES And buildxr's material of every desiripuw School Furniture a SueeialtT. AMUNITION. of New Good E_%. Po OAS *SW sig Nr. H. DUNLOP west -tit Taller. neat Hank Montreal. peeper treatment. If you bare palNet or entering. sbortseeen of breath, wise►.. irregular pubic swelling of feet or ankle*. pain la Jokier( aide, falntlag spells. dregs& raj tendency . any of than indicate •rr1 disease. No matter sat: hew bag weeding Dr. Ageow'sCare for the Hears will - It's a heart epedino-acts quickly -acts surely -acts safely. I wag civet' up to die br physicians and friend.. Ons de a of Pr. Agnew Cure for the Heart gave me .win, and six bottles cared ray ease of fifteen veers' etlindine. ]ars 1.1.RZLi.41i, Whitewood, N.W.T. M Orsarout... reuse In as seelnwase, SOLD BY J. E. DAVIS. EPPS'S COCOA l ENGLISH 1BRE.AIKFAST- COCOA Pdesessee the ollowing dl.tineUve merits t DELICACY OF FLAVOR SUPERIORITY IN QUALITY GRATZYQL alta OOXYORTiilG to the ITHSVOVS or DTSPZ2TI0. NUTRITiVi QUALIT1KS UNR1VALLSD. In Quarter -Pound Tins only, Prepared by JAMZ8 EPPS & Co , Ltd.. Hom®opstblc Chemists. London. England. W EST -ST our andFeBd STORE The undersigned reupeettully snowmen to the people of Otrterich that he him ooeeed ant .n up to- late 'lode and reed Blore int old Pat O.Roe batldlhw, on West strew. where he will keep on heed a full stock of all the oe.t bnoee of FLOUR Rolled Wheat, Pate ..d other cereal peeper - salons : also.- f)mn. Shorts. Chopped beef,:, and other Seeds. I hated had Novena roars' sxperletlee with the late arm of Oehler t }Intention, sed eodereupd fully the regelrements of this trade. You will end our Reeds all first -elan. and our service prompt and reliable. We aim to Meow yon. and Incite a trial order, N. G. JICHOtSO! Marked Down Cheaper than WHITE WASH You will do well to go to GEO. WATSON'S FOR'•':— WAIF Paper tverlArl':= gait ale swim" Canadian - Pae -- --- Telegraph fatron ise -Erne • Competition. Tea CAreADIAw PACIriO RAILWT CO ToLoONAPH bat been setabllshed to give tie• public s first -oleos seryls. with Lair and per manent twmp.tlslo,. ll Is managed ea basins principles and to the Interest of pa Rtrone. It deserves the support cf every person who belteves In oompetltlon• For e.tek despatch use this t'apwpa.y's linea, (ionceotlnx with all ll.m and realm Ins Vetted eeetea. Casella and aeries.. Meet tnroueh wires to all pouts In the Northwest, Wltlsh Col,lmhts and Pacific Como Mice -South SIGs N' eet-.•. R Phecia 1►E 77 aiana,Ter Oedertoa The Ken8th t0Il Funit're C - UmINAr Admirals. a sorneeeme.te wait J. BROPHEY & SON, rf We., -.t. he carry a nil line their goods. The swblto can gee Furniture at Factory Pr ces bairn, ht afi ip poopsese t ?if geonef wow et Melikave 1* ar anesup,. elalses a Menu aawpeeHlsn Home Manu An geode of the Company's :make are fully guaranteed by them. CkTTLE N6Z. Pluaibni Tiniatthis H.YILI ON -ST a-odeiicla. 'Our Stook. -in ao.s.nnapisteanei is one ot the largest and beat selw.:ted outside the cities, LOADEB SBELLS In any quantity to suit the purchaser. Shells loaded with any charge while you wait We have a full Stock of POWDER, SHOT, SHELLS, PRIMERS AND WADS. -ata Olen STOCK Or - 580T GUN.& They are sure fire but on'y kill at one et,d. DAVISON & CO. THE UP-TO-DATE HARDWARE. Sewer and Culvert Pipes All plate from 4 In. to x ` AIM - Ceauee.iese. • --- WRiTE FOR /tanIOlie. THE ONTARADSIO SEWESTR. PIPE CO •Ot AIDS .. .sesumnay,ssmm TtafONTC MAIIITOBA ...FLOUR LIEMS THE WORLD. I have lust a e, feed • oar load of Flour from Labe sis a Woods mill. Hee wean 'rhe YMaattter je. made endfrees ue the bee cream i the world Goa preodoes. This hoar is now airmail tat solo at D. C ,1T,'ELO1q'S BAKERY. People wbo tray Flour should rot mire this opportunity. flpeelal Hates ,1litfstities.s Buying asea we *mean to pude from Ode brae - ful'Fleur and how yeeet, and f, the moot wholesome that e.s be mad.. D. CANTELON. WY/r @TRIM Ask rhrDr�pit wonderl Tom E end e 1"1�t• ,salt orad Im urs IIOipi► kidiser and OW UAW" ~a— es ttetluawise. 5.V I r TME 100 w Vu The 5147 aeept ,iter, be de ram 1 11rp ti,rus be n stuff ,s at to M. Mr ut to ki reed. ea it aLori x :r eon 1 tri Ss, bow mote ►sir burs it °1 tie tq7 ml.:. torr; I 'etre Nen tit, tan the lar to Yr (SP 11w left tK .a of jut to ere 01 ids VP V, ra 0t In of es v 0