HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1897-11-25, Page 4Tnvaanar, Nov. 28, 1897.
Lot Us Talk
'10 you about
We are now ready to
trade with you on business pfriuwplce.
We have the Beet Selected Stock of
Sheat Modulo and Boll over
brought iuto Goderich It II now
and up-to-date, the Price it right,
and we have a piano on which you
can try it before buying. We want
your trade. 1f we get it once we
will keep it by giviug you the very
best service and good value for yuur
..bout Pianos
Can you question the equality
It costs
more money, but --quality talks here.
While iu Stringed Instruments and
Fitt lege we are m a position to satis-
fy you.
the ,Siguats
Terms of sebaernetwo 1
One month. In advance
Throe months.
tine rear,
Masa nate+.
1w al and ether casual advertlaementa 100
per line for first insertion, and 3 ciente per Dna
for each eub.equest ttserttow Honoured by
• aonperei I rale.
Buslnoes cards of six lines and under, $6 per
Advertisements of Lost. Found /Preyed'
Situations Vacant. Situations » anted and
Boniness Cl once@ Wanted not :needing $
lines nonpareil. $1 per moots.
!louses on Sale and Farms on Rale. not to
Mooted 8 lines. $l for first month, 60c. per ants
ae0ucut month. Larger *dace. in proportion
Auy meetsl matey the object of whits/ 1s to
Promote the pecuniary benefit of any wit -
'Must ter company. to be oon.$dered an ad-
._. Meruaaawtst.a*Asapar ilea( Local notices In nonpareil type one ilea( per
word, no notices ins than 15c.
Local notices In ordinary reeding type two
teas per ward. No notice for lees than 600.
?satiate for churches and other religious and
benevolent lnetitudor.e half rate -
• inhesellea_who tailaoryostsa Tag Stesia.
rernlarly by matt, ern) winter • favor by air
q uaating us of the foot at as early an date as
po'el tie
When a ohang. of address Is desired, bctn
Ms old and the new address should be sea
ra&MeseVa lattice. _
J. C. La Towel, of Gedericb, has lets •
pointed Local travelling Ageut tor the towe-
.elpe of (ioderioh. Colborne, Ashfield and Ws
Local postmasters over the district are also
empowered to ren. ve subsorlptloas to Tam
All communications most be addressed
Ta: Sias U,
Telephone GUI re Godard On .
811138CRIBERS who desire -to take
advantage of Tar -firesat's offer to
el b with any of the following news-
papers for 1098 may have the balance
of 1897 tree :
Tail Smut and Globe 11 60
ran SIGNAL and Mail and Rm.
: nz SIGNAL and Farm and Fire-
side 1 60
TH it SIGNAL ant. Weeki) Su! 1 35
Ts SIGNAL and Family lierald -
with chromo 1 85
Tan SIGNAL and London Daily
—Ontario politic, are flat, stale and
unprofiteble with Hir Otivta on the _shelf.
—Politics is not the only thing
worth living for. There's' bread and cheese
and kisses's, for instance.
—If the Governor General be not
oalkeinl Rome of the politicane may vote him
its Centre Toronto on Nov. 30.
—Why should poisoners use arsenic
when tanned salmon will do the job just as
well, and without the hem attachment ?
—A member of the Dominion Par-
liament recently frectured his jaw, and ha
wassn't talking in Centre Toronto, either.
—Whether Sir WILFRID VS/ IWO-
easeful or unenceetwful in his recent trip to
Waehington, he certainly made a great IID-
preation on our American Cousins.
—The campaign in Centre Toronto
began in a quiet and gentlemanly way. hut
by the end of the week we expect to ase the
for fiy, and the usual amount of hot lan-
guage and prreonal application.
THERE is every reason to believe
that the fight in (entre Toronto will be a
hot one. At tint the impression prevailed
that Mr. BitxritAr would be allowed to take
the election by aoclantaiion, but the Cos-
servatiios, after some deliberation, have
now put a candidate in the field in the per-
soo of Mr. OLIVER Howt.AND, M.PP., and
his advent into the Federal arena will, iu all
probability, put ginger into the campaign
during the short time the twutest will run
its course. It is announetxd th t Premier
LALRttt will us in the fight iu person, and
the big guts of the Conservatives will be
lion. (1. E. FosrLR and N. (,'trawl
Lace, M.P.--the two leaders, precticelly, of
the erstwhile divided Tory party.
—Mr. BERTRAM • is a brainy man, • large
employer of tabor, and a fighting Liberal of
year's' standing, rod in the present instance
has shown great courage in standing for •
one-time Tory stronghold. The Conserva-
tives held the constituency by large majori-
ties from 1878 until last year, when Mr.
LoosTsueoeetled in winning it to Libend ism
by some 244 of • majority. At that time
the Tory party,, w rent im twain by the
Mlt"n'ttuba School Question, dud tpgreat way
the split that whey Sir Ch ARIAM Trrrta
undertook to address the electors in Massey
witted by ticket, so that none bat tberoegh-
Coneervstirer tsight .i. prenN, do
Tory leader got but scant courtesy from his
former followers. The Government candi-
date on the occasion had antagonized a large
number of his constituents by his actions in-
side and outside of the House, std the elec-
tion of Mr. LorNT was looked upon as as-
sured from the start.
--Since that time the Conservatives have
been getting together, and now the claim is
.ret forIntrd t) the diflsfenoee that then
existed have been healed: At present it
looks as if such were the owe, for we find
stalwarts of tikeC.Zaap0af 1. P eteineai!5
P., Crraae WALLA( .:, M.P., J. Roam Ros-
ntmo ,..1H-P—..77hw%'Mimi? 1314 others,
standing shoukier to shoulder with
Hon. Geo. K Forret, W. R. Bonet, 0. E.
Kalrr, and others of the Ti rrss faction of
that da . The old lines of demarkation
seem tie Ave& orspieesepegat at
almost appear _that. Tpr ism in Centre Tor-
onto has got together once more in so effort
to wrest bask the constituency which they
now claim shonhi never have than takes
from them.
to prostitute his public posit uo /sir whole
gain la absolutely iudetei mible, and will tell
heavily against the party that perpetrates
it. Tho beet friends of the (loverumett are
strongly opposed to the system, and to
should be abandoned at once and forever.
—By this time that able warrior,
General t.aatwre via, will have leagued that
giviug one's views Jo the oulumns of • news-
paper is • game that two may play at. At
present Cot STRAWY holds the pontoon.
—If there isn't going to be a Local
election pretty soon, why in thu derstiuu
don't the leading men on both rides quit
wending the tom-tom and beating the
fuzzy Buzzy' It makes us tired.
—What with a Dominion election
in Centre Toronto and the meetiug of the
Legislature on Nov. 30th, there'll be a hot
time in the old town that night.
Alex. McIver visited Clinton oa Friday.
.1. R. Bain visited Kincardine last week.
R. ltansford. of Clinton, was is tows last
Joe, Ferris is visiting is Windsor and
Mrs Bingham is visiting her daeghtfireSl
Toronto. _ __
Harry Sore a.larasd from Detrol! M
G. Crysl•r. a to M fila
R. W. Logan was in the Forest Clay IM
past week.
Mn. Reynolds, Sen., spent the past week
in Ssaforth.
Jno. MoK.odrick, of Galt, spent Sunday
is Goderioh.
Harry Filsinwer, of Woodstock .peat
Sunday in town.
F. 11. Greiff, of Se•forth, was u God*.
rich on Saturday.
Lester .".oberteoe spent Sunday at his
home is Oolborns.
Hiss Kate Ford spent Sunday last at her
home in Aehtield.
£ Jo.. Mcgu thus returned to his home in
r'. ph on Meade,.
Mss Stewart imposed her ditties at
gilestr. Mm MendaTA-.
Capt. M. McDonald arrived home hist
week for the winter.
Deputy-reeveJotmevisiting NUMBIs
WSW el IMP gamin, Ma eat Miss P.W.yre
et allthhie4
Mat and MR Peaa/Mr, et Oed rieh.
Mose 1M wets as. P. Deana jr.. • few days
Ms WIgt Timm
Mit est Mfr lessessis, who have h».
earned (sem a ling Meth to ywekmow, are
slaying al the SL Lemma HMI.
' k Weise, a ser .e the .tearer
Maser a Detroit Peery
Oe.. a ere fes a haestlh's holiday.
Mammy Saunders, of tae Orpsa and
Sterile faetheles. is .pssdinie a week vide,
lar she Ca's manta to Wasters Osten.
Delia Maker, who had been eeaswsas
es dredge Ntpppiatag during the mummer,
arrived some prom Whitby so Saturday.
/deny of the dock the past week bare
•eked wbat►er ebe Ara •adsrwriters will
oars away the deeeyiag wheat sod bury it,
ea if is ie loft till the sprint order tb• s• w
its odour will be numb more uopleawsl that
It is *1 premiss.
aamaRxe BaaaaaP'c ia
ill parties getting their side Mus priciest at
%kis odor will have • ?tee mottos inserted
in this list up to the time of pales.
Os tiaruwoaY. Nov. 27—Ace 1 r.M., there
will be sold by pablto aaosios at Sault.'
Hotel, a good 50 -tore Ws, situate 1a Ask -
field township. JND. Knox, auattonesr.
On Friday Nov. Milt, at 1 r.r , there
will be sold by p*btio •motto.. an lot 10,
ooc. 4, S. D. A.bEerd, the timber upon 20
sores to use were ion. .loge Roux, aunt.
fiat PrIlabes Ahem.
Pear vows ago Dr. Smithtown, one of the
tattle scientific of Atrioan ex motors, brought
Germany two dwarf yens/ woman. about
powwows° and £westyy year, old. They
had been osptared by Arab eve -rel. •
ere is the Brame toeetas - northwest el
Victoria Nysnst A man about twenty-8ve
years old and four fest Mx inobes in beaght,
who was captured with them, was is Dr.
Siubltnann'e oars for several months, but
died oa the ooast just before he was to go to
Europa Se was se very shy that he was
never seen to look s whits tune la the hoe,
and though he would talk • little K,.
Su•bsl, the language of the Zaasibsr native,
he was never heard to speak a word of a..
own 'menage. The girls were taksa book
to Afnos in • few months, as 11 wee feared
they would not survive a German winter.
In all the time they ware with Dr Stahl -
mann, he was able to get trete Mals
only sixteen weeds of their Isere wife. Per -
nape this m aotk,lrea earp01u.R. it weal
awash to make penises of a new type of
colter* she ..4. sssOtatthe with *the se los
boas at • elms with lagsalltve .•yams.
who were oontlnwlly teokiug at cud
gnestionisg sad measuring cases. turning
them obi, way and ►ba►, end photogrspbiag
them ; and Meath tie little women were
well oared for and mask was dos to untie
--Should tl coatis 13/L7TILAM
holdiog Centre Toronto to Liberalism he
will have proved that he is strong enough to
hold *Cabinets position at en early day, for
he is undertaking a fight that any member
of the Cabinet might well shrink from at
the present time. hi -making this state-
ment the writer speaks from a personal
knowledge not only of the strong points in
Mr. BriLTRAM'S candidacy, but also of the
barriers that are up against him, and which
will -lama tube overcome try him. A con-
test in Centre Toronto, or, for that matter,
in any of the Toronto constituencies', is any-
thing but • Liberal picnic, and those of our
contemporaries—city or suburban—whotake
• different view of the sitnatiou are making
estimates without carefully studying the
plane and specifications of the contract.
—The verdici ci• tguilty in the CAW of Mrs.
STZSEAMAll will not surprise anyone who
has carefully watched the reports of the
trial published in the deity newspapers.
The case for the Crown was carefully worked
up, and no link in the chain that fa:menet'
the volt upon the usifortunete women was
missing. lier first husband, CRIFINAN,
died under enspieions -rircumstancea, and
STMLNAIII-Ale, her moond husband, singular
to say, died from a &noes diagnosed to be
the name as that from which his prodeceseer
had passed away. In each case an insu
policy was involved. Arsenic is believed to
have been the cause of derniee of both Om -
two and Svalocausio, end the guilt of ad -
Ministering was brought home to the wife
after a fair and impartial trial. In bringing
in the verdict the jury recommended the
prisoner to mercy, She hoe been sentenced
to expiate her crime on Jan. Seth next,
The last woman hanged in Ontario was
Pilaus Caurssit, of Nissoitri, who caused
the desth of her husband, • farmer of that
township, something over a quarter of
ointlify ego.
ets:ad of Her Melody's forces in Canaria, is
having • psck of trouble thews days. Re-
cently at liselfax he found fault with one of
the battalion' bec.ause there wee a oxisider-
able sprinkling of army reserve n.en mas-
querading ad volunteers, and celled down
the commanding offioer and his 'subordinates
for allowing that state of things to exist,
Tater nn, at Montreal, he drew ettentIon to
a Mate of turned ncitrality that existed be-
tween Lieut. -Col. STILATICY, of the Royal
Soots", and the Airier nes s tiormnand,. and
gays them to understand that if the diffi•
measure would have to be resorted to.
Whether he Mom& to Jewish newer broth
of the officers to the Klondike, or hare
them both hlown from the mouth of a Geri -
non, the Ossneral doesn't say, buil Lieut. -
Col. linurftv haa put himself on evened
againxt the General's ruling by giving him a
roast in the newspapers that ix hour.d
bring things to a head in short order. The
citivm soldiery of this blooming I ;anode of
onrs are very high mottled, and military
gentlemen from Kemp* most not tread sm
their earns with veer 'carve lex4e.
Godesioh. —New Err .
Miss Aute Osmrkall, ed tsks.
taws for the hoLdaj", w
A. Nicholson arrived kerns os BaMedlIfy
from BOOM Columbia
Sh wood O.../a1 e rsteneed Mae fwa-
8y heksea Sheeny.
, a moibsii,1niTiitillalfi
a kw days Lei week.
Mrs. Hesse, name to tows on Messy
from Goderteh to joie her bush•ad, who
cams to town last week to swept s position
001110111110ING FRIDAY, NOV. 19th.
Fran Jactot Mood!
Extra heavy Flannelette, twill, at 5,.
Extra value in Grey Flannels, at 9c
Extra value in Grey Cotton, at ;j,.
Extra value in Grey Cotton, at 5,
Extra value in Table Linen, at 5,
Extra .slue in Tweed Dregs
i.00ds, at 14i,'
Ex,ra value in Ladies' Vests, at 20r
f. Extra valve in Ladies' Cash=
- mere Gloves, at 15c
$orit valva. in Laadiele►'--` sh-
mere Hose, at 15c
We have received ezl is vans in
Silks, which we are selling at a Bar-
gain. Call and see them.
Men's Fur Overcoats, away down in
See the Shirts and Drawers we ar
selling for 2be. each.
Pure Cof es. _-
MIT matt ASV mellower derider that _
the whites had.sse a Manner purpose- They
geared they would be pesos.d. and never
Meshed any dee Were Melr IwJIs* morrows
W Ares -misted it. Tbuy vete corded
aimed deem tae wieseles.Hefty tr Matkr_
all over Oersmsay and ]Bsyttam. and i* le
safe as thy that is New pdeat ee
•olhropslsey was a avow tree, they
were very glad 10 net bunk le Atoka. —
Hsrper's Road Table.
ha while yo
u °w''
SCS 1 Kippered Herring
mouser -"mars
Talk about Quality
—In Toronto the people are divided
as to Mr. lasuicr's reasons for resigning
from Parliament. Nome say he had neither
the time nor opportunity to do justice to
-the yinettner. Other. thy he want* the time'
and opportunity to get Jumioe for hinuielf.
yes read some ghost -story
101d MI • platform by a politician on the op-
posite side id the fence, don't fly off the
handle and denounce him as the wend falai.
fier on north until yon have analysed the
utteranees of these of the chape who speak
an yon think.
—A large number of the fashion.
whim stieri 114aroor Hall, Toronto, the
other penning tr. few " Miss Boom in Rags "
- lost slumming onsiotne- -mod hoer her
area . It isn't nearesary to flelbin that had
Miss flooT11 hewn really poverty strickee
mod in saga, few of the fashionable mowed
would bees gems to see him
—ire eh. 141111111r &OA Dr. J A0011
Ihe registry egos at. Holdisnanti be tree, the
militate. The pylIsfr el allowing • member
Here is what a promisent Cheese manufacturing
concern say* about
A " The Cheese Salt ere received rom yes, is the
seer Salt we have lavem dew, and ETERT Cheese -
make should we it."
The reason this Salt is so highly prized is becatme of ita PURITY. beautiful
oolor, even grain, and reedy and even solubility. --
Your Grocer has it Ask him for it.
Every package guaranteed to give highest satisfaction.
with S. Bennett in the plibaiimcmilL—Wtag- I
ham Advance.
T. O. Kemp, of Seaforth. was in tke
Louis Elliott has returned from a month's
Mrs. A. M. Ft ate, of Toronto, is visiting
at the old home, North st.
Gaoler Griffin sad Miss Griffin were In
Kingsbridge on Seeder lam.
W. lel Mrs. tassels. wrest Sunday with
1St sod Idte. C. A. Humber.
-IL Campion, of Goderioh, was ta town en
Tuesday —Wiegham Advance
Mrs. Tanner. of Toronto, was at the eld
home • few days the past week.
Fred Holmes has rented the otuding sad
skatiag riek for the present mown.
Bert Thompson is home from Viotoria
University, Toronto, for • few days.
Mrs. Lawns°, Barry and Mies Symesde,
ef Leaden, ant at St. Lawrenoe Hill.
Miss Rusk took charge of her class Iasi
went se recovery from her resent illintsM.
Mies A. Wisalfrede Rail, of Credites,
Meat the hoildayi at tie family residuum.
eyd blaloormon Waves ea Monday swore
to take • position at New Wsenninster. B.
Miss Bertha Rain, wbo had bees whinges
trim& in Wierton arrived home fft• Thais -
E. Campion, QC., left ors Monday lasl
fee New York and Philadelphia. oe bobt-
W. R. Miller of the North American Life
Arearathe Co meat the past few days to
Mrs. Swallow, of Goderieb, wee eialtiag
te deurhter. Mrs. J. D. Long.—Mai/earn
Mtn Llmie Reheetoon, of Sodom, ta speed.
ine the holiday at the family essideami,
Henry Natal, of Rteoardiee. drove to
bows ea Someday, aad mounted Meaday
Bert Resyley, of Toronto. Is sne_sding •
weak at the residence of Mr. adeLline. Jas.
P. J. Nevis, reprobation/ the Catholic
Re00141. lessam, was la tows a few day.
last week.
A. D. Sword was la town this week, es
him rebore frees the Northwest and the
Cavasia Aketisrlasd retuned boss WS
week bombes passed his versa is liar vas-
ter WO ad amis.
Si, Rableem Ties bee bend 111=41
eleureerve imago party se
!!s largo tins f or 46e
prystal Glass
r‘ _We&Ohbwrds,44,
Price, 50c. each
3. --Chic Charms AMINE been Greatly
=thi wrier to suet ith popular
ler Moderate Priced Parberair.
ate sallb
CI Great Offerl
The London
Free Press.
The Fres Prom desiring te
increase tta sulesoriptkia Ws= 11121,
stockmen et °made wherebe
webers te Weekly frees Prow mill got
One Year's Paper Free.
The Free Press hes made arrange -
mono with the veterinary Mimeo
outlasting t to. fora number et _copies Of
=me or which ist $T00. This bet*
fully se/ In plain lampeage ttgi
anatomy. Dlasseee end Treatment et
Domestic Anlmale and Poultry. aim
containing a toll description of 11ellolest
111141 R•0160.41, so that every farmer oae
he his owe insormary.
53.00 52.00
The Weekly Free Trete asd raia
and Roma ter one roar wine IN-
atror4 to ocettimie tad
Our tonere to making It neer
Itherai Wow Wed* tan to owed&
11=taisendasitilke V, Ile
line Promo "
41111111bas addle
After all that's said and read, Cash transactions keep us on
the move anywhere between twelve and fourteen hours a day, and
there is no reason why such a healthy trade condition should not
continue with us.
There is no better appoliitel Dry Molls Store in
We ha ,re the run of the best Wholesale Warehouses in Canada.
Every important department—the
Millnery, the Fancy Goods,
General Dry Goods,
has an expert at its head, and every detail of the business care-
fuLy lo Aced after.
1' This is the best time to look through the Fency Goods De-
partment. We show a greater variety of Holiday Novelties than
any three Louses n the trade.
New Fail Mitlinm.
.4140ita ifewest Shads. la